utils::globalVariables(c(".", ".I", "tagKey", "whi"))
#' @keywords internal
.savedSimEnv <- new.env()
.savedSimEnv$.sim <- list() ## placeholder for future simList
#' Retrieve environment for saving interrupted simulations
#' If the user sets `options(reproducible.memoisePersist = TRUE)`,
#' the global environment will be used, otherwise, a package environment.
#' @param envir an environment to use to store the `.sim` (`simList`) object.
#' default is to use the user's global environment (`.GlobalEnv`).
#' @export
#' @rdname savedSimEnv
savedSimEnv <- function(envir = .GlobalEnv) {
if (isTRUE(getOption("reproducible.memoisePersist"))) {
} else {
#' Process a simulation event
#' Internal function called from `spades`.
#' Calls the module corresponding to the event call, and executes the event.
#' Here, we implement a simulation in a more modular fashion so it's easier to add
#' submodules to the simulation. We use S4 classes and methods.
#' @param sim Character string for the `simList` simulation object.
#' @param useFuture Experimental use of future::future package. Not fully implemented.
#' @inheritParams spades
#' @return Returns the modified `simList` object.
#' @references Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3).
#' San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc..
#' Retrieved from <>
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist fread
#' @importFrom reproducible Cache messageDF
#' @importFrom Require messageVerbose
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @include helpers.R memory-leaks.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname doEvent
doEvent <- function(sim, debug = FALSE, notOlderThan,
useFuture = getOption("spades.futureEvents", FALSE),
events = NULL,
...) {
if (!inherits(sim, "simList")) {
stop("doEvent can only accept a simList object")
# core modules
core <- .pkgEnv$.coreModules
if (isTRUE(useFuture)) {
# Check here if resolved
curForFuture <- sim@events[[1]]
if (!curForFuture[["moduleName"]] %in% .pkgEnv$.coreModulesMinusSave) {
if (length(sim$.simFuture)) {
modInFuture <- modNameInFuture(sim$.simFuture)
futureNeeds <- getFutureNeeds(deps = sim@depends@dependencies,
curModName = modInFuture[1])#sim$.simFuture[[1]]$thisModOutputs$dontAllowModules)#curForFuture[["moduleName"]])
canProceed <- if (length(futureNeeds)) {
# with the assumption that the "unresolved" future could schedule itself,
# must block any module who's outputs are needed by the same module as the
# unresolved future module
nextScheduledEvent <- curForFuture$moduleName
if (nextScheduledEvent %in% "save") {
outs <- outputs(sim)
objsNeeded <- outs$objectName[outs$saveTime == events(sim)$eventTime[1]]
nOtherFutures <- length(sim$.simFuture) - 1
futureNeedsOther <- lapply(seq(nOtherFutures) + 1, function(i)
getFutureNeeds(deps = sim@depends@dependencies,
curModName = modInFuture[i]))
futureNeedsOther <- append(list(futureNeeds), futureNeedsOther)
futureNeedsOtherDAM <- lapply(futureNeedsOther, function(fno) fno$dontAllowModules)
futureNeeds$dontAllowModules <- colSums(Reduce(rbind, futureNeedsOtherDAM)) > 0
immediateDownstream <- names(futureNeeds$dontAllowModules)[futureNeeds$dontAllowModules]
if (length(immediateDownstream) && !nextScheduledEvent %in% "save")
immediateDownstream <- immediateDownstream[immediateDownstream %in% curForFuture$moduleName]#&&
length(immediateDownstream) == 0
} else {
if (!canProceed || future::resolved(sim$.simFuture[[1]][[1]])) {
cause <- if (!canProceed) paste0(curForFuture$moduleName, " requires outputs from ", modInFuture[1])
else if (curForFuture$moduleName == "save") paste0("Current event is 'save'; so resolving all")
else paste0(modInFuture[1], " finished running")
sim <- resolveFutureNow(sim, cause = cause)
if (length(sim@current) == 0) {
# get next event from the queue and remove it from the queue
if (length(sim@events)) {
# Section for allowing events to be specified in `spades` call
dots <- list(...)
eventIndex <- if (!is.null(events))
isListedEvent(sim@events, events) else 1L
if (eventIndex == 0L) {
slot(sim, "current", check = FALSE) <- list() # same as no events left
} else {
# Do same check as would be done with "slot(..., check = FALSE)", but much faster
if (is.list(sim@events[[eventIndex]]))
slot(sim, "current", check = FALSE) <- sim@events[[eventIndex]]
if (is.list(sim@events[-eventIndex]))
slot(sim, "events", check = FALSE) <- sim@events[-eventIndex]
} else {
# no more events, return empty event list
slot(sim, "current", check = FALSE) <- list() # this is guaranteed to be a list
# catches the situation where no future event is scheduled,
# but stop time is not reached
cur <- sim@current
# loggingMessage helpers
simNestingRevert <- sim[["._simNesting"]]
on.exit(sim[["._simNesting"]] <- simNestingRevert, add = TRUE)
sim[["._simNesting"]] <- simNestingOverride(sim, sim@current$moduleName)
._simNesting <- sim[["._simNesting"]]
curModuleName <- cur[["moduleName"]]
if (length(cur) == 0) {
# Test replacement for speed
#slot(sim, "simtimes")[["current"]] <- sim@simtimes[["end"]] + 1
st <- slot(sim, "simtimes")
st[["current"]] <- sim@simtimes[["end"]] + 1
slot(sim, "simtimes", check = FALSE) <- st
} else {
# if the current time is greater than end time, then don't run it
if (cur[["eventTime"]] <= sim@simtimes[["end"]]) {
fnEnv <- sim@.xData$.mods[[curModuleName]]
# This allows spades to run even if all the functions are in the .GlobalEnv;
# while this is generally bad practice, and none of the tools in spades
# enable this to happen, this allows a user can manually run individual functions
# like `doEvent.XXX` and `scheduleEvent`, then run `spades(sim)` without failing
if (is.null(fnEnv)) {
if (!curModuleName %in% .coreModules())
fnEnv <- asNamespace("SpaDES.core")
fnEnvIsSpaDES.core <- identical(fnEnv, asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
# update current simulated time
# Test replacement for speed
st <- slot(sim, "simtimes")
st[["current"]] <- cur[["eventTime"]]
slot(sim, "simtimes", check = FALSE) <- st
# call the module responsible for processing this event
moduleCall <- paste("doEvent", curModuleName, sep = ".")
# Modules can use either the doEvent approach or defineEvent approach, with doEvent taking priority
if (!is.null(fnEnv)) {
if (!exists(moduleCall, envir = fnEnv)) {
moduleCallSeparateEventFns <- makeEventFn(curModuleName, cur[["eventType"]])
if (!is.null(sim@.xData[[eventFnElementEnvir()]])) {
fnEnv <- sim@.xData[[eventFnElementEnvir()]][[moduleCallSeparateEventFns]]$envir
moduleCall <- moduleCallSeparateEventFns
} else {
if (exists(moduleCallSeparateEventFns, envir = fnEnv)) { # don't specify inherits = FALSE because might be elsewhere
moduleCall <- moduleCallSeparateEventFns
# if debug is TRUE
if (is.null(attr(sim, "needDebug"))) {
attr(sim, "needDebug") <- if (length(debug) > 1) {
!(all(unlist(lapply(debug, identical, FALSE))))
} else {
!identical(debug, FALSE)
if (attr(sim, "needDebug")) {
debugMessage(debug, sim, cur, fnEnv, curModuleName)
# if the moduleName exists in the simList -- i.e,. go ahead with doEvent
moduleIsInSim <- curModuleName %in% sim@modules
if (!moduleIsInSim && !fnEnvIsSpaDES.core)
stop("Invalid module call. The module `", curModuleName, "` wasn't specified to be loaded.")
# if (curModuleName %in% sim@modules) {
if (curModuleName %in% core) {
sim <- get(moduleCall)(sim, cur[["eventTime"]], cur[["eventType"]])
} else {
# for future caching of modules
cacheIt <- FALSE
eventSeed <- sim@params[[curModuleName]][[".seed"]][[cur[["eventType"]]]]
a <- sim@params[[curModuleName]][[".useCache"]]
if (!is.null(a)) {
#.useCache is a parameter
if (!identical(FALSE, a)) {
#.useCache is not FALSE
if (!isTRUE(a)) {
#.useCache is not TRUE
if (cur[["eventType"]] %in% a) {
cacheIt <- TRUE
} else if (is(a, "POSIXt")) {
cacheIt <- TRUE
notOlderThan <- a
} else {
cacheIt <- TRUE
# browser(expr = exists("._doEvent_2"))
showSimilar <- if (is.null(sim@params[[curModuleName]][[".showSimilar"]]) ||
isTRUE([[curModuleName]][[".showSimilar"]]))) {
isTRUE(getOption("reproducible.showSimilar", FALSE))
} else {
# This is to create a namespaced module call
if (!.pkgEnv[["skipNamespacing"]])
removeOthers = FALSE)
skipEvent <- FALSE
if (!is.null(eventSeed)) {
if (exists(".Random.seed", inherits = FALSE, envir = .GlobalEnv))
initialRandomSeed <- .Random.seed
set.seed(eventSeed) # will create .Random.seed
.pkgEnv <- as.list(get(".pkgEnv", envir = asNamespace("SpaDES.core")))
if (useFuture) {
# stop("using future for spades events is not yet fully implemented")
futureNeeds <- getFutureNeeds(deps = sim@depends@dependencies,
curModName = cur[["moduleName"]])
# In general... allow a spawning, unless it is literally next event
# This is just a heuristic because other events could be inserted before
# the next event ... but this is a decent guess
# don't use cur from above because it is "seconds" which mess with future
# by running scheduleEvents first, we can see what the "next" event will actually
# be so we can determine what inputs will be needed.
simNext <- runScheduleEventsOnly(sim, currnt = cur) # run the scheduleEvents only
nextScheduledEvent <- simNext@events[[1]]$moduleName
objsNeeded <- NULL
if (nextScheduledEvent %in% "save") {
outs <- outputs(sim)
objsNeeded <- outs$objectName[outs$saveTime == events(sim)$eventTime[1]]
objsNeededForNextMod <- futureNeeds$anyModInputs[[nextScheduledEvent]]
# selfObjects <- futureNeeds$thisModOutputs[futureNeeds$thisModOutputs %in% futureNeeds$thisModsInputs]
objsNeeded <- na.omit(unique(c(objsNeeded, objsNeededForNextMod)))#, selfObjects)))
if (!any(futureNeeds$thisModOutputs %in% objsNeeded)) {
spacing <- paste(rep(" ", sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]][1] + 1), collapse = "")
cli::col_magenta(paste0(spacing, cur[["moduleName"]], " outputs not needed by ",
"next module (", nextScheduledEvent, ")")),
verbose = 1 - (debug %in% FALSE))
simFuture <- sim$.simFuture
sim$.simFuture <- list()
cur2 <- unlist(current(sim))
cur2[["eventTime"]] <- as.numeric(cur2[["eventTime"]])
sim <- .runEventFuture(sim, cacheIt, debug, moduleCall, fnEnv, cur2, notOlderThan,
showSimilar = showSimilar, .pkgEnv, envir = environment(),
futureNeeds = futureNeeds)
sim$.simFuture <- append(simFuture, sim$.simFuture)
# sim <- runScheduleEventsOnly(sim, currnt = cur2) # run the scheduleEvents only
sim@events <- simNext@events
skipEvent <- TRUE
if (!skipEvent) {
sim <- .runEvent(sim, cacheIt, debug, moduleCall, fnEnv, cur, notOlderThan,
showSimilar = showSimilar, .pkgEnv)
if (!is.null(eventSeed)) {
if (exists("initialRandomSeed", inherits = FALSE))
.Random.seed <- initialRandomSeed
# browser(expr = exists("._doEvent_3"))
if (!fnEnvIsSpaDES.core) {
if (!exists(curModuleName, envir = sim@.xData$.mods, inherits = FALSE))
stop("The module named ", curModuleName, " just corrupted the object with that ",
"name from from the simList. ",
"Please remove the section of code that does this in the event named: ",
if (!is.environment(get(curModuleName, envir = sim@.xData$.mods)))
stop("The module named ", curModuleName, " just corrupted the object with that ",
"name from from the simList. ",
"Please remove the section of code that does this in the event named: ",
if (!exists("mod", envir = sim@.envir$.mods[[curModuleName]], inherits = FALSE)) {
if (!isNamespace(tryCatch(asNamespace(.moduleNameNoUnderscore(curModuleName)),
silent = TRUE, error = function(x) FALSE)
stop("The module named ", curModuleName, " just deleted the object named 'mod' from ",
"sim$", curModuleName, ". ",
"Please remove the section of code that does this in the event named: ",
# add to list of completed events
if (.pkgEnv[["spades.keepCompleted"]]) { # can skip it with option
# cur$._clockTime <- Sys.time() # adds between 1 and 3 microseconds, per event b/c R won't let us use .Internal(Sys.time())
sim <- appendCompleted(sim, cur)
# current event completed, replace current with empty
slot(sim, "current", check = FALSE) <- list() # is a list
} else {
# update current simulated time and event
# Test replacement for speed
#slot(sim, "simtimes")[["current"]] <- sim@simtimes[["end"]] + 1
st <- slot(sim, "simtimes")
st[["current"]] <- sim@simtimes[["end"]] + 1
slot(sim, "simtimes", check = FALSE) <- st
# i.e., if no more events
slot(sim, "events", check = FALSE) <- append(list(sim@current), sim@events) # will be a list b/c append
slot(sim, "current", check = FALSE) <- list() # is a list
if (exists("objectSynonyms", envir = sim, inherits = FALSE)) {
sim <- .checkObjectSynonyms(sim)
#' Schedule a simulation event
#' Adds a new event to the simulation's event queue, updating the simulation object.
#' Here, we implement a simulation in a more modular fashion so it's easier to add
#' submodules to the simulation. We use S4 classes and methods, and use `data.table`
#' instead of `data.frame` to implement the event queue (because it is much faster).
#' @param sim A `simList` simulation object.
#' @param eventTime A numeric specifying the time of the next event.
#' @param moduleName A character string specifying the module from which to
#' call the event. If missing, it will use
#' `currentModule(sim)`
#' @param eventType A character string specifying the type of event from
#' within the module.
#' @param eventPriority A numeric specifying the priority of the event.
#' Lower number means higher priority. As a best practice, it is
#' recommended that decimal values are conceptual
#' grouped by their integer values (e.g., 4.0, 4.25, 4.5 are conceptually
#' similar).
#' See [priority()].
#' @param .skipChecks Logical. If `TRUE`, then internal checks that arguments match
#' expected types are skipped. Should only be used if speed is critical.
#' @return Returns the modified `simList` object.
#' @include priority.R
#' @export
#' @rdname scheduleEvent
#' @seealso [priority()], [scheduleConditionalEvent()]
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @references Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3).
#' San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc..
#' Retrieved from <>
#' @examples
#' sim <- simInit()
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn") # default priority
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .normal()) # default priority
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .normal()-1) # higher priority
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .normal()+1) # lower priority
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .highest()) # highest priority
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1.0, "fireSpread", "burn", .lowest()) # lowest priority
#' events(sim) # shows all scheduled events, with eventTime and priority
scheduleEvent <- function(sim,
eventPriority = .pkgEnv$.normalVal,
.skipChecks = FALSE) {
if (missing(moduleName)) moduleName <- currentModule(sim)
if (!.skipChecks) {
if (!inherits(sim, "simList")) {
stop("sim must be a simList") ## July 2022: R 4.2 flags against using class()
if (!is.numeric(eventTime)) {
if ( {
eventTime <- NA_real_
} else {
"Invalid or missing eventTime. eventTime must be a numeric.",
"This is usually caused by an attempt to scheduleEvent at time NULL",
"or by using an undefined parameter."
if (!is.character(eventType)) stop("eventType must be a character")
if (!is.character(moduleName)) stop("moduleName must be a character")
if (!is.numeric(eventPriority)) stop("eventPriority must be a numeric")
if (length(eventTime)) {
sim <- appendEvents(sim, eventTime, eventType, moduleName, eventPriority)
} else {
"Invalid or missing eventTime. ",
"This is usually caused by an attempt to scheduleEvent at an empty eventTime ",
"or by using an undefined parameter."
#' Schedule a conditional simulation event
#' Adds a new event to the simulation's conditional event queue,
#' updating the simulation object by creating or appending to
#' `sim$._conditionalEvents`.
#' *This is very experimental. Use with caution.*
#' This conditional event queue will be assessed at every single event in the normal event
#' queue. If there are no conditional events, then `spades` will proceed as normal.
#' As conditional event conditions are found to be true, then it will trigger a call to
#' `scheduleEvent(...)` with the current time passed to `eventTime` *and*
#' it will remove the conditional event from the conditional queue.
#' If the user would like the triggered conditional event to occur as the very next event,
#' then a possible strategy would be to set `eventPriority` of the conditional event
#' to very low or even negative to ensure it gets inserted at the top of the event queue.
#' @inheritParams scheduleEvent
#' @param minEventTime A numeric specifying the time before which the event should not occur,
#' even if the condition is met. Defaults to `start(sim)`
#' @param maxEventTime A numeric specifying the time after which the event should not occur,
#' even if the condition is met. Defaults to `end(sim)`
#' @param condition A string, call or expression that will be assessed for `TRUE`
#' after each event in the regular event queue.
#' It can access objects in the `simList` by using functions of `sim`,
#' e.g., `"sim$age > 1"`
#' @return Returns the modified `simList` object, i.e., `sim$._conditionalEvents`.
#' @include priority.R
#' @export
#' @rdname scheduleConditionalEvent
#' @seealso [scheduleEvent()], [conditionalEvents()]
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @references Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3).
#' San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc..
#' Retrieved from <>
#' @examples
#' sim <- simInit(times = list(start = 0, end = 2))
#' condition <- "sim$age > 1" # provide as string
#' condition <- quote(sim$age > 1) # provide as a call
#' condition <- expression(sim$age > 1) # provide as an expression
#' sim <- scheduleConditionalEvent(sim, condition, "firemodule", "burn")
#' conditionalEvents(sim)
#' sim <- spades(sim) # no changes to sim$age, i.e., it is absent
#' events(sim) # nothing scheduled
#' sim$age <- 2 # change the value
#' sim <- spades(sim) # Run spades, the condition is now true, so event is
#' # scheduled at current time
#' events(sim) # now scheduled in the normal event queue
scheduleConditionalEvent <- function(sim,
eventPriority = .normal(),
minEventTime = start(sim),
maxEventTime = end(sim)) {
if (!inherits(sim, "simList")) {
stop("sim must be a simList") ## July 2022: R 4.2 flags against using class()
if (!is.numeric(minEventTime)) {
if ( {
eventTime <- NA_real_
} else {
"Invalid or missing minEventTime. minEventTime must be a numeric.",
"This is usually caused by an attempt to scheduleEvent at time NULL",
"or by using an undefined parameter."
if (!is.numeric(maxEventTime)) {
if ( {
eventTime <- NA_real_
} else {
"Invalid or missing maxEventTime. maxEventTime must be a numeric.",
"This is usually caused by an attempt to scheduleEvent at time NULL",
"or by using an undefined parameter."
if (!is.character(eventType)) stop("eventType must be a character")
if (!is.character(moduleName)) stop("moduleName must be a character")
#if (missing(eventPriority)) eventPriority <- .pkgEnv$.normalVal
if (!is.numeric(eventPriority)) stop("eventPriority must be a numeric")
if (length(condition)) {
#if (! {
# Convert quote or "" to expression
if ( {
cond <- as.expression(condition)
} else if (is.character(condition)) {
cond <- parse(text = condition)
} else if (is.expression(condition)) {
cond <- condition
} else {
stop("condition must be a character string or call or expression")
# minEventTime
minEventTimeInSeconds <- calculateEventTimeInSeconds(sim, minEventTime, moduleName)
attr(minEventTimeInSeconds, "unit") <- "second"
# maxEventTime
maxEventTimeInSeconds <- calculateEventTimeInSeconds(sim, maxEventTime, moduleName)
attr(maxEventTimeInSeconds, "unit") <- "second"
newEventList <- list(list(
condition = cond,
minEventTime = minEventTimeInSeconds,
maxEventTime = maxEventTimeInSeconds,
moduleName = moduleName,
eventType = eventType,
eventPriority = eventPriority
numEvents <- length(sim$._conditionalEvents)
# put new event into event queue
if (numEvents == 0L) {
sim$._conditionalEvents <- newEventList
} else {
sim$._conditionalEvents <- append(sim$._conditionalEvents, newEventList)
needSort <- TRUE
if (minEventTimeInSeconds > sim$._conditionalEvents[[numEvents]]$minEventTime) {
needSort <- FALSE
} else if (minEventTimeInSeconds == sim$._conditionalEvents[[numEvents]]$minEventTime &&
eventPriority >= sim$._conditionalEvents[[numEvents]]$eventPriority) {
needSort <- FALSE
if (needSort) {
ord <- order(unlist(lapply(sim$._conditionalEvents, function(x) x$eventTime)),
unlist(lapply(sim$._conditionalEvents, function(x) x$eventPriority)))
sim$._conditionalEvents <- sim$._conditionalEvents[ord]
# }
} else {
"Invalid or missing condition ",
"This is usually caused by an attempt to scheduleEvent at an empty condition ",
"or by using an undefined parameter."
#' Run a spatial discrete event simulation
#' Here, we implement a simulation in a more modular fashion so it's easier to add
#' submodules to the simulation. We use S4 classes and methods, and use `data.table`
#' instead of `data.frame` to implement the event queue (because it is much faster).
#' @param sim A `simList` simulation object, generally produced by `simInit`.
#' @param debug Optional tools for invoking debugging. Supplying a `list`
#' will invoke the more powerful `logging` package. See details.
#' Default is to use the value in `getOption("spades.debug")`.
#' @param progress Logical (`TRUE` or `FALSE` show a graphical progress bar),
#' character (`"graphical"`, `"text"`) or numeric indicating
#' the number of update intervals to show in a graphical progress bar.
#' @param cache Logical. If `TRUE`, then the `spades` call will be cached.
#' This means that if the call is made again with the same `simList`,
#' then `spades` will return the return value from the previous run
#' of that exact same `simList`. Default `FALSE`. See Details.
#' See also the vignette on caching for examples.
#' @param .plotInitialTime Numeric. Temporarily override the `.plotInitialTime`
#' parameter for all modules. See Details.
#' @param .saveInitialTime Numeric. Temporarily override the `.plotInitialTime`
#' parameter for all modules. See Details.
#' @param .plots Character. Sets the parameter of this name in all modules.
#' See [Plots()] for possible values. The parameter is intended to slowly
#' take over from `.plotInitialTime` as a mechanism to turn on or off plotting.
#' For backwards compatibility, if `.plotInitialTime` is not set in this `spades` call,
#' but this `.plots` is used, two things will happen: setting this without `"screen"`
#' will turn off all plotting; setting this with `"screen"` will trigger
#' plotting for any modules that use this parameter but will have no effect on
#' other modules. To get plotting, therefore, it may be necessary to also set
#' `.plotInitialTime = start(sim)`.
#' @param notOlderThan Date or time. Passed to `reproducible::Cache` to update the cache.
#' Default is `NULL`, meaning don't update the cache.
#' If `Sys.time()` is provided, then it will force a recache,
#' i.e., remove old value and replace with new value.
#' Ignored if `cache` is `FALSE`.
#' @param events A character vector or a named list of character vectors. If specified,
#' the simulations will only do the events indicated here. If a named list, the names
#' must correspond to the modules and the character vectors can be specific events within
#' each of the named modules. With the `list` form, all unspecified modules
#' will run *all* their events, including internal spades modules, e.g., `save`,
#' that get invoked with the `outputs` argument in `simInit`. See example.
#' @param ... Any. Can be used to make a unique cache identity, such as "replicate = 1".
#' This will be included in the `Cache` call, so will be unique
#' and thus `spades` will not use a cached copy as long as
#' anything passed in `...` is unique, i.e., not cached previously.
#' @return Invisibly returns the modified `simList` object.
#' @seealso [SpaDES.core-package()],
#' [simInit()], and the caching vignette (very important for reproducibility):
#' <> which
#' uses [reproducible::Cache()].
#' @details
#' The is the workhorse function in the SpaDES package. It runs simulations by
#' implementing the rules outlined in the `simList`.
#' This function gives simple access to two sets of module parameters:
#' `.plotInitialTime` and with `.plotInitialTime`. The primary use of
#' these arguments is to temporarily turn off plotting and saving. "Temporary"
#' means that the `simList` is not changed, so it can be used again with
#' the `simList` values reinstated. To turn off plotting and saving, use
#' `.plotInitialTime = NA` or `.saveInitialTime = NA`. NOTE: if a
#' module did not use `.plotInitialTime` or `.saveInitialTime`, then
#' these arguments will not do anything.
#' @section Caching with SpaDES:
#' There are numerous ways in which Caching can be used within SpaDES. Please
#' see the vignette
#' <>
#' for many examples. Briefly, functions, events, modules, entire spades calls or
#' experiment calls (see <>)
#' can be cached and mixtures of all of these will work. For functions, simply
#' wrap the call with `Cache`, moving the original function name into
#' the first argument of Cache. For events or modules, set the module `parameters`,
#' `.useCache`, e.g.,
#' `simInit(..., parameters = list(myModule = list(.useCache = "init")))`.
#' This can be set to an event name, which will cache that event, or a logical,
#' which will cache *every* event in that module. Event and module caching
#' makes most sense when the event or module only runs once, such as an initialization
#' or data preparation event/module. Caching an entire simulation is actually just
#' a function call to `simInitAndSpades`, for example. So, simply writing
#' `Cache(simInitAndSpades, modules = ...)` will effectively cache a whole simulation.
#' Finally for experiments, it is just like a function call:
#' `Cache(simInitandExperiment, ...)`. The final way Caching can be done is in
#' `experiment` or `spades`, by setting the `cache` argument.
#' If `cache` is TRUE, this allows for a seamless way to "save" results
#' of a simulation. The user does not have to intentionally do any saving manually.
#' Instead, upon a call to `spades` in which the `simList` is identical,
#' the function will simply return the result that would have come if it had
#' been rerun. Use this with caution, as it will return exactly the result from
#' a previous run, even if there is stochasticity internally.
#' Caching is only based on the input `simList.`
#' See also the vignette on caching for examples.
#' @section `debug`:
#' The most powerful way to use debug is to invoke the `logging`
#' R package. To invoke this, `debug` must be a list with up to 3
#' named elements:
#' `console`, `file`, and `debug`. Each of these list elements
#' must be a list (including empty `list()` for defaults) with the
#' sub-list elements here:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' `console` \tab `level` \tab The `level`, see below, of information shown\cr
#' `file` \tab `append` \tab Logical. If `TRUE`, the default, then
#' log entries are appended to file, if it exists\cr
#' \tab `file` \tab A filename. Defaults to `log.txt`\cr
#' \tab `level` \tab The `level`, see below, of information shown\cr
#' `debug` \tab See possible values below\cr
#' }
#' `level` can be a number from 0 to 100 or a character string matching one
#' of the values in `logging::loglevels`. These are hierarchical levels of
#' information passed to the console. Set a lower number for more information and a
#' higher number for less information. Errors in code will be shown if `level`
#' is set to `"ERROR"` or `40` or above; warnings in code will be shown if
#' `level` is set to `"WARN"` or `30` or above;
#' normal messages in code will
#' be shown if `level` is set to `"INFO"` or `20` or above. For
#' consistency with base R messaging, if default level is used, then normal
#' messaging via `message` will be shown; this means that `suppressMessages`
#' will work to suppress messaging only when level is set to `"INFO"` or `20`.
#' Some functions in the SpaDES ecosystem may have information at the lower levels,
#' but currently, there are few to none.
#' `debug` is specified as a non-list argument to `spades` or as
#' `list(debug = ...)`, then it can be a logical, a quoted call, a character vector
#' or a numeric scalar (currently 1 or 2) or a list of any of these to get multiple
#' outputs. This will be run at the start of every event. The following options for debug
#' are available. Each of these can also be in a list to get multiple outputs:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' `TRUE` \tab `current(sim)` will be printed at the start of each event as
#' it runs\cr
#' a function name (as character string) \tab If a function, then it will be run on the
#' `simList`, e.g., "time" will run
#' `time(sim)` at each event.\cr
#' `moduleName` (as character string) \tab All calls to that module will be entered
#' interactively\cr
#' `eventName` (as character string) \tab All calls that have that event name (in any module)
#' will be entered interactively\cr
#' `c(<moduleName>, <eventName>)` \tab Only the event in that specified module
#' will be entered into. \cr
#' Any other R expression expressed as a character string or quoted call \tab
#' Will be evaluated with access to the `simList` as `sim`.
#' If this is more than one character string, then all will
#' be printed to the screen in their sequence. \cr
#' A numeric scalar, currently 1 or 2 (maybe others) \tab This will print out alternative forms of event
#' information that users may find useful \cr
#' }
#' If not specified in the function call, the package
#' option `spades.debug` is used.
#' If `options("spades.browserOnError" = TRUE)` (experimental still) if
#' there is an error, it will attempt to open a browser
#' in the event where the error occurred. You can edit, and then press `c` to continue
#' or `Q` to quit, plus all other normal interactive browser tools.
#' `c` will trigger a reparse and events will continue as scheduled, starting
#' with the one just edited. There may be some unexpected consequences if the
#' `simList` objects had already been changed before the error occurred.
#' @note The debug option is primarily intended to facilitate building simulation
#' models by the user.
#' Will print additional outputs informing the user of updates to the values of
#' various `simList` slot components.
#' See <> for details.
#' @author Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire
#' @importFrom cli col_blue col_magenta
#' @importFrom data.table setDTthreads
#' @seealso vignettes
#' @export
#' @rdname spades
#' @references Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming (ch. 7.8.3).
#' San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press, Inc..
#' Retrieved from <>
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("NLMR", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' # some options are not necessary when not interactive
#' opts <- options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE, "spades.useRequire" = FALSE)
#' if (!interactive()) opts <- append(opts, options("spades.plots" = NA))
#' mySim <- simInit(
#' times = list(start = 0.0, end = 1.0, timeunit = "year"),
#' params = list(
#' randomLandscapes = list(nx = 10, ny = 10),
#' .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned",
#' .plots = NA) # plotting off --> not relevant for example
#' ),
#' modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
#' paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
#' )
#' spades(mySim)
#' options(opts) # reset options
#' }
#' }
function(sim, debug = getOption("spades.debug"), progress = NA, cache,
.plotInitialTime = NULL, .saveInitialTime = NULL, notOlderThan = NULL,
events = NULL, .plots = getOption("spades.plots", NULL), ...) {
#' @rdname spades
signature(sim = "simList", cache = "missing"),
definition = function(sim,
...) {
# set the options; then set them back on exit
optsFromDots <- dealWithOptions(sim = sim)
if (!is.null(optsFromDots$optsPrev)) {
# remove from `sim` as these should not be there
rm(list = unique(names(optsFromDots$optionsAsProvided)), envir = envir(sim))
# reset options in session
# put them back in simList for reassessment during spades
if (exists("sim", inherits = FALSE))
list2env(optsFromDots$optionsAsProvided, envir = envir(sim))
}, add = TRUE)
# loggingMessage helpers
._simNesting <- simNestingSetup(...)
sim[["._simNesting"]] <- ._simNesting
opt <- options("encoding" = "UTF-8")
if (isTRUE(getOption("spades.allowSequentialCaching"))) {
opt <- append(opt, options(reproducible.showSimilarDepth = 6))
on.exit(options(opt), add = TRUE)
if (is.character(getOption("spades.covr", FALSE)) && getOption("spades.covr2", TRUE) ) {
modNam <- getOption("spades.covr")
tf <- tempfile();
cat(file = tf, paste('spades(sim, events = ',capture.output(dput(events)),', .plotInitialTime = ', .plotInitialTime, ')', collapse = "\n"))
sim$.mods[[modNam]]$sim <- sim
opts <- options("spades.covr2" = FALSE) # turn off this chunk 2nd time through
on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)
aa <- covr::environment_coverage(sim$.mods[[modNam]], test_files = tf)
rm(list = "sim", envir = sim$.mods[[modNam]])
options("spades.covr2" = TRUE)
if (is.null(.pkgEnv$._covr)) .pkgEnv$._covr <- list()
.pkgEnv$._covr <- append(.pkgEnv$._covr, list(aa))
oldWd <- getwd()
}, add = TRUE)
useNormalMessaging <- TRUE
newDebugging <- is.list(debug)
if (newDebugging) {
if (requireNamespace("logging", quietly = TRUE)) {
debug <- setupDebugger(debug)
useNormalMessaging <- !newDebugging ||
all(!grepl("writeToConsole", names(logging::getLogger()[["handlers"]])))
} else {
debug <- unlist(debug)
# need to recheck package loading because `simInit` may have been cached
if (getOption("spades.loadReqdPkgs", TRUE)) {
pkgs <- packages(sim)
sim <- withCallingHandlers({
recoverModeWrong <- getOption("spades.recoverMode")
if (!is.null(recoverModeWrong)) {
warning("Please set options('recoveryMode') with a 'y', not options('recoverMode')")
recoverMode <- getOption("spades.recoveryMode", FALSE)
## If there already is a sim object saved in the package .savdeSimEnv, it may have objects,
## and those objects may have temporary files from file-backed objects stored.
## This will remove those file-backed temp files.
clearFileBackedObjs(savedSimEnv()$.sim$.recoverableObjs, recoverMode)
svdSimEnv <- savedSimEnv() # can't assign to a function
svdSimEnv$.sim <- NULL
svdSimEnv$.sim <- sim # set up pointer
## set the options("spades.xxxPath") to the values in the sim@paths
oldGetPaths <- getPaths(), append(sim@paths, list(silent = TRUE)))
on.exit({, append(list(silent = TRUE), oldGetPaths))
}, add = TRUE)
if (!is.null(sim@.xData[["._randomSeed"]])) {
message("Resetting .Random.seed of session because sim$._randomSeed is not NULL. ",
"To get a different seed, run: sim$._randomSeed <- NULL to clear it.")
assign(".Random.seed", sim@.xData$._randomSeed[[1]], envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (!is.null(sim$._rng.kind)) {"RNGkind", as.list(sim$._rng.kind))
sim@.xData[["._randomSeed"]] <- NULL
sim@.xData[["._rng.kind"]] <- NULL
if (is.null(sim@.xData[["._startClockTime"]]))
sim@.xData[["._startClockTime"]] <- Sys.time()
if (is.list(events)) {
unspecifiedEvents <- setdiff(unlist(modules(sim, TRUE)), names(events))
unspecifiedEvents <- setdiff(unspecifiedEvents, "progress")
if (NROW(sim@outputs) == 0L)
unspecifiedEvents <- setdiff(unspecifiedEvents, "save")
if (NROW(sim@inputs) == 0L)
unspecifiedEvents <- setdiff(unspecifiedEvents, "load")
useChkpnt <- !any($checkpoint))
if (!useChkpnt)
unspecifiedEvents <- setdiff(unspecifiedEvents, "checkpoint")
if (length(unspecifiedEvents)) {
message("NOTE: ", paste(unspecifiedEvents, collapse = ", "), " not specified in events argument. ")
message("This means all events in the module(s) will run. You may have intended to add e.g.,")
message(" list(", unspecifiedEvents[1], "= 'init')")
# This sets up checking for memory leaks
if (is.null(sim@.xData[["._knownObjects"]])) {
moduleNames <- unname(modules(sim))
names(moduleNames) <- moduleNames
sim@.xData[["._knownObjects"]] <- lapply(moduleNames, function(x) character())
sim@.xData[["._knownObjects"]]$sim <- character()
if (is.null(sim@.xData[["._simRndString"]]))
sim@.xData[["._simRndString"]] <- rndstr(1, 8, characterFirst = TRUE)
.pkgEnv$searchPath <- search()
.pkgEnv[["spades.browserOnError"]] <- (interactive() & !identical(debug, FALSE) &
.pkgEnv[["spades.nCompleted"]] <- getOption("spades.nCompleted")
.pkgEnv[["skipNamespacing"]] <- !getOption("spades.switchPkgNamespaces")
.pkgEnv[["spades.keepCompleted"]] <- getOption("spades.keepCompleted", TRUE)
# Memory Use
# memory estimation of each event/sim
if (getOption("spades.memoryUseInterval", 0) > 0) {
if (requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE) &&
requireNamespace("future.callr", quietly = TRUE)) {
originalPlan <- future::plan()
sim <- memoryUseSetup(sim, originalPlan)
sim <- memoryUseOnExit(sim, originalPlan)
}, add = TRUE)
} else {
# timeunits gets accessed every event -- this should only be needed once per simList
sim@.xData$.timeunits <- timeunits(sim)
if (!.pkgEnv[["skipNamespacing"]])
.modifySearchPath(.pkgEnv$searchPath, removeOthers = TRUE)
rm(".timeunits", envir = sim@.xData)
if (isTRUE(getOption("spades.saveSimOnExit", FALSE))) {
if (!isTRUE(.pkgEnv$.cleanEnd)) {
if (recoverMode > 0) {
sim <- recoverModeOnExit(sim, rmo, recoverMode)
} else {
message(cli::col_magenta("simList saved in"), "\n",
cli::col_blue("SpaDES.core:::savedSimEnv()$.sim"), "\n",
cli::col_magenta("It will be deleted at next spades() call."))
svdSimEnv <- savedSimEnv() # can't assign to a function
svdSimEnv$.sim <- sim # no copy of objects -- essentially 2 pointers throughout
.pkgEnv$.cleanEnd <- NULL
# For restarting R -- a few extra pieces, including saving the simList as the last thing
if (!is.null(sim$._restartRList)) {
sim@simtimes[["current"]] <- sim@events[[1]]$eventTime
sim$._restartRList$.spadesCall <-
restartFormals <- formals(restartR)
# can change end(sim) back to original now because we are already ending
end(sim) <- sim$._restartRList$endOrig
sim = sim,
reloadPkgs = getOption("spades.restartR.reloadPkgs", restartFormals$reloadPkgs),
.First = getOption("spades.restartR..First", restartFormals$.First),
.RDataFile = getOption("spades.restartR.filename", sim$._restartRList$simFilename),
restartDir = getOption("spades.restartR.restartDir", restartFormals$restartDir)
# seconds <- "secs"
# sim$._totalElapsedTime <- difftime(Sys.time(), sim$._startClockTime, units = seconds)
# subtractOff <- difftime(Sys.time(), tail(completed(sim)[["clockTime"]], 1), units = seconds)
# sim$._elapsedTimeIncompleteFinaleEvent <- subtractOff
}, add = TRUE)
if (!is.null(.plots)) {
sim@params <- updateParamSlotInAllModules(
sim@params, .plots, ".plots",
needClass = "character",
needValuesMess = paste0("It must be one or more of 'screen', ",
"'object', 'raw' and any of the classes that ggplot2::ggsave ",
"can handle, e.g., 'png'"))
if (is.null(.plotInitialTime) && !any(.plots %in% "screen"))
sim@params <- updateParamSlotInAllModules(
sim@params, NA_integer_, ".plotInitialTime",
needClass = "integer")
if (!is.null(.plotInitialTime) && ! {
message("Both .plots and .plotInitialTime are supplied; using .plots")
if (!is.numeric(.plotInitialTime) &&
.plotInitialTime <- start(sim)
if (!is.null(.plotInitialTime)) {
sim@params <- updateParamSlotInAllModules(
sim@params, .plotInitialTime, ".plotInitialTime",
needClass = "numeric")
if (
sim@params <- updateParamSlotInAllModules(
sim@params, NA_character_, ".plots",
needClass = "character")
if (!is.null(.saveInitialTime)) {
sim@params <- updateParamSlotInAllModules(
sim@params, .saveInitialTime, ".saveInitialTime",
needClass = "numeric")
if (! {
tu <- sim@simtimes[["timeunit"]]
if (isTRUE(progress)) {
progress <- "graphical"
if (is.numeric(progress)) {
sim@params$.progress$interval <- (end(sim, tu) - start(sim, tu)) / progress
progress <- "graphical"
if (!, "graphical"))) {
sim@params$.progress$type <- "graphical"
} else if (!, "text"))) {
sim@params$.progress$type <- "text"
if (!$.progress$type) &&$.progress$interval)) {
sim@params$.progress$interval <- NULL
if (!(all(unlist(lapply(debug, identical, FALSE))))) {
.pkgEnv[[".spadesDebugFirst"]] <- TRUE
sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]] <- c(9, 10, 9, 13)
sim@.xData[["._firstEventClockTime"]] <- Sys.time()
# This was introduced when sim@completed became an environment for speed purposes
# (list got slow as size increased)
# This is an attempt to deal with the expected behaviour of a list --
# i.e., delete it if this appears to be the original sim object again passed in
if (length(sim@completed)) {
existingCompleted <- sort(as.integer(ls(sim@completed, sorted = FALSE)))
prevStart <- get(as.character(existingCompleted[1]), envir = sim@completed)
# prevEnd <- get(as.character(existingCompleted[length(existingCompleted)]), envir = sim@completed)
if (length(.grepSysCalls(sys.calls(), "restartSpades")) == 0 &&
length(sim@.xData$._ranInitDuringSimInit) == 0) { # don't crop off completed events if Init(s) ran during simInit
prevEvUnit <- attr(prevStart[["eventTime"]], "unit")
stTime <- start(sim, unit = prevEvUnit)
if (stTime <= prevStart[["eventTime"]] && (time(sim, unit = prevEvUnit) == stTime))
sim@completed <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
if (recoverMode > 0) {
rmo <- NULL # The recovery mode object
allObjNames <- outputObjectNames(sim)
if (is.null(allObjNames)) recoverMode <- 0
useFuture <- getOption("spades.futureEvents", FALSE)
if (useFuture) {
if (!requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE))
stop("To use 'spades.futureEvents', please run \ninstall.packages('future') ")
message(cli::col_magenta("useFuture is set to TRUE; this will attempt to spawn events"))
message(cli::col_magenta(" in a separate process, if their outputs are not needed immediately"))
message(cli::col_magenta(" STILL EXPERIMENTAL. Use cautiously."))
message(cli::col_magenta(" User must manage future::plan, e.g., \nfuture::plan(multisession(workers = 2))"))
sim$.futureEventsSkipped <- 0
sim$.simFuture <- list()
# There are some edge cases where there is an event scheduled before current time,
# even though current time is after end time
if (length(sim@events)) {
specialStart <- sim@events[[1]][["eventTime"]] < sim@simtimes[["current"]] &&
sim@simtimes[["current"]] > sim@simtimes[["end"]]
if (isTRUE(specialStart)) sim@simtimes[["current"]] <- sim@events[[1]][["eventTime"]]
simDTthreads <- getOption("spades.DTthreads", 1L)
message("Using setDTthreads(", simDTthreads, "). To change: 'options(spades.DTthreads = X)'.")
origDTthreads <- setDTthreads(simDTthreads)
on.exit(setDTthreads(origDTthreads), add = TRUE)
while (sim@simtimes[["current"]] <= sim@simtimes[["end"]]) {
if (recoverMode > 0) {
rmo <- recoverModePre(sim, rmo, allObjNames, recoverMode)
sim <- doEvent(sim, debug = debug, notOlderThan = notOlderThan,
events = events, ...) # process the next event
if (recoverMode > 0) {
rmo <- recoverModePost(sim, rmo, recoverMode)
# Conditional Scheduling -- adds only 900 nanoseconds per event, if none exist
if (exists("._conditionalEvents", envir = sim, inherits = FALSE)) {
condEventsToOmit <- integer()
for (condNum in seq(sim$._conditionalEvents)) {
cond <- sim$._conditionalEvents[[condNum]]
if (isTRUE(eval(cond$condition))) {
curTime <- time(sim)
if (curTime >= cond$minEventTime && curTime <= cond$maxEventTime) {
message(" Conditional Event -- ", cond$condition, " is true. Scheduling for now")
sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, eventTime = curTime, moduleName = cond$moduleName,
eventType = cond$eventType, eventPriority = cond$eventPriority)
condEventsToOmit <- c(condEventsToOmit, condNum)
if (length(condEventsToOmit)) {
sim$._conditionalEvents <- sim$._conditionalEvents[-condEventsToOmit]
if (length(sim$._conditionalEvents) == 0) {
rm("._conditionalEvents", envir = sim)
# if (useFuture) {
# if (length(sim$.simFuture) > 1) {
# for (simFut in seq_along(sim$.simFuture)) {
# if (future::resolved(sim$.simFuture[[1]][[1]])) {
# sim <- resolveFutureNow(sim, cause = paste0(modNameInFuture(sim$.simFuture[1]), " finished running"))
# }
# }
# }
# }
if (useFuture) {
if (length(sim$.simFuture)) {
for (simFut in seq_along(sim$.simFuture)) {
sim <- resolveFutureNow(sim, cause = "End of simulation")
message(cli::col_magenta(sim$.futureEventsSkipped, " events ran in futures"))
sim@simtimes[["current"]] <- sim@simtimes[["end"]]
# For determining if clean ending to spades call
.pkgEnv$.cleanEnd <- TRUE
warning = function(w) {
w$message <- gsub("^In modCall\\(sim = sim.+\"]]\\): ", "", w$message)
if (grepl("NAs introduced by coercion", w$message))
if (newDebugging && requireNamespace("logging", quietly = TRUE)) {
logging::logwarn(paste0(collapse = " ", c(names(w), w)))
if (grepl("In .+:", w$message)) {
} else {
tryCatch(invokeRestart("muffleWarning"), error = function(e) NULL)
error = function(e) {
if (newDebugging && requireNamespace("logging", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (debug > 0)
} else {
fn <- get0("onError")
if (!is.null(fn))
message = function(m) {
if (newDebugging && requireNamespace("logging", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (useNormalMessaging) {
# if (grepl("projecting", m$message)) browser()
if (isTRUE(any(grepl("\b", m$message)))) {
m$message <- paste0("\b", gsub("\b *", " ", m$message), "\b")
# message(paste0("\b", gsub("\b *", " ", m$message), "\b"))
} # else {
# }
# This will "muffle" the original message
tryCatch(invokeRestart("muffleMessage"), error = function(e) NULL)
#' @rdname spades
#' @importFrom reproducible Cache
signature(cache = "logical"),
definition = function(sim,
notOlderThan = NULL,
...) {
stopifnot(inherits(sim, "simList")) ## July 2022: R 4.2 flags against using class()
oldGetPaths <- getPaths(), append(list(silent = TRUE), sim@paths))
on.exit(, append(list(silent = TRUE), oldGetPaths)), add = TRUE)
dots <- list(...)
omitArgs <- c("cl", "notOlderThan")
if (isTRUE("omitArgs" %in% names(dots))) {
omitArgs <- c(dots$omitArgs, omitArgs)
dots$omitArgs <- NULL
if (cache) {
Cache(spades(sim = sim,
debug = debug,
progress = progress,
.plotInitialTime = .plotInitialTime,
.saveInitialTime = .saveInitialTime,
omitArgs = omitArgs,
notOlderThan = notOlderThan,
events = events,
.plots = .plots,
cache = FALSE,
# = TRUE, Cache,
# args = append(
# list(
# spades,
# sim = sim,
# debug = debug,
# progress = progress,
# .plotInitialTime = .plotInitialTime,
# .saveInitialTime = .saveInitialTime,
# omitArgs = omitArgs,
# notOlderThan = notOlderThan,
# events = events,
# .plots = .plots
# ),
# dots
# )
# )
} else {
debug = debug,
progress = progress,
.plotInitialTime = .plotInitialTime,
.saveInitialTime = .saveInitialTime,
events = events,
.plots = .plots
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom cli bg_yellow
.runEvent <- function(sim, cacheIt, debug, moduleCall, fnEnv, cur, notOlderThan, showSimilar, .pkgEnv) {
if (!is.null(sim@depends@dependencies[[cur[["moduleName"]]]])) { # allow for super simple simList without a slot outputObjects
expectsInputs <- sim@depends@dependencies[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]@inputObjects$objectName
createsOutputs <- sim@depends@dependencies[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]@outputObjects$objectName
if (cacheIt) { # means that a module or event is to be cached
fns <- setdiff(ls(fnEnv, all.names = TRUE), c(".inputObjects", "mod", "Par", ".objects")) # .inputObjects is not run in `spades`; mod is same as .objects
moduleSpecificObjects <-
c(ls(sim@.xData, all.names = TRUE, pattern = cur[["moduleName"]]), # functions in the main .xData that are prefixed with moduleName
paste0(attr(fnEnv, "name"), ":", fns), # functions in the namespaced location
na.omit(expectsInputs)) # objects that should exist at the time of calling the module
#fnsWOhidden <- paste0(cur[["moduleName"]], ":",
# grep("^\\._", fns, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE))
moduleSpecificOutputObjects <- c(createsOutputs, paste0(".mods$", cur[["moduleName"]]))
# globalParams <- sim@params[[".globals"]]
modParamsFull <- sim@params[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]
paramsDontCacheOnActual <- names(modParamsFull) %in% paramsDontCacheOn
simParamsDontCacheOn <- modParamsFull[paramsDontCacheOnActual]
modParams <- modParamsFull[!paramsDontCacheOnActual]
classOptions <- list(events = cur[["eventType"]], current = FALSE, completed = FALSE, simtimes = FALSE,
paths = FALSE, outputs = FALSE,
params = modParams,
# .globals = globalParams,
modules = cur[["moduleName"]])
verbose <- if (is.numeric(debug)) debug else !debug %in% FALSE
fnCallAsExpr <- if (cacheIt) { # means that a module or event is to be cached
modCall <- get(moduleCall, envir = fnEnv)
expression(Cache(FUN = modCall,
sim = sim,
eventTime = cur[["eventTime"]], eventType = cur[["eventType"]],
.objects = moduleSpecificObjects,
notOlderThan = notOlderThan,
outputObjects = moduleSpecificOutputObjects,
classOptions = classOptions,
showSimilar = showSimilar,
cachePath = sim@paths[["cachePath"]],
.functionName = moduleCall, verbose = verbose))
} else {
## Faster just to pass the NULL and just call it directly inside .runEvent
expression(get(moduleCall, envir = fnEnv)(sim, cur[["eventTime"]], cur[["eventType"]]))
if (!(FALSE %in% debug || any( {
objsIsNullBefore <- objsAreNull(sim)
if (.pkgEnv[["spades.browserOnError"]]) {
sim <- .runEventWithBrowser(sim, fnCallAsExpr, moduleCall, fnEnv, cur)
} else {
runFnCallAsExpr <- TRUE
allowSequentialCaching <- getOption("spades.allowSequentialCaching", FALSE)
if (allowSequentialCaching) {
sim <- allowSequentialCaching1(sim, cacheIt, moduleCall, verbose)
runFnCallAsExpr <- is.null(attr(sim, "runFnCallAsExpr"))
# if (cur$eventType %in% "prepSpreadFitData") browser()
rr <- .Random.seed
if (runFnCallAsExpr) {
sim <- eval(fnCallAsExpr) ## slower than more direct version just above
if (identical(rr, .Random.seed)) {
message(cli::bg_yellow(cur[["moduleName"]])) # browser()
if (allowSequentialCaching) {
sim <- allowSequentialCachingUpdateTags(sim, cacheIt)
if (allowSequentialCaching) {
sim <- allowSequentialCachingFinal(sim)
## put back the current values of params that were not cached on
if (exists("modParams", inherits = FALSE)) {
if (sum(paramsDontCacheOnActual)) {
sim@params[[cur[["moduleName"]]]][paramsDontCacheOnActual] <- modParamsFull[paramsDontCacheOnActual]
if (!(FALSE %in% debug || any( {
sim <- objectsCreatedPost(sim, objsIsNullBefore)
## Test for memory leaks
if (getOption("spades.testMemoryLeaks", TRUE)) {
if (!is.null(sim@.xData$.mods[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]$.objects)) {
sim$._knownObjects <- testMemoryLeaks(
simEnv = sim@.xData,
modEnv = sim@.xData$.mods[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]$.objects,
modName = cur[["moduleName"]],
knownObjects = sim@.xData$._knownObjects
#' @keywords internal
.runEventWithBrowser <- function(sim, fnCallAsExpr, moduleCall, fnEnv, cur) {
canContinue <- TRUE
numTries <- 0
while (canContinue) {
out <- try(eval(fnCallAsExpr))
if (isTRUE(is(out, "try-error"))) {
numTries <- numTries + 1
if (numTries > 1) {
tmp <- .parseConditional(filename = sim@.xData$.mods[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]$._sourceFilename)
envir = sim@.xData$.mods[[cur[["moduleName"]]]])
numTries <- 0
} else {
message("There was an error in the code in the ", moduleCall, ".\n",
"Entering browser. You can correct it and press c to continue or Q to quit.")
debugonce(get(moduleCall, envir = fnEnv))
} else {
canContinue <- FALSE
sim <- out
#' @keywords internal
calculateEventTimeInSeconds <- function(sim, eventTime, moduleName) {
#if (!is.null(sim@depends@dependencies[[1]])) {
unitAttr <- attr(eventTime, "unit")
if (is.null(unitAttr)) {
attributes(eventTime)$unit <- .callingFrameTimeunit(sim)
eventTime <- as.numeric(convertTimeunit((
eventTime -
sim@simtimes[["timeunit"]], sim@.xData,
skipChecks = TRUE)
sim@.xData, skipChecks = TRUE) +
} else {
#if (!startsWith(unitAttr, "second")) {
if (unitAttr != "second") { # faster to do 2 sequential tests like this than !startsWith
if (unitAttr != "seconds") {
eventTime <- as.numeric(convertTimeunit(eventTime, "seconds", sim@.xData,
skipChecks = TRUE))
} #else eventTime
#} else {
# when eventTime is NA... can't seem to get an example
#eventTimeInSeconds <-
# as.numeric(convertTimeunit(eventTime, "seconds", sim@.xData,
# skipChecks = TRUE))
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats runif
recoverModePre <- function(sim, rmo = NULL, allObjNames = NULL, recoverMode) {
if (is.null(allObjNames)) {
allObjNames <- outputObjectNames(sim)
if (is.null(rmo))
rmo <- list(
recoverModeTiming = 0,
recoverableObjs = list(),
recoverableModObjs = list(),
addedEvents = list(list()),
randomSeed = list(list())
# Remove the tail entry in each of the lists
if (length(rmo$addedEvents) > (recoverMode - 1))
rmo$addedEvents <- rmo$addedEvents[seq_len(recoverMode - 1)]
if (length(rmo$randomSeed) > (recoverMode - 1))
rmo$randomSeed <- rmo$randomSeed[seq_len(recoverMode - 1)]
startTime <- Sys.time()
if (length(rmo$recoverableObjs) > (recoverMode - 1)) {
# remove the previous rmo files, making way for subsequent Copy below. These files
# should be temporary versions and so can be safely deleted
clearFileBackedObjs(rmo$recoverableObjs, recoverMode)
rmo$recoverableObjs <- rmo$recoverableObjs[seq_len(recoverMode - 1)]
rmo$recoverableModObjs <- rmo$recoverableModObjs[seq_len(recoverMode - 1)]
if (length(sim@events) > 0) {
curMod <- sim@events[[1]][["moduleName"]]
objsInSimListAndModule <- ls(sim) %in% allObjNames[[curMod ]]
# This makes a copy of the objects that are needed, and adds them to the list of rmo$recoverableObjs
mess <- capture.output(type = "message", {
newList <- list(if (any(objsInSimListAndModule)) {
Copy(mget(ls(sim)[objsInSimListAndModule], envir = sim@.xData),
filebackedDir = file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "._rmo"))
} else {
names(newList) <- curMod
rmo$recoverableObjs <- append(newList, rmo$recoverableObjs)
if (exists(curMod, envir = sim$.mods)) {
if (!is.null(sim$.mods[[curMod]])) {
if (exists(".objects", sim$.mods[[curMod]])) {
modEnv <- sim$.mods[[curMod]]$.objects
objsInModObjects <- ls(modEnv)
mess2 <- capture.output(type = "message",
rmo$recoverableModObjs <- append(list(if (length(objsInModObjects)) {
Copy(mget(objsInModObjects, envir = modEnv),
filebackedDir = file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "._rmo"))
} else {
}), rmo$recoverableModObjs)
mess <- grep("Hardlinked version", mess, invert = TRUE)
if (length(mess) > 0)
lapply(mess, message)
endTime <- Sys.time()
rmo$preEvents <- sim@events
if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) tmp <- runif(1)
rmo$randomSeed <- append(list(get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)),
timeElapsedHere <- difftime(endTime, startTime, units = "secs")
if (timeElapsedHere > 1)
message(cli::col_magenta(paste0("... spades.recoveryMode used ",
format(timeElapsedHere, units = "auto", digits = 3))))
rmo$recoverModeTiming <- rmo$recoverModeTiming + timeElapsedHere
#' @keywords internal
recoverModePost <- function(sim, rmo, recoverMode) {
rmo$postEvents <- sim@events
rmo$addedEvents <- append(list(setdiff(rmo$postEvents, rmo$preEvents)), rmo$addedEvents)
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom cli cli_code
recoverModeOnExit <- function(sim, rmo, recoverMode) {
sim@.xData$.recoverableObjs <- rmo$recoverableObjs
sim@.xData$.recoverableModObjs <- rmo$recoverableModObjs
recoverableObjsSize <- sum(unlist(objSize(rmo$recoverableObjs)))
class(recoverableObjsSize) <- "object_size"
rmo$postEvents <- sim@events
rmo$addedEvents <- append(list(setdiff(rmo$postEvents, rmo$preEvents)), rmo$addedEvents)
sim@.xData$.addedEvents <- rmo$addedEvents
sim@.xData$._randomSeed <- rmo$randomSeed
message(cli::col_magenta(paste0("Setting options('spades.recoveryMode' = ",recoverMode,") used ",
format(rmo$recoverModeTiming, units = "auto", digits = 3),
" and ", format(recoverableObjsSize, units = "auto"))))
"The initial state of the last", as.numeric(recoverMode), "events are cached and saved",
"in the simList located at savedSimEnv()$.sim,",
"as sim$.recoverableObjs, with the most recent event",
"the first element in the list, 2nd most recent event = the second most recent event, etc.",
" The objects contained in each of those are only the objects that may have",
"changed, according to the metadata for each module. To recover, use:",
#' @keywords internal
messageInterrupt1 <- function(recoverMode) {
"Because of an interrupted spades call, the sim object ",
c("at the time of interruption ",
"at the start of the interrupted event ")[(recoverMode > 0) + 1],
"was saved in"
), "\n",
cli::col_blue("SpaDES.core:::savedSimEnv()$.sim"), "\n",
cli::col_magenta("It will be deleted on next call to spades().")
setupDebugger <- function(debug = getOption("spades.debug")) {
if (!missing(debug)) {
if (!isFALSE(debug)) {
if (is.list(debug)) {
messageStart = "debug cannot be a list unless logging package is installed: ")
if (is.null(names(debug))) stop("debug must be a named list if it is a list. See ?spades")
hasConsole <- grepl("console", names(debug))
if (any(hasConsole)) {
if (!is.list(debug$console)) stop("debug has an element named 'console', which is not a list.",
"Try 'debug = list(console = list())'")
consoleLevel <- if (!is.null(debug$console$level)) {
} else {
if (!any(grepl("20|INFO", consoleLevel))) {
if (!"basic.stdout" %in% names(logging::getLogger()[["handlers"]])) {
logging::addHandler(logging::writeToConsole, level = consoleLevel#,
#formatter = spadesDefaultFormatter
logging::setLevel(consoleLevel, logging::getHandler(logging::writeToConsole))
#setLevel(consoleLevel, getHandler('basic.stdout'))
hasFile <- grepl("file", names(debug))
if (any(hasFile)) {
fileLevel <- if (!is.null(debug$file$level)) {
} else {
if (!"writeToFile" %in% names(logging::getLogger()[["handlers"]])) {
if (is.null(debug$file$file))
debug$file$file <- "log.txt"
logging::addHandler(logging::writeToFile, file = debug$file$file, level = fileLevel)
logging::setLevel(fileLevel, logging::getHandler(logging::writeToFile))
cat(file = debug$file$file, "##################################\n",
append = !isFALSE(debug$file$append)) # default append it TRUE
# with(getLogger(), names(handlers))
hasDebug <- grepl("debug", names(debug))
if (any(hasDebug)) {
debug <- debug$debug
} else {
debug <- 1
} else {
stop("debug cannot be a list unless logging package is installed: ",
spadesDefaultFormatter <- function(record) {
text <- paste(record$timestamp, paste(record$levelname, record$logger,
gsub("\n$", "", record$msg), sep = ":"), sep = "")
#' @importFrom reproducible Filenames
clearFileBackedObjs <- function(recoverableObjs, recoverMode) {
if (isTRUE(recoverMode > 0)) {
if (length(recoverableObjs) >= as.numeric(recoverMode)) {
toClear <- recoverableObjs[[as.numeric(recoverMode)]]
if (length(toClear)) {
out <- lapply(toClear, function(x) {
if (is(x, "Raster")) {
files <- unname(unlist(out))
files <- files[nzchar(files)]
if (length(files) != 0 ) {
dirs <- unique(dirname(files))
filesLeft <- dir(dirs, full.names = TRUE)
if (length(filesLeft) == 0 || all(grepl("cache", filesLeft))) {
unlink(dirs, recursive = TRUE)
resolveFutureNow <- function(sim, cause = "") {
futureRunning <- sim@events[[1]]
futureRunning[1:4] <- as.list(strsplit(names(sim$.simFuture)[1], split = "_")[[1]])
futureRunning[["eventTime"]] <- as.numeric(futureRunning[["eventTime"]])
futureRunning[["eventPriority"]] <- as.numeric(futureRunning[["eventPriority"]])
futureRunningSimTU <- futureRunning
spacing <- paste(rep(" ", sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]][1] + 1), collapse = "")
outMess <- debugMessTRUE(sim, events = futureRunningSimTU)
# # If it had no outputs, then skip -- wait -- comment out for now ... the "events" stuff; but that may be unnecessary
# because of the runScheduleEventsOnly, which "should" have found all the events.
# if (length(sim$.simFuture[[1]]$thisModOutputs$objects)) {
tmpSim <- future::value(sim$.simFuture[[1]][[1]])
tmpSim <- .unwrap(tmpSim)
simMetadata <- sim$.simFuture[[1]][[2]]
# objects
list2env(mget(simMetadata$objects, envir = envir(tmpSim)), envir = envir(sim))
# }
message(cli::col_magenta(paste0(" Resolved: ", outMess)))
message(cli::col_magenta(" ", spacing, "because", cause))
allCols <- c("eventTime", "moduleName", "eventTime", "eventPriority")
# events
evntsFut <- events(tmpSim, unit = "seconds")
compltd <- completed(sim, unit = "seconds")[, 1:4]
evntsNormal <- rbindlist(list(compltd, current(sim, unit = "seconds"), events(sim, unit = "seconds")))
newEvents <- evntsFut[!evntsNormal, on = allCols]
if (NROW(newEvents)) {
warning("Seeing this message means that the runScheduleEventsOnly did not find all events; ",
"please use `switch` and `scheduleEvent` inside the doEvent.", currentModule(tmpSim),
" function")
newEvents <- lapply(seq_len(NROW(newEvents)), function(x) as.list(newEvents[x]))
slot(sim, "events", check = FALSE) <- append(sim@events, newEvents)
ord <- order(unlist(lapply(sim@events, function(x) x$eventTime)),
unlist(lapply(sim@events, function(x) x$eventPriority)))
slot(sim, "events") <- sim@events[ord]
sim$.simFuture <- sim$.simFuture[-1]
getFutureNeeds <- function(deps, curModName) {
#browser(expr = curModName == "fireSpread")
out <- list()
mods <- names(deps)
if (isTRUE(curModName %in% mods)) {
moduleNamesNotThisOne <- mods[!mods %in% curModName]
out$thisMod <- curModName
allOtherModNames <- deps[names(deps) != curModName]
out$anyModInputs <- na.omit(unique(unlist(lapply(
deps, # can be a different event, don't exclude self
out$thisModsInputs <- na.omit(unique(unlist(lapply(
deps[curModName], # can be a different event, don't exclude self
out$thisModOutputs <- na.omit(unique(unlist(lapply(
out$anyModOutputs <- lapply(
out$anyModInputs <- lapply(
out$dontAllowModules <- unlist(lapply(out$anyModInputs, function(x) any(x %in% out$thisModOutputs)))
.runEventFuture <- function(sim, cacheIt, debug, moduleCall, fnEnv, cur, notOlderThan,
showSimilar = showSimilar, .pkgEnv, envir, futureNeeds) {
spacing <- paste(rep(" ", sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]][1]), collapse = "")
message(cli::col_magenta(spacing, "-- Spawning in a future"))
sim$.futureEventsSkipped <- sim$.futureEventsSkipped + 1
modEnv <- sim$.mods[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]
objsToGet <- grep("^\\._", ls(envir = modEnv, all.names = TRUE), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
modObjs <- mget(objsToGet, envir = modEnv)
pkgs <- getFromNamespace("extractPkgName", "Require")(unlist(sim@depends@dependencies[[cur[["moduleName"]]]]@reqdPkgs))
list2env(modObjs, envir = envir)
objsKepts <- na.omit(inputObjects(sim, module = currentModule(sim))[["objectName"]])
globs <- list(sim = .wrap(sim[objsKepts]), cacheIt, debug, moduleCall, fnEnv, cur,
notOlderThan, showSimilar, .pkgEnv)# names(modObjs))
names(globs) <- c("sim", "cacheIt", "debug", "moduleCall", "fnEnv", "cur", "notOlderThan",
"showSimilar", ".pkgEnv") #names(modObjs))
# When a name begins with a number, touchy to access it. Here reverse 1st 2 so character is first
futureListLabel <- paste(unlist(cur), collapse = "_")
sim$.simFuture[[futureListLabel]] <-
list(sim = future::future(
getFromNamespace(".runForFutureWrapper", "SpaDES.core")(sim,
cacheIt = cacheIt,
debug = debug,
moduleCall = moduleCall,
fnEnv = fnEnv,
cur = cur,
notOlderThan = notOlderThan,
showSimilar = showSimilar,
.pkgEnv = .pkgEnv),
globals = globs,
packages = unique(c("SpaDES.core", pkgs)),
# envir = envir,
seed = TRUE),
thisModOutputs = list(
moduleName = cur[["moduleName"]],
objects = futureNeeds$thisModOutputs,
dontAllowModules = names(futureNeeds$dontAllowModules)[futureNeeds$dontAllowModules]
.runForFutureWrapper <- function(sim, ...) {
sim <- .unwrap(sim)
sim <- .runEvent(sim, ...)
modNameInFuture <- function(simFuture) {
gsub("^.+\\_(.+)\\_.+\\_.+", "\\1", names(simFuture))
isListedEvent <- function(eventQueue, eventsToDo) {
foundEventToDo <- FALSE
i <- 1
if (!is.null(eventsToDo)) {
while (isFALSE(foundEventToDo)) {
if (length(eventQueue) < i) { # check for
# slot(sim, "current", check = FALSE) <- list() # same as no events left
foundEventToDo <- NA
} else {
eventsToDoThisMod <- if (is.list(eventsToDo))
if (is.null(eventsToDoThisMod)) {
foundEventToDo <- TRUE
} else if (eventQueue[[i]]$eventType %in% eventsToDoThisMod) {
foundEventToDo <- TRUE
} else {
i <- i + 1
} else {
foundEventToDo <- TRUE
if ( i <- 0L
#' @importFrom cli col_green
debugMessage <- function(debug, sim, cur, fnEnv, curModuleName) {
if (!is(debug, "list") && !is.character(debug)) debug <- list(debug)
if (!any(vapply(debug, function(x) if (is.numeric(x)) x %in% 1:2 else isTRUE(x), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))))
debug <- append(list(1L), debug)
for (i in seq_along(debug)) {
if (isTRUE(debug[[i]]) || identical(debug[[i]], "current") || identical(debug[[i]], "step")) {
if (length(cur) > 0) {
if (debug[[i]] == "step") {
if (interactive())
readline("Press any key to continue...")
outMess <- debugMessTRUE(sim)
} else if (isTRUE(if (is.numeric(debug[[i]])) debug[[i]] %in% 1 else isTRUE(debug[[i]]))) {
totalDiff <- difftime(Sys.time(), sim@.xData$._startClockTime - sim$._simInitElapsedTime)
outMess <- paste0("total elpsd: ", format(totalDiff, digits = 2, unit = "auto"),
" | ", paste(format(unname(current(sim)), digits = 4), collapse = " "))
} else if (isTRUE(if (is.numeric(debug[[i]])) debug[[i]] %in% 2 else isTRUE(debug[[i]]))) {
compareTime <- if (is.null(attr(sim, "completedCounter")) ||
attr(sim, "completedCounter") == 1) {
} else {
.POSIXct(sim@completed[[as.character(attr(sim, "completedCounter") - 1)]]$._clockTime)
outMess <- paste0("elpsd: ", format(Sys.time() - compareTime, digits = 2),
" | ", paste(format(unname(current(sim)), digits = 4), collapse = " "))
} else {
if (is(debug[[i]], "call")) {
outMess <- try(eval(debug[[i]]))
} else if (identical(debug[[i]], "simList")) {
outMess <- try(capture.output(sim))
} else if (isTRUE(grepl(debug[[i]], pattern = "\\("))) {
outMess <- try(eval(parse(text = debug[[i]])))
} else if (isTRUE(any(debug[[i]] %in% unlist(cur[c("moduleName", "eventType")])))) {
outMess <- NULL
if (is.environment(fnEnv)) {
if (all(debug[[i]] %in% unlist(cur[c("moduleName", "eventType")]))) {
debugonce(get(paste0("doEvent.", curModuleName), envir = fnEnv))
on.exit(get(paste0("doEvent.", curModuleName), envir = fnEnv))
} else if (!any(debug[[i]] %in% c("browser"))) { # any other
if (!is.function(debug[[i]])) {
outMess <- tryCatch([[i]], list(sim)), silent = TRUE,
error = function(e) NULL)
} else {
outMess <- try(debug[[i]](sim))
} else {
outMess <- NULL
if ( {
reproducible::messageDF(outMess, colour = "green", colnames = FALSE)
} else {
w <- getOption("width")
suppress <- lapply(outMess, function(x)
message(cli::col_green(substring(x, first = 1, last = w - 30))))
updateParamSlotInAllModules <- function(paramsList, newParamValues, paramSlot,
needClass, needValuesMess) {
if (!is(newParamValues, needClass) && ! {
if (missing(needValuesMess))
needValuesMess <- ""
stop(newParamValues, " must be class '", needClass, "'. It must be ", needValuesMess)
paramsLocal <- paramsList
whNonHiddenModules <- !grepl(names(paramsList), pattern = "\\.")
paramsList[whNonHiddenModules] <- lapply(paramsList[whNonHiddenModules], function(x) {
x[[paramSlot]] <- newParamValues
loggingMessagePrefixLength <- 15
loggingMessage <- function(mess, suffix = NULL, prefix = NULL) {
st <- Sys.time()
stForm1 <- "%h%d"
stForm2 <- paste(stForm1, "%H:%M:%S")
numCharsMax <- max(0, getOption("spades.messagingNumCharsModule", 21) - loggingMessagePrefixLength)
middleFix <- ""
noNew <- FALSE
if (numCharsMax > 0) {
sim2 <- list() # don't put a `sim` here because whereInStack will find this one
while (!is(sim2, "simList")) {
simEnv <- try(whereInStack("sim"), silent = TRUE)
if (is(simEnv, "try-error"))
sim <- get0("sim", envir = simEnv, inherits = FALSE)
if (is(sim, "simList"))
sim2 <- sim
if (!is(sim, "try-error") && !is.null(sim)) {
# If this is a nested spades call, will have time already at start
if (startsWith(mess, strftime(st, format = "%h%d"))) {
noNew <- TRUE
} else {
middleFix <- paste(sim[["._simNesting"]], collapse = "/")
prependTime <- strftime(st, format = stForm2)
# need to remove final \n, but strsplit on any internal \n
slashN <- gregexpr("\n", mess)[[1]]
if (isTRUE(slashN[1] > 0)) {
# Eliot -- I tried various ways of doing this ... they are similar execution time; this is simplest
len <- length(slashN)
mess <- gsub(pattern = "\\n$", replacement = "", mess)
if (len > 1) {
mess <- strsplit(mess, "\n")[[1]]
mess[-len] <- paste0(mess[-len], "\n")
# Prepend the middle
if (isTRUE(any(grepl("\b", mess)))) {
# noNew <- TRUE
mess <- gsub(" {2,100}", " ", mess) # get rid of multi-space -- but only if \b because could be indent
} else {
messPoss <- paste0(middleFix, " ", mess)
if (!isTRUE(noNew)) {
# Prepend the time
mess <- paste0(prependTime, " ", messPoss)
#' Alternative way to define events in SpaDES.core
#' There are two ways to define what occurs during an event: defining a function
#' called `doEvent.moduleName`, where `moduleName` is the actual module name.
#' This approach is the original approach used in SpaDES.core, and it must have an
#' explicit `switch` statement branching on `eventType`.
#' The newer approach (still experimental) uses `defineEvent()`.
#' Instead of creating, `doEvent.moduleName()`, it creates one function
#' for each event, each with the name `doEvent.moduleName.eventName`.
#' This may be a little bit cleaner, but both with still work.
#' @param sim A `simList`
#' @param eventName Character string of the desired event name to define. Default is "init"
#' @param moduleName Character string of the name of the module. If this function is
#' used within a module, then it will try to find the module name.
#' @param code An expression that defines the code to execute during the event. This will
#' be captured, and pasted into a new function (`doEvent.moduleName.eventName`),
#' remaining unevaluated until that new function is called.
#' @param envir An optional environment to specify where to put the resulting function.
#' The default will place a function called `doEvent.moduleName.eventName` in the
#' module function location, i.e., `sim$.mods[[moduleName]]`. However, if this
#' location does not exist, then it will place it in the `parent.frame()`, with a message.
#' Normally, especially, if used within SpaDES module code, this should be left missing.
#' @export
#' @seealso [defineModule()], [simInit()], [scheduleEvent()]
#' @examples
#' sim <- simInit()
#' # these put the functions in the parent.frame() which is .GlobalEnv for an interactive user
#' defineEvent(sim, "init", moduleName = "thisTestModule", code = {
#' sim <- Init(sim) # initialize
#' # Now schedule some different event for "current time", i.e., will
#' # be put in the event queue to run *after* this current event is finished
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim), "thisTestModule", "grow")
#' }, envir = envir(sim))
#' defineEvent(sim, "grow", moduleName = "thisTestModule", code = {
#' sim <- grow(sim) # grow
#' # Now schedule this same event for "current time plus 1", i.e., a "loop"
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, time(sim) + 1, "thisTestModule", "grow") # for "time plus 1"
#' })
#' Init <- function(sim) {
#' sim$messageToWorld <- "Now the sim has an object in it that can be accessed"
#' sim$size <- 1 # initializes the size object --> this can be anything, Raster, list, whatever
#' message(sim$messageToWorld)
#' return(sim) # returns all the things you added to sim as they are in the simList
#' }
#' grow <- function(sim) {
#' sim$size <- sim$size + 1 # increments the size
#' message(sim$size)
#' return(sim)
#' }
#' # schedule that first "init" event
#' sim <- scheduleEvent(sim, 0, "thisTestModule", "init")
#' # Look at event queue
#' events(sim) # shows the "init" we just added
#' \donttest{
#' # this is skipped when running in automated tests; it is fine in interactive use
#' out <- spades(sim)
#' }
defineEvent <- function(sim, eventName = "init", code, moduleName = NULL,
envir = parent.frame()) {
code <- substitute(code)
curMod <- currentModule(sim)
if (is.null(moduleName))
moduleName <- currentModule(sim)
useSimModsEnv <- FALSE
if (missing(envir)) {
if (is.null(moduleName)) {
if (length(curMod) > 0) {
useSimModsEnv <- TRUE
} else {
if (exists(moduleName, sim$.mods, inherits = FALSE))
useSimModsEnv <- TRUE
# envir <- if (useSimModsEnv) sim$.mods[[moduleName]] else parent.frame()
eventFnName <- makeEventFn(moduleName, eventName)
fn <- defineEventFnMaker(substitute(code), eventFnName)
# fn <- paste0("
# fn <- function(sim, eventTime, eventType, priority) {
# ",
# paste(format(substitute(code)), collapse = "\n")
# ,"
# return(sim)
# }
# ")
parsedFn <- parse(text = fn)
if (!useSimModsEnv) {
if (is.null(sim@.xData[[eventFnElementEnvir()]])) {
sim@.xData[[eventFnElementEnvir()]] <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
sim@.xData[[eventFnElementEnvir()]][[eventFnName]] <- list(envir = envir,
digest = .robustDigest(parsedFn))
assign(eventFnName, eval(parsedFn, envir = new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))),
envir = envir)
# assign(eventFnName, eval(parsedFn, envir = new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))),
# envir = envir)
theEvalEnvir <- environment(get(eventFnName, envir = envir))
rm(list = ls(theEvalEnvir), envir = theEvalEnvir)
makeEventFn <- function(curModuleName, eventType) {
paste("doEvent", curModuleName, eventType, sep = ".")
eventFnElement <- function() ".eventFnDigest"
eventFnElementEnvir <- function() ".eventFnEnvir"
moduleNameStripped <- function(modName, numCharsMax) {
if (!is.null(modName)) {
nchr <- nchar(modName)
tooManyVowels <- nchr - numCharsMax
numConsonnants <- nchar(gsub("[AEIOUaeiou]", "", modName))
tooFewVowels <- if (numConsonnants >= numCharsMax) 0 else min(tooManyVowels, numCharsMax - numConsonnants)
modName8Chars <-
tooFewVowels,",",tooManyVowels,"}"), "",
modName, perl = TRUE), 1, numCharsMax))
nchr <- nchar(modName8Chars)
if (nchr < numCharsMax) {
modName8Chars <- paste0(modName8Chars,
paste(collapse = "", rep(" ", numCharsMax - nchr)))
modName <- modName8Chars
} else {
modName <- ""
debugMessTRUE <- function(sim, events) {
if (missing(events))
events <- current(sim)
evnts1 <- data.frame(events)
widths <- unname(unlist(lapply(format(evnts1), nchar)))
sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]] <- pmax(widths, sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]])
evnts1[1L, ] <- sprintf(paste0("%-", sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]],"s"), evnts1)
evnts1[1L, 1L] <- sprintf(paste0("%.4", "g"), as.numeric(evnts1[1L, 1L]))
evnts1[1L, 1L] <- sprintf(paste0("%-", sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]][1L], "s"), evnts1[1L, 1L])
if (.pkgEnv[[".spadesDebugFirst"]]) {
evnts2 <- evnts1
evnts2[1L:2L, ] <- rbind(sprintf(paste0("%-",sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]], "s"), names(evnts2)),
sprintf(paste0("%-",sim[[".spadesDebugWidth"]], "s"), evnts2))
outMess <- paste(unname(evnts2[1, ]), collapse = ' ')
outMess <- c(outMess, paste(unname(evnts2[2, ]), collapse = ' '))
# write.table(evnts2, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
.pkgEnv[[".spadesDebugFirst"]] <- FALSE
} else {
colnames(evnts1) <- NULL
# write.table(evnts1, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
outMess <- paste(unname(evnts1), collapse = ' ')
runScheduleEventsOnly <- function(sim, fn, env, wh = c("switch", "scheduleEvent"), currnt) {
if (missing(currnt)) {
currnt <- unlist(current(sim))
currnt[["eventTime"]] <- as.numeric(currnt[["eventTime"]])
if (missing(fn)) {
fn <- parse(text = deparse(sim$.mods[[currnt[["moduleName"]]]][[paste0("doEvent.", currnt[["moduleName"]])]]))[[1]]
env <- environment(sim$.mods[[currnt[["moduleName"]]]][[paste0("doEvent.", currnt[["moduleName"]])]])
num <- grep(wh[1], fn)
if (wh[1] != "scheduleEvent") {
if (num == 1) {
num <- which(names(fn) %in% currnt[["eventType"]])
wh <- wh[-1]
sim <- runScheduleEventsOnly(sim = sim, fn = fn[[num]], env = env, wh = wh, currnt = currnt)
} else {
env2 <- new.env(parent = env)
env2$sim <- sim
for (i in num) {
sim <- eval(fn[[i]], envir = env2)
## don't change Caching based on .useCache etc. -
## e.g., add "init" to .inputObjects vector shouldn't recalculate
paramsDontCacheOn <- .knownDotParams
#' @importFrom reproducible .cacheMessageObjectToRetrieve extractFromCache loadFromCache
#' @importFrom reproducible messageCache showCache
allowSequentialCaching1 <- function(sim, cacheIt, moduleCall, verbose) {
attr(sim, "runFnCallAsExpr") <- NULL
if (!is.null(sim[["._prevCache"]]) && isTRUE(cacheIt)) {
sc <- showCache(cacheId = sim[["._prevCache"]], x = cachePath(sim), verbose = -1)
# sc <- showCache(userTags = sim[["._prevCache"]], verbose = FALSE)[cacheId %in% sim[["._prevCache"]]]
nextEvent <- unique(extractFromCache(sc, paste0(sequentialCacheText, "NextEventCacheId")))
cur <- current(sim)
if (length(nextEvent) > 1) {
nextEventName <- unique(extractFromCache(sc, paste0(sequentialCacheText, "NextEvent")))
nextModuleName <- unique(extractFromCache(sc, paste0(sequentialCacheText, "NextModule")))
keep <- which(nextEventName %in% cur[["eventType"]] & nextModuleName %in% cur[["moduleName"]])
if (length(keep))
nextEvent <- nextEvent[keep]
if (length(keep) == 0)
nextEvent <- NULL
if (length(nextEvent != sim[["._prevCache"]]) > 1) browser()
if (!is.null(nextEvent) && nextEvent != sim[["._prevCache"]]) {
# The user can't have modified the function being run
scNe <- showCache(cacheId = nextEvent, x = cachePath(sim), verbose = -1)
# d <- .robustDigest(Copy(sim, objects = FALSE))
# need to check for non-object (e.g., function, params, depends) that could have changed
# checkParams
sPoss <- .robustDigest(Copy(sim, objects = FALSE))
scNePreDigests <- scNe$tagValue["preDigest" == scNe$tagKey]
wh <- c("params", "depends")
wh2 <- paste0("sim.", wh)
noChanges <- logical(length(wh) + 1)
for (iii in seq(wh)) {
paramCIs <- gsub(".+:(.+)", "\\1", scNePreDigests[startsWith(scNePreDigests, wh2[iii])])
noChanges[iii] <- all(unlist(sPoss[[wh[iii]]][[cur[["moduleName"]]]]) %in% paramCIs)
# preModCall <- if (moduleCall == ".inputObjects") "\\.\\" else "\\."
# grepVal <- paste0("sim\\.\\.list\\.", cur[["moduleName"]], preModCall, moduleCall)
# Check that function itself (.inputObject or doEvent.XXX) has not changed
grepVal <- paste0("sim..list.", cur[["moduleName"]], ".", moduleCall)
scFn <- startsWith(scNePreDigests, grepVal) # grepl(scNePreDigests, pattern = grepVal)
a <- .robustDigest(sim[[".mods"]][[cur[["moduleName"]]]][[moduleCall]])
b <- gsub(".+:(.+)", "\\1", scNePreDigests[scFn])
noChanges[length(noChanges)] <- (a %in% b)
noChange <- all(noChanges)
if (isTRUE(noChange)) {
isMemoised <- reproducible::.isMemoised(cacheId = nextEvent, cachePath = cachePath(sim))
simSkip <- try(loadFromCache(cachePath(sim), cacheId = nextEvent, verbose = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
if (!is(simSkip, "try-error")) {
if (all(current(simSkip) == current(sim))) {
attr(sim, "runFnCallAsExpr") <- FALSE # the trigger to NOT pull the next event
sim <- .prepareOutput(simSkip, cachePath(sim), sim)
.cacheMessageObjectToRetrieve(functionName = moduleCall, fullCacheTableForObj = sc,
cachePath = cachePath(sim),
cacheId = sim[["._prevCache"]], verbose = verbose)
messageCache("Skipped digest of simList because sequential Cache calls of events",
verbose = verbose)
.cacheMessage(sim, functionName = moduleCall, fromMemoise = isMemoised, verbose = verbose)
attr(sim, "tags") <- paste0("cacheId:", nextEvent)
allowSequentialCachingUpdateTags <- function(sim, cacheIt) {
if (!isTRUE(cacheIt)) {
attr(sim, "tags") <- NULL
attr(sim, ".Cache") <- NULL
sim[["._prevCache"]] <- NULL
attr(sim, "runFnCallAsExpr") <- NULL
allowSequentialCachingFinal <- function(sim) {
wasFromCache <- !is.null(attr(sim, "tags"))
if (wasFromCache) {
thisCacheId <- gsub("cacheId:", "", attr(sim, "tags"))
if (!is.null(sim[["._prevCache"]])) {
sc <- showCache(cacheId = sim[["._prevCache"]], x = cachePath(sim), verbose = -1)
cp <- cachePath(sim)
cur <- current(sim)
seqCache <- sc[startsWith(sc$tagKey, sequentialCacheText)]
# This is multiple tags for the NextEvent stuff
if (length(thisCacheId) > 1) browser()
args <- data.frame(cacheId = sim[["._prevCache"]],
tagKey = paste0(sequentialCacheText, "Next", c("EventCacheId", "Module", "Event")),
tagValue = c(thisCacheId, cur[["moduleName"]], cur[["eventType"]]),
cachePath = cp)
if (all(c(cur[["moduleName"]], cur[["eventType"]]) %in% seqCache$tagValue) || NROW(seqCache) == 0) {
fn <- reproducible:::.updateTagsRepo
args$add = TRUE
} else {
fn <- reproducible:::.addTagsRepo
# put all tags in
by(args, INDICES = seq_len(NROW(args)), FUN = function(a), a))
sim[["._prevCache"]] <- thisCacheId
#' @importFrom reproducible CacheStorageDir
clearNextEventInCache <- function(cachePath = getOption("reproducible.cachePath"),
key = paste0(sequentialCacheText, "Next")) {
onesWithNextEvent <- character()
a <- lapply(dir(CacheStorageDir(cachePath), pattern = "dbFile", full.names = TRUE), function(x) {
y <- readRDS(x)
if (any(grep(key, y$tagKey))) {
y <- y[grep(paste0("^", key), tagKey, invert = TRUE)]
message("resaving ", x)
onesWithNextEvent <<- c(onesWithNextEvent, x)
saveRDS(y, file = x)
sequentialCacheText <- "SequentialCache_"
appendCompleted <- function(sim, cur) {
# if (cur$moduleName == "checkpoint") browser()
cur[["._clockTime"]] <- Sys.time() # adds between 1 and 3 microseconds, per event b/c R won't let us use .Internal(Sys.time())
last <- attr(sim, "completedCounter")
isLastWrong <- length(sim@completed) != last
if (isTRUE(isLastWrong)) {
last <- attr(sim, "completedCounter") <- NULL
# if ("Biomass_borealDataPrep" %in% cur$moduleName && "init" %in% cur$eventType) browser()
if (is.null(last)) {
prevTime <- cur[["._clockTime"]]
} else {
prevTime <- sim@completed[[as.character(last)]]$._clockTime
cur[["._prevEventTimeFinish"]] <- prevTime
if (!is.null(attr(sim, "completedCounter"))) { # use attr(sim, "completedCounter")
#instead of sim@.xData because collisions with parallel sims from same sim object
# next section replaces sim@completed <- append(sim@completed, list(cur)),
# which gets slower with size of sim@completed
# sim@completed <- append(sim@completed, list(cur))
# following does not: it is more or less O(1). Algorithm from:
# it basically increases size of list by *2 every time it fills up
# increase length of list by doubling as it grows
# if(attr(sim, "completedCounter")==attr(sim, "completedSize")) {
# lenCompl <- length(sim@completed)
# if (lenCompl > .pkgEnv[["spades.nCompleted"]]) { # we are above desired
# if (attr(sim, "completedCounter") >= lenCompl ) { # We can now cull earlier ones
# keepFrom <- lenCompl - .pkgEnv[["spades.nCompleted"]]
# sim@completed <- sim@completed[keepFrom:lenCompl] # keep 10000 of them, from lenCompl - nCompleted to current
# attr(sim, "completedSize") <- length(sim@completed)
# attr(sim, "completedCounter") <- attr(sim, "completedSize")
# }
# }
# attr(sim, "completedSize") <- attr(sim, "completedSize") * 2
# #length(sim@completed) <- attr(sim, "completedSize")
# }
# faster to use assign
attr(sim, "completedCounter") <- attr(sim, "completedCounter") + 1
assign(as.character(attr(sim, "completedCounter")), value = cur, envir = sim@completed)
#sim@completed[[as.character(attr(sim, "completedCounter"))]] <- cur
} else {
# This chunk only occurs during the first event of a `spades` call
if (!isFALSE(sim@.xData$._ranInitDuringSimInit)) {
cc <- NROW(sim@completed) + 1
cs <- cc * 2
} else {
cc <- 1
cs <- 2
attr(sim, "completedCounter") <- cc
attr(sim, "completedSize") <- cs
sim@completed[[as.character(cc)]] <- cur
appendEvents <- function(sim, eventTime, eventType, moduleName, eventPriority) {
if (! {
if (eventTime < 0) {
stop("You have tried to schedule an event with negative time. You cannot do this. ",
" Reschedule event (", eventType," event in ", moduleName, " module) with positive time.")
eventTimeInSeconds <- calculateEventTimeInSeconds(sim, eventTime, moduleName)
attr(eventTimeInSeconds, "unit") <- "second"
if (eventTimeInSeconds < sim@simtimes$start)
stop("You have tried to schedule an event before start(sim). You cannot do this.",
" Reschedule event (", eventType," event in ", moduleName, " module) at or after start(sim).")
newEventList <- list(list(
eventTime = eventTimeInSeconds,
moduleName = moduleName,
eventType = eventType,
eventPriority = eventPriority
numEvents <- length(sim@events)
# put new event into event queue
if (numEvents == 0L) {
slot(sim, "events", check = FALSE) <- newEventList
} else {
slot(sim, "events", check = FALSE) <- append(sim@events, newEventList)
needSort <- TRUE
if (eventTimeInSeconds > sim@events[[numEvents]][[1]]) {
needSort <- FALSE
} else if (eventTimeInSeconds == sim@events[[numEvents]][[1]] &&
eventPriority >= sim@events[[numEvents]][[4]]) {
needSort <- FALSE
if (needSort) {
ord <- order(unlist(lapply(sim@events, function(x) x$eventTime)),
unlist(lapply(sim@events, function(x) x$eventPriority)))
slot(sim, "events") <- sim@events[ord]
defineEventFnMaker <- function(code, eventFnName) {
codeAsTxt <- format(code)
if (identical(codeAsTxt[1], "{"))
codeAsTxt <- codeAsTxt[-1]
if (identical(codeAsTxt[length(codeAsTxt)], "}"))
codeAsTxt <- codeAsTxt[-length(codeAsTxt)]
fn <- paste0("
", eventFnName, " <- function(sim, eventTime, eventType, priority) {
", paste(codeAsTxt, collapse = "\n") ,"
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