
Defines functions sbatch_RAM2bytes sbatch_time2sec gen_seeds valid_results set_seed pickReps colSDs colVars clip_names RAM_used collect_unique SimSolveUniroot SimSolveData stackResults toTabledResults combined_Generate combined_Analyses lapply_timer unwind_apply_wind.list sim_results_check reduceTable isList nc quiet notification_final notification_condition myundebug print_progress timeFormater get_packages load_packages parent_env_fun

Documented in colSDs colVars gen_seeds nc quiet

.SIMDENV <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

# return a character vector of functions defined in .GlobalEnv
parent_env_fun <- function(){
    nms <- ls(envir = parent.frame(2L))
    is_fun <- sapply(nms, function(x, envir) is.function(get(x, envir=envir)),
                     envir = parent.frame(2L))

load_packages <- function(packages){
        for(pack in packages){
            available <- suppressWarnings(require(substitute(pack), character.only=TRUE,
                    quietly=TRUE, warn.conflicts=FALSE))
                stop(sprintf("Package \'%s\' is not available. Please install.", pack),

get_packages <- function(packages){
    sapply(packages, function(x) as.character(packageVersion(x)))

# base-code borrowed and modified from pbapply
timeFormater <- function(time, decimals = TRUE){
    dec <- time - floor(time)
    time <- floor(time - dec)
    dec <- round(dec, 2)
    sec <- round(time %% 60)
    if(decimals) sec <- sec + dec
    time <- floor(time / 60)
    minutes <- floor(time %% 60)
    time <- floor(time / 60)
    days <- floor(time / 24)
    time <- floor(time %% 24)
    hours <- floor(time %% 60)
    resTime <- ""
    if (days > 0)
        resTime <- sprintf("%02id ", days)
    if (hours > 0 || days > 0)
        resTime <- paste(resTime, sprintf("%02ih ", hours), sep = "")
    if (minutes > 0 || hours > 0 || days > 0)
        resTime <- paste(resTime, sprintf("%02im ", minutes), sep = "")
    resTime <- if(decimals) paste0(resTime, sprintf("%.2fs", sec))
    else paste0(resTime, sprintf("%02is", sec))

print_progress <- function(row, trow, stored_time, RAM, progress,
                           condition, replications){
    if(progress) cat('\n')
    tmp <- as.list(subset(condition, select=colnames(condition) != "ID"))
    nms <- names(tmp)
    nms2 <- do.call(c, lapply(tmp, as.character))
    wdth <- 85 - 13
    condstring <- paste0(nms, '=', nms2, collapse=', ')
    if(nchar(condstring) > wdth){
        nms <- abbreviate(nms, minlength = 6)
        condstring <- paste0(nms, '=', nms2, collapse=', ')
        if(nchar(condstring) > wdth){
            nms2 <- abbreviate(nms2)
            condstring <- paste0(nms, '=', nms2, collapse=', ')
    if(RAM != "") RAM <- sprintf(';   RAM Used: %s', RAM)
    cat(sprintf('\rDesign: %i/%i%s;   Replications: %i;   Total Time: %s ',
                row, trow, RAM, replications, timeFormater(sum(stored_time))))
    cat(sprintf('\n Conditions: %s\n', condstring))
    if(progress) cat('\r')

myundebug <- function(fun) if(isdebugged(fun)) undebug(fun)

notification_condition <- function(condition, results, total){
    RPushbullet::pbPost(type = 'note',
                        title = sprintf("Condition %i/%i completed", condition$ID, total),
                        body = sprintf("Execution time: %s \nErrors: %i \nWarnings: %i",
                                       ifelse(is.null(results$ERRORS), 0, results$ERRORS),
                                       ifelse(is.null(results$WARNINGS), 0, results$WARNINGS)))


notification_final <- function(Final){
    RPushbullet::pbPost(type = 'note',
                        title = "Simulation completed",
                        body = sprintf("Total execution time: %s \nTotal Errors: %i \nTotal Warnings: %i",
                                       ifelse(is.null(Final$ERRORS), 0, sum(Final$ERRORS)),
                                       ifelse(is.null(Final$WARNINGS), 0, sum(Final$WARNINGS))))

#' Suppress function messages and Concatenate and Print (cat)
#' This function is used to suppress information printed from external functions
#' that make internal use of \code{link{message}} and \code{\link{cat}}, which
#' provide information in interactive R sessions. For simulations, the session
#' is not interactive, and therefore this type of output should be suppressed.
#' For similar behaviour for suppressing warning messages see
#' \code{\link{suppressWarnings}}, though use this function carefully as some
#' warnings can be meaningful and unexpected.
#' @param ... the functional expression to be evaluated
#' @param messages logical; suppress all messages?
#' @param cat logical; suppress all concatenate and print calls from \code{\link{cat}}?
#' @export
#' @references
#' Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C.  (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations
#' with the SimDesign Package. \code{The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16}(4), 248-280.
#' \doi{10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248}
#' Sigal, M. J., & Chalmers, R. P. (2016). Play it again: Teaching statistics with Monte
#' Carlo simulation. \code{Journal of Statistics Education, 24}(3), 136-156.
#' \doi{10.1080/10691898.2016.1246953}
#' @examples
#' myfun <- function(x){
#'    message('This function is rather chatty')
#'    cat("It even prints in different output forms!\n")
#'    message('And even at different....')
#'    cat("...times!\n")
#'    x
#' }
#' out <- myfun(1)
#' out
#' # tell the function to shhhh
#' out <- quiet(myfun(1))
#' out
quiet <- function(..., messages=FALSE, cat=FALSE){
        tmpf <- tempfile()
        on.exit({sink(); file.remove(tmpf)})
    out <- if(messages) eval(...) else suppressMessages(eval(...))

#' Auto-named Concatenation of Vector or List
#' This is a wrapper to the function \code{\link{c}}, however names the respective elements
#' according to their input object name. For this reason, nesting \code{nc()} calls
#' is not recommended (joining independent \code{nc()} calls via \code{c()}
#' is however reasonable).
#' @param ... objects to be concatenated
#' @param use.names logical indicating if \code{names} should be preserved (unlike \code{\link{c}},
#'   default is \code{FALSE})
#' @param error.on.duplicate logical; if the same object name appears in the returning object
#'   should an error be thrown? Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @export
#' @references
#' Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C.  (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations
#' with the SimDesign Package. \code{The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16}(4), 248-280.
#' \doi{10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248}
#' Sigal, M. J., & Chalmers, R. P. (2016). Play it again: Teaching statistics with Monte
#' Carlo simulation. \code{Journal of Statistics Education, 24}(3), 136-156.
#' \doi{10.1080/10691898.2016.1246953}
#' @examples
#' A <- 1
#' B <- 2
#' C <- 3
#' names(C) <- 'LetterC'
#' # compare the following
#' c(A, B, C) # unnamed
#' nc(A, B, C) # named
#' nc(this=A, B, C) # respects override named (same as c() )
#' nc(this=A, B, C, use.names = TRUE) # preserve original name
#' \dontrun{
#' # throws errors if names not unique
#' nc(this=A, this=B, C)
#' nc(LetterC=A, B, C, use.names=TRUE)
#' }
#' # poor input choice names
#' nc(t.test(c(1:2))$p.value, t.test(c(3:4))$p.value)
#' # better to explicitly provide name
#' nc(T1 = t.test(c(1:2))$p.value,
#'    T2 = t.test(c(3:4))$p.value)
#' # vector of unnamed inputs
#' A <- c(5,4,3,2,1)
#' B <- c(100, 200)
#' nc(A, B, C) # A's and B's numbered uniquely
#' c(A, B, C)  # compare
#' nc(beta=A, B, C) # replacement of object name
#' # retain names attributes (but append object name, when appropriate)
#' names(A) <- letters[1:5]
#' nc(A, B, C)
#' nc(beta=A, B, C)
#' nc(A, B, C, use.names=TRUE)
#' # mix and match if some named elements work while others do not
#' c( nc(A, B, use.names=TRUE), nc(C))
#' \dontrun{
#' # error, 'b' appears twice
#' names(B) <- c('b', 'b2')
#' nc(A, B, C, use.names=TRUE)
#' }
#' # List input
#' A <- list(1)
#' B <- list(2:3)
#' C <- list('C')
#' names(C) <- 'LetterC'
#' # compare the following
#' c(A, B, C) # unnamed
#' nc(A, B, C) # named
#' nc(this=A, B, C) # respects override named (same as c() and list() )
#' nc(this=A, B, C, use.names = TRUE) # preserve original name
nc <- function(..., use.names=FALSE, error.on.duplicate = TRUE){
    dots <- list(...)
    len <- sapply(dots, length)
    object <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
    nms <- sapply(object, function(x) paste0(as.character(x), collapse='_'))
    nms[names(nms) != ""] <- names(nms[names(nms) != ""])
    if(any(len > 1L)){
        nms <- as.list(nms)
        for(i in length(nms):1L){
            if(len[i] > 1L)
                nms[[i]] <- paste0(rep(nms[[i]], len[i]),
                                   if(!is.null(names(dots[[i]]))) "." else NULL,
                                if(is.null(names(dots[[i]]))) 1L:len[i]
                                else names(dots[[i]]))
        nms <- do.call(c, nms)
        tmp <- do.call(c, lapply(dots, function(x){
            ret <- names(x)
            if(is.null(ret)) ret <- rep(NA, length(x))
        nms[!is.na(tmp)] <- tmp[!is.na(tmp)]
    nms <- gsub("\\$\\_", "", nms)
            stop(sprintf('Vector/list contains the following duplicated names: %s',
                         paste0(nms[duplicated(nms)], collapse=', ')),
    ret <- c(...)
    names(ret) <- nms

isList <- function(x) !is.data.frame(x) && is.list(x)

reduceTable <- function(tab){
    tab <- dplyr::bind_rows(tab)
    uniq <- sort(unique(tab$x))
    reps <- val <- numeric(length(uniq))
    for(i in seq_len(length(val))){
        tmp <- tab[uniq[i] == tab$x, , drop=FALSE]
        reps[i] <- sum(tmp$reps)
        val[i] <- sum(as.numeric(tmp$y) * as.numeric(tmp$reps) / reps[i])
    reduced <- data.frame(y=val, x=uniq, reps=reps)


sim_results_check <- function(sim_results){
    if(is(sim_results, 'try-error'))
        stop(c("Summarise() should not throw errors. Message was:\n    ", sim_results), call.=FALSE)
        if(nrow(sim_results) > 1L)
            stop('When returning a data.frame in summarise() there should only be 1 row',
        nms <- names(sim_results)
        sim_results <- as.numeric(sim_results)
        names(sim_results) <- nms
            stop("List elements must be named in Summarise() definition",
        ret <- numeric(0)
        attr(ret, 'summarise_list') <- sim_results
    if(length(sim_results) == 1L){
            names(sim_results) <- 'value'
        if(!is.vector(sim_results) || is.null(names(sim_results)))
            stop('summarise() must return a named vector or data.frame object with 1 row',

unwind_apply_wind.list <- function(lst, mat, fun, ...){
    long_list <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lst, as.numeric))
    long_mat <- if(!is.null(mat)) as.numeric(mat) else NULL
    ret <- fun(long_list, long_mat, ...)
        was_matrix <- is.matrix(mat)
            ret <- matrix(ret, nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
            rownames(ret) <- rownames(mat)
            colnames(ret) <- colnames(mat)
        } else names(ret) <- names(mat)

lapply_timer <- function(X, FUN, max_time, max_RAM, ...){
        ret <- vector('list', length(X))
        total <- max_time
        elapsed <- 0
        time_left <- total
        for(i in 1L:length(ret)){
            st <- proc.time()['elapsed']
            val <- R.utils::withTimeout(FUN(...),
                                        timeout = time_left,
                                        onTimeout = 'warning')
            elapsed <- elapsed + proc.time()['elapsed'] - st
            time_left <- total - elapsed
            ret[[i]] <- val
            if(time_left <= 0){
                message(sprintf(c("Simulation terminated due to max_time constraint",
                                " (%i/%i replications evaluated)."), i, length(ret)))
                ret <- ret[1L:i]
            if(is.finite(max_RAM) && object.size(ret) > max_RAM){
                message(sprintf(c("Simulation terminated due to max_RAM constraint",
                                  " (%i/%i replications evaluated)."), i, length(ret)))
                ret <- ret[1L:i]
    } else {
        ret <- vector('list', length(X))
        for(i in 1L:length(ret)){
            val <- FUN(...)
            ret[[i]] <- val
            if(is.finite(max_RAM) && object.size(ret) > max_RAM){
                message(sprintf(c("Simulation terminated due to max_RAM constraint",
                                  " (%i/%i replications evaluated)."), i, length(ret)))
                ret <- ret[1L:i]

combined_Analyses <- function(condition, dat, fixed_objects = NULL){
    nfuns <- length(ANALYSE_FUNCTIONS)
    ret <- vector('list', nfuns)
    nms <- names(ANALYSE_FUNCTIONS)
    names(ret) <- nms
    if(is.null(nms)) nms <- 1L:nfuns
    for(i in nms){
        tried <- try(ANALYSE_FUNCTIONS[[i]](condition=condition, dat=dat,
                                            fixed_objects=fixed_objects), silent=TRUE)
        if(is(tried, 'try-error')){
            if(tried == 'Error : ANALYSEIF RAISED ERROR\n')
                tried <- NULL
            else if(!TRY_ALL_ANALYSE) return(tried)
        ret[[i]] <- tried
        try_error <- sapply(ret, function(x) is(x, 'try-error'))
            msg <- paste0(names(ANALYSE_FUNCTIONS)[try_error], ".ERROR:   ", as.character(ret[try_error]))
            if(length(msg) > 1L)
                msg[1L] <- sprintf("%i INDEPENDENT ERRORS THROWN:   %s", length(msg), msg[1L])
            msg <- paste0(msg, collapse = '  ')
            ret <- try(stop(msg), silent = TRUE)
            ret <- gsub("Error in try\\(stop\\(msg\\), silent = TRUE\\) : \\\n  ", "", ret)
    if(all(sapply(ret, function(x) is.numeric(x) ||
                  (is.data.frame(x) && nrow(x) == 1L))))
        ret <- unlist(ret)

combined_Generate <- function(condition, fixed_objects = NULL){
    nfuns <- length(GENERATE_FUNCTIONS)
    ret <- vector('list', nfuns)
    nms <- names(GENERATE_FUNCTIONS)
    names(ret) <- nms
    if(is.null(nms)) nms <- 1L:nfuns
    for(i in nms){
        tried <- try(GENERATE_FUNCTIONS[[i]](condition=condition,
                                            fixed_objects=fixed_objects), silent=TRUE)
        if(is(tried, 'try-error')){
            if(tried == 'Error : GENERATEIF RAISED ERROR\n')
                tried <- NULL
        } else ret <- tried
        stop('No data was generated for supplied condition. Please fix', call.=FALSE)

toTabledResults <- function(results){
    tabled_results <- if(is.data.frame(results[[1]]) && nrow(results[[1L]]) == 1L){
    } else if((is.data.frame(results[[1]]) && nrow(results[[1]]) > 1L) || is.list(results[[1L]])){
    } else {
        as.matrix(dplyr::bind_rows(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, results))))

stackResults <- function(results){
    if(!is.list(results[[1L]]) || (is.data.frame(results[[1L]]) &&
                                   nrow(results[[1L]]) == 1L)){
        old_nms <- names(results[[1L]])
        results <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, results))
        if(length(unique(colnames(results))) != ncol(results) && ncol(results) > 1L)
            stop('Object of results returned from analyse must have unique names', call.=FALSE)
        rownames(results) <- NULL
        if(ncol(results) == 1L && is.null(old_nms)) results <- results[,1]

SimSolveData <- function(burnin, full = TRUE){
    pick <- !sapply(.SIMDENV$stored_results, is.null)
    pick[1L:burnin] <- FALSE
        return(data.frame(y=numeric(0), IV=numeric(0), weights=numeric(0)))
        DV <- do.call(c, .SIMDENV$stored_results[pick])
        IV <- rep(.SIMDENV$stored_medhistory[pick],
                  times=sapply(.SIMDENV$stored_results[pick], length))
        ret <- data.frame(y=DV, x=IV, weights=1)
    } else {
        ret <- do.call(rbind, .SIMDENV$stored_history[pick])
        ret$weights <- 1/sqrt(ret$reps)

SimSolveUniroot <- function(SimMod, b, interval, max.interval, median, CI=NULL){
    f.root <- function(x, b)
        predict(SimMod, newdata = data.frame(x=x), type = 'response') - b
    res <- try(uniroot(f.root, b=b, interval = interval), silent = TRUE)
    if(is(res, 'try-error')){
        # in case original interval is poor for interpolation
        interval <- max.interval
        for(i in seq_len(20L)){
            if(grepl('end points not of opposite sign', res)){
                diff <- abs(interval - median)
                interval[which.max(diff)] <- mean(c(median, interval[which.max(diff)]))
                res <- try(uniroot(f.root, b=b, interval = interval), silent = TRUE)
                if(!is(res, 'try-error')) break
    if(is(res, 'try-error')) return(c(NA, NA, NA))
    root <- res$root
    abias <- bias(root, median, type = 'abs_relative')
    if(abias > .5) root <- median
    ci <- c(NA, NA)
        preds <- predict(SimMod, newdata = data.frame(x=root),
                      se.fit=TRUE, type = 'link')
        ci <- SimMod$family$linkinv(preds$fit + qnorm(CI) * preds$se.fit)
    c(root, ci)

collect_unique <- function(x){
        uniq <- unique(colnames(x))
        for(u in uniq){
            pick <- colnames(x) %in% u
            if(sum(pick) == 1L) next
            whc <- sort(which(pick))
            tmp <- rowSums(x[,pick, drop=FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
            tmp <- ifelse(tmp == 0, NA, tmp)
            x[[whc[1L]]] <- tmp
            x[whc[2L:length(whc)]] <- NULL

bisection <- function (f, interval, ..., tol = 0.001, maxiter = 100,
                       f.lower = NULL, f.upper = NULL, check = FALSE)
    lower <- interval[1L]
    upper <- interval[2L]
    iter <- 0L
        if(is.null(f.lower)) f.lower <- f(lower, ...)
        if(is.null(f.upper)) f.upper <- f(upper, ...)
        stopifnot("No root in specified interval" = f.lower * f.upper < 0)
    } else {
        if(is.null(f.lower)) f.lower <- -Inf
        if(is.null(f.upper)) f.upper <- Inf
    if(f.lower > f.upper){
        tmp <- lower
        lower <- upper
        upper <- tmp
        tmp <- f.lower
        f.lower <- f.upper
        f.upper <- tmp
    false_converge <- FALSE
    for(i in 1L:maxiter){
        iter <- iter + 1L
        mid <- (lower + upper)/2
        f.mid <- f(mid, ...)
        if(f.mid < f.lower || f.mid > f.upper){
            false_converge <- TRUE
        if (isTRUE(f.lower * f.mid > 0)){
            lower <- mid
            f.lower <- f.mid
        } else {
            upper <- mid
            f.upper <- f.mid
        if(abs(lower - upper) < tol) break
    root <- (lower + upper)/2
    list(root=root, f.root=f(root, ...), iter=i,
         terminated_early=i < maxiter,

RAM_used <- function(format=TRUE){
    # borrowed and modified from pryr::node_size(), 13-06-2023
    bit <- 8L * .Machine$sizeof.pointer
    if (!(bit == 32L || bit == 64L)) {
        stop("Unknown architecture", call. = FALSE)
    val <- if (bit == 32L) 28L else 56L
    # end borrowed portion
    bytes <- sum(gc()[, 1] * c(val, 8))
    size <- structure(bytes, class="object_size")
    if(!format) return(size)
    format(size, 'MB')

clip_names <- function(vec, maxchar = 150L){
    names(vec) <- strtrim(names(vec), width=maxchar)

#' Form Column Standard Deviation and Variances
#' Form column standard deviation and variances for numeric arrays (or data frames).
#' @param x an array of two dimensions containing numeric, complex, integer or logical values,
#'   or a numeric data frame
#' @param na.rm logical; remove missing values in each respective column?
#' @param unname logical; apply \code{\link{unname}} to the results to remove any variable
#'   names?
#' @seealso \code{\link{colMeans}}
#' @export
#' @author Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' results <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=4)
#' colnames(results) <- paste0('stat', 1:4)
#' colVars(results)
#' colSDs(results)
#' results[1,1] <- NA
#' colSDs(results)
#' colSDs(results, na.rm=TRUE)
#' colSDs(results, na.rm=TRUE, unname=TRUE)
colVars <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, unname=FALSE){
    ret <- apply(x, 2L, FUN = var, na.rm=na.rm)
    if(unname) ret <- unname(ret)

#' @export
#' @rdname colVars
colSDs <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE, unname=FALSE){
    sqrt(colVars(x=x, na.rm=na.rm, unname=unname))

pickReps <- function(replications, iter){
    ret <- if(iter > length(replications))
        max(replications) else replications[iter]

set_seed <- function(seed){
    if(is.list(seed)) .Random.seed <- seed[[1L]]
    else set.seed(seed)

valid_results <- function(x)
    is(x, 'numeric') || is(x, 'data.frame') || is(x, 'list') || is(x, 'try-error')

#' Generate random seeds
#' Generate seeds to be passed to \code{runSimulation}'s \code{seed} input. Values
#' are sampled from 1 to 2147483647, or are generated using L'Ecuyer-CMRG's (2002)
#' method (returning either a list if \code{arrayID} is omitted, or the specific
#' row value from this list if \code{arrayID} is included).
#' @param design design matrix that requires a unique seed per condition, or
#'   a number indicating the number of seeds to generate. Default generates one
#'   number
#' @param iseed the initial \code{set.seed} number used to generate a sequence
#'   of independent seeds according to the L'Ecuyer-CMRG (2002) method. This
#'   is recommended whenever quality random number generation is required
#'   across similar (if not identical) simulation jobs
#'   (e.g., see \code{\link{runArraySimulation}}). If \code{arrayID} is not
#'   specified then this will return a list of the associated seed for the
#'   full \code{design}
#' @param arrayID (optional) single integer input corresponding to the specific
#'   row in the \code{design} object when using the \code{iseed} input.
#'   This is used in functions such as \code{\link{runArraySimulation}}
#'   to pull out the specific seed rather than manage a complete list, and
#'   is therefore more memory efficient
#' @export
#' @author Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' # generate 1 seed (default)
#' gen_seeds()
#' # generate 5 unique seeds
#' gen_seeds(5)
#' # generate from nrow(design)
#' design <- createDesign(factorA=c(1,2,3),
#'                        factorB=letters[1:3])
#' seeds <- gen_seeds(design)
#' seeds
#' # generate seeds for runArraySimulation()
#' (iseed <- gen_seeds())  # initial seed
#' seed_list <- gen_seeds(design, iseed=iseed)
#' seed_list
#' # expand number of unique seeds given iseed (e.g., in case more replications
#' # are required at a later date)
#' seed_list_tmp <- gen_seeds(nrow(design)*2, iseed=iseed)
#' str(seed_list_tmp) # first 9 seeds identical to seed_list
#' # more usefully for HPC, extract only the seed associated with an arrayID
#' arraySeed.15 <- gen_seeds(nrow(design)*2, iseed=iseed, arrayID=15)
#' arraySeed.15
gen_seeds <- function(design = 1L, iseed = NULL, arrayID = NULL){
    if(missing(design)) design <- 1L
        design <- matrix(NA, nrow=design)
        seed <- rint(nrow(design), min=1L, max = 2147483647L)
    } else {
        rngkind <- RNGkind()
        on.exit({RNGkind(rngkind[1L]); set.seed(NULL)})
        seed <- if(!is.null(arrayID)) vector('list', 1L)
            else vector('list', nrow(design))
        seed[[1L]] <- .Random.seed
            stopifnot(is.numeric(arrayID) && length(arrayID) == 1L)
            if(arrayID < 1L || arrayID > nrow(design))
                stop('arrayID not associated with valid row in design')
            seed.i <- seed[[1L]]
            if(arrayID > 1L){
                for (i in 2L:arrayID)
                    seed.i <- nextRNGStream(seed.i)
            seed[[1L]] <- seed.i
            attr(seed, 'arrayID') <- arrayID
        } else {
            if(length(seed) > 1L){
                for (i in 2L:length(seed))
                    seed[[i]] <- nextRNGStream(seed[[i - 1L]])
        attr(seed, 'iseed') <- iseed

# Test cases:
# sbatch_time2sec("4-12")        # day-hours
# sbatch_time2sec("4-12:15")     # day-hours:minutes
# sbatch_time2sec("4-12:15:30")  # day-hours:minutes:seconds
# sbatch_time2sec("30")          # minutes
# sbatch_time2sec("30:30")       # minutes:seconds
# sbatch_time2sec("4:30:30")     # hours:minutes:seconds
sbatch_time2sec <- function(time){
    ret <- if(is.character(time)){
        time <- gsub(pattern = " ", "", time)
        time_vec <- c(days=0, hours=0, mins=0, secs=0)
        if(grepl("-", time)){ # day format
            splt <- strsplit(time, "-")[[1L]]
            time_vec['days'] <- as.numeric(splt[1L])
            time <- splt[2L]
            splt <- as.numeric(strsplit(time, ":")[[1L]])
            time <- if(length(splt) == 1L){
                sprintf("%f:00:00", splt[1L])
            } else if(length(splt) == 2L){
                sprintf("%f:%f:00", splt[1L], splt[2L])
            } else if(length(splt) == 3L)
                sprintf("%f:%f:%f", splt[1L], splt[2L], splt[3])
        splt <- as.numeric(strsplit(time, ":")[[1L]])
        time <- if(length(splt) == 1L){
            sprintf("00:%f:00", splt[1L])
        } else if(length(splt) == 2L){
            sprintf("00:%f:%f", splt[1L], splt[2L])
        } else if(length(splt) == 3L){
        } else stop('max_time not correctly specified. Please fix!',
        splt <- as.numeric(strsplit(time, ":")[[1L]])
        time_vec[2L:4L] <- splt
        sum(c(86400, 3600, 60, 1) * time_vec)   # c(24*60*60, 60*60, 60, 1)
    } else time

# Test cases:
# sbatch_RAM2bytes("1024MB")
# sbatch_RAM2bytes("4G")
# sbatch_RAM2bytes("1.5TB")

sbatch_RAM2bytes <- function(RAM){
    ret <- if(is.character(RAM)){
        RAM <- gsub(pattern = " ", "", RAM)
        type <- logical(3L)
        type[1L] <- grepl('M', RAM)
        type[2L] <- grepl('G', RAM)
        type[3L] <- grepl('T', RAM)
        if(!any(type)) stop('RAM metric must be MB, GB, or TB', call.=FALSE)
        RAM <- gsub('B', "", RAM)
        RAM <- as.numeric(gsub('M|G|T', "", RAM))
        C <- 1000000 # MB2bytes
        if(type[2L]) C <- C * 1000
        if(type[3L]) C <- C * 1000000
        RAM * C
    } else RAM

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SimDesign documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:15 a.m.