## Header extraction (keep declaration - remove definition)
declExtract <- function(x, level=2){ ## level of matching curly brackets to exclude
x <- paste(x, "\n")
x <- paste(x, collapse="")
x <- strsplit(x,"")[[1]]
y <- cumsum( (x=="{") - (x=="}") )
mark.left <- (y == level) & (x=="{") ## Begin {
mark.right <- (y == level - 1) & (x=="}") ## End }
x[y >= level] <- "" ## Discard
x[mark.right] <- ";"
x <- paste(x, collapse="")
x <- strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]]
## Change e.g. "matrix(T1 x):Base(x);" to "matrix(T1 x);"
x <- sub(")[ ]*:.*;",");",x)
## Template class extraction
tclassExtract <- function(x){
from <- grep("^class|^struct", x) - 1
to <- grep("^};", x)
from <- from[ findInterval(to, from) ]
nm <- gsub("^[^ ]*[ ]*([^ ^{^:]*).*", "\\1", x[from+1])
ans <- Map("[", list(x), Map(":", from, to) )
names(ans) <- nm
## Template class specialization
tclassSpecialize <- function(y, type="double"){
if(length(type) > 1){
return( unlist(lapply(type, function(x)tclassSpecialize(y, x))) )
typename <- sub("^template[ ]*<class (.*)>.*","\\1",y[1])
y[1] <- "template <>"
nm <- gsub("^[^ ]*[ ]*([^ ^{^:]*).*", "\\1", y[2])
y[2] <- sub(nm,paste0(nm,"<",type,">"),y[2])
y <- gsub(typename, type, y)
## template class precompilation (explicit instantiation)
tclassInstantiate <- function(y, type = "double"){
nm <- gsub("(^[^ ]*[ ]*[^ ^{^:]*).*", "\\1", y[2])
paste0("template ", nm, "<", type,">;")
## Macro extraction
macroExtract <- function(x){
x <- paste(x, "\n")
x <- paste(x, collapse="")
x <- gsub("\\\\[ ]*\n","",x)
x <- gsub("\t","",x)
x <- strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]]
x <- grep("^#define", x, value=TRUE)
nm <- sub("#define ([^ ^(]*).*", "\\1", x)
names(x) <- nm
## Cleanup source
cleanup <- function(x){
x <- .removeComments(x) ## Remove comments
x <- gsub("[ ]*$", "", x) ## Remove trailing whitespace
x <- x[x != ""] ## Remove empty lines
## Example
precompSource <- function(
filename = "include/tmbutils/density.hpp",
namespace = "density",
classes = "MVNORM_t",
types = c(
"double ",
## "CppAD::AD<double> ",
## "CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> > ",
## "CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> > > ",
macros = TRUE,
append = FALSE ## Modify input file in place
) {
## density namespace
x <- readLines( system.file(filename, package="TMB") )
tcl <- tclassExtract(x)
dcl <- lapply(tcl, declExtract)
spec <- lapply(dcl, tclassSpecialize, type = types)
macro <- macroExtract(x)
macros <- rep(macros, length.out = length(macro))
ans <- c(
## Begin namespace
paste("namespace", namespace, "{")[!is.null(namespace)],
## macro-defines
paste("#undef", names(macro))[macros],
## Explicit instantiation
"#ifdef WITH_LIBTMB",
unlist( spec[classes] ),
## Precompiled version
unlist( lapply(classes, function(name)tclassInstantiate(tcl[[name]], types) ) ),
## Undefs
paste("#undef", names(macro))[macros],
## End namespace
"}"[!is.null(namespace)] )
names(ans) <- NULL
## Add header
ans <- cleanup(ans)
ans <- c("// Autogenerated - do not edit by hand",
"// -DWITH_LIBTMB : Extracts header declarations only.",
"// -DTMB_PRECOMPILE_ATOMICS : Instantiations for precompilation.",
if (append) {
writeLines(c(x, ans), system.file(filename, package="TMB") )
precompileSource <- function() {
CppAD_types <- c(
"double ",
"CppAD::AD<double> ",
"CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> > ",
"CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> > > ")
TMBad_types <- c(
"double ",
"TMBad::ad_aug "
## TODO :
## ==============================================
## precompSource(
## filename = "include/tmbutils/vector.hpp",
## namespace = NULL,
## classes = c("vector", "matrix"),
## append = TRUE )
## ,
## precompSource(
## filename = "include/tmbutils/array.hpp",
## namespace = "tmbutils",
## classes = c("array"),
## macros = FALSE )
## ,
## ==============================================
x <- c(
## Precompile using CppAD
filename = "include/tmbutils/density.hpp",
namespace = "density",
classes = c("MVNORM_t", "GMRF_t"),
types = CppAD_types
## Precompile using TMBad
filename = "include/tmbutils/density.hpp",
namespace = "density",
classes = c("MVNORM_t", "GMRF_t"),
types = TMBad_types
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