
Defines functions messageConsole tkEmptyLine makeTitle tkrreplot.RclusTool tkrplot.RclusTool tk2draw.notetab tk2add.notetab tk2delete.notetab ElbowPlot abdPlot abdPlotTabsGUI abdPlotTabs cor.mtest analyzePlot visualizeSampleClustering plotDensity2D plotSampleFeatures plotProfileExtract plotProfile

Documented in abdPlot abdPlotTabs abdPlotTabsGUI analyzePlot cor.mtest ElbowPlot makeTitle messageConsole plotDensity2D plotProfile plotProfileExtract plotSampleFeatures tk2add.notetab tk2delete.notetab tk2draw.notetab tkEmptyLine tkrplot.RclusTool tkrreplot.RclusTool visualizeSampleClustering

# RclusTool: clustering of items in datasets
# Copyright 2013 Guillaume Wacquet, Pierre-Alexandre Hebert, Emilie Poisson-Caillault
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' plotProfile plots the profile and the image (if available) of a particle
#' @title Profile and image plotting 
#' @description Plot the profile and the image (if available) of a particle.
#' @param profiles matrix of profile data (signals in columns).
#' @param profiles.colors vector of colors corresponding to each signal in profile.
#' @param image character vector specifying the name (without path) + extension of the associated image (if available).
#' @param curve.names vector of character specifying the names of each signal in profile.
#' @param title character vector specifying the title of the plot.
#' @param sub character vector specifying the subtitle of the plot.
#' @param sub.color character vector specifying the color of the subtitle.
#' @param image.dir images directory. 
#' @param charsize character size
#' @return None
#' @importFrom graphics layout plot rasterImage matplot legend
#' @importFrom jpeg readJPEG
#' @importFrom png readPNG
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @import reshape ggplot2
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotSampleFeatures}}, \code{\link{visualizeSampleClustering}}
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
#' tf1 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf1, sep=",", dec=".")
#' sig <- data.frame(ID=rep(1:150, each=30), SIGNAL=rep(dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=30)),150))
#' tf2 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(sig, tf2, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf1, file.profiles=tf2)
#' plotProfile(x$profiles[[1]])
#' @keywords internal 

plotProfile <- function(profiles, profiles.colors=NULL, image=NULL, curve.names=NULL, title="Some observation", sub="", sub.color=NULL, image.dir=NULL, charsize=11){
  p <- ggplot() + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(title,sub)) 
  p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 
  p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = charsize))
  p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = charsize))
  p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = charsize))
  nc <- ncol(profiles)
  if (!is.null(nc)) {
    if (is.null(curve.names))
       curve.names <- colnames(profiles)
    profiles.df <- reshape::melt(profiles.df, id.vars="line")
    # Everything on the same plot
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(profiles.df, ggplot2::aes(x=.data$line,y=.data$value,col=.data$variable)) + ggplot2::labs(col="Profiles")
    p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(title,sub)) 
    p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 
    p <- p + ggplot2::xlab("") + ggplot2::ylab("Value")
  if (is.null(image))
        image <- NA
  if (is.null(image.dir))
        image.dir <- ""
  if (!is.na(image)) {
  	imgFile <- file.path(image.dir, image)
  	readImg <- jpeg::readJPEG
        if (!grepl(".jpg", imgFile))
            readImg <- png::readPNG
        if (grepl(".jpg", imgFile) || grepl(".png", imgFile)) {
            img <- readImg(imgFile, native = TRUE)
    p <- p + ggplot2::annotation_custom(grid::rasterGrob(img, 
                      width = unit(1,"npc"),
                      height = unit(1,"npc")), 
                   	   -Inf, Inf, -Inf, Inf) 
  if (!is.null(nc)) {
  	if (is.null(profiles.colors)){
  		profiles.colors <- rep("black", length(curve.names))
  	p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(size=0.9) 
  	p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values= profiles.colors[1:nc])

#' plotProfileExtract plots the profile and the image (if available) of a particle
#' @title Profile and image plotting 
#' @description Plot the profile and the image (if available) of a particle.
#' @param profiles matrix of profile data (signals in columns).
#' @param profiles.colors vector of colors corresponding to each signal in profile.
#' @param image character vector specifying the name (without path) + extension of the associated image (if available).
#' @param curve.names vector of character specifying the names of each signal in profile.
#' @param title character vector specifying the title of the plot.
#' @param sub character vector specifying the subtitle of the plot.
#' @param sub.color character vector specifying the color of the subtitle.
#' @param image.dir images directory. 
#' @return None
#' @importFrom graphics layout plot rasterImage matplot legend
#' @importFrom jpeg readJPEG
#' @importFrom png readPNG
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotSampleFeatures}}, \code{\link{visualizeSampleClustering}}
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
#' tf1 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf1, sep=",", dec=".")
#' sig <- data.frame(ID=rep(1:150, each=30), SIGNAL=rep(dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=30)),150))
#' tf2 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(sig, tf2, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf1, file.profiles=tf2)
#' plotProfileExtract(x$profiles[[1]])
#' @keywords internal
plotProfileExtract <- function(profiles, profiles.colors=NULL, image=NULL, curve.names=NULL, title="Some observation", sub="", sub.color=NULL, image.dir=NULL){
    opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
    nc <- ncol(profiles)
    if (is.null(image))
        image <- NA
    if (is.null(image.dir))
        image.dir <- ""

    dimLayout <- as.numeric(!is.null(nc)) + as.numeric(!is.na(image))
    graphics::layout(matrix(c(1,dimLayout), 1, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=rep(1, dimLayout))
    par(mar=c(6,3,2,.2)) #bottom large because of sub parameter
    if (!is.null(nc)) {
        if (is.null(curve.names))
            curve.names <- colnames(profiles)

        #correspondances of colors
        if (!is.null(profiles.colors)) {
            curve.colors <- sapply(curve.names, function (x) {col<-profiles.colors[x];
                                   if (is.na(col)) 'black' else col})
        } else {
            curve.colors <- rep("black", length(curve.names))

        if (is.null(sub.color))
            sub.color <- "black"

        #matplot(profiles, pch=1:nc, type="o", col=curve.colors, main=title, sub=sub, col.sub=sub.color, ylab="level", cex = 0.8)
        graphics::matplot(profiles, pch=1:nc, type="o", col=curve.colors, main=title, sub=sub, ylab="level", cex = 0.8)

        if (!is.null(curve.names))
            graphics::legend("topright", legend=curve.names, col=curve.colors, pch=1:nc, cex=0.8)

    if (!is.na(image)) {
        imgFile <- file.path(image.dir, image)
        readImg <- jpeg::readJPEG
        if (!grepl(".jpg", imgFile))
            readImg <- png::readPNG
        if (grepl(".jpg", imgFile) || grepl(".png", imgFile)) {
            img <- readImg(imgFile, native = TRUE)
            dimg <- dim(img)
            h <- dimg[1]
            w <- dimg[2]
            graphics::plot(c(0, w), c(0, h), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
            graphics::rasterImage(img, 0, 0, w, h)

#' plotSampleFeatures plots 2D-features scatter-plot of all particles
#' @title 2D-features scatter-plot
#' @description Plot 2D-features scatter-plot of all particles. Grey color (label=0) is for data to cleaned or to remove in classification process.
#' @param data matrix or data.frame of raw data (points by line).
#' @param label vector of labels.
#' @param parH character vector specifying the name of the feature to use as x-axis.
#' @param parV character vector specifying the name of the feature to use as y-axis.
#' @param figure.title character vector specifying the title of the scatter-plot.
#' @param logscale character vector containing "x" if the x-axis is to be logarithmic, "y" if the y-axis is to be logarithmic and "xy" or "yx" if both axes are to be logarithmic.
#' @param cex numeric value specifying the size of the graphical labels. 
#' @param point.param data.frame specifying the colors and the symbols to use for clusters display.
#' @param env.plot environment where to store graphical parameters used by function PlotScatter to select points.
#' @return None
#' @importFrom grDevices colors
#' @importFrom graphics title plot abline legend par
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotProfile}}, \code{\link{visualizeSampleClustering}}
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
#' tf1 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf1, sep=",", dec=".")
#' sig <- data.frame(ID=rep(1:150, each=30), SIGNAL=rep(dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=30)),150))
#' tf2 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(sig, tf2, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf1, file.profiles=tf2)
#' res <- KmeansQuick(x$features$initial$x, K=3)
#' new.labels <- formatLabelSample(res$cluster, x)
#' plotSampleFeatures(x$features$initial$x, label = new.labels, parH="x", parV="y")
#' @keywords internal
plotSampleFeatures<- function(data, label, parH=NULL, parV=NULL, figure.title="Scatter plot",
                              logscale="", cex=.8, point.param=expand.grid(
                                  col=c("grey","black","red","blue","green","cyan", "yellow","orange",
                                     "rosybrown","palevioletred","darkblue","deeppink","blueviolet", 'darkgoldenrod1', 'chartreuse',
                                     "darkorchid1", "deeppink", "coral", "darkolivegreen1","#66C2A5","#9DAE8C","#D49A73","#F08F6D",
                                  pch=c(20, 0:18), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), env.plot = NULL){
    opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
    if (is.null(parH)) {
        parH <- colnames(data)[1]

    if (is.null(parV)) {
        parH <- colnames(data)[2]

    #numeros des clusters dans l'ordre
    vlabel <- levels(label)

    #construction des donnees
    x <- data[, c(parH, parV), drop=FALSE]
    if (cex==0.8){
	graphics::par(mar=c(3.9, 3.9, 1.5, 10.5), xpd=TRUE)
	} else if (cex==0.7) {
	graphics::par(mar=c(3.9, 3.9, 1.5, 8.1), xpd=TRUE)
	} else if (cex==0.6) {
	graphics::par(mar=c(3.9, 3.9, 1.5, 7.1), xpd=TRUE)
    graphics::plot(x, type="p", col=point.param$col[unclass(label)], pch=point.param$pch[unclass(label)],
         cex=cex, cex.lab=cex, cex.sub=cex, cex.axis=cex, log=logscale, ann=FALSE) #pch=1, cex=.8, yaxt = "n",xaxt = "n");

    graphics::abline( h = 0, lty = 3, col = grDevices::colors()[ 440 ] )
    graphics::abline( v = 0, lty = 3, col = grDevices::colors()[ 440 ] )

    graphics::title(figure.title, xlab=parH, ylab=parV, cex.main=cex)
    coord <- graphics::par("usr")
    graphics::legend("topright", legend=vlabel, col=point.param$col[1:length(vlabel)],
           pch=point.param$pch[1:length(vlabel)], cex=cex, pt.cex=cex, inset=c(-0.25,0), box.lty=0)
    if (!is.null(env.plot))
        env.plot$parPlotSampleFeatures <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

#' plotDensity2D plots density of a variable by cluster
#' @title plot Variables Density
#' @description Plots density of a variable by cluster.
#' @param data density data.frame with x,y and Cluster indication.
#' @param parH character vector specifying the name of the feature to use as x-axis.
#' @param clustering.name character vector specifying the name of the clustering.
#' @param charsize character size
#' @param col vector of colors
#' @return None
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' x <- computeUnSupervised(x, K=3, method.name="K-means")
#' label<-x[["clustering"]][["K-means_preprocessed"]][["label"]]
#' cluster.density <- clusterDensity(x, label, "preprocessed",features.to.keep='V1')
#' plotDensity2D(cluster.density, clustering.name='Test Kmeans', parH='V1')
#' @keywords internal

plotDensity2D <- function(data, parH=NULL, clustering.name, charsize = 11,
                                  col=c("grey","black","red","blue","green","cyan", "yellow","orange",
                                     "rosybrown","palevioletred","darkblue","deeppink","blueviolet", 'darkgoldenrod1', 'chartreuse',
                                     "darkorchid1", "deeppink", "coral", "darkolivegreen1","#66C2A5","#9DAE8C","#D49A73","#F08F6D",
        expr = {
			p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=data, ggplot2::aes(x=data$x, y=data$y, colour=data$Cluster, shape=data$Cluster)) + ggplot2::labs(col="Cluster")
			p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(size=1) + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=(col))
			p <- p + ggplot2::xlab(parH) + ggplot2::ylab("Density")
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 
			p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste('Variables density plot by', clustering.name, sep=" "))
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = charsize))
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = charsize))
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size=charsize))
        error = function(e){
            if (grepl('-monotype-arial',as.character(e))==TRUE){
            	message("Error :Please, Try to install gsfonts-x11")

#' visualizeSampleClustering opens an interactive figure with 2D scatter-plot of all particles with axis choice
#' @title Interactive figure with 2D scatter-plot
#' @description Open an interactive figure with 2D scatter-plot of all particles with axis choice. Grey color (label=0) is for data to cleaned or to remove in classification process.
#' @param data.sample list containing features, profiles and clustering results.
#' @param label vector of labels.
#' @param clustering.name character vector specifying the clustering method used to get labels.
#' @param cluster.summary data.frame containing the clusters summaries (as returned by 'clusterSummary').
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which all global parameters, raw data and results are stored.
#' @param prototypes list containing vectors of prototypes indices.
#' @param profile.mode character vector specifying the plot mode of profiles. Must be 'none' (default), 'whole sample', 'cluster i' or 'constrained pairs'.
#' @param selection.mode character vector specifying the selection mode of profiles. Must be 'none' (default), 'prototypes' or 'pairs'.
#' @param compare.mode character vector specifying the mode of comparison between two clusterings results. Must be 'off' (default) or 'on'.
#' @param pairs list of constrained pairs (must-link and cannot-link).
#' @param features.mode character vector specifying the plot mode of features (projection in a specific space). Must be 'initial' (default), 'preprocessed', 'pca', 'pca_full' or 'spectral', or prefixed versions ('sampled', 'scaled') of those space names.
#' @param wait.close boolean: if FALSE (default), the following steps of the analysis calculations are computed even if the window is not closed.
#' @param fontsize size of font (default is 9)
#' @return prototypes in \code{selection.mode} = "prototypes" mode, pairs in \code{selection.mode} = "pairs" mode.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotProfile}}, \code{\link{plotSampleFeatures}}
#' @importFrom graphics barplot boxplot axis points filled.contour par
#' @importFrom SearchTrees createTree knnLookup
#' @importFrom grDevices gray topo.colors
#' @importFrom MASS kde2d
#' @import tcltk tcltk2 tkrplot ggplot2
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
#' tf1 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf1, sep=",", dec=".")
#' sig <- data.frame(ID=rep(1:150, each=30), SIGNAL=rep(dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=30)),150))
#' tf2 <- tempfile()
#' write.table(sig, tf2, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf1, file.profiles=tf2)
#' res <- KmeansQuick(x$features$initial$x, K=3)
#' new.labels <- formatLabelSample(res$cluster, x)
#' visualizeSampleClustering(x, label = new.labels, clustering.name="K-means", 
#'			     profile.mode="whole sample")
#' @export 
visualizeSampleClustering<- function(data.sample, label=NULL, clustering.name="proposed clustering",
                                     cluster.summary=NULL, RclusTool.env=initParameters(),  
                                     prototypes=NULL, profile.mode="none",
                                     selection.mode="none", compare.mode="off",
                                     pairs=NULL, features.mode="initial",
                                     wait.close=FALSE, fontsize=9){

    # Variables of the function
    visu.env <- new.env()
    visu.env$plot.mode <- "scatter-plot"
    visu.env$plotSampleFunction <- function(compare){} #function called by plotSample
    visu.env$parH <- NULL
    visu.env$parV <- NULL
    visu.env$parPlotSampleFeatures <- NULL
    visu.env$previous.clustering.name <- NULL
    visu.env$label <- label
    visu.env$cluster.summary <- cluster.summary
    visu.env$clustering.name <- clustering.name
    visu.env$data.sample <- data.sample
    visu.env$prototypes <- NULL
    visu.env$profile.mode <- profile.mode
    visu.env$slider.values <- NULL #ids of subset of particles dealt with (may be a cluster, or prototypes)
    visu.env$pts.search.tree <- NULL #search tree to locate mouse-selected points in scatter plot
    visu.env$profile.id <- c(
                    sel=NA, #profile selected (in the top) id relative to described particles (by features$x)
                    mem=NA, #profile memorized (in the bottom)
                    fig=NA) #profile plotted (not always the one selected)
    visu.env$mem.mode <- FALSE
    visu.env$pairs.values <- NULL
    visu.env$pairs.constraints <- NULL
    visu.env$plot.height <- c() #graphic parameter : height of plot part (left)
    visu.env$features.mode <- features.mode
    visu.env$features <- NULL
    visu.env$tcl.proto.label <- tclVar("")
    visu.env$box.pixel <- NULL #plot bounding box in unit pixel
    visu.env$compare.mode <- compare.mode
    visu.env$summary.feat.select <- NULL
    visu.env$summary.fun.select <- NULL 
    visu.env$summary.feature <- NULL # = couple feat + fun
    visu.env$onScatterPlotMove <- function(x,y){}
    visu.env$ProfileModeNumber <- 1
    visu.env$tk.font <- tkfont.create(size = fontsize, family = "Arial", weight = "bold")
    if (fontsize>=11){
    } else if (fontsize>=9) {
    } else {

    if (!is.null(visu.env$label))
        # case : new label to add
        visu.env$label <- formatLabelSample(visu.env$label[visu.env$data.sample$id.clean], visu.env$data.sample, new.labels=FALSE, noise.cluster=RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$noise.cluster)
        if (is.null(visu.env$cluster.summary))
            visu.env$cluster.summary <- clusterSummary(visu.env$data.sample, visu.env$label, summary.functions=RclusTool.env$param$analysis$summary.functions)

        visu.env$data.sample$clustering <- addClustering(clustering=visu.env$data.sample$clustering, new.clustering.name=visu.env$clustering.name, 
                      new.cluster.summary=visu.env$cluster.summary, new.label=visu.env$label)

    if (!is.null(visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]])) 
        # case: data.sample contains the clustering named 
        visu.env$label <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$label
        visu.env$cluster.summary <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$summary
    } else {
        if (is.null(visu.env$label)) {
            # case: clustering named doesn't exist and no clustering proposed
            visu.env$clustering.name <- "no-clustering"
            visu.env$label <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$label
            visu.env$cluster.summary <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$summary

    visu.env$prototypes <- sapply(visu.env$data.sample$clustering, function(x) x$prototypes)
    if (is.null(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]]))
        if (!is.null(visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$prototypes)) {
            visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]] <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$prototypes
        } else {
            visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]] <- c()
        visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]] <- as.character(visu.env$label[names(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]])])
    #  prototypes$id <- visu.env$data.sample$id.abs.inv[prototypes$id.abs] #id: in sample not cleaned
    #  prototypes$label <- as.character(visu.env$label[prototypes$id])
    #  prototypes$id.abs.inv <- rep(NA, max(visu.env$data.sample$id.abs))
    #  prototypes$id.abs.inv[prototypes$id.abs] <- 1:length(prototypes$label) #id: in prototypes

    if (length(grep("prototype", visu.env$profile.mode, ignore.case=TRUE))&&(!length(visu.env$prototypes)))
        visu.env$profile.mode <- "none"

    if (is.null(pairs)) {
        visu.env$pairs.values <- list() #list of pairs (vector of 2 particle ids)
        visu.env$pairs.constraints <- c() #how pair are constrained (+1 for ML, -1 for CNL)
    } else {
        visu.env$pairs.values <- c(pairs$ML, pairs$CNL)
        visu.env$pairs.constraints <- c(rep(1,length(pairs$ML)), rep(-1, length(pairs$CNL)))

    color.select <- c(grDevices::gray(0.25),grDevices::gray(0.90)) #color to plot selected particles points

    if (!(visu.env$features.mode %in% names(visu.env$data.sample$features)))
        visu.env$features.mode <- names(visu.env$data.sample$features)[1]
    visu.env$features <- visu.env$data.sample$features[[visu.env$features.mode]]
    visu.env$features$x <- visu.env$features$x[sapply(visu.env$features$x, is.numeric)]
    signals <- visu.env$data.sample$profiles
    images <- visu.env$data.sample$images

    tcl.plot.mode <- tclVar(visu.env$plot.mode)
    tcl.clustering.mode <- tclVar(visu.env$clustering.name)
    tcl.features.mode <- tclVar(visu.env$features.mode)
    tcl.profile.mode <- tclVar(visu.env$profile.mode) #"none", "whole sample", ou "cluster 'i'"
    tcl.compare.mode <- tclVar(visu.env$compare.mode)
    tcl.slider.big <- tclVar("0")
    tcl.slider.tune <- tclVar("1")
    slider.max <- 300 #maximal incrementations of slider.tune

    #if (is.null(visu.env$cluster.summary))
        #visu.env$cluster.summary <- clusterSummary(visu.env$data.sample, visu.env$label, summary.functions=RclusTool.env$param$analysis$summary.functions)

    initClusterSummaryFeature <- function()
        old.feature <- visu.env$summary.feature

        summary.feats <- extractFeaturesFromSummary(visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$summary)

        if (!length(summary.feats$simple))
            stop("sampleView, visualizeSampleClustering: no simple features in the summary")

        cluster.summary.simple.features <- paste("Result", summary.feats$simple.feats)

        if (is.null(old.feature)|| !(old.feature %in% cluster.summary.simple.features))
            visu.env$summary.feature <- cluster.summary.simple.features[1]


    cluster.summary.init <- visu.env$cluster.summary

    # functions to deal with ids of selected particles

    # not for profile.mode=="constrained pairs"
    setProfileId <- function(names, value){
        isna <- is.na(value)||!is.element(value, visu.env$slider.values)#is.na(visu.env$features$ids.inv[value])
        if (isna)
            value <- visu.env$slider.values[1]
        for (name in names) {
            visu.env$profile.id[name] <- value
        if (is.element("sel", names))
            setSlidersId(value, value=TRUE)
        if ((is.element("mem", names))&&isna)

    # pair : a pair from slider.value
    setProfileIdsPair <- function(pair){
        names <- c("fig", "mem", "sel")
        pair <- unlist(pair)
        if (any(is.na(visu.env$features$x[pair,1]))) #(any(is.na(features$id.abs.inv[pair]))) ????
            pair <- unlist(visu.env$slider.values[1])

        for (name in names) {
            val <- switch(name, fig=pair[1], sel=pair[1], mem=pair[2])
            visu.env$profile.id[name] <- val
        #    if (is.element("sel", names))
        #      setSlidersId(value, value=TRUE)

    updateProfileId <- function(names=c("fig","mem","sel")){
        for (name in names) {
            setProfileId(name, visu.env$profile.id[name])#test

    # plot functions of the sample (left area)

    plotSample <- function() {
        opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)

    plotSampleCompare <- function() {
    	opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)

    plotScatter <- function(compare=FALSE){
        label <- visu.env$features$label
        clustering.name <- visu.env$clustering.name
        if (compare) {
            clustering.name <- visu.env$previous.clustering.name
            label <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[clustering.name]]$label[rownames(visu.env$features$x)]
        x <- visu.env$features$x.2D.logscale
        logscale <- visu.env$features$logscale.2D
        title <- paste(visu.env$plot.mode, "clustered by", clustering.name)
        plotSampleFeatures(x, label, parH=visu.env$parH, parV=visu.env$parV, figure.title=title,
                           logscale=logscale, cex=visu.env$cex, point.param=RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style, env.plot=visu.env)        

        if (is.null(visu.env$parPlotSampleFeatures))
        opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)

        #ids <- visu.env$features$id.abs.inv[c(visu.env$profile.id$sel, visu.env$profile.id$mem)]
        #names(ids) <- c("sel", "mem")
        ids <- visu.env$profile.id[c("sel", "mem")]

        # add links
        if (visu.env$profile.mode=="constrained pairs") {
            selected.pair.id <- getSlidersValue(value=FALSE)
            for (i in 1:length(visu.env$slider.values)) {
                if (i==selected.pair.id)
                pair <- visu.env$pairs.values[[i]]
                w <- pair #features$id.abs.inv[pair]
                #if (any(is.na(w)))
                if (any(is.na(x[w,])))
                if (visu.env$pairs.constraints[i]==1) {
                    graphics::points(x[w,], type="l", col="darkgreen", lwd=2)
                if (visu.env$pairs.constraints[i]==-1) {
                    graphics::points(x[w,], type="l", col="darkred", lwd=2)
            if (!any(is.na(ids))) {###A verifier
                if (visu.env$pairs.constraints[selected.pair.id]==1) {
                    graphics::points(x[ids,], type="l", col="darkgreen", lwd=4)
                if (visu.env$pairs.constraints[selected.pair.id]==-1) {
                    graphics::points(x[ids,], type="l", col="darkred", lwd=4)

        # add point whose profile is plotted
        #colored cross + circle + point on selected point(s)
        if ((visu.env$profile.mode!="none") && (!(is.na(ids["sel"]))))
                             pch=c("+", "O", RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style$pch[unclass(label[ids["sel"]])]),
                             cex=c(2, 2, RclusTool.env$param$visu$cex),
                             col=c(color.select[1:2], RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style$col[unclass(label[ids["sel"]])]))
        if ((visu.env$mem.mode) && (!(is.na(ids["mem"]))))
                             pch=c("+", "O",  RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style$pch[unclass(label[ids["mem"]])]),
                             cex=c(2, 2, RclusTool.env$param$visu$cex),
                             col=c(color.select[1:2], RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style$col[unclass(label[ids["mem"]])]))

        parPlotSize <- par("plt")
        width  <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqwidth", tk.plot.fig)))
        height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqheight", tk.plot.fig)))

        usrCoords <- par("usr")
        width  <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqwidth", tk.plot.fig)))
        xMin <- parPlotSize[1] * width
        xMax <- parPlotSize[2] * width
        yMin <- parPlotSize[3] * height
        yMax <- parPlotSize[4] * height
        rangeX <- usrCoords[2] - usrCoords[1]
        rangeY <- usrCoords[4] - usrCoords[3]
        visu.env$plot.height <- height      

        # A VERIFIER
        visu.env$features$x.2D.pixel <- cbind((visu.env$features$x.2D[,1]-usrCoords[1])*(xMax-xMin)/rangeX + xMin,
                                              (visu.env$features$x.2D[,2]-usrCoords[3])*(yMax-yMin)/rangeY + yMin )
        rownames(visu.env$features$x.2D.pixel) <- rownames(visu.env$features$x.2D)
        visu.env$box.pixel <- c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
        visu.env$usrCoords <- usrCoords

        # if new plot, then search tree is rebuilt
        if (is.null(visu.env$pts.search.tree)) 

    plotDensity2Dcall <- function(compare=FALSE){
        if (!compare) {
        	   label <- visu.env$label
        	   clustering.name <- visu.env$clustering.name
        } else {
          	 clustering.name <- visu.env$previous.clustering.name
          	 label <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[clustering.name]]$label
        if (is.null(visu.env$parH)) {
        	visu.env$parH <- colnames(data.sample$features[[visu.env$features.mode]]$x)[1]
    	cluster.density <- clusterDensity(data.sample, label, visu.env$features.mode, features.to.keep=visu.env$parH)
    	plotDensity2D(cluster.density,parH=visu.env$parH, clustering.name=clustering.name, col= RclusTool.env$param$visu$palette.colors)

    plotDensity1D <- function(compare=FALSE){
        compare <- NULL
        x <- visu.env$features$x.2D
        xtick <- pretty(x[,1])
        ytick <- pretty(x[,2])
        logscale <- visu.env$features$logscale.2D
        labx <- xtick
        laby <- ytick
        if (length(grep("x",logscale)))
            labx <- 10^xtick
        if (length(grep("y",logscale)))
            laby <- 10^ytick

        densite <- MASS::kde2d(x[,1], x[,2], n=100, h=.1)
        densite$z <- log10( removeZeros(densite$z, threshold=10^-6, positive=TRUE) ) #echelle log...

        graphics::filled.contour(densite, color = grDevices::topo.colors,
                       plot.axes = { graphics::axis(1, at=xtick, labels=labx);
                       graphics::axis(2, at=ytick, labels=laby) })
        #      points(x)
        graphics::title(xlab=colnames(visu.env$features$x.2D)[1]) #paste(visu.env$parH[1], visu.env$parH[2], sep=" - "))
        graphics::title(ylab=colnames(visu.env$features$x.2D)[2]) #paste(visu.env$parV[1], visu.env$parV[2], sep=" - "))
        graphics::title(paste(visu.env$plot.mode, "(log)"), cex.main=visu.env$cex) 

    plotSummary <- function(compare=FALSE){
        if (!compare) {
            label <- visu.env$label
            clustering.name <- visu.env$clustering.name
        } else {
            clustering.name <- visu.env$previous.clustering.name
            label <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[clustering.name]]$label
        cluster.summary <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[clustering.name]]$summary

        title <- paste(visu.env$plot.mode, "clustered by", clustering.name)

        feature.name.summary <- visu.env$summary.feature
        m <- match(rownames(cluster.summary), levels(label))
        col <- RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style$col[m]
        if (grepl("Result", feature.name.summary)) {
            feature.name.summary <- sub("Result ", "", feature.name.summary)
            cluster.factor <- factor(rownames(cluster.summary), levels = rownames(cluster.summary))
            df=data.frame(values=cluster.summary[, feature.name.summary],cluster=cluster.factor)
            p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=df,aes(y=values,x=df$cluster,fill=df$cluster)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
			p <- p + ggplot2::xlab("") + ggplot2::ylab(feature.name.summary)
			p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(title)
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size=11))
			p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=col, drop=FALSE)
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position='none')
			p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = RclusTool.env$param$visu$size))
	        p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = RclusTool.env$param$visu$size))
	        p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = RclusTool.env$param$visu$size))
        } else {
                las=3, col=RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style$col, border=RclusTool.env$param$visu$point.style$col, outline = FALSE,

    # function linked to tk.plot.frame
    OnPlotSample <- function() {
    if (visu.env$compare.mode=="on"){

    # functions to deal with interactivity in Plot part (left)
    OnLeavePlot <- function() {
        if (is.element(visu.env$profile.mode, c("none", "constrained pairs")))
        if (visu.env$profile.id["sel"] != visu.env$profile.id["fig"])
            setProfileId("fig", visu.env$profile.id["sel"])

    OnMouseMove <- function(x, y) {
        if (is.element(visu.env$profile.mode, c("none", "constrained pairs")))

        if (is.null(visu.env$pts.search.tree))

        xClick <- as.numeric(x)+0.5
        yClick <- as.numeric(y)-0.5
        yClick <- visu.env$plot.height - yClick

        if ( (xClick<visu.env$box.pixel[1])||(xClick>visu.env$box.pixel[2])||
            (yClick<visu.env$box.pixel[3])||(yClick>visu.env$box.pixel[4]) ) {

        #   coords <- 10^c(usrCoords[1]+(xClick-xMin)*rangeX/(xMax-xMin),
        #             usrCoords[3]+(yClick-yMin)*rangeY/(yMax-yMin))

        if (!is.null(visu.env$pts.search.tree))  {
           	w <- as.character(visu.env$slider.values[SearchTrees::knnLookup(visu.env$pts.search.tree, xClick, yClick, k=1)[1]])
           	#w <- as.character(class::knn(visu.env$features$x.2D.pixel[visu.env$slider.values,,drop=FALSE],
            	#                      c(xClick, yClick), visu.env$slider.values)) #A VERIFIER !!

        	setProfileId("fig", w)

    OnMovePlotFun <- function(x,y)

    OnMouseClick <- function(x, y) {
        if (is.element(visu.env$profile.mode, c("none", "constrained pairs")))
        OnMouseMove(x, y)
        setProfileId("sel", visu.env$profile.id["fig"])

    # plot functions of the profile(s) (right area)
    OnPlotProfile <- function() {
    	opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
        if (is.na(visu.env$profile.id["fig"]))
        id <- visu.env$profile.id["fig"]
        cluster <- NA
        if ( (selection.mode=="prototypes") && length(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]])){
            cluster <- visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][id]
        if (is.na(cluster))
            cluster <- visu.env$features$label[id]
        if (is.null(visu.env$data.sample$config$signalColor)){
        	signalColor <- RclusTool.env$param$visu$palette.colors
        } else {
        	signalColor <- visu.env$data.sample$config$signalColor 
        if (is.null(visu.env$data.sample$profiles)){
        	visu.env$ProfileModeNumber <- 2
        title.color <- RclusTool.env$param$visu$palette.colors[unclass(cluster)]
        if (visu.env$ProfileModeNumber == 1){
        	plotProfile(visu.env$data.sample$profiles[[id]], profiles.colors=signalColor,
                    	NULL, title=paste("Observation", id), 
                    	sub=paste("in", cluster), sub.color=title.color, image.dir=NULL ,charsize=fontsize)             
        } else if (visu.env$ProfileModeNumber == 2){
        	plotProfile(NULL, profiles.colors=signalColor,
                    	visu.env$data.sample$images[id], title=paste("Observation", id), 
                    	sub=paste("in", cluster), sub.color=title.color, image.dir=visu.env$data.sample$files$images, charsize=fontsize)             
		} else {
        	plotProfile(visu.env$data.sample$profiles[[id]], profiles.colors=signalColor,
                    	visu.env$data.sample$images[id], title=paste("Observation", id), 
                    	sub=paste("in", cluster), sub.color=title.color, image.dir=visu.env$data.sample$files$images, charsize=fontsize) 
        tkpack(tk.profile.fig, fill="x")


    OnPlotProfile2 <- function(){
    	opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
        if (is.na(visu.env$profile.id["mem"]))
        id <- visu.env$profile.id["mem"]
        cluster <- NA
        if ( (selection.mode=="prototypes") && length(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]])){
            cluster <- visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][id]
        if (is.na(cluster))
            cluster <- visu.env$features$label[id]
        if (is.null(visu.env$data.sample$config$signalColor)){
        	signalColor <- RclusTool.env$param$visu$palette.colors
        } else {
        	signalColor <- visu.env$data.sample$config$signalColor 
        if (is.null(visu.env$data.sample$profiles)){
        	visu.env$ProfileModeNumber <- 2
        if (visu.env$mem.mode)
            title.color <- RclusTool.env$param$visu$palette.colors[unclass(cluster)] #[unclass(label[id])] ??
            if (visu.env$ProfileModeNumber == 1){
        		plotProfile(visu.env$data.sample$profiles[[id]], profiles.colors=signalColor,
                    		NULL, title=paste("Observation", id), 
                    		sub=paste("in", cluster), sub.color=title.color, image.dir=NULL , charsize=fontsize)             
        	} else if (visu.env$ProfileModeNumber == 2){
        		plotProfile(NULL, profiles.colors=signalColor,
                    		visu.env$data.sample$images[id], title=paste("Observation", id), 
                    		sub=paste("in", cluster), sub.color=title.color, image.dir=visu.env$data.sample$files$images ,charsize=fontsize)             
			} else {
        		plotProfile(visu.env$data.sample$profiles[[id]], profiles.colors=signalColor,
                    		visu.env$data.sample$images[id], title=paste("Observation", id), 
                    		sub=paste("in", cluster), sub.color=title.color, image.dir=visu.env$data.sample$files$images, charsize=fontsize) 
        tkpack(tk.profile.mem, fill="x")

        } else

    # Menu functions 
    OnModifPlotMode <- function() {
        plot.mode.old <- visu.env$plot.mode
        visu.env$plot.mode <- tclvalue(tcl.plot.mode)

        visu.env$plotSampleFunction <- switch(visu.env$plot.mode,
                                      "variables density by cluster"=plotDensity2Dcall,
                                      "clusters summary"={
                                          if (!is.null(visu.env$cluster.summary)){
                                          } else {
                                              visu.env$plot.mode <- plot.mode.old
                                              tclvalue(tcl.plot.mode) <- visu.env$plot.mode

        visu.env$onScatterPlotMove <- function(x,y){}
        if (visu.env$plot.mode == "scatter-plot")
            visu.env$onScatterPlotMove <- OnMouseMove

        visibilityProfile() #hides/shows Profiles frame according to "cluster summary" mode or not

    OnModifFeaturesMode <- function() {
        visu.env$features.mode <- tclvalue(tcl.features.mode)
        tkdelete(tk.axis.menu, 0, "end")

        visu.env$features <- visu.env$data.sample$features[[visu.env$features.mode]]
        visu.env$features$x <- as.data.frame(visu.env$features$x)
        if (visu.env$features.mode=="initial")
            visu.env$features$x <- visu.env$features$x[sapply(visu.env$features$x,is.numeric)]

        visu.env$features$label <- visu.env$label[rownames(visu.env$features$x)]


    # Transform parameters button
    OnModifAxisH <- function() {OnModifAxisHV(Horizontal=TRUE)}
    OnModifAxisV <- function() {OnModifAxisHV(Horizontal=FALSE)}

    OnModifAxisHV <- function(Horizontal) {
        feat.names <- colnames(visu.env$features$x)
        if (!length(feat.names))

        if (Horizontal) {
            axis.name <- "Horizontal"
            feat.select <- visu.env$parH
        } else {
            axis.name <- "Vertical"
            feat.select <- visu.env$parV 

        # Create new window for the parameter transformation
        onmodiftt <- tktoplevel()
        tktitle(onmodiftt) <- paste("Select", axis.name, "axis")
        #Search the selected parameter
        tkgrid(tk2label(onmodiftt, text = "     "), row = 1, sticky = "w")

        # First listbox with all parameters
        feat.list <- tk2listbox(onmodiftt, selectmode = "single", activestyle = "dotbox", 
                                height = 10, width = 27, autoscroll = "none", background = "white")
        tkgrid(feat.list, row = 2, column = 0, rowspan = 4, sticky = "w")
        # Close selection window operation
        onClose <- function() {
        butClose <- tk2button(onmodiftt, text = "Close", width = -6, command = onClose)
        tkgrid(butClose, row = 5, column=1, columnspan = 2)

        for (feat in feat.names) {
            tkinsert(feat.list, "end", feat)

        OnFeatSelectH <- function()
            visu.env$parH <- feat.names[as.numeric(tkcurselection(feat.list)) + 1]

        OnFeatSelectV <- function()
            visu.env$parV <- feat.names[as.numeric(tkcurselection(feat.list)) + 1]

        # Initialize selection in the two listboxes
        tkselection.set(feat.list, which(feat.names==feat.select)-1)
        if (Horizontal) {
            tkbind(feat.list, "<ButtonRelease-1>", OnFeatSelectH)
        } else {
            tkbind(feat.list, "<ButtonRelease-1>", OnFeatSelectV)
    OnSimpleFeatSummary <- function(feat.name) {
        tclvalue(tcl.plot.mode) <- "clusters summary"
        visu.env$summary.feature <- paste("Result", feat.name)

    OnFeatFunSummary <- function() {
        tclvalue(tcl.plot.mode) <- "clusters summary"
        summary.names <- extractFeaturesFromSummary(visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$summary)
        summary.names1 <- summary.names$feats
        summary.names2  <- summary.names$funs
        if (!length(summary.names1))
        if (!is.null(visu.env$summary.feat.select) && !is.null(visu.env$summary.fun.select))  {
            summary.select1 <- visu.env$summary.feat.select 
            summary.select2 <- visu.env$summary.fun.select
        } else {
            summary.select1 <- summary.names1[1]
            summary.select2 <- summary.names2[1]
        # Create new window for the parameter transformation
        onmodifcl <- tktoplevel()
        tktitle(onmodifcl) <- paste("Select Cluster Summary")
        #Search the selected parameter
        tkgrid(tk2label(onmodifcl, text = "     "), row = 1, sticky = "w")
        # First listbox with all parameters
        tkgrid(tk2label(onmodifcl, text = "Select the feature", justify = "left"),
               row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "w")
        summary.list1 <- tk2listbox(onmodifcl, selectmode = "single", activestyle = "dotbox", 
                                    height = 10, width = 27, autoscroll = "none", background = "white")
        tkgrid(summary.list1, row = 1, column = 0, rowspan = 4, sticky = "w")
        # Second listbox with all parameters
        tkgrid(tk2label(onmodifcl, text = "Select the parameter", justify = "left"),
               row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "w")
        summary.list2 <- tk2listbox(onmodifcl, selectmode = "single", activestyle = "dotbox", 
                                    height = 10, width = 27, autoscroll = "none", background = "white")
        tkgrid(summary.list2, row = 1, column = 1, rowspan = 4, sticky = "w")
        # Close selection window operation
        onClose <- function() {
        butClose <- tk2button(onmodifcl, text = "Close", width = -6, command = onClose)
        tkgrid(butClose, row = 8, column=1, columnspan = 2)

        for (summary1 in summary.names1) {
            tkinsert(summary.list1, "end", summary1)
        for (summary2 in summary.names2) {
            tkinsert(summary.list2, "end", summary2)

        onSummarySelect <- function()
            visu.env$summary.feat.select <- summary.names1[as.numeric(tkcurselection(summary.list1)) + 1]
            visu.env$summary.fun.select <- summary.names2[as.numeric(tkcurselection(summary.list2)) + 1]
            value1 <- paste("Result", visu.env$summary.feat.select)
            visu.env$summary.feature <- paste(value1, visu.env$summary.fun.select, sep="...")

        # Initialize selection in the two listboxes
        tkselection.set(summary.list1, which(summary.names1==summary.select1)-1)
        tkselection.set(summary.list2, which(summary.names2==summary.select2)-1)
        tkbind(summary.list1, "<ButtonRelease-1>", onSummarySelect)
        tkbind(summary.list2, "<ButtonRelease-1>", onSummarySelect)  

    modifAxisUpdate <- function() {
        visu.env$features$x.2D <- visu.env$features$x[, c(visu.env$parH, visu.env$parV), drop=FALSE]
        visu.env$features$x.2D.logscale <- visu.env$features$x.2D #representation for plot functions with log scale

        logscale <- ""
        if (visu.env$features$logscale[visu.env$parH]) {
            logscale <- "x"
            visu.env$features$x.2D.logscale[,1] <- 10^visu.env$features$x.2D[,1]
        if (visu.env$features$logscale[visu.env$parV]) {
            logscale <- paste(logscale, "y", sep="")
            visu.env$features$x.2D.logscale[,2] <- 10^visu.env$features$x.2D[,2]
        visu.env$features$logscale.2D <- logscale

	# force rebuilding of the search tree
        visu.env$pts.search.tree <- NULL

    #without plotSample
    initAxis <- function() {
        pref.features <- NULL
        #if (visu.env$features.mode == "initial")

        # pref.features must be in colnames(features$x)!
        # (if preprocessed data, with "log" suffix...)
        # pref.features <- colnames(features$x)[grep(paste(visu.env$data.sample$config$defaultFeat, collapse = "|"), colnames(features$x))] #regular expression
        pref.features <- intersect(visu.env$data.sample$config$defaultFeat, colnames(visu.env$features$x))
        if (!is.null(pref.features) & (length(pref.features)>=2))
            names(pref.features)[1:2] <- c("parH","parV")
        #pref.features <- visu.env$data.sample$config$defaultFeat
        if ( is.null(pref.features) || (length(pref.features)<2)
            || !any(colnames(visu.env$features$x)==pref.features["parH"])
            || !any(colnames(visu.env$features$x)==pref.features["parV"]) )
            pref.features <- colnames(visu.env$features$x)[1:2]

        visu.env$parH <- pref.features[1]
        visu.env$parV <- pref.features[2]


    visibilityProfile <- function()
        # hide profiles
        if (visu.env$plot.mode != "scatter-plot")

        if (visu.env$profile.mode=="none") {
        tkpack(tk.profile.frame, side="left")

    OnModifProfileMode <- function() {
        new.mode <- tclvalue(tcl.profile.mode)

        # if new mode not possible
        if (!length(visu.env$prototypes) && ((new.mode=="prototypes"))){
            tclvalue(tcl.profile.mode) <- visu.env$profile.mode
        if (!length(visu.env$pairs.values) && ((new.mode=="constrained pairs"))){
            tclvalue(tcl.profile.mode) <- visu.env$profile.mode

        visu.env$profile.mode <- new.mode

        # select particles able to be selected -> visu.env$slider.values
               "whole sample"=sortCharAsNum(rownames(visu.env$features$x)), 
               "items with signal(s)"=sortCharAsNum(rownames(signals)),
               "items with image(s)"=sortCharAsNum(names(images)),
               "prototypes"= names(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][order(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]])]),
               "constrained pairs"=visu.env$pairs.values,
               { #default
                   cluster.num <- tclvalue(tcl.profile.mode)
               ) -> values

        # if no particles can be selected : go back
        if (!length(values)){
            visu.env$profile.mode <- "none"
            tclvalue(tcl.profile.mode) <- visu.env$profile.mode

        configureSliders(values) #settings BEFORE positioning !

        if (visu.env$profile.mode=="constrained pairs") {
        } else{

        if (visu.env$profile.mode=="none")


        tkpack(tk.profile.frame, side="left")

    # Slider functions 

    setSlidersId <- function(id, value=FALSE) {
        if (value)
            id <- match(id, visu.env$slider.values)
        slider.tune.max <- min(slider.max, length(visu.env$slider.values))
        val.big <- floor((id-1)/slider.tune.max)*slider.tune.max
        val.tune <-  id - val.big
        tclvalue(tcl.slider.big) <-  as.integer(val.big)
        tclvalue(tcl.slider.tune) <- as.integer(val.tune)

    getSlidersValue <- function(value=TRUE) {
        if (tclvalue(tcl.slider.tune)=="0")
            tclvalue(tcl.slider.tune) <- 1
        id <- as.integer(tclvalue(tcl.slider.big)) + as.integer(tclvalue(tcl.slider.tune))
        if (id > length(visu.env$slider.values)) {
            tclvalue(tcl.slider.tune) <-  length(visu.env$slider.values) - as.integer(tclvalue(tcl.slider.big))
            id <- length(visu.env$slider.values)
        switch(value+1, id, visu.env$slider.values[id])

    buildPtsSearchTree <- function()

        #search tree not useful => not computed
        if (is.element(visu.env$profile.mode, c("none", "constrained pairs")))

        #data required
        if (is.null(visu.env$features$x.2D.pixel) || !length(visu.env$slider.values))

        visu.env$pts.search.tree <- SearchTrees::createTree(visu.env$features$x.2D.pixel[visu.env$slider.values,,drop=FALSE])

    configureSliders <- function(values, reset=TRUE){
        visu.env$slider.values <- values
        slider.tune.max <- min(slider.max, length(visu.env$slider.values))
        slider.big.max <- (ceiling((length(visu.env$slider.values))/slider.tune.max)-1)*slider.tune.max
        tkconfigure(tk.slider.big, from=0, to=slider.big.max, res=slider.tune.max)
        tkconfigure(tk.slider.big.label, text=paste("big tuning\n(step = ", slider.tune.max, ")", sep=""))
        tkconfigure(tk.slider.tune, from=1, to=slider.tune.max, res=1)
        tkconfigure(tk.slider.tune.label, text=paste("fine tuning\n(from 1 to ", slider.tune.max,")", sep=""))

        if (!reset) {
            setSlidersId( getSlidersValue(value=FALSE), value=FALSE)
        } else {
            tclvalue(tcl.slider.big) <- 0
            tclvalue(tcl.slider.tune) <- 1

    #binded to tk.slider... Warning : button release dealt by OnPlotSample
    #updates profile.*.id and plot profiles
    OnSliderMove <- function(...) {
        if (visu.env$profile.mode=="constrained pairs") {
        } else {
            setProfileId("sel", getSlidersValue())
            setProfileId("fig", getSlidersValue())

    updateProfilesPlot <- function(names=c("fig","mem")) {
        if (is.element("fig", names))
        if (is.element("mem", names))

        if (visu.env$mem.mode) {
            pair.status <- ""
            pair <- c(visu.env$profile.id["sel"], visu.env$profile.id["mem"])
            w <- which.pair(pair, visu.env$pairs.values)
            if (!is.null(w))
                pair.status <- switch(2+visu.env$pairs.constraints[w], "CNL","", "ML")
            tkconfigure(tk.pairs.label, text=paste(pair.status, "Pair", paste(pair,

        if (selection.mode=="prototypes"){
            w <- visu.env$profile.id["sel"]
            if (!is.na(w))
                cluster <- NA
                if (length(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]]))
                	cluster <- visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][w]
                if (is.na(cluster))
                    cluster <- as.character(visu.env$features$label[w])
                tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label) <- cluster

    # Pairs functions 

    setMemMode <-function(bool) {
        visu.env$mem.mode <- bool
        if (!visu.env$mem.mode) {
        } else
            tkpack(tk.profile.mem, fill="x")

    OnMemHide <- function() {
    ChangeProfileMode <- function() {
        if (visu.env$ProfileModeNumber < 3){
            visu.env$ProfileModeNumber <- visu.env$ProfileModeNumber + 1
        } else {
            visu.env$ProfileModeNumber <- 1

    OnMem <- function() {
        setProfileId("mem", visu.env$profile.id["sel"]) 

    OnML <- function() {
        if (!visu.env$mem.mode)
            return() # message
        pair <- c(visu.env$profile.id["sel"], visu.env$profile.id["mem"])
        w <- which.pair(pair, visu.env$pairs.values)
        if (is.null(w)){
            visu.env$pairs.values <- c(visu.env$pairs.values, list(pair))
            visu.env$pairs.constraints <- c(visu.env$pairs.constraints, +1)
        } else
            visu.env$pairs.constraints[w] <- +1
        tkconfigure(tk.pairs.label, text=paste("ML", "Pair", paste(pair, collapse=",")))

    OnCNL <- function() {
        if (!visu.env$mem.mode)
            return() # message
        pair <- c(visu.env$profile.id["sel"], visu.env$profile.id["mem"])
        w <- which.pair(pair, visu.env$pairs.values)
        if (is.null(w)){
            visu.env$pairs.values <- c(visu.env$pairs.values, list(pair))
            visu.env$pairs.constraints <- c(visu.env$pairs.constraints, -1)
        } else
            visu.env$pairs.constraints[w] <- -1
        tkconfigure(tk.pairs.label, text=paste("CNL", "Pair", paste(pair, collapse=",")))

    OnCancelPair <- function() {
        if (!visu.env$mem.mode)
            return() # message
        pair <- c(visu.env$profile.id["sel"], visu.env$profile.id["mem"])
        w <- which.pair(pair, visu.env$pairs.values)
        if (!is.null(w)){
            visu.env$pairs.values <- visu.env$pairs.values[-w]
            visu.env$pairs.constraints <- visu.env$pairs.constraints[-w]
        tkconfigure(tk.pairs.label, text=paste("Pair", paste(pair, collapse=",")))
        if (visu.env$profile.mode=="constrained pairs"){
            if (!length(visu.env$pairs.values)) {
                tclvalue(tcl.profile.mode) <- "none"
            } else {
                configureSliders(visu.env$pairs.values, reset=FALSE) #settings BEFORE positioning !

    OnValidPairs <- function() {

    which.pair <- function(pair, list.of.pairs) {
        is.equal <- sapply(list.of.pairs, function(x) length(intersect(x, pair))==2)
        if (!length(is.equal))
        res <- which(is.equal)
        if (!length(res))

    # Prototypes functions 

    OnRenameCluster <- function() {
        id <- visu.env$profile.id["sel"]
        if (!nchar(tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label))) {
            tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label) <- as.character(visu.env$label[id])

        if (!is.na(id)){ ###A verifier
            levels(visu.env$label)[which(levels(visu.env$label)==visu.env$label[id])] <- tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label)
            visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$label <- visu.env$label

    OnSelectProto <- function() {
        id <- visu.env$profile.id["sel"]
        if (!nchar(tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label))) {
            tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label) <- as.character(visu.env$label[id])

        if (is.na(id)){ ###A verifier
            visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]] <- c(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]], tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label))
            names(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]])[length(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]])] <- id
        } else {
            visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][id] <- tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label)
            levels(visu.env$label)[which(levels(visu.env$label)==visu.env$label[id])] <- tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label)
            visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$label <- visu.env$label

    OnCancelProto <- function() {
        id <- visu.env$profile.id["sel"]
        if (!is.na(id)){
            visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]] <- visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][names(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]]) != id]
            if (visu.env$profile.mode=="prototypes"){
                if (!length(visu.env$prototypes)) {
                    tclvalue(tcl.profile.mode) <- "none"
                } else {
                    configureSliders(names(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][order(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$label)]), reset=FALSE) #settings BEFORE positioning !

    OnLeaveProto <- function() {
        id <- visu.env$profile.id["sel"]
        if (!is.na(id) && nchar(tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label))&&(!is.na(visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][id]))){
            #prototypes[w] <- tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label)
            visu.env$prototypes[[visu.env$clustering.name]][id] <- tclvalue(visu.env$tcl.proto.label)

    # File clustering functions 

    OnModifClusteringMode <- function() {
        visu.env$previous.clustering.name <- visu.env$clustering.name
        visu.env$clustering.name <- tclvalue(tcl.clustering.mode)

        if (visu.env$clustering.name=="import clustering"){
            filename.csv <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(initialfile = "",
                                                   filetypes="{{csv Files} {.csv .CSV}}"))
            res <- buildClusteringSample(filename.csv, visu.env$data.sample, RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$noise.cluster)
            if ( !is.null(res) ) {
                visu.env$clustering.name <- basename(filename.csv)
                visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]] <- res
                visu.env$data.sample$clustering <-
            } else {
                visu.env$clustering.name <- names(visu.env$data.sample$clustering[1])
        tclvalue(tcl.clustering.mode) <- visu.env$clustering.name

        visu.env$label <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$label
        visu.env$cluster.summary <- visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$summary

        if (visu.env$previous.clustering.name!=visu.env$clustering.name)
            visu.env$previous.clustering.name <- visu.env$previous.clustering.name


    OnModifCompareMode <- function() {
        visu.env$compare.mode <- tclvalue(tcl.compare.mode)

        if (is.null(visu.env$previous.clustering.name) || (visu.env$previous.clustering.name == visu.env$clustering.name)) {
            visu.env$compare.mode <- "off"
            tclvalue(tcl.compare.mode) <- visu.env$compare.mode

        if (visu.env$compare.mode=="off") {
        } else {
            if (visu.env$compare.mode=="comparison measure") {
                warning("Function not implemented yet.")
                #compareClusterings(visu.env$data.sample, c(visu.env$clustering.name, visu.env$previous.clustering.name))
                visu.env$compare.mode <- "on" # env assignment should be better.
                tclvalue(tcl.compare.mode) <- visu.env$compare.mode

            tkpack(tk.plot.compare.frame, side="left", anchor="n")

    OnExportClustering <- function() {
        filename.init <- paste("clustering ", RclusTool.env$gui$user.name, " ",
                               visu.env$clustering.name, ".csv", sep="")

        rep.init <- visu.env$data.sample$files$results$clustering

        params <- list(initialfile = filename.init, initialdir = rep.init,
                                               filetypes="{{csv Files} {.csv .CSV}}")
        if (!length(rep.init))
            params$initialdir <- NULL

        filename.csv <- tclvalue(do.call(tkgetSaveFile, params))
		rep.final <- substr(filename.csv, 1, (nchar(filename.csv)-nchar(basename(filename.csv)))-1)
        # saveClustering(filename.csv, label=visu.env$label, id.abs=rownames(visu.env$data.sample$features[[1]]$x))
        saveClustering(filename.init, label=visu.env$label, dir=rep.final)
        visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]] <- buildClusteringSample(filename.csv, visu.env$data.sample, RclusTool.env$param$preprocess$noise.cluster)

    OnExportSummary <- function() {
        if (is.null(visu.env$cluster.summary)) {
            tkmessageBox(message="First, select a clustering.")

        filename.init <- paste(visu.env$data.sample$name, " summary ", RclusTool.env$gui$user.name, " ",
                               visu.env$clustering.name, ".csv", sep="")

        rep.init <- visu.env$data.sample$files$results$clustering

        params <- list(initialfile = filename.init, initialdir = rep.init,
                                               filetypes="{{csv Files} {.csv .CSV}}")
        if (!length(rep.init))
            params$initialdir <- NULL

        filename.csv <- tclvalue(do.call(tkgetSaveFile, params))
        rep.final <- substr(filename.csv, 1, (nchar(filename.csv)-nchar(basename(filename.csv)))-1)

        #     saveSummary(filename.csv=filename.csv, cluster.summary=visu.env$cluster.summary,
        #                 data.sample=visu.env$data.sample, operator.name=RclusTool.env$gui$user.name, method.name=visu.env$clustering.name)
        saveSummary(filename.csv=filename.init, cluster.summary=visu.env$cluster.summary, dir=rep.final)

    # OnCountItems <- function() {
    #   if (is.character(visu.env$data.sample$files$images)) {
    #     #dev.off()
    #     countItemsSampleGUI(visu.env$data.sample, RclusTool.env=RclusTool.env)
    #   } else 
    #     tkmessageBox(message = "No images to process!", icon = "warning", type = "ok")
    # }
    # OnApplyItems <- function() {
    #   computeItemsSampleGUI(visu.env$data.sample, method.select = visu.env$clustering.name, RclusTool.env=RclusTool.env)
    # }

    # GUI 
    tt <- tktoplevel(bg="white");
    tkwm.title(tt,"Sample visualization")

    #  tkwm.geometry(tt,"670x680+0+0")

    #definition of menus

    buildMenuInitialFeatures <- function() {
        tkdelete(tk.axis.menu, 0, "end")
        tkadd(tk.axis.menu, "command", label=paste("H-axis:",visu.env$parH), command=cat)
        tkadd(tk.axis.menu, "command", label=paste("V-axis:",visu.env$parV), command=cat)
        tkadd(tk.axis.menu, "command", label="Modify H-axis", command=OnModifAxisH)
        tkadd(tk.axis.menu, "command", label="Modify V-axis", command=OnModifAxisV)

    buildMenuProfileMode <- function() {
        tkdelete(tk.profile.mode.menu, 0, "end")

        tkadd(tk.profile.mode.menu, "radio", label="none", variable=tcl.profile.mode,
        tkadd(tk.profile.mode.menu, "radio", label="whole sample", variable=tcl.profile.mode,
        tkadd(tk.profile.mode.menu, "radio", label="items with signal(s)", variable=tcl.profile.mode,
        tkadd(tk.profile.mode.menu, "radio", label="items with image(s)", variable=tcl.profile.mode,
        #  if (!is.null(prototype.ids))
        tkadd(tk.profile.mode.menu, "radio", label="prototypes", variable=tcl.profile.mode,
        tkadd(tk.profile.mode.menu, "radio", label="constrained pairs", variable=tcl.profile.mode,
        for (lev in levels(visu.env$label))
            tkadd(tk.profile.mode.menu, "radio", label=lev, variable=tcl.profile.mode,

    buildMenuSummary <- function(){
        tkdelete(tk.summary.mode.menu, 0, "end")
        summary.feats <- extractFeaturesFromSummary(visu.env$data.sample$clustering[[visu.env$clustering.name]]$summary)

        if (!is.null(summary)){
            for (s in summary.feats$simple.feats)
                tkadd(tk.summary.mode.menu, "command", label=s, command=function(){ OnSimpleFeatSummary(s)})
            tkadd(tk.summary.mode.menu, "command", label="Select Your Parameters", command=OnFeatFunSummary)
    buildMenuClustering <- function() {
        tkdelete(tk.clustering.menu, 0, "end")

        tkadd(tk.clustering.menu, "radio", label="import clustering", variable=tcl.clustering.mode,
        tkadd(tk.clustering.menu, "command", label="export clustering", command=OnExportClustering)
        tkadd(tk.clustering.menu, "command", label="export summary", command=OnExportSummary)
        # tkadd(tk.clustering.menu, "command", label="count items from images", command=OnCountItems)
        # tkadd(tk.clustering.menu, "command", label="apply items counts models", command=OnApplyItems)

        for (name in names(visu.env$data.sample$clustering)) 
            tkadd(tk.clustering.menu, "radio", label=name, variable=tcl.clustering.mode,

    tk.topmenu <- tkmenu(tt, tearoff=FALSE)
    tkconfigure(tt, menu=tk.topmenu)
    tkconfigure(tk.topmenu, font=visu.env$tk.font) 
    tk.plot.mode.menu <- tkmenu(tk.topmenu, tearoff=FALSE)
    tkconfigure(tk.plot.mode.menu, font=visu.env$tk.font) 
    tkadd(tk.topmenu, "cascade", label="Plot type", menu=tk.plot.mode.menu)
    tkadd(tk.plot.mode.menu, "radio", label="scatter-plot", variable=tcl.plot.mode,
          value="scatter-plot", command=OnModifPlotMode)
    tkadd(tk.plot.mode.menu, "radio", label="density-plot", variable=tcl.plot.mode,
          value="density-plot", command=OnModifPlotMode)
    tkadd(tk.plot.mode.menu, "radio", label="clusters summary", variable=tcl.plot.mode,
          value="clusters summary", command=OnModifPlotMode)
    tkadd(tk.plot.mode.menu, "radio", label="variables density by cluster", variable=tcl.plot.mode,
          value="variables density by cluster", command=OnModifPlotMode)
    tk.features.mode.menu <- tkmenu(tk.topmenu, tearoff=FALSE)
    tkconfigure(tk.features.mode.menu, font=visu.env$tk.font) 
    tkadd(tk.topmenu, "cascade", label="Features space", menu=tk.features.mode.menu)
    for (name in sortCharAsNum(names(visu.env$data.sample$features)))
        tkadd(tk.features.mode.menu, "radio", label=featSpaceNameConvert(name, short2long=TRUE, RclusTool.env), variable=tcl.features.mode,
              value=name, command=OnModifFeaturesMode)
    tk.axis.menu <- tkmenu(tk.topmenu, tearoff=FALSE)
    tkconfigure(tk.axis.menu, font=visu.env$tk.font) 
    tkadd(tk.topmenu, "cascade", label="Scatter Plot-axis", menu=tk.axis.menu)

    if (!is.null(visu.env$cluster.summary)) {
        tk.summary.mode.menu <- tkmenu(tk.topmenu, tearoff=FALSE)
        tkconfigure(tk.summary.mode.menu, font=visu.env$tk.font) 
        tkadd(tk.topmenu, "cascade", label="Clusters summaries", menu=tk.summary.mode.menu)

    tk.profile.mode.menu <- tkmenu(tk.topmenu, tearoff=FALSE)
    tkconfigure(tk.profile.mode.menu, font=visu.env$tk.font) 
    tkadd(tk.topmenu, "cascade", label="Signals/Images view", menu=tk.profile.mode.menu)

    tk.clustering.menu <- tkmenu(tk.topmenu, tearoff=FALSE)
    tkconfigure(tk.clustering.menu, font=visu.env$tk.font) 
    tkadd(tk.topmenu, "cascade", label="Clustering", menu=tk.clustering.menu)

    tk.compare.menu <- tkmenu(tk.topmenu, tearoff=FALSE)
    tkconfigure(tk.compare.menu, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tkadd(tk.topmenu, "cascade", label="Comparison", menu=tk.compare.menu)
    tkadd(tk.compare.menu, "radio", label="off", variable=tcl.compare.mode,
          value="off", command=OnModifCompareMode)
    tkadd(tk.compare.menu, "radio", label="on", variable=tcl.compare.mode,
          value="on", command=OnModifCompareMode)
    #tkadd(tk.compare.menu, "radio", label="comparison measure", variable=tcl.compare.mode,
    #      value="comparison measure", command=OnModifCompareMode)


    #frames and figures
    tk.plot.frame <- tkframe(tt, bg="white")
    tk.profile.frame <- tkframe(tt, bg="white")
    visu.env$plotSampleFunction <- function(...){plot(1)}
    tk.plot.fig <- tkrplot.RclusTool(tk.plot.frame, fun=plotSample, hscale=RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale+0.4, vscale=RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale+0.2)
    tkbind(tk.plot.fig, "<Motion>", OnMovePlotFun)
    tkbind(tk.plot.fig, "<Button-1>", OnMouseClick)
    tkbind(tk.plot.fig, "<Leave>", OnLeavePlot)

    tk.plot.compare.frame <- tkframe(tt, bg="white")
    tk.plot.compare.fig <- tkrplot.RclusTool(tk.plot.compare.frame, fun=plotSampleCompare, hscale=RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale+0.4, vscale=RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale+0.2)

    tk.profile.fig <- tkrplot(tk.profile.frame, fun=OnPlotProfile, hscale=(RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale)*RclusTool.env$param$visu$scale.graphics, vscale=0.6*RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale*RclusTool.env$param$visu$scale.graphics)
    tk.profile.mem <- tkrplot(tk.profile.frame, fun=OnPlotProfile2, hscale=(RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale)*RclusTool.env$param$visu$scale.graphics, vscale=0.6*RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale*RclusTool.env$param$visu$scale.graphics)
    tk.slider.frame <- tkframe(tk.profile.frame, bg="white")
    tk.slider.left.frame <- tkframe(tk.slider.frame, bg="white")
    tk.slider.center.frame <- tkframe(tk.slider.frame, bg="white")
    tk.slider.right.frame <- tkframe(tk.slider.frame, bg="white")
    tk.slider.big <- tkscale(tk.slider.center.frame, length=450, bg="white",
                             showvalue=TRUE, variable=tcl.slider.big, orient="horizontal")
    tk.slider.tune <- tkscale(tk.slider.center.frame, length=450, bg="white",
                              showvalue=TRUE, variable=tcl.slider.tune, orient="horizontal")
    tk.slider.tune.label <- tklabel(tk.slider.right.frame, text="fine tuning", fg="black", bg="white", font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.slider.big.label <- tklabel(tk.slider.right.frame, text="big tuning", fg="black", bg="white", font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tkbind(tk.slider.big, "<ButtonRelease-1>", OnPlotSample) #Sample plotted only when mouse released
    tkbind(tk.slider.big, "<ButtonRelease-2>", OnPlotSample) #Sample plotted only when mouse released
    tkbind(tk.slider.tune, "<ButtonRelease-1>", OnPlotSample)
    tkbind(tk.slider.tune, "<ButtonRelease-2>", OnPlotSample)
    tk.mem.but <- tkbutton(tk.slider.left.frame, text="MR", command=OnMem, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.mem.hide.but <- tkbutton(tk.slider.left.frame, text="MC", command=OnMemHide, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.change.profile.mode <- tkbutton(tk.slider.left.frame, text="CPM", command=ChangeProfileMode, font=visu.env$tk.font)

    tk.pairs.frame <- tkframe(tk.plot.frame, bg="white")
    tk.pairs.valid.but <- tkbutton(tk.pairs.frame, text="Valid set of pairs", command=OnValidPairs, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.pairs.buts.frame <- tkframe(tk.pairs.frame, bg="white")
    tk.pairs.label <- tklabel(tk.pairs.buts.frame, bg="white", fg="black", width=20, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.pairs.ML.but <- tkbutton(tk.pairs.buts.frame, text="ML Pair", command=OnML, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.pairs.CNL.but <- tkbutton(tk.pairs.buts.frame, text="CNL Pair", command=OnCNL, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.pairs.cancel.but <- tkbutton(tk.pairs.buts.frame, text="Cancel pair", command=OnCancelPair, font=visu.env$tk.font)

    tk.protos.frame <- tkframe(tk.plot.frame, bg="white")
    #tk.protos.valid.but <- tkbutton(tk.protos.frame, text="Valid set\nof protos", command=OnValidPairs)
    tk.protos.buts.frame <- tkframe(tk.protos.frame, bg="white")
    tk.protos.entry <- tkentry(tk.protos.frame, textvariable=visu.env$tcl.proto.label, width=50,
                               justify="left", fg="black", bg="white", font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.cluster.rename.but <- tkbutton(tk.protos.buts.frame, text="Rename\ncluster", command=OnRenameCluster, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.protos.select.but <- tkbutton(tk.protos.buts.frame, text="Select\nproto", command=OnSelectProto, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tk.protos.cancel.but <- tkbutton(tk.protos.buts.frame, text="Cancel\nproto", command=OnCancelProto, font=visu.env$tk.font)
    tkbind(tk.protos.entry, "<Leave>", OnLeaveProto)

    tkpack(tklabel(tk.plot.frame, text=visu.env$data.sample$name, fg="black",
                   bg="white", wraplength=600, font=visu.env$tk.font), fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.plot.fig, fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.plot.frame, side="left")

    tkpack(tklabel(tk.plot.compare.frame, text=visu.env$data.sample$name, fg="black",
                   bg="white", wraplength=600, font=visu.env$tk.font), fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.plot.compare.fig, fill="x")
    if (visu.env$compare.mode!="off")
        tkpack(tk.plot.compare.frame, side="left", anchor="n")

    tkpack(tk.profile.fig, fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.slider.big, fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.slider.tune, fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.mem.but, fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.mem.hide.but, fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.change.profile.mode, fill="x")
    tkpack(tk.slider.left.frame, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.slider.center.frame, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.slider.right.frame, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.slider.frame, fill="x")
    #  tkpack(tk.profile.mem, sticky="n") #hidden

    tkpack(tk.pairs.buts.frame, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.pairs.valid.but, side="right")
    tkpack(tk.pairs.label, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.pairs.ML.but, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.pairs.cancel.but, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.pairs.CNL.but, side="left")
    if (selection.mode=="pairs")
        tkpack(tk.pairs.frame, fill="x")

    tkpack(tk.protos.entry, side="left", padx=4)
    tkpack(tk.protos.buts.frame, side="right")
    #tkpack(tk.protos.valid.but, side="right")
    tkpack(tk.cluster.rename.but, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.protos.select.but, side="left")
    tkpack(tk.protos.cancel.but, side="left")
    if (selection.mode=="prototypes")
        tkpack(tk.protos.frame, fill="x")

    #    tkpack(tk.profile.frame, side="right", padx=10, ipadx=10)


    #horizontal axis - modification of feature
    #  ttt <- tkframe(tt)
    #  tkgrid(ttt, row=0, column=0, sticky="nw", padx=10)
    #  tkgrid(tklabel(ttt, text="Feature - First axis"), sticky="n")
    #  for (i in 1:length(feat)) {
    #    but <- tkradiobutton(ttt)
    #    tkconfigure(but, variable=featH.var, text=feat[i], value=feat[i], command=OnModif)
    #    tkgrid(but, sticky="w")
    #  }

    #  OnOK <- function(){
    #  	tkdestroy(tt)
    #  }
    #  OK.but <- tkbutton(tt,text="End",command=OnOK)
    #  tkgrid(OK.but,row=14,column=1)

    #default vizualisation
    if ((selection.mode!="none")||wait.close)
        tkwait.window(tt) ## A COMMENTER POUR LES TESTS


#' analyzePlot creates specific plot for data exploration/analysis.
#' @title Plot for data exploration/analysis
#' @description Create some specific plots for data exploration/analysis.
#' @param nb notebook in which the analyze plot will be added.
#' @param data.sample list containing features, profiles and clustering results.
#' @param selectedVar character vector containing the selected variables names to analyze.
#' @param type character vector specifying the analysis type. Must be 'boxplot', 'gapSE', 'histo', 'pcaCorr' or 'pcaVar'.
#' @param hscale numeric value corresponding to the horizontal scale of graphic.
#' @param K.max maximal number of clusters (K.Max=20 by default).
#' @param fontsize size of font (fontsize=11 by default).
#' @return None
#' @importFrom graphics barplot par layout boxplot title hist plot arrows text axis abline mtext box
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom corrplot corrplot
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @import factoextra
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' mainWindow <- tktoplevel()
#' tktitle(mainWindow) <- "Barplot clustering"  
#' mainWindow$env$nb <- tk2notebook(mainWindow, tabs = c())
#' tkpack(mainWindow$env$nb, fill="both", expand= TRUE)
#' analyzePlot(mainWindow$env$nb, x, selectedVar="x", type="boxplot")
#' @keywords internal
analyzePlot <- function(nb, data.sample, selectedVar, type = "boxplot", hscale = 1.2, K.max=20, fontsize=11) {
    datTemp <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[data.sample$id.clean,
                                                        which(colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x) %in% selectedVar)]
    # Check if all values are numeric
    if (all(sapply(datTemp, is.numeric))) {
        # Boxplot for selected parameter
        if (type == "boxplot") {
        tk2add.notetab(nb, "    Statistics    ", "Statistics")
        tk2draw.notetab(nb, "Statistics", hscale = hscale,
        function() { 
        						opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
                                graphics::par(bg = "white", oma = c(0,2,2,0))
                                graphics::layout(matrix(c(1,2), 1, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths=c(1.5,2.5))
                                bp <- graphics::boxplot(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[data.sample$id.clean, 
                                              which(colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x) %in% selectedVar)], 
                                main = NULL, ylab = "Values", outline = FALSE, col="black")
                                graphics::title(sub = paste("Max: ", toString(signif(bp$stats[5], digits = 5)), 
                                                  "\n3rd quartile: ", toString(signif(bp$stats[4], digits = 5)),
                                                  "\nMedian: ", toString(signif(bp$stats[3], digits = 5)), 
                                                  "\n1st quartile: ", toString(signif(bp$stats[2], digits = 5)), 
                                                  "\nMin: ", toString(signif(bp$stats[1], digits = 5)), "\n", sep = ""), 
                                      adj = 1, font.sub = 1, cex.sub = 0.8)

                                     which(colnames(data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x) %in% selectedVar)], 
                                main = NULL, xlab = "Values", col="black")
                                graphics::title(selectedVar, outer=TRUE)

        # Correlation circle from PCA for selected parameters
        if (type == "pcaCorr") {
            res.pca <- data.sample$features[[selectedVar]]$save
            tk2add.notetab(nb, "    PCA Correlation    ", "pcaCorr")
            tk2draw.notetab(nb, "pcaCorr", hscale = hscale,
                             function() { 
										p <- factoextra::fviz_pca_var(res.pca,
             							col.var = "contrib", 
             							gradient.cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
             							repel = TRUE)
             							p <- p + ggplot2::theme(text = element_text(size = fontsize),
        									 axis.title = element_text(size = fontsize),
        									 axis.text = element_text(size = fontsize))

        # Variances from PCA for selected parameters
        if (type == "pcaVar") {
            eig <- (data.sample$features[[selectedVar]]$sdev)^2
            variance <- eig*100/sum(eig)
            df=data.frame(Variance=variance ,CumVariance=cumsum(variance))
            tk2add.notetab(nb, "    PCA Variance    ", "pcaVar")
            tk2draw.notetab(nb, "pcaVar", hscale = hscale,
                            function() {
                            	opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
                                xcoord <- seq(0.7, length(variance) * 1.2, by = 1.2)
                                graphics::par(bg = "white", mar = c(4,4,1,4)+.1)
                                bp <- graphics::barplot(variance, ylab = "Percentage of variance (%)", 
                                              xlim = c(0.2, xcoord[length(variance)]), col = "black")
                                graphics::axis(side = 1, at = bp, labels = paste("PC", 1:length(variance)))
                                graphics::par(new = TRUE)
                                graphics::plot(bp, cumsum(variance), xlim = c(0.2, xcoord[length(variance)]), 
                                     type = "o", col = "red", ylim = c(0, 100), lwd = 3, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
                                graphics::axis(side = 4, col = "red", col.axis = "red")
                                graphics::mtext("Cumulative variance (%)", side = 4, line = 3, col = "red")

        # Gap and K estimated from Spectral Embedding
        if (type == "gapSE") {
            length.eig <- length(data.sample$features[[selectedVar]]$eig)
            eig <- data.sample$features[[selectedVar]]$eig[1:min(length.eig)]
            gap <- data.sample$features[[selectedVar]]$gap
            tk2add.notetab(nb, "    Gap Spectral    ", "gapSE")
            tk2draw.notetab(nb, "gapSE", hscale = hscale,
                            function() {
                                opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
                                graphics::par(bg = "white")
                                graphics::plot(eig, type = "o", col = "blue", lwd = 3, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE)
                                graphics::abline(v = which.max(gap), lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "darkred")
                                graphics::abline(h = eig[which.max(gap)], lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "darkred")
                                graphics::axis(side = 1, at = c(seq(0,K.max, by=5), which.max(gap)), 
                                     labels = c(seq(0,K.max, by=5), which.max(gap)), cex.axis = .7)
                                graphics::axis(side = 2, at = c(min(eig),max(eig)), 
                                     labels = c(signif(min(eig),2), max(eig)), las = 2, cex.axis = .7)
                                graphics::text(x = which.max(gap), y = max(eig)-0.01, "K", srt = 0, pos = 4, cex = .7, col = "darkred")
                                graphics::mtext("Index", side = 1, line = 3, col = "black")
                                graphics::mtext("Eigenvalue", side = 2, line = 3, col = "black")
        # Correlation circle
        if (type == "Corr") {
        	data <- data.sample$features[["preprocessed"]]$x[data.sample$id.clean,selectedVar]
            M <- stats::cor(data)
            p.mat <- NULL
            title.mat <- "Correlation matrix"
        	expr = {
				p.mat <- cor.mtest(M)
				title.mat <- "Correlation matrix (p-value 5%)"
        	error = function(e){
        		if (grepl('not enough finite observations',as.character(e))==TRUE){
       				message("Not compatible with p-value test : not enough finite observations")
            tk2add.notetab(nb, "    Correlations    ", "Corr")
            tk2draw.notetab(nb, "Corr", hscale = hscale,
                             function() { 
                                 col <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#BB4444", "#EE9988", "#FFFFFF", "#77AADD", "#4477AA"))
                                 if (length(selectedVar) > 12){
                                 	corrplot::corrplot(M, type="upper", order="hclust", col=col(200),  
         									 p.mat = p.mat, sig.level = 0.05, insig = "blank", tl.col="black",
         									 diag=FALSE,title= title.mat, mar=c(0,0,1,0), tl.cex= fontsize/11, cl.cex = fontsize/11, number.cex=fontsize/11)
                                 } else {
								 	corrplot::corrplot(M, method="color", col=col(200),  
         						 	type="upper", order="hclust", 
         						 	addCoef.col = "black",
         						 	tl.col="black", tl.srt=45, 
        						 	p.mat = p.mat, sig.level = 0.05, insig = "blank", 
         						 	diag=FALSE, title= title.mat, mar=c(0,0,1,0), tl.cex= fontsize/11, cl.cex = fontsize/11, number.cex=fontsize/11)
    } else {
        tkmessageBox(message = "Non numeric value(s) in the selected parameter(s)!", icon = "warning", type = "ok")

#' cor.mtest Correlation test on correlation matrix.
#' @title Correlation test.
#' @description Display the abundances barplot of a clustering.
#' @param mat correlation matrix
#' @return matrix with p-values.
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @references \url{http://www.sthda.com/french/wiki/visualiser-une-matrice-de-correlation-par-un-correlogramme}
#' @keywords internal

cor.mtest <- function(mat) {
    mat <- as.matrix(mat)
    n <- ncol(mat)
    p.mat<- matrix(NA, n, n)
    diag(p.mat) <- 0
    for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):n) {
            tmp <- stats::cor.test(mat[, i], mat[, j])
            p.mat[i, j] <- p.mat[j, i] <- tmp$p.value
  colnames(p.mat) <- rownames(p.mat) <- colnames(mat)

#' abdPlotTabs displays the abundances barplot of a set of clusterings in Tk tabs of a notebook.
#' @title Abundances barplots inside Tk tabs.
#' @description Display the abundances barplot of a clustering.
#' @param clusterings clustering list.
#' @param nb a notebook.
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which all global parameters, raw data and results are stored.
#' @param hscale numeric value corresponding to the horizontal scale of graphic.
#' @return None
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' mainWindow <- tktoplevel()
#' tktitle(mainWindow) <- "Barplot clustering"  
#' mainWindow$env$nb <- tk2notebook(mainWindow, tabs = c())
#' tkpack(mainWindow$env$nb, fill="both", expand= TRUE)
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' method <- "K-means"
#' x <- computeUnSupervised(x, K=3, method.name=method)
#' abdPlotTabs(x$clustering, mainWindow$env$nb)
#' @keywords internal
abdPlotTabs <- function(clusterings, nb, RclusTool.env=initParameters(), hscale=NULL)
    if (is.null(hscale))
        hscale <- 1.2

    num.cluster <- 0
    for (title in names(clusterings))
        if (title == "no-clustering")
        num.cluster <- num.cluster + 1
        label <- clusterings[[title]]$label
        text <- paste("", as.character(num.cluster),"")
        tk2add.notetab(nb, text, as.character(num.cluster))

        tk2draw.notetab(nb, as.character(num.cluster), hscale= hscale,
                        function() abdPlot(label, title, point.param=RclusTool.env$param$visu$palette.colors))

#' abdPlotTabsGUI calls abdPlotTabs to display the abundances barplot of the clusterings of the current RclusTool.env$data.sample, inside the GUI.
#' @title Abundances barplots inside Tk tabs.
#' @description Display the abundances barplot of a clustering.
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which all global parameters, raw data and results are stored.
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal
abdPlotTabsGUI <- function(RclusTool.env=initParameters())
    clusterings <- RclusTool.env$data.sample$clustering
    nb <- RclusTool.env$gui$win2$env$nb
    hscale <- RclusTool.env$param$visu$hscale

    if (!is.null(clusterings) && !is.null(nb))
        abdPlotTabs(clusterings, nb, RclusTool.env, hscale=hscale)
#' abdPlot displays the abundances barplot of a clustering.
#' @title Abundances barplot
#' @description Display the abundances barplot of a clustering.
#' @param label factor describing the clustering.
#' @param title naming the graph.
#' @param charsize character size
#' @param point.param specifying the colors and the symbols to use for clusters display.
#' @return None
#' @importFrom grDevices colors
#' @importFrom graphics par barplot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples 
#' dat <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2), 
#'              matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
#' colnames(dat) <- c("x","y")
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' write.table(dat, tf, sep=",", dec=".")
#' x <- importSample(file.features=tf)
#' x <- computeUnSupervised(x, K=3, method.name='K-means')
#' abdPlot(x[["clustering"]][["K-means_preprocessed"]][["label"]], 'K-means_preprocessed')
#' @keywords internal
abdPlot <- function(label, title, charsize=11, point.param=c("grey","black","red","blue","green","cyan", "yellow","orange",
                                     "rosybrown","palevioletred","darkblue","deeppink","blueviolet", 'darkgoldenrod1', 'chartreuse',
                                     "darkorchid1", "deeppink", "coral", "darkolivegreen1","#66C2A5","#9DAE8C","#D49A73","#F08F6D",
	p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, aes(factor(label),fill=label)) + ggplot2::geom_bar() + ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(drop=FALSE) 
	p <- p + ggplot2::xlab("") + ggplot2::ylab("Abundances")
	p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(title)
	p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 
	p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size=11))
	p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=point.param[1:length(l)], drop=FALSE)
	p <- p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position='none')
	p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = charsize))
	p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = charsize))
	p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = charsize))

#' ElbowPlot displays the Elbow plot after a clustering step.
#' @title Elbow Plot.
#' @description Display the Elbow Plot after a clustering step.
#' @param nb tk-notebook in which the Elbow plot will be made.
#' @param method.space.name complete name of space.
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which data and intermediate results are stored.
#' @param hscale numeric value corresponding to the horizontal scale of graphic
#' @param charsize character size
#' @return None
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal

ElbowPlot <- function(nb, method.space.name, RclusTool.env, hscale= 1.2, charsize=11) {

	df=data.frame(K= 1:length(Within) , Within=Within)
    tk2add.notetab(nb, "    Elbow    ", "Elbow")
    tk2draw.notetab(nb, "Elbow", hscale= hscale,
        						function() { 
        									expr = {
												p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=K, y=Within))
												p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(size=1) + geom_point()
												p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=(col))
												p <- p + ggplot2::xlab("K") + ggplot2::ylab("Withins tot")
												p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5))
												p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste('Elbow', method.space.name, sep=" "))
												p <- p + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = K, linetype="dashed", color = "red", size=1.5)
												p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:length(Within))
												p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = charsize))
												p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = charsize))
												p <- p + ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = charsize))
        									error = function(e){
            									if (grepl('-monotype-arial',as.character(e))==TRUE){
            										message("Error :Please, Try to install gsfonts-x11")

#' tk2delete.notetab delete a notetab
#' @title Delete notetab inside a tk-notebook
#' @description Delete notetab inside a tk-notebook.
#' @param nb a notebook.
#' @param tab.names either NULL to delete all the notetabs, or a vector of notetab names.
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal

tk2delete.notetab <- function(nb, tab.names=NULL)
    ids <- names(nb$env) # noms des objets
    nt.ok <- sapply(ids, function(x) inherits(nb$env[[x]],"ttk2notetab"))
    ids <- ids[nt.ok] #noms des onglets de classe tk2notetab
    if (is.null(tab.names))
        tab.names <- ids

    for (id in tab.names)
        rm(list=id, envir=nb$env)

#' tk2add.notetab add a notetab.
#' @title Add notetab.
#' @description Add a notetab.
#' @param nb a notebook.
#' @param tab.label string the label of a tab on the interface.
#' @param tab.name string the name of the tab in a notebook.
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal

tk2add.notetab <- function(nb, tab.label, tab.name=NULL)
    if (is.null(tab.name)) 
        tab.name <- tab.label

    tframe <- tk2frame(nb)
    tkadd(nb, tframe, text=tab.label, sticky="nsew")
    tk2notetab.RclusTool(nb, tab.label, tab.name)

#' tk2draw.notetab draw in a notetab.
#' @title Draw in a Notetab.
#' @description Draw in a Notetab with a function.
#' @param nb a notebook.
#' @param tab.name name of the tk2notetab variable.
#' @param hscale numeric value corresponding to the horizontal scale of graphic
#' @param fun a function.
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal

tk2draw.notetab <- function(nb, tab.name, fun, hscale= 1.2){
    Plot <- tkrplot.RclusTool(nb$env[[tab.name]], hscale = hscale, fun=fun)        
    tkgrid(Plot, row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "w")

#' tk2notetab.RclusTool RclusTool adaptation of tk2notetab.
#' @title RclusTool tk2notetab.
#' @description RclusTool adaptation of tk2notetab; builds and returns a R tk2notetab matching a notetab already declared in tk notebook.
#' @param nb a tk2notebook or ttk2notebook widget.
#' @param tab.label the label of a tab on the interface.
#' @param tab.name the name of the tab in a notebook.
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal

tk2notetab.RclusTool <- function (nb, tab.label, tab.name=NULL) 
    if (inherits(nb, "tk2notebook")) {
        if (is.null(tab.name)) 
            tab.name <- tab.label

        ntab <- as.numeric(tcl(nb, "index", "end"))
        if (ntab < 1) 
        tabid <- ""
        for (i in 0:(ntab - 1)) if (tclvalue(tcl(nb, "tab", i, 
            "-text")) == tab.label) {
            tabid <- as.character(tcl(nb,"tabs"))[i+1]
        if (tabid !="") {
            w <- list()
            w$ID <- tabid
            w$env <- new.env()
            w$env$num.subwin <- 0
            w$env$parent <- nb
            class(w) <- c("ttk2notetab", "tk2container", "tkwin")
            nb$env[[tab.name]] <- w #sauvegarde dans l'environnement du notebook
        else return(NULL)
    else stop("'nb' must be a 'tk2notebook' object")

#' tkrplot.RclusTool RclusTool adaptation of tkrplot.
#' @title RclusTool tkrplot.
#' @description RclusTool adaptation of tkrplot.
#' @param graphicFrame frame of the RclusTool interface in which graphics should be displayed.
#' @param fun a function
#' @param hscale numeric value corresponding to the horizontal scale of graphic
#' @param vscale vertical scale 
#' @return None
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @keywords internal

tkrplot.RclusTool <- function(graphicFrame, fun, hscale=1.0, vscale=1.0)
    file <- tempfile()
    grDevices::png(file, width=hscale*480, height=vscale*480)

    image <- tclVar()
    tkimage.create("photo", image, file = file)
    lab <- tklabel(graphicFrame, image=image)
    tkbind(lab, "<Destroy>", function() .Tcl(paste("image delete", image)))
    lab$file <- file 
    lab$image <- image
    lab$fun <- fun
    lab$graphicFrame <- graphicFrame
    lab$hscale <- hscale
    lab$vscale <- vscale

#' tkrreplot.RclusTool RclusTool adaptation of tkrreplot.
#' @title RclusTool tkrreplot.
#' @description RclusTool adaptation of tkrreplot.
#' @param env.graphic graphic environment generated by tkrplot.RclusTool 
#' @seealso \code{\link{tkrreplot.RclusTool}}
#' @return None
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @keywords internal

tkrreplot.RclusTool <- function(env.graphic)
    grDevices::png(env.graphic$file, width=env.graphic$hscale*480, height=env.graphic$vscale*480)
    tkimage.create("photo", env.graphic$image, file=env.graphic$file)

#' makeTitle Makes a title from a string.
#' @title RclusTool makeTitle.
#' @description Makes a character title from string by completion with a specified character.
#' @param string string to be completed
#' @param length final title length in characters
#' @param prefix.length space length in front of the title
#' @param char character used to complete the title
#' @return title
#' @keywords internal

makeTitle <- function(string, length=120, prefix.length=5, char='_'){
    n.reps <- length - nchar(string) - prefix.length
    if (n.reps<1)
    string_return <- paste(strrep(char, 5), string, strrep(char, n.reps), sep='')

#' tkEmptyLine Inserts an empty line in a graphical tk objects dealt with grid.
#' @title RclusTool tkEmptyLine.
#' @description Makes a character title from string by completion with a specified character.
#' @param tk.object tk object in which to insert the new line
#' @param row row number of the insertion
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal

tkEmptyLine <- function(tk.object, row=NULL)
    label <- tklabel(tk.object, text="  ")
    if (!is.null(row)) {
        tkgrid(label, row = row)
    } else {

#' consoleMessage Adds a message in the RclusTool GUI.
#' @title RclusTool consoleMessage.
#' @description Adds a message in the RclusTool GUI.
#' @param message string to print in the console.
#' @param RclusTool.env environment in which all global parameters, raw data and results are stored.
#' @return None
#' @keywords internal

messageConsole <- function(message, RclusTool.env=initParameters())
    console <- RclusTool.env$gui$console
    if (!is.null(console))
        tkinsert(console, "0.0", message)

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RclusTool documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:23 a.m.