
## File Name: tam.threshold.R
## File Version: 9.161

#**** Thurstonian thresholds (gammas)

tam.threshold <- function (tamobj, prob.lvl=0.5)
    resp <- tamobj$resp
    nitems <- tamobj$nitems
    maxK <- tamobj$maxK
    AXsi <- tamobj$AXsi
    xsi <- tamobj$xsi
    if (! inherits(tamobj,"tam.jml")){
        xsi <- xsi[,1]
    A <- tamobj$A
    B <- tamobj$B
    maxKi <- apply( resp, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )
    threshold <- matrix(-99, nitems, maxK-1)

    for (i in 1:nitems) {
        mc <- maxKi[i]  # max category value for item i
        initlow <- rep(-12, mc)
        inithigh <- rep(12, mc)
        lowhigh <- matrix(c(initlow, inithigh), nrow=mc, ncol=2)
        thresh <- rowMeans(lowhigh)
        oldthresh <- rep(-99, length(thresh))
        cprobs <- rep(0,mc)
        B0 <- B
        if ( dim(B)[[3]] > 1){
            D <- dim(B)[[3]]
            ind <- which( B[i,2,] > 0 )[1]
            sel2 <- c( ind, setdiff( 1:D, ind ) )
            B0 <- B[,,sel2]
        while (max(abs(oldthresh-thresh)) > 0.0001) {
            res.p <- tam_mml_calc_prob( iIndex=i:i, A=A, AXsi=AXsi, B=B0,
                            xsi=xsi, theta=matrix(thresh,nrow=mc,ncol=1),
                            nnodes=mc, maxK=maxK)
            rprobs <- res.p[["rprobs"]]
            for (k in 1:mc) {
                cprobs[k] <- sum(rprobs[1,(k+1):(mc+1),k], na.rm=TRUE)
            lowhigh[cprobs<prob.lvl,1] <- thresh[cprobs<prob.lvl]
            lowhigh[cprobs>prob.lvl,2] <- thresh[cprobs>prob.lvl]
            oldthresh <- thresh
            thresh <- rowMeans(lowhigh)
        } # end of while loop
        threshold[i, 1:mc] <- thresh
    } #end of all items
    threshold[threshold==-99] <- NA
    rownames(threshold) <- colnames(tamobj$resp)
    colnames(threshold) <- paste0("Cat", 1:ncol(threshold))

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