
Defines functions thetaHandling

# #'  Set constants, replace parameters for thetas
# #'
# #' @param mergedTree is the output of mergeBranches
# #' @param restrictions Either the (full path to the) file that specifies which parameters should be constants and which should # be equal; or a list of parameter restrictions
# #' @author Nina R. Arnold, Denis Arnold, Daniel Heck
# #' @export
thetaHandling <- function(mergedTree, restrictions) {
  mergedTree$Eqn <- mergedTree$Equation
  Parameter <- getParameter(mergedTree)

  SubPar <- data.frame(
    Parameter = Parameter,
    theta = 1:length(Parameter),
    sub = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  ############ only if restrictions are included:
  if (!is.null(restrictions)) {
    # restrictions given as a list
    if (is.list(restrictions)) {
      restrVector <- as.vector(unlist(restrictions))

      # restrictions given as a model file
    } else {
      restrVector <- read.csv(restrictions, header = F, stringsAsFactors = F)$V1
      restrictions <- as.list(restrVector)
    restrVector <- gsub(" ", "", restrVector, fixed = TRUE)

    for (k in 1:length(restrVector)) {
      splitRestr <- strsplit(restrVector[k], "=")[[1]]
      selFE <- splitRestr %in% c("FE", "FIXED_EFFECT")
      if (length(splitRestr) == 1) {
        warning("Restriction not well defined: Equality sign '=' missing in:\n  ", splitRestr)
      } else if (any(selFE)) {
        # fixed effect: negative index
        index <- -match(splitRestr[!selFE], SubPar$Parameter)
        SubPar[-index, "theta"] <- index[1] - 1 # substract one to make it different from equality constraints
      } else {
        index <- match(splitRestr, SubPar$Parameter)
        suppressWarnings(consts <- as.numeric(splitRestr))
        # consts <- consts[!is.na(consts)]

        if (sum(!is.na(consts)) == 0) {
          # only parameters without constants
          if (any(is.na(index))) {
            error <- paste0(
              "Restriction contains parameters not contained in the model:\n  ",
              paste(splitRestr, collapse = "=")
          # replace index
          SubPar[index[2:length(index)], "theta"] <- index[1]
        } else if (sum(!is.na(consts)) == 1) {
          # contrained to constant values
          CONST <- consts[!is.na(consts)]
          if (CONST < 0 | CONST > 1) {
            error <- paste0(
              "Check parameter restrictions. Constants are not in the interval [0,1]: ",
          SubPar[index[!is.na(index)], "theta"] <- -CONST
        } else {
          stop("Restrictions should not contain more than one constant!")

  isConstant <- SubPar$theta <= 0 & SubPar$theta >= -1
  isFE <- SubPar$theta < -1

  ############## replaced constant parameter values:
  if (any(isConstant)) {
    constants <- SubPar[isConstant, , drop = FALSE]
    SubPar <- SubPar[!isConstant, , drop = FALSE]
    constants$sub <- -constants$theta

    for (j in 1:nrow(constants)) {
      mergedTree$Equation <- gsub(
        pattern = paste0(
        replacement = paste0("\\1", constants$sub[j], "\\2"),
        mergedTree$Equation, perl = T
  } else {
    constants <- NULL
  if (any(isFE)) {
    fixedPar <- SubPar[isFE, , drop = FALSE]
    # fixedPar$theta <- - fixedPar$theta - 1
    SubPar <- SubPar[!isFE, , drop = FALSE]
    tmp <- unique(fixedPar$theta)
    for (tt in 1:length(tmp)) {
      fixedPar$theta[fixedPar$theta == tmp[tt]] <- tt
    fixedPar$sub <- paste0("thetaFE[", fixedPar$theta, "]")

    for (j in 1:nrow(fixedPar)) {
      mergedTree$Equation <- gsub(
        pattern = paste0(
        replacement = paste0("\\1", fixedPar$sub[j], "\\2"),
        mergedTree$Equation, perl = T
  } else {
    fixedPar <- NULL
  # use new, increasing indices 1....S for parameters:
  tmp <- unique(SubPar$theta)
  for (tt in 1:length(tmp)) {
    SubPar$theta[SubPar$theta == tmp[tt]] <- tt

  ############## replaced constant parameter values:
  SubPar$sub <- paste0("theta[", SubPar$theta, ",n]")
  for (j in 1:nrow(SubPar)) {
    mergedTree$Equation <- gsub(
      pattern = paste0(
      replacement = paste0("\\1", SubPar$sub[j], "\\2"),
      mergedTree$Equation, perl = T

    # two times for special case that same parameter occurs twice directly after each other: u*u
    mergedTree$Equation <- gsub(
      pattern = paste0(
      replacement = paste0("\\1", SubPar$sub[j], "\\2"),
      mergedTree$Equation, perl = T

  output <- list(
    SubPar = SubPar, mergedTree = mergedTree,
    constants = constants, fixedPar = fixedPar,
    restrictions = restrictions


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