
Defines functions getSmoothed

Documented in getSmoothed

#' Extract smoothed estimates.
#' @param inla_mod output from \code{\link{smoothDirect}} or \code{\link{smoothCluster}}
#' @param nsim number of simulations, only applicable for the cluster-level model or direct model when \code{joint = TRUE} is specified. The smooth direct model will draw 1e5 samples from the marginal distribution when \code{joint = FALSE} since the computation is faster.
#' @param weight.strata a data frame with two columns specifying time and region, followed by columns specifying proportion of each strata for each region. This argument specifies the weights for strata-specific estimates on the probability scale.
#' @param weight.frame a data frame with three columns, years, region, and the weight of each frame for the corresponding time period and region. This argument specifies the weights for frame-specific estimates on the logit scale. Notice this is different from weight.strata argument. 
#' @param verbose logical indicator whether to print progress messages from inla.posterior.sample.
#' @param mc number of monte carlo draws to approximate the marginal prevalence/hazards for binomial model. If mc = 0, analytical approximation is used. The analytical approximation is invalid for hazard modeling with more than one age groups.
#' @param include_time_unstruct  Indicator whether to include the temporal unstructured effects (i.e., shocks) in the smoothed estimates from cluster-level model. The argument only applies to the cluster-level models (from \code{\link{smoothCluster}}). Default is FALSE which excludes all unstructured temporal components. If set to TRUE all  the unstructured temporal random effects will be included. Alternatively, if this is specified as a vector of   subset of year labels (as in the year_label argument), only the unstructured terms in the corresponding time periods will be added to the prediction.
#' @param include_subnational logical indicator whether to include the spatial and space-time interaction components in the smoothed estimates. If set to FALSE, only the main temporal trends are returned.
#' @param only.age a vector of age groups used to compute the final estimates. Default to be NULL, which includes all age groups in the model. This argument can be used to extract mortality rates of finer age groups when fitting multiple age groups jointly.
#' @param CI Desired level of credible intervals
#' @param draws Posterior samples drawn from the fitted model. This argument allows the previously sampled draws (by setting save.draws to be TRUE) be used in new aggregation tasks.  
#' @param save.draws Logical indicator whether the raw posterior draws will be saved. Saved draws can be used to accelerate aggregations with different weights.
#' @param joint Logical indicator whether the posterior draws should be drawn from the joint posterior or marginal distributions. Only releveant for the smooth direct model. Default from the marginal distribution (joint = FALSE).
#' @param ... Unused arguments, for users with fitted object from the package before v1.0.0, arguments including Amat, year_label, and year_range can still be specified manually.
#' @return A data frame or a list of data frames of S3 class SUMMERproj, which contains the smoothed estimates. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.SUMMERproj}}
#' @author Zehang Richard Li
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' years <- levels(DemoData[[1]]$time)
#' # obtain direct estimates
#' data <- getDirectList(births = DemoData, 
#' years = years,  
#' regionVar = "region", timeVar = "time", 
#' clusterVar = "~clustid+id", 
#' ageVar = "age", weightsVar = "weights", 
#' geo.recode = NULL)
#' # obtain direct estimates
#' data_multi <- getDirectList(births = DemoData, years = years,
#'   regionVar = "region",  timeVar = "time", clusterVar = "~clustid+id",
#'   ageVar = "age", weightsVar = "weights", geo.recode = NULL)
#' data <- aggregateSurvey(data_multi)
#' ##
#' ## The following example shows extracting estimates from 
#' ##   fitted smoothDirect() model
#' ##
#' #  national model
#' years.all <- c(years, "15-19")
#' fit1 <- smoothDirect(data = data, Amat = NULL, 
#'   year_label = years.all, year_range = c(1985, 2019), 
#'   rw = 2, is.yearly=FALSE, m = 5)
#' out1 <- getSmoothed(fit1)
#' plot(out1, is.subnational=FALSE)
#' #  subnational model
#' fit2 <- smoothDirect(data = data, Amat = mat, 
#'   year_label = years.all, year_range = c(1985, 2019), 
#'   rw = 2, is.yearly=TRUE, m = 5, type.st = 4)
#' out2 <- getSmoothed(fit2)
#' plot(out2, is.yearly=TRUE, is.subnational=TRUE)
#' ## The following examples compare the marginal posterior draws
#' ##    with joint posterior draws. The latter gives draws of 
#' ##    all estimates in addition to marginal summaries.
#' ## The plots should fall closely along the 45 degree line 
#' #  national period model
#' years.all <- c(years, "15-19")
#' fit0 <- smoothDirect(data = data, Amat = NULL, 
#' year_label = years, year_range = c(1985, 2019), 
#' time.model = 'rw2', m = 1, control.compute = list(config =TRUE))
#' out0 <- getSmoothed(fit0)
#' out0a <- getSmoothed(fit0, joint = TRUE, nsim = 1e5)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
#' plot(out0$median, out0a$overall$median)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out0$upper, out0a$overall$upper)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out0$lower, out0a$overall$lower)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' #  national yearly model
#' years.all <- c(years, "15-19")
#' fit1 <- smoothDirect(data = data, Amat = NULL, 
#' year_label = years.all, year_range = c(1985, 2019), 
#' time.model = 'rw2', m = 5, control.compute = list(config =TRUE))
#' out1 <- getSmoothed(fit1)
#' out1a <- getSmoothed(fit1, joint = TRUE, nsim = 1e5, save.draws = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
#' plot(out1$median, out1a$overall$median)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out1$upper, out1a$overall$upper)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out1$lower, out1a$overall$lower)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' #  subnational model
#' fit2 <- smoothDirect(data = data, Amat = DemoMap$Amat, 
#' year_label = years.all, year_range = c(1985, 2019), 
#' time.model = 'rw2',is.yearly=TRUE, m = 5, type.st = 4, 
#' control.compute = list(config =TRUE))
#' out2 <- getSmoothed(fit2)
#' out2a <- getSmoothed(fit2, joint = TRUE, nsim = 1e5, save.draws = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
#' plot(out2$median, out2a$overall$median)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out2$upper, out2a$overall$upper)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out2$lower, out2a$overall$lower)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' #  subnational space-only model combining all periods
#' fit3 <- smoothDirect(data = data, 
#'        time.model = NULL, Amat = DemoMap$Amat, 
#'    control.compute = list(config =TRUE))
#' out3 <- getSmoothed(fit3)
#' out3a <- getSmoothed(fit3, joint = TRUE, nsim = 1e5, save.draws = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
#' plot(out3$median, out3a$overall$median)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out3$upper, out3a$overall$upper)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' plot(out3$lower#' , out3a$overall$lower)
#' abline(c(0, 1))
#' }

#' @export
getSmoothed <- function(inla_mod, nsim = 1000, weight.strata = NULL, weight.frame = NULL, verbose = FALSE, mc = 0, include_time_unstruct = FALSE, CI = 0.95, draws = NULL, save.draws = FALSE, include_subnational = TRUE, only.age = NULL, joint = FALSE, ...){
  years <- region <- age.diff <- NA
  lowerCI <- (1 - CI) / 2
  upperCI <- 1 - lowerCI
  save.draws.est <- save.draws
  msg <- NULL
    year_range <- inla_mod$year_range
    warning("The fitted object was from an old version of SUMMER, please specify 'year_range' argument when calling getSmoothed()")
    year_label <- inla_mod$year_label
  }else if(inla_mod$is.temporal){
    warning("The fitted object was from an old version of SUMMER, please specify 'year_label' argument when calling getSmoothed()")
    Amat <- inla_mod$Amat
    warning("The fitted object was from an old version of SUMMER, please specify 'Amat' argument when calling getSmoothed()")
    year_label <- NA
  ## Cluster level methods
    if("region.struct" %in% names(inla_mod$fit$summary.random) == FALSE && !is.null(Amat)){
      message("No spatial random effects in the model. Amat not used")
      Amat <- matrix(1,1,1)
      colnames(Amat) <- rownames(Amat) <- inla_mod$fit$.args$data$region[1]
    is.dynamic <- as.logical(inla_mod$strata.time.effect)
    if(length(is.dynamic) == 0) is.dynamic = FALSE
      # check strata weights are properly specified: static strata effect case
      stratalabels <- stratalabels.orig <- inla_mod$strata.base                  
      if(length(stratalabels) == 1 && stratalabels[1] == ""){
        stratalabels <-  "strata_all"
        stratalabels.orig <- "strata_all"
      other <- rownames(inla_mod$fit$summary.fixed)
      other <- other[grep("strata", other)]
      other <- gsub("strata", "", other)
      stratalabels <- c(stratalabels, other)
      stratalabels.orig <- c(stratalabels.orig, other)
      frame.strata <- (inla_mod$fit$.args$data)[, c("age", "age.idx", "age.rep.idx")]
      frame.strata <- unique(frame.strata)        
      frame.strata <- frame.strata[order(frame.strata$age.idx), ]
      framelabels <- "frame_all"
      multi.frame <- FALSE
      # check strata weights are properly specified: dynamic strata effect case
      # here we have (age group) x (frame-strata) with no base level 
      if("frame" %in% colnames(inla_mod$fit$.args$data)){
        frame.strata <- (inla_mod$fit$.args$data)[, c("age", "age.idx", "age.rep.idx", "strata", "frame")]
        frame.strata <- unique(frame.strata)
        frame.strata <- frame.strata[!is.na(frame.strata$frame), ]            
        frame.strata$strata.orig <- NA
        for(i in 1:dim(frame.strata)[1]){
          frame.strata$strata.orig[i] <- gsub(paste0(frame.strata$frame[i], "-"), "", frame.strata$strata[i])
        frame.strata <- (inla_mod$fit$.args$data)[, c("age", "age.idx", "strata", "age.rep.idx")]
        frame.strata <- unique(frame.strata)
        frame.strata$strata.orig <- frame.strata$strata
      frame.strata <- frame.strata[order(frame.strata$age.idx), ]
      stratalabels <- as.character(unique(frame.strata$strata))
      stratalabels.orig <- as.character(unique(frame.strata$strata.orig))
      framelabels <- as.character(unique(frame.strata$frame))
        framelabels <- "frame_all"
        multi.frame <- FALSE
      }else if(length(framelabels)==1){
        multi.frame <- FALSE
      }else if(sum(frame.strata$frame != frame.strata$strata) == 0){
        multi.frame <- FALSE
        multi.frame <- TRUE
    if(inla_mod$is.yearly) year_label <- c(year_range[1]:year_range[2], year_label)
    if(!inla_mod$is.yearly) year_label <- year_label
    err <- NULL
    weight.strata.by <- NULL
      if((!"frame" %in% colnames(inla_mod$fit$.args$data)) && "frame" %in% colnames(weight.strata)){
        stop("frame variable is not in the fitted model, but exists in the weight.strata data frame. Please remove the column from weight.strata and use a single set of weights (that are not specific to sampling frames).")
      if(!is.dynamic && sum(stratalabels %in% colnames(weight.strata)) != length(stratalabels)){
        stop(paste0("weight.strata argument not specified correctly. It requires the following columns: ", paste(stratalabels, collapse = ", ")))
      if(is.dynamic && "frame" %in% colnames(frame.strata) && !("frame" %in% colnames(weight.strata))){
        stop("frame column was provided in the fitted object but not the weights.")
      if(sum(c("region", "years") %in% colnames(weight.strata)) == 2){
        for(i in year_label){
          tmp <- colnames(Amat)[which(colnames(Amat) %in% subset(weight.strata, years == i)$region == FALSE)]
          if(length(tmp) > 0) err <- c(err, paste(tmp, i))
          stop(paste0("The following region-year combinations are not present in the strata weights: ", paste(err, collapse = ", ")))
        weight.strata.by <- c("region", "years")
      }else if("region" %in% colnames(weight.strata) && dim(weight.strata)[1] > 1){
        warning("Time is not specified, assuming the strata weights are static.", immediate.=TRUE)
        tmp <- colnames(Amat)[which(colnames(Amat) %in% weight.strata$region == FALSE)]
        if(length(tmp) > 0){
          stop(paste0("The following regions are not present in the strata weights: ", paste(tmp, collapse = ", ")))
        weight.strata.by <- c("region")
      }else if("years" %in% colnames(weight.strata)){
        tmp <- year_label[which(year_label %in% weight.strata$years == FALSE)]
        if(length(tmp) > 0){
          stop(paste0("The following time periods are not present in the strata weights: ", paste(tmp, collapse = ", ")))
        weight.strata.by <- c("years")
        warning("no region or years in the strata proportion. Treat proportion as constant.", immediate.=TRUE)
        weight.strata.by = "Constant"
    # get a subset of fields only
    cs <- inla_mod$fit$misc$configs$contents$tag
    cs <- cs[cs != "Predictor"]
    cs <- cs[cs != "nugget.id"]
    select <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(cs)){
      select[[i]] <- 0
      names(select)[i] <- cs[i]
      message("Starting posterior sampling...")
      sampAll <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(n = nsim, result = inla_mod$fit, intern = TRUE, selection = select, verbose = verbose)
      message("Cleaning up results...")
      message("Use posterior draws from input.")
      save.draws <- TRUE
      save.draws.est <- TRUE
      sampAll <- draws
      nsim <- length(draws)
    fields <- rownames(sampAll[[1]]$latent)        
    T <- max(inla_mod$fit$.args$data$time.struct) 
    if(is.na(T)) T <- 1
    # Construct the AA matrix for the  output data frame.
    if(!"region.struct:1" %in% fields) inla_mod$fit$.args$data$region.struct = 1
    rep.time <- length(unique(inla_mod$age.rw.group)) > 0
    cols <- c("time.struct", "time.unstruct", "region.struct", "time.area", "strata", "age", "age.idx", "age.intercept", "age.diff")
      cols <- c(cols, "age.rep.idx")
      cols <- c(cols, inla_mod$covariate.names)
    A <- unique(inla_mod$fit$.args$data[, cols])
    if(sum(stratalabels == "strata_all") == length(stratalabels)){
      A$strata <- "strata_all"
    # A might contain  missing  levels. Make an expanded version
    # strata may be nested within age
      AA  <-  expand.grid(time.area = unique(A$time.area), 
                          age = unique(A$age))
      AA <- merge(AA, unique(A[, c("age", "strata")]), by = "age")
      AA  <-  expand.grid(time.area = unique(A$time.area), 
                          strata =  unique(A$strata),  
                          age = unique(A$age))
      if(sum(AA$strata != "") == 0) AA$strata <- "strata_all"
    AA <- merge(AA, unique(A[, c("time.struct", "time.unstruct", "region.struct",  "time.area")]), by = "time.area")
    if("strata" %in% colnames(A)){
        tmp <- unique(A[, c("strata", "age", "age.idx", "age.rep.idx", "age.intercept", "age.diff")])
        tmp <- unique(A[, c("strata", "age", "age.idx", "age.intercept", "age.diff")])
        tmp <- unique(A[, c("age", "age.idx", "age.rep.idx", "age.intercept", "age.diff")])
        tmp <- unique(A[, c("age", "age.idx", "age.intercept", "age.diff")])
    # check the filler data contains any NA, which will make the merge call go wrong.
    if(sum(!is.na(tmp$age.diff)) > 0){
      tmp <- subset(tmp, !is.na(age.diff))
      tmp <- tmp[, colnames(tmp) != "age.diff"]
    if("strata" %in% colnames(tmp)){
      AA <- merge(AA, tmp, by = c("age", "strata"))
      AA <- merge(AA, tmp, by = c("age"))
      # adding covariates
      Asub <- data.frame(A[, inla_mod$covariate.names])
      if(sum(!is.na(A$region.struct)) > 0) Asub$region.struct <- A$region.struct
      if(sum(!is.na(A$time.unstruct)) > 0) Asub$time.unstruct <- A$time.unstruct
      Asub <- unique(Asub)
      AA <- merge(AA, Asub)
      AA$time.struct <- AA$time.struct + (AA$age.rep.idx - 1)  * T
      AA$time.struct <- AA$time.unstruct <- 1
    AA$age.intercept <- paste0("age.intercept", AA$age.intercept, ":1")
    AA$age.diff <- paste0("age.diff", AA$age.diff, ":1")
    # allow subsetting only some age groups in the final calculation
    AA$age.raw <- NULL
    for(j in 1:dim(AA)[1]){
      AA$age.raw[j] <- gsub(paste0(":", AA$strata[j]), "", AA$age[j])
    if(is.null(only.age)) only.age <- unique(AA$age.raw)
    # # When there's only one age group, smoothCluster uses the generic intercept
    # # if(length(unique(AA$age.intercept)) == 1) AA$age.intercept <- "(Intercept):1"
    # Checking age intercept is tricky, directly check if intercept is in the posterior draws...
    if("(Intercept):1" %in% fields){
      AA$intercept <- "(Intercept):1"
      AA$intercept <- NA
    #  AA.loc is the same  format as AA, but with location index
    AA.loc <- AA
    AA.loc$age.intercept  <- match(AA.loc$age.intercept, fields)
    AA.loc$age.diff  <- match(AA.loc$age.diff, fields)
    AA.loc$age <- AA.loc$age.raw <- NA
    # For constant case, base strata will end up being NA here, which is fine.
    if(!is.dynamic) AA.loc$strata <- paste0("strata", AA.loc$strata, ":1")
    AA.loc$strata  <- match(AA.loc$strata, fields)
      AA.loc[, inla_mod$covariate.names] <- NA
    AA.loc$intercept <- match(AA.loc$intercept, fields)
    AA.loc$time.area  <- match(paste0("time.area:", AA.loc$time.area), fields)
    # Update time.area as the row index of the correct samples
    # when region.int and time.int is used
    if("region.int:1" %in% rownames(sampAll[[1]]$latent)){
      AA.loc$time.area <- (AA.loc$time.unstruct - 1) * dim(Amat)[1] + AA.loc$region.struct
      AA.loc$time.area  <- match(paste0("region.int:", AA.loc$time.area), fields)
    AA.loc$time.struct  <- match(paste0("time.struct:", AA.loc$time.struct), fields)
    AA.loc$region.struct  <- match(paste0("region.struct:", AA.loc$region.struct), fields)
    AA.loc$time.unstruct  <- match(paste0("time.unstruct:", AA.loc$time.unstruct), fields)
    # if include_time_unstruct is a logical indicator
      if(!include_time_unstruct) AA.loc$time.unstruct <- NA
      # if it is a vector $TODO
      which.include <- which(year_label %in% as.character(include_time_unstruct))
      included <- which(AA$time.unstruct %in% which.include) 
      not_included <- which(AA$time.unstruct %in% which.include == FALSE ) 
      AA.loc$time.unstruct[not_included] <- NA
      text <- paste0("The IID temporal components are included in the following time periods: ", paste(year_label[which.include], collapse = ", "))
      msg <- paste0(msg, text)
    slope <- grep("time.slope.group", fields)
    slope0 <- grep("time.slope:1", fields)
    if(length(slope) > 0){
      AA$tstar <- (AA$time.unstruct - (T + 1)/2) / (T + 1)
      ## TODO: when slopes become more complicated, this might not be sufficient to get the correct indicator
      AA$slope  <- match(paste0("time.slope.group", AA$age.rep.idx, ":1"), fields)
    }else if(length(slope0) > 0){
      AA$tstar <- (AA$time.unstruct - (T + 1)/2) / (T + 1)
      AA$slope  <- match(paste0("time.slope:1"), fields)
      AA$tstar <- NA
      AA$slope <- "time.slope:NA"
    st.slope <- grep("st.slope.id", fields)
      AA$ststar <- (AA$time.unstruct - (T + 1)/2) / (T + 1)
      AA$st.slope  <- match(paste0("st.slope.id:", AA$region.struct), fields)
      AA$ststar <-  NA
      AA$st.slope <- "st.slope.id:NA"
    AA.loc$age.idx <- AA.loc$age.rep.idx <- NA
      AA.loc$time.area <- NA
      AA.loc$region.struct <- NA
      AA$ststar <-  NA
      AA$st.slope <- "st.slope.id:NA"
    # time.unstruct <- grep("time.unstruct", fields)
    # region.struct <- grep("region.struct", fields)
    # region.unstruct <- grep("region.unstruct", fields)
    # if(length(region.unstruct)==0) region.struct <- region.struct[1:(length(region.struct)/2)]
    # region.int <- grep("region.int", fields)
    # time.area <- grep("time.area", fields)
    age <- match(paste0("age", frame.strata$age, ":1"), fields)
    age.nn <- inla_mod$age.n#[frame.strata$age.idx]
    # if(!is.dynamic){
    #   strata <- grep("strata", fields)
    # }else{
    #   strata <- NULL
    # }
    # T <- length(time.unstruct) 
      N <- dim(Amat)[1]          
      N <- 1
    # Handle replicated RW
    # # The static case: time.struct is of length age * T, here age is not always 6, can be age-frame-strata comb 
    # time.struct <- grep("time.struct", fields)
    # if(length(age) > 0){
    #   newindex <- rep(NA, T * length(age))
    #   for(i in 1:length(age)){
    #     where <- ((inla_mod$age.rw.group[i] - 1) * T + 1) : (inla_mod$age.rw.group[i] * T)
    #     newindex[((i-1)*T+1):(i*T)] <- where
    #   }          
    #   time.struct <- time.struct[newindex]
    # }
    if(length(age) == 0){
      age.length  <- 1
      age.length <- length(age)
    # organize output
    out1 <- expand.grid(strata = stratalabels, time = 1:T, area = 1:N)
    out2 <- expand.grid(frame = framelabels, time = 1:T, area = 1:N)
    out3 <- expand.grid(time = 1:T, area = 1:N)
    out1$lower <- out1$upper <- out1$mean <- out1$median <- out1$variance <- NA
    out2$lower <- out2$upper <- out2$mean <- out2$median <- out2$variance <- NA
    out3$lower <- out3$upper <- out3$mean <- out3$median <- out3$variance <- NA
    out1$years <- year_label[out1$time]
    out2$years <- year_label[out2$time]
    out3$years <- year_label[out3$time]
    if(N > 1){              
      out1$region <- colnames(Amat)[out1$area]
      out2$region <- colnames(Amat)[out2$area]
      out3$region <- colnames(Amat)[out3$area]
      out1$region <- out2$region <- out3$region <- "All"
      if(length(stratalabels) > 1){
        text <- "No strata weights has been supplied. Overall estimates are not calculated."
        msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", text)
        text <- "No stratification in the model. Overall and stratified estimates are the same"
        msg <- paste0(msg,"\n",  text)
        weight.strata <- expand.grid(region = colnames(Amat), frame = framelabels)
        weight.strata.by <- "region"
        weight.strata <- data.frame(frame = framelabels)
        weight.strata.by <- "Constant"
      for(tt in stratalabels.orig){
        weight.strata[, tt] <- ifelse(length(stratalabels) > 1, 0, 1)
    # if(weight.strata.by[1] == "Constant" && ){
    #   ## TODO: is this outdated?
    #   for(tt in stratalabels){
    #     out2[, tt] <- weight.strata[1, match(tt, colnames(weight.strata))]
    #   }
    #   strata.index <- match(stratalabels, colnames(out2))
    # } 
    if(weight.strata.by[1] == "Constant"){
      if("frame" %in% colnames(weight.strata)){
        out2 <- merge(out2, weight.strata, by = 'frame')
        out2 <- cbind(out2, data.frame(weight.strata))
      strata.index <- match(stratalabels.orig, colnames(out2))
      if(length(framelabels)  == 1){
        out2 <- merge(out2[, colnames(out2)!="frame"], weight.strata, by = weight.strata.by)
        weight.strata.by <- c(weight.strata.by, "frame")
        out2 <- merge(out2, weight.strata, by = weight.strata.by)
      strata.index <- match(stratalabels.orig, colnames(out2))
      out2 <- out2[with(out2, order(area, time)), ]
    # ## T blocks, each with region 1 to N
    # theta <- matrix(0, nsim, T * N)
    # ## Age blocks, each with time 1 to T
    # theta.rw <- matrix(NA, nsim, age.length * T)
    # tau <- rep(NA, nsim)
    # ## K blocks, each with age 1 to G
    # if(is.dynamic){
    #   # dynamic case age.length includes strata interactions already
    #   beta <- matrix(NA, nsim, age.length)
    # }else{
    #   beta <- matrix(NA, nsim, length(stratalabels) * age.length)
    # }
    # time.area.order <- inla_mod$time.area[with(inla_mod$time.area, order( time.unstruct, region_number)), "time.area"]
    # for(i in 1:nsim){
    #   if(length(time.area)> 0){
    #     theta[i, ] <- sampAll[[i]]$latent[time.area[time.area.order]]
    #   }else if(length(region.int) > 0){
    #     theta[i, ] <- sampAll[[i]]$latent[region.int]
    #   }else{
    #     theta[i, ] <- 0
    #   }
    #   if(include_time_unstruct) theta[i, ] <- theta[i, ] + rep(sampAll[[i]]$latent[time.unstruct], each = N)
    #   if(N > 1) theta[i, ] <- theta[i, ] + rep(sampAll[[i]]$latent[region.struct], T)
    #   theta.rw[i, ] <- sampAll[[i]]$latent[time.struct]
    #   if(!is.null(slope)){
    #      tstar <- rep(1:T, length(inla_mod$age.rw.group))
    #      tstar <- (tstar - T/2) / sd(1:T)
    #      theta.rw[i, ] <- theta.rw[i, ] + sampAll[[i]]$latent[slope][rep(inla_mod$age.rw.group, each=T)] * tstar
    #   }
    #   if(length(region.unstruct)> 0){
    #     theta[i, ] <- theta[i, ] + rep(sampAll[[i]]$latent[region.unstruct], T)
    #   }
    #   if(length(age) > 0 && !is.dynamic){
    #       beta[i, ] <- rep(sampAll[[i]]$latent[age], length(stratalabels))
    #   }else if(length(age) > 0){
    #       beta[i, ] <- sampAll[[i]]$latent[age]
    #   }else{
    #     beta[i, ] <- 0
    #   }
    #   if(length(strata) == length(stratalabels)){
    #       beta[i, ] <- beta[i, ] + rep(sampAll[[i]]$latent[strata], each = age.length)
    #   }else{
    #       beta[i, ] <- beta[i, ] + rep(c(0, sampAll[[i]]$latent[strata]), each = age.length)
    #   }
    # if(inla_mod$family == "binomial"){
    #   tau[i] <-exp(sampAll[[i]]$hyperpar[["Log precision for nugget.id"]])
    # }
    # }
    tau <- rep(NA, nsim)
    theta <- matrix(0, nsim, dim(AA)[1])
    for(i in 1:nsim){
      draw <- sampAll[[i]]$latent
      theta[i,  ] <-  apply(AA.loc, 1, function(x, ff){sum(ff[x], na.rm=TRUE)}, draw)
      add.slope <- draw[AA$slope] * AA$tstar
      add.slope[is.na(add.slope)] <- 0
      add.slope.st <- draw[AA$st.slope] * AA$ststar
      add.slope.st[is.na(add.slope.st)] <- 0
      theta[i,  ] <-  theta[i,  ] + add.slope + add.slope.st
        for(xx in inla_mod$covariate.names){
          covariate <- AA[, xx]
          slope <- draw[paste0(xx, ":1"), ]
          add.cov.effect <- covariate * slope
          add.cov.effect[is.na(add.cov.effect)] <- 0
          theta[i,  ] <-  theta[i,  ] + add.cov.effect
      if(inla_mod$family == "binomial"){
        tau[i] <-exp(sampAll[[i]]$hyperpar[["Log precision for nugget.id"]])
    ## Beta-Binomial methods
    if(inla_mod$family == "binomial" && (mc == 0)){
      # again, column operation here
      k <- 16 * sqrt(3) / 15 / base::pi
      theta <- theta / sqrt(1 + k^2 / tau)
      # theta.rw <- theta.rw / sqrt(1 + k^2 / tau)
      # beta <- beta / sqrt(1 + k^2 / tau)
    # Put hazards together
    draw.temp <- draws.hazards <- NA
    draws.est <- NULL
    index.draws.est <- 1
    draws.est.overall <- NULL
    index.draws.est.overall <- 1
    index1 <- 1
    index2 <- 1
    if(N == 1 && AA$region.struct[1] == 0) AA$region.struct <- 1
    for(j in 1:N){
      # Monte Carlo approximation of the marginal effects that are shared across time
      if(inla_mod$family == "binomial" && mc > 0){
        sd.temp <- matrix(1/sqrt(tau), nsim, mc)
        err.temp <- matrix(stats::rnorm(nsim*mc, mean = matrix(0, nsim, mc), sd = sd.temp), nsim, mc)
      for(i in 1:T){
        sub <-  which(AA$time.unstruct==i & AA$region.struct == j)
        AA.sub <- AA[sub, ] 
        draws.sub <- theta[, sub, drop = FALSE]
        draws.sub.agg <- matrix(NA, nsim, length(stratalabels))
        # For each strata
        for(k in 1:length(stratalabels)){
          strata.sub <- which(AA.sub$strata == stratalabels[k] & AA.sub$age.raw %in% only.age)
          draws.hazards <- draws.sub[, strata.sub, drop=FALSE]
          # Monte Carlo approximation of the marginal effects
          if(inla_mod$family == "binomial" && mc > 0){
            for(tt in 1:dim(draws.hazards)[2]){
              draws.temp <- matrix(draws.hazards[, tt], nsim, mc)
              draws.temp <- expit(draws.temp + err.temp)
              draws.hazards[, tt] <- apply(draws.temp, 1, mean)
            draws.hazards <- expit(draws.hazards)
          draws.mort <- rep(1, dim(draws.hazards)[1])
          for(tt in 1:dim(draws.hazards)[2]){
            draws.mort <- draws.mort * (1 - draws.hazards[, tt])^age.nn[AA.sub[strata.sub, "age.idx"][tt]]                
          draws.mort <- 1 - draws.mort
          draws.sub.agg[, k] <- draws.mort
          ## Strata specific output
          index1 <- which(out1$time == i & out1$area == j & out1$strata == stratalabels[k])
          # save stratified mortality draws
            draws.est[[index.draws.est]] <- list(years = year_label[i], region = colnames(Amat)[j], strata = stratalabels[k], draws = draws.mort)
            index.draws.est <- index.draws.est + 1
          out1[index1, c("lower", "median", "upper")] <- stats::quantile(draws.mort, c(lowerCI, 0.5, upperCI))
          out1[index1, "mean"] <- mean(draws.mort)
          out1[index1, "variance"] <- var(draws.mort)
        # aggregate across strata
        index2 <- which(out2$area == j & out2$time == i)
        draws.sub.agg.sum <- matrix(NA, nsim, length(index2))
        for(k in 1:length(index2)){
          prop <- out2[index2[k], strata.index]
            cols <- match(stratalabels.orig, stratalabels)
            cols <- match(paste(out2$frame[index2[k]], stratalabels.orig, sep = "-"), stratalabels)
          draws.sub.agg.sum[, k] <- apply(draws.sub.agg[, cols, drop=FALSE], 1, function(x, p){sum(x * p)}, prop)
          # save overall mortality draws
            draws.est.overall[[index.draws.est.overall]] <- list(years = year_label[i], region = colnames(Amat)[j], draws = draws.sub.agg.sum[, k])
            index.draws.est.overall <- index.draws.est.overall + 1
          out2[index2[k], c("lower", "median", "upper")] <- stats::quantile(draws.sub.agg.sum[, k], c(lowerCI, 0.5, upperCI))
          out2[index2[k], "mean"] <- mean(draws.sub.agg.sum[, k])
          out2[index2[k], "variance"] <- var(draws.sub.agg.sum[, k])
        # aggregate across frame
          index3 <- which(out3$area == j & out3$time == i)
          colnames(draws.sub.agg.sum) <- out2[index2, "frame"]
          draws.sub.agg.sum2 <- rep(0, nsim)
          this.weight <- weight.frame
          if("region" %in% colnames(weight.frame)) this.weight <- subset(this.weight, region == colnames(Amat)[j])
          if("years" %in% colnames(weight.frame)) this.weight <- subset(this.weight, years == year_label[i])
          for(k in 1:dim(draws.sub.agg.sum)[2]){
            # aggregation on the probability scale, no longer used
            # draws.sub.agg.sum2 <- draws.sub.agg.sum2 + draws.sub.agg.sum[, k] * as.numeric(this.weight[colnames(draws.sub.agg.sum)[k]])
            draws.sub.agg.sum2 <- draws.sub.agg.sum2 + logit(draws.sub.agg.sum[, k]) * as.numeric(this.weight[colnames(draws.sub.agg.sum)[k]])
          draws.sub.agg.sum2 <- expit(draws.sub.agg.sum2)
          out3[index3, c("lower", "median", "upper")] <- stats::quantile(draws.sub.agg.sum2, c(lowerCI, 0.5, upperCI))
          out3[index3, "mean"] <- mean(draws.sub.agg.sum2)
          out3[index3, "variance"] <- var(draws.sub.agg.sum2)
        # Area-time specific done
    out1$is.yearly <- !(out1$years %in% year_label)
    out1$years.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(out1$years)))
    out2$is.yearly <- !(out2$years %in% year_label)
    out2$years.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(out2$years)))
    out3$is.yearly <- !(out3$years %in% year_label)
    out3$years.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(out3$years)))
    out1$years <- factor(out1$years, year_label)
    out2$years <- factor(out2$years, year_label)
    out3$years <- factor(out3$years, year_label)
    class(out1) <- c("SUMMERproj", "data.frame")
    class(out2) <- c("SUMMERproj", "data.frame")
    class(out3) <- c("SUMMERproj", "data.frame")
    out <- list(overall = out2, stratified = out1)
      out$final = out3
      out$draws = sampAll
      msg <- paste0(msg, "\nPosterior draws are saved in the output. You can use 'getSmoothed(..., draws = ...$draws)' next time to speed up the call.")
      out$draws.est <- draws.est
      out$draws.est.overall <- draws.est.overall
    out$msg <- msg
    out$nsim <- nsim
    out$weight.strata = weight.strata
    out$weight.frame = weight.frame
    out$CI <- CI
    out$control.fixed <- inla_mod$control.fixed
    class(out) <- "SUMMERprojlist"
    ## Mercer et al. methods - marginal posterior distributions
  } else{

    # extract space and time information and labels
      region_names <- "All"
      region_nums <- 0
      region_names <- colnames(Amat)
      region_nums <- 1:length(region_names)
    is.yearly = inla_mod$is.yearly
      timelabel.yearly <- c(year_range[1] : year_range[2], year_label)
      timelabel.yearly <- year_label
    if(!inla_mod$is.temporal) timelabel.yearly <-1
    T <- length(timelabel.yearly)
    N <- length(region_names)
    lincombs.info <- inla_mod$lincombs.info

    if (!joint) {
      if (isTRUE(requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE))) {
        if (!is.element("INLA", (.packages()))) {
        results <- expand.grid(District = region_nums, Year = timelabel.yearly)
        results$median <- results$lower <- results$upper <- results$logit.median <- results$logit.lower <- results$logit.upper <- NA
        mod <- inla_mod$fit
        for(i in 1:length(timelabel.yearly)){
          for(j in 1:length(region_names)){
            index <- lincombs.info$Index[lincombs.info$District == region_nums[j] & lincombs.info$Year == i]
            tmp.logit <- INLA::inla.rmarginal(1e5, mod$marginals.lincomb.derived[[index]])
            # marg <- INLA::inla.tmarginal(expit, mod$marginals.lincomb.derived[[index]])
            # tmp <- INLA::inla.rmarginal(nsim, marg)
            tmp <- expit(tmp.logit)
            results$median[results$District == region_nums[j] & results$Year == timelabel.yearly[i]] <- stats::median(tmp)
            results$upper[results$District == region_nums[j] & results$Year == timelabel.yearly[i]] <- stats::quantile(tmp, upperCI)
            results$lower[results$District == region_nums[j] & results$Year == timelabel.yearly[i]] <- stats::quantile(tmp, lowerCI)
            results$logit.median[results$District == region_nums[j] & results$Year == timelabel.yearly[i]] <- stats::median(tmp.logit)
            results$logit.upper[results$District == region_nums[j] & results$Year == timelabel.yearly[i]] <- stats::quantile(tmp.logit, upperCI)
            results$logit.lower[results$District == region_nums[j] & results$Year == timelabel.yearly[i]] <- stats::quantile(tmp.logit, lowerCI)
        results$is.yearly <- !(results$Year %in% year_label)
        results$years.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(results$Year)))
        #  ## deal with 1 year case
        # results$years <- as.character(results$years)
        # tmp <- as.numeric(strsplit(results$years[results$time == 1][1], "-")[[1]])
        # if(tmp[1] == tmp[2]){
        #     results$years.num <- 1900 + tmp[1] + results$time - 1
        # }
        if(region_names[1] != "All"){
          results$District <- region_names[results$District]
          results$District <- "All"
        colnames(results)[which(colnames(results) == "District")] <- "region"
        colnames(results)[which(colnames(results) == "Year")] <- "years"
        if(!inla_mod$is.temporal) results$years <- results$years.num <- results$is.yearly <- NA
        # Add S3 method
        class(results) <- c("SUMMERproj", "data.frame")

    ## Mercer et al. methods - joint posterior distributions
    } else {

      if("region.struct" %in% names(inla_mod$fit$summary.random) == FALSE && !is.null(Amat)){
        message("No spatial random effects in the model. Amat not used")
        Amat <- matrix(1,1,1)
        colnames(Amat) <- rownames(Amat) <- inla_mod$fit$.args$data$region[1]
      if(inla_mod$is.yearly) year_label <- c(year_range[1]:year_range[2], year_label)
      if(!inla_mod$is.yearly) year_label <- year_label
      # get a subset of fields only
      cs <- inla_mod$fit$misc$configs$contents$tag
      cs <- cs[cs != "Predictor"]
      select <- list()
      for(i in 1:length(cs)){
        select[[i]] <- 0
        names(select)[i] <- cs[i]
        message("Starting posterior sampling...")
        sampAll <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(n = nsim, result = inla_mod$fit, intern = TRUE, selection = select, verbose = verbose)
        message("Cleaning up results...")
        message("Use posterior draws from input.")
        save.draws <- TRUE
        save.draws.est <- TRUE
        sampAll <- draws
        nsim <- length(draws)
      fields <- rownames(sampAll[[1]]$latent)        

      cols <- names(unlist(inla_mod$fit$.args$lincomb[[1]]))
      cols <- gsub(".weight", "", cols)
      cols <- gsub(".idx", "", cols)
      cols <- unique(cols)
      AA <- AA.loc <- matrix(NA, N * T, length(cols))
      colnames(AA) <- colnames(AA.loc) <- cols
      out3 <- expand.grid(area = 1:N, time = 1:T)
      out3$lower <- out3$upper <- out3$mean <- out3$median <- out3$variance <- NA
      out3$years <- year_label[out3$time]
      if(N > 1){              
        out3$region <- colnames(Amat)[out3$area]
        out3$region <- "All"
      draws.est.overall <- NULL
      # the order of draws corresponding to rows in the out3 data frame
      order <- rep(NA, N*T)
      counter <- 1
      has.time.slope <- FALSE
      for(i in 1:T){
        for(j in 1:N){
          index <- lincombs.info$Index[lincombs.info$District == region_nums[j] & lincombs.info$Year == i]
          order[counter] <- which(out3$time == i & out3$area == j)
          for(k in 1:length(inla_mod$fit$.args$lincomb[[index]])){
            label <- names(inla_mod$fit$.args$lincomb[[index]][[k]])
            # for intercept, the first element is weight = 1
            # for random effect, the first element is idx
            # for time.slope this is the covariate value
            AA[counter, label] <- unlist(inla_mod$fit$.args$lincomb[[index]][[k]])[1]
            if(label == "time.slope"){
              AA.loc[counter, label] <- NA
              has.time.slope <- TRUE
              AA.loc[counter, label] <- match(paste0(label, ":", AA[counter, label]), rownames(sampAll[[1]]$latent))
          counter <- counter + 1
      # tau <- rep(NA, nsim)
      theta <- matrix(0, nsim, dim(AA)[1])
      for(i in 1:nsim){
        draw <- sampAll[[i]]$latent
        theta[i,  ] <-  apply(AA.loc, 1, function(x, ff){sum(ff[x], na.rm=TRUE)}, draw)
        # time slope
            slope <- draw["time.slope:1", ]
            add.slope <- slope * AA[, "time.slope"]
            theta[i,  ] <-  theta[i,  ] + add.slope
        # Right now we do not have covariate, so this will not be used
          for(xx in inla_mod$covariate.names){
            covariate <- AA[, xx]
            slope <- draw[paste0(xx, ":1"), ]
            add.cov.effect <- covariate * slope
            add.cov.effect[is.na(add.cov.effect)] <- 0
            theta[i,  ] <-  theta[i,  ] + add.cov.effect
      #  keep the same order as when order variable is created
      counter <- 1
      for(i in 1:T){
        for(j in 1:N){
          draws.sub <- theta[, counter, drop = FALSE]
          draws.sub <- expit(draws.sub)
          out3[order[counter], c("lower", "median", "upper")] <- stats::quantile(as.vector(draws.sub), c(lowerCI, 0.5, upperCI))
          out3[order[counter], "mean"] <- mean(as.vector(draws.sub))
          out3[order[counter], "variance"] <- var(as.vector(draws.sub))
           draws.est.overall[[counter]] <- list(
            years = out3[order[counter], "years"], 
            region = out3[order[counter], "region"], 
            draws = as.vector(draws.sub))          
          counter <- counter + 1          
      out3$is.yearly <- !(out3$years %in% inla_mod$year_label)
      out3$years.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(out3$years)))
      out3$years <- factor(out3$years, year_label)
      class(out3) <- c("SUMMERproj", "data.frame")
      out <- list(overall = out3)
        out$draws = sampAll
        msg <- paste0(msg, "\nPosterior draws are saved in the output. You can use 'getSmoothed(..., draws = ...$draws)' next time to speed up the call.")
        # out$draws.est <- draws.est
        out$draws.est.overall <- draws.est.overall
      out$msg <- msg
      out$nsim <- nsim
      out$CI <- CI
      out$control.fixed <- inla_mod$control.fixed
      class(out) <- "SUMMERprojlist"

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