
Defines functions reSummarise

Documented in reSummarise

#' Run a summarise step for results that have been saved to the hard drive
#' When \code{runSimulation()} uses the option \code{save_results = TRUE}
#' the R replication results from the Generate-Analyse functions are
#' stored to the hard drive. As such, additional summarise components
#' may be required at a later time, whereby the respective \code{.rds} files
#' must be read back into R to be summarised. This function performs
#' the reading of these files, application of a provided summarise function,
#' and final collection of the respective results.
#' @param summarise a summarise function to apply to the read-in files.
#'   See \code{\link{runSimulation}} for details
#' @param dir directory pointing to the .rds files to be
#'   read-in that were saved from \code{runSimulation(..., save_results=TRUE)}.
#'   If \code{NULL}, it is assumed the current working directory contains
#'   the .rds files
#' @param files (optional) names of files to read-in. If \code{NULL} all files
#'   located within \code{dir} will be used
#' @param results (optional) the results of \code{\link{runSimulation}} when no
#'   \code{summarise} function was provided. Can be either a \code{tibble} or
#'   \code{matrix} (indicating that exactly one design condition was evaluated),
#'   or a \code{list} of \code{matrix}/\code{tibble}
#'   objects indicating that multiple conditions were performed with no summarise evaluation.
#'   Alternatively, if \code{store_results = TRUE} in the \code{runSimulation()} execution then
#'   the final SimDesign object may be passed, where the generate-analyse information will be
#'   extracted from the object instead
#' @param Design (optional) if \code{results} input used, and design condition information
#'   important in the summarise step, then the original \code{design} object from
#'   \code{\link{runSimulation}} should be included
#' @param fixed_objects (optional) see \code{\link{runSimulation}} for details
#' @param boot_method method for performing non-parametric bootstrap confidence intervals
#'  for the respective meta-statistics computed by the \code{Summarise} function.
#'  See \code{\link{runSimulation}} for details
#' @param boot_draws number of non-parametric bootstrap draws to sample for the \code{summarise}
#'   function after the generate-analyse replications are collected. Default is 1000
#' @param CI bootstrap confidence interval level (default is 95\%)
#' @param prefix character indicating prefix used for stored files
#' @export
#' @author Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C.  (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations
#' with the SimDesign Package. \code{The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16}(4), 248-280.
#' \doi{10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248}
#' Sigal, M. J., & Chalmers, R. P. (2016). Play it again: Teaching statistics with Monte
#' Carlo simulation. \code{Journal of Statistics Education, 24}(3), 136-156.
#' \doi{10.1080/10691898.2016.1246953}
#' @examples
#' Design <- createDesign(N = c(10, 20, 30))
#' Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects = NULL) {
#'     dat <- with(condition, rnorm(N, 10, 5)) # distributed N(10, 5)
#'     dat
#' }
#' Analyse <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects = NULL) {
#'     ret <- c(mean=mean(dat), median=median(dat)) # mean/median of sample data
#'     ret
#' }
#' Summarise <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects = NULL){
#'     colMeans(results)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # run the simulation
#' runSimulation(design=Design, replications=50,
#'               generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse,
#'               summarise=Summarise, save_results=TRUE,
#'               save_details = list(save_results_dirname='simresults'))
#' res <- reSummarise(Summarise, dir = 'simresults/')
#' res
#' Summarise2 <- function(condition, results, fixed_objects = NULL){
#'     ret <- c(mean_ests=colMeans(results), SE=colSDs(results))
#'     ret
#' }
#' res2 <- reSummarise(Summarise2, dir = 'simresults/')
#' res2
#' SimClean('simresults/')
#' }
#' ###
#' # Similar, but with results stored within the final object
#' res <- runSimulation(design=Design, replications=50, store_results = TRUE,
#'                      generate=Generate, analyse=Analyse, summarise=Summarise)
#' res
#' # same summarise but with bootstrapping
#' res2 <- reSummarise(Summarise, results = res, boot_method = 'basic')
#' res2
reSummarise <- function(summarise, dir = NULL, files = NULL, results = NULL, Design = NULL,
                        fixed_objects = NULL, boot_method = 'none', boot_draws = 1000L, CI = .95,
                        prefix = "results-row"){
        read_files <- FALSE
        if(is(results, 'SimDesign')){
            obj <- results
                Design <- SimExtract(obj, 'Design')
            results <- SimExtract(obj, 'results')
        if(is(results, 'tbl')){
            results <- results[,!(colnames(results) %in% colnames(Design))]
            tmp <- vector('list', nrow(Design))
            reps <- obj$REPLICATIONS[1L]
            for(i in 1L:length(tmp)){
                pick <- 1:reps + (i-1)*reps
                tmp[[i]] <- results[pick, ]
            results <- tmp
        files <- 1L:length(results)
    } else {
        read_files <- TRUE
        current_wd <- getwd()
        if(!is.null(dir)) setwd(dir)
        if(is.null(files)) files <- dir()
        expect_filenames <- paste0(prefix, '-')
        if(!all(grepl(expect_filenames, files)))
            stop('Filenames in select directory did not follow the \'results-row-#\' pattern. Please fix')
    res <- vector('list', length(files))
    conditions <- vector('list', length(files))

    for(i in 1L:length(files)){
            inp <- readRDS(files[i])
            conditions[[i]] <- inp$condition
            summ <- try(summarise(condition=inp$condition, results=inp$results,
            if(is(summ, 'try-error'))
                stop(sprintf("File \'%s\' threw an error in the summarise() function", files[i]))
        } else {
            summ <- try(summarise(condition=Design[i,], results=results[[i]],
            if(is(summ, 'try-error'))
                stop(sprintf("Results objec \'%s\' threw an error in the summarise() function", files[i]))

        res[[i]] <- try(sim_results_check(summ))
        if(is(res[[i]], 'try-error'))
            stop(sprintf("File \'%s\' did not return a valid summarise() output", files[i]))
        if(boot_method != 'none'){
            CIs <- if(read_files){
                SimBoot(inp$results, summarise=summarise, condition=inp$condition,
                        fixed_objects=if(is.null(fixed_objects)) inp$fixed_objects else fixed_objects,
                        boot_draws=boot_draws, CI=CI)
            } else {
                SimBoot(results[[i]], summarise=summarise, condition=Design[i,],
                        fixed_objects=fixed_objects, boot_method=boot_method,
                        boot_draws=boot_draws, CI=CI)
            res[[i]] <- c(res[[i]], CIs)
        res <- cbind(dplyr::bind_rows(conditions), do.call(rbind, res))
        res$REPLICATION <- res$ID <- NULL
    } else
        res <- cbind(Design, do.call(rbind, res))

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SimDesign documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:15 a.m.