
Defines functions tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.LCA

## File Name: tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.LCA.R
## File Version: 9.09

tamaanify.tam.mml.3pl.designMatrices.LCA <- function( res )
    anlist <- res$ANALYSIS.list
    items <- colnames(res$resp)
    I <- length(items)
    itemtable <- res$items

    TP <- ncl <- anlist$NCLASSES
    res$theta.k <- diag(TP)
    # design matrix E
    # E ( item, category, skill class, parameter )
    Nparm <- TP*sum( itemtable$ncat - 1 ) + 1
    maxK <- res$maxcat
    E <- array( 0, dim=c(I,maxK+1,TP, Nparm) )
    dimnames(E)[[1]] <- items
    dimnames(E)[[2]] <- paste0( "Cat", 1:(maxK+1) )
    dimnames(E)[[3]] <- paste0("Class",1:TP)
    # E[, -1,, Nparm ] <- -99

    # define E item parameter table
    h1 <- sapply( itemtable$ncat - 1, FUN=function(vv){
                    1:vv }, simplify=FALSE)
    dfr <- data.frame( "item"=rep( itemtable$item, itemtable$ncat-1),
                    "cat"=unlist(h1)    )
    dfr$parm <- paste0( dfr$item, "_Cat", dfr$cat)
    dfr$indexparm <- seq( 1, nrow(dfr) )
    itempars <- NULL
    for (tt in 1:TP){
        itempars <- c(itempars, paste0( dfr$parm, "_Cl", tt ) )
    itempars <- c(itempars, "one")
    dimnames(E)[[4]] <- itempars
    M1 <- nrow(dfr)
    for (mm in 1:M1){
        for (tt in 1:TP){
            E[ paste(dfr$item[mm]), dfr$cat[mm]+1, tt    , mm + (tt-1)*M1 ] <- 1

    # search for items which do not have the maximum number of categories
    items1 <- which( itemtable$ncat - 1 < maxK )
    for ( ii in items1 ){
        for ( hh in seq( itemtable$ncat[ii], maxK ) ){
            E[ ii, hh + 1, 1:TP, Nparm ] <- -99

    res$E <- E
    res$notA <- TRUE

    # fixed gammaslope parameter
    gammaslope.fixed <- cbind( Nparm, 1 )
    res$gammaslope.fixed <- gammaslope.fixed


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