
Defines functions funCyclone calculationBarthMuschelknautz calculationMothes

Documented in calculationBarthMuschelknautz calculationMothes funCyclone

#' @title  Cyclone Simulation: Mothes
#' @description  Calculate cyclone collection efficiency and pressure drop according to Mothes.
#' @param x a single particle diameter (scalar)
#' @param cyclone list of cyclone's geometrical parameters
#' @param fluid list of fluid parameters
#' @return returns a vector with first element being the collection efficiency, second element being the pressure drop
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
calculationMothes <- function(x, cyclone, fluid)
  #Umrechnung Geometriedaten f?r Modell Barth/ geometric data
  ra = cyclone$Da/2 				#Zyklonaussenradius /cyclone radius [m]
  ri = cyclone$Dt/2  			#Tauchrohrradius /vortex finder radius [m]
  rx = ri	       			#Staubaustragsradius / discharge duct radius [m]
  h = cyclone$H        	      	#Gesamthoehe Zyklon / total cyclone height [m]
  ht = cyclone$Ht       	    		#Tauchrohreintauchtiefe / [m] Parameter 8.4
  #unused: hi = h - ht
  #epsilon = Cyclone$Epsilon*pi/180  		#Umrechnung in Bogenmass / calculation angle radians            
  #hc = Cyclone$Hc							#H?he konischer Teil / heigth conical section [m]
  he = cyclone$He       			#Schlitzeinlauhoehe in m / inlet section height [m]
  be = cyclone$Be      			#Schlitzeinlauhoehe in m / inlet section width  [m]
  hk = h-he								#Hoehe konischer Teil / heigth cylindrical section [m]
  ra.alt <- ra  
  e=atan((ra-rx) / hk)    #winkel epsilon, bogenmass
  vp = fluid$Vp     			#volumenstrom / volumetric gas flow rate [m/s]
  rhop = fluid$Rhop
  croh = fluid$Croh
  rhof = fluid$Rhof 
  mu = fluid$Mu
  dp = 0.0125   # Diffusionskoeff. n. Abraham - diffusionCoeffAbraham
  rb = 0.0075  # Reibungskoeffizient n. Meissner - frictionCoeffMeissner
  # fluid parameter
  vis = mu
  #hz = h - (ra - rx) / tan(e)  
  hz= he
  #unused: l  = ht + 0.9 * (h - ht)     # BN: Eins (1) ? NEIN: "l" charakteristische Laenge
  vk = pi * (h - hz) * (ra^2 + rx^2 + ra*rx) / 3
  vk = vk + pi * ra^2 * hz
  vr = vp / (2 * pi * ri * (h - ht))
  u  = 1 - be / ra
  # ensure that u \in [0,1] 
  u <- min( 1, max(0,u))
  # u  = acos(be / ra - 1) 
  ar = -1 * atan(u / sqrt(-u * u+1)) + pi/2
  vd = vp / (pi * ra^2)
  bt = -0.204 * be / ra + 0.889                    # Gl. 2.25
  ve = pi * ra^2 / (be * he * bt) * vd
  hc = (2 * pi - ar) / (2 * pi) - 1                #  Gl. 2.27
  hc = hz / ra + he / ra * hc                      # Gl. 2.27
  hc = vd / (rb * hc)
  ve = hc * (sqrt(0.25 + ve /hc) - 0.5)            # Gl. 2.26
  dm = ve / vd * (rb + rb / sin(e))                # Gl. 2.29
  vt = ve / ((ri / ra) * (1 + dm * (1 - ri / ra)))    #  Gl. 2.28
  rf = ra                                            # 2.29
  ra = sqrt(vk / (pi * h))                          # 2.31
  ve = ve / (ra / rf * (1 + dm * (1 - ra / rf)))   # BN: vllt l? Gl. 2.28
  # separation parameter
  wi = rhop * x^2 * vt^2 / (18 * vis * ri) # Gl. 2.36
  wa = rhop * x^2 * ve^2 / (18 * vis * ra) # BN: "y" replaced by "x"! Gl. 2.34
  k0 = h - ht
  k1 = 2 * pi * ra * wa / vp                 # A nach Gl. 2.42
  k2 = 2 * pi * ri * dp / (vp * (ra - ri))   # B nach Gl. 2.42
  k3 = 2 * pi * ri * (wi - vr) / vp          # C nach Gl. 2.42
  # cases
  if ((wi - vr) <= 0){
    a = -k0 * (-k1 + k3 - k2) - 1 
    b = -k0 * k2
    c =  k0 * (k2 - k3)
    d = b - 1 
  } else {
    a = -1 + k0 * (k1 + k2) #OK, TBB
    b = k0 * (k2 - k3) # nach Beate , Gl. 2.42, OK, TBB 
    c = k0 * k2    
    d = b - 1 
  m3 = (d + a) / 2
  m4 = sqrt(m3^2 - (a * d - b * c)) 
  m1 = m3 + m4
  m2 = m3 - m4
  c0 = 1 # S. 67, Abscheidemodell
  c2 = c0 * exp(-k1 * (ht - he / 2))
  # neglect re - up - turbulence (?!?) 
  r1 = c2
  r2 = 0
  # calculate separation degree
  c4 = r1 * (m1 - a) / b + r2 * (m2 - a) / b    # Gl. 2.41,2
  t = 1 - c4 / c0                               # Gl. 2.44
  #Pressure drop
  BE = be/ra.alt
  re = ra.alt-be/2  
  Fe = be*he	            		#Flaeche Schlitzeinlauf  (Eintrittsquerschnitt) / inlet area                
  Fi = (pi*ri^2)   				#Tauchrohrquerschnittsflaeche (Austrittsquerschnitt) / 
  F = (Fe/Fi)            			#Verhaeltnis von Eintrittsflaeche Fe zu Tauchrohr     
  B = croh/rhof		  	# Gutbeladung 
  lambda = fluid$lambdag*(1+2*sqrt(B))  	# Wandreibungswert
  alpha = 1.0-(0.54-0.153/F)*BE^(1/3)    
  vi = (vp/(pi*ri^2)) 
  U = 1/(F*alpha*ri/re+lambda*h/ri)   #Umfangsgeschwindigkeit auf dem Aussenradius Gl. 2.18  
  #unused: xi1 = 0
  xi2 = (U^2*(ri/ra.alt))*(1-lambda*(h/ri)*U)^(-1)	# Widerstandsbeiwert Einlaufzone zwischen 1 und 5
  xi3 = 2+3*U^(4/3)+U^2   				# Widerstandsbeiwert Einlaufzone zwischen 10 und 50
  deltaP =(rhof/2)*vi^2*(xi2+xi3)			# N/m^2 = 16.99 hPa	

#' @title Cyclone Simulation: Barth/Muschelknautz
#' @description  Calculate cyclone collection efficiency according to Barth/Muschelknautz.
#' @param cyclone list of cyclone's geometrical parameters
#' @param fluid list of fluid parameters
#' @param xmean vector of middle points for the intervals of the particle size distribution
#' @param delta vector, amount of dust (percentage value) in each interval
#' @return returns a vector, first element is the efficiency, second element is the pressure drop
#' @keywords internal
#' @export

calculationBarthMuschelknautz <- function(cyclone, fluid, xmean, delta){
  #Umrechnung Geometriedaten fuer Modell Barth / geometric data
  ra <- cyclone$Da/2 				#Zyklonaussenradius /cyclone radius [m]
  ri <- cyclone$Dt/2  			#Tauchrohrradius /vortex finder radius [m]
  #unused	rx <- ri	       			#Staubaustragsradius / discharge duct radius [m]
  #unused	hi <- ((cyclone$H-cyclone$Ht)/1000)   
  h <- cyclone$H        	      	#Gesamthoehe Zyklon / total cyclone height [m]
  ht <- cyclone$Ht       	    		#Tauchrohreintauchtiefe / [m] Parameter 8.4
  #unused	epsilon <- cyclone$Epsilon*pi/180  		#Umrechnung in Bogenmass / calculation angle radians            
  #unused	hc <- cyclone$Hc							#Hoehe konischer Teil / heigth conical section [m]
  he <- cyclone$He       			#Schlitzeinlauhoehe in m / inlet section height [m]
  be <- cyclone$Be       			#Schlitzeinlauhoehe in m / inlet section width  [m]
  #unused	hk <- (h-he)								#Hoehe konischer Teil / heigth cylindrical section [m]
  vp <- fluid$Vp     		
  croh <- fluid$Croh	
  rhof <- fluid$Rhof 
  rhop <- fluid$Rhop
  mu <- fluid$Mu
  BE <- be/ra
  re <- ra-be/2  
  Fe <- be*he	            		#Flaeche Schlitzeinlauf  (Eintrittsquerschnitt) / inlet area                
  Fi <- (pi*ri^2)   				#Tauchrohrquerschnittsflaeche (Austrittsquerschnitt) / 
  F <- (Fe/Fi)            			#Verhaeltnis von Eintrittsflaeche Fe zu Tauchrohr     
  B <- croh/rhof		  	# Gutbeladung 
  lambda <- fluid$lambdag*(1+2*sqrt(B))  	# Wandreibungswert
  alpha <- 1.0-(0.54-0.153/F)*BE^(1/3)    
  vi <- (vp/(pi*ri^2)) 
  vr <- (vp/(2*pi*ri*(h-ht)))    	#Radialgeschwindigkeit am Innenzylinder / radial gas velocity
  U <- 1/(F*alpha*ri/re+lambda*h/ri)   #Umfangsgeschwindigkeit auf dem Aussenradius Gl. 2.18 
  vphii <- U*vi  
  xGr <- (sqrt((18*mu*vr*ri)/((rhop-rhof)*vphii^2)))#*1e6;# Grenzkorn Gl. 2.4 Seite
  Tf <-  function(x){  
    f <-(1+2/(x/xGr)^(3.564))^(-1.235);  
  #unused	xi1 <- 0
  xi2 <- (U^2*(ri/ra))*(1-lambda*(h/ri)*U)^(-1)	# Widerstandsbeiwert Einlaufzone zwischen 1 und 5
  xi3 <- 2+3*U^(4/3)+U^2   				# Widerstandsbeiwert Einlaufzone zwischen 10 und 50
  deltaP <-(rhof/2)*vi^2*(xi2+xi3)			# N/m^2 = 16.99 hPa
  Ew <- sum(Tf(xmean)*delta)	
  #x50 <- xGr*1.3 #wrong, see replacement below
  x503 <- xmean[which(cumsum(delta) >= 0.5) [1]] #median of the particle size distribution 
  #(based on intervals given by xmean and percentages given by delta)				
  ve <- (vp/Fe)	                	# Einlaufgeschwindigkeit 
  vphia <- ve*((re/ra)*(1/alpha)) 		
  BGr <-(lambda*mu*sqrt(ra*ri))/ ((1-ri/ra)*rhop*(x503)^2*sqrt(vphia*vphii)) #Grenzbeladung / critical load	
  ### Gutbeladung ist groesser als die Grenzbeladung:
  E <- Ew
  if (B > BGr){
    E <- 1-BGr/B+(BGr/B)*Ew
  Calculation <- c(E, Ew,deltaP)

#' @title  Objective function - Cyclone Simulation: Barth/Muschelknautz
#' @description  Calculate cyclone collection efficiency. A simple, physics-based
#' optimization problem (potentially bi-objective). See the references [1,2].
#' @param x vector of length at least one and up to six, specifying non-default geometrical parameters in [m]: Da, H, Dt, Ht, He, Be
#' @param deterministic binary vector. First element specifies whether volume flow is deterministic or not. Second element specifies whether particle density is deterministic or not. Third element specifies whether particle diameters are deterministic or not. Default: All are deterministic (TRUE).
#' @param cyclone list of a default cyclone's geometrical parameters: fluid$Da, fluid$H, fluid$Dt, fluid$Ht, fluid$He and fluid$Be
#' @param fluid list of default fluid parameters: fluid$Mu, fluid$Vp, fluid$Rhop, fluid$Rhof and fluid$Croh
#' @param noiseLevel list of noise levels for volume flow (noiseLevel$Vp) and particle density (noiseLevel$Rhop), only used if non-deterministic.
#' @param model type of the model (collection efficiency only): either "Barth-Muschelknautz" or "Mothes"
#' @param intervals vector specifying the particle size interval bounds.
#' @param delta vector of densities in each interval (specified by intervals). Should have one element less than the intervals parameter.
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return returns a function that calculates the fractional efficiency for the specified diameter, see example.
#' @references 
#' [1] Zaefferer, M.; Breiderhoff, B.; Naujoks, B.; Friese, M.; Stork, J.; Fischbach, A.; Flasch, O.; Bartz-Beielstein, T. Tuning Multi-objective Optimization Algorithms for Cyclone Dust Separators Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, ACM, 2014, 1223-1230 \cr\cr
#' [2] Breiderhoff, B.; Bartz-Beielstein, T.; Naujoks, B.; Zaefferer, M.; Fischbach, A.; Flasch, O.; Friese, M.; Mersmann, O.; Stork, J.; Simulation and Optimization of Cyclone Dust Separators Proceedings 23. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2013, 177-196
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Call directly
#' funCyclone(c(1.26,2.5))
#' ## create vectorized target funcion, vectorized, first objective only
#' ## Also: negated, since SPOT always does minimization.
#' tfunvecF1 <-function(x){-apply(x,1,funCyclone)[1,]}
#' tfunvecF1(matrix(c(1.26,2.5,1,2),2,2,byrow=TRUE))
#' ## optimize with spot
#' res <- spot(fun=tfunvecF1,lower=c(1,2),upper=c(2,3),
#'    control=list(modelControl=list(target="ei"),
#'    model=buildKriging,optimizer=optimLBFGSB,plots=TRUE)) 
#' ## best found solution ...
#' res$xbest
#' ## ... and its objective function value
#' res$ybest
#' }
#' @export
funCyclone <- function(x,deterministic=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE),
  #Geometriedaten / geometric data
  #Da <- 1.260				      # Zyklondurchmesser [m]/ cyclone diameter [m] Parameter 8.1
  #H <- 2.500          		  # Zyklongesamthoehe  [m] / total cyclone height [m] Parameter 8.2
  #Dt <- 0.420          		  # Tauchrohrinnendurchmesser [m] / vortex finder diameter [m] Parameter 8.3
  #Ht <- 0.640          		  # Tauchrohreintauchtiefe / [m] Parameter 8.4
  #Xt <- 0            		  # Tauchrohrposition / position vortex finder
  #Phi <- 0             		# Tauchrohrposition / position vortex finder[degree] Parameter 8.5
  #Tt <- 0	           		  # Tauchrohrwanddicke [m] / thickness wall of vortex finder [m] Parameter 8.6
  #Epsilon <- 13.1340 		  # Konusneigungwinkel [grad] / angle of cyclone cone [degree] Parameter 8.7 old
  #Dx <- 0              		# Staubaustragsdurchmesser / discharge duct diameter [m] Parameter 8.8
  #He <- 0.600           		# Schlitzeinlaufhoehe [m] ]/inlet section height [m] Parameter 8.9
  #Be <- 0.200          		  # Schlitzeinlaufhoehe [m] / inlet section width [m] Parameter 8.10
  #Alpha <- 0         		# Einlaufwinkel [grad] / [degree] Parameter 8.11 
  #Betriebsdaten / fluid parameters
  #Mu <- 18.5*10^(-6)		  # Viskositaet / viscosity Zaehigkeit Luft
  ######Vp <- 5000              # Volumenstrom in m/h / volumetric gas flow rate [m^3/h] !!!! Not used anymore, define Ve instead (inlet speed).
  #Ve <- (50/36)*0.12
  #Rhop <- 2000          # Partikeldichte in kg/m^3 / particle density [kg/m^3]
  #Rhof <- 1.2        	  # Gasdichte kg/m^3
  #Croh <- 0.05              # Rohgas Konzentration in [kg/m^3]
  #lambdag <- 1/200         # load free wall friction coefficient Eq.(2.7)
  fluid$Vp <- fluid$Ve * cyclone$He * cyclone$Be
  # Noise:
  fluid$Vp=if(deterministic[1]) fluid$Vp else fluid$Vp*(1-noiseLevel$Vp) + noiseLevel$Vp * fluid$Vp * 2 * runif(1)
  fluid$Rhop=if(deterministic[2]) fluid$Rhop else fluid$Rhop*(1-noiseLevel$Rhop) + noiseLevel$Rhop * fluid$Rhop * 2 * runif(1) #note: NEVER lower than Rhof, else sqrt(-) in model
  xmin <- intervals[-length(intervals)] 
  xmax <- intervals[-1]
    xmean <- (xmax + xmin) / 2
    xmean <- xmin + runif(length(xmin)) * (xmax - xmin)		
    C <- calculationBarthMuschelknautz(cyclone, fluid, xmean, delta)
    E <- C[1] #gesamtabscheidegrad
    Ew <- C[2] #abscheidegrad im wirbel
    PressureDrop <- C[3]
    PressureDrop <- calculationMothes(1,cyclone, fluid)[2]
    E <- sum(matrix(unlist(lapply(xmean,calculationMothes,cyclone=cyclone,fluid=fluid)),2)[1,] * delta)
    Ew <- E #not included by Mothes
  as.numeric(c(PressureDrop,-E,-Ew)) #first target: minimal pressure drop, second target: maximal col.eff. (inverted for minimization)
#fun <- function(x) funCyclone(c(1.260,2.500,.420,x))
#f <- function(x) sapply(x,fun)[2,]
#fun2 <- function(x) funCyclone(c(1.260,2.500,.420,x),model="Mothes")
#f2 <- function(x) sapply(x,fun2)[2,]

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