
Defines functions isIdentifiable readEQN

Documented in readEQN

#' Read multiTree files
#' Function to import MPT models from standard .eqn model files as used, for
#' instance, by multiTree (Moshagen, 2010).
#' @param file The (full path to the) file that specifies the MPT model
#'   (standard .eqn syntax). Note that category labels must start with a letter
#'   (different to multiTree) and match the column names of \code{data}.
#'   Alternatively, the EQN-equations can be provided within R as a character
#'   value (see examples). Note that the first line of an .eqn-file is reserved
#'   for comments and always ignored.
#' @param paramOrder if TRUE, the order of MPT parameters as interally used is
#'   printed.
#' @param parse whether to return a parsed MPT model description in terms of the
#'   matrices \eqn{a} and \eqn{b} (the powers of the \eqn{\theta} and
#'   \eqn{(1-\theta)}, respectively, and the vector of constants \eqn{c}. Each
#'   branch probability is then given as \eqn{c_{i}  \prod_{s}
#'   \theta^{a_{i,s}}(1-\theta)^{b_{i,s}})}
#' @inheritParams betaMPT
#' @details The file format should adhere to the standard .eqn-syntax (note that
#'   the first line is skipped and can be used for comments). In each line, a
#'   separate branch of the MPT model is specified using the tree label,
#'   category label, and the model equations in full form (multiplication sign
#'   `*` required; not abbreviations such as `a^2` allowed).
#' As an example, the standard two-high threshold model (2HTM) is defined as
#' follows:
#' \tabular{lllll}{
#'   \code{Target } \tab \tab \code{Hit}             \tab \tab \code{Do}           \cr
#'   \code{Target}  \tab \tab \code{Hit}             \tab \tab \code{(1-Do)*g}     \cr
#'   \code{Target}  \tab \tab \code{Miss}            \tab \tab \code{(1-Do)*(1-g)} \cr
#'   \code{Lure}    \tab \tab \code{FalseAlarm}      \tab \tab \code{(1-Dn)*g}     \cr
#'   \code{Lure}    \tab \tab \code{CorrectReject}   \tab \tab \code{(1-Dn)*(1-g)} \cr
#'   \code{Lure}    \tab \tab \code{CorrectReject  } \tab \tab \code{Dn}
#' }
#' @author Daniel Heck, Denis Arnold, Nina Arnold
#' @references Moshagen, M. (2010). multiTree: A computer program for the
#'   analysis of multinomial processing tree models. Behavior Research Methods,
#'   42, 42-54.
#' @examples
#' # Example: Standard Two-High-Threshold Model (2HTM)
#' EQNfile <- system.file("MPTmodels/2htm.eqn",
#'   package = "TreeBUGS"
#' )
#' readEQN(file = EQNfile, paramOrder = TRUE)
#' # with equality constraint:
#' readEQN(
#'   file = EQNfile, restrictions = list("Dn = Do", "g = 0.5"),
#'   paramOrder = TRUE
#' )
#' # define MPT model directly within R
#' model <-
#'   "2-High Threshold Model (2HTM)
#'   old hit d
#'   old hit (1-d)*g
#'   old miss (1-d)*(1-g)
#'   new fa (1-d)*g
#'   new cr (1-d)*(1-g)
#'   new cr d"
#' readEQN(model, paramOrder = TRUE)
#' @export
readEQN <- function(
    restrictions = NULL,
    paramOrder = FALSE,
    parse = FALSE
) {

  if (missing(restrictions)) restrictions <- NULL

  isPath <- !grepl("\n", x = file, ignore.case = TRUE)
  if (!isPath) {
    model <- file
    file <- tempfile(pattern = "MPTmodel", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".eqn")
    cat(paste0(model, "\n"), file = file)
  # read first line if it contains model equations
  nvars <- max(count.fields(file, sep = "", skip = 1))
  multiTreeDefinition <- read.csv(file,
    header = FALSE, comment.char = "#",
    blank.lines.skip = TRUE, sep = "", strip.white = TRUE,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = 1,
    col.names = paste0("V", seq(nvars))

  # number of branches implied by number of rows in model file:
  numberOfBranches <- nrow(multiTreeDefinition)
  cols <- ncol(multiTreeDefinition)
  Tree <- data.frame(
    Tree = paste0("T_", multiTreeDefinition$V1),
    Category = multiTreeDefinition$V2,
    Equation = NA_character_, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  Tree$Equation <- apply(multiTreeDefinition[, 3:cols, drop = FALSE], 1, paste0, collapse = "")

  TreeRestr <- thetaHandling(Tree, restrictions)

  allParameters <- getParameter(Tree)
    free <- !duplicated(TreeRestr$SubPar$theta) &
  freeParameters <- subset(TreeRestr$SubPar, free)$Parameter

  S <- length(freeParameters)
  numCat <- length(unique(Tree$Category))
  numTree <- length(unique(Tree$Tree))
  tt <- 1:S
  names(tt) <- freeParameters
  if (paramOrder) {
    cat("Free parameters are used in the following order:\n")

    if (!is.null(restrictions)) {
      cat("Parameter constraints:\n")
      for (i in 1:length(TreeRestr$restrictions)) {
        cat(TreeRestr$restrictions[[i]], "\n")

    if (S > numCat - numTree) {
        "Note that the model is not identified and requires at least ",
        S - numCat + numTree, "equality constraint(s).\n\n"

  # check MPT model
  par <- runif(length(allParameters))
  names(par) <- allParameters
  prob <- sapply(Tree$Equation, function(ff) eval(parse(text = ff), as.list(par)))
  sumPerTree <- as.vector(by(prob, Tree$Tree, sum))
  if (any(prob < 0) | any(prob > 1)) {
    error <- paste0(
      "Check .eqn-file. Model equations return values outside the iterval [0,1]:\n  ",
      paste0("Line ", (1:length(prob))[prob < 0 | prob > 1], ": ",
        unique(Tree$Equation)[prob < 0 | prob > 1],
        collapse = ", "
  if (any(round(sumPerTree, 8) != 1)) {
    error <- paste0(
      "Check .eqn-file. Probabilities do not sum up in trees:\n  ",
      paste0(unique(Tree$Tree)[round(sumPerTree, 8) != 1], collapse = ", "),
      "\n  (note that the first line of the .eqn-file ist ignored!)"

  if (parse) {
    tmp <- Tree
    mpt <- parseEQN(Tree)
    Tree <- parseRestrictions(mpt, restrictions)
    Tree$Table <- tmp


# identifiability check
isIdentifiable <- function(S, Tree) {
  numCat <- length(unique(Tree$Category))
  numTree <- length(unique(Tree$Tree))

  if (S > numCat - numTree) {
    error <- paste0(
      "Note that the model is not identified and requires at least ",
      S - numCat + numTree, "equality constraints."

# mergeTree <- function(eqnfile, data, restrictions){
#   # MPT structure for JAGS
#   Tree <- readEQN(eqnfile)
#   mergedTree <- mergeBranches(Tree)
#   tHoutput <- thetaHandling(mergedTree,restrictions)
#   SubPar <- tHoutput$SubPar
#   mergedTree <- tHoutput$mergedTree
#   fixedPar <- tHoutput$fixedPar
# }

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TreeBUGS documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:21 p.m.