
Defines functions .plot.RoBMA_par_names .set_dots_prior .set_dots_plot plot_models forest plot.RoBMA

Documented in forest plot_models plot.RoBMA

#' @title Plots a fitted RoBMA object
#' @description \code{plot.RoBMA} allows to visualize
#' different \code{"RoBMA"} object parameters in various
#' ways. See \code{type} for the different model types.
#' @param x a fitted RoBMA object
#' @param parameter a parameter to be plotted. Defaults to
#' \code{"mu"} (for the effect size). The additional options
#' are \code{"tau"} (for the heterogeneity),
#' \code{"weightfunction"} (for the estimated weightfunction),
#' or \code{"PET-PEESE"} (for the PET-PEESE regression).
#' @param conditional whether conditional estimates should be
#' plotted. Defaults to \code{FALSE} which plots the model-averaged
#' estimates. Note that both \code{"weightfunction"} and
#' \code{"PET-PEESE"} are always ignoring the other type of
#' publication bias adjustment.
#' @param plot_type whether to use a base plot \code{"base"}
#' or ggplot2 \code{"ggplot"} for plotting. Defaults to
#' \code{"base"}.
#' @param prior whether prior distribution should be added to
#' figure. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param output_scale transform the effect sizes and the meta-analytic
#' effect size estimate to a different scale. Defaults to \code{NULL}
#' which returns the same scale as the model was estimated on.
#' @param rescale_x whether the x-axis of the \code{"weightfunction"}
#' should be re-scaled to make the x-ticks equally spaced.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param show_data whether the study estimates and standard
#' errors should be show in the \code{"PET-PEESE"} plot.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param dots_prior list of additional graphical arguments
#' to be passed to the plotting function of the prior
#' distribution. Supported arguments are \code{lwd},
#' \code{lty}, \code{col}, and \code{col.fill}, to adjust
#' the line thickness, line type, line color, and fill color
#' of the prior distribution respectively.
#' @param ... list of additional graphical arguments
#' to be passed to the plotting function. Supported arguments
#' are \code{lwd}, \code{lty}, \code{col}, \code{col.fill},
#' \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, \code{main}, \code{xlim}, \code{ylim}
#' to adjust the line thickness, line type, line color, fill color,
#' x-label, y-label, title, x-axis range, and y-axis range
#' respectively.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # using the example data from Anderson et al. 2010 and fitting the default model
#' # (note that the model can take a while to fit)
#' fit <- RoBMA(r = Anderson2010$r, n = Anderson2010$n, study_names = Anderson2010$labels)
#' ### ggplot2 version of all of the plots can be obtained by adding 'model_type = "ggplot"
#' # the 'plot' function allows to visualize the results of a fitted RoBMA object, for example;
#' # the model-averaged effect size estimate
#' plot(fit, parameter = "mu")
#' # and show both the prior and posterior distribution
#' plot(fit, parameter = "mu", prior = TRUE)
#' # conditional plots can by obtained by specifying
#' plot(fit, parameter = "mu", conditional = TRUE)
#' # plotting function also allows to visualize the weight function
#' plot(fit, parameter = "weightfunction")
#' # re-scale the x-axis
#' plot(fit, parameter = "weightfunction", rescale_x = TRUE)
#' # or visualize the PET-PEESE regression line
#' plot(fit, parameter = "PET-PEESE")
#' }
#' @return \code{plot.RoBMA} returns either \code{NULL} if \code{plot_type = "base"}
#' or an object object of class 'ggplot2' if \code{plot_type = "ggplot2"}.
#' @seealso [RoBMA()]
#' @export
plot.RoBMA  <- function(x, parameter = "mu",
                        conditional = FALSE, plot_type = "base", prior = FALSE, output_scale = NULL,
                        rescale_x = FALSE, show_data = TRUE, dots_prior = NULL, ...){

  # check whether plotting is possible
  if(sum(.get_model_convergence(x)) == 0)
    stop("There is no converged model in the ensemble.")

  #check settings
  BayesTools::check_char(parameter, "parameter")
  BayesTools::check_bool(conditional, "conditional")
  BayesTools::check_char(plot_type, "plot_type", allow_values = c("base", "ggplot"))
  BayesTools::check_char(output_scale, "output_scale", allow_NULL = TRUE)
  BayesTools::check_bool(prior, "prior")
  BayesTools::check_bool(rescale_x, "rescale_x")
  BayesTools::check_bool(show_data, "show_data")

  # apply version changes to RoBMA object
  x <- .update_object(x)

  # deal with bad parameter names for PET-PEESE, weightfunction
  if(tolower(gsub("-", "", gsub("_", "", gsub(".", "", parameter, fixed = TRUE),fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)) %in% c("weightfunction", "weigthfunction", "omega")){
    parameter         <- "omega"
    parameter_samples <- "omega"
  }else if(tolower(gsub("-", "", gsub("_", "", gsub(".", "", parameter, fixed = TRUE),fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)) == "petpeese"){
    parameter         <- "PETPEESE"
    parameter_samples <- "PETPEESE"
  }else if(parameter %in% c("mu", "tau", "rho", "PET", "PEESE")){
    parameter         <- parameter
    parameter_samples <- parameter
  }else if(is.RoBMA.reg(x) && parameter %in% x$add_info[["predictors"]]){
    parameter         <- parameter
    parameter_samples <- .BayesTools_parameter_name(parameter)
      stop(paste0("The passed parameter does not correspond to any of main model parameter ('mu', 'tau', 'omega', 'PET', 'PEESE') or any of the specified predictors: ", paste0("'", x$add_info[["predictors"]], "'", collapse = ", "), ". See '?plot.RoBMA' for more details."))
      stop(paste0("The passed parameter does not correspond to any of main model parameter ('mu', 'tau', 'omega', 'PET', 'PEESE'). See '?plot.RoBMA' for more details."))

  ### manage transformations
  # get the settings
  results_scale <- x$add_info[["output_scale"]]
    output_scale <- x$add_info[["output_scale"]]
    output_scale <- .transformation_var(output_scale, estimation = FALSE)
  # set the transformations
  if(parameter != "omega" && results_scale != output_scale){
    if(parameter == "PEESE"){
      # the transformation is inverse for PEESE
      transformation <- .get_transform_mu(output_scale, results_scale, fun = FALSE)
    }else if(parameter == "PET"){
      # PET is scale invariant
      transformation <- NULL
    }else if(parameter == "rho"){
      # rho is scale invariant
      transformation <- NULL
    }else if(parameter %in% c("mu", "PETPEESE") || parameter %in% x$add_info[["predictors"]]){
      transformation <- .get_transform_mu(results_scale, output_scale, fun = FALSE)
    }else if(parameter == "tau"){
      transformation <- .get_scale(results_scale, output_scale, fun = FALSE)
    transformation <- NULL

  # choose the samples
  if(conditional && parameter == "PETPEESE"){
    # get model-averaged posterior across PET and PEESE parameters
    models <- x[["models"]]

    effect <- sapply(x[["models"]], function(model)!.is_component_null(model[["priors"]], "effect"))
    PET    <- sapply(models, function(model)any(sapply(model[["priors"]], is.prior.PET)))
    PEESE  <- sapply(models, function(model)any(sapply(model[["priors"]], is.prior.PEESE)))

    if(any(PET) & any(PEESE)){
      is_conditional  <- effect & (PET | PEESE)
      if(sum(is_conditional) == 0)
        stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment.")
      parameters      <- c("mu", "PET", "PEESE")
      parameters_null <- c("mu" = list(!is_conditional), "PET" = list(!is_conditional), "PEESE" = list(!is_conditional))
    }else if(any(PET)){
      is_conditional  <- effect & PET
      if(sum(is_conditional) == 0)
        stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment.")
      parameters      <- c("mu", "PET")
      parameters_null <- c("mu" = list(!is_conditional), "PET"   = list(!is_conditional))
    }else if(any(PEESE)){
      is_conditional  <- effect & PEESE
      if(sum(is_conditional) == 0)
        stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment.")
      parameters      <- c("mu", "PEESE")
      parameters_null <- c("mu" = list(!is_conditional), "PEESE" = list(!is_conditional))
      stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment.")

    samples <- BayesTools::mix_posteriors(
      model_list   = models,
      parameters   = parameters,
      is_null_list = parameters_null,
      seed         = x$add_info[["seed"]],
      conditional  = TRUE

    if(conditional & parameter %in% c("mu", "tau", "rho", "PET", "PEESE", "PETPEESE", "omega")){
      samples <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors_conditional"]]
    }else if(conditional & parameter %in% x$add_info[["predictors"]]){
      samples <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors_predictors_conditional"]]
    }else if(!conditional &  parameter %in% c("mu", "tau", "rho", "PET", "PEESE", "PETPEESE", "omega")){
      samples <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors"]]
    }else if(!conditional &  parameter %in% x$add_info[["predictors"]]){
      samples <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors_predictors"]]

  if(parameter %in% c("mu", "tau", "rho", "omega", "PET", "PEESE")){
    if(conditional && is.null(samples[[parameter]])){
        "mu"    = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the effect. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the effect."),
        "tau"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the heterogeneity. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the heterogeneity."),
        "PET"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the PET models. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the PET models."),
        "PEESE" = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the PEESE models. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the PEESE models."),
        "rho"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the three-level structure. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the three-level structure."),
        "omega" = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of selection models publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of selection models publication bias adjustment.")
    }else if(is.null(samples[[parameter]])){
        "mu"    = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the effect. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for the effect."),
        "tau"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the heterogeneity. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for the heterogeneity."),
        "PET"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the PET. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for the PET."),
        "PEESE" = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the PEESE. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for the PEESE."),
        "rho"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the three-level structure. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for the three-level structure."),
        "omega" = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the selection models publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one selection models publication bias adjustment.")
  }else if(parameter %in% "PETPEESE"){
    # checking for mu since it's the common parameter for PET-PEESE
    if(conditional && (is.null(samples[["mu"]]) || is.null(samples[["PET"]]) && is.null(samples[["PEESE"]]))){
      stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment.")
    }else if(is.null(samples[["mu"]]) || is.null(samples[["PET"]]) && is.null(samples[["PEESE"]])){
      stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment. Please, verify that you specified at least one PET-PEESE publication bias adjustment.")
  }else if(parameter %in% x$add_info[["predictors"]]){
    if(conditional && is.null(samples[[parameter_samples]])){
      stop(sprintf("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the '%1$s' predictor. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of '%1$s' predictor.", parameter))
    }else if(is.null(samples[[parameter_samples]])){
      stop(sprintf("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the '%1$s' predictor. Please, verify that you specified at least one model containing the '%1$s' predictor.", parameter))

  # remove PET/PEESE prior class (otherwise PET-PEESE density is produced in BayesTools)
  if(parameter %in% c("PET", "PEESE")){
    for(i in seq_along(attr(samples[["PET"]], "prior_list"))){
      class(attr(samples[["PET"]], "prior_list")[[i]])   <- class(attr(samples[["PET"]], "prior_list")[[i]])[!class(attr(samples[["PET"]], "prior_list")[[i]]) %in% "prior.PET"]
    for(i in seq_along(attr(samples[["PEESE"]], "prior_list"))){
      class(attr(samples[["PEESE"]], "prior_list")[[i]]) <- class(attr(samples[["PEESE"]], "prior_list")[[i]])[!class(attr(samples[["PEESE"]], "prior_list")[[i]]) %in% "prior.PEESE"]

  if(parameter %in% x$add_info[["predictors"]]){
    if(inherits(samples[[parameter_samples]], "mixed_posteriors.factor")){
      if(attr(samples[[parameter_samples]],"orthonormal") || attr(samples[[parameter_samples]],"meandif")){
        n_levels <- length(attr(samples[[parameter_samples]],"level_names"))
      }else if(attr(samples[[parameter_samples]],"treatment")){
        n_levels <- length(attr(x$add_info[["predictors"]],"level_names")) - 1
      n_levels <- 1
    n_levels <- 1

  dots       <- .set_dots_plot(..., n_levels = n_levels)
  dots_prior <- .set_dots_prior(dots_prior)

  if(parameter == "PETPEESE" & show_data){
    data <- x[["data"]]
    data <- combine_data(data = data, transformation = .transformation_invar(output_scale))
      dots[["xlim"]] <- range(pretty(c(0, data$se)))

  # prepare the argument call
  args                          <- dots
  args$samples                  <- samples
  args$parameter                <- parameter_samples
  args$plot_type                <- plot_type
  args$prior                    <- prior
  args$n_points                 <- 1000
  args$n_samples                <- 10000
  args$force_samples            <- FALSE
  args$transformation           <- transformation
  args$transformation_arguments <- NULL
  args$transformation_settings  <- FALSE
  args$rescale_x                <- rescale_x
  args$par_name                 <- if(parameter %in% c("mu", "tau", "PET", "PEESE", x$add_info[["predictors"]])) .plot.RoBMA_par_names(parameter, x, output_scale)[[1]]
  args$dots_prior               <- dots_prior

  # suppress messages about transformations
  plot <- suppressMessages(do.call(BayesTools::plot_posterior, args))

  if(parameter == "PETPEESE" & show_data){

    if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
      plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_point(
            x  = data$se,
            y  = data$y),
          size  = if(!is.null(dots[["cex"]])) dots[["cex"]] else 2,
          shape = if(!is.null(dots[["pch"]])) dots[["pch"]] else 18
      # make sure all effect sizes are within the plotting range
      if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]]) & any(data$y < plot$plot_env$ylim[1] | data$y > plot$plot_env$ylim[2])){
        new_y_range <- range(c(data$y, plot$plot_env$ylim))
        plot <- suppressMessages(plot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty(new_y_range), limits = range(pretty(new_y_range)), oob = scales::oob_keep))

    }else if(plot_type == "base"){
      graphics::points(data$se, data$y, cex = if(!is.null(dots[["cex"]])) dots[["cex"]] else 2, pch = if(!is.null(dots[["pch"]])) dots[["pch"]] else 18)

  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

#' @title Forest plot for a RoBMA object
#' @description \code{forest} creates a forest plot for
#' a \code{"RoBMA"} object.
#' @param order order of the studies. Defaults to \code{NULL} -
#' ordering as supplied to the fitting function. Studies
#' can be ordered either \code{"increasing"} or \code{"decreasing"} by
#' effect size, or by labels \code{"alphabetical"}.
#' @inheritParams plot.RoBMA
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # using the example data from Anderson et al. 2010 and fitting the default model
#' # (note that the model can take a while to fit)
#' fit <- RoBMA(r = Anderson2010$r, n = Anderson2010$n, study_names = Anderson2010$labels)
#' ### ggplot2 version of all of the plots can be obtained by adding 'model_type = "ggplot"
#' # the forest function creates a forest plot for a fitted RoBMA object, for example,
#' # the forest plot for the individual studies and the model-averaged effect size estimate
#' forest(fit)
#' # the conditional effect size estimate
#' forest(fit, conditional = TRUE)
#' # or transforming the effect size estimates to Fisher's z
#' forest(fit, output_scale = "fishers_z")
#' }
#' @return \code{forest} returns either \code{NULL} if \code{plot_type = "base"}
#' or an object object of class 'ggplot2' if \code{plot_type = "ggplot2"}.
#' @export
forest <- function(x, conditional = FALSE, plot_type = "base", output_scale = NULL, order = NULL, ...){

  # check whether plotting is possible
  if(sum(.get_model_convergence(x)) == 0)
    stop("There is no converged model in the ensemble.")

  #check settings
  BayesTools::check_bool(conditional, "conditional")
  BayesTools::check_char(plot_type, "plot_type", allow_values = c("base", "ggplot"))
  BayesTools::check_char(output_scale, "output_scale", allow_NULL = TRUE)
  BayesTools::check_char(order, "order", allow_NULL = TRUE, allow_values = c("increasing", "decreasing", "alphabetical"))

  ### get the posterior samples & data
    samples_mu <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors_conditional"]][["mu"]]
      stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the effect. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the effect.")
    samples_mu <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors"]][["mu"]]

    data <- x[["data"]][["outcome"]]
    data <- x[["data"]]

  ### manage transformations
  # get the settings
  results_scale <- x$add_info[["output_scale"]]
    output_scale <- x$add_info[["output_scale"]]
    output_scale <- .transformation_var(output_scale, estimation = FALSE)

  # set the transformations
  if(results_scale != output_scale){
    samples_mu <- .transform_mu(samples_mu, results_scale, output_scale)

  # obtain the posterior estimates
  est_mu <- mean(samples_mu)
  lCI_mu <- unname(stats::quantile(samples_mu, .025))
  uCI_mu <- unname(stats::quantile(samples_mu, .975))

  # get the CIs (+add transformation if necessary)
    data <- .combine_data.bi(data = data, transformation = .transformation_invar(output_scale, estimation = FALSE), return_all = TRUE, estimation = FALSE)
    data <- combine_data(data = data, transformation = .transformation_invar(output_scale, estimation = FALSE), return_all = TRUE, estimation = FALSE)

  # simplify the data structure
  data$y <- data[,output_scale]
  data   <- data[,c("y", "lCI", "uCI", "study_names")]

  # add ordering
    if(order == "increasing"){
      data <- data[order(data$y, decreasing = FALSE),]
    }else if(order == "decreasing"){
      data <- data[order(data$y, decreasing = TRUE),]
    }else if(order == "alphabetical"){
      data <- data[order(data$study_names),]

  data$x <- (nrow(data)+2):3

  # additional plot settings
  y_at      <- c(1, data$x)
  y_labels  <- c(ifelse(conditional, "Conditional", "Model-Averaged"), data$study_names)
  y_labels2 <- paste0(
    format(round(c(est_mu, data$y), 2), nsmall = 2),
    " [", format(round(c(lCI_mu, data$lCI), 2), nsmall = 2), ", ",
    format(round(c(uCI_mu, data$uCI), 2), nsmall = 2), "]")
  ylim      <- c(0, max(data$x) + 1)
  xlab      <- .plot.RoBMA_par_names("mu", x, output_scale)[[1]]
  x_labels  <- pretty(range(c(data$lCI, data$uCI, lCI_mu, uCI_mu)))
  xlim      <- range(pretty(range(c(data$lCI, data$uCI, lCI_mu, uCI_mu))))

  ### do the plotting
  dots <- .set_dots_plot(...)

  if(plot_type == "base"){

    oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    on.exit(graphics::par(mar = oldpar[["mar"]]))

    # set up margins
    if(length(list(...)) == 0){
      graphics::par(mar = c(4, max(nchar(y_labels)) * 1/2, 0, max(nchar(y_labels2)) * 1/2))

    graphics::plot(NA, bty = "n", las = 1, xlab = xlab, ylab = "", main = "", yaxt = "n", ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim)
    graphics::axis(2, at = y_at, labels = y_labels,  las = 1, col = NA)
    graphics::axis(4, at = y_at, labels = y_labels2, las = 1, col = NA, hadj = 0)
    if(output_scale == "y"){
      graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 3)
      graphics::abline(v = .transform_mu(0, "d", output_scale), lty = 3)

    graphics::arrows(x0 = data$lCI, x1 = data$uCI, y0 = data$x, code = 3, angle = 90, length = 0.1)
    graphics::points(x = data$y, y = data$x, pch = 15)

      x = c(lCI_mu, est_mu , uCI_mu, est_mu),
      y = c(1, 1.25, 1, 0.75),
      col = "black"

  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()

    # add the studies
    plot <- plot +ggplot2::geom_errorbarh(
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        xmin   = data$lCI,
        xmax   = data$uCI,
        y      = data$x),
      color   = "black",
      height  = .25)
    plot <- plot +ggplot2::geom_point(
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = data$y,
        y = data$x),
      shape = 15)

    # add the overall estimate
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_polygon(
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = c(lCI_mu, est_mu , uCI_mu, est_mu),
        y = c(1, 1.25, 1, 0.75)),
      fill = "black")

    # add the vertical line
    if(output_scale == "y"){
      plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_line(
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = c(0,0),
          y = ylim),
        linetype = "dotted")
      plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_line(
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = .transform_mu(c(0,0), "d", output_scale),
          y = ylim),
        linetype = "dotted")

    # add all the other stuff
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
      name = "", breaks = y_at, labels = y_labels, limits = ylim,
      sec.axis = ggplot2::sec_axis( ~ ., breaks = y_at, labels = y_labels2))
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
      name = xlab, breaks = x_labels, labels = x_labels, limits = xlim)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::theme(
      axis.title.y      = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.line.y       = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y      = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.text.y       = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0, color = "black"),
      axis.text.y.right = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 1, color = "black"))

    attr(plot, "sec_axis") <- TRUE

  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

#' @title Models plot for a RoBMA object
#' @description \code{plot_models} plots individual models'
#' estimates for a \code{"RoBMA"} object.
#' @param parameter a parameter to be plotted. Defaults to
#' \code{"mu"} (for the effect size). The additional option
#' is \code{"tau"} (for the heterogeneity).
#' @param order how the models should be ordered.
#' Defaults to \code{"decreasing"} which orders them in decreasing
#' order in accordance to \code{order_by} argument. The alternative is
#' \code{"increasing"}.
#' @param order_by what feature should be use to order the models.
#' Defaults to \code{"model"} which orders the models according to
#' their number. The alternatives are \code{"estimate"} (for the effect
#' size estimates), \code{"probability"} (for the posterior model probability),
#' and \code{"BF"} (for the inclusion Bayes factor).
#' @inheritParams plot.RoBMA
#' @inheritParams forest
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # using the example data from Anderson et al. 2010 and fitting the default model
#' # (note that the model can take a while to fit)
#' fit <- RoBMA(r = Anderson2010$r, n = Anderson2010$n, study_names = Anderson2010$labels)
#' ### ggplot2 version of all of the plots can be obtained by adding 'model_type = "ggplot"
#' # the plot_models function creates a plot for of the individual models' estimates, for example,
#' # the effect size estimates from the individual models can be obtained with
#' plot_models(fit)
#' # and effect size estimates from only the conditional models
#' plot_models(fit, conditional = TRUE)
#' }
#' @return \code{plot_models} returns either \code{NULL} if \code{plot_type = "base"}
#' or an object object of class 'ggplot2' if \code{plot_type = "ggplot2"}.
#' @export
plot_models <- function(x, parameter = "mu", conditional = FALSE, output_scale = NULL, plot_type = "base", order = "decreasing", order_by = "model", ...){

  if(sum(.get_model_convergence(x)) == 0)
    stop("There is no converged model in the ensemble.")

  #check settings
  BayesTools::check_bool(conditional, "conditional")
  BayesTools::check_char(plot_type, "plot_type", allow_values = c("base", "ggplot"))
  BayesTools::check_char(output_scale, "output_scale", allow_NULL = TRUE)
  BayesTools::check_char(order, "order", allow_NULL = TRUE, allow_values = c("increasing", "decreasing"))
  if(!parameter %in% c("mu", "tau")){
    stop("The passed parameter is not supported for plotting. See '?plot.RoBMA' for more details.")
  BayesTools::check_char(order, "order", allow_NULL = TRUE, allow_values = c("increasing", "decreasing"))
  BayesTools::check_char(order_by, "order_by", allow_NULL = TRUE, allow_values = c("model", "estimate", "probability", "BF"))

  ### manage transformations
  # get the settings
  results_scale <- x$add_info[["output_scale"]]
    output_scale <- x$add_info[["output_scale"]]
    output_scale <- .transformation_var(output_scale, estimation = FALSE)
  # set the transformations
  if(results_scale != output_scale){
    if(parameter == "PETPEESE"){
      # the transformation is inverse for PEESE
      transformation <- .get_scale(output_scale, results_scale, fun = FALSE)
    }else if(parameter == "PET"){
      # PET is scale invariant
      transformation <- NULL
    }else if(parameter == "mu"){
      transformation <- .get_transform_mu(results_scale, output_scale, fun = FALSE)
    }else if(parameter == "tau"){
      transformation <- .get_scale(results_scale, output_scale, fun = FALSE)
    transformation <- NULL

  ### prepare input
  if(is.RoBMA.reg(x) && parameter == "mu"){


      model_list <- x[["models"]]
      samples    <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors_predictors_conditional"]]
      inference  <- x[["RoBMA"]][["inference_conditional"]]

      # check whether the input exists
      if(parameter == "mu_intercept" && is.null(samples[["mu_intercept"]]))
        stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the effect. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the effect.")


      model_list <- x[["models"]]
      samples    <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors_predictors"]]
      inference  <- x[["RoBMA"]][["inference"]]


    parameter <- "mu_intercept"
    names(samples)[names(samples) == "mu_intercept"]     <- "mu_intercept"
    names(inference)[names(inference) == "Effect"]       <- "mu_intercept"



      model_list <- x[["models"]]
      samples    <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors_conditional"]]
      inference  <- x[["RoBMA"]][["inference_conditional"]]

      # check whether the input exists
      if(parameter == "mu" && is.null(samples[["mu"]]))
        stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the effect. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the effect.")
      if(parameter == "tau" && is.null(samples[["tau"]]))
        stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the heterogeneity. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the heterogeneity.")


      model_list <- x[["models"]]
      samples    <- x[["RoBMA"]][["posteriors"]]
      inference  <- x[["RoBMA"]][["inference"]]


    # deal with the non-matching names
    names(inference)[names(inference) == "Effect"]        <- "mu"
    names(inference)[names(inference) == "Heterogeneity"] <- "tau"

  dots <- list(...)

  # prepare the argument call
  args                          <- dots
  args$model_list               <- model_list
  args$samples                  <- samples
  args$inference                <- inference
  args$parameter                <- parameter
  args$plot_type                <- plot_type
  args$prior                    <- FALSE
  args$conditional              <- conditional
  args$order                    <- list(order, order_by)
  args$transformation           <- transformation
  args$transformation_arguments <- NULL
  args$transformation_settings  <- FALSE
  args$par_name                 <- .plot.RoBMA_par_names(parameter, x, output_scale)[[1]]

  plot <- do.call(BayesTools::plot_models, args)

  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

.set_dots_plot        <- function(..., n_levels = 1){

  dots <- list(...)
  if(is.null(dots[["col"]]) & n_levels == 1){
    dots[["col"]]      <- "black"
  }else if(is.null(dots[["col"]]) & n_levels > 1){
    dots[["col"]]      <- grDevices::palette.colors(n = n_levels + 1, palette = "Okabe-Ito")[-1]
    dots[["col.fill"]] <- "#4D4D4D4C" # scales::alpha("grey30", .30)

.set_dots_prior       <- function(dots_prior){

    dots_prior <- list()

    dots_prior[["col"]]      <- "grey60"
    dots_prior[["lty"]]      <- 1
    dots_prior[["col.fill"]] <- "#B3B3B34C" # scales::alpha("grey70", .30)

.plot.RoBMA_par_names <- function(par, fit, output_scale){

  if(par %in% c("mu", "mu_intercept")){

    par_names <- list(switch(
      "r"     = expression(rho),
      "d"     = expression("Cohen's"~italic(d)),
      "z"     = expression("Fisher's"~italic(z)),
      "logOR" = expression("logOR"),
      "OR"    = expression("OR"),
      "y"     = expression(mu)

  }else if(par == "tau"){

    par_names <- list(switch(
      "r"     = expression(tau~(rho)),
      "d"     = expression(tau~("Cohen's"~italic(d))),
      "z"     = expression(tau~("Fisher's"~italic(z))),
      "logOR" = expression(tau~("logOR")),
      "OR"    = expression(tau~("logOR")),
      "y"     = expression(tau)

  }else if(par == "omega"){

    stop("should not be used")
    # summary_info <- summary(fit)
    # sum_all      <- summary_info[["estimates"]]
    # omega_names  <- rownames(sum_all)[grepl(par, rownames(sum_all))]
    # par_names    <- vector("list", length = length(omega_names))
    # for(i in 1:length(par_names)){
    #   par_names[[i]] <- bquote(~omega[~.(substr(omega_names[i],6,nchar(omega_names[i])))])
    # }

  }else if(par == "theta"){

    stop("should not be used")
    # add_type <- if(!is.null(type)) paste0("(",type,")") else NULL
    # par_names <- vector("list", length = length(study_names))
    # for(i in 1:length(par_names)){
    #   par_names[i] <- list(switch(
    #     output_scale,
    #     "r"     = bquote(~rho[.(paste0("[",study_names[i],"]"))]),
    #     "d"     = bquote("Cohen's"~italic(d)[.(paste0("[",study_names[i],"]"))]),
    #     "z"     = bquote("Fisher's"~italic(z)[.(paste0("[",study_names[i],"]"))]),
    #     "logOR" = bquote("log"(italic("OR"))[.(paste0("[",study_names[i],"]"))]),
    #     "OR"    = bquote(~italic("OR")[.(paste0("[",study_names[i],"]"))]),
    #     "y"     = bquote(~mu[.(paste0("[",study_names[i],"]"))])
    #   ))
    # }

  }else if(par == "PET"){

    par_names <- list(switch(
      "r"     = expression("PET"~(rho)),
      "d"     = expression("PET"~("Cohen's"~italic(d))),
      "z"     = expression("PET"~("Fisher's"~italic(z))),
      "logOR" = expression("PET"~("logOR")),
      "OR"    = expression("PET"~("OR")),
      "y"     = expression("PET")

    par_names <- list(bquote("PET"))

  }else if(par == "PEESE"){

    par_names <- list(switch(
      "r"     = expression("PEESE"~(rho)),
      "d"     = expression("PEESE"~("Cohen's"~italic(d))),
      "z"     = expression("PEESE"~("Fisher's"~italic(z))),
      "logOR" = expression("PEESE"~("logOR")),
      "OR"    = expression("PEESE"~("OR")),
      "y"     = expression("PEESE")


    par_names <- list(switch(
      "r"     = bquote(.(par)~(rho)),
      "d"     = bquote(.(par)~("Cohen's"~italic(d))),
      "z"     = bquote(.(par)~("Fisher's"~italic(z))),
      "logOR" = bquote(.(par)~("logOR")),
      "OR"    = bquote(.(par)~("OR")),
      "y"     = bquote(.(par))


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RoBMA documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:13 p.m.