McKissick: McKissick et al. (2010)

McKissickR Documentation

McKissick et al. (2010)


Disruptive behavior data from a study by McKissick et al. (2010). All data were collected via event counting. The variables are as follows:

  • Case_Pseudonym. Case Pseudonym provided by the authors.

  • Session_number. Within-series session-number

  • Condition. Describes whether the outcome is in the baseline (A) or treatment (B) phase.

  • Outcome. Value for the outcome.

  • Session_length. Length of the observation session.

  • Procedure. The metric in which the outcome measurement is expressed, all "count".

  • Session_length. The length of the observation session.


A data frame with 35 rows and 4 variables


McKissick, C., Hawkins, R. O., Lentz, F. E., Hailley, J., & McGuire, S. (2010). Randomizing multiple contingency components to decrease disruptive behaviors and increase student engagement in an urban second-grade classroom. Psychology in the Schools, 47(9), 944-959.

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