Defines functions TMB.Version install.contrib runSymbolicAnalysis checkSparseHessian sparseHessianFun newtonOption Rinterface template dynlib precompile compile openmp isParallelDLL isParallelTemplate .removeComments FreeADFun MakeADFun parseIntegrate LA GK SR registerFinalizer isNullPointer solveCholesky updateCholesky getUserDLL updateMap grepRandomParameters

Documented in compile dynlib FreeADFun GK MakeADFun newtonOption openmp precompile Rinterface runSymbolicAnalysis SR template TMB.Version

## Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Kasper Kristensen
## License: GPL-2

## Utilities
grepRandomParameters <- function(parameters,random){
  r <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(random,function(regexp)grep(regexp,names(parameters))))))
  tmp <- lapply(parameters,function(x)x*0)
  tmp[r] <- lapply(tmp[r],function(x)x*0+1)

## unlist name handling is extremely slow and we *almost* never use it
## New default: use.names=FALSE
unlist <- function (x, recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE) {
    base::unlist(x, recursive, use.names)

## Assign without losing other attributes than 'names' (which may get
## overwritten when subsetting)
"keepAttrib<-" <- function(x, value){
    attr <- attributes(x)
    keep <- setdiff(names(attr), "names")
    x <- value
    attributes(x)[keep] <- attr[keep]

## Associate a 'map' with *one* entry in a parameter list
updateMap <- function(parameter.entry, map.entry) {
    ## Shortened parameter
    ans <- tapply(parameter.entry, map.entry, mean)
    if(length(ans) == 0) ans <- as.numeric(ans) ## (zero-length case)
    ## Integer code used to fill short into original shape
    fnew <- unclass(map.entry)
    fnew[!is.finite(fnew)] <- 0L
    fnew <- fnew - 1L
    ## Output
    attr(ans,"shape") <- parameter.entry
    attr(ans,"map") <- fnew
    attr(ans,"nlevels") <- length(ans)

## Guess name of user's loaded DLL code
getUserDLL <- function(){
    dlls <- getLoadedDLLs()
    isTMBdll <- function(dll)!is(try(getNativeSymbolInfo("MakeADFunObject",dll),TRUE),"try-error")
    TMBdll <- sapply(dlls, isTMBdll)
    if(sum(TMBdll) == 0) stop("There are no TMB models loaded (use 'dyn.load').")
    if(sum(TMBdll) >1 ) stop("Multiple TMB models loaded. Failed to guess DLL name.")

## Un-exported functions that we need
.shlib_internal <- get(".shlib_internal", envir = asNamespace("tools"), inherits = FALSE)

## Update cholesky factorization ( of H+t*I ) avoiding copy overhead
## by writing directly to L(!).
updateCholesky <- function(L, H, t=0){
  .Call("tmb_destructive_CHM_update", L, H, t, PACKAGE="TMB")

solveCholesky <- function(L, x){
  .Call("tmb_CHMfactor_solve", L, x, PACKAGE="TMB")

## Test for invalid external pointer
isNullPointer <- function(pointer) {
  .Call("isNullPointer", pointer, PACKAGE="TMB")

## Add external pointer finalizer
registerFinalizer <- function(ADFun, DLL) {
    if (is.null(ADFun)) return (NULL) ## ADFun=NULL used by sdreport
    ADFun$DLL <- DLL
    finalizer <- function(ptr) {
        if ( ! isNullPointer(ptr) ) {
            .Call("FreeADFunObject", ptr, PACKAGE=DLL)
        } else {
            ## Nothing to free
    reg.finalizer(ADFun$ptr, finalizer)

##' Sequential reduction configuration
##' Helper function to specify an integration grid used by the
##' sequential reduction algorithm available through the argument
##' \code{integrate} to \code{MakeADFun}.
##' @param x Breaks defining the domain of integration
##' @param discrete Boolean defining integration wrt Lebesgue measure (\code{discrete=FALSE}) or counting measure \code{discrete=TRUE}.
SR <- function(x, discrete=FALSE) {
    if (is(x, "SR")) return (x)
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    if (is.unsorted(x)) stop("'x' must be sorted")
    if (discrete) {
        w <- rep(1., length(x))
    } else {
        w <- diff(x)
        x <- head(x, -1) + w / 2
    structure(list(x=x, w=w, method="marginal_sr"), class="SR")

##' Gauss Kronrod configuration
##' Helper function to specify parameters used by the Gauss Kronrod
##' integration available through the argument \code{integrate} to
##' \code{MakeADFun}.
##' @param ... See source code
GK <- function(...) {
    ans <- list(dim=1, adaptive=FALSE, debug=FALSE)
    args <- list(...)
    ans[names(args)] <- args
    ans$method <- "marginal_gk"
    class(ans) <- "GK"

## TODO: Laplace approx config
LA <- function(...) {
    ans <- list(...)
    ans$method <- "laplace"
    class(ans) <- "LA"

## 'parse' MakeADFun argument 'integrate'
parseIntegrate <- function(arg, name) {
    i <- sapply(arg, function(x) is(x, name))

##' Construct objective functions with derivatives based on the users C++ template.
##' A call to \code{MakeADFun} will return an object that, based on the users DLL code (specified through \code{DLL}), contains functions to calculate the objective function
##' and its gradient. The object contains the following components:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item \code{par} A default parameter.
##'   \item \code{fn} The likelihood function.
##'   \item \code{gr} The gradient function.
##'   \item \code{report} A function to report all variables reported with the REPORT() macro in the user template.
##'   \item \code{env} Environment with access to all parts of the structure.
##' }
##' and is thus ready for a call to an R optimizer, such as \code{nlminb} or \code{optim}.
##' Data (\code{data}) and parameters (\code{parameters}) are directly read by the user template via the macros beginning with DATA_
##' and PARAMETER_. The order of the PARAMETER_ macros defines the order of parameters in the final objective function.
##' There are no restrictions on the order of random parameters, fixed parameters or data in the template.
##' @section Parameter mapping:
##' Optionally, a simple mechanism for collecting and fixing parameters from R is available through the \code{map} argument. A map is a named list
##' of factors with the following properties:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item names(map) is a subset of names(parameters).
##'   \item For a parameter "p" length(map$p) equals length(parameters$p).
##'   \item Parameter entries with NAs in the factor are fixed.
##'   \item Parameter entries with equal factor level are collected to a common value.
##' }
##' More advanced parameter mapping, such as collecting parameters between different vectors etc., must be implemented from the template.
##' @section Specifying random effects:
##' Random effects are specified via the argument \code{random}: A component of the parameter list is marked as random if its name is matched
##' by any of the characters of the vector \code{random} (Regular expression match is performed if \code{regexp=TRUE}).
##' If some parameters are specified as random effects, these will
##' be integrated out of the objective function via the Laplace approximation. In this situation the functions \code{fn} and \code{gr}
##' automatically perform an optimization of random effects for each function evaluation. This is referred to as
##' the 'inner optimization'. Strategies for choosing initial values of the inner optimization can be controlled
##' via the argument \code{random.start}. The default is \code{expression(last.par.best[random])}
##' where \code{last.par.best} is an internal full parameter vector corresponding to the currently best
##' likelihood. An alternative choice could be \code{expression(last.par[random])} i.e. the random effect optimum of
##' the most recent - not necessarily best - likelihood evaluation. Further control of the inner optimization can
##' be obtained by the argument \code{inner.control} which is a list of control parameters for the inner optimizer
##' \code{newton}. Depending of the inner optimization problem type the following settings are recommended:
##' \enumerate{
##'   \item Quasi-convex: \code{smartsearch=TRUE} (the default).
##'   \item Strictly-convex: \code{smartsearch=FALSE} and \code{maxit=20}.
##'   \item Quadratic: \code{smartsearch=FALSE} and \code{maxit=1}.
##' }
##' @section The model environment \code{env}:
##' Technically, the user template is processed several times by inserting
##' different types as template parameter, selected by argument \code{type}:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item \code{"ADFun"} Run through the template with AD-types and produce a stack of operations representing the objective function.
##'   \item \code{"Fun"} Run through the template with ordinary double-types.
##'   \item \code{"ADGrad"} Run through the template with nested AD-types and produce a stack of operations representing the objective function gradient.
##' }
##' Each of these are represented by external pointers to C++ structures available in the environment \code{env}.
##' Further objects in the environment \code{env}:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item \code{validpar} Function defining the valid parameter region (by default no restrictions). If an invalid
##' parameter is inserted \code{fn} immediately return NaN.
##'   \item \code{parList} Function to get the full parameter vector of random and fixed effects in a convenient
##' list format.
##'   \item \code{random} An index vector of random effect positions in the full parameter vector.
##'   \item \code{last.par} Full parameter of the latest likelihood evaluation.
##'   \item \code{last.par.best} Full parameter of the best likelihood evaluation.
##'   \item \code{tracepar} Trace every likelihood evaluation ?
##'   \item \code{tracemgc} Trace maximum gradient component of every gradient evaluation ?
##'   \item \code{silent} Pass 'silent=TRUE' to all try-calls ?
##' }
##' @section The argument \code{intern}:
##' By passing \code{intern=TRUE} the entire Laplace approximation (including sparse matrix calculations) is done within the AD machinery on the C++ side. This requires the model to be compiled using the 'TMBad framework' - see \code{\link{compile}}. For any serious use of this option one should consider compiling with \code{supernodal=TRUE} - again see \code{\link{compile}} - in order to get performance comparable to R's matrix calculations. The benefit of the 'intern' LA is that it may be faster in some cases and that it provides an autodiff hessian (\code{obj$he}) wrt. the fixed effects which would otherwise not work for random effect models. Another benefit is that it gives access to fast computations with certain hessian structures that do not meet the usual sparsity requirement. A detailed list of options are found in the online doxygen documentation in the 'newton' namespace under the 'newton_config' struct. All these options can be passed from R via the `inner.control` argument. However, there are some drawbacks of running the LA on the C++ side. Notably, random effects are no longer visible in the model environment which may break assumptions on the layout of internal vectors (`par`, `last.par`, etc). In addition, model debugging becomes harder when calculations are moved to C++.
##' @section Controlling tracing:
##' A high level of tracing information will be output by default when evaluating the objective function and gradient.
##' This is useful while developing a model, but may eventually become annoying. Disable all tracing by passing
##' \code{silent=TRUE} to the \code{MakeADFun} call.
##' @note Do not rely upon the default arguments of any of the functions in the model object \code{obj$fn}, \code{obj$gr}, \code{obj$he}, \code{obj$report}. I.e. always use the explicit form \code{obj$fn(obj$par)} rather than \code{obj$fn()}.
##' @title Construct objective functions with derivatives based on a compiled C++ template.
##' @param data List of data objects (vectors, matrices, arrays, factors, sparse matrices) required by the user template (order does not matter and un-used components are allowed).
##' @param parameters List of all parameter objects required by the user template (both random and fixed effects).
##' @param map List defining how to optionally collect and fix parameters - see details.
##' @param type Character vector defining which operation stacks are generated from the users template - see details.
##' @param random Character vector defining the random effect parameters. See also \code{regexp}.
##' @param profile Parameters to profile out of the likelihood (this subset will be appended to \code{random} with Laplace approximation disabled).
##' @param random.start Expression defining the strategy for choosing random effect initial values as function of previous function evaluations - see details.
##' @param hessian Calculate Hessian at optimum?
##' @param method Outer optimization method.
##' @param inner.method Inner optimization method (see function "newton").
##' @param inner.control List controlling inner optimization.
##' @param MCcontrol List controlling importance sampler (turned off by default).
##' @param ADreport Calculate derivatives of macro ADREPORT(vector) instead of objective_function return value?
##' @param atomic Allow tape to contain atomic functions?
##' @param LaplaceNonZeroGradient Allow Taylor expansion around non-stationary point?
##' @param DLL Name of shared object file compiled by user (without the conventional extension, \file{.so}, \file{.dll}, \dots).
##' @param checkParameterOrder Optional check for correct parameter order.
##' @param regexp Match random effects by regular expressions?
##' @param silent Disable all tracing information?
##' @param intern Do Laplace approximation on C++ side ? See details (Experimental - may change without notice)
##' @param integrate Specify alternative integration method(s) for random effects (see details)
##' @param ... Currently unused.
##' @return List with components (fn, gr, etc) suitable for calling an R optimizer, such as \code{nlminb} or \code{optim}.
MakeADFun <- function(data, parameters, map=list(),
                      type=c("ADFun","Fun","ADGrad"[!intern && (!is.null(random) || !is.null(profile)) ] ),
                      LaplaceNonZeroGradient=FALSE, ## Experimental feature: Allow expansion around non-stationary point
                      checkParameterOrder=TRUE, ## Optional check
  ## Check that DLL is loaded
  if ( ! DLL %in% names(getLoadedDLLs()) ) {
    stop(sprintf("'%s' was not found in the list of loaded DLLs. Forgot to dyn.load(dynlib('%s')) ?", DLL, DLL))
  env <- environment() ## This environment
    stop("'data' must be a list")
  ok <- function(x)(is.matrix(x)|is.vector(x)|is.array(x))&(is.numeric(x)|is.logical(x))
  ok.data <- function(x)ok(x)|is.factor(x)|is(x,"sparseMatrix")|is.list(x)|(is.character(x)&length(x)==1)
  check.passed <- function(x){
    y <- attr(x,"check.passed")
    if(is.null(y)) FALSE else y
      cat("Problem with these data entries:\n")
      stop("Only numeric matrices, vectors, arrays, ",
           "factors, lists or length-1-characters ",
           "can be interfaced")
      cat("Problem with these parameter entries:\n")
      stop("Only numeric matrices, vectors and arrays ",
           "can be interfaced")
    dataSanitize <- function(x){
      if(is.list(x)) return( lapply(x, dataSanitize) )
        ## WAS: x <- as(x, "dgTMatrix")
        x <- as( as(x, "TsparseMatrix"), "generalMatrix")
      else if (is.character(x))
        ## Do nothing
        if(is.factor(x))x <- unclass(x)-1L ## Factors are passed as 0-based integers !!!
        storage.mode(x) <- "double"
      data <- lapply(data,dataSanitize)
    attr(data,"check.passed") <- TRUE
    parameterSanitize <- function(x){
      storage.mode(x) <- "double"
      parameters <- lapply(parameters,parameterSanitize)
    attr(parameters,"check.passed") <- TRUE

    ## For safety, check that parameter order match the parameter order in user template.
    ## If not, permute parameter list with a warning.
    ## Order in which parameters were requested:
    parNameOrder <- getParameterOrder(data, parameters, new.env(), DLL=DLL)
      if(!silent) cat("Order of parameters:\n")
      if(!silent) print(names(parameters))
      if(!silent) cat("Not matching template order:\n")
      if(!silent) print(parNameOrder)
      keepAttrib( parameters ) <- parameters[parNameOrder]
      if(!silent) cat("Your parameter list has been re-ordered.\n(Disable this warning with checkParameterOrder=FALSE)\n")
  ## Prepare parameter mapping.
  ## * A parameter map is a factor telling which parameters should be grouped
  ## * NA values are untouched: So user can e.g. set them to zero
    ok <- all(names(map)%in%names(parameters))
    if(!ok)stop("Names in map must correspond to parameter names")
    ok <- all(sapply(map,is.factor))
    if(!ok)stop("map must contain factors")
    ok <- sapply(parameters[names(map)],length)==sapply(map,length)
    if(!all(ok))stop("A map factor length must equal parameter length")
    param.map <- lapply(names(map),
                            updateMap(parameters[[nam]], map[[nam]])
    ## Now do the change:
    keepAttrib( parameters[names(map)] ) <- param.map

  lrandom <- function() {
      ans <- logical(length(par))
      ans[random] <- TRUE
  lfixed <- function() {
  ## Utility to get back parameter list in original shape
  parList <- function(x=par[lfixed()],par=last.par){
    ans <- parameters
    nonemp <- sapply(ans,function(x)length(x)>0) ## Workaround utils::relist bug for empty list items
    nonempindex <- which(nonemp)
    skeleton <- as.relistable(ans[nonemp])
    par[lfixed()] <- x
    li <- relist(par,skeleton)
    reshape <- function(x){
      y <- attr(x,"shape")
      f <- attr(x,"map")
      i <- which(f>=0)
      y[i] <- x[f[i]+1]
    for(i in seq(skeleton)){
      ans[[nonempindex[i]]][] <- as.vector(li[[i]])
    ## MM:   ans[] <- lapply(ans, reshape)  # _____________________
    for(i in seq(ans)){
      ans[[i]] <- reshape(ans[[i]])

  type <- match.arg(type, eval(type), several.ok = TRUE)
  #if("ADFun"%in%type)ptrADFun <- .Call("MakeADFunObject",data,parameters) else ptrADFun <- NULL

  reportenv <- new.env()
  par <- NULL
  last.par.ok <- last.par <- last.par1 <- last.par2 <- last.par.best <- NULL
  value.best <- Inf
  ADFun <- NULL
  Fun <- NULL
  ADGrad <- NULL
  tracepar <- FALSE
  validpar <- function(x)TRUE
  tracemgc <- TRUE

  ## dummy assignments better than  "globalVariables(....)"
  L.created.by.newton <- skipFixedEffects <- spHess <- altHess <- NULL

  ## Disable all tracing information
  beSilent <- function(){
      tracemgc <<- FALSE
      inner.control$trace <<- FALSE
      silent <<- TRUE
      cf <- config(DLL=DLL)
      i <- grep("^trace.",names(cf))
      cf[i] <- 0
      cf$DLL <- DLL
      do.call(config, cf)

  ## Getting shape of ad reported variables
  ADreportDims <- NULL
  ADreportIndex <- function() {
      lngt <- sapply(ADreportDims, prod)
      offset <- head( cumsum( c(1, lngt) ) , -1)
      ans <- lapply(seq_along(lngt),
                    function(i) array(seq(from = offset[i],
                                          length.out = lngt[i]),
                                      ADreportDims[[i]] ))
      names(ans) <- names(ADreportDims)

  ## All external pointers are created in function "retape" and can be re-created
  ## by running retape() if e.g. the number of openmp threads is changed.
  ## set.defaults: reset internal parameters to their default values.
  .random <- random
  retape <- function(set.defaults = TRUE){
    omp <- config(DLL=DLL) ## Get current OpenMP configuration
    random <<- .random ## Restore original 'random' argument
    if(atomic){ ## FIXME: Then no reason to create ptrFun again later ?
      ## User template contains atomic functions ==>
      ## Have to call "double-template" to trigger tape generation
      Fun <<- MakeDoubleFunObject(data, parameters, reportenv, DLL=DLL)
      ## Hack: unlist(parameters) only guarantied to be a permutation of the parameter vecter.
      out <- EvalDoubleFunObject(Fun, unlist(parameters), get_reportdims = TRUE)
      ADreportDims <<- attr(out, "reportdims")
        random <<- c(random, profile)
      if(!regexp){ ## Default: do exact match
        if(!all(random %in% names(parameters))){
          cat("Some 'random' effect names does not match 'parameter' list:\n")
          cat("(Note that regular expression match is disabled by default)\n")
          cat("Duplicates in 'random' - will be removed\n")
          random <<- unique(random)
        tmp <- lapply(parameters,function(x)x*0)
        tmp[random] <- lapply(tmp[random],function(x)x*0+1)
        random <<- which(as.logical(unlist(tmp)))
        if(length(random)==0) random <<- NULL
      if(regexp){ ## Original regular expression match
        random <<- grepRandomParameters(parameters,random)
          cat("Selected random effects did not match any model parameters.\n")
          random <<- NULL
          ## Convert 'profile' to a pointer into random (represented
          ## as logical index vector):
          tmp <- lapply(parameters,function(x)x*0)
          tmp[profile] <- lapply(tmp[profile],function(x)x*0+1)
          profile <<- match( which(as.logical(unlist(tmp))) , random )
          if(length(profile)==0) random <<- NULL
          if(any(duplicated(profile))) stop("Profile parameter vector not unique.")
          tmp <- rep(0L, length(random))
          tmp[profile] <- 1L
          profile <<- tmp
      if (set.defaults) {
          par <<- unlist(parameters)
      ## autopar? => Tape with single thread
      if (omp$autopar)
          openmp(1, DLL=DLL)
      ADFun <<- MakeADFunObject(data, parameters, reportenv, ADreport=ADreport, DLL=DLL)
      ## autopar? => Restore OpenMP number of threads
      if (omp$autopar)
          openmp(omp$nthreads, DLL=DLL)
      if (!is.null(integrate)) {
          nm <- sapply(parameters, length)
          nmpar <- rep(names(nm), nm)
          for (i in seq_along(integrate)) {
              I <- integrate[i]
              ## Special case: joint integration list
              if (is.null(names(I)) || names(I) == "") {
                  I <- I[[1]]
              ok <- all(names(I) %in% nmpar[random])
              if (!ok)
                  stop("Names to be 'integrate'd must be among the random parameters")
              w <- which(nmpar[random] %in% names(I))
              ## Argument 'which' is common to all methods
              arg_which <- I[[1]]$which
              if ( ! is.null(arg_which) )
                  w <- w[arg_which]
              method <- sapply(I, function(x) x$method)
              ok <- all(duplicated(method)[-1])
              if (!ok)
                  stop("Grouping only allowed for identical methods")
              method <- method[1]
              cfg <- NULL
              if (method == "marginal_sr") {
                  ## SR has special support for joint integration
                  fac <- factor(nmpar[random[w]],
                  cfg <- list(
                      grid = I,
                      random2grid = fac
              } else {
                  ## For other methods we use the first
                  ## (FIXME: Test no contradicting choices)
                  cfg <- I[[1]]
              stopifnot (is.list(cfg))
              ## Integrate parameter subset out of the likelihood
                                   method = method,
                                   random_order = random[w],
                                   config = cfg,
                                   mustWork = 1L)
              ## Find out what variables have been integrated
              ## (only GK might not integrate all random[w])
              activeDomain <- as.logical(info(ADFun)$activeDomain)
              random_remove <- random[w][!activeDomain[random[w]]]
              ## Integrated parameters must no longer be present
                                   random_order = random_remove,
                                   mustWork = 1L)
              ## Adjust 'random' and 'par' accordingly
              attr(ADFun$ptr, "par") <- attr(ADFun$ptr, "par")[-random_remove]
              par_mask <- rep(FALSE, length(attr(ADFun$ptr, "par")))
              par_mask[random] <- TRUE
              par <<- par[-random_remove]
              nmpar <- nmpar[-random_remove]
              par_mask <- par_mask[-random_remove]
              random <<- which(par_mask)
              if (length(random) == 0) {
                  random <<- NULL
                  type <<- setdiff(type, "ADGrad")
              ## Run tape optimizer
              if (config(DLL=DLL)$optimize.instantly) {
                                       method = "optimize",
                                       mustWork = 1L)
      if (intern) {
          cfg <- inner.control
          if (is.null(cfg$sparse)) cfg$sparse <- TRUE
          cfg <- lapply(cfg, as.double)
                               method = "laplace",
                               config = cfg,
                               random_order = random,
                               mustWork = 1L)
                               random_order = random,
                               mustWork = 1L)
          ## FIXME: Should be done by above .Call
          attr(ADFun$ptr,"par") <- attr(ADFun$ptr,"par")[-random]
          par <<- par[-random]
          random <<- NULL
          ## Run tape optimizer
          if (config(DLL=DLL)$optimize.instantly) {
                                   method = "optimize",
                                   mustWork = 1L)
      if (set.defaults) {
          par <<- attr(ADFun$ptr,"par")
          last.par <<- par
          last.par1 <<- par
          last.par2 <<- par
          last.par.best <<- par
          value.best <<- Inf
    if (omp$autopar && !ADreport) {
        ## Experiment !
                             method = "parallel_accumulate",
                             num_threads = as.integer(openmp(DLL=DLL)),
                             mustWork = 0L)
    if (length(random) > 0) {
        ## Experiment !
                             method = "reorder_random",
                             random_order = random,
                             mustWork = 0L)
    if("Fun"%in%type) {
        Fun <<- MakeDoubleFunObject(data, parameters, reportenv, DLL=DLL)
    if("ADGrad"%in%type) {
        retape_adgrad(lazy = TRUE)
    ## Skip fixed effects from the full hessian ?
    ## * Probably more efficient - especially in terms of memory.
    ## * Only possible if a taped gradient is available - see function "ff" below.
    env$skipFixedEffects <- !is.null(ADGrad)
    delayedAssign("spHess", sparseHessianFun(env, skipFixedEffects=skipFixedEffects ),
                  assign.env = env)
  }## end{retape}
  ## Lazy / Full adgrad ?
  retape_adgrad <- function(lazy = TRUE) {
      ## * Use already taped function value f = ADFun$ptr
      ## * In random effects case we only need the 'random' part of the gradient
      if (!lazy) random <- NULL
      ADGrad <<- MakeADGradObject(data, parameters, reportenv,
                                  random=random, f=ADFun$ptr, DLL=DLL)
  retape(set.defaults = TRUE)
  ## Has atomic functions been generated for the tapes ?
  usingAtomics <- function().Call("usingAtomics", PACKAGE=DLL)

  .data <- NULL
  f <- function(theta=par, order=0, type="ADdouble",
                cols=NULL, rows=NULL,
                sparsitypattern=0, rangecomponent=1, rangeweight=NULL,
                dumpstack=0, doforward=1, do_simulate=0, set_tail=0,
                keepx=NULL, keepy=NULL) {
    if(isNullPointer(ADFun$ptr)) {
        ## Loaded or deep copied object: Only restore external
        ## pointers. Don't touch last.par/last.par.best etc:
        retape(set.defaults = FALSE)
    ## User has changed the data => Next forward pass must traverse whole graph !
    data_changed <- !identical(.data, data) ## Fast to check if identical (i.e. most of the time)
    if (data_changed) {
        .data <<- data ## Shallow copy (fast)
           "ADdouble" = {
          res <- EvalADFunObject(ADFun, theta,
          last.par <<- theta
          if(order==1)last.par1 <<- theta
          if(order==2)last.par2 <<- theta

        "double" = {
          res <- EvalDoubleFunObject(Fun, theta, do_simulate=do_simulate)

        "ADGrad" = {
            res <- EvalADFunObject(ADGrad, theta,
        stop("invalid 'type'")) # end{ switch() }
  } ## end{ f }

  h <- function(theta=par, order=0, hessian, L, ...) {
    if(order == 0) {
      ##logdetH <- determinant(hessian)$mod
      logdetH <- 2*determinant(L, sqrt=TRUE)$modulus
      ans <- f(theta,order=0) + .5*logdetH - length(random)/2*log(2*pi)
        grad <- f(theta,order=1)[random]
        ans - .5* sum(grad * as.numeric( solveCholesky(L, grad) ))
      } else
    else if(order == 1) {
      if(LaplaceNonZeroGradient)stop("Not correct for LaplaceNonZeroGradient=TRUE")
      e <- environment(spHess)
      solveSubset <- function(L).Call("tmb_invQ",L,PACKAGE="TMB")
      solveSubset2 <- function(L).Call("tmb_invQ_tril_halfdiag",L,PACKAGE="TMB")
      ## FIXME: The following two lines are not efficient:
      ## 1. ihessian <- tril(solveSubset(L))
      ## 2. diag(ihessian) <- .5*diag(ihessian)
      ## Make option to solveSubset to return lower triangular part
      ## with diagonal halved. As it is now the output of solveSubset is
      ## symm _with upper storage_ (!) (side effect of cholmod_ptranspose)
      ## therefore tril takes long time. Further, "diag<-" is too slow.
      ## FIXED! :
      ihessian <- solveSubset2(L)
      ## Profile case correction (1st order case only)
          ## Naive way:
          ##   ihessian[profile,] <- 0
          ##   ihessian[,profile] <- 0
          ## However, this would modify sparseness pattern and also not
          ## account for 'ihessian' being permuted:
          perm <- L@perm+1L
          ihessian <- .Call("tmb_sparse_izamd", ihessian, profile[perm], 0.0, PACKAGE="TMB")
      ## General function to lookup entries A subset B.
      ## lookup.old <- function(A,B){
      ##   A <- as(tril(A),"dtTMatrix")
      ##   B <- as(tril(B),"dtTMatrix")
      ##   match(paste(A@i,A@j),paste(B@i,B@j))
      ## }
      ## General function to lookup entries A in B[r,r] assuming pattern of A
      ## is subset of pattern of B[r,r].
      lookup <- function(A,B,r=NULL){
        A <- tril(A); B <- tril(B)
        B@x[] <- seq.int(length.out=length(B@x)) ## Pointers to full B matrix (Can have up to 2^31-1 non-zeros)
            ## Goal is to get:
            ##     B <- forceSymmetric(B)
            ##     B <- B[r,r,drop=FALSE]
            ## However the internal Matrix code for
            ## "B[r,r,drop=FALSE]" creates temporary "dgCMatrix"
            ## thereby almost doubling the number of non-zeros. Need
            ## solution that works with max (2^31-1) non-zeros:
            B <- .Call("tmb_half_diag", B, PACKAGE="TMB")
            B <- tril( B[r,r,drop=FALSE] ) + tril( t(B)[r,r,drop=FALSE] )
        m <- .Call("match_pattern", A, B, PACKAGE="TMB") ## Same length as A@x with pointers to B@x
        ## hessian: Hessian of random effect part only.
        ## ihessian: Inverse subset of hessian (same dim but larger pattern!).
        ## Hfull: Pattern of full hessian including fixed effects.
        if (!silent) cat("Matching hessian patterns... ")
        iperm <- invPerm(L@perm+1L)
        e$ind1 <- lookup(hessian,ihessian,iperm) ## Same dimensions
        e$ind2 <- lookup(hessian,e$Hfull,random)  ## Note: dim(Hfull)>dim(hessian) !
        if (!silent) cat("Done\n")
      w <- rep(0,length.out=length(e$Hfull@x))
      w[e$ind2] <- ihessian@x[e$ind1]
      ## Reverse mode evaluate ptr in rangedirection w
      ## now gives .5*tr(Hdot*Hinv) !!
      ## return
      as.vector( f(theta,order=1) ) +
          EvalADFunObject(e$ADHess, theta,
    }## order == 1
    else stop(sprintf("'order'=%d not yet implemented", order))
  } ## end{ h }

  ff <- function(par.fixed=par[-random], order=0, ...) {
    names(par.fixed) <- names(par[-random])
    f0 <- function(par.random,order=0,...){
      par[random] <- par.random
      par[-random] <- par.fixed
      res <- f(par,order=order,set_tail=random[1],...)
    ## sparse hessian
    H0 <- function(par.random){
      par[random] <- par.random
      par[-random] <- par.fixed
      #opt <- newton(eval(random.start),fn=f0,gr=function(x)f0(x,order=1),
      #              he=function(x)f0(x,order=2))
      opt <- try( do.call("newton",c(list(par=eval(random.start),
                          ), silent=silent
      if (inherits(opt, "try-error") || !is.finite(opt$value)) {
        if (order==0) return(NaN)
        if (order==1) stop("inner newton optimization failed during gradient calculation")
        stop("invalid 'order'")
    } else {
      opt <- optim(eval(random.start),fn=f0,gr=function(x)f0(x,order=1),
    par[random] <- opt$par
    par[-random] <- par.fixed

    ## Use alternative Hessian for log determinant?
    altHessFlag <- !is.null(altHess)
    if (altHessFlag) {
        altHess(TRUE) ## Enable alternative hessian

    ## HERE! - update hessian and cholesky
    if(!skipFixedEffects){ ## old way
      hess <- spHess(par) ## Full hessian
      hessian <- hess[random,random] ## Subset
    } else {
      hessian <- spHess(par,random=TRUE)
    ## Profile case correction (0 and 1st order)
    if( !is.null(profile) ){
        ## Naive way:
        ##   hessian[profile, ] <- 0
        ##   hessian[, profile] <- 0
        ##   diag(hessian)[profile] <- 1
        ## However, this would modify sparseness pattern:
        hessian <- .Call("tmb_sparse_izamd", hessian, profile, 1.0, PACKAGE="TMB")
    ## Update Cholesky:
      L <- env$L.created.by.newton
    } else
      L <- Cholesky(hessian,perm=TRUE,LDL=FALSE,super=TRUE)

      res <- h(par,order=0,hessian=hessian,L=L)
      ## Profile case correction
          res <- res + sum(profile)/2*log(2*pi)
          last.par.best <<- par; value.best <<- res
      #hess <- f(par,order=2,cols=random)
      #hess <- spHess(par)##[,random,drop=FALSE]
      grad <- h(par,order=1,hessian=hessian,L=L)
      #res <- grad[-random] - t(grad[random])%*%solve(hess[random,random])%*%hess[random,-random]
      #res <- grad[-random] - t(grad[random])%*%solve(hess[random,])%*%t(hess[-random,])
      if (altHessFlag) {
          ## Restore original hessian and Cholesky
          altHess(FALSE) ## Disable alternative hessian
          hessian <- spHess(par, random=TRUE)
          updateCholesky(L, hessian)
      ## Profile case correction. The remaining calculations must be
      ## done with the original hessian (which has been destroyed)
          ## Update hessian and Cholesky:
          if(!skipFixedEffects){ ## old way
              hess <- spHess(par) ## Full hessian
              hessian <- hess[random,random] ## Subset
          } else {
              hessian <- spHess(par,random=TRUE)
      ## res <- grad[-random] -
      ##   hess[-random,random]%*%as.vector(solve(hess[random,random],grad[random]))

        ## Relies on "hess[-random,random]" !!!!!
        res <- grad[-random] -
          hess[-random,random] %*% as.vector(solveCholesky(L,grad[random]))
      } else {
        ## Smarter: Do a reverse sweep of ptrADGrad
        w <- rep(0,length(par))
        w[random] <- as.vector(solveCholesky(L,grad[random]))
        res <- grad[-random] -
          f(par, order=1, type="ADGrad", rangeweight=w)[-random]

      res <- drop(res)
    if(order == 2) {
      n <- length(par); nr <- length(random); nf <- n-nr
      fixed <- setdiff(1:n,random)
      D1h <- h(par,order=1) ## 1*n
      D2h <- h(par,order=2) ## n*n
      D2f <- f(par,order=2,cols=random) ## n*nr
      D3f <- sapply(random,function(i)
                      order=2,rangecomponent=i))  ## n^2 * nr
      I.D2f <- solve(D2f[random,])
      D1eta <- -t(D2f[-random,] %*% I.D2f) ## nr*nf
      D3f.D1eta <- D3f%*%D1eta ## n^2 * nf
      dim(D3f.D1eta) <- c(n,n,nf)
      dim(D3f) <- c(n,n,nr)
      D3f.fixed <- D3f[fixed,,] ##nf*n*nr
      D2eta <- sapply(1:nf, function(i) {
        -I.D2f %*% (t(D3f.fixed[i,fixed,]) + D3f.D1eta[random,fixed, i] +
                    ( D3f.fixed[i,random,] + D3f.D1eta[random,random,i] ) %*% D1eta )
      }) # nr*nf*nf
      dim(D2eta) <- c(nr,nf,nf)
      D2h.fixed <- D2h[fixed,] #nf*n
      res <- sapply(1:nf,function(i){
        D2h.fixed[i,fixed] + t( D2h.fixed[,random] %*% D1eta[,i] ) +
          ( t(D2h.fixed[i,random]) +
           t(D2h[random,random] %*% D1eta[,i]) ) %*% D1eta +
             D1h[,random] %*% D2eta[,,i]
      attr(res,"D2eta") <- D2eta
      attr(res,"D1eta") <- D1eta
      #attr(res,"D1h") <- D1h
      #attr(res,"D2h") <- D2h
      #attr(res,"D2f") <- D2f
      #attr(res,"D3f") <- D3f
    if(all(is.finite(res))) last.par.ok <<- par
  } ## end{ ff }

  ## Monte Carlo improvement of Laplace approximation
  ## Importance sampling from *fixed* reference measure determined
  ## by parameter "par0". Assumptions:
  ## * We know how to sample from the measure - see rmvnorm.
  ## * We know how to evaluate the density of the samples - see logdmvnorm.
  ## * Eventually "par0" will stabilize and become independent of the fixed
  ##   effects "par", so that derivatives of the sample density and the samples
  ##   are zero wrt. the fixed effects.
  MC <- function(par=last.par,       ## Point in which we are evaluating the likelihood
                 par0=last.par.best, ## Parameter for proposal distribution
                 n=100,              ## Number of samples
                 order=0,            ## Derivative order
                 seed=NULL,          ## Random seed
                 antithetic=TRUE,    ## Reduce variance
                 keep=FALSE,         ## Keep samples and fct evals
                 phi=NULL,           ## Function to calculate mean of
    ## Clean up on exit
    last.par.old <- last.par
    last.par.best.old <- last.par.best
    on.exit({last.par <<- last.par.old;
             last.par.best <<- last.par.best.old})
    ## Update Cholesky needed by reference measure
    h <- spHess(par0,random=TRUE)
    L <- L.created.by.newton
    updateCholesky(L,h)             ## P %*% h %*% Pt = L %*% Lt
    rmvnorm <- function(n){
        u <- matrix(rnorm(ncol(L)*n),ncol(L),n)
        u <- solve(L,u,system="Lt") ## Solve Lt^-1 %*% u
        u <- solve(L,u,system="Pt") ## Multiply Pt %*% u
    M.5.log2pi <- -.5* log(2*pi) # = log(1/sqrt(2*pi))
    logdmvnorm <- function(u){
        logdetH.5 <- determinant(L, logarithm=TRUE, sqrt=TRUE)$modulus # = log(det(L)) =  .5 * log(det(H))
        nrow(h)*M.5.log2pi + logdetH.5 - .5*colSums(u*as.matrix(h %*% u))
    eval.target <- function(u,order=0){
      par[random] <- u
    samples <- rmvnorm(n)
    if(antithetic)samples <- cbind(samples,-samples) ## Antithetic variates
    log.density.propose <- logdmvnorm(samples)
    samples <- samples+par0[random]
    log.density.target <- -apply(samples,2,eval.target)
    log.density.target[is.nan(log.density.target)] <- -Inf
    I <- log.density.target - log.density.propose
    M <- max(I)
      vec <- exp(I-M)
      p <- vec/sum(vec)
      i <- (p>0)
      p <- p[i]
      I1 <- apply(samples[,i,drop=FALSE],2,eval.target,order=1)[-random,,drop=FALSE]
      gr <- as.vector(I1 %*% p)
      ## I1I1 <- t(apply(I1,1,function(x)x%*%t(x)))
      ## I2 <- t(apply(samples,1,function(x)eval.target(x,order=2)[-random,-random]))
      ## h <- colMeans(vec*(-I1I1+I2))/mean(vec)+as.vector(gr)%*%t(as.vector(gr))
      ## if(order==2)return(h)
      phival <- apply(samples,2,phi)
      if(is.null(dim(phival)))phival <- t(phival)
      p <- exp(I-M); p <- p/sum(p)
      ans <- phival %*% p
    value <- -log(mean(exp(I-M)))-M
    ci <- 1.96*sd(exp(I-M))/sqrt(n)
    attr(value,"confint") <- -log(mean(exp(I-M))+c(lower=ci,upper=-ci))-M
        attr(value,"samples") <- samples
        attr(value,"nlratio") <- -I

  report <- function(par=last.par){
  simulate <- function(par = last.par, complete = FALSE){
    f(par, order = 0, type = "double", do_simulate = TRUE)
    sim <- as.list(reportenv)
        ans <- data
        ans[names(sim)] <- sim
    } else {
        ans <- sim

  ## return :
      ## Default parameter vector
      par = par[lfixed()],
      ## Objective function
      fn = function(x = last.par[lfixed()], ...) {
          if (tracepar) { cat("par:\n"); print(x) }
          if (!validpar(x)) return(NaN)
          if (is.null(random)) {
              ans <- f(x,order=0)
              if (!ADreport) {
                  if (is.finite(ans) && ans < value.best) {
                      last.par.best <<- x; value.best <<- ans
          } else {
              ans <- try({
                      ff(x, order=0)
                      MC(last.par, n=MCcontrol$n, seed=MCcontrol$seed, order=0)
                  } else
              }, silent=silent)
              if (is.character(ans)) ans <- NaN
      ## Gradient of objective function
      gr = function(x = last.par[lfixed()], ...) {
          if (is.null(random)) {
              ans <- f(x, order=1)
          } else {
              ans <- try( {
                  if (MCcontrol$doMC) {
                      MC(last.par, n=MCcontrol$n, seed=MCcontrol$seed, order=1)
                  } else
              }, silent=silent)
              if(is.character(ans)) ans <- rep(NaN, length(x))
          if (tracemgc) cat("outer mgc: ", max(abs(ans)), "\n")
      ## Hessian of objective function
      he = function(x = last.par[lfixed()], atomic=usingAtomics()) {
          if (is.null(random)) {
              ## If no atomics on tape we have all orders implemented:
              if(!atomic) return( f(x,order=2) )
              ## Otherwise, get Hessian as 1st order derivative of gradient:
              return( f(x, type="ADGrad", order=1) )
          } else {
              stop("Hessian not yet implemented for models with random effects.")
      ## Other methods and flags
}## end{ MakeADFun }

##' Free memory allocated on the C++ side by \code{MakeADFun}.
##' @note
##' This function is normally not needed.
##' @details
##' An object returned by \code{MakeADFun} contains pointers to
##' structures allocated on the C++ side. These are managed by R's
##' garbage collector which for the most cases is sufficient. However,
##' because the garbage collector is unaware of the C++ object sizes,
##' it may fail to release memory to the system as frequently as
##' necessary. In such cases one can manually call
##' \code{FreeADFun(obj)} to release the resources.
##' @section Memory management:
##' Memory allocated on the C++ side by \code{MakeADFun} is
##' represented by external pointers. Each such pointer has an
##' associated 'finalizer' (see \code{reg.finalizer}) that deallocates
##' the external pointer when \code{gc()} decides the pointer is no
##' longer needed.  Deallocated pointers are recognized on the R
##' side as external null pointers \code{<pointer: (nil)>}. This is
##' important as it provides a way to prevent the finalizers from
##' freeing pointers that have already been deallocated \emph{even if
##' the deallocation C-code has been unloaded}.
##' The user DLL maintains a list of all external pointers on the C
##' side. Three events can reduce the list:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item Garbage collection of an external pointer that is no longer needed (triggers corresponding finalizer).
##'   \item Explicit deallocation of external pointers using \code{FreeADFun()} (corresponding finalizers are untriggered but harmless).
##'   \item Unload/reload of the user's DLL deallocates all external pointers (corresponding finalizers are untriggered but harmless).
##' }
##' @title Free memory allocated on the C++ side by \code{MakeADFun}.
##' @param obj Object returned by \code{MakeADFun}
##' @return NULL
##' @examples
##' runExample("simple", thisR = TRUE)          ## Create 'obj'
##' FreeADFun(obj)                              ## Free external pointers
##' obj$fn()                                    ## Re-allocate external pointers
FreeADFun <- function(obj) {
    free <- function(ADFun) {
        if (! is.null(ADFun) ) {
            if ( ! isNullPointer(ADFun$ptr) ) {
                .Call("FreeADFunObject", ADFun$ptr, PACKAGE = obj$env$DLL)
    ADHess <- environment(obj$env$spHess)$ADHess

.removeComments <- function(x){
  x <- paste(x,collapse="\n")
  remlong <- function(x)gsub("/\\*.*?\\*/","",x)
  remshort <- function(x)gsub("//[^\n]*\n","\n",x)
  x <- remshort(remlong(x))

isParallelTemplate <- function(file){
  code <- readLines(file)
  code <- .removeComments(code)
  length(grep("^[ \t]*PARALLEL_",code))>0  ||
  length(grep("^[ \t]*parallel_accumulator",code))>0

isParallelDLL <- function(DLL) {
    attr( .Call("getFramework", PACKAGE = DLL), "openmp")

##' Control number of OpenMP threads used by a TMB model.
##' This function controls the number of parallel threads used by a TMB model compiled with OpenMP.
##' The number of threads is part of the configuration list \code{config()} of the DLL.
##' The value only affects parallelization of the DLL. It does \emph{not} affect BLAS/LAPACK specific parallelization which has to be specified elsewhere.
##' When a DLL is loaded, the number of threads is set to 1 by default.
##' To activate parallelization you have to explicitly call \code{openmp(nthreads)} after loading the DLL. Calling \code{openmp(max=TRUE)} should normally pick up the environment variable \code{OMP_NUM_THREADS}, but this may be platform dependent.
##' An experimental option \code{autopar=TRUE} can be set to parallelize models automatically. This requires the model to be compiled with \code{framework="TMBad"} and \code{openmp=TRUE} without further requirements on the C++ code. If the C++ code already has explicit parallel constructs these will be ignored if automatic parallelization is enabled.
##' @title Control number of OpenMP threads used by a TMB model.
##' @param n Requested number of threads, or \code{NULL} to just read the current value.
##' @param max Logical; Set n to OpenMP runtime value 'omp_get_max_threads()'?
##' @param autopar Logical; use automatic parallelization - see details.
##' @param DLL DLL of a TMB model.
##' @return Number of threads.
openmp <- function(n=NULL, max=FALSE, autopar=NULL, DLL=getUserDLL()) {
    ## Set n to max possible value?
    if (max) {
        n <- .Call("omp_num_threads", NULL, PACKAGE="TMB")
    ## Set n ?
    if (!is.null(n))
        config(nthreads=n, DLL=DLL)
    ## Set autopar ?
    if (is.logical(autopar))
        config(autopar=autopar, DLL=DLL)
    ## Return current value
    ans <- config(DLL=DLL)$nthreads
    names(ans) <- DLL
    attr(ans, "autopar") <- as.logical(config(DLL=DLL)$autopar)

##' Compile a C++ template into a shared object file. OpenMP flag is set if the template is detected to be parallel.
##' TMB relies on R's built in functionality to create shared libraries independent of the platform.
##' A template is compiled by \code{compile("template.cpp")}, which will call R's makefile with appropriate
##' preprocessor flags.
##' Compiler and compiler flags can be stored in a configuration file. In order of precedence either via
##' the file pointed at by R_MAKEVARS_USER or the file ~/.R/Makevars if it exists.
##' Additional configuration variables can be set with the \code{flags} and \code{...} arguments, which will override any
##' previous selections.
##' @section Using a custom SuiteSparse installation:
##' Sparse matrix calculations play an important role in TMB. By default TMB uses a small subset of \code{SuiteSparse} available through the R package \code{Matrix}. This is sufficient for most use cases, however for some very large models the following extra features are worth considering:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item Some large models benefit from an extended set of graph reordering algorithms (especially METIS) not part of \code{Matrix}. It is common that these orderings can provide quite big speedups.
##'   \item Some large models need sparse matrices with number of nonzeros exceeding the current 32 bit limitation of \code{Matrix}. Normally such cases will result in the cholmod error 'problem too large'. \code{SuiteSparse} includes 64 bit integer routines to address this problem.
##' }
##' Experimental support for linking to a \emph{custom} \code{SuiteSparse} installation is available through two arguments to the \code{\link{compile}} function. The first argument \code{supernodal=TRUE} tells TMB to use the supernodal Cholesky factorization from the system wide \code{SuiteSparse} on the C++ side. This will affect the speed of the Laplace approximation when run internally (using arguments \code{intern} or \code{integrate} to \code{\link{MakeADFun}}).
##' The second argument \code{longint=TRUE} tells TMB to use 64 bit integers for sparse matrices on the C++ side. This works in combination with \code{supernodal=TRUE} from Eigen version 3.4.
##' On Windows a \code{SuiteSparse} installation can be obtained using the \code{Rtools} package manager. Start 'Rtools Bash' terminal and run:
##' \preformatted{
##'   pacman -Sy
##'   pacman -S mingw-w64-{i686,x86_64}-suitesparse
##' }
##' On Linux one should look for the package \code{libsuitesparse-dev}.
##' @section Selecting the AD framework:
##' TMB supports two different AD libraries 'CppAD' and 'TMBad' selected via the argument \code{framework} which works as a switch to set one of two C++ preprocessor flags: 'CPPAD_FRAMEWORK' or 'TMBAD_FRAMEWORK'. The default value of \code{framework} can be set from R by \code{options("tmb.ad.framework")} or alternatively from the shell via the environment variable 'TMB_AD_FRAMEWORK'. Packages linking to TMB should set one of the two C++ preprocessor flags in Makevars.
##' @section Order of compiler generated atomic functions:
##' The argument \code{max.order} controls the maximum derivative order of special functions (e.g. \code{pbeta}) generated by the compiler. By default the value is set to 3 which is sufficient to obtain the Laplace approximation (order 2) and its derivatives (order 3). However, sometimes a higher value may be needed. For example \code{framework='TMBad'} allows one to calculate the Hessian of the Laplace approximation, but that requires 4th order derivatives of special functions in use. A too small value will cause the runtime error 'increase TMB_MAX_ORDER'. Note that compilation time and binary size increases with \code{max.order}.
##' @title Compile a C++ template to DLL suitable for MakeADFun.
##' @param file C++ file.
##' @param flags Character with compile flags.
##' @param safebounds Turn on preprocessor flag for bound checking?
##' @param safeunload Turn on preprocessor flag for safe DLL unloading?
##' @param openmp Turn on openmp flag? Auto detected for parallel templates.
##' @param libtmb Use precompiled TMB library if available (to speed up compilation)?
##' @param libinit Turn on preprocessor flag to register native routines?
##' @param tracesweep Turn on preprocessor flag to trace AD sweeps? (Silently disables \code{libtmb})
##' @param framework Which AD framework to use ('TMBad' or 'CppAD')
##' @param supernodal Turn on preprocessor flag to use supernodal sparse Cholesky/Inverse from system wide suitesparse library
##' @param longint Turn on preprocessor flag to use long integers for Eigen's SparseMatrix StorageIndex
##' @param eigen.disable.warnings Turn on preprocessor flag to disable nuisance warnings. Note that this is not allowed for code to be compiled on CRAN.
##' @param max.order Maximum derivative order of compiler generated atomic special functions - see details.
##' @param ... Passed as Makeconf variables.
##' @seealso \code{\link{precompile}}
compile <- function(file,flags="",safebounds=TRUE,safeunload=TRUE,
  framework <- match.arg(framework, c("CppAD", "TMBad"))
  ## Handle extra list(...) arguments plus modifications
  dotargs <- list(...)
  CPPFLAGS <- PKG_LIBS <- CLINK_CPPFLAGS <- NULL ## Visible binding (CRAN)
  '%+=%' <- function(VAR, x) {
      VAR <- deparse(substitute(VAR))
      dotargs[[VAR]] <<- paste(dotargs[[VAR]], x)
    ## Overload system.file
    system.file <- function(...){
      ans <- base::system.file(...)
      chartr("\\", "/", shortPathName(ans))
  qsystem.file <- function(...) {
      paste0('"', system.file(...), '"')
  ## Cannot use the pre-compiled library when enabling sweep tracing
  if (tracesweep) libtmb <- FALSE
  ## libtmb existence
  debug <-
      length(grep("-O0", flags)) &&
      length(grep("-g",  flags))
  fpath <- system.file(paste0("libs", Sys.getenv("R_ARCH")),
  f <- paste0(fpath,
              if      (openmp) "omp"
              else if (debug)  "dbg",
  libtmb <- libtmb && file.exists(f)
  if(libtmb) file <- c(file, f)
  ## Function to create temporary makevars, Note:
  ## * R_MAKEVARS_USER overrules all other Makevars in tools:::.shlib_internal
  oldmvuser <- mvuser <- Sys.getenv("R_MAKEVARS_USER",NA)
  } else {
  if(is.na(mvuser) && file.exists(f <- path.expand("~/.R/Makevars")))
    mvuser <- f
    cat("Note: Using Makevars in",mvuser,"\n")
  makevars <- function(...){
    file <- tempfile()
    args <- unlist(list(...), use.names=TRUE)
    txt <- paste(names(args),args,sep="=")
        txt <- c(readLines(mvuser),txt)
  ## Check that libname is valid C entry.
  libname <- sub("\\.[^\\.]*$","",basename(file[1]))
    valid <- c(letters[1:26],LETTERS[1:26],0:9,"_")
    invalid <- setdiff(unique(strsplit(libname,"")[[1]]),valid)
      cat("Your library name has invalid characters:\n")
      cat("It is recommended to replace invalid characters by underscore.\n")
      cat("Alternatively compile with safeunload=FALSE (not recommended).\n")
  ## On windows the DLL must be unloaded before compiling
    tr <- try(dyn.unload(dynlib(libname)),silent=TRUE)
    if(!is(tr,"try-error"))cat("Note: Library",paste0("'",dynlib(libname),"'"),"was unloaded.\n")
  ## Includes and preprocessor flags specific for the template
  useRcppEigen <- !file.exists( system.file("include/Eigen",package="TMB") )
  useContrib   <-  file.exists( system.file("include/contrib",package="TMB") )
  ppflags <- paste(paste0("-I",qsystem.file("include",package="TMB")),
  ## *Very* primitive guess of suitesparse configuration
  ## (If wrong set supernodal=FALSE and tweak manually)
  if (supernodal) {
      if (framework != "TMBad")
          stop("'supernodal=TRUE' only works when framework='TMBad'")
      CPPFLAGS %+=%
      PKG_LIBS %+=%
          if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows")
              "-lcholmod -lcolamd -lamd -lsuitesparseconfig -lopenblas $(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS)"
          if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows")
  ## Long integer support
  if (longint) {
      CPPFLAGS %+=%
          if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows")
              "-DTMB_SPARSE_STORAGE_INDEX='long long'"
              "-DTMB_SPARSE_STORAGE_INDEX='long int'"
  if (!is.null(max.order)) {
      CPPFLAGS %+=% paste0("-DTMB_MAX_ORDER=", max.order)
  ## Makevars specific for template
  mvfile <- makevars(PKG_CPPFLAGS=ppflags,
                       "$(SHLIB_OPENMP_CXXFLAGS)"[openmp] ),
                     CXXFLAGS=flags[flags!=""], ## Optionally override cxxflags
  status <- .shlib_internal(file)  ## Was: tools:::.shlib_internal(file)
  if(status!=0) stop("Compilation failed")

##' Precompile the TMB library
##' Precompilation can be used to speed up compilation of
##' templates. It is only necessary to run \code{precompile()} once,
##' typically right after installation of TMB. The function
##' \emph{prepares} TMB for precompilation, while the actual
##' pre-compilation takes place the first time you compile a model
##' after running \code{precompile()}.
##' Note that the precompilation requires write access to the TMB
##' package folder. Three versions of the library will be prepared:
##' Normal, parallel and a debugable version.
##' Precompilation works the same way on all platforms. The only known
##' side-effect of precompilation is that it increases the file size
##' of the generated binaries.
##' @title Precompile the TMB library in order to speed up compilation of templates.
##' @param all Precompile all or just the core parts of TMB ?
##' @param clean Remove precompiled libraries ?
##' @param trace Trace precompilation process ?
##' @param get.header Create files 'TMB.h' and 'TMB.cpp' in current working directory to be used as part of a project?
##' @param ... Not used.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Prepare precompilation
##' precompile()
##' ## Perform precompilation by running a model
##' runExample(all = TRUE)
##' }
precompile <- function(all=TRUE, clean=FALSE, trace=TRUE, get.header=FALSE, ...){
  owdir <- getwd()
  if (get.header) {
      ## TMB.h
      outfile <- paste(getwd(), "TMB.h", sep="/")
      code <- c(
          "#ifndef TMB_H",
          "#define TMB_H",
          "#ifdef TMB_PRECOMPILE",
          "#define TMB_PRECOMPILE_ATOMICS"[all],
          "#define HAVE_PRECOMPILED_ATOMICS"[all],
          "#define WITH_LIBTMB",
          "#include <TMB.hpp>",
      writeLines(code, outfile)
      if(trace) message(outfile, " generated")
      ## TMB.cpp
      outfile <- paste(getwd(), "TMB.cpp", sep="/")
      code <- c(
          "#define TMB_PRECOMPILE",
          '#include "TMB.h"'
      writeLines(code, outfile)
      if(trace) message(outfile, " generated")
  } else {
      folder <- system.file(paste0("libs", Sys.getenv("R_ARCH")), package="TMB")
          f <- dir(pattern = "^libTMB")
          if(length(f) && trace) cat("Removing:", f, "\n")
          f <- system.file(paste0("include/precompile.hpp"), package="TMB")
      ## Cleanup before applying changes:
      precompile(clean = TRUE)
      ## Precompile frequently used classes:
      outfile <-
          paste0(system.file("include", package="TMB"), "/precompile.hpp")
      if(all) writeLines(precompileSource(), outfile)
      code <- c(
          "#undef  TMB_LIB_INIT",
          "#undef  LIB_UNLOAD",
          "#undef  WITH_LIBTMB",
          "#undef  TMB_PRECOMPILE_ATOMICS",
          "#define TMB_PRECOMPILE_ATOMICS 1",
          "#pragma message \"Running TMB precompilation...\""[trace],
          "#include <TMB.hpp>"
      writeLines(code, "libTMB.cpp")
      writeLines(code, "libTMBomp.cpp")
      writeLines(code, "libTMBdbg.cpp")
      if(trace) message("Precompilation sources generated")

##' Add the platform dependent dynlib extension. In order for examples
##' to work across platforms DLLs should be loaded by
##' \code{dyn.load(dynlib("name"))}.
##' @title Add dynlib extension
##' @param name Library name without extension
##' @return Character
dynlib <- function(name)paste0(name,.Platform$dynlib.ext)

##' Create a cpp template to get started.
##' This function generates a C++ template with a header and include
##' statement. Here is a brief overview of the C++ syntax used to code
##' the objective function. For a full reference see the Doxygen
##' documentation (more information at the package URL).
##' Macros to read data and declare parameters:
##'  \tabular{lll}{
##'     \bold{Template Syntax}    \tab     \bold{C++ type}            \tab    \bold{R type} \cr
##'     DATA_VECTOR(name)         \tab     vector<Type>               \tab    vector        \cr
##'     DATA_MATRIX(name)         \tab     matrix<Type>               \tab    matrix        \cr
##'     DATA_SCALAR(name)         \tab     Type                       \tab    numeric(1)    \cr
##'     DATA_INTEGER(name)        \tab     int                        \tab    integer(1)    \cr
##'     DATA_FACTOR(name)         \tab     vector<int>                \tab    factor        \cr
##'     DATA_IVECTOR(name)        \tab     vector<int>                \tab    integer       \cr
##'     DATA_SPARSE_MATRIX(name)  \tab     Eigen::SparseMatrix<Type>  \tab    dgTMatrix     \cr
##'     DATA_ARRAY(name)          \tab     array<Type>                \tab    array         \cr
##'     PARAMETER_MATRIX(name)    \tab     matrix<Type>               \tab    matrix        \cr
##'     PARAMETER_VECTOR(name)    \tab     vector<Type>               \tab    vector        \cr
##'     PARAMETER_ARRAY(name)     \tab     array<Type>                \tab    array         \cr
##'     PARAMETER(name)           \tab     Type                       \tab    numeric(1)    \cr
##'  }
##' Basic calculations:
##'  \tabular{ll}{
##'     \bold{Template Syntax}    \tab   \bold{Explanation}                     \cr
##'     REPORT(x)                 \tab   Report x back to R                     \cr
##'     ADREPORT(x)               \tab   Report x back to R with derivatives    \cr
##'     vector<Type> v(n1);       \tab   R equivalent of v=numeric(n1)          \cr
##'     matrix<Type> m(n1,n2);    \tab   R equivalent of m=matrix(0,n1,n2)      \cr
##'     array<Type> a(n1,n2,n3);  \tab   R equivalent of a=array(0,c(n1,n2,n3)) \cr
##'     v+v,v-v,v*v,v/v           \tab   Pointwise binary operations            \cr
##'     m*v                       \tab   Matrix-vector multiply                 \cr
##'     a.col(i)                  \tab   R equivalent of a[,,i]                 \cr
##'     a.col(i).col(j)           \tab   R equivalent of a[,j,i]                \cr
##'     a(i,j,k)                  \tab   R equivalent of a[i,j,k]               \cr
##'     exp(v)                    \tab   Pointwise math                         \cr
##'     m(i,j)                    \tab   R equivalent of m[i,j]                 \cr
##'     v.sum()                   \tab   R equivalent of sum(v)                 \cr
##'     m.transpose()             \tab   R equivalent of t(m)                   \cr
##'  }
##' Some distributions are available as C++ templates with syntax close to R's distributions:
##' \tabular{ll}{
##'    \bold{Function header}                \tab \bold{Distribution}                      \cr
##'    dnbinom2(x,mu,var,int give_log=0)     \tab Negative binomial with mean and variance \cr
##'    dpois(x,lambda,int give_log=0)        \tab Poisson distribution as in R             \cr
##'    dlgamma(y,shape,scale,int give_log=0) \tab log-gamma distribution                   \cr
##'    dnorm(x,mean,sd,int give_log=0)       \tab Normal distribution as in R              \cr
##' }
##' @title Create cpp template to get started.
##' @param file Optional name of cpp file.
##' @examples
##' template()
template <- function(file=NULL){
  x <- readLines(system.file("template.cpp",package="TMB"))
    if(file.exists(file))stop("File '",file,"' exists")
  else cat(paste(x,collapse="\n"))

##' Create a skeleton of required R-code once the cpp template is ready.
##' @title Create minimal R-code corresponding to a cpp template.
##' @param file cpp template file.
##' @examples
##' file <- system.file("examples/simple.cpp", package = "TMB")
##' Rinterface(file)
Rinterface <- function(file){
  libname <- sub("\\.[^\\.]*$", "", basename(file))
  x <- readLines(file)
  x <- .removeComments(x)
  items2list <- function(items){
    paste0("list(\n",paste(paste0("  ",items,"=  "),collapse=",\n"),"\n ),")
  ## Data
  dataregexp <- "^[ ]*DATA_.*?\\((.*?)\\).*"
  datalines <- grep(dataregexp,x,value=TRUE)
  dataitems <- sub(dataregexp,"\\1",datalines)
  ## Parameters
  parameterregexp <- "^[ ]*PARAMETER.*?\\((.*?)\\).*"
  parameterlines <- grep(parameterregexp,x,value=TRUE)
  parameteritems <- sub(parameterregexp,"\\1",parameterlines)
  libname <- paste0("\"",libname,"\"")
  txt <- c("library(TMB)",
           paste0(" data=",items2list(dataitems)),
           paste0(" parameters=",items2list(parameteritems)),
           paste0(" DLL=",libname),

## Recommended settings:
## * General non-convex case: smartsearch=TRUE
## * Strictly convex case:    smartsearch=FALSE and maxit=20
## * Quadratic case:          smartsearch=FALSE and maxit=1

##' Generalized newton optimizer used for the inner optimization problem.
##' If \code{smartsearch=FALSE} this function performs an ordinary newton optimization
##' on the function \code{fn} using an exact sparse hessian function.
##' A fixed stepsize may be controlled by \code{alpha} so that the iterations are
##' given by:
##' \deqn{u_{n+1} = u_n - \alpha f''(u_n)^{-1}f'(u_n)}
##' If \code{smartsearch=TRUE} the hessian is allowed to become negative definite
##' preventing ordinary newton iterations. In this situation the newton iterations are performed on
##' a modified objective function defined by adding a quadratic penalty around the expansion point \eqn{u_0}:
##' \deqn{f_{t}(u) = f(u) + \frac{t}{2} \|u-u_0\|^2}{f_t(u) = f(u) + t/2 |u-u_0|^2}
##' This function's hessian ( \eqn{f''(u)+t I} ) is positive definite for \eqn{t} sufficiently
##' large. The value \eqn{t} is updated at every iteration: If the hessian is positive definite \eqn{t} is
##' decreased, otherwise increased. Detailed control of the update process can be obtained with the
##' arguments \code{ustep}, \code{power} and \code{u0}.
##' @title Generalized newton optimizer.
##' @param par Initial parameter.
##' @param fn Objective function.
##' @param gr Gradient function.
##' @param he Sparse hessian function.
##' @param trace Print tracing information?
##' @param maxit Maximum number of iterations.
##' @param tol Convergence tolerance.
##' @param alpha Newton stepsize in the fixed stepsize case.
##' @param smartsearch Turn on adaptive stepsize algorithm for non-convex problems?
##' @param mgcmax Refuse to optimize if the maximum gradient component is too steep.
##' @param super Supernodal Cholesky?
##' @param silent Be silent?
##' @param ustep Adaptive stepsize initial guess between 0 and 1.
##' @param power Parameter controlling adaptive stepsize.
##' @param u0 Parameter controlling adaptive stepsize.
##' @param grad.tol Gradient convergence tolerance.
##' @param step.tol Stepsize convergence tolerance.
##' @param tol10 Try to exit if last 10 iterations not improved more than this.
##' @param env Environment for cached Cholesky factor.
##' @param ... Currently unused.
##' @return List with solution similar to \code{optim} output.
##' @seealso \code{\link{newtonOption}}
newton <- function (par,fn,gr,he,
                    trace = 1,
                    maxit = 100,
                    tol = 1e-8,
                    alpha = 1,
                    smartsearch = TRUE,
                    mgcmax = 1e60,
                    super = TRUE,
                    silent = TRUE,
                    ustep = 1, ## Start out optimistic: Newton step
                    power=.5, ## decrease=function(u)const*u^power
                    u0=1e-4,  ## Increase u=0 to this value
                    grad.tol = tol,
                    step.tol = tol,
                    tol10 = 1e-3, ## Try to exit if last 10 iterations not improved much
  ## Test if a Cholesky factor is present inside the environment of "he" function.
  ## If not - create one...
  if(is.null(L <- env$L.created.by.newton)) {
    h.pattern <- he(par)
    ## Make sure Cholesky is succesful
    h.pattern@x[] <- 0
    diag(h.pattern) <- 1
    L <- env$L.created.by.newton <- Cholesky(h.pattern, super=super)
  chol.solve <- function(h,g){
  ## optimize <- stats::optimize
  nam <- names(par)
  par <- as.vector(par)
  g <- h <- NULL
  ## pd.check: Quick test for hessian being positive definite
  iterate <- function(par,pd.check=FALSE) {
      h <<- he(par) ## Make sure hessian is updated
      PD <- updateCholesky(L, h)
      return( PD )
    g <<- as.vector(gr(par))
    if(any( !is.finite(g) ))stop("Newton dropout because inner gradient had non-finite components.")
    if(is.finite(mgcmax) && max(abs(g)) > mgcmax)
      stop("Newton dropout because inner gradient too steep.")
    h <<- he(par)
      fnpar <- fn(par)
      p <- NULL
      f <- function(t,gradient=FALSE){
        ## Fast check: negative diagonal elements
        m <- min(diag(h))
          if(!(t>-m)){ ## h+t*I negative definite
            ustep <<- min(ustep,invphi(-m))
        ## Passed...
        ## Now do more expensive check...
        ##ok <- !is.character(try( .Call("destructive_CHM_update",L,h,as.double(t),PACKAGE="Matrix") , silent=silent))
        ok <- updateCholesky(L, h, t)
        dp <- as.vector(solveCholesky(L,g))
        p <<- par-dp
        ans <- fn(p)
        if(gradient)attr(ans,"gradient") <- sum(solveCholesky(L,dp)*gr(p))

      ## Adaptive stepsize algorithm (smartsearch)
      phi <- function(u)1/u-1
      invphi <- function(x)1/(x+1)
      fu <- function(u){f(phi(u))}
      ## ========== Functions controling the algorithm
      ## Important requirements:
      ## 1. increase(u) and decrease(u) takes values in [0,1]
      ## 2. increase(u)>u and decrease(u)<u
      ## 3. increase(u)->1 when u->1
      ## 4. decrease(u)->0 when u->0
      ## Properties of algorithm:
      ## * ustep must converge towards 1 (because 1 <==> Positive definite hessian)

      ## power<1 - controls the boundary *repulsion*
      increase <- function(u)u0+(1-u0)*u^power
      ##decrease <- function(u)1-increase(1-u)
      ## Solve problem with accuracy when u apprach 0
      decrease <- function(u)ifelse(u>1e-10,1-increase(1-u),(1-u0)*power*u)
      ustep <<- increase(ustep)
        fu.value <- fu(ustep)
          eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
            if(ustep<=0)break  ## Avoid trap
            ustep <<- decrease(ustep)
          else break
        } else {
          if(ustep<=0)break  ## Avoid trap
          ustep <<- decrease(ustep)
      if(trace>=1)cat("value:", fu.value,"mgc:",max(abs(g)), "ustep:", ustep ,"\n")
    dpar <- chol.solve(h,g) ## ordinary newton
    if(trace>=1)cat("mgc:",max(abs(g)) ,"\n")
    par - alpha * dpar
  norm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))
  fn.history <- numeric(maxit)
  fail <- 0
  for (i in seq_len(maxit)){
    parold <- par
    if(trace>=1)cat("iter:",i," ")
    par <- iterate(par)
    fn.history[i] <- fn(par)
      tail10 <- tail(fn.history[1:i],10)
      improve10 <- tail10[1] - tail10[length(tail10)]
        if(trace>=1)cat("Not improving much - will try early exit...")
        pd <- iterate(par,pd.check=TRUE)
        if(trace>=1)cat("PD hess?:",pd,"\n")
        fail <- fail+1
      stop("Newton drop out: Too many failed attempts.")
  pd <- iterate(par,pd.check=TRUE)
  if(!pd)stop("Newton failed to find minimum.")
  names(par) <- nam
  value <- fn(par)
  g <- gr(par)

##' Inner-problem options can be set for a model object using this
##' function.
##' @title Set newton options for a model object.
##' @param obj Object from \code{\link{MakeADFun}} for which to change settings.
##' @param ... Parameters for the \code{\link{newton}} optimizer to set.
##' @return List of updated parameters.
newtonOption <- function(obj,...){
    stop("First argument to 'newtonOption' must be a model object (output from MakeADFun)")
  x <- list(...)
  validOpts <- setdiff(names(formals(newton)),
  inValidOpts <- setdiff(names(x), validOpts)
  if(length(inValidOpts) > 0){
      stop("Invalid newton option(s):", paste0(" '",inValidOpts,"'"))
  obj$env$inner.control[names(x)] <- x
  invisible( obj$env$inner.control )

sparseHessianFun <- function(obj, skipFixedEffects=FALSE) {
  r <- obj$env$random
  if (length(r) == 0) return (NULL)
  skip <-
    if(skipFixedEffects) {
      ## Assuming that random effects comes first in parameter list, we can set
      ## skip <- as.integer(length(obj$env$par)-length(r)) ## ==number of fixed effects
    } else {
      integer(0) ## <-- Empty integer vector
  ## ptr.list
  ADHess <- MakeADHessObject(obj$env$data,
                             skip=skip, ## <-- Skip this index vector of parameters
  ## Experiment !
                       method = "reorder_random",
                       random_order = r,
                       mustWork = 0L)
  ev <- function(par, set_tail=0) {
      EvalADFunObject(ADHess, par, set_tail = set_tail)
  n <- as.integer(length(obj$env$par))
  M <- new("dsTMatrix",
           i = as.integer(attr(ADHess$ptr,"i")),
           j = as.integer(attr(ADHess$ptr,"j")),
           x = ev(obj$env$par), Dim = c(n,n), uplo = "L")
  Hfull <- as(M, "CsparseMatrix") ## WAS: as(M,"dsCMatrix")
  Hrandom <- Hfull[r,r,drop=FALSE]
  ## before returning the function, remove unneeded variables from the environment:
  rm(skip, n, M)
  function(par = obj$env$par, random=FALSE, set_tail=0) {
    if(!random) {
      Hfull@x[] <- ev(par)
    } else if(skipFixedEffects) {
        .Call("setxslot", Hrandom, ev(par), PACKAGE="TMB")
    } else {
        Hfull@x[] <- ev(par, set_tail=set_tail)

## Debugging utility: Check sparse hessian.
## By comparing with gradient differentiated in random direction.
checkSparseHessian <- function(obj,par=obj$env$last.par,
                               w = rnorm(length(par)), ## random direction
  r <- obj$env$random
  w[-r] <- 0
  res1 <- obj$env$f(par, order = 1, type = "ADGrad", rangeweight = w)[r]
  res2 <- (obj$env$spHess(par)%*%w)[r]
  res <- list(x=res1,y=res2)

##' Aggressively tries to reduce fill-in of sparse Cholesky factor by
##' running a full suite of ordering algorithms. NOTE: requires a
##' specialized installation of the package. More information is
##' available at the package URL.
##' @title Run symbolic analysis on sparse Hessian
##' @param obj Output from \code{MakeADFun}
##' @return NULL
runSymbolicAnalysis <- function(obj){
  ok <- .Call("have_tmb_symbolic",PACKAGE="TMB")
    cat("note: tmb_symbolic not installed\n")
  h <- obj$env$spHess(random=TRUE)
  h@x[] <- 0
  diag(h) <- 1
  L <- .Call("tmb_symbolic",h,PACKAGE="TMB")
  obj$env$L.created.by.newton <- L

## url: Can be local or remote zipfile
## skip.top.level: Skips the top level of unzipped directory.
install.contrib <- function(url, skip.top.level = FALSE) {
    owd <- getwd()
    contrib.folder <- paste0(system.file("include",package="TMB"), "/contrib" )
    if( !file.exists( contrib.folder ) ) {
    zipfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
    if(file.exists(url)) {
        ## Local zip file
        file.copy(url, zipfile)
    } else {
        ## Remote zipfile
        download.file(url, destfile = zipfile)
    tmp.folder <- tempfile()
    df <- unzip(zipfile, list=TRUE)
    unzip(zipfile, exdir = tmp.folder)
    ## If unzipped archive is a single folder then strip "-master" from name
    if(length(dir()) == 1) {
        if(file_test("-d", dir())) {
            file.rename(dir(), sub("-master$","",dir()))
        if(skip.top.level) setwd(dir())
    file.copy(dir(), contrib.folder, recursive=TRUE)
    unlink(tmp.folder, recursive=TRUE)

##' Version information on API and ABI.
##' The R interface to \code{TMB} roughly consists of two components: (1) The 'API' i.e. R functions documented in this manual and (2) C-level entry points, here referred to as the 'ABI', which controls the C++ code. The latter can be shown by \code{getDLLRegisteredRoutines(DLL)} where \code{DLL} is the shared library generated by the \link{compile} function (or by a package linking to \code{TMB}).
##' A DLL compiled with one version of \code{TMB} can be used with another version of \code{TMB} provided that the 'ABI' is the same. We therefore define the 'ABI version' as the oldest ABI compatible version. This number can then be used to tell if re-compilation of a DLL is necessary after updating \code{TMB}.
##' @return List with components \code{package} (API version) and \code{abi} (ABI version) inspired by corresponding function in the \code{Matrix} package.
TMB.Version <- function() {
    list(package=packageVersion("TMB"), abi=abi())

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TMB documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:09 p.m.