
Defines functions plot_venn_fill

plot_venn_fill <- function(dat, covari.sel, cat.sel, trt.sel, resp.sel, outcome.type,
                           range.strip=c(-6, 6), n.brk=13,
               font.size = c(1, 1.5, 1, 0.9, 1, 1), title = NULL, strip = NULL,
               effect = "HR", show.overall = TRUE,
               palette = "divergent", col.power = 0.5, cat.dist = "default",
               grid.newpage = TRUE){

  if (grid.newpage) old.par <- par(no.readonly=T)

  ################################################ 0. argument validity check  #################################################################
  effect = match.arg(effect)
  if (missing(dat)) stop("Data have not been inputed!")
  if (!(is.data.frame(dat))) stop("The data set is not with a data frame!")

  if (missing(covari.sel)) stop("The variables for defining subgroups have not been specified!")
  if (!(is.numeric(covari.sel))) stop("The variables for defining subgroups are not numeric!")
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)) if (!(is.factor(dat[,covari.sel[i]]))) stop("The variables for defining subgroups are not categorical!")
  if ((length(covari.sel) > 5) || (length(covari.sel) < 1)){
    stop("The length of covari.sel (corresponding to the number of sets) should be at least 1 or at most 5!")

  if (missing(cat.sel) || length(cat.sel) != length(covari.sel)){
    stop("The categories that define subgroups have not been specified or its length does not correspond to the length of the argument covari.sel!")
  if (!(is.numeric(cat.sel))) stop("The category indices are not numeric!")

  if (missing(trt.sel)) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code (for treatment / control groups) has not been specified!")
  if (!(length(trt.sel) == 1)) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code can not have more than one component!")
  if (!(is.factor(dat[, trt.sel]))) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code is not categorical!")
  if (length(names(table(dat[, trt.sel]))) > 2) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code is not binary!")
  if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, trt.sel])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop("The treatment code is not 1 and 0 (for treatment / control groups)!")

  type.all = c("continuous", "binary",  "survival")
  if (is.null(outcome.type)) stop("The type of the response variable has not been specified!")
  if (!(is.element(outcome.type, type.all)) == TRUE) stop("A unrecognized type has been inputed!")
  if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variable has not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 1)) stop("The response variable has more than one component!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel]))) stop("The response variable is not numeric!")
  }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variable has not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 1)) stop("The response variable has more than one component!")
    if (!(is.factor(dat[, resp.sel]) || is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel])  )) stop("The response variable is not categorical or numerical!")
    if (length(names(table(dat[, resp.sel]))) > 2) stop("The response variable is not binary!")
    if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, resp.sel])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop(" The response variable is not coded as 0 and 1!")
  }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variablehas not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 2)) stop("The response variable for analysing survival data should have two components!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel[1]]))) stop("The response variable specifying survival time is not numeric!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel[2]]) || is.logical(dat[, resp.sel[2]]) ) ) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring should be numerical or logical!")
    if (length(names(table(dat[, resp.sel[2]]))) > 2) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring is not binary!")
    if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, resp.sel[2]])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring is not coded as 0 and 1!")

  if (!(is.numeric(range.strip))) stop("The argument about the range for displaying effect sizes is not a numeric vector!")
  if (length(range.strip) > 2) stop("The range for displaying effect sizes should be specified by two values!")
  if (range.strip[1] > range.strip[2]) stop("The range for displaying effect sizes is not specified correctly (the former compoent should be
                                            smaller than the latter)!")

  if (!(is.numeric(n.brk))) stop("The argument about the break points in the range for displaying effect sizes is not numeric!")
  if (length(n.brk) > 1) stop("The number of the break points in the range for displaying effect sizes should be greater than 1!")

  if (!(is.numeric(font.size))) stop("The argument about the font sizes of the label and text is not numeric!")
  if (!(length(font.size) == 6)) stop("The font size setups for labels or text should have six components only!")

  ################################################ 1. create subgroup data  #################################################################

  # grid::grid.newpage()
  lab.vars = names(dat)[covari.sel]              # set the names of the covariates which relates to the defined subgroup; if a covariate
                                                 # are considered for multiple times, we make their name identical. (otherwise, the resulsting
                                                 # names are like var.1, var.2 and so on.)

  names(dat)[trt.sel] = "trt"                            # rename the variable for treatment code
  if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel] = "resp"                        # rename the response variable
  }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel] = "resp"                        # rename the response variable
  }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel[1]] = "time"                     # rename the response variable for survival time
    names(dat)[resp.sel[2]] = "status"                   # rename the response variable for survival right censoring status

  # Calculate overall Treatment effect ### TODO Look for confidence intervals ----------
  if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
    model.int = lm(resp ~ trt,  data = dat)
    model.sum = summary(model.int)
    overall.treatment.mean = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
    overall.treatment.upper = 0
    overall.treatment.lower = 0
  }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
    model.int = glm(resp ~ trt, family = "binomial", data = dat)
    model.sum = summary(model.int)
    overall.treatment.mean = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
    overall.treatment.upper = 0
    overall.treatment.lower = 0
  }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
    if (effect == "HR"){
      model.int = survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = dat)
      model.sum = summary(model.int)
      overall.treatment.mean = model.sum$coef[1, 1]
      overall.treatment.upper = log(model.sum$conf.int[1, 4])
      overall.treatment.lower = log(model.sum$conf.int[1, 3])
    if (effect == "RMST"){
      dat.subgr.i = dat
      rmst = survRM2::rmst2(time = dat.subgr.i$time, status = dat.subgr.i$status,
                            arm = dat.subgr.i$trt, tau = time)
      overall.treatment.mean = rmst$unadjusted.result[1,1]
      overall.treatment.upper = 0
      overall.treatment.lower = 0

  for (i in 1: length(covari.sel)){
    cond = covari.sel == covari.sel[[i]]
    lab.vars[cond] = rep(lab.vars[i], length(which(cond == TRUE)))

  n.subgrp = length(cat.sel)
  n.subgrp.tol = sum(sapply(0:n.subgrp, function(x) choose(n.subgrp, x)))
  cats.var.all = list()
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)){
    cats.var.all[[i]] = names(table(dat[, covari.sel[i]]))

  if (n.subgrp == 1){
    A = dat[, covari.sel[1]] == cats.var.all[[1]][cat.sel[1]]
    cond = list()
    cond[[1]] = which( A  == T  );  n.1 = length(which( A == T  ))
    cond[[2]] = which( A  != T  );  n.compl = length(which( A != T  ))
    cat("Only one subgroup defining variable. Try with two or more.")
    vp = VennDiagram::draw.single.venn(area = sum(A),
                                  category = names(dat)[covari.sel],
                                  lty = 1, ind = F,
                                  fill = "white", title = title)
  }else if (n.subgrp == 2){

    A = dat[, covari.sel[1]] == cats.var.all[[1]][cat.sel[1]]
    B = dat[, covari.sel[2]] == cats.var.all[[2]][cat.sel[2]]
    cond = list()
    cond[[1]] = which( A & !B == T  );  n.1 = length(which( A & !B == T  ))
    cond[[2]] = which( !A & B == T  );  n.2 = length(which( !A & B == T  ))
    cond[[3]] = which(A & B == T  );    n.12 = length(which(A & B == T  ))
    cond[[4]] = which(!A & !B == T  );  n.compl = length(which(!A & !B == T  ))
    if(cat.dist[1] == "default") cat.dist = rep(0.025, 2)
    vp = VennDiagram::draw.pairwise.venn(area1 = sum(A),
                                        area2 = sum(B),
                                        cross.area = sum(A&B),
                                        scaled = F,
                                        ext.pos = c(90,90),
                                        # inverted = sum(A)<sum(B),
                                        category = names(dat)[covari.sel],
                                        cat.dist = cat.dist,
                                        lty = 1,
                                        fill = "white", ind = F,
                                        title = title)

  }else if (n.subgrp == 3){
    A = dat[, covari.sel[1]] == cats.var.all[[1]][cat.sel[1]]
    B = dat[, covari.sel[2]] == cats.var.all[[2]][cat.sel[2]]
    C = dat[, covari.sel[3]] == cats.var.all[[3]][cat.sel[3]]
    cond = list()
    cond[[1]] = which( A & !B & !C == T  );  n.1 = length(which( A & !B & !C == T  ))
    cond[[2]] = which( !A & B & !C == T  );  n.2 = length(which( !A & B & !C == T  ))
    cond[[3]] = which( !A & !B & C == T  );  n.3 = length(which( !A & !B & C == T  ))
    cond[[4]] = which( A & B & !C == T  );   n.12 = length(which( A & B & !C == T  ))
    cond[[5]] = which( A & !B & C == T  );   n.13 = length(which( A & !B & C == T  ))
    cond[[6]] = which( !A & B & C == T  );   n.23 = length(which(!A & B & C == T  ))
    cond[[7]] = which( A & B & C == T  );    n.123 = length(which(A & B & C == T  ))
    cond[[8]] = which( !A & !B & !C == T  ); n.compl = length(which(!A & !B & !C == T  ))

    if(cat.dist[1] == "default") cat.dist = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.025)
    vp = VennDiagram::draw.triple.venn(area1 = sum(A),
                                  area2 = sum(B),
                                  area3 = sum(C),
                                  n12 = sum(A&B),
                                  n13 = sum(A&C),
                                  n23 = sum(B&C),
                                  n123 = sum(A&B&C),
                                  rotation.degree = 60,
                                  cat.pos  = c(225, 0, 140),
                                  euler.d = F, scaled = F,
                                  category = names(dat)[covari.sel],
                                  cat.dist = cat.dist,
                                  cat.fontfamily = rep("sans", 3),
                                  fontfamily = rep("sans", 7),
                                  ind = FALSE,
                                  lty = 1, cex = 1, cat.cex = 1,
                                  fill = "white", title = title)
  }else if(n.subgrp == 4){
    A = dat[, covari.sel[1]] == cats.var.all[[1]][cat.sel[1]]
    B = dat[, covari.sel[2]] == cats.var.all[[2]][cat.sel[2]]
    C = dat[, covari.sel[3]] == cats.var.all[[3]][cat.sel[3]]
    D = dat[, covari.sel[4]] == cats.var.all[[4]][cat.sel[4]]

    cond = list()
    cond[[1]] = which( A & !B & !C & !D == T  );   n.1 = length(which( A & !B & !C & !D == T  ))
    cond[[2]] = which( !A & B & !C & !D == T  );   n.2 = length(which( !A & B & !C & !D == T  ))
    cond[[3]] = which( !A & !B & C & !D == T  );   n.3 = length(which( !A & !B & C & !D == T  ))
    cond[[4]] = which( !A & !B & !C & D == T  );   n.4 = length(which( !A & !B & !C & D == T  ))
    cond[[5]] = which( A & B & !C & !D == T  );    n.12 = length(which( A & B & !C & !D == T  ))
    cond[[6]] = which( A & !B & C & !D == T  );    n.13 = length(which( A & !B & C & !D == T  ))
    cond[[7]] = which( A & !B & !C & D == T  );    n.14 = length(which( A & !B & !C & D == T  ))
    cond[[8]] = which( !A & B & C & !D == T  );    n.23 = length(which(!A & B & C & !D == T  ))
    cond[[9]] = which( !A & B & !C & D == T  );    n.24 = length(which(!A & B & !C & D == T  ))
    cond[[10]] = which( !A & !B & C & D == T  );   n.34 = length(which(!A & !B & C & D == T  ))
    cond[[11]] = which( A & B & C & !D == T  );    n.123 = length(which(A & B & C & !D == T  ))
    cond[[12]] = which( A & B & !C & D == T  );    n.124 = length(which(A & B & !C & D == T  ))
    cond[[13]] = which( A & !B & C & D == T  );    n.134 = length(which(A & !B & C & D == T  ))
    cond[[14]] = which( !A & B & C & D == T  );    n.234 = length(which(!A & B & C & D == T  ))
    cond[[15]] = which( A & B & C & D == T  );     n.1234 = length(which(A & B & C & D == T  ))
    cond[[16]] = which( !A & !B & !C & !D == T  ); n.compl = length(which(!A & !B & !C & !D == T  ))

    if(cat.dist[1] == "default") cat.dist = c(0.22, 0.22, 0.11, 0.11)
    vp = VennDiagram::draw.quad.venn(area1 = sum(A),
                                area2 = sum(B),
                                area3 = sum(C),
                                area4 = sum(D),
                                n12 = sum(A&B),
                                n13 = sum(A&C),
                                n14 = sum(A&D),
                                n23 = sum(B&C),
                                n24 = sum(B&D),
                                n34 = sum(C&D),
                                n123 = sum(A&B&C),
                                n124 = sum(A&B&D),
                                n134 = sum(A&C&D),
                                n234 = sum(B&C&D),
                                n1234 = sum(A&B&C&D),
                                category = names(dat)[covari.sel],
                                cat.dist = cat.dist,
                                lty = 1, ind = F,
                                fill = "white", title = title)

  }else if(n.subgrp == 5){
    A = dat[, covari.sel[1]] == cats.var.all[[1]][cat.sel[1]]
    B = dat[, covari.sel[2]] == cats.var.all[[2]][cat.sel[2]]
    C = dat[, covari.sel[3]] == cats.var.all[[3]][cat.sel[3]]
    D = dat[, covari.sel[4]] == cats.var.all[[4]][cat.sel[4]]
    E = dat[, covari.sel[5]] == cats.var.all[[5]][cat.sel[5]]

    cond = list()
    cond[[1]] = which( A & !B & !C & !D & !E == T  );   n.1 = length(which( A & !B & !C & !D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[2]] = which( !A & B & !C & !D & !E == T  );   n.2 = length(which( !A & B & !C & !D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[3]] = which( !A & !B & C & !D & !E == T  );   n.3 = length(which( !A & !B & C & !D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[4]] = which( !A & !B & !C & D & !E == T  );   n.4 = length(which( !A & !B & !C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[5]] = which( !A & !B & !C & !D & E == T  );   n.5 = length(which( !A & !B & !C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[6]] = which( A & B & !C & !D & !E == T  );    n.12 = length(which( A & B & !C & !D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[7]] = which( A & !B & C & !D & !E == T  );    n.13 = length(which( A & !B & C & !D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[8]] = which( A & !B & !C & D & !E == T  );    n.14 = length(which( A & !B & !C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[9]] = which( A & !B & !C & !D & E == T  );    n.15 = length(which( A & !B & !C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[10]] = which( !A & B & C & !D & !E == T  );   n.23 = length(which( !A & B & C & !D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[11]] = which( !A & B & !C & D & !E == T  );   n.24 = length(which( !A & B & !C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[12]] = which( !A & B & !C & !D & E == T  );   n.25 = length(which( !A & B & !C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[13]] = which( !A & !B & C & D & !E == T  );   n.34 = length(which( !A & !B & C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[14]] = which( !A & !B & C & !D & E == T  );   n.35 = length(which( !A & !B & C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[15]] = which( !A & !B & !C & D & E == T  );   n.45 = length(which( !A & !B & !C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[16]] = which( A & B & C & !D & !E == T  );    n.123 = length(which( A & B & C & !D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[17]] = which( A & B & !C & D & !E == T  );    n.124 = length(which( A & B & !C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[18]] = which( A & B & !C & !D & E == T  );    n.125 = length(which( A & B & !C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[19]] = which( A & !B & C & D & !E == T  );    n.134 = length(which( A & !B & C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[20]] = which( A & !B & C & !D & E == T  );    n.135 = length(which( A & !B & C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[21]] = which( A & !B & !C & D & E == T  );    n.145 = length(which( A & !B & !C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[22]] = which( !A & B & C & D & !E == T  );    n.234 = length(which( !A & B & C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[23]] = which( !A & B & C & !D & E == T  );    n.235 = length(which( !A & B & C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[24]] = which( !A & B & !C & D & E == T  );    n.245 = length(which( !A & B & !C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[25]] = which( !A & !B & C & D & E == T  );    n.345 = length(which( !A & !B & C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[26]] = which( A & B & C & D & !E == T  );     n.1234 = length(which( A & B & C & D & !E == T  ))
    cond[[27]] = which( A & B & C & !D & E == T  );     n.1235 = length(which( A & B & C & !D & E == T  ))
    cond[[28]] = which( A & B & !C & D & E == T  );     n.1245 = length(which( A & B & !C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[29]] = which( A & !B & C & D & E == T  );     n.1345 = length(which( A & !B & C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[30]] = which( !A & B & C & D & E == T  );     n.2345 = length(which( !A & B & C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[31]] = which( A & B & C & D & E == T  );      n.12345 = length(which( A & B & C & D & E == T  ))
    cond[[32]] = which( !A & !B & !C & !D & !E == T  ); n.compl = length(which( !A & !B & !C & !D & !E == T  ))
    if(cat.dist[1] == "default") cat.dist = rep(0.2, 5)
    vp = VennDiagram::draw.quintuple.venn(area1 = sum(A),
                                     area2 = sum(B),
                                     area3 = sum(C),
                                     area4 = sum(D),
                                     area5 = sum(E),
                                     n12 = sum(A&B),
                                     n13 = sum(A&C),
                                     n14 = sum(A&D),
                                     n15 = sum(A&E),
                                     n23 = sum(B&C),
                                     n24 = sum(B&D),
                                     n25 = sum(B&E),
                                     n34 = sum(C&D),
                                     n35 = sum(C&E),
                                     n45 = sum(D&E),
                                     n123 = sum(A&B&C),
                                     n124 = sum(A&B&D),
                                     n125 = sum(A&B&E),
                                     n134 = sum(A&C&D),
                                     n135 = sum(A&C&E),
                                     n145 = sum(A&D&E),
                                     n234 = sum(B&C&D),
                                     n235 = sum(B&C&E),
                                     n245 = sum(B&D&E),
                                     n345 = sum(C&D&E),
                                     n1234 = sum(A&B&C&D),
                                     n1235 = sum(A&B&C&E),
                                     n1245 = sum(A&B&D&E),
                                     n1345 = sum(A&C&D&E),
                                     n2345 = sum(B&C&D&E),
                                     n12345 = sum(A&B&C&D&E),
                                     cat.dist = cat.dist,
                                     category = names(dat)[covari.sel], ind = F,
                                     lty = 1, fill = "white", title = title)

  data.subgrp = list()
  for (i in 1 : n.subgrp.tol )  data.subgrp[[i]] =  dat[cond[[i]], ]

  # create matrices for treatment size and standard error of MLE
  treatment.mean = vector()
  for (i in 1 : n.subgrp.tol){
    if (outcome.type == "survival"){
      cond1 = sum(data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "0" & data.subgrp[[i]]$status == 1) <= 2
      cond2 = sum(data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "1" & data.subgrp[[i]]$status == 1) <= 2
    } else {
      cond1 = sum(data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "0") <= 2
      cond2 = sum(data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "1") <= 2
    if (cond1 | cond2 ){
      treatment.mean[i] = NA
      if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
        model.int = lm(resp ~ trt,  data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
      }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
        model.int = glm(resp ~ trt,  family = "binomial", data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
      }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
        model.int = survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coef[1, 1]

  cat("The minimum of treatment effect sizes is", c(min(treatment.mean, na.rm = T)), "\n")
  cat("The maximum of treatment effect sizes is", c(max(treatment.mean, na.rm = T)), "\n")

  ################################################ 2. produce a graph  #################################################################
  colors = numeric(n.subgrp.tol)
  pal.2 = colorRampPalette(c("#fc8d59", "#ffffbf", "#91bfdb"), space = "rgb")
  breaks <- seq(min(range.strip) - 0.0000001, max(range.strip) + 0.0000001, length.out= n.brk)
  breaks.axis <- seq(min(range.strip) - 0.0000001, max(range.strip) + 0.0000001, length.out= n.brk.axis)
  col.vec = pal.2((length(breaks)-1))
  levs = breaks

  pal.YlRd = colorRampPalette(c("#fee090", "#d73027"),  space = "rgb")
  pal.WhBl = colorRampPalette(c("#e0f3f8", "#4575b4"),  space = "rgb")

  breaks = seq(min(range.strip) - 1e-8, max(range.strip) + 1e-8, length.out = n.brk)
  col.vec.div.pos = pal.WhBl((length(breaks)-1)/2)
  col.vec.div.neg = pal.YlRd((length(breaks)-1)/2)
  col.vec = c(rev(col.vec.div.neg), col.vec.div.pos)
  if (outcome.type == "survival" & effect == "HR") col.vec = rev(col.vec)
  if (palette == "hcl"){
    col.vec = colorspace::diverge_hcl(n = length(breaks)-1,
                                      c = 100, l = c(50,90),
                                      power = col.power)
    if (!(outcome.type == "survival" & effect == "HR")) col.vec = rev(col.vec)
  for (i in 1 : (n.subgrp.tol)){
    if (is.na(treatment.mean[i])){
      colors[i] = "white"
      col.idx = which(treatment.mean[i] < breaks)
      if(length(col.idx)==0) warning("Check range of strip")
      col.idx = col.idx[1] - 1
      ### color an area corresponding to the corresponding subgroup
  if (n.subgrp == 1){
    A <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[2]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[2]][[2]])))
    ix <- sapply(vp, function(x) grepl("text", x$name, fixed = TRUE))
    labs <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(vp[ix], `[`, c("x", "y", "label")))
    labs_size = labs[1:(nrow(labs)-1), ]
    labs_sets = labs[(nrow(labs)):nrow(labs), ]
    # Plot it!
    vpf <- function(){
      plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
      rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
           col =  colors[n.subgrp.tol])
      polygon(A[[1]], col = colors[1])
      text(x = labs_size$x, y = labs_size$y, labels = labs_size$label, cex = font.size[3])
      text(x = labs_sets$x, y = labs_sets$y, labels = labs_sets$label, cex = font.size[2])

  }else if (n.subgrp == 2){
    A <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[3]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[3]][[2]])))
    B <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[4]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[4]][[2]])))
    AintB <- polyclip::polyclip(A, B)
    ix <- sapply(vp, function(x) grepl("text", x$name, fixed = TRUE))
    labs <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(vp[ix], `[`, c("x", "y", "label")))
    labs_size = labs[1:(nrow(labs)-2), ]
    labs_sets = labs[(nrow(labs)-1):nrow(labs), ]
    # Plot it!
    vpf <- function(){
      plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
      rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
           col =  colors[n.subgrp.tol])
      # text(x = labs$x, y = labs$y, labels = labs$label)
      polygon(A[[1]], col = colors[1])
      polygon(B[[1]], col = colors[2])
      polygon(AintB[[1]], col = colors[3])
      text(x = labs_size$x, y = labs_size$y, labels = labs_size$label, cex = font.size[3])
      text(x = labs_sets$x, y = labs_sets$y, labels = labs_sets$label, cex = font.size[2])

  }else if (n.subgrp == 3){
    A <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[1]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[1]][[2]])))
    B <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[2]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[2]][[2]])))
    C <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[3]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[3]][[2]])))
    AintB <- polyclip::polyclip(A, B)
    AintC <- polyclip::polyclip(A, C)
    BintC <- polyclip::polyclip(B, C)
    AiBiC <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), C)
    ix <- sapply(vp, function(x) grepl("text", x$name, fixed = TRUE))
    labs <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(vp[ix], `[`, c("x", "y", "label")))
    labs_size = labs[1:(nrow(labs)-3), ]
    labs_sets = labs[(nrow(labs)-2):nrow(labs), ]
    # Plot it!
    vpf <- function(){
      plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "")
      rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
           col =  colors[n.subgrp.tol])
      # text(x = labs$x, y = labs$y, labels = labs$label)
      polygon(A[[1]], col = colors[1])
      polygon(B[[1]], col = colors[2])
      polygon(C[[1]], col = colors[3])
      polygon(AintB[[1]], col = colors[4])
      polygon(AintC[[1]], col = colors[5])
      polygon(BintC[[1]], col = colors[6])
      polygon(AiBiC[[1]], col = colors[7])
      text(x = labs_size$x, y = labs_size$y, labels = labs_size$label, cex = font.size[3])
      text(x = labs_sets$x, y = labs_sets$y, labels = labs_sets$label, cex = font.size[2])
      text(x=0.9, y=0.9 , labels = n.compl, cex = font.size[3])
  }else if (n.subgrp == 4){
    A <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[2]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[2]][[2]])))
    B <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[1]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[1]][[2]])))
    C <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[4]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[4]][[2]])))
    D <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[3]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[3]][[2]])))
    AintB <- polyclip::polyclip(A, B)
    AintC <- polyclip::polyclip(A, C)
    AintD <- polyclip::polyclip(A, D)
    BintC <- polyclip::polyclip(B, C)
    BintD <- polyclip::polyclip(B, D)
    CintD <- polyclip::polyclip(C, D)
    AiBiC <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), C)
    AiBiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), D)
    AiCiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, C), D)
    BiCiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(B, C), D)
    AiBiCiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), C), D)

    ix <- sapply(vp, function(x) grepl("text", x$name, fixed = TRUE))
    labs <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(vp[ix], `[`, c("x", "y", "label")))
    labs_size = labs[1:(nrow(labs)-4), ]
    labs_sets = labs[(nrow(labs)-3):nrow(labs), ]
    # Plot it!
    vpf <- function(){
      plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
      rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
           col =  colors[n.subgrp.tol])
      # text(x = labs$x, y = labs$y, labels = labs$label)
      polygon(A[[1]], col = colors[1])
      polygon(B[[1]], col = colors[2])
      polygon(C[[1]], col = colors[3])
      polygon(D[[1]], col = colors[4])
      polygon(AintB[[1]], col = colors[5])
      polygon(AintC[[1]], col = colors[6])
      polygon(AintD[[1]], col = colors[7])
      polygon(BintC[[1]], col = colors[8])
      polygon(BintD[[1]], col = colors[9])
      polygon(CintD[[1]], col = colors[10])
      polygon(AiBiC[[1]], col = colors[11])
      polygon(AiBiD[[1]], col = colors[12])
      polygon(AiCiD[[1]], col = colors[13])
      polygon(BiCiD[[1]], col = colors[14])
      polygon(AiBiCiD[[1]], col = colors[15])
      text(x=0.1, y=0.1 , labels = n.compl, cex = font.size[3])
      text(x = labs_size$x, y = labs_size$y, labels = labs_size$label, cex = font.size[3])
      text(x = labs_sets$x, y = labs_sets$y, labels = labs_sets$label, cex = font.size[2])
  }else if (n.subgrp == 5){
    A <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[1]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[1]][[2]])))
    B <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[2]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[2]][[2]])))
    C <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[3]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[3]][[2]])))
    D <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[4]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[4]][[2]])))
    E <- list(list(x = as.vector(vp[[5]][[1]]), y = as.vector(vp[[5]][[2]])))
    AintB <- polyclip::polyclip(A, B)
    AintC <- polyclip::polyclip(A, C)
    AintD <- polyclip::polyclip(A, D)
    AintE <- polyclip::polyclip(A, E)
    BintC <- polyclip::polyclip(B, C)
    BintD <- polyclip::polyclip(B, D)
    BintE <- polyclip::polyclip(B, E)
    CintD <- polyclip::polyclip(C, D)
    CintE <- polyclip::polyclip(C, E)
    DintE <- polyclip::polyclip(D, E)
    AiBiC <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), C)
    AiBiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), D)
    AiBiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), E)
    AiCiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, C), D)
    AiCiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, C), E)
    AiDiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, D), E)
    BiCiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(B, C), D)
    BiCiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(B, C), E)
    BiDiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(B, D), E)
    CiDiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(C, D), E)
    AiBiCiD <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), C), D)
    AiBiCiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), C), E)
    AiBiDiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), D), E)
    AiCiDiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, C), D), E)
    BiCiDiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(B, C), D), E)
    AiBiCiDiE <- polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(polyclip::polyclip(A, B), C), D), E)

    ix <- sapply(vp, function(x) grepl("text", x$name, fixed = TRUE))
    labs <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(vp[ix], `[`, c("x", "y", "label")))
    labs_size = labs[1:(nrow(labs)-5), ]
    labs_sets = labs[(nrow(labs)-5):nrow(labs), ]
    # Plot it!

    vpf <- function(){
      plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
      rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
           col =  colors[n.subgrp.tol])
      # text(x = labs$x, y = labs$y, labels = labs$label)
      polygon(A[[1]], col = colors[1])
      polygon(B[[1]], col = colors[2])
      polygon(C[[1]], col = colors[3])
      polygon(D[[1]], col = colors[4])
      polygon(E[[1]], col = colors[5])
      polygon(AintB[[1]], col = colors[6])
      polygon(AintC[[1]], col = colors[7])
      polygon(AintD[[1]], col = colors[8])
      polygon(AintE[[1]], col = colors[9])
      polygon(BintC[[1]], col = colors[10])
      polygon(BintD[[1]], col = colors[11])
      polygon(BintE[[1]], col = colors[12])
      polygon(CintD[[1]], col = colors[13])
      polygon(CintE[[1]], col = colors[14])
      polygon(DintE[[1]], col = colors[15])
      polygon(AiBiC[[1]], col = colors[16])
      polygon(AiBiD[[1]], col = colors[17])
      polygon(AiBiE[[1]], col = colors[18])
      polygon(AiCiD[[1]], col = colors[19])
      polygon(AiCiE[[1]], col = colors[20])
      polygon(AiDiE[[1]], col = colors[21])
      polygon(BiCiD[[1]], col = colors[22])
      polygon(BiCiE[[1]], col = colors[23])
      polygon(BiDiE[[1]], col = colors[24])
      polygon(CiDiE[[1]], col = colors[25])
      polygon(AiBiCiD[[1]], col = colors[26])
      polygon(AiBiCiE[[1]], col = colors[27])
      polygon(AiBiDiE[[1]], col = colors[28])
      polygon(AiCiDiE[[1]], col = colors[29])
      polygon(BiCiDiE[[1]], col = colors[30])
      polygon(AiBiCiDiE[[1]], col = colors[31])
      text(x = labs_size$x, y = labs_size$y, labels = labs_size$label, cex = font.size[3])
      text(x = labs_sets$x, y = labs_sets$y, labels = labs_sets$label, cex = font.size[2])

  if (grid.newpage) layout(matrix(c(1, 2), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(4,1))
  par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0)+0.1)
  par(mar=c(0, 2, 0, 1)+0.5)
  image.scale(treatment.mean, col=col.vec,
              breaks = breaks-1e-8, axis.pos = 4, add.axis = FALSE)
    cat(sprintf("Overall Treatment effect is: %.4f, with confidence interval: (%.4f;%.4f)\n",
                overall.treatment.mean, overall.treatment.lower, overall.treatment.upper))
    points(x = 0.5,
           (overall.treatment.mean), pch = 20)
    points(x = 0.5, overall.treatment.lower, pch = "-")
    points(x = 0.5, overall.treatment.upper, pch = "-")
    segments(x0 = 0.5, x1 = 0.5,
             y0 = overall.treatment.lower,
             y1 = overall.treatment.upper)
       at = breaks.axis,
       labels = round(breaks.axis, 3),
       las = 0, cex.axis = font.size[6])
  mtext(strip, side=4, line=0, cex.lab = font.size[5])

  if (grid.newpage) par(old.par)

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SubgrPlots documentation built on Jan. 29, 2020, 5:07 p.m.