Shogren: Shogren et al. (2004)

ShogrenR Documentation

Shogren et al. (2004)


Data from a systematic review by Shogren et al. (2004) on the effects of choice-making interventions. These data were compiled and re-analyzed in Pustejovsky (2015). The variables are as follows:

  • Study. An ID for each study in the systematic review.

  • Case. Case Pseudonym provided by the authors.

  • Measure. Type of behavior observed as the outcome measure

  • Phase. Phase indicator, baseline phase is "No Choice" and treatment phase is "Choice."

  • Percentage. For those outcomes measured as percentage, outcomes value. NA for count outcomes.

  • Observed. For those outcomes measured as count, outcome value. NA for percentage outcomes.

  • Possible. For counts out of a maximum, lists the maximum value.

  • Recording_procedure Recording procedure. CDR = "Continuous Duration Recording", EC = "Event Counting", "MTS = "Momentary Time Sampling", and PIR = "Partial Interval Recording."

  • Session_length. Length of the observation session in minutes.

  • interval_length. Length of the observation intervals for data observed using MTS or PIR.

  • outcome. Value for the outcome for all outcome types.

  • direction. Direction of therapeutic improvement for the outcome.


A data frame with 634 rows and 15 variables


Shogren, K. A., Faggella-Luby, M. N., Bae, S. J., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2004). The effect of choice-making as an intervention for problem behavior. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 6(4), 228-237.


Pustejovsky, J.E. (2015). Measurement-comparable effect sizes for single-case studies of free-operant behavior. Psychological Methods, 20(3), 342-359.

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