#' Elicit a prior distribution for a random effects variance parameter
#' Opens a shiny app for the roulette elicitation method. The user clicks in the
#' grid to allocate 'probs' to 'bins'. The elicited probability inside each
#' bin is the proportion of probs in each bin. This will fit a distribution to the ratio R
#' of the 'largest' (97.5th percentile) to 'smallest' (2.5th percentile) treatment effect.
#' A distribution for the variance effects variance parameter is inferred from the distribution
#' of R, assuming that the random effects are normally distributed.
#' @param lower The lower limit on the x-axis of the roulette grid.
#' @param upper The upper limit on the x-axis of the roulette grid.
#' @param gridheight The maximum number of probs that can be allocated to a
#' single bin.
#' @param nbins The number of equally sized bins drawn between \code{lower} and
#' \code{upper}.
#' @param Logical. Default is \code{TRUE} for a scale free treatment effect,
#' such as an odds ratio, hazard ratio or relative risk. Set to \code{FALSE} for a treatment effect
#' that is scale dependent, or is on the probit scale. An approximation to the treatment effect
#' on the logit scale will be used (assuming a dichotomised response).
#' @param sigma Individual observation standard deviation, required if \code{} is
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @return BUGS code for incorporating the prior within a BUGS model. Additionally, a list with outputs
#' \item{allocation }{table of bins, with number of probs allocated to each bin.}
#' \item{Gamma }{parameters of the fitted gamma distribution.}
#' \item{Log.normal }{parameters of the fitted lognormal distribution.}
#' \item{sumsq }{sum of squares of elicited - fitted probabilities for each distribution.}
#' \item{best.fitting}{the distribution with the lowest sum of squares.}
#' @note Regarding the option ``spread end probs over empty bins''
#' (unchecked as the default): suppose for example, the leftmost and rightmost non-empty
#' bins are [10,20] and [70,80], and each contain one prob, with 20 probs used in total. If the option
#' is unchecked, it is assumed P(X<20) = P(X>70) = 0.05 and P(X<10) = P(X>80) = 0. If the option
#' is checked, it is assumed P(X<20) = P(X>70) = 0.05 only.
#' @author Jeremy Oakley <>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' elicitHeterogen()
#' }
#' @export
elicitHeterogen <- function(lower = 1, upper = 10,
gridheight = 10, nbins = 9, = TRUE,
sigma = 1){
## Variables to be passed to the app
multiplier <- sigma * ifelse(, 1, sqrt(3) / pi)
l1 <- 0.1 * multiplier
l2 <- 0.5 * multiplier
l3 <- 1 * multiplier
bin.width <- (upper - lower) / nbins
bin.left <- seq(from = lower, to = upper - bin.width, length = nbins)
bin.right <- seq(from = lower + bin.width,
to = upper, length = nbins)
xy <- list(x = lower, y = 0)
ui <- fluidPage(
h1("Eliciting prior beliefs about heterogeneity", align = "center"),
column(3, wellPanel(checkboxInput("fit", "Show fit", FALSE),
checkboxInput("round.end", "Spread end probs over empty bins", FALSE),
radioButtons("radio", label = h5("Distribution"),
choices = list("Gamma" = 1,
"Log normal" = 2,
"Best fitting" = 3)),
actionButton("exit", "Finish"))),
column(8, h4("Specify judgements about ratio of 'largest'
to 'smallest' treatment effect", align = "center"),
plotOutput("plot1", click = "location"))),
column(4, h4(textOutput("subtitle1"), align ="center"), plotOutput("plot2")),
column(4, h4(textOutput("subtitle2"), align ="center"), plotOutput("plot3")),
column(3, h4(textOutput("subtitle3"), align ="center"), tableOutput("values")))
server <- function(input, output) {
vals <- reactiveValues(x = -1, y = -1,
probs = rep(0, nbins),
p = NULL, v = bin.right,
myfit = NULL,
pheteroG = NULL,
pheteroL = NULL,
phetero = NULL,
df.gamma = NULL,
df.lognormal = NULL)
observeEvent(input$exit, {
g1 <- signif(vals$myfit$Gamma[1], 4)
g2 <- signif(vals$myfit$Gamma[2], 4)
l1 <- signif(vals$myfit$Log.normal[1], 4)
l2 <- signif(1 / vals$myfit$Log.normal[2]^2, 4)
line1g <- paste("R ~ dgamma(", g1, ", ",g2,")\n", sep = "")
line1l <- paste("R ~ dlnorm(", l1, ", ",l2,")\n", sep = "")
line2 <- ifelse(multiplier == 1,
paste("tau <- log(R + ", lower,") / 3.92 ", sep=""),
paste("tau <- ", signif(multiplier, 4)," * ",
"log(R + ", lower,") / 3.92 ", sep=""))
line3 <- "\nprecision <- pow(tau, -2)"
cat("## Gamma prior BUGS code\n", line1g, line2, line3, sep="")
cat("\n\n## Log normal prior BUGS code\n", line1l, line2, line3, "\n\n", sep="")
vals$myfit$allocation <- matrix(c(bin.left, bin.right, vals$probs),
nrow = nbins)
colnames(vals$myfit$allocation) <- c("lower endpoint", "upper endpoint", "no. probs")
vals$myfit$sumsq <- vals$myfit$ssq[c("gamma", "lognormal")]
vals$myfit$best.fitting <- ifelse(vals$myfit$sumsq[1]< vals$myfit$sumsq[2],
"Gamma", "Log normal")
colnames(vals$myfit$best.fitting) <- NULL
attr(vals$myfit$best.fitting, "dim") <- NULL
stopApp(vals$myfit[c("allocation", "Gamma", "Log.normal", "sumsq", "best.fitting")])
observeEvent(input$location, {
vals$x <- input$location$x
vals$y <- input$location$y
# Update allocation of probs to bins
if(vals$x > lower & vals$x <upper & vals$y < gridheight ){
index <- which(vals$x >= bin.left & vals$x < bin.right)
vals$probs[index] <- ceiling(max(vals$y, 0))
vals$p <- cumsum(vals$probs) / sum(vals$probs)
vals$v <- bin.right
# Extract CDF judgements from allocation
if(any(vals$probs >0)){
if(input$round.end == T ){
index <- vals$p > 0 & vals$p < 1
vals$v <- vals$v[index]
vals$p <- vals$p[index]
newv <- c(lower, vals$v)
newp <- c(0, vals$p)
i1 <- max(which(newp == 0))
i2 <- match(1, newp)
vals$v <- newv[i1:i2]
vals$p <- newp[i1:i2]
# Fit distribution, if allocation is sufficient
vcheck <- checkJudgementsValid(probs = vals$p,
vals = vals$v, tdf = 1,
lower = lower,
upper = upper, silent = TRUE,
excludeExponential = TRUE)
if(vcheck$valid == TRUE){
vals$myfit <- fitdist(vals$v, vals$p, lower, upper)
vals$myfit <- NULL
#vals$myfit <- try(fitdist(vals$v, vals$p, lower, upper), silent = TRUE)
#if (inherits(vals$myfit, "try-error")){
# vals$myfit <- NULL}
allDfs <- getKDEandPheteroDf(vals$myfit, multiplier, l1, l2, l3, lower)
vals$pheteroG <- allDfs$pheteroG
vals$pheteroL <- allDfs$pheteroL
vals$df.gamma <- allDfs$df.gamma
vals$df.lognormal <- allDfs$df.lognormal
vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroG
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 2){vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroL}
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 3){
if(vals$myfit$ssq[3] > vals$myfit$ssq[4]){vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroL}
observeEvent(input$round.end, {
if(max(vals$probs) > 0){
# Reset extracted p and v from allocation.
vals$p <- cumsum(vals$probs) / sum(vals$probs)
vals$v <- bin.right
# Adjust given round.end
if(input$round.end == T){
index <- vals$p > 0 & vals$p < 1
vals$v <- vals$v[index]
vals$p <- vals$p[index]
newv <- c(lower, vals$v)
newp <- c(0, vals$p)
i1 <- max(which(newp == 0))
i2 <- match(1, newp)
vals$v <- newv[i1:i2]
vals$p <- newp[i1:i2]
# Fit distribution, if allocation is sufficient
vals$myfit <- try(fitdist(vals$v, vals$p, lower, upper), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(vals$myfit, "try-error")){
vals$myfit <- NULL}
allDfs <- getKDEandPheteroDf(vals$myfit, multiplier, l1, l2, l3, lower)
vals$pheteroG <- allDfs$pheteroG
vals$pheteroL <- allDfs$pheteroL
vals$df.gamma <- allDfs$df.gamma
vals$df.lognormal <- allDfs$df.lognormal
vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroG
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 2){vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroL}
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 3){
if(vals$myfit$ssq[3] > vals$myfit$ssq[4]){vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroL}
observeEvent(input$radio, {
vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroG
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 2){vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroL}
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 3){
if(vals$myfit$ssq[3] > vals$myfit$ssq[4]){vals$phetero <- vals$pheteroL}
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
main = paste("Total probs:", sum(vals$probs)),
for(i in 1:nbins){
for(i in 1:gridheight){
lines(c(lower,upper),c(i,i), lty=3,col=8)
for(i in 1:nbins){
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
if(input$fit & !is.null(vals$myfit)){
dist<-c("gamma", "lognormal", "gamma")
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 3){
if(vals$myfit$ssq[3] > vals$myfit$ssq[4] ){
dist[3] <- "lognormal"
xu <- max(c(upper,
qgamma(0.999, as.numeric(vals$myfit$Gamma[1]),
plotfit(vals$myfit, d=dist[as.numeric(input$radio)],
ql=0.025, qu=0.975, xl = lower, xu = xu,
xlab = "r", ylab = expression(f[R](r)))
output$subtitle1 <- renderText({
if(input$fit & !is.null(vals$myfit)){
"Fitted distribution for R"
output$subtitle2 <- renderText({
if(input$fit & !is.null(vals$myfit)){
"Sampled distribution for tau"
output$subtitle3 <- renderText({
if(input$fit & !is.null(vals$myfit)){
"Probability of heterogeneity magnitude"
output$plot3 <- renderPlot({
if(input$fit & !is.null(vals$myfit)){
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 1){df1 <- vals$df.gamma}
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 2){df1 <- vals$df.lognormal}
if(as.numeric(input$radio) == 3){
if(vals$myfit$ssq[3] < vals$myfit$ssq[4]){df1 <- vals$df.gamma}else{
df1 <- vals$df.lognormal}
r <- range(df1$x)
x <- fx <- NULL
p1<-ggplot(df1, aes(x = x, y = fx)) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
labs(title = "Kernel density estimate",
x = expression(tau), y = expression(f(tau)))
if(r[1] < l1){
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = subset(df1, x <= l1),
aes(ymax = fx, ymin = 0),
fill = "green",
alpha = 0.2)
if(r[1] < l2 & r[2] > l1){
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = subset(df1, x > l1 & x <= l2),
aes(ymax = fx, ymin = 0),
fill = "yellow",
alpha = 0.4)
if(r[1] < l3 & r[2] > l2){
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = subset(df1, x > l2 & x <= l3),
aes(ymax = fx, ymin = 0),
fill = "orange",
alpha = 0.4)
if(r[2] > l3){
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data = subset(df1, x > l3),
aes(ymax = fx, ymin = 0),
fill = "red",
alpha = 0.5)
output$values <- renderTable({
if(input$fit & !is.null(vals$myfit)){
}, digits = 3)
elicited <- runApp(list(ui=ui, server=server))
getKDEandPheteroDf <- function(myfit, multiplier, l1, l2, l3, lower, n = 10000){
Rg <- rgamma(n, as.numeric(myfit$Gamma[1]), as.numeric(myfit$Gamma[2]))
Rl <- rlnorm(n, as.numeric(myfit$Log.normal[1]), as.numeric(myfit$Log.normal[2]))
tauG <- multiplier * log(Rg + lower)/3.92
tauL <- multiplier * log(Rl + lower)/3.92
pheteroG <- getPheteroDf(tauG, l1, l2, l3)
pheteroL <- getPheteroDf(tauL, l1, l2, l3)
kde.gamma <- density(tauG)
kde.lognormal <- density(tauL)
df.gamma <- data.frame(x = kde.gamma$x, fx = kde.gamma$y)
df.lognormal <- data.frame(x = kde.lognormal$x, fx = kde.lognormal$y)
list(pheteroG = pheteroG,
pheteroL = pheteroL,
df.gamma = df.gamma,
df.lognormal = df.lognormal)
getPheteroDf <- function(tau, l1, l2, l3){
prob1 <- round(mean(tau > l1 & tau <= l2), 3)
prob2 <- round(mean(tau > l2 & tau <= l3), 3)
prob3 <- round(mean(tau > l3), 3)
data.frame(heterogeneity = c("low", "moderate", "high", "extreme"),
probability = c(abs(1 - prob1 - prob2 - prob3),
prob1, prob2, prob3))
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