
Defines functions getTTreeDistInfo networkPlot getNumberUnsampled getGenerationTimes getInfectionTimes

#' @param record MCMC output produced by inferTTree
#' @param k Case whose posterior infection times are to be extracted. Either an integer or a string matching one of the case names in the data
#' @return A vector of posterior infection times for case k 
#' @examples
#' gettimes(record[501:length(record)],"Case1") # posterior infection times for case "Case1", disregarding the first 500 record entries
#' gettimes(record,2) # all posterior infection times for case 2
getInfectionTimes <- function(record,k) {
  if (is.numeric(k)) {
    mytimes= vapply(1:length(record), function(x) { tt=extractTTree(record[[x]]$ctree); return(tt$ttree[k,1])},FUN.VALUE=1);
  else {
    mytimes= vapply(1:length(record), function(x) { tt=extractTTree(record[[x]]$ctree); ii=which(tt$nam==k); return(tt$ttree[ii,1])},FUN.VALUE=1);

#' @param ctree Combined tree object 'ctree' from the record produced by inferTTree, for example record[[1]]$ctree where record is the output of inferTTree
#' @return Vector of times between becoming infected and infecting others (generation times) in the posterior
#' @examples 
#' getGenerationTimes(record[[1]]$ctree)
getGenerationTimes <-  function(ctree) { tt=extractTTree(ctree)$ttree;
# 3rd column of ttree lists the infectors; exclude source
infectors=tt[,3]; infectors=infectors[infectors!=0];
# times at which each infector infected others:
# times at which each infector was herself infected:

# number unsampled cases 
#' @param ctree Combined tree object 'ctree' from the record produced by inferTTree, for example record[[1]]$ctree where record is the output of inferTTree
#' @return The number of unsampled cases in ctree
#' @examples 
#' getNumberUnsampled(ctree)
getNumberUnsampled <- function(ctree) {tt=extractTTree(ctree); return(sum(is.na(tt[,2])))}

# simple visualisation of transmission tree with visNetwork
#' @param ctree Combined tree object 'ctree' from the record produced by inferTTree, for example record[[1]]$ctree where record is the output of inferTTree
networkPlot <- function(ctree) {
    SimpleWiw <- cbind(info1[,3],1:length(info1[,1])) # infector, infectee
  nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:nrow(info1), label=c(tt$nam,(length(tt$nam)+1) : nrow(info1)))
  edges <- data.frame(from = SimpleWiw[,1], to = SimpleWiw[,2],
  visNetwork(nodes, edges)

# requires treespace. 
# create list of wiw information in order to compute transmission tree distances
#' @param record  MCMC output produced by inferTTree
#' @param skipnum Number of record entries to skip, ie skipnum=10 uses the 1st, 11th, 21st ... elements of the record
#' @return list of MRCI information required by wiwTreeDist, one entry for each transmission tree that is included
 getTTreeDistInfo <- function(record,skipnum=1) {
   ind=seq(from=1, by=skipnum,to=length(record))
  matList <- lapply(1:length(record), function(x) {
  info <- extractTTree(record[[x]]$ctree)$ttree
  wiw <- cbind(info[,3],1:length(info[,1]))

## NOTES BELOW: using treespace to find distances for these objects
# this function requires knowledge of how many cases are sampled; this must be the same across all entries of the record (or the matList)

# in the ttree format, cases with NA in the second column are unsampled, and they are all listed after all the sampled cases. so the number sampled is: 
dist <- wiwTreeDist(matList, sampled=1:numSamp)

# use treescape functions to plot the MDS:
wiwMDS <- dudi.pco(dist, scannf=FALSE, nf=3)
plotGrovesD3(wiwMDS, tooltip_text=samp)

# find a median:
med <- wiwMedian(matList,sampled=1:86)
medInfo <- extractTTree(record[[samp[[med$median]]]]$ctree)$ttree


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TransPhylo documentation built on April 20, 2021, 5:09 p.m.