
Defines functions informationCurves_mml

## File Name: IRT.informationCurve.R
## File Version: 9.213

# S3 method
IRT.informationCurves <- function (object, ...)

informationCurves_mml <- function( object, h=.0001,
        iIndex=NULL, theta=NULL, ... )
    eps <- 1E-20
    I <- ncol(object$resp)
    if ( is.null(iIndex) ){
        iIndex <- 1:I
    resp <- object$resp
    maxcat <- apply( resp, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )
    A <- object$A
    AXsi <- object$AXsi
    B <- object$B
    if ( dim(B)[3] > 1 ){
        stop(paste0("Information curves can only be calculated for \n",
                "    unidimensional models.\n") )
    xsi <- object$xsi$xsi
    maxK <- object$maxK
    if ( is.null( theta ) ){
        theta <- object$theta
        theta0 <- seq( min(theta), max(theta), length=100 )
        theta <- matrix( theta0, ncol=1)
    } else {
        theta <- matrix( theta, ncol=1 )

    nnodes <- nrow(theta)
    guess <- object$item$guess

    calc_args <- list( iIndex=iIndex, A=A, AXsi=AXsi,
                        B=B, xsi=xsi, theta=theta, nnodes=nnodes,
                        maxK=maxK, recalc=TRUE)

    #--- calculate probabilities
    if ( inherits(object, c("tam.mml","tam.mml.2pl", "tam.mml.mfr") ) ){
        fct <- "tam_calc_prob"
    if ( inherits(object, c("tam.mml.3pl") ) ){
        calc_args$guess <- guess
        fct <- "tam_mml_3pl_calc_prob"
    p0 <- do.call( what=fct, args=calc_args )$rprobs
    args1 <- tam_args_replace_value( args=calc_args, variable="theta", value=theta+h )
    p1 <- do.call( what=fct, args=args1 )$rprobs
    args2 <- tam_args_replace_value( args=calc_args, variable="theta", value=theta-h )
    p2 <- do.call( what=fct, args=args2 )$rprobs
    p0a <- p0
    p0[ is.na(p0) ] <- 0
    p1[ is.na(p1) ] <- 0
    p2[ is.na(p2) ] <- 0
    p0 <- p0 + eps

    # 1st derivative
    d1 <- ( p1 - p2  ) / ( 2 * h )    # negative sign?
    # second derivative
    # f(x+h)+f(x-h)=2*f(x) + f''(x)*h^2
    d2 <- ( p1 + p2 - 2*p0 ) / h^2

    # calculate information curves
    IP <- dim(p0)[1]
    TP <- nnodes
    info_curves_item <- matrix( 0, nrow=IP, ncol=TP)
    rownames(info_curves_item) <- colnames(object$resp)[ iIndex    ]

    for (kk in 1:maxK){
        info_curves_item <- info_curves_item +
                    p0[, kk, ] * ( ( d1[,kk,] / p0[,kk,] )^2 -
                                        d2[,kk,] / p0[,kk,] )

    # test information curves
    test_info_curve <- colSums( info_curves_item )
    # standard error curve
    se_curve <- sqrt( 1 / test_info_curve )
    # category information curves
    info_curves_categories <- array( 0,dim=c(IP, maxK,TP) )
    r1 <- rownames(info_curves_item)
    if ( length(r1)==1){
        r1 <- list( r1 )
    dimnames(info_curves_categories)[[1]] <- r1
    for (kk in 1:maxK){
        info_curves_categories[,kk,] <- info_curves_item * p0a[,kk,]

    res <- list( se_curve=se_curve, test_info_curve=test_info_curve,
                    theta=theta, maxK=maxK, maxcat=maxcat)
    class(res)<- "IRT.informationCurves"
# S3 methods
IRT.informationCurves.tam.mml <- informationCurves_mml
IRT.informationCurves.tam.mml.2pl <- informationCurves_mml
IRT.informationCurves.tam.mml.3pl <- informationCurves_mml
IRT.informationCurves.tam.mml.mfr <- informationCurves_mml

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TAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.