
Defines functions rcat callingSampler

# #' Calling the Sampler (JAGS)
# #'
# #' @param model either "betaMPT", "traitMPT"
# #' @param mergedTree Ouptut of mergeBranches()
# #' @param data data frame with frequencies
# #' @param modelfile Full path to the model description file. (Made with makeModelDescription())
# #' @param S How many parameters does the model have
# #' not necessary:  @param parameters List with parameters that should be returned from the sampler.
# #' @param transformedPar vector with names of transformed parameter to be sampled (e.g., parameter differences)
# #' @param n.iter Number of iterations.
# #' @param n.burnin Burnin period.
# #' @param n.update Update paramater for JAGS
# #' @param n.thin Thinning rate.
# #' @param n.chains number of MCMC chains
# #' @param autojags whether to run JAGS until the MCMC chains converge (see \link{autojags}). Can take a lot of time for large # models.
# #' not necessary:  @param savetable name of the file to which the results should be saved on the hard drive.
# #' @param ... Arguments to be passed to other methods.
# #' @author Nina R. Arnold, Denis Arnold, Daniel W. Heck
# #' @export
callingSampler <- function(
    fixedPar = NULL,
    transformedPar = NULL,
    covPars = NULL,
    covData = NULL,
    X_list = list(), # list with design matrices for fixed effects
    # groupT1=NULL,    # list with groupMatT1 und NgroupT1  for splitted T1 statistic
    hyperpriors = NULL,
    n.iter = 20000,
    n.adapt = 2000,
    n.burnin = 2000,
    n.update = 2000,
    n.thin = 5,
    n.chains = 3,
    monitorIndividual = TRUE,
    autojags = NULL,
) {
  if (is.na(n.burnin)) {
    n.burnin <- n.iter / 2

  if (model == "betaMPT") {
    parameters <- list("alph", "bet", "mean", "sd")
  } else {
    parameters <- list("mu", "mean", "rho", "sigma")
  if (monitorIndividual){
    parameters <- c(parameters, "theta")
  if (!is.null(fixedPar)) {
    parameters <- c(parameters, "thetaFE")

  responses <- data
  subjs <- nrow(responses)

  ### prepare data for JAGS
  treeNames <- unique(mergedTree$Tree)
  NresponsesTree <- vector("numeric", length = length(treeNames))

  for (i in 1:length(treeNames)) {
    NresponsesTree[i] <- length(which(mergedTree$Tree == treeNames[i]))

  # make character vector with data object names
  data <- c("subjs", "S")
  index <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(treeNames)) {
    ### variable names in JAGS
    name.response <- paste("response", treeNames[i], sep = ".")
    name.items <- paste("items", treeNames[i], sep = ".")

    assign(name.items, rowSums(responses[(index + 1):(index + NresponsesTree[i])]))

    # check whether any N=0
    rowsums <- rowSums(responses[(index + 1):(index + NresponsesTree[i])])
    if (any(is.na(rowsums)) || any(rowsums == 0)) {
        "One or more participants do not have responses for tree",
        treeNames[i], ". As a solution, the critical participants might be excluded."

    assign(name.response, matrix(as.vector(t(responses[(index + 1):(index + NresponsesTree[i])])),
      ncol = NresponsesTree[i], nrow = subjs, byrow = TRUE

    index <- index + NresponsesTree[i]

    data <- c(data, name.response, name.items)

  if (model == "traitMPT") {
    df <- hyperpriors$df
    V <- hyperpriors$V
    data <- c(data, "V", "df")

    if (length(X_list) != 0) {
      for (pp in 1:length(X_list)) {
        assign(names(X_list)[pp], X_list[[pp]])
      data <- c(data, names(X_list))

  if (!is.null(covData) & !any(dim(covData) == 0)) {
    covData <- as.matrix(covData)
    if (anyNA(covData)) {
        "Data frame with covariates contains missing values (NA).",
        "\n  This is likely to cause problems for JAGS."

    # covData only required for predictors/discrete factors:
    if (!is.null(covPars)) {
      # standardization:
      covVar <- diag(cov(covData))
      # covData <- as.matrix(scale(covData))
      data <- c(data, "covData", "covVar")

  parametervector <- c(unlist(parameters), transformedPar, covPars)

  ############################## starting values
  inits <- function() {
    if (model == "betaMPT") {
      ini <- list("theta" = matrix(runif(subjs * S), S, subjs))
    } else {
      # draw appropriate random starting values:
      mu <- xi <- rep(NA, S)
      for (s in 1:S) {
        tmp <- ifelse(length(hyperpriors$mu) <= 1, hyperpriors$mu[1], hyperpriors$mu[s])
        mu[s] <- eval(parse(text = sub("d", "r", sub("(", "(1,", tmp, fixed = TRUE))))

        if (hyperpriors$xi[1] == "dunif(0,10)") {
          xi[s] <- runif(1, .2, 1) # less extreme starting values
        } else {
          tmp <- ifelse(length(hyperpriors$xi) <= 1, hyperpriors$xi[1], hyperpriors$xi[s])
          xi[s] <- eval(parse(text = sub("d", "r", sub("(", "(1,", tmp, fixed = TRUE))))
      ini <- list(
        "delta.part.raw" = matrix(rnorm(subjs * S, -1, 1), S, subjs),
        "xi" = xi, "mu" = mu

      # starts with small correlations and scaling parameters close to 1
      if (!anyNA(hyperpriors$V)) {
        ini$T.prec.part <- as.matrix(rWishart(1, df + 30, V)[, , 1])

      # check starting values:
      # hist(replicate(1000,cov2cor(solve(rWishart(1,4+1+30,diag(2))[,,1]))[1,2]))
      # hist(replicate(5000,runif(1,.2,1)*sqrt(solve(rWishart(1,4+1+30,diag(2))[,,1])[1,1])))
  inits.list <- replicate(n.chains, inits(), simplify = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:length(inits.list)) {
    inits.list[[i]]$.RNG.name <- c(
    )[1 + (i - 1) %% 4]
    inits.list[[i]]$.RNG.seed <- sample.int(1e4, 1)

  n.samples <- ceiling((n.iter - n.burnin) / n.thin)
  if (n.samples > 20000) {
      "Note: Your present MCMC settings for n.burnin/n.iter/n.thin\n",
      "      imply that more than 20,000 samples are stored per parameter per chain.\n",
      "      This might result in problems due to an overload of your computers memory (RAM)."

  data.list <- lapply(data, get, envir = environment())
  names(data.list) <- data
  if (any(c("initlist", "inits", "init") %in% names(list(...)))) {
    samples <- run.jags(
      model = modelfile,
      monitor = c(parametervector, "deviance"),
      data = data.list,
      n.chains = n.chains,
      burnin = n.burnin,
      adapt = n.adapt,
      sample = n.samples,
      thin = n.thin,
      modules = c("dic", "glm"),
      summarise = FALSE,
      method = "parallel",
  } else {
    samples <- run.jags(
      model = modelfile,
      monitor = c(parametervector, "deviance"),
      data = data.list,
      inits = inits.list,
      n.chains = n.chains,
      burnin = n.burnin,
      adapt = n.adapt,
      sample = n.samples,
      thin = n.thin,
      modules = c("dic", "glm"),
      summarise = FALSE,
      method = "parallel",

  if (!is.null(autojags)) {

        #### Autojags started. Might require some time
        #### (use max.time to adjust maximum time for updating). See ?autoextend.jags\n
    #       recompile(samples, n.iter=n.iter)
    #       samples <- autojags(samples, n.update = n.update)
    if (any(c("n.iter") %in% names(autojags))) {
        "The arguments in 'autojags' are passed to the function: \n",
        "   runjags::autoextend.jags, which uses different labels for sampling argument than TreeBUGS.\n",
        "   Instead of 'n.iter', 'startsamples' may be used (see ?runjags::autoextend.jags). "
    if ("n.adapt" %in% names(autojags)) names(autojags)["n.adapt"] <- "adapt"
    if ("n.burnin" %in% names(autojags)) names(autojags)["n.adapt"] <- "startburnin"
    if ("n.thin" %in% names(autojags)) names(autojags)["n.adapt"] <- "thin"
    samples <- do.call(
          runjags.object = samples,
          summarise = FALSE
    ) # additional user arguments

  return(samples) # own summary

# data generation for categorical point-mass distribution
rcat <- function(n, const) {
  rep(const, n)

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