Defines functions plot.TSSRESTREND

Documented in plot.TSSRESTREND

#' @title  Plot Function for ojects of the TSSRESTREND class
#' @description Produces plots for class TSSRESTREND
#' @import bfast
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom  graphics axis grid lines mtext title
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @param x
#'        Object of class TSSRESTREND
#' @param plots
#'        Defualts to "all", will produce the standard plots, plots can be called individually,
#'        "bfast", "chow", "VPR", "anu.VI", "final".
#' @param sig
#'        Significance
#' @param ...
#'        further arguments passed to the function.
#' @export

plot.TSSRESTREND <- function(x, plots="all", sig=0.05, ...){
  # Check to see of the data is complete
  if (class(x$ols.summary$chow.sum) == "logical") {
    if (plots == "all" || plots == "final") {
      stop("Incomplete TSSRESTREND object passed, This is a MISSING feature to be implemented in the next version")
      # print("Incomplete TSSRESTREND object passed. Producing the plots possible with available data.")
      # plots="final"
      stop("Incomplete TSSRESTREND object passed, Can not produce the requested plot.")
  }else{breakpoint <- x$ols.summary$chow.sum$yr.index}
  #pull out the annual max VI data
  anu.VI <- x$ts.data$anu.VI
  # Get the time and length
  len <- length(anu.VI)
  ti <- time(anu.VI)
  # Start plots. If statements allow for the creation of a single plot

  # Description
  #   Uses the defualt BFAST plot function to create plot of breakpoints

  if (plots == "all" || plots == "bfast") { #Plot the Bfast object
    plot(x$TSSRmodels$BFAST) #Uses defualt bfast plot

  # Complete Time Series plot
  # Description
  #   Shows the Complete time series of vegetation, precipitation and temperature

  if (plots == "all" || plots == "CTS") {
    # set the shape of the plot, Adding additional room if Temperature is needed
    if (!is.null(x$ts.data$CTSR.TMraw)) {#Temperature data
      # Add the Temperature data
      par(mar = c(5,4,4,6))
        x$ts.data$CTSR.TMraw, axes = F, col = "red2",
        lwd = 2, pch = 16, xlab = "", ylab = "", lty = 3
      axis(side = 4, col = "red1", col.axis = 'red2')
      mtext("Temperature", side = 4, line = 2, col = "red2")
      par(new = T)
      ofset = 2
    }else{# No Temperature data
      par(mar = c(5,4,4,4))
      ofset = 0
    # Plot the Vegetation data
      x$ts.data$CTSR.VI, col = "olivedrab3", lwd = 2, pch = 16, xlab = "Year", ylab = "",
      ylim = c((floor(range(x$ts.data$CTSR.VI)[1]*10)/10), (ceiling(range(x$ts.data$CTSR.VI)[2]*10)/10)))
    # Add a grid
    # add Title and Grids
    mtext("VI",side = 2,line = 2,col = "olivedrab3")
    title("Complete Time Series of the VI and Rainfall")
    #++++++ Plot the precipitation
    par(new = T)
    plot(x$ts.data$CTSR.RF, axes = F, col = "royalblue2", lwd = 1.5, pch = 16, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    axis(side = 4, col = "steelblue3", col.axis = "royalblue2", line = (ofset + 1))
    # add the axis title
    mtext("Accumulated Rainfall", side = 4, line = ofset + 3, col = "royalblue2")

  # Mulitbreak Chow plot
  # Description
  #   For pixels with multiple breakpoints detected in the VCR-residuals
  #   this creates a plot of the residuals with all of the breakpoints.

  if (plots == "all" || plots == "chow") {
    # chowbp <- x$TSSRmodels$BFAST
    VI.index <- x$ts.data$VI.index
    #Check and see if there is something that needs to be plotted
    if (class(x$ols.summary$chow.ind) == "logical") {
      print("No Breakpoints to plot")
    }else if (dim(x$ols.summary$chow.ind)[1] < 2) {
      print("Insufficent (<2) Breakpoints to produce a chow plot")
      # =====+++++ Plot of all the breakpoints =====+++++
      #Set the segment colours
      colour <- c("orange", "purple", "olivedrab", "steelblue2", "lightslategrey", "hotpink1",
                  "lightgoldenrod3", "seagreen3", "sienna2")
      # Get a fit for the entire dataset
      # browser()
      # This fit will not work if there is Temperature data
      fit <- lm(x$ts.data$anu.VI ~ x$ts.data$acu.RF)
      # Get the length of the data and the breakpoint indexes
      len <- length(x$ts.data$anu.VI)
      ind <- c(0, x$ols.summary$chow.ind[,"yr.index"], len)
      #Setup the X axis
      #Create a time series of dates for the x axis
      t = seq(start(ti)[1], end(ti)[1])
      xlim <- c(start(ti)[1], end(ti)[1])
      #Setup the values for the y axis
      m.range <- 1.5*max(abs(fit$residuals))
      ylim <- c(-m.range, m.range)
      # Get the fit of the residuals as a function of time
      R.fit <- lm(fit$residuals ~ t)
      #Start the plot
        t, R.fit$fitted.values, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Residuals",
        main = "Chow Test on all Breakpoints",col = "red", type = "l",
        lty = "dashed", lwd = 2, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim
      # add grid
      # Get the number of breakpoints
      bpn <- length(x$ols.summary$chow.ind[,"yr.index"])
      rp = vector('expression',bpn)
      # Loop over each breakpoint
      for (n in 2:length(ind)) {
        col.ind <- n - 1
        st <- ind[n - 1]
        en <- ind[n]
        # Add to the plot
        par(new = T)
        df <- data.frame(z = t[(st + 1):en], resi = fit$residuals[(st + 1):en])
        r.sfit <- lm(df$resi ~ df$z)
          df$z, df$resi, pch = 16, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = colour[col.ind],
          main = "",xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim
        lines(df$z, predict(r.sfit, df), col = colour[col.ind])

        # Append values to the legend
        if (n < length(ind)) {
          abline(v = (ind[n] - 0.5 + start(ti)[1]), col = "red", lty = "dotted")
          RESchow <- sctest(fit$residuals[(st + 1):ind[(n + 1)]] ~ t[(st + 1):ind[(n + 1)]],
                              type = "Chow", point = (ind[n] - ind[(n - 1)]))
          R.pval = RESchow$p.value
          rp[col.ind] = substitute(
            expression(italic(p) == R.pval),
            list(R.pval = format(R.pval, digits = 5)))[2]

      # =====+++++ Create plot of the most significant breakpoint +++++=====
      # create the legend
      legend('topleft', legend = rp, bty = 'n')
      # make the plot
      bkp.z <- as.numeric(x$ols.summary$chow.sum["yr.index"])
      RESchow.f <- sctest(fit$residuals ~ t, type = "Chow", point = bkp.z)
        t, R.fit$fitted.values, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Residuals",
        main = "Chow Test on most Sig. Breakpoints",col = "red",
        type = "l", lty = "dashed", lwd = 2, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
      # Add the grid
      par(new = T)
      # add trend lines
        t[1:bkp.z], fit$residuals[1:bkp.z], pch = 16, xlab = "",
        ylab = "", main = "", col = "orange",
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim
      new <- data.frame(b = t[1:bkp.z], 1)

      R.fit0 <- lm(fit$residuals[1:bkp.z] ~ t[1:bkp.z])
      # add infomation after the breakpoint
      lines(new$b, predict(R.fit0, new), col = "orange")
      par(new = T)

        t[bkp.z + 1:len], fit$residuals[bkp.z + 1:len], pch = 16,
        xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "purple", main = "",
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim
      R.fit1 <- lm(fit$residuals[(bkp.z + 1):len] ~ t[(bkp.z + 1):len])
      new2 <- data.frame(c = t[(bkp.z + 1):len])
      # add the trend lines
      lines(new2$c, predict(R.fit1, new2), col = "purple")
      abline(v = (bkp.z - 0.5 + start(ti)[1]), col = "red", lty = "dotted")
      # add the stats
      r.Fval = RESchow.f$statistic
      r.pval = RESchow.f$p.value
      rp = vector('expression',2)
      rp[1] = substitute(expression(italic(F) == r.Fval),
                         list(r.Fval = format(r.Fval,dig = 5)))[2]
      rp[2] = substitute(expression(italic(p) == r.pval),
                         list(r.pval = format(r.pval, digits = 5)))[2]
      legend('topleft', legend = rp, bty = 'n')
      # browser()


  # Annual Max VI plot
  # Description
  # Plots the Annual Maximum VI values with the Breakpoints marked
  # and color coded

  if (plots == "all" || plots == "anu.VI") {
    # ++++++++++ Plot the Annual Max Vegetation ++++++++++
    if (!breakpoint) {
      # =====+++++ Plot with no breakpoints +++++=====
      # get the dates and build the time component
      yst <- start(anu.VI)[1]
      ynd <- end(anu.VI)[1]
      t = c(yst:ynd)
      # Make the plot
      plot(t, anu.VI, pch = 16, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Annual max VI", col = "orange")
      # Add the grid and title
      title("Annual VI max")

    } else {
      # =====+++++ Plot with no breakpoints +++++=====
      # get the dates and build the time component
      yst <- start(anu.VI)[1]
      ynd <- end(anu.VI)[1]
      t = c(yst:ynd)

      # plot before the breakpoint
      plot(t[1:breakpoint], anu.VI[1:(breakpoint)], pch = 16, xlab = "Year",
           ylab = "Annual max VI", col = "orange", xlim = c(yst, ynd),
           ylim = c(min(anu.VI), max(anu.VI)) )
      # plot after the breakpoint
      par(new = T)
      plot(t[(breakpoint + 1):len], anu.VI[(breakpoint + 1):len], pch = 16,
           xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "purple", main = "", xlim = c(yst, ynd),
           ylim = c(min(anu.VI), max(anu.VI)))
      title("Annual VI max")
      # Add a line at the breakpoint
      abline(v = (breakpoint - 0.5 + yst), col = "red", lty = "dashed")

  # Plot the VCR
  # Description:
  #   Plot of the relationship between climate variables and Vegetation
  #   3D plots of the VCR have different coefficents because of the plotting
  #   package used. They are not meant for scientific inteperatation.

  if (plots == "all" || plots == "VPR") {
    # ++++++++++ Plot the Vegetation Climate Relationship ++++++++++
    if (x$summary$Method == "segmented.VPR") {
      # =====+++++ Plot a VPR/VCR with a breakpoint (SEMGEMTED VPR) +++++=====
      # Check and see if Temperature is a Significant variable
      if (is.null(x$ts.data$acu.TM)) {
        # =====+++++ Temperature is not a variable +++++=====
        # Standard 2D plot regression plot
        # get the timeseries of the Standard Varianve of the precip
        StdVar.RF <- x$ts.data$StdVar.RF
        # get the regressions models
        fit0 <- lm(anu.VI[1:breakpoint] ~ StdVar.RF[1:breakpoint])
        fit1 <- lm(anu.VI[(breakpoint + 1):len] ~ StdVar.RF[(breakpoint + 1):len])
        fitRES <- lm(anu.VI ~ StdVar.RF)

        # Get min and max values from the data to be used in the plot
        plt.ymin <- min(anu.VI)
        plt.ymax <- max(anu.VI)
        plt.xmin <- min(StdVar.RF)
        plt.xmax <- max(StdVar.RF)
        # Create the plot (before the BP)
          StdVar.RF[1:breakpoint], anu.VI[1:breakpoint], pch = 16,
          xlab = "Rainfall Standard Variance", ylab = "Annual max VI", col = "orange",
          xlim = c(plt.xmin, plt.xmax), ylim = c(plt.ymin, plt.ymax)
        # Add title and grid
        title("Segmented VPR")
        # Add the data after the bp
        par(new = T)
          StdVar.RF[(breakpoint + 1):len], anu.VI[(breakpoint + 1):len], pch = 16,
          xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "purple", main = "",
          xlim = c(plt.xmin, plt.xmax), ylim = c(plt.ymin, plt.ymax)
        # Add the fit lines
        par(new = T)
        abline(fit0, col = "orange", lwd = 2)
        abline(fit1, col = "purple", lwd = 2)
        abline(fitRES, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")
        top <- x$TSSRmodels$segVPR.fit$coefficients[[1]]
        bh <-  x$TSSRmodels$segVPR.fit$coefficients[[3]]
        bot <- top + bh
        # Add the Total Change bar
          0, bot, x1 = 0, y1 = top, length = 0.075,
          angle = 90, code = 3, col = "black", lwd = 2
        # Add the significance values
        R.Fval = summary(x$TSSRmodels$segVPR.fit)$f[[1]]
        R.pval = glance(x$TSSRmodels$segVPR.fit)$p.value
        R.Rval = summary(x$TSSRmodels$segVPR.fit)$r.squared
        rp = vector('expression', 4)
        rp[1] = substitute(expression(italic(BH) == bh),
                           list(bh  = format(bh, digits = 3)))[2]
        rp[2] = substitute(expression(italic(F) == R.Fval),
                           list(R.Fval  = format(R.Fval,dig = 3)))[2]
        rp[3] = substitute(expression(italic(p) == R.pval),
                           list(R.pval  = format(R.pval, digits = 3)))[2]
        rp[4] = substitute(expression(italic(R^2) == R.Rval),
                           list(R.Rval = format(R.Rval,dig = 3)))[2]

        legend('topleft', legend = rp, bty = 'n')

      } else{
        # ++++++++++ 3D Segmented VCR plot (Includes temperatures) ++++++++++
        # === 3d Scatter plot with precip and Temperature as the x and z variables. VI is the y variable

        # Check if rgl and car are installed
        if ((requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) && requireNamespace("car", quietly = TRUE)) {
          # Get a catogorical dummy Variable
          #Create the dummy variable
          breakpoint <- x$ols.summary$chow.sum$yr.index
          dummy <- rep(0, length(x$ts.data$StdVar.RF))
          dummy[(breakpoint + 1):length(x$ts.data$StdVar.RF)] = 1

          # Put all the time seris in a single dataframe
          dfX <- data.frame(
            Precip = x$ts.data$StdVar.RF,
            Temp = x$ts.data$StdVar.TM,
            VI = as.numeric(x$ts.data$anu.VI),
            dummy.var = as.factor(dummy)

          # Build a 3d plot
            x = dfX$Precip,  y = dfX$VI, z = dfX$Temp, groups = as.factor(dfX$dummy.var),
            xlab = "Precipitation Standard Variance",
            ylab = "Annual Max VI" , zlab = "Temperature Standard Variance",
            surface.col = c("orange", "purple"), parallel = FALSE,
            sphere.size = 0.20, axis.ticks = TRUE,
            neg.res.col = "grey", pos.res.col = "grey", surface.alpha = 0.25, #threshold = 0.1,
            axis.col = c("royalblue2", "olivedrab3", "red2"),# bg.col = "black"
            model.summary = TRUE

          warning("            The 3D plotting function rescales the
            three variables internally to fit in the unit cube;
            this rescaling will affect regression coefficients.
            This 3D plots is for illustrative purposes only."
        } else {
          # ++++++++++ Missing packages ++++++++++
          warning("Unable to load the rgl and car packages to created a 3D VCR plot,
                  Skipping plot")

      # =====+++++ No breakpoints in the VPR or VCR +++++=====
      # Sort and see if i need to plot VPR or VCR (Is temperature a variable?)
      if (is.null(x$ts.data$acu.TM)) {
        # ++++++++++ no accumulated temperature data (may not be sig) ++++++++++
        # Standard 2D plot of the VPR
          as.numeric(x$ts.data$anu.VI) ~ as.numeric(x$ts.data$acu.RF), pch = 16,
          xlab = "Accumulated Rainfall (mm)",
          ylab = "Annual VImax",  col = "orange"
        # Add a fit line for the VPR
        abline(x$TSSRmodels$VPR.fit, col = "red",lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")
        #Add title and Grid
        title("VPR fit")
        #Get the Rsquared and pvalues and add them to the plot
        R.pval = glance(x$TSSRmodels$VPR.fit)$p.value
        R.Rval = summary(x$TSSRmodels$VPR.fit)$r.squared
        rp = vector('expression', 2)
        rp[1] = substitute(expression(italic(p) == R.pval),
                           list(R.pval  = format(R.pval, digits = 3)))[2]
        rp[2] = substitute(expression(italic(R^2) == R.Rval),
                           list(R.Rval = format(R.Rval, dig = 3)))[2]
        # Set the location of the Rsquared an p values
        legend('topleft', legend = rp, bty = 'n')

        # ++++++++++ 3D VCR plot (Includes temperatures) ++++++++++
        # === 3d Scatter plot with precip and Temperature as the x and z variables. VI is the y variable

        # Check if rgl and car are installed
        if ((requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) && requireNamespace("car", quietly = TRUE)) {
          # Put all the time seris in a single dataframe
          dfX <- data.frame(
            Precip = as.numeric(x$ts.data$acu.RF),
            Temp = as.numeric(x$ts.data$acu.TM), #sink(tempfile(), type = c("output"))
            VI = as.numeric(x$ts.data$anu.VI)

          # Build a 3d plot
            x = dfX$Precip,  y = dfX$VI, z = dfX$Temp, xlab = "Accumulated Precipitation",
            ylab = "Annual Max VI" , zlab = "Mean Monthly Accumulated Temperature",
            point.col = "orange", sphere.size = 0.20, surface.col = "orange", axis.ticks = TRUE,
            neg.res.col = "grey", pos.res.col = "grey", surface.alpha = 0.25, #threshold = 0.1,
            axis.col = c("royalblue2", "olivedrab3", "red2")#, bg.col = "black"
          warning("            The 3D plotting function rescales the
            three variables internally to fit in the unit cube;
            this rescaling will affect regression coefficients.
            This 3D plots is for illustrative purposes only."
        } else {
          # ++++++++++ Missing packages ++++++++++
          warning("Unable to load the rgl and car packages to created a 3D VCR plot,
                  Skipping plot")

  # Description:
  #   Plot the TSS-RESTREND total change (VCR/VPR residuals ~ time )

  if (plots == "all" || plots == "final") {
    # =====+++++ build the TSS-RESTREND plot +++++=====
    if (x$summary$Method == "segmented.RESTREND") {
      # =====++++++ Create a segmented.RESTREND TSS-RESTREND plot +++++=====
      # Has a breakpoint in the residuals
      # +++++ Extract key values (Length & dates) +++++
      VPR.residuals <- x$TSSRmodels$VPR.fit$residuals
      len <- length(VPR.residuals)
      start = as.integer(start(ti)[1])
      end = as.integer(end(ti)[1])
      year = c(start:end)
      #Get the fits of the models
      R.fit <- lm(VPR.residuals ~ year)
      R.fit0 <- lm(VPR.residuals[1:breakpoint] ~ year[1:breakpoint])
      R.fit1 <- lm(VPR.residuals[breakpoint+1:len] ~ year[breakpoint+1:len])
      RESchow <- sctest(VPR.residuals ~ year, type = "Chow", point = breakpoint)
      # set the range for the plot
      xlim = c(start, end)
      m.range = 2*max(abs(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values))

      # +++++ Seg.RES plot the values before and after the breakpoint +++++
      # Before the breakpoint
        year[1:breakpoint], VPR.residuals[1:breakpoint], pch = 16,xlab = "time",
        ylab = "Residuals", col = "orange", xlim = xlim, ylim = c(-m.range, m.range)
      title("Segmented RESTREND")
      par(new = T)
      # After the breakpoint
        year[breakpoint + 1:len], VPR.residuals[breakpoint + 1:len], pch = 16,
        xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "purple", main = "", xlim = c(start, end),
        ylim = c(-m.range, m.range)
      # a trend line as if there was no breakpoint
      abline(R.fit, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed")

      # +++++ Add the trendlines +++++
      par(new = T)
      # pul out the coefficents for the lines
      bpa.fitts <- ts(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values, start = ti[1], end = tail(ti, 1), frequency = 1)
      b4.bp = x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$coefficients[[1]]
      af.bp = x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$coefficients[[1]] + x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$coefficients[[3]]
      bpats2 <- append(bpa.fitts, c(b4.bp, af.bp), after = breakpoint)
      t2 <- append(ti, c(start + breakpoint - 0.50001, start + breakpoint - 0.49999), after = breakpoint)
      # Add the lines to the plot
        t2, bpats2, pch = 16, type = "l", lty = "dashed", lwd = 2,
        xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "red", main = "",xlim = c(start, end),
        ylim = c(-m.range, m.range)
      # +++++ add a breakpoint lines +++++
      abline(v = (breakpoint - 0.5 + start), col = "white", lwd = 3)
      # Pull out the stats to add to the figure
      R.Fval = summary(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit)$f[[1]]
      R.pval = glance(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit)$p.value
      R.Rval = summary(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit)$r.squared
      # +++++ Add a bar for the Total Change +++++
      top <- x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values[len]
      bot <- x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values[1]
      r.c <- top - bot
        (end + 0.5), bot, x1 = (end + 0.5), y1 = top,
        length = 0.075,  angle = 90, code = 3, col = "red", lwd = 2)

      # +++++ Create the stats legend +++++
      rp = vector('expression', 3)
      rp[1] = substitute(expression(italic(rc) == r.c),
                         list(r.c  = format(r.c, digits = 3)))[2]
      rp[2] = substitute(expression(italic(R^2) == R.Rval),
                         list(R.Rval = format(R.Rval,dig = 3)))[2]
      rp[3] = substitute(expression(italic(p) == R.pval),
                         list(R.pval  = format(R.pval, digits = 3)))[2]
      legend('topleft', legend = rp, bty = 'n')

    } else if (x$summary$Method == "RESTREND") {

      # =====+++++ A standard RESTREND plot +++++=====
      # +++++ Extract key values (Length & dates) +++++
      start = as.integer(start(ti)[1])
      end = as.integer(end(ti)[1])
      RES <- x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit
      m.range = 2*max(abs(RES$fitted.values))

       # +++++ Create the plot and trend line +++++
        c(start(ti)[1]:end(ti)[1]), x$TSSRmodels$VPR.fit$residuals,
        pch = 16,xlab = "Year",ylab = "Residuals", col = "orange",
        main = "RESTREND", ylim = c(-m.range, m.range)
      par(new = T)
      # trend line
        c(start(ti)[1]:end(ti)[1]), RES$fitted.values, type = "l",
        lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", pch = 16,xlab = "", ylab = "",
        col = "red", main = "", ylim = c(-m.range, m.range)
      # Add the grid
      # Pull out the stats to add to the figure
      R.Fval = summary(RES)$f[[1]]
      R.Rval = summary(RES)$r.squared
      R.pval = glance(RES)$p.value
      # +++++ Add a bar for the Total Change +++++

      top <- x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values[len]
      bot <- x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values[1]
      r.c <- top - bot
        (end + 0.5), bot, x1 = (end + 0.5), y1 = top,
        length = 0.075, angle = 90, code = 3, col = "red", lwd = 2

      # +++++ Create the stats legend +++++
      rp = vector('expression', 3)
      rp[1] = substitute(expression(italic(rc) == r.c),
                         list(r.c  = format(r.c, digits = 3)))[2]
      rp[2] = substitute(expression(italic(R^2) == R.Rval),
                         list(R.Rval = format(R.Rval,dig = 3)))[2]
      rp[3] = substitute(expression(italic(p) == R.pval),
                         list(R.pval = format(R.pval, digits = 3)))[2]
      legend('topleft', legend = rp, bty = 'n')

    } else if (x$summary$Method == "segmented.VPR") {

      # =====+++++ A segmented VPR plot +++++=====
      # +++++ Extract key values (Length & dates) +++++
      R2.BH <- x$summary$VPR.HeightChange
      VPR.residuals <- x$TSSRmodels$segVPR.fit$residuals
      len <- length(VPR.residuals)
      start = as.integer(start(ti)[1])
      end = as.integer(end(ti)[1])
      year = c(start:end)
      RESchow <- sctest(VPR.residuals ~ year, type = "Chow", point = breakpoint)
      # Get the regression fit lines to add to the plot
      R.fit <- lm(VPR.residuals ~ year)
      R.fit0 <- lm(VPR.residuals[1:breakpoint] ~ year[1:breakpoint])
      R.fit1 <- lm(VPR.residuals[breakpoint+1:len] ~ year[breakpoint+1:len])

      # Get the range of the plot
      xlim = c(start, end)
      m.range = 2*max(abs(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values))

      # +++++ Seg.RES VPR plot the values before and after the breakpoint +++++
      # Before the breakpoint
        year[1:breakpoint], VPR.residuals[1:breakpoint], pch = 16,xlab = "time",
        ylab = "Residuals", col = "orange", xlim = xlim, ylim = c(-m.range, m.range))
      title("Segmented VPR RESTREND")
      par(new = T)
      # After the breakpoint
        year[breakpoint + 1:len], VPR.residuals[breakpoint + 1:len], pch = 16,
        xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "purple", main = "", xlim = c(start, end),
        ylim = c(-m.range, m.range))

      # +++++ Add the trendlines +++++
      par(new = T)
      # pul out the coefficents for the lines
      bpa.fitts <- ts(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values, start = ti[1], end = tail(ti, 1), frequency = 1)
      b4.bp = x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$coefficients[[1]]
      af.bp = x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$coefficients[[1]] + x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$coefficients[[3]]
      bpats2 <- append(bpa.fitts, c(b4.bp, af.bp), after = breakpoint)
      t2 <- append(ti, c(start + breakpoint - 0.50001, start + breakpoint - 0.49999), after = breakpoint)
      # plot the regression lines
        t2, bpats2, pch = 16, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "",
        ylab = "", col = "red", main = "", lty = "dashed",
        xlim = c(start, end), ylim = c(-m.range, m.range))
      #add a breakpoint line
      abline(v = (breakpoint - 0.5 + start), col = "white", lwd = 3)

      # +++++ Add a bar for the Total Change +++++
      top <- x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values[len]
      bot <- x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit$fitted.values[1]
      r.c <- top - bot

        (end + 0.5), bot, x1 = (end + 0.5), y1 = top, length = 0.075,
        angle = 90, code = 3, col = "red", lwd = 2
      # +++++ Create the stats legend +++++
      # Pull out the stats to add to the figure
      R.Fval = summary(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit)$f[[1]]
      R.pval = glance(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit)$p.value
      R.Rval = summary(x$TSSRmodels$resid.fit)$r.squared
      # Add the values to the legend
      rp = vector('expression',4)
      rp[1] = substitute(expression(italic(rc) == r.c),
                         list(r.c  = format(r.c, digits = 3)))[2]
      rp[2] = substitute(expression(italic(R^2) == R.Rval),
                         list(R.Rval = format(R.Rval,dig = 3)))[2]
      rp[3] = substitute(expression(italic(F) == R.Fval),
                         list(R.Fval  = format(R.Fval,dig = 3)))[2]

      rp[4] = substitute(expression(italic(p) == R.pval),
                         list(R.pval  = format(R.pval, digits = 3)))[2]
      legend('topleft', legend = rp, bty = 'n')

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TSS.RESTREND documentation built on Aug. 3, 2020, 1:07 a.m.