
Defines functions findintercorr2

Documented in findintercorr2

#' @title Calculate Intermediate MVN Correlation for Ordinal, Continuous, Poisson, or Negative Binomial Variables: Correlation Method 2
#' @description This function calculates a \code{k x k} intermediate matrix of correlations, where \code{k = k_cat + k_cont + k_pois + k_nb},
#'     to be used in simulating variables with \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}}.  The ordering of the variables must be
#'     ordinal, continuous, Poisson, and Negative Binomial (note that it is possible for \code{k_cat}, \code{k_cont}, \code{k_pois},
#'     and/or \code{k_nb} to be 0).
#'     The function first checks that the target correlation matrix \code{rho} is positive-definite and the marginal distributions for the
#'     ordinal variables are cumulative probabilities with r - 1 values (for r categories).  There is a warning given at the end of simulation
#'     if the calculated intermediate correlation matrix \code{Sigma} is not positive-definite.  This function is called by the simulation function
#'     \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}}, and would only be used separately if the user wants to find the intermediate correlation matrix
#'     only.  The simulation functions also return the intermediate correlation matrix.
#' @section Overview of Correlation Method 2:
#'     The intermediate correlations used in correlation method 2 are less simulation based than those in correlation method 1, and no seed is needed.
#'     Their calculations involve greater utilization of correction loops which make iterative adjustments until a maximum error
#'     has been reached (if possible).  In addition, method 2 differs from method 1 in the following ways:
#'     1) The intermediate correlations involving \bold{count variables} are based on the methods of Barbiero & Ferrari (2012,
#'     \doi{10.1080/00273171.2012.692630}, 2015, \doi{10.1002/asmb.2072}).
#'     The Poisson or Negative Binomial support is made finite by removing a small user-specified value (i.e. 1e-06) from the total
#'     cumulative probability.  This truncation factor may differ for each count variable.  The count variables are subsequently
#'     treated as ordinal and intermediate correlations are calculated using the correction loop of
#'     \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}}.
#'     2) The \bold{continuous - count variable} correlations are based on an extension of the method of Demirtas et al. (2012,
#'     \doi{10.1002/sim.5362}), and the count
#'     variables are treated as ordinal.  The correction factor is the product of the power method correlation between the
#'     continuous variable and the normal variable used to generate it (see Headrick & Kowalchuk, 2007, \doi{10.1080/10629360600605065})
#'     and the point-polyserial correlation between the ordinalized count variable and the normal variable used to generate it (see Olsson et al., 1982,
#'     \doi{10.1007/BF02294164}).
#'     The intermediate correlations are the ratio of the target correlations to the correction factor.
#'     The processes used to find the intermediate correlations for each variable type are described below.  Please see the
#'     corresponding function help page for more information:
#' @section Ordinal Variables:
#' Correlations are computed pairwise.  If both variables are binary, the method of Demirtas et al. (2012, \doi{10.1002/sim.5362}) is used to find the
#' tetrachoric correlation (code adapted from \code{\link[BinNonNor]{Tetra.Corr.BB}}).  This method is based on Emrich and Piedmonte's
#' (1991, \doi{10.1080/00031305.1991.10475828}) work, in which the joint binary distribution is determined from the third and higher moments of a multivariate normal
#' distribution: Let \eqn{Y_{1}} and \eqn{Y_{2}} be binary variables with \eqn{E[Y_{1}] = Pr(Y_{1} = 1) = p_{1}},
#' \eqn{E[Y_{2}] = Pr(Y_{2} = 1) = p_{2}}, and correlation \eqn{\rho_{y1y2}}.  Let \eqn{\Phi[x_{1}, x_{2}, \rho_{x1x2}]} be the
#' standard bivariate normal cumulative distribution function, given by:
#' \deqn{\Phi[x_{1}, x_{2}, \rho_{x1x2}] = \int_{-\infty}^{x_{1}} \int_{-\infty}^{x_{2}} f(z_{1}, z_{2}, \rho_{x1x2}) dz_{1} dz_{2}}
#' where
#' \deqn{f(z_{1}, z_{2}, \rho_{x1x2}) = [2\pi\sqrt{1 - \rho_{x1x2}^2}]^{-1} * exp[-0.5(z_{1}^2 - 2\rho_{x1x2}z_{1}z_{2} + z_{2}^2)/(1 - \rho_{x1x2}^2)]}
#' Then solving the equation
#' \deqn{\Phi[z(p_{1}), z(p_{2}), \rho_{x1x2}] = \rho_{y1y2}\sqrt{p_{1}(1 - p_{1})p_{2}(1 - p_{2})} + p_{1}p_{2}}
#' for \eqn{\rho_{x1x2}} gives the intermediate correlation of the standard normal variables needed to generate binary variables with
#' correlation \eqn{\rho_{y1y2}}.  Here \eqn{z(p)} indicates the \eqn{pth} quantile of the standard normal distribution.
#' Otherwise, \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}} is called for each pair.  If the resulting
#' intermediate matrix is not positive-definite, there is a warning given because it may not be possible to find a MVN correlation
#' matrix that will produce the desired marginal distributions after discretization.  Any problems with positive-definiteness are
#' corrected later.
#' @section Continuous Variables:
#' Correlations are computed pairwise.  \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{findintercorr_cont}} is called for each pair.
#' @section Poisson Variables:
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{max_count_support}} is used to find the maximum support value given the vector pois_eps
#' of truncation values.  This is used to create a Poisson marginal list consisting of cumulative probabilities for each
#' variable (like that for the ordinal variables).  Then \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}} is called to calculate the
#' intermediate MVN correlation for all Poisson variables.
#' @section Negative Binomial Variables:
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{max_count_support}} is used to find the maximum support value given the vector nb_eps
#' of truncation values.  This is used to create a Negative Binomial marginal list consisting of cumulative probabilities for each
#' variable (like that for the ordinal variables).  Then \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}} is called to calculate the
#' intermediate MVN correlation for all  Negative Binomial variables.
#' @section Continuous - Ordinal Pairs:
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{findintercorr_cont_cat}} is called to calculate the intermediate MVN correlation for all
#' Continuous and Ordinal combinations.
#' @section Ordinal - Poisson Pairs:
#' The Poisson marginal list is appended to the ordinal marginal list (similarly for the support lists).  Then
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}} is called to calculate the intermediate MVN correlation for all
#' Ordinal and Poisson combinations.
#' @section Ordinal - Negative Binomial Pairs:
#' The Negative Binomial marginal list is appended to the ordinal marginal list (similarly for the support lists).  Then
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}} is called to calculate the intermediate MVN correlation for all
#' Ordinal and Negative Binomial combinations.
#' @section Continuous - Poisson Pairs:
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{findintercorr_cont_pois2}} is called to calculate the intermediate MVN correlation for all
#' Continuous and Poisson combinations.
#' @section Continuous - Negative Binomial Pairs:
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{findintercorr_cont_nb2}} is called to calculate the intermediate MVN correlation for all
#' Continuous and Negative Binomial combinations.
#' @section Poisson - Negative Binomial Pairs:
#' The Negative Binomial marginal list is appended to the Poisson marginal list (similarly for the support lists).  Then
#' \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}} is called to calculate the intermediate MVN correlation for all
#' Poisson and Negative Binomial combinations.
#' @param n the sample size (i.e. the length of each simulated variable)
#' @param k_cont the number of continuous variables (default = 0)
#' @param k_cat the number of ordinal (r >= 2 categories) variables (default = 0)
#' @param k_pois the number of Poisson variables (default = 0)
#' @param k_nb the number of Negative Binomial variables (default = 0)
#' @param method the method used to generate the \code{k_cont} continuous variables.  "Fleishman" uses a third-order polynomial transformation
#'     and "Polynomial" uses Headrick's fifth-order transformation.
#' @param constants a matrix with \code{k_cont} rows, each a vector of constants c0, c1, c2, c3 (if \code{method} = "Fleishman") or
#'     c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 (if \code{method} = "Polynomial") like that returned by
#'     \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{find_constants}}
#' @param marginal a list of length equal to \code{k_cat}; the i-th element is a vector of the cumulative
#'     probabilities defining the marginal distribution of the i-th variable;
#'     if the variable can take r values, the vector will contain r - 1 probabilities (the r-th is assumed to be 1; default = list())
#' @param support a list of length equal to \code{k_cat}; the i-th element is a vector of containing the r
#'     ordered support values; if not provided (i.e. \code{support} = list()), the default is for the i-th element to be the vector 1, ..., r
#' @param lam a vector of lambda (> 0) constants for the Poisson variables (see \code{\link[stats]{Poisson}})
#' @param size a vector of size parameters for the Negative Binomial variables (see \code{\link[stats]{NegBinomial}})
#' @param prob a vector of success probability parameters
#' @param mu a vector of mean parameters (*Note: either \code{prob} or \code{mu} should be supplied for all Negative Binomial variables,
#'     not a mixture; default = NULL)
#' @param pois_eps a vector of length \code{k_pois} containing the truncation values (i.e. = rep(0.0001, k_pois); default = NULL)
#' @param nb_eps a vector of length \code{k_nb} containing the truncation values (i.e. = rep(0.0001, k_nb); default = NULL)
#' @param rho the target correlation matrix (\emph{must be ordered ordinal, continuous, Poisson, Negative Binomial}; default = NULL)
#' @param epsilon the maximum acceptable error between the final and target correlation matrices (default = 0.001)
#'     in the calculation of ordinal intermediate correlations with \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}}
#' @param maxit the maximum number of iterations to use (default = 1000) in the calculation of ordinal
#'     intermediate correlations with \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{ordnorm}}
#' @importFrom psych describe
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @import BB
#' @importFrom Matrix nearPD
#' @import GenOrd
#' @export
#' @keywords intermediate, correlation, continuous, ordinal, Poisson, Negative Binomial, Fleishman, Headrick, method2
#' @seealso \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{find_constants}}, \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}}
#' @return the intermediate MVN correlation matrix
#' @references Please see \code{\link[SimMultiCorrData]{rcorrvar2}} for additional references.
#' Emrich LJ & Piedmonte MR (1991). A Method for Generating High-Dimensional Multivariate Binary Variables. The American Statistician, 45(4): 302-4.
#'     \doi{10.1080/00031305.1991.10475828}.
#' Inan G & Demirtas H (2016). BinNonNor: Data Generation with Binary and Continuous Non-Normal Components.
#'     R package version 1.3. \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=BinNonNor}
#' Vale CD & Maurelli VA (1983). Simulating Multivariate Nonnormal Distributions. Psychometrika, 48, 465-471. \doi{10.1007/BF02293687}.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Binary, Ordinal, Continuous, Poisson, and Negative Binomial Variables
#' options(scipen = 999)
#' seed <- 1234
#' n <- 10000
#' # Continuous Distributions: Normal, t (df = 10), Chisq (df = 4),
#' # Beta (a = 4, b = 2), Gamma (a = 4, b = 4)
#' Dist <- c("Gaussian", "t", "Chisq", "Beta", "Gamma")
#' # calculate standardized cumulants
#' # those for the normal and t distributions are rounded to ensure the
#' # correct values (i.e. skew = 0)
#' M1 <- round(calc_theory(Dist = "Gaussian", params = c(0, 1)), 8)
#' M2 <- round(calc_theory(Dist = "t", params = 10), 8)
#' M3 <- calc_theory(Dist = "Chisq", params = 4)
#' M4 <- calc_theory(Dist = "Beta", params = c(4, 2))
#' M5 <- calc_theory(Dist = "Gamma", params = c(4, 4))
#' M <- cbind(M1, M2, M3, M4, M5)
#' M <- round(M[-c(1:2),], digits = 6)
#' colnames(M) <- Dist
#' rownames(M) <- c("skew", "skurtosis", "fifth", "sixth")
#' means <- rep(0, length(Dist))
#' vars <- rep(1, length(Dist))
#' # calculate constants
#' con <- matrix(1, nrow = ncol(M), ncol = 6)
#' for (i in 1:ncol(M)) {
#'  con[i, ] <- find_constants(method = "Polynomial", skews = M[1, i],
#'                             skurts = M[2, i], fifths = M[3, i],
#'                             sixths = M[4, i])
#' }
#' # Binary and Ordinal Distributions
#' marginal <- list(0.3, 0.4, c(0.1, 0.5), c(0.3, 0.6, 0.9),
#'                  c(0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 0.8))
#' support <- list()
#' # Poisson Distributions
#' lam <- c(1, 5, 10)
#' # Negative Binomial Distributions
#' size <- c(3, 6)
#' prob <- c(0.2, 0.8)
#' ncat <- length(marginal)
#' ncont <- ncol(M)
#' npois <- length(lam)
#' nnb <- length(size)
#' # Create correlation matrix from a uniform distribution (-0.8, 0.8)
#' set.seed(seed)
#' Rey <- diag(1, nrow = (ncat + ncont + npois + nnb))
#' for (i in 1:nrow(Rey)) {
#'   for (j in 1:ncol(Rey)) {
#'     if (i > j) Rey[i, j] <- runif(1, -0.8, 0.8)
#'     Rey[j, i] <- Rey[i, j]
#'   }
#' }
#' # Test for positive-definiteness
#' library(Matrix)
#' if(min(eigen(Rey, symmetric = TRUE)$values) < 0) {
#'   Rey <- as.matrix(nearPD(Rey, corr = T, keepDiag = T)$mat)
#' }
#' # Make sure Rey is within upper and lower correlation limits
#' valid <- valid_corr2(k_cat = ncat, k_cont = ncont, k_pois = npois,
#'                      k_nb = nnb, method = "Polynomial", means = means,
#'                      vars = vars, skews = M[1, ], skurts = M[2, ],
#'                      fifths = M[3, ], sixths = M[4, ],
#'                      marginal = marginal, lam = lam,
#'                      pois_eps = rep(0.0001, npois),
#'                      size = size, prob = prob,
#'                      nb_eps = rep(0.0001, nnb),
#'                      rho = Rey, seed = seed)
#' # Find intermediate correlation
#' Sigma2 <- findintercorr2(n = n, k_cont = ncont, k_cat = ncat,
#'                          k_pois = npois, k_nb = nnb,
#'                          method = "Polynomial", constants = con,
#'                          marginal = marginal, lam = lam, size = size,
#'                          prob = prob, pois_eps = rep(0.0001, npois),
#'                          nb_eps = rep(0.0001, nnb), rho = Rey)
#' Sigma2
#' }
findintercorr2 <- function(n, k_cont = 0, k_cat = 0, k_pois = 0, k_nb = 0,
                           method = c("Fleishman", "Polynomial"), constants,
                           marginal = list(), support = list(),
                           lam = NULL, size = NULL, prob = NULL, mu = NULL,
                           pois_eps = NULL, nb_eps = NULL, rho = NULL,
                           epsilon = 0.001, maxit = 1000) {
  k <- k_cat + k_cont + k_pois + k_nb
  if (ncol(rho) != k) {
    stop("Dimension of correlation matrix does not match the number of
  if (!isSymmetric(rho) | min(eigen(rho, symmetric = TRUE)$values) < 0 |
      !all(diag(rho) == 1)) {
    stop("Correlation matrix not valid!")
  if (k_cat > 0) {
    if (!all(unlist(lapply(marginal,
                           function(x) (sort(x) == x & min(x) > 0 &
                                        max(x) < 1))))) {
      stop("Error with given marginal distributions!")
    len <- length(support)
    kj <- numeric(k_cat)
    for (i in 1:k_cat) {
      kj[i] <- length(marginal[[i]]) + 1
      if (len == 0) {
        support[[i]] <- 1:kj[i]
  if (k_pois > 0 | k_nb > 0) {
    max_support <- max_count_support(k_pois = k_pois, k_nb = k_nb,
                                     lam = lam, pois_eps = pois_eps,
                                     size = size, prob = prob,
                                     mu = mu, nb_eps = nb_eps)
  if (k_pois > 0) {
    pois_max <- max_support[max_support$Distribution == "Poisson", ]
    pois_support <- list()
    pois_prob <- list()
    pois_marg <- list()
    for (i in 1:k_pois) {
      pois_support[[i]] <- 0:pois_max[i, 3]
      pois_prob[[i]] <- dpois(0:pois_max[i, 3], lam[i])
      pois_prob[[i]][pois_max[i, 3] + 1] <-
        1 - sum(pois_prob[[i]][1:pois_max[i, 3]])
      pois_marg[[i]] <- cumsum(pois_prob[[i]])
      pois_marg[[i]] <- pois_marg[[i]][-(pois_max[i, 3] + 1)]
  if (k_nb > 0) {
    nb_max <- max_support[max_support$Distribution == "Neg_Bin", ]
    nb_support <- list()
    nb_prob <- list()
    nb_marg <- list()
    for (i in 1:k_nb) {
      nb_support[[i]] <- 0:nb_max[i, 3]
      if (length(prob) > 0) {
        nb_prob[[i]] <- dnbinom(0:nb_max[i, 3], size[i], prob[i])
      if (length(mu) > 0) {
        nb_prob[[i]] <- dnbinom(0:nb_max[i, 3], size[i], mu = mu[i])
      nb_prob[[i]][nb_max[i, 3] + 1] <- 1 - sum(nb_prob[[i]][1:nb_max[i, 3]])
      nb_marg[[i]] <- cumsum(nb_prob[[i]])
      nb_marg[[i]] <- nb_marg[[i]][-(nb_max[i, 3] + 1)]
  rho_list <- separate_rho(k_cat = k_cat, k_cont = k_cont, k_pois = k_pois,
                           k_nb = k_nb, rho = rho)
  rho_cat <- rho_list$rho_cat
  rho_cat_cont <- rho_list$rho_cat_cont
  rho_cat_pois <- rho_list$rho_cat_pois
  rho_cat_nb <- rho_list$rho_cat_nb
  rho_cont_cat <- rho_list$rho_cont_cat
  rho_cont <- rho_list$rho_cont
  rho_cont_pois <- rho_list$rho_cont_pois
  rho_cont_nb <- rho_list$rho_cont_nb
  rho_pois_cat <- rho_list$rho_pois_cat
  rho_pois_cont <- rho_list$rho_pois_cont
  rho_pois <- rho_list$rho_pois
  rho_pois_nb <- rho_list$rho_pois_nb
  rho_nb_cat <- rho_list$rho_nb_cat
  rho_nb_cont <- rho_list$rho_nb_cont
  rho_nb_pois <- rho_list$rho_nb_pois
  rho_nb <- rho_list$rho_nb
  Sigma_cat <- NA
  Sigma_cat_cont <- NA
  Sigma_cat_pois <- NA
  Sigma_cat_nb <- NA
  Sigma_cont_cat <- NA
  Sigma_cont <- NA
  Sigma_cont_pois <- NA
  Sigma_cont_nb <- NA
  Sigma_pois_cat <- NA
  Sigma_pois_cont <- NA
  Sigma_pois <- NA
  Sigma_pois_nb <- NA
  Sigma_nb_cat <- NA
  Sigma_nb_cont <- NA
  Sigma_nb_pois <- NA
  Sigma_nb <- NA
  if (k_cat == 1) {
    Sigma_cat <- matrix(1, nrow = k_cat, ncol = k_cat)
  if (k_cat > 1) {
    Sigma_cat <- diag(1, k_cat, k_cat)
    for (i in 1:(k_cat - 1)) {
      for (j in (i + 1):k_cat) {
        if (length(marginal[[i]]) == 1 & length(marginal[[j]]) == 1) {
          corr_bin <- function(rho) {
            phix1x2 <- integrate(function(z2) {
              sapply(z2, function(z2) {
                integrate(function(z1) ((2 * pi * sqrt((1 - rho^2)))^-1) *
                    exp(-(z1^2 - 2 * rho * z1 * z2 + z2^2)/(2 * (1 - rho^2))),
                          -Inf, qnorm(1 - marginal[[i]][1]))$value
            }, -Inf, qnorm(1 - marginal[[j]][1]))$value -
              rho_cat[i, j] * sqrt(marginal[[i]][1] * (1 - marginal[[j]][1]) *
                                  marginal[[j]][1] * (1 - marginal[[i]][1])) -
              ((1 - marginal[[i]][1]) * (1 - marginal[[j]][1]))
          Sigma_cat[i, j] <- suppressWarnings(dfsane(par = 0, fn = corr_bin,
                                          control = list(trace = FALSE)))$par
        } else {
          Sigma_cat[i, j] <-
            suppressWarnings(ordnorm(list(marginal[[i]], marginal[[j]]),
                                     matrix(c(1, rho_cat[i, j],
                                              rho_cat[i, j], 1), 2, 2),
                                     list(support[[i]], support[[j]]),
                                     epsilon = epsilon,
                                     maxit = maxit)$SigmaC[1, 2])
        Sigma_cat[j, i] <- Sigma_cat[i, j]
    if (min(eigen(Sigma_cat, symmetric = TRUE)$values) < 0) {
      warning("It is not possible to find a correlation matrix for MVN
              ensuring rho for the ordinal variables.
              Try the error loop.")
  if (k_cont > 0) {
    Sigma_cont <- diag(1, k_cont, k_cont)
    for (i in 1:k_cont) {
      for (j in (1:k_cont)) {
        if (j > i) {
          Sigma_cont[i, j] <-
            findintercorr_cont(method, constants[c(i, j), ],
                               matrix(rho_cont[i, j], nrow = 1,
                                      ncol = 1))$x
          Sigma_cont[j, i] <- Sigma_cont[i, j]
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont > 0) {
    Sigma_cont_cat <-
      findintercorr_cont_cat(method, constants, rho_cont_cat,
                             marginal, support)
    Sigma_cat_cont <- t(Sigma_cont_cat)
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_pois > 0) {
    cat_pois_marg <- append(marginal, pois_marg)
    cat_pois_support <- append(support, pois_support)
    rho_cp <- rbind(cbind(rho_cat, rho_cat_pois),
                    cbind(rho_pois_cat, rho_pois))
    Sigma_cp <- ordnorm(marginal = cat_pois_marg, rho = rho_cp,
                        support = cat_pois_support,
                        epsilon = epsilon, maxit = maxit)$SigmaC
    Sigma_cat_pois <- Sigma_cp[1:k_cat, (k_cat + 1):(k_cat + k_pois),
                               drop = FALSE]
    Sigma_pois_cat <- t(Sigma_cat_pois)
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    cat_nb_marg <- append(marginal, nb_marg)
    cat_nb_support <- append(support, nb_support)
    rho_cnb <- rbind(cbind(rho_cat, rho_cat_nb),
                     cbind(rho_nb_cat, rho_nb))
    Sigma_cnb <- ordnorm(marginal = cat_nb_marg, rho = rho_cnb,
                         support = cat_nb_support,
                         epsilon = epsilon, maxit = maxit)$SigmaC
    Sigma_cat_nb <- Sigma_cnb[1:k_cat, (k_cat + 1):(k_cat + k_nb),
                              drop = FALSE]
    Sigma_nb_cat <- t(Sigma_cat_nb)
  if (k_cont > 0 & k_pois > 0) {
    Sigma_cont_pois <-
      findintercorr_cont_pois2(method, constants, rho_cont_pois,
                               pois_marg, pois_support)
    Sigma_pois_cont <- t(Sigma_cont_pois)
  if (k_cont > 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma_cont_nb <-
      findintercorr_cont_nb2(method, constants, rho_cont_nb,
                             nb_marg, nb_support)
    Sigma_nb_cont <- t(Sigma_cont_nb)
  if (k_pois == 1) {
    Sigma_pois <- matrix(1, nrow = k_pois, ncol = k_pois)
  if (k_pois > 1) {
    Sigma_pois <- ordnorm(marginal = pois_marg, rho = rho_pois,
                          support = pois_support,
                          epsilon = epsilon, maxit = maxit)$SigmaC
  if (k_nb == 1) {
    Sigma_nb <- matrix(1, nrow = k_nb, ncol = k_nb)
  if (k_nb > 1) {
    Sigma_nb <- ordnorm(marginal = nb_marg, rho = rho_nb,
                        support = nb_support,
                        epsilon = epsilon, maxit = maxit)$SigmaC
  if (k_pois > 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    pois_nb_marg <- append(pois_marg, nb_marg)
    pois_nb_support <- append(pois_support, nb_support)
    rho_pnb <- rbind(cbind(rho_pois, rho_pois_nb),
                     cbind(rho_nb_pois, rho_nb))
    Sigma_pnb <- ordnorm(marginal = pois_nb_marg, rho = rho_pnb,
                         support = pois_nb_support,
                         epsilon = epsilon, maxit = maxit)$SigmaC
    Sigma_pois_nb <- Sigma_pnb[1:k_pois, (k_pois + 1):(k_pois + k_nb),
                               drop = FALSE]
    Sigma_nb_pois <- t(Sigma_pois_nb)
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont == 0 & k_pois == 0 & k_nb == 0) {
    Sigma <- Sigma_cat
  if (k_cat == 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois == 0 & k_nb == 0) {
    Sigma <- Sigma_cont
  if (k_cat == 0 & k_cont == 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb == 0) {
    Sigma <- Sigma_pois
  if (k_cat == 0 & k_cont == 0 & k_pois == 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- Sigma_nb
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cat, Sigma_cat_cont, Sigma_cat_pois,
                   cbind(Sigma_cont_cat, Sigma_cont, Sigma_cont_pois,
                   cbind(Sigma_pois_cat, Sigma_pois_cont, Sigma_pois,
                   cbind(Sigma_nb_cat, Sigma_nb_cont, Sigma_nb_pois,
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb == 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cat, Sigma_cat_cont, Sigma_cat_pois),
                   cbind(Sigma_cont_cat, Sigma_cont, Sigma_cont_pois),
                   cbind(Sigma_pois_cat, Sigma_pois_cont, Sigma_pois))
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois == 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cat, Sigma_cat_cont, Sigma_cat_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_cont_cat, Sigma_cont, Sigma_cont_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_nb_cat, Sigma_nb_cont, Sigma_nb))
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont == 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cat, Sigma_cat_pois, Sigma_cat_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_pois_cat, Sigma_pois, Sigma_pois_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_nb_cat, Sigma_nb_pois, Sigma_nb))
  if (k_cat == 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cont, Sigma_cont_pois, Sigma_cont_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_pois_cont, Sigma_pois, Sigma_pois_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_nb_cont, Sigma_nb_pois, Sigma_nb))
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois == 0 & k_nb == 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cat, Sigma_cat_cont),
                   cbind(Sigma_cont_cat, Sigma_cont))
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont == 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb == 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cat, Sigma_cat_pois),
                   cbind(Sigma_pois_cat, Sigma_pois))
  if (k_cat > 0 & k_cont == 0 & k_pois == 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cat, Sigma_cat_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_nb_cat, Sigma_nb))
  if (k_cat == 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb == 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cont, Sigma_cont_pois),
                   cbind(Sigma_pois_cont, Sigma_pois))
  if (k_cat == 0 & k_cont > 0 & k_pois == 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_cont, Sigma_cont_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_nb_cont, Sigma_nb))
  if (k_cat == 0 & k_cont == 0 & k_pois > 0 & k_nb > 0) {
    Sigma <- rbind(cbind(Sigma_pois, Sigma_pois_nb),
                   cbind(Sigma_nb_pois, Sigma_nb))

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SimMultiCorrData documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:50 a.m.