##' @importFrom graphics abline plot
##' @importFrom methods is
##' @importFrom stats coef dist glm loess median model.frame model.matrix model.offset
##' model.response optimize pnorm predict printCoefmat qchisq qnorm rnorm runif sd splinefun
##' @title SDALGCPSSIPoint function
##' @description This function generate a random point pattern using Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process. An internal function for \code{\link{SDALGCP}} package.
##' @param poly polygon in which to generate the points.
##' @param delta distance between points.
##' @param weighted To specify if you want to use the population density, default to FALSE, i.e population density is not used.
##' @param pop_shp Optional, The raster of population density map for population weighted approach.
##' @param lambdamax the maximum value of the population density in the polygon.
##' @param pop the population density.
##' @param n optional; the number of points to create in the polygon, if not supplied, it is computed as \eqn{n = rho*|A|*4/(\pi*delta^2)}
##' @param rho Optional, The packing density, default set to 0.55.
##' @param giveup Number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm should terminate.
##' @details This algorithm generates points inside the polygon using Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process.
##' @return It returns a list of the coordinates of the points created in each polygon.
##' @examples
##' data(PBCshp)
##' points <- SDALGCPSSIPoint(poly=PBCshp@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords, delta=100)
##' @importFrom raster extract aggregate
##' @importFrom graphics axis
##' @importFrom spatstat.geom as.owin ppp
##' @importFrom sp SpatialPolygons Polygons Polygon spsample
##' @importFrom splancs areapl csr
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
##' @export
SDALGCPSSIPoint <- function(poly, delta, weighted=FALSE, pop_shp=NULL, lambdamax=NULL, pop=NULL,
n= NULL, rho=NULL, giveup=NULL){
if (weighted==TRUE){
if (is.null(rho)) rho <- 0.55
if (is.null(giveup)) giveup <- 1000
if (is.null(n)) n <- round((rho*splancs::areapl(poly)*4)/ (pi*delta^2))
if (is.null(pop)) stop("please supply the population total for the region(s)
or if you don't have the population density map just set pop_shp=NULL")
if (is.null(lambdamax)) stop("please supply the max population for the region(s)
or if you don't have the population density map just set pop_shp=NULL")
out.wei <- c()
fg <- 0
repeat {
fg <- fg + 1
vfv <- raster::extract(pop_shp, t(c(xy[1], xy[2])))
prob2 <- vfv/lambdamax
wei <- vfv/pop
if ( fg > 20) {
wei <- 1/n
prob2 <- vfv/max(as.numeric(pop_shp@data@values), na.rm = TRUE)
if (! & prob2 < runif(1)) break
out.wei <- c(out.wei, wei)
delsq <- delta*delta
if ((n * pi * delsq/4 > splancs::areapl(poly)))
warning(paste("Window is too small to fit", n, "points",
"at minimum distance", delta))
len.xy <- 0
while (len.xy<n) {
k <- 0
prob <- 0
while (dsq<delsq | prob < runif(1)) {
k <- k+1
xy.try <- c(splancs::csr(poly,1))
dsq <- min((xy[,1]-xy.try[1])^2+(xy[,2]-xy.try[2])^2)
#########rejection sampling
vdv <- raster::extract(pop_shp, t(c(xy.try[1], xy.try[2])))
prob <- vdv/lambdamax
wei <- vdv/pop
if (! break
#this is to reduce the distance for areas of increased probability of acceptance
#delsq <- (delta*delta)/exp(prob)
if (prob<1){
delsq <- (delta*delta)*(1-prob)
delsq <- (delta*delta)
#this to further reduces the computational burden if it is not accepting
if (k > 20){
wei <- 1/n
prob <- vdv/max(as.numeric(pop_shp@data@values), na.rm = TRUE)
#########termination criteria
if (k >= giveup) {
len.xy <- n
warning(paste("Move to the next polygon after", k, "attempts with only",
dim(xy)[1], "points placed out of", n))
if (len.xy ==n) break
out.wei <- c(out.wei, wei)
len.xy <- dim(xy)[1]
rownames(xy) <- 1:nrow(xy)
colnames(xy) <- c('x', 'y')
return(list(xy=xy, weight=out.wei/sum(out.wei)))
}else { #start when the population density is not provided
if (is.null(rho)) rho <- 0.55
if (is.null(giveup)) giveup <- 1000
if (is.null(n)) n <- round((rho*splancs::areapl(poly)*4)/ (pi*delta^2))
xy <- matrix(splancs::csr(poly,1),1,2)
delsq <- delta*delta
if ((n * pi * delsq/4 > splancs::areapl(poly)))
warning(paste("Window is too small to fit", n, "points",
"at minimum distance", delta))
len.xy <- 0
while (len.xy<n) {
k <- 0
while (dsq<delsq) {
k <- k+1
xy.try <- c(splancs::csr(poly,1))
dsq <- min((xy[,1]-xy.try[1])^2+(xy[,2]-xy.try[2])^2)
#########termination criteria
if (k >= giveup) {
len.xy <- n
warning(paste("Move to the next polygon after", k, "attempts with only",
dim(xy)[1], "points placed out of", n))
if (len.xy ==n) break
len.xy <- dim(xy)[1]
rownames(xy) <- 1:nrow(xy)
colnames(xy) <- c('x', 'y')
##' @title SDALGCPUniformPoint function
##' @description This function generate a random point pattern using a uniform sampling or completely spatial random sampling. An internal function for \code{\link{SDALGCP}} package.
##' @param poly polygon in which to generate the points
##' @param delta distance between points
##' @param weighted To specify if you want to use the population density, default to FALSE, i.e population density is not used.
##' @param pop_shp Optional, The raster of population density map for population weighted approach
##' @param lambdamax the maximum value of the population density in the polygon
##' @param pop the population density.
##' @param n optional; the number of points to create in the polygon, if not supplied, it is computed as \eqn{n = rho*|A|*4/(\pi*delta^2)}
##' @param rho Optional, The packing density, default set to 0.55
##' @param giveup Number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm should terminate.
##' @param bound Spatial object; the boundary of the polygon
##' @details This algorithm generates points inside the polygon using a uniform sampling or completely spatial random sampling.
##' @return It returns a list of the coordinates of the points created in each polygon.
##' @examples
##' data(PBCshp)
##' require(sp) #load sp package
##' poly <- PBCshp@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
##' #create a spatialpolygons object
##' bound <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(poly)), "x")))
##' point <- SDALGCPUniformPoint(poly=poly, delta=100, n=1, bound = bound)
##' @importFrom raster extract aggregate
##' @importFrom graphics axis
##' @importFrom spatstat.geom as.owin ppp
##' @importFrom sp SpatialPolygons Polygons Polygon spsample
##' @importFrom splancs areapl csr
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
##' @export
SDALGCPUniformPoint <- function(poly, delta, weighted=FALSE, pop_shp=NULL, lambdamax=NULL, pop=NULL,
n= NULL, rho=NULL, giveup=NULL, bound=NULL){
if (weighted==TRUE){
if (is.null(rho)) rho <- 0.55
if (is.null(giveup)) giveup <- 1000
if (is.null(n)) n <- round((rho*splancs::areapl(poly)*4)/ (pi*delta^2))
if (is.null(pop)) stop("please supply the population total for the region(s)
or if you don't have the population density map just set pop_shp=NULL")
if (is.null(lambdamax)) stop("please supply the max population for the region(s)
or if you don't have the population density map just set pop_shp=NULL")
out.wei <- c()
fg <- 0
repeat {
fg <- fg + 1
vfv <- raster::extract(pop_shp, t(c(xy[1], xy[2])))
prob2 <- vfv/lambdamax
wei <- vfv/pop
if ( fg > 20) {
wei <- 1/n
prob2 <- vfv/max(as.numeric(pop_shp@data@values), na.rm = TRUE)
if (! & prob2 < runif(1)) break
out.wei <- c(out.wei, wei)
delsq <- delta*delta
if ((n * pi * delsq/4 > splancs::areapl(poly)))
warning(paste("Window is too small to fit", n, "points",
"at minimum distance", delta))
len.xy <- 0
while (len.xy<n) {
k <- 0
prob <- 0
while (prob < runif(1)) {
k <- k+1
xy.try <- c(splancs::csr(poly,1))
#########rejection sampling
vdv <- raster::extract(pop_shp, t(c(xy.try[1], xy.try[2])))
prob <- vdv/lambdamax
wei <- vdv/pop
if (! break
if (k > 20){
wei <- 1/n
prob <- vdv/max(as.numeric(pop_shp@data@values), na.rm = TRUE)
#########termination criteria
if (k >= giveup) {
len.xy <- n
warning(paste("Move to the next polygon after", k, "attempts with only",
dim(xy)[1], "points placed out of", n))
if (len.xy ==n) break
out.wei <- c(out.wei, wei)
len.xy <- dim(xy)[1]
rownames(xy) <- 1:nrow(xy)
colnames(xy) <- c('x', 'y')
return(list(xy=xy, weight=out.wei/sum(out.wei)))
}else { #start when the population density is not provided
if (is.null(rho)) rho <- 0.55
if (is.null(giveup)) giveup <- 1000
if (is.null(n)) n <- round((rho*splancs::areapl(poly)*4)/ (pi*delta^2))
delsq <- delta*delta
if ((n * pi * delsq/4 > splancs::areapl(poly)))
warning(paste("Window is too small to fit", n, "points",
"at minimum distance", delta))
xy <- sp::spsample(bound, cellsize=delta, n = n, type = "random")@coords
rownames(xy) <- 1:nrow(xy)
colnames(xy) <- c('x', 'y')
##' @title SDALGCPRegularPoint function
##' @description This function generate a random point pattern using a regular (systematically aligned) sampling. An internal function for \code{\link{SDALGCP}} package.
##' @param poly polygon in which to generate the points
##' @param delta distance between points
##' @param weighted To specify if you want to use the population density, default to FALSE, i.e population density is not used.
##' @param pop_shp Optional, The raster of population density map for population weighted approach.
##' @param lambdamax the maximum value of the population density in the polygon
##' @param pop the population density.
##' @param n optional; the number of points to create in the polygon, if not supplied, it is computed as \eqn{n = rho*|A|*4/(\pi*delta^2)}
##' @param rho Optional, The packing density, default set to 0.55
##' @param giveup Number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm should terminate.
##' @param bound Spatial object; the boundary of the polygon
##' @details This algorithm generates points inside the polygon using a regular (systematically aligned) sampling.
##' @return It returns a list of the coordinates of the points created in each polygon.
##' @examples
##' data(PBCshp)
##' require(sp) #load sp package
##' poly <- PBCshp@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
##' #create a spatialpolygons object
##' bound <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(poly)), "x")))
##' point <- SDALGCPRegularPoint(poly=poly, delta=100, n=1, bound = bound)
##' @importFrom raster extract aggregate
##' @importFrom graphics axis
##' @importFrom spatstat.geom as.owin ppp
##' @importFrom sp SpatialPolygons Polygons Polygon spsample
##' @importFrom splancs areapl csr
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
##' @export
SDALGCPRegularPoint <- function(poly, delta, weighted=FALSE, pop_shp=NULL, lambdamax=NULL, pop=NULL, n= NULL, rho=NULL, giveup=NULL,
if (weighted==TRUE){
stop("There is no option to use regular grid with population density. Please use uniform or SSIP")
}else { #start when the population density is not provided
if (is.null(rho)) rho <- 0.55
if (is.null(giveup)) giveup <- 1000
if (is.null(n)) n <- round((rho*splancs::areapl(poly)*4)/ (pi*delta^2))
delsq <- delta*delta
if ((n * pi * delsq/4 > splancs::areapl(poly)))
warning(paste("Window is too small to fit", n, "points",
"at minimum distance", delta))
xy <- sp::spsample(bound, cellsize=delta, type = "regular")@coords
rownames(xy) <- 1:nrow(xy)
colnames(xy) <- c('x', 'y')
##' @title SDALGCPCreatePoint function
##' @description This wrapper function generate a random point pattern using Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process, uniform sampling and regular grid point.
##' @param my_shp A SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object containing the polygons (i.e each regions).
##' @param delta distance between points
##' @param weighted To specify if you want to use the population density, default to FALSE, i.e population density is not used.
##' @param lambdamax the maximum value of the population density in the polygon.
##' @param pop the population density.
##' @param pop_shp Optional, The raster of population density map for population weighted approach.
##' @param n optional; the number of points to create in the polygon, if not supplied, it is computed as \eqn{n = rho*|A|*4/(\pi*delta^2)}
##' @param method To specify which method to use to sample the points, the options are 1 for Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process, 2 for Uniform sampling and 3 for regular grid. 1 is the default
##' @param plot To display the plot of the points inside the polygon, default to TRUE.
##' @param rho Optional, The packing density, default set to 0.55
##' @param giveup Number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm should terminate.
##' @details This algorithm generates points inside the polygon using three algorithms specified in the method.
##' @return It returns a list of the coordinates of the points created in each polygon and it has an associated attribute weighted which is either TRUE or FALSE to indicate if the population density is used or not.
##' @seealso \link{SDALGCPSSIPoint}, \link{SDALGCPUniformPoint}, \link{SDALGCPRegularPoint}
##' @importFrom raster extract aggregate
##' @importFrom graphics axis
##' @importFrom spatstat.geom as.owin ppp
##' @importFrom sp SpatialPolygons Polygons Polygon spsample
##' @importFrom splancs areapl csr
##' @importFrom maptools as.owin.SpatialPolygons
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
SDALGCPCreatePoint <- function(my_shp, delta, weighted=FALSE, lambdamax=NULL, pop=NULL, pop_shp=NULL, n=NULL, method=1,
plot=FALSE, rho=NULL, giveup=NULL){
if (method==1){
uniform <- FALSE
regular <- FALSE
}else if (method==2){
uniform <- TRUE
regular <- FALSE
uniform <- FALSE
if (class(my_shp)[1]=="Polygon"){
bound <- sp::SpatialPolygons(list(sp::Polygons(list(sp::Polygon(cbind(xrange=my_shp@coords[,1],
yrange=my_shp@coords[,2]))), ID = "a")))
poly <- bound@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
#r.shp <- bbox(my_shp)
} else{
bound <- raster::aggregate(my_shp)
poly <- bound@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
#r.shp <- bbox(bound)
#check lambdamax if it is supposed to be set at this value or to stop
#if (is.null(lambdamax)) lambdamax <- max(as.numeric(pop_shp@data@values), na.rm = TRUE)
if (SSI==TRUE){
xycand <- SDALGCPSSIPoint(poly=poly, delta=delta, pop_shp=pop_shp, lambdamax=lambdamax, pop=pop,
n = n, rho=rho, giveup=giveup, weighted=weighted)
} else if (uniform==TRUE){
xycand <- SDALGCPUniformPoint(poly=poly, delta=delta, pop_shp=pop_shp, lambdamax=lambdamax, pop=pop,
n = n, rho=rho, giveup=giveup, weighted=weighted, bound=bound)
} else{
xycand <- SDALGCPRegularPoint(poly=poly, delta=delta, pop_shp=pop_shp, lambdamax=lambdamax, pop=pop,
n = n, rho=rho, giveup=giveup, weighted=weighted, bound=bound)
if (plot==TRUE) {
if (class(my_shp)[1]=="Polygon"){
sampled_locations <- spatstat.geom::ppp(x = xycand$xy[,1], y = xycand$xy[,2], window = maptools::as.owin.SpatialPolygons(bound))
sampled_locations <- spatstat.geom::ppp(x = xycand$xy[,1], y = xycand$xy[,2], window = spatstat.geom::as.owin(bound))
##' @title SDALGCPpolygonpoints function
##' @description This function generate a random point pattern using Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process, uniform sampling and regular grid point.
##' @param my_shp A SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object containing the polygons (i.e each regions).
##' @param delta distance between points
##' @param pop_shp Optional, The raster of population density map for population weighted approach
##' @param rho Optional, The packing density, default set to 0.55
##' @param weighted To specify if you want to use the population density, default to FALSE, i.e population density is not used.
##' @param plot To display the plot of the points inside the polygon, default to TRUE
##' @param method To specify which method to use to sample the points, the options are 1 for Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process, 2 for Uniform sampling and 3 for regular grid. 1 is the default
##' @param giveup Number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm should terminate.
##' @details This algorithm generates points inside the polygon using three algorithms specified in the method.
##' @return It returns a list of the coordinates of the points created in each polygon and it has an associated attribute weighted which is either TRUE or FALSE to indicate if the population density is used or not.
##' @seealso \link{SDALGCPCreatePoint}, \link{SDALGCPSSIPoint}, \link{SDALGCPUniformPoint}, \link{SDALGCPRegularPoint}
##' @importFrom raster extract aggregate
##' @importFrom graphics axis
##' @importFrom spatstat.geom as.owin ppp
##' @importFrom sp SpatialPolygons Polygons Polygon spsample
##' @importFrom splancs areapl csr
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
SDALGCPpolygonpoints <- function(my_shp, delta, method=1, pop_shp=NULL, weighted=FALSE, rho=NULL, plot=FALSE,
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " creating points inside region :current out of :total regions [:bar:] :percent",
clear = FALSE, total = length(my_shp), width = 70)
if(weighted == TRUE & is.null(pop_shp)) stop('please insert the raster file of the population density or change argument weights==FALSE if you do not plan to use population density')
my_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(my_shp)){
my_list[[i]] <- SDALGCPCreatePoint(my_shp = my_shp@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]],
pop_shp = pop_shp, delta=delta, method=method,
plot=plot, lambdamax=NULL, pop=NULL, rho=rho, weighted=weighted,
#cat('creating points inside region', i, 'out of', length(my_shp), 'regions', '\n')
attr(my_list, 'weighted') <- FALSE
attr(my_list, 'my_shp') <- my_shp
} else{
cat("\n Extracting the population density for each polygon \n")
pop_lsoa <- raster::extract(pop_shp, my_shp, weights=weighted,normalizeWeights=F)
summ.mat <- function(my_mat) {
#my_answer <- my_mat[,1] %*% my_mat[,2]
my_answer <- sum(my_mat[,1]*my_mat[,2])
my_pop_lsoa <- unlist(lapply(pop_lsoa, FUN = summ.mat))
max.mat <- function(my_mat){
my_answer <- max(my_mat[,1])
my_pop_lsoa_max <- unlist(lapply(pop_lsoa,FUN = max.mat))
my_list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(my_shp)){
my_list[[i]] <- SDALGCPCreatePoint(my_shp = my_shp@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]],
pop_shp = pop_shp, delta=delta, method=method, rho=rho,
plot=plot, lambdamax=my_pop_lsoa_max[i], pop=my_pop_lsoa[i],
weighted=weighted, giveup=giveup)
#cat('\n creating points inside region', i, 'out of', length(my_shp), 'regions', '\n')
attr(my_list, 'weighted') <- TRUE
attr(my_list, 'my_shp') <- my_shp
##' @title precomputeCorrMatrix function
##' @description This function precomputes the covariance matrix
##' @param S.coord The list of the coordinates of the points created in each polygon
##' @param phi The vector of the scale parameter
##' @details This function precompute the covariance matrix using the exponential covariance function
##' @return return an array of the covariance matrix for the specified vectors of phi
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @importFrom pdist pdist
##' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
##' @seealso \code{\link{SDALGCPpolygonpoints}},
##' @keywords internal
precomputeCorrMatrix <- function(S.coord, phi){
weight=attr(S.coord, 'weighted')
n.distr <- length(S.coord)
n.phi <- length(phi)
cat("\n Start precomputing the correlation matrix! \n")
#pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.distr, initial = 0)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " [:bar:] :percent", total = n.distr, width = 70, clear=FALSE)
R= array(NA, dim = c(n.distr, n.distr, n.phi))
if (weight==TRUE){
for (i in 1:n.distr){
#utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb,i, label=paste( round(i/n.distr*100, 0), "% done"))
for (j in i:n.distr){
U <- as.matrix(pdist::pdist(as.matrix(S.coord[[i]]$xy), as.matrix(S.coord[[j]]$xy)))
W <- outer(S.coord[[i]]$weight, S.coord[[j]]$weight, '*')
for (k in 1:n.phi){
R[i,j, k] <- R[j,i, k] <- sum(W*exp(-U/phi[k]))
attr(R, 'weighted') <- TRUE
attr(R, 'my_shp') <- attr(S.coord, 'my_shp')
attr(R, 'S_coord') <- S.coord
for (i in 1:n.distr){
#utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb,i, label=paste( round(i/n.distr*100, 0), "% done"))
for (j in i:n.distr){
U <- as.matrix(pdist::pdist(as.matrix(S.coord[[i]]$xy), as.matrix(S.coord[[j]]$xy)))
for (k in 1:n.phi){
R[i,j, k] <- R[j,i, k] <- mean(exp(-U/phi[k]))
attr(R, 'weighted') <- FALSE
attr(R, 'my_shp') <- attr(S.coord, 'my_shp')
attr(R, 'S_coord') <- S.coord
cat("\n Done precomputing the correlation matrix!\n")
return(list(R=R, phi=phi))
##' @title Aggregated_poisson_log_MCML function
##' @description This function performs Monte Carlo maximum likelihood (MCML) estimation for the geostatistical Poisson model with log link function.
##' @param y the data
##' @param D the design matrix
##' @param m the offset term
##' @param corr the correlation matrix from exponential correlation function
##' @param par0 the initial parameter of the fixed effects beta, the variance sigmasq and the scale parameter phi, specified as c(beta, sigma2, phi)
##' @param control.mcmc output from \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}.
##' @param S.sim the posterior sample of the linear predictor given the initial parameters
##' @param Denominator the value of the denominator of the likelihood
##' @param messages logical; if message=TRUE, it prints the results objective function and the parameters at every phi iteration. Default is FALSE.
##' @details The function helps to obtain the MCML estimate for a given value of correlation matrix, i.e for a given value of the scale parameter phi.
##' @return \code{estimate}: estimates of the model parameters; beta's and with sigma2 on the log scale
##' @return \code{covariance}: covariance matrix of the MCML estimates.
##' @return \code{log.lik}: maximum value of the log-likelihood.
##' @return \code{S}: the linear predictor given the initial parameter
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @references Giorgi, E., & Diggle, P. J. (2017). PrevMap: an R package for prevalence mapping. Journal of Statistical Software, 78(8), 1-29. doi:10.18637/jss.v078.i08.
##' @references Christensen, O. F. (2004). Monte Carlo maximum likelihood in model-based geostatistics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13, 702-718.
##' @importFrom stats nlminb
##' @importFrom PrevMap Laplace.sampling
##' @keywords internal
##' @seealso \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}
Aggregated_poisson_log_MCML <- function(y, D, m, corr, par0, control.mcmc, S.sim,
Denominator, messages) {
n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(D)
R.inv <- solve(corr)
ldetR <- determinant(corr)$modulus
Log.Joint.dens.S.Y <- function(S,val) {
llik <- sum(y*S-m*exp(S))
diff.S <- S-val$mu
AAA <- t(diff.S)%*%R.inv%*%(diff.S)
return(-0.5*(n*log(val$sigma2)+ ldetR+
AAA/val$sigma2)+ llik)
#it computes the density of S for each sample of S
Num.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik <- function(par) {
beta <- par[1:p]
val <- list()
val$mu <- as.numeric(D%*%beta)
val$sigma2 <- exp(par[p+1])
return(sapply(1:(dim(S.sim)[1]),function(i) Log.Joint.dens.S.Y(S.sim[i,],val)))
Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik <- function(par) {
grad.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik <- function(par){
beta <- par[1:p]
D.beta <- D%*%beta
sigma2 <- exp(par[p+1])
First.deriv.S.param <- function(S){
diff.S <- S-D.beta
AAA <- t(diff.S)%*%R.inv%*%diff.S
grad.beta <- t(D)%*%R.inv%*%(diff.S)/sigma2
grad.log.sigma2 <- (-n/(2*sigma2)+0.5*AAA/(sigma2^2))*sigma2
der.par <- c(grad.beta, grad.log.sigma2)
ratio <- exp(Num.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik(par)-Denominator)
sum.ratio <- sum(ratio)
part.deriv <- ratio/sum.ratio
cumm <- rep(0,length(par))
for(i in 1:(dim(S.sim)[1])) {
full.deriv <- part.deriv[i]*First.deriv.S.param(S.sim[i,])
cumm <- cumm + full.deriv
#The second derivative of the Monte Carlo approximation
hess.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik <- function(par) {
beta <- par[1:p]
mu <- D%*%beta
sigma2 <- exp(par[p+1])
H <- matrix(0,nrow=length(par),ncol=length(par))
H[1:p,1:p] <- (-t(D)%*%R.inv%*%D)/sigma2
Second.deriv.S.param <- function(S, part.deriv) {
diff.S <- S-mu
q.f <- t(diff.S)%*%R.inv%*%diff.S
grad.beta <- t(D)%*%R.inv%*%(diff.S)/sigma2
grad.log.sigma2 <- (-n/(2*sigma2)+0.5*q.f/(sigma2^2))*sigma2
der.par <- c(grad.beta, grad.log.sigma2)
H[1:p,p+1] <- H[p+1,1:p] <- -t(D)%*%R.inv%*%(diff.S)/sigma2
H[p+1,p+1] <- (n/(2*sigma2^2)-q.f/(sigma2^3))*sigma2^2+
out <- list()
out$first.term<- part.deriv*(der.par%*%t(der.par)+H)
out$grad <- der.par*part.deriv
ratio <- exp(Num.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik(par)-Denominator)
sum.ratio <- sum(ratio)
part.deriv <- ratio/sum.ratio
last.term <- rep(0,length(par))
cumm <- matrix(0,length(par),length(par))
for(i in 1:(dim(S.sim)[1])) {
Hess <- Second.deriv.S.param(S.sim[i,], part.deriv[i])
last.term <- last.term + Hess$grad
cumm <- cumm + Hess$first.term
new.par <- par0[-length(par0)]
new.par[(p+1)] <- log(new.par[(p+1)])
output <- list()
result <- stats::nlminb(new.par,function(x) -Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik(x),
function(x) -grad.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik(x),
function(x) -hess.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik(x),control=list(trace=1*messages))
#i can change trace =0, so that it doesn't print result
output$estimate <- result$par
output$covariance <- solve(-hess.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik(result$par))
output$value <- -result$objective
output$S <- S.sim
names(output$estimate)[1:p] <- colnames(D)
names(output$estimate)[(p+1)] <- c("sigma^2") #note that it stored log(sigma^2)
rownames(output$covariance) <- colnames(output$covariance) <- names(output$estimate)
##' @title SDALGCPParaEst function.
##' @description This function provides the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter given the precomputed correlation matrices for different values of scale parameter, phi. An internal function for \code{\link{SDALGCP}} package
##' @param formula an object of class \code{\link{formula}} (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
##' @param data data frame containing the variables in the model.
##' @param corr the array of the precomputed correlation matrix for each value of the scale parameter.
##' @param par0 the initial parameter of the fixed effects beta, the variance sigmasq and the scale parameter phi, specified as c(beta, sigma2, phi)
##' @param control.mcmc list from PrevMap package to define the burnin, thining, the number of iteration and the turning parameters see \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}.
##' @param plot_profile logical; if TRUE the profile-likelihood is plotted. default is FALSE
##' @param messages logical; if message=TRUE, it prints the results objective function and the parameters at every phi iteration. Default is FALSE.
##' @details This function performs parameter estimation for a SDALGCP Model
##' \bold{Monte Carlo Maximum likelihood.}
##' The Monte Carlo maximum likelihood method uses conditional simulation from the distribution of the random effect \eqn{T(x) = d(x)'\beta+S(x)} given the data \code{y}, in order to approximate the high-dimensional intractable integral given by the likelihood function. The resulting approximation of the likelihood is then maximized by a numerical optimization algorithm which uses analytic expression for computation of the gradient vector and Hessian matrix. The functions used for numerical optimization are \code{\link{nlminb}}
##' @return An object of class "SDALGCP".
##' The function \code{\link{summary.SDALGCP}} is used to print a summary of the fitted model.
##' The object is a list with the following components:
##' @return \code{D}: matrix of covariates.
##' @return \code{y}: the count, response observations.
##' @return \code{m}: offset
##' @return \code{beta_opt}: estimates of the fixed effects of the model.
##' @return \code{sigma2_opt}: estimates of the variance of the Gaussian process.
##' @return \code{phi_opt}: estimates of the scale parameter phi of the Gaussian process.
##' @return \code{cov}: covariance matrix of the MCML estimates.
##' @return \code{Sigma_mat_opt }: covariance matrix of the Gaussian process that corresponds to the optimal value
##' @return \code{llike_val_opt}: maximum value of the log-likelihood.
##' @return \code{mu}: mean of the linear predictor
##' @return \code{all_para}: the entire estimates for the different values of phi.
##' @return \code{all_cov}: the entire covariance matrix of the estimates for the different values of phi.
##' @return \code{par0}: the initial parameter of the fixed effects beta and the variance sigmasq used in the estimation
##' @return \code{control.mcmc}: the burnin, thining, the number of iteration and the turning parameters used see \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}.
##' @return \code{S}: the linear predictor given the initial parameter
##' @return \code{call}: the matched call.
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @importFrom pdist pdist
##' @references Giorgi, E., & Diggle, P. J. (2017). PrevMap: an R package for prevalence mapping. Journal of Statistical Software, 78(8), 1-29. doi:10.18637/jss.v078.i08.
##' @references Christensen, O. F. (2004). Monte Carlo maximum likelihood in model-based geostatistics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13, 702-718.
##' @seealso \link{Aggregated_poisson_log_MCML}, \code{\link{Laplace.sampling}}
##' @keywords internal
SDALGCPParaEst <- function(formula, data, corr, par0=NULL, control.mcmc=NULL, plot_profile=FALSE, messages=FALSE){
cat("\n Now preparing for parameter estimation!\n")
mf <- model.frame(formula=formula,data=data)
y <- as.numeric(model.response(mf))
D <- model.matrix(attr(mf,"terms"), data=data)
n <- length(y)
p <- ncol(D)
if(any(startsWith(names(mf), 'offset')==TRUE)) {
m <- exp(model.offset(mf))
} else {
m <- rep(1, n)
if(is.null(par0)) {
phi <- as.numeric(corr$phi)
n.phi <- length(phi)
R <- corr$R
model <- glm(formula, family="poisson", data=data)
beta.start <-coef(model)
sigma2.start <- mean(model$residuals^2)
phi.start <- median(phi)
par0 <- c(beta.start, sigma2.start, phi.start)
whichmedian <- function(x) which.min(abs(x - median(x)))
corr0 <- R[,,whichmedian(phi)]
phi <- as.numeric(corr$phi)
phi <- phi[-(length(phi))]
n.phi <- length(phi)
corr0 <- corr$R[,,(n.phi+1)]
R <- corr$R[,,(-(n.phi+1))]
if(any(par0[-(1:p)] <= 0)) stop("the covariance parameters in 'par0' must be positive.")
if(is.null(control.mcmc)) control.mcmc <- list(n.sim = 10000, burnin = 2000, thin= 8, h=1.65/(n^(1/6)),
c1.h = 0.01, c2.h = 1e-04)
#initial values
beta0 <- par0[1:p]
mu0 <- as.numeric(D%*%beta0)
sigma2.0 <- par0[p+1]
Sigma0 <- sigma2.0 * corr0
cat("\n Simulating the linear predictor given the initial parameter \n")
S.sim.res <- tryCatch(PrevMap::Laplace.sampling(mu=mu0, Sigma=Sigma0, y=y, units.m=m,
plot.correlogram=FALSE, messages=messages,
poisson.llik=TRUE), error=identity)
if (is(S.sim.res, "error")) stop("Error from simulating the linear predictor, change the initial value of the scale parameters, phi in par0 argument")
S.sim <- S.sim.res$samples
R.inv0 <- solve(corr0)
ldetR0 <- determinant(corr0)$modulus
################# compute the denominator
Log.Joint.dens.S.Y <- function(S,val) {
llik <- sum(y*S-m*exp(S))
diff.S <- S-val$mu
AAA <- t(diff.S)%*%R.inv0%*%(diff.S)
return(-0.5*(n*log(val$sigma2)+ ldetR0+
AAA/val$sigma2)+ llik)
#it computes the density of S for each sample of S
Num.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik <- function(par) {
beta <- par[1:p]
val <- list()
val$mu <- as.numeric(D%*%beta)
val$sigma2 <- exp(par[p+1])
return(sapply(1:(dim(S.sim)[1]),function(i) Log.Joint.dens.S.Y(S.sim[i,],val)))
Den.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik <- Num.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik(c(beta0,log(sigma2.0)))
func <- function(x, par0){
cat("\n For phi = ", phi[x], "\n")
result <- Aggregated_poisson_log_MCML(y=y, D=D, m=m, corr= R[,,x], par0=par0,
control.mcmc=control.mcmc, S.sim=S.sim,
Denominator = Den.Monte.Carlo.Log.Lik, messages=messages)
result$estimate[p+1] <- exp(result$estimate[p+1])
return(list(par=c(phi[x], result$value, as.numeric(result$estimate)), cov=result$covariance))
cat("\n Now estimating the parameter \n")
ress <- list()
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " [:bar:] :percent", total = n.phi, width = 70, clear=FALSE)
for (i in 1:n.phi){
ress[[i]] <- func(x=i, par0=par0)
par0 <- c(ress[[i]]$par[-(1:2)], ress[[i]]$par[1])
output <-'rbind', lapply(ress, function(x) x$par)))
output2 <- lapply(ress, function(x) x$cov)
########to get predictors names
# mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
# predictorsnames <- c("(intercept)", attr(mt, "term.labels"))
predictorsnames <- colnames(D)
colnames(output) <- c('phi', 'value', predictorsnames, 'sigma2')
#i need to redo the col name when par0 is specified
if (plot_profile) plot(output[,1], output[,2], type='l', ylab='loglik', xlab='phi', col="red")
max.ind <- which.max(output[,'value'])
colnames(max.res) <- c('phi', 'value', predictorsnames, 'sigma2')
cov.max.res <- output2[[max.ind]]
out <- list()
out$D <- D
out$y <- y
out$m <- m
out$beta_opt <- as.numeric(max.res[predictorsnames])
out$sigma2_opt <- as.numeric(max.res['sigma2'])
out$phi_opt <- as.numeric(max.res['phi'])
out$cov <- cov.max.res
out$Sigma_mat_opt <- out$sigma2_opt*R[,,which.max(output[,'value'])]
out$llike_val_opt <- as.numeric(max.res['value'])
out$mu <- D%*%out$beta_opt
out$all_para <- output
out$all_cov <- output2
out$par0 <- par0
out$control.mcmc <- control.mcmc
out$S <- S.sim
out$call <-
attr(out, 'weighted') <- attr(corr$R, 'weighted')
attr(out, 'my_shp') <- attr(corr$R, 'my_shp')
attr(out, 'S_coord') <- attr(corr$R, 'S_coord')
attr(out, "prematrix") <- corr
class(out) <- "SDALGCP"
##' @title SDADiscretePred function
##' @description This function performs spatial discrete prediction for a fixed the model parameters at the Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimates of a SDALGCP model.
##' @param para_est an object of class "SDALGCP" obtained as a result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPMCML}}.
##' @param control.mcmc output from \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}, if not provided, it uses the values used for the parameter estimation
##' @param divisor optional, if the coordinate of the shapefile is rescaled, default is 1
##' @param plot.correlogram logical; if plot.correlogram=TRUE the autocorrelation plot of the conditional simulations is displayed.
##' @param messages logical; if messages=TRUE then status messages are printed on the screen (or output device) while the function is running. Default is messages=TRUE.
##' @details The function returns the region-specific incidence and the covariate adjusted relative risk exp(S(A))
##' @return It returns the following list
##' @return S.draw: the samples of the linear predictor \eqn{d(x)'\beta + S(A)}
##' @return incidence: the region-specific incidence
##' @return SEincidence: Standard error of the region-specific incidence
##' @return CovRR: the prediction of the covariate adjusted relative risk
##' @return SECovRR: the standard error of the covariate adjusted relative risk
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom sp spsample
##' @importFrom Matrix solve chol
SDADiscretePred <- function(para_est, control.mcmc=NULL,
divisor=1, plot.correlogram=FALSE, messages=TRUE){
out <- list()
my_shp <- attr(para_est, 'my_shp')
beta <- para_est$beta_opt
mu0 <- para_est$mu
sigma2 <- para_est$sigma2_opt*median(diag(para_est$Sigma_mat_opt))
phi <- para_est$phi_opt
Sigma0 <- para_est$Sigma_mat_opt
if (is.null(control.mcmc)) control.mcmc <- para_est$control.mcmc
m <- para_est$m
y <- para_est$y
S.sim.res <- PrevMap::Laplace.sampling(mu=mu0, Sigma=Sigma0, y=y,
units.m=m, control.mcmc = control.mcmc,
plot.correlogram=plot.correlogram, messages=messages,
S.sim <- S.sim.res$samples
n.sim <- dim(S.sim)[1]
my_shp$pMean_ARR <- exp(apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) S.sim[x,]-mu0), 1, mean))
my_shp$pSD_ARR <- apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) exp(S.sim[x,]-mu0)), 1, sd)
my_shp$pMean_RR <- exp(apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) S.sim[x,]), 1, mean))
my_shp$pSD_RR <- apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) exp(S.sim[x,])), 1, sd)
out$incidence <- my_shp$pMean_RR
out$SEincidence <- my_shp$pSD_RR
out$CovRR <- my_shp$pMean_ARR
out$SECovRR <- my_shp$pSD_ARR
out$S.draw <- S.sim
out$my_shp <- my_shp
out$para_est <- para_est
out$call <-
attr(out, 'weighted') <- attr(para_est, 'weighted')
class(out) <- "SDALGCP"
##' @title SDAContinuousPred function
##' @description This function performs spatial continuous prediction, fixing the model parameters at the Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimates of a SDALGCP model.
##' @param para_est an object of class "SDALGCP" obtained as a result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPMCML}}.
##' @param cellsize the size of the computational grid
##' @param control.mcmc output from \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}, if not provided, it uses the values used for the parameter estimation
##' @param pred.loc optional, the dataframe of the predictive grid.
##' @param divisor optional, the value to use to convert the dimension of the polygon, default is 1 which implies no conversion
##' @param plot.correlogram logical; if plot.correlogram=TRUE the autocorrelation plot of the conditional simulations is displayed.
##' @param messages logical; if messages=TRUE then status messages are printed on the screen (or output device) while the function is running. Default is messages=TRUE.
##' @param parallel to parallelize some part of the function.
##' @details The function returns the prediction of the relative risk exp(S(x))
##' @return pred.draw: the samples of the prediction
##' @return pred: the prediction of the relative risk
##' @return predSD: the standard error of the prediction
##' @return Pred.loc: The coordinates of the predictive locations
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @importFrom sp spsample coordinates
##' @importFrom Matrix solve chol
##' @importFrom pdist pdist
##' @importFrom stats median
##' @keywords internal
SDAContinuousPred <- function(para_est, cellsize, control.mcmc=NULL, pred.loc=NULL,
divisor=1, plot.correlogram=F, messages=TRUE, parallel=FALSE){
out <- list()
my_shp <- attr(para_est, 'my_shp')
weight <- attr(para_est, 'weighted')
S.coord <- attr(para_est, 'S_coord')
beta <- para_est$beta_opt
mu0 <- para_est$mu
sigma2 <- para_est$sigma2_opt*median(diag(para_est$Sigma_mat_opt))
phi <- para_est$phi_opt
Sigma0 <- para_est$Sigma_mat_opt
if (is.null(control.mcmc)) control.mcmc <- para_est$control.mcmc
m <- para_est$m
y <- para_est$y
S.sim.res <- PrevMap::Laplace.sampling(mu=mu0, Sigma=Sigma0, y=y,
units.m=m, control.mcmc = control.mcmc,
plot.correlogram=plot.correlogram, messages=messages,
S.sim <- S.sim.res$samples
n.sim <- dim(S.sim)[1]
my_shp$pMean_ARR <- exp(apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) S.sim[x,]-mu0), 1, mean))
my_shp$pSD_ARR <- apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) exp(S.sim[x,]-mu0)), 1, sd)
my_shp$pMean_RR <- exp(apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) S.sim[x,]), 1, mean))
my_shp$pSD_RR <- apply(sapply(1:n.sim, function(x) exp(S.sim[x,])), 1, sd)
out$S.draw <- S.sim
out$my_shp <- my_shp
out$para_est <- para_est
################################## continuous
if(is.null(pred.loc)) {
bound <- raster::aggregate(my_shp)
regpts <- sp::spsample(bound, cellsize=cellsize, type = "regular")
vvv <- sp::coordinates(regpts)
pred.loc <- data.frame(x=vvv[,1], y=vvv[,2])/divisor
out$bound <- bound
n.pred.loc <- nrow(pred.loc)
U.pred <- as.matrix(dist(pred.loc))
#Sigma x
Sigma.x2 <- sigma2*exp(-U.pred/phi)
cat("\n computing the correlation matrix of the predictive locations and the regions \n")
cov.matrix.x.A=function(pred.loc, S.coord, phi){
n.pred.loc <- nrow(pred.loc)
n.distr <- length(S.coord)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " [:bar:] :percent",
total = n.pred.loc, width = 70, clear=FALSE)
R= matrix(NA, nrow = n.pred.loc, ncol = n.distr)
for (i in 1:n.pred.loc){
for (j in 1:n.distr){
U= as.matrix(pdist::pdist(pred.loc[i,],
R[i,j] = sum(S.coord[[j]]$weight*exp(-U/phi))
cov.matrix.x.A2=function(pred.loc, S.coord, phi){
n.pred.loc <- nrow(pred.loc)
n.distr <- length(S.coord)
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = " [:bar:] :percent",
clear = FALSE, total = n.pred.loc, width = 70)
R= matrix(NA, nrow = n.pred.loc, ncol = n.distr)
for (i in 1:n.pred.loc){
for (j in 1:n.distr){
U= as.matrix(pdist::pdist(pred.loc[i,],
R[i,j] = mean(exp(-U/phi))
if (weight==TRUE){
if (parallel==TRUE){
cat("The parallel option will be available once bigstatsr package is submitted on cran, see readme file on github for more info")
#Sigma.x.A2 <- sigma2*cov.matrix.x.A4(pred.loc, S.coord, phi)
Sigma.x.A2 <- sigma2*cov.matrix.x.A(pred.loc, S.coord, phi)
} else{
if (parallel==TRUE){
cat("The parallel option will be available once bigstatsr package is submitted on cran, see readme file on github for more info")
#Sigma.x.A2 <- sigma2*cov.matrix.x.A3(pred.loc, S.coord, phi)
Sigma.x.A2 <- sigma2*cov.matrix.x.A2(pred.loc, S.coord, phi)
Sigma.A2 <- Sigma0
# matt <- Sigma0
# diag(matt) <- 1
# Sigma.A2 <- sigma2*matt
inv.Sigma.A2 <- solve(Sigma.A2)
#The predition
pred.var2 <- Sigma.x2 - Sigma.x.A2%*%inv.Sigma.A2%*%t(Sigma.x.A2)
KKK2 <- t(chol(pred.var2))
S.x2 <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.sim, ncol= n.pred.loc)
for (i in 1:n.sim){
pred.mean2 <- Sigma.x.A2%*%(inv.Sigma.A2%*%(S.sim[i,]-mu0))
S.x2[i,] <- pred.mean2 + KKK2%*%rnorm(n.pred.loc)
M.E.S.x2 <- exp(apply(S.x2, 2, mean))
SD.E.S.x2 <- apply(exp(S.x2), 2, sd)
out$pred.draw <- S.x2
out$pred.loc <- pred.loc
out$pred <- M.E.S.x2
out$predSD <- SD.E.S.x2
out$call <-
attr(out, 'weighted') <- weight
class(out) <- "SDALGCP"
##' @title Parameter estimation for SDA-LGCP Using Monte Carlo Maximum likelihood
##' @description This function provides the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter given a set of values of scale parameter of the Gaussian process, phi.
##' @param formula an object of class \code{\link{formula}} (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
##' @param data data frame containing the variables in the model.
##' @param my_shp A SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object containing the polygons (i.e each regions).
##' @param delta distance between points
##' @param phi the discretised values of the scale parameter phi. if not supplied, it uses the default, which is 20 phis' which ranges from size of the smallest region to the one-tenth of the size of the entire domain.
##' @param pop_shp Optional, The raster of population density map for population weighted approach
##' @param weighted To specify if you want to use the population density, default to FALSE, i.e population density is not used.
##' @param method To specify which method to use to sample the points, the options are 1 for Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) process, 2 for Uniform sampling and 3 for regular grid. 1 is the default
##' @param par0 the initial parameter of the fixed effects beta, the variance sigmasq and the scale parameter phi, specified as c(beta, sigma2, phi). Default; beta, the estimates from the glm; sigma2, variance of the residual; phi, the median of the supplied phi.
##' @param control.mcmc list from PrevMap package to define the burnin, thining, the number of iteration and the turning parameters see \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}.
##' @param rho Optional, the packing density, default set to 0.55
##' @param giveup Optional, number of rejected proposals after which the algorithm should terminate, default set to 1000
##' @param plot To display the plot of the points inside the polygon, default to TRUE
##' @param plot_profile logical; if TRUE the profile-likelihood is plotted. default is FALSE
##' @param messages logical; if messages=TRUE, it prints the results objective function and the parameters at every phi iteration. Default is FALSE.
##' @details This function performs parameter estimation for a SDALGCP Model
##' \bold{Monte Carlo Maximum likelihood.}
##' The Monte Carlo maximum likelihood method uses conditional simulation from the distribution of the random effect \eqn{T(x) = d(x)'\beta+S(x)} given the data \code{y}, in order to approximate the high-dimensional intractable integral given by the likelihood function. The resulting approximation of the likelihood is then maximized by a numerical optimization algorithm which uses analytic expression for computation of the gradient vector and Hessian matrix. The functions used for numerical optimization are \code{\link{nlminb}}. The first stage of estimation is generating locations inside the polygon, followed by precomputing the correlation matrices, then optimising the likelihood.
##' @return An object of class "SDALGCP".
##' The function \code{\link{summary.SDALGCP}} is used to print a summary of the fitted model.
##' The object is a list with the following components:
##' @return \code{D}: matrix of covariates.
##' @return \code{y}: the count, response observations.
##' @return \code{m}: offset
##' @return \code{beta_opt}: estimates of the fixed effects of the model.
##' @return \code{sigma2_opt}: estimates of the variance of the Gaussian process.
##' @return \code{phi_opt}: estimates of the scale parameter phi of the Gaussian process.
##' @return \code{cov}: covariance matrix of the MCML estimates.
##' @return \code{Sigma_mat_opt}: covariance matrix of the Gaussian process that corresponds to the optimal value
##' @return \code{llike_val_opt}: maximum value of the log-likelihood.
##' @return \code{mu}: mean of the linear predictor
##' @return \code{all_para}: the entire estimates for the different values of phi.
##' @return \code{all_cov}: the entire covariance matrix of the estimates for the different values of phi.
##' @return \code{par0}: the initial parameter of the fixed effects beta and the variance sigmasq used in the estimation
##' @return \code{control.mcmc}: the burnin, thining, the number of iteration and the turning parameters used see \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}.
##' @return \code{call}: the matched call.
##' @examples
##' ### Prepare the input of the model
##' data(PBCshp)
##' data <- #get the data
##' ### Write the formula of the model
##' FORM <- X ~ propmale + Income + Employment + Education + Barriers + Crime +
##' Environment + offset(log(pop))
##' ### set the discretised phi
##' phi <- seq(500, 1700, length.out = 10)
##' #### get the initial parameter
##' model <- glm(formula=FORM, family="poisson", data=data)
##' beta.start <-coef(model)
##' sigma2.start <- mean(model$residuals^2)
##' phi.start <- median(phi)
##' par0 <- c(beta.start, sigma2.start, phi.start)
##' # setup the control arguments for the MCMC
##' n <- 545
##' h <- 1.65/(n^(1/6))
##' control.mcmc <- controlmcmcSDA(n.sim = 10000, burnin = 2000,
##' thin= 8, h=h, c1.h = 0.01, c2.h = 1e-04)
##' ###Run the model
##' \donttest{
##' my_est <- SDALGCPMCML(formula=FORM, data=data, my_shp=PBCshp, delta=500, phi=phi, method=1,
##' weighted=FALSE, plot=TRUE, par0=par0, control.mcmc=control.mcmc)
##' }
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @importFrom pdist pdist
##' @importFrom sp bbox
##' @references Giorgi, E., & Diggle, P. J. (2017). PrevMap: an R package for prevalence mapping. Journal of Statistical Software, 78(8), 1-29. doi:10.18637/jss.v078.i08
##' @references Christensen, O. F. (2004). Monte Carlo maximum likelihood in model-based geostatistics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13, 702-718.
##' @seealso \link{Aggregated_poisson_log_MCML}, \code{\link{Laplace.sampling}}, \link{summary.SDALGCP}
##' @export
SDALGCPMCML <- function(formula, data, my_shp, delta, phi=NULL, method=1, pop_shp=NULL,
weighted=FALSE, par0=NULL, control.mcmc=NULL, plot=FALSE, plot_profile=TRUE, rho=NULL,
giveup=NULL, messages=FALSE){
if(any( stop("missing values are not accepted")
if(class(formula)!="formula") stop("formula must be a 'formula' object that indicates the variables of the fitted model.")
if(!is.null(control.mcmc) & length(control.mcmc) != 6) stop("please check the input of the controlmcmc argument")
phi <- seq(sqrt(min(sapply(1:length(my_shp), function(x) my_shp@polygons[[x]]@area))),
min(apply(sp::bbox(my_shp), 1, diff))/10, length.out = 20)
#############create point
my_list <- SDALGCPpolygonpoints(my_shp=my_shp, delta=delta, method=1, pop_shp=pop_shp,
weighted=weighted, plot=plot, rho=rho, giveup = giveup)
#############precompute matrix
my_preMatrix <- precomputeCorrMatrix(S.coord = my_list, phi = phi)
} else{
phi <- c(phi, par0[length(par0)])
my_preMatrix <- precomputeCorrMatrix(S.coord = my_list, phi = phi)
#############estimate parameter
my_est <- SDALGCPParaEst(formula=formula, data=data, corr= my_preMatrix, par0=par0,
control.mcmc=control.mcmc, plot_profile=plot_profile, messages=messages)
my_est$call <-
attr(my_est, 'SDALGCPMCML') <- TRUE
class(my_est) <- "SDALGCP"
##' @title Spatial prediction using plug-in of MCML estimates
##' @description This function performs spatial continuous and discrete prediction, fixing the model parameters at the Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimates of a SDALGCP model.
##' @param para_est an object of class "SDALGCP" obtained as a result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPMCML}}.
##' @param cellsize the size of the computational grid
##' @param pred.loc optional, the dataframe of the predictive grid.
##' @param continuous logical; to choose which prediction to do perform, discrete or continuous. the default is continuous.
##' @param control.mcmc output from \code{\link{controlmcmcSDA}}, if not provided, it uses the values used for the parameter estimation
##' @param divisor optional, the value to use to convert the dimension of the polygon, default is 1 which implies no conversion
##' @param plot.correlogram logical; if plot.correlogram=TRUE the autocorrelation plot of the conditional simulations is displayed.
##' @param messages logical; if messages=TRUE then status messages are printed on the screen (or output device) while the function is running. Default is messages=TRUE.
##' @param parallel to parallelize some part of the function.
##' @details The function perform prediction of the spatially discrete incidence and covariate adjusted relative risk, and spatially continuous relative risk. The discrete inference uses the Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Hasting sampling from \code{\link{Laplace.sampling}}. And the continuous inference is typically change of support inference.
##' @return pred.draw: the samples of the prediction
##' @return pred: the prediction of the relative risk
##' @return predSD: the standard error of the prediction
##' @return Pred.loc: The coordinates of the predictive locations
##' @examples
##' ### Prepare the input of the model
##' data(PBCshp)
##' data <- #get the data
##' ### Write the formula of the model
##' FORM <- X ~ propmale + Income + Employment + Education + Barriers + Crime +
##' Environment + offset(log(pop))
##' ### set the discretised phi
##' phi <- seq(500, 1700, length.out = 20)
##' #### get the initial parameter
##' model <- glm(formula=FORM, family="poisson", data=data)
##' beta.start <-coef(model)
##' sigma2.start <- mean(model$residuals^2)
##' phi.start <- median(phi)
##' par0 <- c(beta.start, sigma2.start, phi.start)
##' # setup the control arguments for the MCMC
##' n <- 545
##' h <- 1.65/(n^(1/6))
##' control.mcmc <- controlmcmcSDA(n.sim = 10000, burnin = 2000,
##' thin= 8, h=h, c1.h = 0.01, c2.h = 1e-04)
##' ###Run the model
##' \donttest{
##' my_est <- SDALGCPMCML(formula=FORM, data=data, my_shp=PBCshp, delta=100, phi=phi, method=1,
##' weighted=FALSE, plot=TRUE, par0=par0, control.mcmc=control.mcmc)
##' Con_pred <- SDALGCPPred(para_est=my_est, cellsize=300, continuous=TRUE)
##' }
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @references Banerjee, S., Carlin, B. P., & Gelfand, A. E. (2014). Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data. CRC press.
##' @seealso \link{plot.Pred.SDALGCP}, \link{SDAContinuousPred}, \link{SDADiscretePred}, \link{plot_continuous}, \link{plot_discrete}
##' @importFrom sp spsample coordinates
##' @importFrom Matrix solve chol
##' @importFrom pdist pdist
##' @importFrom stats median
##' @export
SDALGCPPred <- function(para_est, cellsize, continuous=TRUE, control.mcmc=NULL, pred.loc=NULL,
divisor=1, plot.correlogram=F, messages=TRUE, parallel=FALSE){
if(class(para_est)!="SDALGCP") stop("para_est must be of class 'SDALGCP', that is be an output of SDALGCPMCML function")
if(continuous && length(cellsize)==0) stop("if continuous is TRUE, cellsize must be provided")
if (continuous){
Con_pred <- SDAContinuousPred(para_est=para_est, cellsize=cellsize, pred.loc=pred.loc, parallel = parallel, divisor = divisor,
plot.correlogram = plot.correlogram, messages = messages, control.mcmc = control.mcmc)
Con_pred <- SDADiscretePred(para_est=para_est, control.mcmc = control.mcmc, divisor = divisor,
plot.correlogram = plot.correlogram, messages = messages)
Con_pred$call <-
attr(Con_pred, 'continuous') <- continuous
class(Con_pred) <- "Pred.SDALGCP"
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @method print SDALGCP
##' @export
print.SDALGCP <- function(x, ...) {
cat("Call: \n")
cat("Coefficients: \n")
cf <- c(x$beta_opt, x$sigma2_opt)
pnames <- pnames <- names(sqrt(diag(x$cov)))
names(cf) <- pnames
cat("\n \n")
cat("Scale of the spatial correlation, phi: ",x$phi_opt,"\n",sep="")
cat("Objective function: ",x$llike_val_opt,"\n",sep="")
##' @title Summarizing the parameter estimates of SDALGCP model
##' @description \code{summary} method for the class "SDALGCP" that computes the standard errors and p-values of SDALGCP.
##' @param object an object of class "SDALGCP" obtained as result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPMCML}} .
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @return A list with the following components
##' @return \code{parameter_estimate_result}: the parameter of the SDALGCP model
##' @return \code{phi}: the scale parameter of the Gaussian process
##' @return \code{ll}: value of likelihood function at the maximum likelihood estimates.
##' @return \code{call}: matched call.
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @method summary SDALGCP
##' @export
summary.SDALGCP <- function(object, ...) {
out <- list()
cmat <- cbind(c(object$beta_opt, object$sigma2_opt))
cmat <- cbind(cmat, sqrt(diag(object$cov)))
cmat <- cbind(cmat, cmat[, 1]/cmat[, 2])
parameter_estimate_result <- cbind(cmat, 2*pnorm(-abs(cmat[, 3])))
colnames(parameter_estimate_result) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "Z value", "Pr(>z)")
out$parameter_estimate_result <- parameter_estimate_result
out$phi <- object$phi_opt
out$ll <- object$llike_val_opt
out$call <- object$call
class(out) <- "summary.SDALGCP"
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @method print summary.SDALGCP
##' @export
print.summary.SDALGCP <- function(x, ...){
cat("Call: \n")
cat("Coefficients: \n")
printCoefmat(x$parameter_estimate_result, P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=3)
cat("\n \n")
cat("Scale of the spatial correlation, phi: ", x$phi,"\n",sep="")
cat("Objective function: ", x$ll, "\n",sep="")
cat("Legend: \n")
cat("sigma^2 is the variance of the Gaussian process")
##' @title plot_discrete
##' @description A generic function for mapping spatially discrete prediction for \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}} function in \link{SDALGCP} package. Not for general purposes
##' @param obj an object of class "Pred.SDALGCP" obtained as result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}}
##' @param type Character string: what type of plot to produce. Choices are "incidence" (=exp(mu+S)); "SEincidence" (standard error of incidence); "CovAdjRelRisk" (=exp(S)); or "SECovAdjRelRisk" (standard error of covariate adjusted relative risk);.
##' @param overlay optional; a logical operation to indicate either to add a base map.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}}
##' @return The function does not return any value.
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @importFrom mapview mapview
##' @importFrom sp spplot
##' @keywords internal
plot_discrete <- function(obj, type='incidence', overlay=FALSE, ...){
obj$my_shp$incidence <- obj$my_shp$pMean_RR
obj$my_shp$SEincidence <- obj$my_shp$pSD_RR
obj$my_shp$CovAdjRelRisk <- obj$my_shp$pMean_ARR
obj$my_shp$SECovAdjRelRisk <- obj$my_shp$pSD_ARR
mapview::mapview(obj$my_shp, type, ...)
sp::spplot(obj$my_shp, type, ...)
##' @title plot_continuous
##' @description A generic function for mapping spatially continuous prediction for \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}} function in \link{SDALGCP} package. Not for general purposes
##' @param obj an object of class "Pred.SDALGCP" obtained as result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}}
##' @param type Character string: what type of plot to produce. Choices are "relrisk" (=exp(S)); "SErelrisk" (standard error of the relative risk).
##' @param bound the boundary of the predictive grid, not required if predictive grid is not supplied
##' @param overlay optional; a logical operation to indicate either to add a base map.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
##' @seealso \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}}
##' @return The function does not return any value.
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @importFrom sp spplot
##' @importFrom mapview mapview
##' @keywords internal
plot_continuous <- function(obj, bound=NULL, type='relrisk', overlay=FALSE, ...){
obj$relrisk <- obj$pred
obj$SErelrisk <- obj$predSD
if (type=="relrisk"){
dat <- data.frame(x=obj$pred.loc[,1], y=obj$pred.loc[,2], z = as.numeric(obj$pred))
if (any(names(obj) == "bound")) {
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat), obj$bound)
raster::crs(r1) <- obj$my_shp@proj4string
mapview::mapview(r1, ...)
sp::spplot(r1, ..., sp.layout=obj$bound)
} else{
if(is.null(bound)) stop("please supply the boundary of the region")
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat), bound)
raster::crs(r1) <- obj$my_shp@proj4string
mapview::mapview(r1, ...)
sp::spplot(r1, ..., sp.layout=bound)
}else if (type=='SErelrisk'){
dat <- data.frame(x=obj$pred.loc[,1], y=obj$pred.loc[,2], z = as.numeric(obj$predSD))
if (any(names(obj) == "bound")){
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat), obj$bound)
raster::crs(r1) <- obj$my_shp@proj4string
mapview::mapview(r1, ...)
sp::spplot(r1, ..., sp.layout=obj$bound)
} else{
if(is.null(bound)) stop("please supply the boundary of the region")
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat), bound)
raster::crs(r1) <- obj$my_shp@proj4string
mapview::mapview(r1, ...)
sp::spplot(r1, ..., sp.layout=bound)
}else if (length(type)==2){
dat1 <- data.frame(x=obj$pred.loc[,1], y=obj$pred.loc[,2], z = as.numeric(obj$pred))
dat2 <- data.frame(x=obj$pred.loc[,1], y=obj$pred.loc[,2], z = as.numeric(obj$predSD))
if (any(names(obj) == "bound")){
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat1), obj$bound)
r2 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat2), obj$bound)
s <- raster::stack(r1, r2)
raster::crs(s) <- obj$my_shp@proj4string
mapview::mapview(s, ...)
sp::spplot(s, colorkey=list(space="bottom"), ..., sp.layout=obj$bound)
#use names.attr = c('Relative Risk', 'Standard Error of Relative Risk') to name the plot
} else{
if(is.null(bound)) stop("please supply the boundary of the region")
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat1), bound)
r2 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat2), bound)
s <- raster::stack(r1, r2)
raster::crs(s) <- obj$my_shp@proj4string
mapview::mapview(s, ...)
sp::spplot(s, colorkey=list(space="bottom"), ..., sp.layout=bound)
}else if (type=="incidence" | type=="CovAdjRelRisk"){
plot_discrete(obj=obj, type=type, overlay=FALSE, ...)
##' @title Exceedance probability of the relative risk
##' @description Computes the exceedance probability for a given threshold of the spatially continuous relative risk or the region specific relative risk from the object of class "Pred.SDALGCP".
##' @param obj an object of class "Pred.SDALGCP" obtained as result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}}.
##' @param thresholds either a vector of numbers or a vector of single value.
##' @param continuous logical; TRUE for spatially continuous relative risk and FALSE for region specific relative risk. default is TRUE
##' @return A vector or dataframe(for more than one value of the threshold) of the exceedance probability
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
SDALGCPexceedance <- function(obj , thresholds, continuous=TRUE) {
if (continuous){
sim <- exp(obj$pred.draw)
out <- sapply(thresholds, function(x) apply(sim, 2, function(z) mean(z > x)))
sim <- exp(obj$S.draw-rep(t(obj$para_est$mu), nrow(obj$S.draw)))
out <- sapply(thresholds, function(x) apply(sim, 2, function(z) mean(z > x)))
#colnames(out) <- thresholds
##' @title plot_SDALGCPexceedance
##' @description A generic function for mapping the exceedance probability for a given threshold of the spatially continuous relative risk or the region specific relative risk from the object of class "Pred.SDALGCP". Not for general purposes.
##' @param obj an object of class "Pred.SDALGCP" obtained as result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}}.
##' @param thresholds either a vector of numbers or a vector of single value.
##' @param bound optional; it gives the boundary of the region, only useful when the predictive location is supplied in \link{SDALGCPPred}.
##' @param continuous logical; TRUE for spatially continuous relative risk and FALSE for region specific relative risk. default is TRUE.
##' @param overlay optional; a logical operation to indicate either to add a base map.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to \link{plot}.
##' @return The plot of the exceedance probability map
##' @seealso \link{SDALGCPPred}
##' @importFrom sp spplot
##' @importFrom mapview mapview
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @keywords internal
plot_SDALGCPexceedance <- function(obj, thresholds, bound=NULL, continuous=TRUE, overlay=FALSE, ...){
if (continuous){
obj$prob <- SDALGCPexceedance(obj, thresholds=thresholds, continuous=TRUE)
dat <- data.frame(x=obj$pred.loc[,1], y=obj$pred.loc[,2], z = as.numeric(obj$prob))
if (any(names(obj) == "bound")) {
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat), obj$bound)
mapview::mapview(r1, ...)
sp::spplot(r1, ..., sp.layout=obj$bound)
} else{
if(is.null(bound)) stop("please supply the boundary of the region")
r1 <- raster::mask(raster::rasterFromXYZ(dat), bound)
mapview::mapview(r1, ...)
sp::spplot(r1, ..., sp.layout=bound)
obj$my_shp$prob <- SDALGCPexceedance(obj, thresholds=thresholds, continuous=FALSE)
mapview::mapview(r1, ...)
sp::spplot(obj$my_shp, "prob", ...)
##' @title plot.Pred.SDALGCP function
##' @description Simple plotting function for both discrete and continuous prediction from the object of class "Pred.SDALGCP".
##' @param x an object of class "Pred.SDALGCP" obtained as result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}}.
##' @param type Character string: what type of plot to produce. For discrete inference choices are "incidence" (=exp(mu+S)); "SEincidence" (standard error of incidence); "CovAdjRelRisk" (=exp(S)); or "SECovAdjRelRisk" (standard error of covariate adjusted relative risk); while for continuous inference, choices are "relrisk" (=exp(S)); "SErelrisk" (standard error of the relative risk).
##' @param continuous logical; TRUE for spatially continuous relative risk and FALSE for region specific relative risk. default is TRUE
##' @param thresholds optional; (only used if you want to plot the exceedance probability) either a vector of numbers or a vector of single value.
##' @param bound optional; it gives the boundary of the region, only useful when the predictive location is supplied in \link{SDALGCPPred}
##' @param overlay optional; a logical operation to indicate either to add a base map.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to \link{plot}.
##' @details This function plots the inference from \code{\link{SDALGCPPred}} function. It plots for region-specific inference; incidence and covariate adjusted relative risk while for spatially continuous inference it plots the relative risk. It can as well plot the exceedance probability for spatially discrete and continuous inference.
##' @seealso \link{SDALGCPPred}, \link{plot_continuous}, \link{plot_discrete}, \link{plot_SDALGCPexceedance}, \link{SDALGCPexceedance}
##' @return The function does not return any value.
##' @method plot Pred.SDALGCP
##' @examples
##' ### Prepare the input of the model
##' data(PBCshp)
##' data <- #get the data
##' ### Write the formula of the model
##' FORM <- X ~ propmale + Income + Employment + Education + Barriers + Crime +
##' Environment + offset(log(pop))
##' ### set the discretised phi
##' phi <- seq(500, 1700, length.out = 20)
##' #### get the initial parameter
##' model <- glm(formula=FORM, family="poisson", data=data)
##' beta.start <-coef(model)
##' sigma2.start <- mean(model$residuals^2)
##' phi.start <- median(phi)
##' par0 <- c(beta.start, sigma2.start, phi.start)
##' # setup the control arguments for the MCMC
##' n <- 545
##' h <- 1.65/(n^(1/6))
##' control.mcmc <- controlmcmcSDA(n.sim = 10000, burnin = 2000,
##' thin= 8, h=h, c1.h = 0.01, c2.h = 1e-04)
##' ###Run the model
##' \donttest{
##' my_est <- SDALGCPMCML(formula=FORM, data=data, my_shp=PBCshp, delta=100, phi=phi, method=1,
##' weighted=FALSE, plot=TRUE, par0=NULL, control.mcmc=control.mcmc)
##' Con_pred <- SDALGCPPred(para_est=my_est, cellsize=300, continuous=TRUE)
##' #to plot the spatially continuous relative risk
##' plot(Con_pred, type="relrisk")
##' #to plot the incidence
##' plot(Con_pred, type="incidence", continuous=FALSE)
##' #to plot the exceedance probability of the relative risk
##' plot(Con_pred, type="relrisk", thresholds= 2)
##' #to plot the exceedance probability of the incidence
##' plot(Con_pred, type="incidence", continuous=FALSE, thresholds= 0.001)
##' }
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @export
plot.Pred.SDALGCP <- function(x, type='relrisk', continuous=NULL, thresholds=NULL, bound=NULL, overlay=FALSE, ...){
if(is.null(continuous)) continuous <- attr(x, 'continuous')
plot_continuous(obj=x, bound=bound, type=type, overlay=overlay, ...)
} else {
plot_SDALGCPexceedance(obj=x , thresholds=thresholds, bound=bound, continuous=continuous, overlay=overlay, ...)
if (is.null(thresholds)){
if (type=='relrisk') stop("Since you have made a spatially discrete inference, please set type to be one of these four options, choices are 'incidence' (=exp(mu+S)); 'SEincidence' (standard error of incidence); 'CovAdjRelRisk' (=exp(S)); or 'SECovAdjRelRisk' (standard error of covariate adjusted relative risk)")
plot_discrete(obj=x, type=type, overlay=overlay, ...)
} else{
plot_SDALGCPexceedance(obj=x , thresholds=thresholds, bound=bound, continuous=continuous, overlay=overlay, ...)
##' @title Confidence Intervals for SDALGCP Model Parameters
##' @description Computes confidence intervals for one or more parameters in a fitted SDALGCP model from the object of class "SDALGCP", based on asymptotic normality.
##' @param object an object of class "SDALGCP" obtained as result of a call to \code{\link{SDALGCPMCML}}.
##' @param parm a specification of which parameters are to be given confidence intervals, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names. If missing, all parameters are considered.
##' @param level the confidence level required.
##' @param dp the number of decimal places for the result
##' @param ... additional argument(s) for methods.
##' @seealso \link{confint.lm}, \link{confint.default}, \link{SDALGCPMCML}
##' @return A matrix (or vector) with columns giving lower and upper confidence limits for each parameter. These will be labelled as (1-level)/2 and 1 - (1-level)/2 in % (by default 2.5% and 97.5%).
##' @method confint SDALGCP
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @export
confint.SDALGCP <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, dp=3, ...){
cf <- c(object$beta_opt, object$sigma2_opt)
pnames <- names(sqrt(diag(object$cov)))
names(cf) <- pnames
if(missing(parm)) parm <- pnames
else if(is.numeric(parm)) parm <- pnames[parm]
a <- (1 - level)/2
a <- c(a, 1 - a)
fac <- qnorm(a)
pct <- paste(format(100 * a, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = 3),
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm,pct))
ses <- sqrt(diag(object$cov))[parm]
ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac
round(ci, dp)
##' @title control.mcmcSDA
##' @description This function helps to define the number of iteration, burn-in, thining, and the tunning parameters of the adaptive MALA
##' @param n.sim the number of iteration
##' @param burnin The number of burn-in
##' @param thin the number of thining
##' @param h tuning parameter of the proposal distribution used in the Langevin-Hastings MCMC algorithm (see Laplace.sampling); default is h=NULL and then set internally as 1.65/n(1/6), where n is the dimension of the random effect.
##' @param c1.h value of c1 used in the adaptive scheme for h; default is c1.h=0.01. See also 'Details' in PrevMap package
##' @param c2.h value of c2 used in the adaptive scheme for h; default is c2.h=1e-04. See also 'Details' in PrevMap package
##' @details To be used as one of the arguments of \code{\link{SDALGCPMCML}}
##' @return A list with processed arguments to be passed to the main function.
##' @examples
##' n <- 545
##' h <- 1.65/(n^(1/6))
##' control.mcmc <- controlmcmcSDA(n.sim = 10000, burnin = 2000,
##' thin= 8, h=h, c1.h = 0.01, c2.h = 1e-04)
##' str(control.mcmc)
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @importFrom pdist pdist
##' @seealso \link[PrevMap]{control.mcmc.MCML}
##' @export
controlmcmcSDA <- function(n.sim, burnin, thin, h, c1.h, c2.h){
if(length(h)==0) h <- Inf #set it to infinity
if(n.sim < burnin) stop("Please check, n.sim cannot be less than burnin.")
if(thin <= 0) stop("Please check, thin must be greater than zero")
if((n.sim-burnin)%%thin!=0) stop("Please check the combination of n.sim, burning and thin supplied, thin must be a divisor of (n.sim-burnin)")
if(h < 0) stop("h cannot be negative.")
if(c1.h < 0) stop("c1.h cannot be negative.")
if(c2.h < 0 | c2.h > 1) stop("c2.h must take a value between 0 and 1.")
control.mcmc <- list(n.sim = n.sim, burnin = burnin, thin= thin, h=h, c1.h = c1.h, c2.h = c2.h)
##' @title plot profile likelihood of phi
##' @description This function plots the profile likelihood of phi
##' @param obj the output of \code{\link{SDALGCPMCML}} of class "SDALGCP"
##' @details To be used to view the value of the likelihood versus the scale parameter phi
##' @return A plot
##' @author Olatunji O. Johnson \email{}
##' @author Emanuele Giorgi \email{}
##' @author Peter J. Diggle \email{}
##' @export
SDAProfilePhi <- function(obj){
if(class(obj) != "SDALGCP") stop("please check the input, it must be an output of SDALGCPMCML function of class SDALGCP")
output <- obj$all_para
plot(output[,1], output[,2], type='l', ylab='loglik', xlab='phi', col="red")
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