
# Part of the SMITIDstruct R package.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-François Rey <jean-francois.rey@inra.fr>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,i
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

## TODO add to documentation, set as global variable in global env pkg
CODE_MOVE <- "000001"
CODE_STATES <- "000010"
CODE_SOURCES <- "000100"
CODE_OBS <- "010000"
CODE_COVAR <- "100000"

#' createIndex
#' @description create an index of time id_host and event code
#' @param hostlist a Hostset 
#' @return a data.frame with TIME, ID_HOST and EVENTCODE as columns
#' @include Class-Host.R Class-ViralPop.R
#' @export
createIndex <- function(hostlist) {
  df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0))
  colnames(df) <- c("TIME","ID_HOST", "EVENTCODE")
  for(hid in 1:length(hostlist)) {
    if(nrow(st_coordinates(hostlist[[hid]]@coordinates)) > 0) apply(st_coordinates(hostlist[[hid]]@coordinates),1, function(x){df <<- addIndex(df,hid,x[["M"]],CODE_MOVE)})
    lapply(hostlist[[hid]]@states$time, function(x){ df <<- addIndex(df,hid,x,CODE_STATES)})
    lapply(hostlist[[hid]]@sources$time, function(x){ df <<- addIndex(df,hid,x,CODE_SOURCES)})
    lapply(hostlist[[hid]]@offsprings$time, function(x){ df <<- addIndex(df,hid,x,CODE_OFFSPRINGS)})
    lapply(hostlist[[hid]]@ID_V_POP$time, function(x){ df <<- addIndex(df,hid,x,CODE_OBS)})
    lapply(hostlist[[hid]]@covariates$time, function(x){ df <<- addIndex(df,hid,x,CODE_COVAR)})

#' addIndex 
#' @description add to an index a new eventcode
#' @param index an index
#' @param id_host an host index in HostSet
#' @param time a time
#' @param code an event code
#' @return the index updated (add a row or update one)
addIndex <- function(index, id_host, time, code) {
  ev <- index[which(index$TIME == time & index$ID_HOST == id_host),]

  if(!is.null(ev) & nrow(ev) != 0) {
    newcode <- addcode(ev$EVENTCODE, code)
    index[ which(index$TIME == time & index$ID_HOST == id_host),]$EVENTCODE <- newcode 
  else {
    index[nrow(index) + 1,] = c(time,id_host,code)
  # if( sum(index$TIME == time) ) {
  #   indexT <- index[index$TIME == time]
  #   if( indexT$ID_HOST == id_host & index$ == id_pop )
  #   } 

#' addcode 
#' @description add a code event to an another
#' @param code an existing code
#' @param code.add the code to add
#' @return merge of the two code
addcode <- function(code,code.add) {
  pos <- regexpr("1",code.add)[1]
  return( paste(substr(code,1,pos-1), "1", substr(code,pos+1,nchar(code)), sep="") )

#' mergeCode
#' @description merge a list of event code
#' @param listcode a list of event code*
#' @return a code
#' @export
mergeCode <- function(listcode) {
  newcode <- "000000"
  for(i in 1:length(listcode)) {
    newcode <- addcode(newcode,listcode[i])

#' isInCode
#' @description check a code contains a specific code
#' @param code list of code to test
#' @param thecode the real code
#' @return TRUE if code contain thecode otherwise FLASE
#' @export
isInCode <- function(code, thecode) {
    pos <- regexpr("1",thecode)
    return(sapply(code, FUN= function(x) { return(nchar(x) == nchar(thecode) && substr(x,pos,pos) == "1") } )) 

#' getInfosByHostAndTime
#' @description get hosts informations, status, infectedby, coordinates and time
#' @param index an index
#' @param lhost a hosts list
#' @return a data.frame with colnames (id, time, infectedby, status, probabilities, X ,Y)
#' @export
getInfosByHostAndTime <- function(index, lhost) {
    filterIndex <- index[ which(isInCode(index$EVENTCODE, CODE_MOVE) | isInCode(index$EVENTCODE, CODE_STATES) | isInCode(index$EVENTCODE, CODE_SOURCES) ), ]
    all <- data.frame("id"=character(), "time"=character(), "status"=character(), "infectedby"=character(), "probabilities"=character(), "X"=numeric(), "Y"=numeric() , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    lapply(1:nrow(filterIndex), FUN = function(i){
                        indice <- as.numeric(filterIndex[i,"ID_HOST"])
                        host <- lhost[[indice]]@ID
                        time <- filterIndex[i, "TIME"]
                        states <- "" 
                        coord.X <- NA
                        coord.Y <- NA
                        sources <- ""
                        sourcesProb <- ""

                        if( isInCode(filterIndex[i, "EVENTCODE"], CODE_MOVE) ) {
                            mc <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(lhost[[indice]]@coordinates))
                            coord.X <- mc[which(mc$M == as.numeric(time)), c("X")]
                            coord.Y <- mc[which(mc$M == as.numeric(time)), c("Y")]
                        if( isInCode(filterIndex[i, "EVENTCODE"], CODE_STATES) ) {
                            states <- lhost[[indice]]@states[which(lhost[[indice]]@states$time == time), "value"]
                        if( isInCode(filterIndex[i, "EVENTCODE"], CODE_SOURCES) ){
                            sources <- lhost[[indice]]@sources[which(lhost[[indice]]@sources$time == time), "id"]
                            sourcesProb <- lhost[[indice]]@sources[which(lhost[[indice]]@sources$time == time), "prob"]
                        all <<- rbind(all, data.frame("id"=host, "time"=time, "status"=states, "infectedby"=paste(sources,sep=","), "probabilities"=paste(sourcesProb,sep=","), "X"=coord.X, "Y"=coord.Y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))

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SMITIDstruct documentation built on June 14, 2019, 5:04 p.m.