
Defines functions u0_target

## This file is part of SimInf, a framework for stochastic
## disease spread simulations.
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2024 Stefan Widgren
## SimInf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## SimInf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##' Get the initial compartment state
##' @param object The object to get the initial compartment state
##'     \code{u0} from.
##' @param ... Additional arguments.
##' @return a \code{data.frame} with the initial compartment state.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## Create an SIR model object.
##' model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
##'              tspan = 1:100,
##'              beta = 0.16,
##'              gamma = 0.077)
##' ## Get the initial compartment state.
##' u0(model)
    signature = "object",
    function(object, ...) {

##' @rdname u0
##' @export
    signature(object = "SimInf_model"),
    function(object, ...) {

u0_target <- function(u0, target) {
    if (is.null(target))

    if (target %in% c("SISe3", "SISe3_sp")) {
        u0$I_1 <- 0L
        u0$I_2 <- 0L
        u0$I_3 <- 0L

    if (target %in% c("SIS", "SISe", "SISe_sp")) {
        colnames(u0) <- c("key", "node", "S")
        u0$I <- 0L

    if (target %in% c("SIR")) {
        colnames(u0) <- c("key", "node", "S")
        u0$I <- 0L
        u0$R <- 0L

    if (target %in% c("SEIR")) {
        colnames(u0) <- c("key", "node", "S")
        u0$E <- 0L
        u0$I <- 0L
        u0$R <- 0L

    stop("Invalid 'target' for 'u0'.", call. = FALSE)

##' @rdname u0
##' @param time Only used when object is of class
##'     \code{SimInf_indiv_events} object. The time-point that will be
##'     used to create u0. If left empty (the default), the earliest
##'     time among the events will be used.
##' @param target Only used when object is of class
##'     \code{SimInf_indiv_events} object. The SimInf model ('SEIR',
##'     'SIR', 'SIS', 'SISe3', 'SISe3_sp', 'SISe', or 'SISe_sp') to
##'     target the events and u0 for. The default, \code{NULL},
##'     creates an \code{u0}, but where the compartments might have to
##'     be renamed and post-processed to fit the specific use case.
##' @param age Only used when object is of class
##'     \code{SimInf_indiv_events} object. An integer vector with
##'     break points in days for the ageing events. The default,
##'     \code{NULL}, creates an \code{u0} where all individuals belong
##'     to the same age category.
##' @export
    signature(object = "SimInf_indiv_events"),
    function(object, time = NULL, target = NULL, age = NULL) {
        age <- check_age(age)
        target <- check_target(target, age)

        ## Determine the location and age for all individuals.
        individuals <- get_individuals(object, time)

        ## Ensure all nodes are included in u0.
        all_nodes <- unique(c(object@node, object@dest))
        all_nodes <- all_nodes[!is.na(all_nodes)]
        missing_nodes <- setdiff(all_nodes, individuals$node)
        S_columns <- paste0("S_", seq_len(length(age)))

        if (nrow(individuals)) {
            ## Determine the age categories.
            age_category <- paste0("S_", findInterval(individuals$age, age))
            age_category <- c(age_category,
                              rep(NA_character_, length(missing_nodes)))

            ## Create u0.
            nodes <- c(individuals$node, missing_nodes)
            u0 <- as.data.frame.matrix(table(nodes, age_category))

            ## Ensure all age categories exist in u0
            age_category <- setdiff(S_columns, colnames(u0))
            if (length(age_category)) {
                u0 <- cbind(u0,
                            matrix(data = 0L,
                                   nrow = length(all_nodes),
                                   ncol = length(age_category),
                                   dimnames = list(NULL, age_category)))
        } else {
            ## Create an empty u0.
            u0 <- as.data.frame.matrix(
                matrix(data = 0L,
                       nrow = length(all_nodes),
                       ncol = length(age),
                       dimnames = list(all_nodes, S_columns)))

        u0 <- cbind(key = rownames(u0), u0)
        mode(u0$key) <- mode(all_nodes)
        rownames(u0) <- NULL
        u0 <- u0[order(u0$key), ]
        u0$node <- seq_len(nrow(u0))
        u0 <- u0[, c("key", "node", S_columns), drop = FALSE]

        u0_target(u0, target)

##' Update the initial compartment state u0 in each node
##' @param model The model to update the initial compartment state
##'     \code{u0}.
##' @param value A \code{data.frame} with the initial state in each
##'     node. Each row is one node, and the number of rows in
##'     \code{u0} must match the number of nodes in \code{model}. Only
##'     the columns in \code{u0} with a name that matches a
##'     compartment in the \code{model} will be used.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## Create an SIR model object.
##' model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
##'              tspan = 1:100,
##'              beta = 0.16,
##'              gamma = 0.077)
##' ## Run the SIR model and plot the result.
##' set.seed(22)
##' result <- run(model)
##' plot(result)
##' ## Update u0 and run the model again
##' u0(model) <- data.frame(S = 990, I = 10, R = 0)
##' result <- run(model)
##' plot(result)
    signature = "model",
    function(model, value) {

##' @rdname u0-set
##' @export
    signature(model = "SimInf_model"),
    function(model, value) {
        compartments <- rownames(model@S)
        value <- check_u0(value, compartments)
        if (!identical(nrow(value), n_nodes(model))) {
            stop("The number of rows in 'u0' must match nodes in 'model'.",
                 call. = FALSE)
        model@u0 <- init_x0(value)

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SimInf documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.