
Defines functions ggplot_radial ggplot_radial2

Documented in ggplot_radial ggplot_radial2

#' Radial (Galbraith) plot for subgroup effect size
#' This function produces a modified Galbraith's radial plot using ggplot. It shows the
#' treatment effect size of subgroups defined by the categories
#' of covariates. The x-axis represents the reciprocal of the standard error
#'  of subgroup treatment effect estimates.The y-axis means
#' standardized effect size difference (the difference between subgroup effect
#' the full popultion effect is divided by the standard error
#' of the estimator for the overall population effect.
#' Points here are for subgroups.
#' The grey region indicates whether subgroup effects
#' are homogeneous to the full population effect or not. The two arcs on the
#' right side show subgroup treatment effects in the original
#' scale, where the red spots are the projection of points from the origin on
#' the left side. Note that the vertical range of display can
#' be changed by setting different values on the associated input argument.
#' In addition, the function uses log odd ratio and log hazard
#' ratio for displaying subgroup effect sizes in binary and survival data,
#' respectively.
#' A ggplot object is returned, where further modifications can be added using the theme() function.
#' @param dat              a data set
#' @param covari.sel       a vector of indices of the two covariates
#' @param trt.sel          a covariate index specifying the treatment code
#' @param resp.sel         a covariate index specifying the response variable
#' @param outcome.type     a string specifying the type of the response variable, it can be "continuous", or "binary" or  "survival".
#' @param range.v          a vector specifying the vertical range of graphical display.
#' @param font.size        a number specifying the font size for the subgroup labels near points
#' @param title            a string specifying the main title.
#' @param lab.xy           a list of two strings specifying the labels of the x and y axes.
#' @param ticks.length     a number from 0 to 1 to specify the length of the red
#'  ticks indicating the treatment effect in the radial axis. A value of 1 will draw a complete line from the (0,0) point to the axis.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Load the data to be used
#' data(prca)
#' dat <- prca
#' dat %>%
#'   mutate(bm = factor(ifelse(bm == 0 , "No", "Yes")),
#'          hx = factor(ifelse(hx == 0 , "No", "Yes")))-> dat
#' ggplot_radial(dat,
#'             covari.sel = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
#'             trt.sel = 3,
#'             resp.sel = c(1, 2),
#'             outcome.type = "survival",
#'             range.v = c(-7, 6),
#'             font.size = 4)
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import grid
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
ggplot_radial <- function(dat, covari.sel, trt.sel, resp.sel, outcome.type,
                          range.v = NULL,
                          font.size = 4,
                          title = NULL,
                          lab.xy = "default",
                          ticks.length = 0.05){

  ################################################ 0. argument validity check  #################################################################
  if (missing(dat)) stop("Data have not been inputed!")
  if (!(is.data.frame(dat))) stop("The data set is not with a data frame!")

  if (missing(covari.sel)) stop("The variables for defining subgroups have not been specified!")
  if (!(is.numeric(covari.sel))) stop("The variables for defining subgroups are not numeric!")
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)) if (!(is.factor(dat[,covari.sel[i]]))) stop("The variables for defining subgroups are not categorical!")

  if (missing(trt.sel)) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code (for treatment / control groups) has not been specified!")
  if (!(length(trt.sel) == 1)) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code can not have more than one component!")
  if (!(is.factor(dat[, trt.sel]))) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code is not categorical!")
  if (length(names(table(dat[, trt.sel]))) > 2) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code is not binary!")
  if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, trt.sel])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop("The treatment code is not 1 and 0 (for treatment / control groups)!")

  type.all = c("continuous", "binary",  "survival")
  if (is.null(outcome.type)) stop("The type of the response variable has not been specified!")
  if (!(is.element(outcome.type, type.all)) == TRUE) stop("A unrecognized type has been inputed!")
  if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variable has not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 1)) stop("The response variable has more than one component!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel]))) stop("The response variable is not numeric!")
  }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variable has not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 1)) stop("The response variable has more than one component!")
    if (!(is.factor(dat[, resp.sel]) || is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel])  )) stop("The response variable is not categorical or numerical!")
    if (length(names(table(dat[, resp.sel]))) > 2) stop("The response variable is not binary!")
    if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, resp.sel])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop(" The response variable is not coded as 0 and 1!")
  }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variablehas not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 2)) stop("The response variable for analysing survival data should have two components!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel[1]]))) stop("The response variable specifying survival time is not numeric!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel[2]]) || is.logical(dat[, resp.sel[2]]) ) ) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring should be numerical or logical!")
    if (length(names(table(dat[, resp.sel[2]]))) > 2) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring is not binary!")
    if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, resp.sel[2]])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring is not coded as 0 and 1!")

  if (!(length(range.v) == 2)) stop("The vertical range of graphical display should have two components (specifying the minimum and maximum!)")

  if (!(is.numeric(font.size))) stop("The font.size argument is not numeric!")
  if (!(length(font.size) == 1)) stop("The font.size argument should be of length 1!")

  if(lab.xy == "default") {
    lab.xy = list(expression(1/hat(sigma)[hat(delta)[i]]),
  ################################################ 1. create subgroup data  #################################################################

  n.covari = length(covari.sel)
  lab.vars = names(dat)[covari.sel]                                                # set the names of the covariates which relates to the defined subgroup; if a covariate
  # are considered for multiple times, we make their name identical. (otherwise, the resulsting
  # names are like var, var.1, var.2 and so on.)

  names(dat)[trt.sel] = "trt"                            # rename the variable for treatment code
  if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel] = "resp"                        # rename the response variable
  }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel] = "resp"                        # rename the response variable
  }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel[1]] = "time"                     # rename the response variable for survival time
    names(dat)[resp.sel[2]] = "status"                   # rename the response variable for survival right censoring status

  for (i in 1: length(covari.sel)){
    cond = covari.sel == covari.sel[[i]]
    lab.vars[cond] = rep(lab.vars[i], length(which(cond == TRUE)))
  cats.var = list()
  n.subgrp.tol = 0
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)){
    cats.var[[i]] = names(table(dat[,covari.sel[i]]))
    n.subgrp.tol = n.subgrp.tol + length(cats.var[[i]])

  cond = list()
  data.subgrp = list()
  ss.subgrp = matrix(rep(0, n.subgrp.tol * n.subgrp.tol), nrow = n.subgrp.tol)
  k = 0
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)) {
    for (j in 1 : length(cats.var[[i]])){
      k = k + 1
      cond[[k]] = which((dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j])  == T )
      ss.subgrp[k, k] = length(cond[[k]])
      data.subgrp[[k]] = dat[cond[[k]], ]

  k = n.subgrp.tol
  for (i in 1 : (n.subgrp.tol - 1) ){
    for (j in (i + 1) : (n.subgrp.tol) ){
      k = k + 1
      cond[[k]] = intersect(cond[[i]], cond[[j]])
      ss.subgrp[i, j] = length(cond[[k]])
      ss.subgrp[j, i] = length(cond[[k]])

  # create matrices for treatment size and standard error of MLE for subgroups and the full
  # population

  if (sum((dat$trt == "1")) == 0 | sum((dat$trt == "0")) == 0){
    treatment.mean.full = NA
    treatment.std.full = NA
    zscore.full = NA


    if (outcome.type == "continuous"){

      model.int = lm(resp ~ trt,  data = dat)
      model.sum = summary(model.int)
      treatment.mean.full = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
      treatment.std.full = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]
      zscore.full = treatment.mean.full / treatment.std.full

    }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){

      model.int = glm(resp ~ trt, family = "binomial", data = dat)
      model.sum = summary(model.int)
      treatment.mean.full = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
      treatment.std.full = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]
      zscore.full = treatment.mean.full / treatment.std.full

    }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){

      model.int = survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = dat)
      model.sum = summary(model.int)
      treatment.mean.full = model.sum$coef[1, 1]
      treatment.std.full = model.sum$coef[1, 3]
      zscore.full = treatment.mean.full / treatment.std.full


  treatment.mean = matrix(0, nrow = n.subgrp.tol, ncol = 1)
  treatment.std  = matrix(0, nrow = n.subgrp.tol, ncol = 1)
  zscore = matrix(0, nrow = n.subgrp.tol, ncol = 1)
  for (i in 1 : (n.subgrp.tol)){
    if (sum((data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "1")) == 0 | sum((data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "0")) == 0){
      treatment.mean[i] = NA
      treatment.std[i] = NA
      zscore[i] = NA


      if (outcome.type == "continuous"){

        model.int =  lm(resp ~ trt, data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]                                # record subgroup effect size
        treatment.std[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]
        zscore[i] = treatment.mean[i] / treatment.std[i]                             # calculate the z-score of the subgroup effect size relative
        # to the standardized error of the full population effect size
        # estimator
      }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){

        model.int = glm(resp ~ trt, family = "binomial", data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]                                # record subgroup effect size
        treatment.std[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]
        zscore[i] = treatment.mean[i] / treatment.std[i]                        # calculate the z-score of the subgroup effect size relative
        # to the standardized error of the full population effect size
        # estimator
      }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){

        model.int = survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coef[1, 1]
        treatment.std[i] = model.sum$coef[1, 3]
        zscore[i] = treatment.mean[i] / treatment.std[i]


  lab.subgrp = vector()
  lab.subgrp2 = vector()
  k = 0
  for (i in 1: length(covari.sel)){
    for (j in 1 : length(cats.var[[i]])){
      k = k + 1
      lab.subgrp[k] = paste("(", LETTERS[i], j, ") ", lab.vars[i], " = ", cats.var[[i]][j], sep = "")
      lab.subgrp2[k]  = paste(LETTERS[i], j, sep = "")
  dimnames(treatment.mean) = list(c(lab.subgrp), c("mean") )
  dimnames(treatment.std) = list(c(lab.subgrp), c("std") )
  dimnames(zscore) = list(c(lab.subgrp), c("zscore") )
  zscore = (treatment.mean - treatment.mean.full)/treatment.std
  ################################################ 2. produce a graph  #################################################################

  if (is.null(range.v)){
    y.lim.max = ceiling(max(zscore, na.rm = TRUE))
    y.lim.min = floor(min(zscore, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (y.lim.max <= 2)  {y.lim.max = y.lim.max + 6}
    if (y.lim.min >= -2) {y.lim.min = y.lim.min -3}
    y.lim.max = range.v[2]
    y.lim.min = range.v[1]

  expand.fac = 2                                                                   # the expansion factor of the original unit on the x-axis
  length.unit.xaxis = 5                                                            # the number of the units on the x-axis
  upper.bd = 2; lower.bd = -2
  x.lab.max.pos = round(max(1/c(treatment.std, treatment.std.full))) + 0.1 #ceiling(max(1/treatment.std))
  x.lab.max.pos = round(max(1/c(treatment.std, treatment.std.full))) + 1 #ceiling(max(1/treatment.std))
  y.lab.upp.pos = treatment.mean.full + upper.bd
  y.lab.low.pos = treatment.mean.full + lower.bd

  pos.esize.mean  = treatment.mean.full                  # the y-coordinate of the full
  pos.esize.lower = pos.esize.mean + lower.bd
  pos.esize.upper = pos.esize.mean + upper.bd

  yy1 = seq(pos.esize.mean, y.lim.min + treatment.mean.full, -2)
  yy2 = seq(pos.esize.mean, y.lim.max + treatment.mean.full,  2)
  lab = c(rev(yy1), yy2)
  lab = c(rep(NA, len = length(seq(y.lim.min, lower.bd - 1, 1))),
          c(lower.bd, NA, 0, NA, upper.bd),
          c(pos.esize.lower, NA, pos.esize.mean, NA, pos.esize.upper),
          rep(NA, len = length(seq(upper.bd +1, y.lim.max, 1))))

  x <- c(0, length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac, length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac, 0)
  y <- c(pos.esize.lower, pos.esize.lower, pos.esize.upper, pos.esize.upper)
  x = c(x, x[1])
  y = c(y, y[1])

  dat_rect =
    data.frame(x = x,
               y = y)

  expand.fac.adj = expand.fac * length.unit.xaxis * 1/(x.lab.max.pos)
  datplot =
    data.frame(x = c(1/treatment.std * expand.fac.adj),
               y = c(zscore),
               labels = lab.subgrp2,
               lab_legend = lab.subgrp)

  them_subgrplots = theme_bw() +
    theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
  ggplot(datplot) +
    geom_polygon(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"),
                 data = dat_rect, fill = "gray", color = NA) +
    geom_segment(x = 0, xend = length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac,
                 y = pos.esize.mean, yend  = pos.esize.mean,
                 size = 0.25) +
    geom_segment(x = 0, xend = length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac,
                 y = pos.esize.lower, yend  = pos.esize.lower,
                 linetype = 2, size = 0.25) +
    geom_segment(x = 0, xend = length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac,
                 y = pos.esize.upper, yend  = pos.esize.upper,
                 linetype = 2, size = 0.25) +
    geom_point(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", color = "lab_legend")) +
    geom_point(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
    geom_text_repel(aes_string(x =" x", y = "y", label = "labels"), size = font.size, seed = 987) +
    coord_equal(ylim = c(y.lim.min, y.lim.max),
                xlim = c(0,13.5),
                expand = FALSE) +
    labs(title = title, x = lab.xy[[1]], y =  lab.xy[[2]]) +
    them_subgrplots +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(y.lab.low.pos - 1, y.lab.upp.pos + 1, 1)[c(2,4,6)],
                       labels = c(NA, lower.bd, NA, 0, NA, upper.bd, NA)[c(2,4,6)]) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac, 1 * expand.fac),
                       labels = round(seq(0, x.lab.max.pos, len = length.unit.xaxis + 1), 2)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = rep("white", nrow(datplot))) -> pp

  ### draw arcs for displaying effect sizes-------------------------------------
  angle = vector()
  zscore.diff = zscore - treatment.mean.full
  len.pt = dim(zscore)[1]
  for (i in 1: len.pt){
    angle[i] = atan( zscore.diff[i]/ ((1/treatment.std[i] * expand.fac.adj)))        # calculate the angle between two vectors

  if (sum(angle>0) != length(angle)){ # when the zscores of subgroups are partially larger and less than the zscore of the full population

    axis.circle1.max = max(angle)                                                   # the difference between the maximal effect size and the nearest effect size unit
    axis.circle1.min = 0                                                            # the effect size for the full population

    x0 = 0; y0 = treatment.mean.full
    npts = 200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + ((length.unit.xaxis + 0.2)* expand.fac)^2)) - 0.1     # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max ,  len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh
    dat_axis1 = data.frame(x = x,
                           y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis1) -> pp

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(treatment.mean.full,  max(treatment.mean), len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)

    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks1,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks1[-1, ]) -> pp

    r1 = r - 0.15
    angle.pos = angle[angle>0]
    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.pos)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.pos)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.pos)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.pos)

    dat_redticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_redticks1,
                   color = "red") -> pp

    axis.circle2.max = 0                                                                       # the effect size for the full population
    axis.circle2.min = min(angle)                                                              # the difference between the minmal effect size and the nearest effect size unit

    x0 = 0; y0 = treatment.mean.full
    npts =200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + ((length.unit.xaxis + 0.9)* expand.fac)^2)) - 0.1     # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max ,  len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh

    dat_axis2 = data.frame(x = x,
                           y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis2) -> pp

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(min(treatment.mean), treatment.mean.full, len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)

    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks2,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks2) -> pp

    angle.neg = angle[angle<0]

    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.neg)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.neg)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.neg)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.neg)

    dat_redticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = 'yend'),
                   data = dat_redticks2,
                   color = "red") -> pp

  } else if (sum(angle>0) == length(angle)){                                                    # when all zscores of subgroups are larger than the zscore of the full population

    axis.circle1.max = max(angle)                                                              # the difference between the maximal effect size and the nearest effect size unit
    axis.circle1.min = 0                                                                       # the effect size for the full population

    x0 =0; y0= treatment.mean.full
    npts =200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + (5.2* expand.fac) ^2)) - 0.1                           # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max ,  len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh

    dat_axis = data.frame(x = x,
                          y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis) -> pp
    # draw the cicular axis

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(treatment.mean.full,  max(treatment.mean), len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)

    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = 'xend', yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks1,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks1[-1, ]) -> pp

    r1 = r - 0.15
    angle.pos = angle[angle>0]
    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.pos)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.pos)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.pos)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.pos)

    dat_redticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_redticks1,
                   color = "red") -> pp

  }else if (sum(angle<0) == length(angle)){                                                     # when all zscores of subgroups are less than the zscore of the full population

    axis.circle2.max = 0                                                                        # the effect size for the full population
    axis.circle2.min = min(angle)                                                               # the difference between the minmal effect size and the nearest effect size unit

    x0 =0; y0= treatment.mean.full
    npts =200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + (5.9* expand.fac) ^2)) - 0.1                            # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max , len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh
    dat_axis1 = data.frame(x = x,
                           y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis1) -> pp

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(min(treatment.mean), treatment.mean.full, len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)
    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = 'xend', yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks2,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks2) -> pp

    angle.neg = angle[angle<0]

    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.neg)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.neg)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.neg)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.neg)

    dat_redticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_redticks2,
                   color = "red") -> pp


  pp + guides(color = guide_legend(keywidth = unit(0, "cm"),
                                   title = "")) +
    theme(legend.key = element_blank(),
          legend.justification =  "top")

#' Modified Radial (Galbraith) plot for subgroup effect size
#' This function produces a modified Galbraith's radial plot using ggplot. It shows the
#' treatment effect size of subgroups defined by the categories
#' of covariates. The x-axis represents the reciprocal of the standard error
#' of the difference between the subgroup treatment effect estimates and the
#' overall treatment effect estimate.
#' The y-axis is the
#' standardized effect size difference (the difference between subgroup effect
#' the full population effect is divided by its standard error).
#' Points here are for subgroups.
#' The grey region indicates whether subgroup effects
#' are homogeneous to the full population effect or not. The two arcs on the
#' right side show subgroup treatment effects in the original
#' scale, where the red spots are the projection of points from the origin on
#' the left side. Note that the vertical range of display can
#' be changed by setting different values on the associated input argument.
#' In addition, the function uses log odd ratio and log hazard
#' ratio for displaying subgroup effect sizes in binary and survival data,
#' respectively.
#' A ggplot object is returned, where further modifications can be added using the theme() function.
#' @param dat              a data set
#' @param covari.sel       a vector of indices of the two covariates
#' @param trt.sel          a covariate index specifying the treatment code
#' @param resp.sel         a covariate index specifying the response variable
#' @param outcome.type     a string specifying the type of the response variable, it can be "continuous", or "binary" or  "survival".
#' @param range.v          a vector specifying the vertical range of graphical display.
#' @param font.size        a number specifying the font size for the subgroup labels near points
#' @param title            a string specifying the main title.
#' @param lab.xy           a list of two strings specifying the labels of the x and y axes.
#' @param ticks.length     a number from 0 to 1 to specify the length of the red
#'  ticks indicating the treatment effect in the radial axis. A value of 1 will draw a complete line from the (0,0) point to the axis.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Load the data to be used
#' data(prca)
#' dat <- prca
#' dat %>%
#'   mutate(bm = factor(ifelse(bm == 0 , "No", "Yes")),
#'          hx = factor(ifelse(hx == 0 , "No", "Yes")))-> dat
#' ggplot_radial2(dat,
#'             covari.sel = c(4, 5, 6, 7),
#'             trt.sel = 3,
#'             resp.sel = c(1, 2),
#'             outcome.type = "survival",
#'             range.v = c(-7, 6),
#'             font.size = 4)
#' @export
#' @import grid
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
ggplot_radial2 <- function(dat, covari.sel, trt.sel, resp.sel, outcome.type,
                          range.v = NULL,
                          font.size = 4,
                          title = NULL,
                          lab.xy = "default",
                          ticks.length = 0.05){

  ################################################ 0. argument validity check  #################################################################
  if (missing(dat)) stop("Data have not been inputed!")
  if (!(is.data.frame(dat))) stop("The data set is not with a data frame!")

  if (missing(covari.sel)) stop("The variables for defining subgroups have not been specified!")
  if (!(is.numeric(covari.sel))) stop("The variables for defining subgroups are not numeric!")
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)) if (!(is.factor(dat[,covari.sel[i]]))) stop("The variables for defining subgroups are not categorical!")

  if (missing(trt.sel)) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code (for treatment / control groups) has not been specified!")
  if (!(length(trt.sel) == 1)) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code can not have more than one component!")
  if (!(is.factor(dat[, trt.sel]))) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code is not categorical!")
  if (length(names(table(dat[, trt.sel]))) > 2) stop("The variable specifying the treatment code is not binary!")
  if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, trt.sel])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop("The treatment code is not 1 and 0 (for treatment / control groups)!")

  type.all = c("continuous", "binary",  "survival")
  if (is.null(outcome.type)) stop("The type of the response variable has not been specified!")
  if (!(is.element(outcome.type, type.all)) == TRUE) stop("A unrecognized type has been inputed!")
  if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variable has not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 1)) stop("The response variable has more than one component!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel]))) stop("The response variable is not numeric!")
  }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variable has not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 1)) stop("The response variable has more than one component!")
    if (!(is.factor(dat[, resp.sel]) || is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel])  )) stop("The response variable is not categorical or numerical!")
    if (length(names(table(dat[, resp.sel]))) > 2) stop("The response variable is not binary!")
    if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, resp.sel])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop(" The response variable is not coded as 0 and 1!")
  }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
    if (missing(resp.sel)) stop("The response variablehas not been specified!")
    if (!(length(resp.sel) == 2)) stop("The response variable for analysing survival data should have two components!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel[1]]))) stop("The response variable specifying survival time is not numeric!")
    if (!(is.numeric(dat[, resp.sel[2]]) || is.logical(dat[, resp.sel[2]]) ) ) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring should be numerical or logical!")
    if (length(names(table(dat[, resp.sel[2]]))) > 2) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring is not binary!")
    if (sum(is.element(names(table(dat[, resp.sel[2]])), c("0","1"))) != 2) stop("The response variable specifying indicators of right censoring is not coded as 0 and 1!")

  if (!(length(range.v) == 2)) stop("The vertical range of graphical display should have two components (specifying the minimum and maximum!)")

  if (!(is.numeric(font.size))) stop("The font.size argument is not numeric!")
  if (!(length(font.size) == 1)) stop("The font.size argument should be of length 1!")

  if(lab.xy == "default") {
    lab.x = expression(1/sqrt(hat(Var)(hat(delta)[i]-hat(delta)[F])))
    lab.y = expression((hat(delta)[i]-hat(delta)[F])/sqrt(hat(Var)(hat(delta)[i]-hat(delta)[F])))
    lab.xy = label.xy = list(lab.x, lab.y)
  ################################################ 1. create subgroup data  #################################################################

  n.covari = length(covari.sel)
  lab.vars = names(dat)[covari.sel]                                                # set the names of the covariates which relates to the defined subgroup; if a covariate
  # are considered for multiple times, we make their name identical. (otherwise, the resulsting
  # names are like var, var.1, var.2 and so on.)

  names(dat)[trt.sel] = "trt"                            # rename the variable for treatment code
  if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel] = "resp"                        # rename the response variable
  }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel] = "resp"                        # rename the response variable
  }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){
    names(dat)[resp.sel[1]] = "time"                     # rename the response variable for survival time
    names(dat)[resp.sel[2]] = "status"                   # rename the response variable for survival right censoring status

  n_t = sum(dat$trt == 1)
  n_c = sum(dat$trt == 0)

  for (i in 1: length(covari.sel)){
    cond = covari.sel == covari.sel[[i]]
    lab.vars[cond] = rep(lab.vars[i], length(which(cond == TRUE)))
  cats.var = list()
  n.subgrp.tol = 0
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)){
    cats.var[[i]] = names(table(dat[,covari.sel[i]]))
    n.subgrp.tol = n.subgrp.tol + length(cats.var[[i]])

  cond = list()
  data.subgrp = list()
  lambda_t = lambda_c = lambda = deltaS = list()
  ss.subgrp = matrix(rep(0, n.subgrp.tol * n.subgrp.tol), nrow = n.subgrp.tol)
  k = 0
  for (i in 1 : length(covari.sel)) {
    for (j in 1 : length(cats.var[[i]])){
      k = k + 1
      cond[[k]] = which((dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j])  == T )
      ss.subgrp[k, k] = length(cond[[k]])
      data.subgrp[[k]] = dat[cond[[k]], ]
      lambda_t[[k]] = sum(dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j] & dat$trt == 1)/sum(dat$trt == 1)
      lambda_c[[k]] = sum(dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j] & dat$trt == 0)/sum(dat$trt == 0)
      lambda[[k]]   = sum(dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j])/nrow(dat)

      if (outcome.type == "survival"){
        which. = dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j]
        # dat[which.,]
        lambda[[k]] = sum(dat[which., "status"] == 1)/sum(dat$status == 1)
      if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
        deltaS[[k]]   = mean(dat$resp[which(dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j] & dat$trt == 1)]) -
          mean(dat$resp[which(dat[, covari.sel[i]] == cats.var[[i]][j] & dat$trt == 0)])

  k = n.subgrp.tol
  for (i in 1 : (n.subgrp.tol - 1) ){
    for (j in (i + 1) : (n.subgrp.tol) ){
      k = k + 1
      cond[[k]] = intersect(cond[[i]], cond[[j]])
      ss.subgrp[i, j] = length(cond[[k]])
      ss.subgrp[j, i] = length(cond[[k]])

  # create matrices for treatment size and standard error of MLE for subgroups and the full
  # population

  if (sum((dat$trt == "1")) == 0 | sum((dat$trt == "0")) == 0){
    treatment.mean.full = NA
    treatment.std.full = NA
    zscore.full = NA


    if (outcome.type == "continuous"){

      model.int = lm(resp ~ trt,  data = dat)
      model.sum = summary(model.int)
      treatment.mean.full = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
      treatment.std.full  = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]
      zscore.full = 0

      sigma2      = sum((model.int$residuals^2))/model.int$df.residual
      varDeltaF   = (sigma2/sum(dat$trt == 1) + sigma2/sum(dat$trt == 0))
      deltaF = mean(dat$resp[which(dat$trt == 1)]) -
        mean(dat$resp[which(dat$trt == 0)])

    }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){

      model.int = glm(resp ~ trt, family = "binomial", data = dat)
      model.sum = summary(model.int)
      treatment.mean.full = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]
      treatment.std.full = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]
      zscore.full = 0

      varDeltaF   = treatment.std.full^2
      deltaF = treatment.mean.full

    }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){

      model.int = survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = dat)
      model.sum = summary(model.int)
      treatment.mean.full = model.sum$coef[1, 1]
      treatment.std.full = model.sum$coef[1, 3]
      zscore.full = 0

      varDeltaF   = treatment.std.full^2
      deltaF = treatment.mean.full

  treatment.mean = matrix(0, nrow = n.subgrp.tol, ncol = 1)
  treatment.std  = matrix(0, nrow = n.subgrp.tol, ncol = 1)
  zscore = VarDsDf = sdDsDf = matrix(0, nrow = n.subgrp.tol, ncol = 1)
  for (i in 1 : (n.subgrp.tol)){
    if (sum((data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "1")) == 0 | sum((data.subgrp[[i]]$trt == "0")) == 0){
      treatment.mean[i] = NA
      treatment.std[i] = NA
      zscore[i] = NA


      if (outcome.type == "continuous"){
        model.int =  lm(resp ~ trt, data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]                                # record subgroup effect size
        treatment.std[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]
        # calculate the z-score of the subgroup effect size relative
        # to the standardized error of the difference between
        # subgroup treatment effect and population effect size
        # estimator
        VarDsDf[i] = ((1-lambda_t[[i]])/lambda_t[[i]]/n_t +
                        (1-lambda_c[[i]])/lambda_c[[i]]/n_c) * sigma2
        zscore[i] = (deltaS[[i]] - deltaF) / sqrt(VarDsDf[i])
        sdDsDf[i] = sqrt(VarDsDf[i])
      }else if (outcome.type == "binary"){

        model.int = glm(resp ~ trt, family = "binomial", data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 1]                                # record subgroup effect size
        treatment.std[i] = model.sum$coefficients[2, 2]

        VarDsDf[i] = treatment.std[i]^2 + varDeltaF -
          2 * sqrt(lambda[[i]])*treatment.std[i]*sqrt(varDeltaF)
        zscore[i] = (treatment.mean[i] - deltaF) / sqrt(VarDsDf[i])
        sdDsDf[i] = sqrt(VarDsDf[i])
      }else if (outcome.type == "survival"){

        model.int = survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = data.subgrp[[i]])
        model.sum = summary(model.int)
        treatment.mean[i] = model.sum$coef[1, 1]
        treatment.std[i] = model.sum$coef[1, 3]

        VarDsDf[i] = treatment.std[i]^2 + varDeltaF -
          2 * sqrt(lambda[[i]])*treatment.std[i]*sqrt(varDeltaF)
        zscore[i] = (treatment.mean[i] - deltaF) / sqrt(VarDsDf[i])
        sdDsDf[i] = sqrt(VarDsDf[i])



  lab.subgrp = vector()
  lab.subgrp2 = vector()
  k = 0
  for (i in 1: length(covari.sel)){
    for (j in 1 : length(cats.var[[i]])){
      k = k + 1
      lab.subgrp[k] = paste("(", LETTERS[i], j, ") ", lab.vars[i], " = ", cats.var[[i]][j], sep = "")
      lab.subgrp2[k]  = paste(LETTERS[i], j, sep = "")
  dimnames(treatment.mean) = list(c(lab.subgrp), c("mean") )
  dimnames(treatment.std) = list(c(lab.subgrp), c("std") )
  dimnames(zscore) = list(c(lab.subgrp), c("zscore") )
  dimnames(sdDsDf) = list(c(lab.subgrp), c("sdDsDf") )

  treatment.std = sdDsDf
  ################################################ 2. produce a graph  #################################################################

  if (is.null(range.v)){
    y.lim.max = ceiling(max(zscore, na.rm = TRUE))
    y.lim.min = floor(min(zscore, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (y.lim.max <= 2)  {y.lim.max = y.lim.max + 6}
    if (y.lim.min >= -2) {y.lim.min = y.lim.min -3}
    y.lim.max = range.v[2]
    y.lim.min = range.v[1]

  expand.fac = 1.7  # the expansion factor of the original unit on the x-axis
  length.unit.xaxis = 5                                                            # the number of the units on the x-axis
  upper.bd = 2; lower.bd = -2
  x.lab.max.pos = round(max(1/c(treatment.std, treatment.std.full))) + 0.1 #ceiling(max(1/treatment.std))
  x.lab.max.pos = round(max(1/c(treatment.std, treatment.std.full))) + 1 #ceiling(max(1/treatment.std))
  y.lab.upp.pos = treatment.mean.full + upper.bd
  y.lab.low.pos = treatment.mean.full + lower.bd

  pos.esize.mean  = treatment.mean.full                  # the y-coordinate of the full
  pos.esize.lower = pos.esize.mean + lower.bd
  pos.esize.upper = pos.esize.mean + upper.bd

  yy1 = seq(pos.esize.mean, y.lim.min + treatment.mean.full, -2)
  yy2 = seq(pos.esize.mean, y.lim.max + treatment.mean.full,  2)
  lab = c(rev(yy1), yy2)
  lab = c(rep(NA, len = length(seq(y.lim.min, lower.bd - 1, 1))),
          c(lower.bd, NA, 0, NA, upper.bd),
          c(pos.esize.lower, NA, pos.esize.mean, NA, pos.esize.upper),
          rep(NA, len = length(seq(upper.bd +1, y.lim.max, 1))))

  x <- c(0, length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac, length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac, 0)
  y <- c(pos.esize.lower, pos.esize.lower, pos.esize.upper, pos.esize.upper)
  x = c(x, x[1])
  y = c(y, y[1])

  dat_rect =
    data.frame(x = x,
               y = y)

  expand.fac.adj = expand.fac * length.unit.xaxis * 1/(x.lab.max.pos)
  datplot =
    data.frame(x = c(1/treatment.std * expand.fac.adj),
               y = c(zscore),
               labels = lab.subgrp2,
               lab_legend = lab.subgrp)

  them_subgrplots = theme_bw() +
    theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
  ggplot(datplot) +
    geom_polygon(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"),
                 data = dat_rect, fill = "gray", color = NA) +
    geom_segment(x = 0, xend = length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac,
                 y = pos.esize.mean, yend  = pos.esize.mean,
                 size = 0.25) +
    geom_segment(x = 0, xend = length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac,
                 y = pos.esize.lower, yend  = pos.esize.lower,
                 linetype = 2, size = 0.25) +
    geom_segment(x = 0, xend = length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac,
                 y = pos.esize.upper, yend  = pos.esize.upper,
                 linetype = 2, size = 0.25) +
    geom_point(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", color = "lab_legend")) +
    geom_point(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
    geom_text_repel(aes_string(x =" x", y = "y", label = "labels"), size = font.size, seed = 987) +
    coord_equal(ylim = c(y.lim.min, y.lim.max),
                xlim = c(0,13.5),
                expand = FALSE) +
    labs(title = title, x = lab.xy[[1]], y =  lab.xy[[2]]) +
    them_subgrplots +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(y.lab.low.pos - 1, y.lab.upp.pos + 1, 1)[c(2,4,6)],
                       labels = c(NA, lower.bd, NA, 0, NA, upper.bd, NA)[c(2,4,6)]) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, length.unit.xaxis * expand.fac, 1 * expand.fac),
                       labels = round(seq(0, x.lab.max.pos, len = length.unit.xaxis + 1), 2)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = rep("white", nrow(datplot))) -> pp

  ### draw arcs for displaying effect sizes-------------------------------------
  angle = vector()
  zscore.diff = zscore - treatment.mean.full
  len.pt = dim(zscore)[1]
  for (i in 1: len.pt){
    angle[i] = atan( zscore.diff[i]/ ((1/treatment.std[i] * expand.fac.adj)))        # calculate the angle between two vectors

  if (sum(angle>0) != length(angle)){ # when the zscores of subgroups are partially larger and less than the zscore of the full population

    axis.circle1.max = max(angle)                                                   # the difference between the maximal effect size and the nearest effect size unit
    axis.circle1.min = 0                                                            # the effect size for the full population

    x0 = 0; y0 = treatment.mean.full
    npts = 200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + ((length.unit.xaxis + 0.2)* expand.fac)^2)) - 0.1     # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max ,  len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh
    dat_axis1 = data.frame(x = x,
                           y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis1) -> pp

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(treatment.mean.full,  max(treatment.mean), len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)

    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks1,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks1[-1, ]) -> pp

    r1 = r - 0.15
    angle.pos = angle[angle>0]
    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.pos)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.pos)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.pos)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.pos)

    dat_redticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_redticks1,
                   color = "red") -> pp

    axis.circle2.max = 0                                                                       # the effect size for the full population
    axis.circle2.min = min(angle)                                                              # the difference between the minmal effect size and the nearest effect size unit

    x0 = 0; y0 = treatment.mean.full
    npts =200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + ((length.unit.xaxis + 0.9)* expand.fac)^2)) - 0.1     # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max ,  len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh

    dat_axis2 = data.frame(x = x,
                           y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis2) -> pp

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(min(treatment.mean), treatment.mean.full, len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)

    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks2,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks2) -> pp

    angle.neg = angle[angle<0]

    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.neg)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.neg)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.neg)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.neg)

    dat_redticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = 'yend'),
                   data = dat_redticks2,
                   color = "red") -> pp

  } else if (sum(angle>0) == length(angle)){                                                    # when all zscores of subgroups are larger than the zscore of the full population

    axis.circle1.max = max(angle)                                                              # the difference between the maximal effect size and the nearest effect size unit
    axis.circle1.min = 0                                                                       # the effect size for the full population

    x0 =0; y0= treatment.mean.full
    npts =200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + (5.2* expand.fac) ^2)) - 0.1                           # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max ,  len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh

    dat_axis = data.frame(x = x,
                          y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis) -> pp
    # draw the cicular axis

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle1.min,  axis.circle1.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(treatment.mean.full,  max(treatment.mean), len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)

    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = 'xend', yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks1,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks1[-1, ]) -> pp

    r1 = r - 0.15
    angle.pos = angle[angle>0]
    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.pos)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.pos)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.pos)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.pos)

    dat_redticks1 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_redticks1,
                   color = "red") -> pp

  }else if (sum(angle<0) == length(angle)){                                                     # when all zscores of subgroups are less than the zscore of the full population

    axis.circle2.max = 0                                                                        # the effect size for the full population
    axis.circle2.min = min(angle)                                                               # the difference between the minmal effect size and the nearest effect size unit

    x0 =0; y0= treatment.mean.full
    npts =200
    r = ceiling(sqrt(pos.esize.mean^2 + (5.9* expand.fac) ^2)) - 0.1                            # the radius of the outer circle

    theta <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max , len = 200)
    xh <-  r * cos(theta)
    yh <-  r * sin(theta)
    x  <- x0 + xh
    y  <- y0 + yh
    dat_axis1 = data.frame(x = x,
                           y = y)
    pp +
      geom_path(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), data = dat_axis1) -> pp

    r1 = r + 0.1
    theta1 <- seq(axis.circle2.min,  axis.circle2.max, len = 7)
    esize.unit <- seq(min(treatment.mean), treatment.mean.full, len = length(theta1))
    esize.unit = round(esize.unit,2)
    r1 = r  * 1.02
    x0 = r  * cos(theta1)
    x1 = r1 * cos(theta1)
    y0 = r  * sin(theta1)
    y1 = r1 * sin(theta1)

    dat_ticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                            y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                            xend = x1,
                            yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full,
                            label = esize.unit)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = 'xend', yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_ticks2,
                   color = "black") +
      geom_text(aes_string(x = "xend", y = "yend", label = "label"),
                hjust = 0, nudge_x = .1,
                data = dat_ticks2) -> pp

    angle.neg = angle[angle<0]

    r1 = r  * (1 - ticks.length)
    x0 = r  * cos(angle.neg)
    x1 = r1 * cos(angle.neg)
    y0 = r  * sin(angle.neg)
    y1 = r1 * sin(angle.neg)

    dat_redticks2 = data.frame(x = x0,
                               y = y0 + treatment.mean.full,
                               xend = x1,
                               yend = y1 + treatment.mean.full)
    pp +
      geom_segment(aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", xend = "xend", yend = "yend"),
                   data = dat_redticks2,
                   color = "red") -> pp


  pp + guides(color = guide_legend(keywidth = unit(0, "cm"),
                                   title = "")) +
    theme(legend.key = element_blank(),
          legend.justification =  "top")

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SubgrPlots documentation built on Jan. 29, 2020, 5:07 p.m.