
Defines functions cal.pathway.scores dlPathwaysDB multiPlot prettyGraphs secondCutoffErr nullreturn plot_pathway

Documented in cal.pathway.scores dlPathwaysDB multiPlot nullreturn plot_pathway prettyGraphs secondCutoffErr

#' @title Pathway analysis and visualization
#' @description This is the function to do pathway enrichment analysis (and visualization) with rWikipathways (also KEGG, REACTOME & Hallmark) from a summary statistics table generated by
#' differential expression analysis like \code{limma} or \code{DESeq2}.
#' @param data A summary statistics table (data.frame) or \code{data.list} generated by DE analysis software like limma or DEseq2, where rownames are gene id.
#' @param comp.names A character vector containing the comparison names corresponding to the same order of the \code{data.list}. Default = NULL.
#' @param gene.id.type The gene id format in \code{data} should be one of: ACCNUM, ALIAS, ENSEMBL, ENSEMBLPROT,
#' @param FC.cutoff The fold change cutoff (numeric) selected to subset summary statistics table. Default = 1.5.
#' @param FDR.cutoff The FDR cutoff selected (numeric) to subset summary statistics table. Default = 0.05.
#' @param FCflag The column name (character) of fold change information, assuming the FC is log2 transformed. Default = "logFC".
#' @param FDRflag The column name (character) of adjusted p value or FDR. Default = "adj.P.Val".
#' @param Fisher.cutoff The FDR cutoff selected (numeric) for the pathway enrichment analysis' Fisher's exact test with all determined
#' Differentially Expressed (DE) genes by \code{FC.cutoff} and \code{FDR.cutoff}.
#' @param Fisher.up.cutoff The FDR cutoff selected (numeric) for the pathway enrichment analysis' Fisher's exact test with the upregulated gene set.
#' @param Fisher.down.cutoff The FDR cutoff selected (numeric) for the pathway enrichment analysis' Fisher's exact test with the downregulated gene set.
#' @param plot.save.to The address to save the plot from simplified cutoff combination with FDR of 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2.
#' @param pathway.db The databse to be used for encrichment analysis. Can be one of the following, "rWikiPathways", "KEGG", "REACTOME", "Hallmark","rWikiPathways_aug_2020".
#' @param customized.pathways the customized pathways in the format of two column dataframe (column name as "gs_name" and "entrez_gene") to be used in analysis.
#' @param ... pass on variables
#' @return The function returns a list of 5 objects:
#' \item{1}{result table from directional pathway enrichment analysis}
#' \item{2}{result table from non-directional pathway enrichment analysis}
#' \item{3}{plot from directional pathway enrichment analysis}
#' \item{4}{plot from non-directional pathway enrichment analysis}
#' \item{5}{plot combining both directional and non-directional plot}
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave ggplot coord_flip geom_bar geom_hline annotate scale_fill_identity xlab ylab theme theme_minimal scale_fill_identity element_blank
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @importFrom stringr word
#' @importFrom clusterProfiler bitr enricher read.gmt
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select pull as_tibble filter mutate left_join bind_rows
#' @importFrom rWikiPathways downloadPathwayArchive
#' @import org.Hs.eg.db
#' @importFrom ggpubr as_ggplot
#' @importFrom gridExtra arrangeGrob
#' @importFrom purrr set_names map2
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @references Xingpeng Li & Siddhartha Pachhai RVA - RNAseq Visualization Automation tool.
#' @details The function takes the summary statistics table and use user selected parameter based on check.cutoff to do pathway enrichment analysis
#' @examples result <- plot_pathway(data = Sample_summary_statistics_table,
#' gene.id.type = "ENSEMBL",
#' FC.cutoff = 1.5,
#' p.cutoff = 0.05,
#' pathway.db = "rWikiPathways_aug_2020"
#' )
#' @export plot_pathway

plot_pathway <- function(data = ~df,
                         comp.names = NULL,
                         gene.id.type = "ENSEMBL",
                         FC.cutoff = 1.2,
                         FDR.cutoff = 0.05,
                         FCflag = "logFC",
                         FDRflag = "adj.P.Val",
                         Fisher.cutoff = 0.1,
                         Fisher.up.cutoff = 0.1,
                         Fisher.down.cutoff = 0.1,
                         plot.save.to = NULL,
                         pathway.db = "rWikiPathways",
                         customized.pathways = NULL,

  # Gene set enrichment test (Fisher) in FC positive and FC negative group separately.
  # the p.adjust value will be compared from + and - group and choose the smaller one and assign the +/- value.

  message(paste0("\n\n Running plot pathway. Acceptable data types are list() & data.frame() \n\n"))
  message(paste0("\n\n Current program setting only accepts rownames as ", gene.id.type,", use parameter `gene.id.type` to adjust if needed. \n\n"))

  validate.pathways.db(pathway.db, customized.pathways)

  if(inherits(data, "list")){
    message("\n Executing list of data \n")
    out.d.sig <- map(data, cal.pathway.scores, pathway.db, gene.id.type, FCflag, FDRflag, FC.cutoff, FDR.cutoff, OUT.Directional = TRUE , IS.list = TRUE, customized.pathways) %>%
      set_names(comp.names) %>%
      bind_rows(, .id = "Comparisons.ID") %>%
      mutate(Description = factor(.data$Description,levels = unique(.data$Description)))

    out.nd.sig <- map(data, cal.pathway.scores, pathway.db, gene.id.type, FCflag, FDRflag, FC.cutoff, FDR.cutoff, OUT.Directional = FALSE , IS.list = TRUE, customized.pathways) %>%
      set_names(comp.names) %>%
      bind_rows(, .id = "Comparisons.ID") %>%
      mutate(Description = factor(.data$Description,levels = unique(.data$Description)))

    if(!all(c(FCflag, FDRflag) %in% names(data))){stop(paste0("Please make sure the column names: ",FCflag," and ",FDRflag, " is specified in input dataframe."))}

    path.res <- cal.pathway.scores(data, pathway.db, gene.id.type, FCflag, FDRflag, FC.cutoff, FDR.cutoff, OUT.Directional = NULL , IS.list = FALSE, customized.pathways)
    out.d.sig <- path.res[[1]]
    out.nd.sig <- path.res[[2]]
    nd.res <- path.res[[3]]
    backup.d.sig <- path.res[[1]]

  ##visualize directionally changed pathways
    message(paste0("\n No directional enriched pathway can be calculated.\n"))
    p.d <- NULL

  }else if(nrow(out.d.sig) == 0){
    message(paste0("\n No directional enriched pathway passed threshold of FDR < ",Fisher.down.cutoff," in down-regulated pathways or ",Fisher.up.cutoff," for up-regulated pathways.\n"))
    p.d <- NULL
    out.d.path <- out.d.sig %>%
      filter(.data$directional.p.adjust >= -Fisher.down.cutoff & .data$directional.p.adjust <= Fisher.up.cutoff) %>%
      pull(.data$Description) %>%
    out.d.sig <- out.d.sig %>%
      filter(.data$Description %in% out.d.path)

    #retain original dataset before transofrmation
    sav.out.d.sig <- out.d.sig

    #case where there is a false signal in one treatment but none in the other
    if (nrow(out.d.sig) == 0 & !inherits(data,"list")) {

      message("\n The cutoff values for Fisher.down.cutoff & Fisher.up.cutoff resulted in 0 values being selected,  consider choosing looser cutoff values \n")
      p.d <- NULL

    } else {

      if (inherits(data,"list")){
        check_0 = unique(out.d.sig$ID)

        if (nrow(out.d.sig) == 0) {

          #if the second cutoff removes all the rows
          message("\n The cutoff values for Fisher.down.cutoff & Fisher.up.cutoff resulted in 0 values being selected,  consider choosing looser cutoff values \n")
          out.d.sig <- secondCutoffErr(out.d.sig ,comp.names, TypeQ = 1)
        else if (!(length(check_0) == 1 & check_0[1] == "")){
          if (sum(out.d.sig$ID == "") > 0)
            message("\n Warning: There were null entries \n")
          out.d.sig <- prettyGraphs(out.d.sig)

          #if the second cutoff eliminated one of the facets then do
        } else if (length(comp.names) != length(unique(out.d.sig$Comparisons.ID))){
          out.d.sig <- secondCutoffErr(out.d.sig ,comp.names, TypeQ = 1)

      p.d <-  ggplot(out.d.sig, aes(x = .data$Description, y= .data$log10.padj,fill=.data$fil.cor )) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity" ) +
        coord_flip() +
        geom_hline(yintercept=-log10(0.05), linetype="dashed",color = "grey") +
        geom_hline(yintercept=log10(0.05), linetype="dashed",color = "grey") +
        geom_hline(yintercept= 0,color = "black") +
                 xmin = -Inf,
                 xmax = Inf,
                 ymin =-log10(0.05),
                 ymax = log10(0.05),
                 fill = "grey",
                 alpha = 0.4) +
        scale_fill_identity() +
        xlab("Pathway") +

      #make sure the returned dataset only has observations with signals
      out.d.sig <- sav.out.d.sig[sav.out.d.sig$ID != "",]

      if(inherits(data, "list")){
        p.d <- p.d + facet_grid(.~ Comparisons.ID)



  ## non-directional test p value
    message(paste0("\n No non-directional enriched pathway can be calculated.\n"))
    p.nd <- NULL
    p.all <- ggplot() +
      annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, size=8, label = paste0("No non-directional \n enriched pathway\n passed threshold of FDR ",Fisher.cutoff," \n thus a combined plot is not provided")) +
      theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_blank())

  }else if(nrow(out.nd.sig) == 0){
    message(paste0("\n No non-directional enriched pathway passed threshold of FDR ",Fisher.cutoff,". \n"))
    p.nd <- NULL
    p.all <- ggplot() +
      annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, size=8, label = paste0("No non-directional \n enriched pathway\n passed threshold of FDR ",Fisher.cutoff," \n thus a combined plot is not provided")) +
      theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_blank())

    out.nd.path <- out.nd.sig %>%
      filter(.data$p.adjust < Fisher.cutoff) %>%
      pull(.data$Description) %>%
    out.nd.sig <- out.nd.sig %>%
      filter(.data$Description %in% out.nd.path)

    sav.out.nd.sig <- out.nd.sig

    if (nrow(out.nd.sig) == 0 & !inherits(data,"list")) {

      message("\n The cutoff value for Fisher.cutoff resulted in 0 values being selected \n, consider choosing looser cutoff values \n")
      e_message <- "The cutoff value for Fisher up/down/non-directional cutoff \n resulted in 0 values being selected, \n consider choosing looser cutoff values"
      p.nd <- NULL
      p.all <- ggplot() +
        annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, size=6, label = paste0(e_message," \n\n Provided Cutoff's ","\n Fisher Cutoff = ",
                                                               Fisher.cutoff,",\n Fisher Cutoff down = ",
                                                               Fisher.down.cutoff,", \n Fisher Cutoff up = ", Fisher.up.cutoff )) +
        theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
              axis.text.y = element_blank())

    } else {

      if (inherits(data,"list")){

        #if this is the case we don't have to look at others
        if (nrow(out.nd.sig) == 0) {
          #if the second cutoff removes all the rows
          message(" \n The cutoff value for Fisher.cutoff resulted in 0 values being selected, consider choosing looser cutoff values \n")

          out.nd.sig <- secondCutoffErr(out.nd.sig ,comp.names, TypeQ = 2)
          out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$pvalue == -99999,]['pvalue'] = 1
          out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$p.adjust == -99999,]['p.adjust'] = 1
        else if (sum(out.nd.sig$ID == "") > 0){
          check_0 = unique(out.nd.sig$ID)

          if (!(length(check_0) == 1 & check_0[1] == "")){
            #print ("Changed")
            out.nd.sig <- prettyGraphs(out.nd.sig)
            out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$pvalue == -99999,]['pvalue'] = 1
            out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$p.adjust == -99999,]['p.adjust'] = 1
          } else if (length(comp.names) != length(unique(out.nd.sig$Comparisons.ID))){
            out.nd.sig <- secondCutoffErr(out.nd.sig ,comp.names, TypeQ = 2)
            out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$pvalue == -99999,]['pvalue'] = 1
            out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$p.adjust == -99999,]['p.adjust'] = 1

      #cases where data frame is passed
      #most likely for cases where all treatment groups are null
      check_1 = unique(out.nd.sig$ID)
      check_2 = unique(out.nd.sig$Description)
      if (length(check_1) == 1 & check_1[1] == "" & check_2[1] == "" & mean(out.nd.sig$pvalue) == -99999){
        out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$pvalue == -99999,]['pvalue'] = 1
        out.nd.sig[out.nd.sig$p.adjust == -99999,]['p.adjust'] = 1

      p.nd <-  ggplot(out.nd.sig,aes(x=.data$Description,y=-log10(.data$p.adjust))) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity" ) +
        coord_flip() +
                 xmin = -Inf,
                 xmax = Inf,
                 ymin = 0,
                 ymax = -log10(0.05),
                 fill = "grey",
                 alpha = 0.4) +
        geom_hline(yintercept= -log10(0.05),color = "grey") +
        ylab("-log10(FDR) - Fisher's Test") +
        xlab("Pathway") +

      #make sure returned dataset has signals
      out.nd.sig <- sav.out.nd.sig[sav.out.nd.sig$ID != "",]

      if(inherits(data, "list")){
        p.nd <- p.nd + facet_grid(.~ Comparisons.ID)

      # below chunk only run when single summary statistics table is provided
      if(!inherits(data, "list")){

        if(is.null(out.d.sig)){test_1 <- 0}else{test_1 <- nrow(out.d.sig)}
        if(is.null(out.nd.sig)){test_2 <- 0}else{test_2 <- nrow(out.nd.sig)}

        if(!(test_1 > 0 & test_2 > 0)){
          e_message <- "The cutoff value for Fisher up/down/non-directional cutoff \n resulted in 0 values being selected, \n  consider choosing looser cutoff values"
          p.all <- ggplot() +
            annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, size=6, label = paste0(e_message," \n\n Provided Cutoff's ","\n Fisher Cutoff = ",
                                                                   Fisher.cutoff,",\n Fisher Cutoff down = ",
                                                                   Fisher.down.cutoff,", \n Fisher Cutoff up = ", Fisher.up.cutoff )) +
            theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
                  axis.text.y = element_blank())


          if(length(unique(out.d.sig$ID)) > length(unique(out.nd.sig$ID))){
            message(paste0("More pathways in directional data than non directional data \n",
                       "hence using pathways exsting in directinal dataset"))
            message(paste0("More pathways in non directional data than directional data \n",
                       "hence using pathways exsting in non directinal dataset"))

          ## non-directional test p value - with matched plot
          allID <- unique(c(unique(out.d.sig$ID), unique(out.nd.sig$ID)))

          mplots <- multiPlot(allID, backup.d.sig, nd.res)

          if (!length(mplots) == 2){
            p.all <- mplots
            dplot <- mplots[[1]]
            ndplot <- mplots[[2]]

            p.all <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(ndplot,dplot,
                                            widths=c(0.75, 0.25)) %>% as_ggplot


    message("\n Plot file name not specified, a plot in ggplot object will be returned! \n")
    ggsave(filename = plot.save.to,
           plot = p.all,
           dpi = 300,
           units = "in",

  if(inherits(data, "list")){
    return(list(out.d.sig, out.nd.sig, p.d, p.nd))

    return(list(out.d.sig, out.nd.sig, p.d, p.nd, p.all))


#' @title Null Return
#' @description The function takes in a boolean value and a numeric value, which it uses to decide what to output.
#' @param IS.list Indicator of whether the data frame being input is list or not.
#' @param type If type = 1(default) return directional null plot. If type = 2 return non directional null plot.
#' @return The function returns either returns a data frame or the value NULL.
#' @references Xingpeng Li & Siddhartha Pachhai RVA - RNAseq Visualization Automation tool.
#' @details nullreturn is a function that returns NULL for single df inputs that don't hold true for threshold values. It returns an empty dataframe for
#' list inputs which don't satisfy the cutoff's

nullreturn <- function(IS.list,type=1){
  if (IS.list) {
    if (type == 1){

      # return empty dataset for directional
      return (data.frame("ID"="", "Description"="", "GeneRatio"="", "BgRatio"="",
                         "pvalue"=0, "p.adjust"=0, "qvalue"=0, "geneID"="", "Count"=0,
                         "directional.p.adjust"=0, "direction"="", "log10.padj"=0,"fil.cor"="#E31A1C"))}

    else if (type == 2){

      # return empty for Non Dir. dataset,
      # pval = -99999 so that later we can make adjustments to achieve -log10 pval is 0
      return (data.frame("ID"="", "Description"="", "pvalue"=-99999, "p.adjust"=-99999))

  } else {
    return (NULL)

#' @title Second Cutoff Error
#' @description The function takes in a list of dataframe, comp names and a specified type, to output a dataframe styled for ggplot.
#' @param df A list of dataframes.
#' @param comp.names a character vector contain the comparison names corresponding to the same order to the \code{dat.list}. default = NULL.
#' @param TypeQ If type = 1(default) return directional null plot. If type = 2 return non directional null plot.
#' @return Returns a dataframe.
#' @references Xingpeng Li & Siddhartha Pachhai RVA - RNAseq Visualization Automation tool.
#' @details secondCutoffErr is a function specifically meant to be used for list inputs. It is used for cases where after
#' applying filter to the data, one of the comparison ID gets left out, this adversely effects the ggplot
secondCutoffErr <- function(df,comp.names, TypeQ = 1){
  set.compliment <- setdiff(comp.names,unique(df$Comparisons.ID))
  for (i in set.compliment){
    ndf <- nullreturn(TRUE,TypeQ)
    ndf$Comparisons.ID <- i
    df <- rbind(df, ndf)
  return (df)

#special cases where list input and at least one treatment has signal but others don't
# adjust dataframe for visualization

#' @title Pretty Graphs
#' @description Special cases where list input and at least one treatment has signal but others don't.
#' @param vizdf A dataframes of enriched pathways.
#' @param ... pass on variables
#' @return Returns a dataframe.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @references Xingpeng Li & Siddhartha Pachhai RVA - RNAseq Visualization Automation tool.
#' @details Pretty Graphs is a function specifically meant to be in cases where one of the input treatments meet cutoff, but
#' one or more of the other treatments don't meet the cutoff values. This is important so that ggplot doesn't throw any errors.
prettyGraphs <- function(vizdf, ...){
  g1 = vizdf[vizdf$ID == "",]
  g2 = vizdf[vizdf$ID != "",]
  unique_desc = g2$Description
  unique_ID = g2$ID
  newdf = data.frame()
  for (i in g1$Comparisons.ID){
    temp = g1 %>% filter(.data$Comparisons.ID == i)
    temp = temp[rep(seq_len(nrow(temp)), each = length(unique_ID)),]
    temp[["Description"]] = unique_desc
    newdf = rbind(newdf,temp)

  newdf = rbind(newdf,g2)
  return (newdf)


#' @title Multi Plot
#' @description Multi plot is for directional and non-directional plots
#' @param allID A vector of all pathway ID's from directional and non directional enriched datasets.
#' @param backup.d.sig A dataframe type of object with directional pathways data prior to any cutoff's being applied
#' @param nd.res A dataframe type of object with non directional pathways data prior to any cutoff's being applied
#' @param ... pass on variables
#' @return Returns ggplot.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter mutate
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave ggplot coord_flip geom_bar geom_hline annotate scale_fill_identity xlab ylab theme theme_minimal scale_fill_identity element_blank
#' @references Xingpeng Li & Siddhartha Pachhai RVA - RNAseq Visualization Automation tool.
#' @details Multi plot is for directional and non-directional plots, when one of the plots doesn't contain observations.

multiPlot <- function(allID, backup.d.sig, nd.res, ...){
  #make sure id exists / inner join in both res & sig tables tables
  backup.d.sig_ = backup.d.sig[backup.d.sig$ID %in% nd.res$ID,]
  nd.res_ = nd.res[ nd.res$ID %in% backup.d.sig$ID ,]

  #now eilimate any ID that doesn't exist in the backup columns so that there is no error
  # when filtering the datasets
  allID_ = allID[allID %in% nd.res_$ID]

  matched.d.sig <- backup.d.sig_ %>%
    filter(.data$ID %in% allID_)

  matched.nd.sig <- nd.res_ %>%
    filter(.data$ID %in% allID_)  %>%
    mutate(Description = factor(matched.d.sig$Description,levels = matched.d.sig$Description))

  #if allid_ is empty raise this error,
  if (length(allID_) == 0){

    message(paste0("\n\n No common ID's between n.d & dir. data \n\n"))

    nullplot <- ggplot() +
      annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, size=8, label = paste0("No common ID's between n.d & dir. data")) +
      theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_blank())
    return (nullplot)

    ndplot <- ggplot(matched.nd.sig,aes(x=as.factor(.data$Description),y=-log10(.data$p.adjust))) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity" ) +
      coord_flip() +
      annotate("rect",xmin = -Inf,xmax = Inf,ymin = 0,ymax = -log10(0.05),fill = "grey", alpha = 0.4) +
      geom_hline(yintercept= -log10(0.05),color = "grey") +
      ylab("-log10(FDR)") +
      xlab("Pathway") +
      theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.y = element_blank())

    dplot <- ggplot(matched.d.sig, aes(x = .data$Description, y= .data$log10.padj,fill=.data$fil.cor )) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity" ) +
      coord_flip() +
      geom_hline(yintercept=-log10(0.05), linetype="dashed",color = "grey") +
      geom_hline(yintercept=log10(0.05), linetype="dashed",color = "grey") +
      geom_hline(yintercept= 0,color = "black") +
      annotate("rect",xmin = -Inf,xmax = Inf,ymin =-log10(0.05),ymax = log10(0.05),fill = "grey", alpha = 0.4) +
      scale_fill_identity() +
      xlab("Pathway") +

    return (list(ndplot,dplot))


#' @title DL Pathways DB
#' @description Download gene database for enrichment.
#' @param pathway.db The databse to be used for encrichment analysis. Can be one of the following, "rWikiPathways", "KEGG", "REACTOME", "Hallmark","rWikiPathways_aug_2020"
#' @param customized.pathways the user provided pathway added for analysis.
#' @return Returns a dataframe.
#' @importFrom rWikiPathways downloadPathwayArchive
#' @importFrom clusterProfiler read.gmt
#' @import GSVAdata
#' @importFrom GSEABase setName geneIds
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select pull as_tibble filter mutate left_join bind_rows
#' @import org.Hs.eg.db
#' @importFrom purrr set_names map2 map
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom msigdbr msigdbr
#' @param ... pass over parameters
#' @references Xingpeng Li & Siddhartha Pachhai RVA - RNAseq Visualization Automation tool.

dlPathwaysDB <- function(pathway.db, customized.pathways = NULL, ...){

  bsetfunc <- function(data){
    return (data.frame(cbind(setName(data),geneIds(data))))

    if(pathway.db == "rWikiPathways"){

      gene.dl <- rWikiPathways::downloadPathwayArchive(organism="Homo sapiens", format = "gmt") %>%

      names(gene.dl)[1] <- "ont"
      gene.dl <- gene.dl %>% tidyr::separate(.data$ont, c("name","version","wpid","org"), "%")

      #from the overall data, extract pathways id and gene number
      wpid2gene <- gene.dl %>% dplyr::select(.data$wpid,.data$gene) #TERM2GENE

      #for the same pathways id's get the full descriptive name
      wpid2name <- gene.dl %>% dplyr::select(.data$wpid,.data$name) #TERM2NAME

    }else if(pathway.db == "KEGG"){

      c2Bsets <- RVA::c2BroadSets

      KEGG <- c2Bsets[c(grep("^KEGG", names(c2Bsets)))]
      gene.dl <- map(KEGG, bsetfunc) %>% bind_rows() %>% set_names(c("gs_name","entrez_gene"))

      #from the overall data, extract pathways id and gene number
      wpid2gene <- gene.dl

      #for the same pathways id's get the full descriptive name
      wpid2name <- NULL
    }else if (pathway.db == "REACTOME"){


      c2Bsets <- RVA::c2BroadSets

      REAC <- c2Bsets[c(grep("^REACTOME", names(c2Bsets)))]
      gene.dl <- map(REAC, bsetfunc) %>% bind_rows() %>% set_names(c("gs_name","entrez_gene"))

      #from the overall data, extract pathways id and gene number
      wpid2gene <- gene.dl

      #for the same pathways id's get the full descriptive name
      wpid2name <- NULL
    }else if (pathway.db == "Hallmark"){

      gene.dl <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens",category = c("H")) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$gs_name, .data$entrez_gene)

      #from the overall data, extract pathways id and gene number
      wpid2gene <- gene.dl

      #for the same pathways id's get the full descriptive name
      wpid2name <- NULL

    }else if (pathway.db == "rWikiPathways_aug_2020"){
      #throw warning about timestamp
      #gene.dl <- clusterProfiler::read.gmt('wikipathways-20200710-gmt-Homo_sapiens.gmt')
      #gene.dl <- gene.dl %>% tidyr::separate(ont, c("name","version","wpid","org"), "%")
      gene.dl <- RVA::wpA2020

      #from the overall data, extract pathways id and gene number
      wpid2gene <- gene.dl %>% dplyr::select(.data$wpid,.data$gene) #TERM2GENE

      #for the same pathways id's get the full descriptive name
      wpid2name <- gene.dl %>% dplyr::select(.data$wpid,.data$name) #TERM2NAME


      if(nrow(customized.pathways) < 100){
        message(paste0("\n\n!! Customized pathway information alone will be used for analysis without any additional database,",
                   " if accumulated number of genes in pathway is too small compared to all genes provided in summary statistics table,",
                   " the result may not be applicable !!\n\n"))

      wpid2gene <- customized.pathways
      wpid2name <- NULL


      if(pathway.db %in% c("rWikiPathways","rWikiPathways_aug_2020")){

        colnames(customized.pathways) <- c("wpid","gene")
        customized.pathways$gene <- as.character(customized.pathways$gene)

        wpid2gene <- wpid2gene %>% bind_rows(customized.pathways)
        wpid2name <- wpid2name %>% bind_rows(customized.pathways %>% select(wpid = .data$wpid, name = .data$wpid))
        wpid2gene <- wpid2gene %>% bind_rows(customized.pathways)


  return (list(wpid2gene, wpid2name))

#' @title calculate pathway scores
#' @description Calculate pathway scores
#' @param data A summary statistics table (data.frame) or \code{data.list} generated by DE analysis software like limma or DEseq2
#' @param pathway.db pathway database used
#' @param gene.id.type gene.id.type
#' @param FCflag The column name (character) of fold change information, assuming the FC is log2 transformed. Default = "logFC".
#' @param FDRflag The column name (character) of adjusted p value or FDR. Default = "adj.P.Val".
#' @param FC.cutoff The fold change cutoff (numeric) selected to subset summary statistics table. Default = 1.5.
#' @param FDR.cutoff The FDR cutoff selected (numeric) to subset summary statistics table. Default = 0.05.
#' @param OUT.Directional logical, whether output directional or non-directional pathway analysis result, default: NULL.
#' @param IS.list logical, whether the input is a list, default: NULL
#' @param customized.pathways the customized pathways in the format of two column dataframe to be used in analysis
#' @param ... pass over parameters
#' @return Returns a dataframe.
#' @importFrom rWikiPathways downloadPathwayArchive
#' @importFrom clusterProfiler bitr enricher
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% as_tibble filter mutate left_join bind_rows select pull
#' @import org.Hs.eg.db
#' @importFrom stringr word
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @references Xingpeng Li & Siddhartha Pachhai RVA - RNAseq Visualization Automation tool.

cal.pathway.scores <- function(data, pathway.db, gene.id.type, FCflag, FDRflag, FC.cutoff, FDR.cutoff, OUT.Directional = NULL , IS.list = FALSE,customized.pathways, ...){
  #supress warnings


      #prepare pathway information
      collection_0 <- dlPathwaysDB(pathway.db, customized.pathways)

      #from the overall data, extract pathways id and gene number
      wpid2gene <- collection_0[[1]]

      #for the same pathways id's get the full descriptive name
      wpid2name <- collection_0[[2]]

      #Get background gene list (from all the genes available for the statistical test)
      #Conversion from ENSEMBL to ENTREZID
      #IMPORTANT!! The background should be the total genelist
      if(gene.id.type == "ENTREZID"){
        bkgd.genes.entrez <- rownames(data)
        bkgd.genes.entrez <- rownames(data) %>%
          word(sep = '\\.') %>%
          clusterProfiler::bitr(fromType = gene.id.type, toType = "ENTREZID",OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db) %>%

      data.subset <- data[,c(FCflag, FDRflag)]
      colnames(data.subset) <- c("FC","FDR")

      data <- data.subset %>%
        as_tibble(rownames = "gene") %>%
        filter(abs(.data$FC) >= log2(FC.cutoff), .data$FDR <= FDR.cutoff) #apply filter

      #processing pathway analysis
      if(nrow(data) < 10){
        message("\n Less then 10 genes submitted for pathway analysis, consider choosing a looser cutoff... \n")

      # 1. Get Enrichment test of increase
      if(nrow(filter(data,.data$FC >0)) != 0){

        #if this throws an error replacing it with custom error message

          if(gene.id.type == "ENTREZID"){
            genes.entrez.up <- data %>% filter(.data$FC > 0)
            genes.entrez.up <- data.frame(gene = genes.entrez.up$gene, ENTREZID = genes.entrez.up$gene)
            genes.entrez.up <- data %>%
              filter(.data$FC > 0) %>%
              pull(.data$gene) %>%
              word(sep = '\\.') %>%
              clusterProfiler::bitr(fromType = gene.id.type, toType = "ENTREZID",OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db)

          ewp.up <- clusterProfiler::enricher(
            universe = bkgd.genes.entrez,
            pAdjustMethod = "fdr",
            pvalueCutoff = 1, #p.adjust cutoff; relaxed
            qvalueCutoff = 1,
            TERM2GENE = wpid2gene,
            TERM2NAME = wpid2name)

        }, error = function(e) {
          stop(paste0("\n\n If a single dataset was input none of the ",
                      " gene id that are within threshold have valid keys while running ",
                      "  cluster profiler.  If a list is being passed, this might have occured with one of the input tables",
                      "  consider changing supplied datasets or loosen threshold values.Stopping all processses. \n\n"

          res.up <- data.frame()
          res.up <- ewp.up@result}

      }else{res.up <- data.frame()} #return empty df if no genes are increase

      # 2. Get Enrichment test of decrease
      if(nrow(filter(data,.data$FC < 0)) != 0){

        #If an error is found throw a custom error message

          if(gene.id.type == "ENTREZID"){
            genes.entrez.dn <- data %>% filter(.data$FC < 0)
            genes.entrez.dn <- data.frame(gene = genes.entrez.dn$gene, ENTREZID = genes.entrez.dn$gene)
            genes.entrez.dn <- data %>%
              filter(.data$FC < 0) %>%
              pull(.data$gene) %>%
              word(sep = '\\.') %>%
              clusterProfiler::bitr(fromType = gene.id.type, toType = "ENTREZID",OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db)

          ewp.dn <- clusterProfiler::enricher(
            universe = bkgd.genes.entrez,
            pAdjustMethod = "fdr",
            pvalueCutoff = 1, #p.adjust cutoff; relaxed
            qvalueCutoff = 1,
            TERM2GENE = wpid2gene,
            TERM2NAME = wpid2name)

        },error = function(e) {
          stop(paste0("\n\n If a single dataset was input none of the ",
                      " gene id that are within threshold have valid keys while running ",
                      "  cluster profiler.  If a list is being passed, this might have occured with one of the input tables",
                      " consider changing supplied datasets or loosen threshold values.Stopping all processses. \n\n"

          res.dn <- data.frame()
          res.dn <- ewp.dn@result}
      }else{res.dn <- data.frame()} #return empty df if no genes are decrease

      #obtain result of each direction
      if(nrow(res.up) != 0 & nrow(res.dn) != 0){
        res.up <- ewp.up@result %>%
          as_tibble %>%
          mutate(directional.p.adjust = .data$p.adjust)
        res.dn <- ewp.dn@result %>%
          as_tibble %>%
          mutate(directional.p.adjust = -.data$p.adjust)
        #identify the duplicated pathways have both up and down information and pick the one with smaller adj.p as final direction
        dup.up <- res.up %>%
          filter(.data$ID %in% intersect(res.dn$ID,res.up$ID)) %>%

        reassign.dup <- res.dn %>%
          filter(.data$ID %in% intersect(res.dn$ID,res.up$ID)) %>%
          left_join(dup.up,by="ID") %>%
          mutate(directional.p.adjust = ifelse(abs(.data$directional.p.adjust.x) < abs(.data$directional.p.adjust.y),
                                               .data$directional.p.adjust.y)) %>% # use the smaller p value to assign direction

        d.res <- res.dn %>%
          filter(!(.data$ID %in% reassign.dup$ID)) %>%
          bind_rows(reassign.dup, filter(res.up,!(.data$ID %in% reassign.dup$ID))) %>%
          dplyr::select(.data$ID, .data$Description,.data$directional.p.adjust) %>%
          mutate(direction = ifelse(.data$directional.p.adjust > 0,"up","down"))
      }else if(nrow(res.up) == 0 & nrow(res.dn) != 0){
        d.res <- res.dn %>%
          as_tibble %>%
          mutate(directional.p.adjust = -.data$p.adjust) %>%
          mutate(direction = ifelse(.data$directional.p.adjust > 0,"up","down"))
      }else if(nrow(res.up) != 0 & nrow(res.dn) == 0){
        d.res <- res.up %>%
          as_tibble %>%
          mutate(directional.p.adjust = .data$p.adjust) %>%
          mutate(direction = ifelse(.data$directional.p.adjust > 0,"up","down"))
        d.res <- NULL
        message("\n No directional enriched pathway has been detected. \n")


      #3.  Get Enrichment test without direction
        if(gene.id.type == "ENTREZID"){
          genes.entrez <- data %>% filter(.data$FC > 0)
          genes.entrez <- data.frame(gene = genes.entrez$gene, ENTREZID = genes.entrez$gene)
          genes.entrez <- data %>%
            filter(.data$FC > 0) %>%
            pull(.data$gene) %>%
            word(sep = '\\.') %>%
            clusterProfiler::bitr(fromType = gene.id.type, toType = "ENTREZID",OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db)

        ewp <- clusterProfiler::enricher(
          universe = bkgd.genes.entrez,
          pAdjustMethod = "fdr",
          pvalueCutoff = 1, #p.adjust cutoff; relaxed
          qvalueCutoff = 1,
          TERM2GENE = wpid2gene,
          TERM2NAME = wpid2name)

          message("\n No none-directional enriched pathway has been detected. \n")
          nd.res <- nullreturn(IS.list = IS.list , type=2)
          nd.res <- ewp@result %>%
            dplyr::select(.data$ID, .data$Description, .data$pvalue, .data$p.adjust)


        message(paste0("\n Enrichment test completed with ",nrow(data), " Differentially expressed genes with min FC ",round(2^min(abs(data$FC)),3)," max adj.p ",round(max(abs(data$FDR)),3),".\n\n"))

          out.d.sig <- nullreturn(IS.list = IS.list,type=1)
          out.d.sig <- d.res %>%
            mutate(log10.padj = ifelse(.data$direction == "up", -log10(abs(.data$directional.p.adjust)), log10(abs(.data$directional.p.adjust)))) %>%
            mutate(fil.cor = ifelse(.data$direction == "up", "#E31A1C", "#1F78B4")) %>%
            mutate(Description = factor(.data$Description,levels = .data$Description))

          out.nd.sig <- nullreturn(IS.list = IS.list,type=2)
          out.nd.sig <- nd.res %>%
            mutate(Description = factor(.data$Description,levels = .data$Description))

        out.d.sig <-  nullreturn(IS.list = IS.list,type=1)
        out.nd.sig <- nullreturn(IS.list = IS.list,type=2)
        nd.res <- nullreturn(IS.list = IS.list,type=2)
        message("\n No genes passed specified cutoff... return NULL \n")

      }else if(isFALSE(OUT.Directional)){
      }else if(is.null(OUT.Directional)){
        return(list(out.d.sig, out.nd.sig, nd.res))
  }) #end of supress warning and errors

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RVA documentation built on Nov. 2, 2021, 1:06 a.m.