
Defines functions .generate.interactions2

## File Name: designMatrices.mfr_aux2.R
## File Version: 9.08

# generate interactions
.generate.interactions2 <- function(X, facets, formulaA, mm ){
  d1 <- d0 <- X
  h1 <- sapply( colnames(d1), FUN=function(vv){
                length(grep( vv, paste(formulaA) )) } )
  h1 <- colnames(d1)[ h1==0 ]
  d0 <- d0[, ! ( colnames(d1) %in% h1 ), drop=FALSE]
  M2 <- stats::model.matrix( formulaA, data=d1,
            contrasts.arg=lapply( d0, stats::contrasts, contrasts=FALSE) )
  h2 <- colnames(M2)
  h1 <- colnames(mm)
  # extract facets
  xsi.table <- data.frame( "parameter"=h2 )
  xsi.split <- sapply( xsi.table$parameter, FUN=function(ll){
    l1 <- as.vector( unlist( strsplit( paste(ll), split=":" ) ) )
    v1 <- l1
    for (ii in 1:length(l1) ){
      for (cc in colnames(X) ){
        kk <- grep( cc, l1[ii] )
        if (length(kk)>0){ v1[ii] <- cc }
    v1 <- paste0( v1, collapse=":" )
  } )
  xsi.table$facet <- unlist(xsi.split)
    xsi.table$facet.order <- sapply( xsi.table$parameter, FUN=function(ll){
        length( as.vector( unlist( strsplit( paste(ll), split=":" ) ) ) ) } )
    xsi.table$constraint <- 1 - 1*(xsi.table$parameter %in% h1)
    xsi.table$facet.index <- match( xsi.table$facet, unique( xsi.table$facet ) )
#    xsi.table$orig.index <- seq(1,nrow(xsi.table))
#    xsi.table[ order( paste( xsi.table$facet.index+100, xsi.table$parameter ) ), ]

    facets.unique <- unique( xsi.table$facet )
    b1 <- xsi.table[ xsi.table$constraint==1, "parameter" ]
    c1 <- xsi.table[ xsi.table$constraint==0, "parameter" ]
    xsi.constraints <- matrix( NA, nrow=length(b1), ncol=length(c1) )
    rownames(xsi.constraints) <- paste(b1)
    colnames(xsi.constraints) <- paste(c1)
# Revalpr("xsi.constraints")
# Revalpr("b1")
# stop()

# b1 <- b1[3]
    # loop over terms
    for (bb in b1 ){
        #bb <- b1[9]
        v1 <- 0
        mult <- 1
        xsi.table.bb <- xsi.table[ xsi.table$parameter==bb, ]
        x0 <- x1 <- xsi.table[ xsi.table$facet %in% xsi.table.bb$facet, ]
        if ( xsi.table.bb$facet.order==1){
            xsi.constraints[paste(bb),] <- 0
            xsi.constraints[ paste(bb), paste( x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ] ) ] <- -1
        if ( xsi.table.bb$facet=="item:step"){
            v1 <- 1
            xsi.constraints[paste(bb),] <- 0
            s2 <- unlist( strsplit( paste(xsi.table.bb$parameter), split=":" ) )
            s20 <- strsplit( paste(x1$parameter), split=":" )
            g1 <- unlist( lapply( s20, FUN=function(ll){
                    ll[1]==s2[1] } ) )
            x1 <- x1[ g1, ]
            mult <- 1
# cat("......",bb,"......\n")
# print(x1)
            varsc <- paste( x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ] )
            if ( length(varsc)==0){
                g1 <- unlist( lapply( s20, FUN=function(ll){
                        ll[2]==s2[2] } ) )
                x1 <- x0[ g1, ]
                varsc <- paste(x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ])
                mult <- 1
                if ( length(varsc)==0){
                    varsc <- x1[, "parameter" ]
                    varsc <- setdiff( varsc, paste(bb) )
                    h1 <- colSums( xsi.constraints[ varsc,, drop=FALSE]    )
                    varsc <- names(h1)[  h1 !=0 ]
                    mult <- -1

            xsi.constraints[ paste(bb), varsc ] <- -1*mult
        ### order 2
        if ( xsi.table.bb$facet.order==2 & v1==0 ){
            xsi.constraints[paste(bb),] <- 0
            s2 <- unlist( strsplit( paste(xsi.table.bb$parameter), split=":" ) )
            s20 <- strsplit( paste(x1$parameter), split=":" )
            g1 <- unlist( lapply( s20, FUN=function(ll){
                    ll[2]==s2[2] } ) )
            x1 <- x1[ g1, ]
            varsc <- x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ]
            if ( length(varsc)==0){
                g1 <- unlist( lapply( s20, FUN=function(ll){
                        ll[1]==s2[1] } ) )
                x1 <- x0[ g1, ]
                varsc <- x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ]
                if ( length(varsc)==0){
                    varsc <- x1[, "parameter" ]
                    varsc <- setdiff( varsc, paste(bb) )
                    h1 <- colSums( xsi.constraints[ varsc,, drop=FALSE]    )
                    varsc <- names(h1)[  h1 !=0 ]
                    mult <- -1
            xsi.constraints[ paste(bb), paste( varsc ) ] <- -1    * mult
        ### order 3
        if ( xsi.table.bb$facet.order==3 & v1==0 ){
            mult <- 1
            xsi.constraints[paste(bb),] <- 0
            s2 <- unlist( strsplit( paste(xsi.table.bb$parameter), split=":" ) )
            s20 <- strsplit( paste(x1$parameter), split=":" )
            g1 <- unlist( lapply( s20, FUN=function(ll){
                    ( ll[2]==s2[2] ) & (ll[3]==s2[3] )  } ) )
            x1 <- x1[ g1, ]
            varsc <- x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ]
            if ( length(varsc)==0 ){
                g1 <- unlist( lapply( s20, FUN=function(ll){
                        ( ll[1]==s2[1] ) & (ll[3]==s2[3]) } ) )
                x1 <- x0[ g1, ]
                varsc <- x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ]

                if ( length(varsc)==0 ){
                    varsc <- x1[, "parameter" ]
                    varsc <- setdiff( varsc, paste(bb) )
                    h1 <- colSums( xsi.constraints[ varsc,, drop=FALSE]    )
                    varsc <- names(h1)[  h1 !=0 ]
                    varsc <- stats::na.omit( varsc)
                    mult <- -1
                        if ( length(varsc)==0 ){
                            g1 <- unlist( lapply( s20, FUN=function(ll){
                                    ( ll[1]==s2[1] ) & (ll[2]==s2[2]) } ) )
                            x1 <- x0[ g1, ]
                            varsc <- x1[ x1$constraint==0, "parameter" ]
                            mult <- 1

                            if ( length(varsc)==0 ){
#                            varsc <- setdiff( varsc, paste(bb) )
                                varsc <- x1[, "parameter" ]
                                   varsc <- setdiff( varsc, paste(bb) )
                                h1 <- colSums( xsi.constraints[ varsc,, drop=FALSE]    )
                                varsc <- names(h1)[  h1 !=0 ]
                                varsc <- stats::na.omit( varsc)
                                mult <- -1

            if ( length(varsc) > 0 ){
                xsi.constraints[ paste(bb), paste( varsc ) ] <- -1    * mult
                    } else {
                xsi.constraints[ paste(bb), ] <- NA

        xsi.constraints[ rowSums( abs(xsi.constraints) )==0, ] <- NA
        res <- list( "xsi.constraints"=xsi.constraints, "xsi.table"=xsi.table )
#print(res) ;  stop("here")


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