
#' Plot the distribution of a character on a tree
#' Reconstructs the distribution of a character on a tree topology using the
#' modified Fitch algorithm presented in 
#' \insertCite{Brazeau2019;textual}{TreeSearch}.
#' @template treeParam
#' @template datasetParam
#' @param char Index of character to plot.
#' @param updateTips Logical; if `FALSE`, tips will be labelled with their
#' original state in `dataset`.
#' @param plot Logical specifying whether to plot the output.
#' @param tokenCol Palette specifying colours to associate with each token in
#' turn, in the sequence listed in `attr(dataset, "levels")`.
#' @param ambigCol,ambigLty,inappCol,inappLty,plainLty Colours and line types
#' to apply to ambiguous, inapplicable and applicable tokens.  See the `lty` 
#' [graphical parameter] for details of line styles.  Overrides `tokenCol`.
#' @param tipOffset Numeric: how much to offset tips from their labels.
#' @param unitEdge Logical: Should all edges be plotted with a unit length?
#' @param \dots Further arguments to pass to `plot.phylo()`.
#' @return `PlotCharacter()` invisibly returns a matrix in which each row
#' corresponds to a numbered tip or node of `tree`, and each column corresponds
#' to a token; the tokens that might parsimoniously be present at each point
#' on a tree are denoted with `TRUE`.
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' # Set up plotting area
#' oPar <- par(mar = rep(0, 4))
#' tree <- ape::read.tree(text = 
#'   "((((((a, b), c), d), e), f), (g, (h, (i, (j, (k, l))))));")
#' ## A character with inapplicable data
#' dataset <- TreeTools::StringToPhyDat("23--1??--032", tips = tree)
#' plotted <- PlotCharacter(tree, dataset)
#' plotted
#' # Character from a real dataset 
#' data("Lobo", package = "TreeTools")
#' dataset <- Lobo.phy
#' tree <- TreeTools::NJTree(dataset)
#' PlotCharacter(tree, dataset, 14)
#' par(oPar)
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom ape plot.phylo nodelabels 
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom TreeTools PostorderOrder
#' @export
PlotCharacter <- function (tree, dataset, char = 1L,
                           updateTips = FALSE,
                           plot = TRUE,
                           tokenCol = NULL,
                           ambigCol = "grey",
                           inappCol = "lightgrey",
                           ambigLty = "dotted",
                           inappLty = "dashed",
                           plainLty = par("lty"),
                           tipOffset = 1,
                           unitEdge = FALSE,
                           ...) {
  # Reconcile labels
  datasetTaxa <- names(dataset)
  treeTaxa <- tree$tip.label
  if(!all(treeTaxa %fin% datasetTaxa)) {
    stop("Taxa in tree missing from dataset:\n  ",
         paste0(setdiff(treeTaxa, datasetTaxa), collapse = ", "))
  dataset <- dataset[treeTaxa]
  # Read tree
  postorder <- PostorderOrder(tree)
  edgeLength <- tree$edge.length[postorder]
  if (!is.null(edgeLength) && length(unique(edgeLength)) == 1) {
    tree$edge.length <- edgeLength
  nNode <- tree$Nnode
  nTip <- NTip(tree)
  edge <- tree$edge[postorder, ]
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  child <- edge[, 2]
  left <- integer(nNode + nTip)
  right <- left
  parentOf <- integer(nNode + nTip)
  for (e in seq_len(dim(edge)[1])) {
    pa <- parent[e]
    ch <- child[e]
    parentOf[ch] <- pa
    if (right[pa]) {
      left[pa] <- ch
    } else {
      right[pa] <- ch
  preOrderNodes <- unique(rev(parent)) # Root guaranteed first
  postOrderNodes <- rev(preOrderNodes)
  rootNode <- preOrderNodes[1]
  parentOf[rootNode] <- rootNode
  tips <- seq_len(nTip)
  # Read states
  if (!inherits(dataset, "phyDat")) {
    dataset <- MatrixToPhyDat(dataset)
  character <- dataset[, char]
  contrast <- attr(character, "contrast") == 1
  levels <- colnames(contrast)
  inputState <- contrast[as.integer(character), , drop = FALSE]
  state <- rbind(inputState, matrix(NA, nNode, dim(contrast)[2]))
  if (is.na(match("-", levels))) {
    # Standard Fitch
    for (n in postOrderNodes) {
      lState <- state[left[n], ]
      rState <- state[right[n], ]
      common <- lState & rState
      if (any(common)) {
        state[n, ] <- common
      } else {
        state[n, ] <- lState | rState
        # Also add to score
    for (n in preOrderNodes) {
      nState <- state[n, ]
      aState <- state[parentOf[n], ]
      lState <- state[left[n], ]
      rState <- state[right[n], ]
      inherited <- nState & aState
      if (all(inherited == aState)) {
        state[n, ] <- inherited
      } else if (any(lState & rState)) {
        state[n, ] <- nState | (aState & (lState | rState))
      } else {
        state[n, ] <- aState | nState
    for (n in tips) {
      nState <- state[n, ]
      aState <- state[parentOf[n], ]
      common <- aState & nState
      if (any(common)) {
        state[n, ] <- common
  } else {
    # Inapplicable Fitch, Brazeau, Guillerme & Smith 2019
    inappLevel <- levels == "-"
    appLevels <- !inappLevel
    # First downpass
    for (n in postOrderNodes) {
      lState <- state[left[n], ]
      rState <- state[right[n], ]
      common <- lState & rState
      if (any(common)) { # 2
        # If the token in common is only the inapplicable token, 
        # and both descendants have an applicable token
        if (all(common == inappLevel) && 
            any(lState[appLevels]) && 
            ) {
          # Set the node’s state to be the union of the descendants’ states
          state[n, ] <- lState | rState
        } else {
          # set the node’s state to be the token in common between both descendants
          state[n, ] <- common
      } else { # 3
        # If both descendants have an applicable token
        if (any(lState[appLevels]) && any(rState[appLevels])) {
          # set the node’s state to be the union of both descendants’ states
          # without the inapplicable token
          state[n, ] <- (lState | rState) & appLevels
        } else {
          # set the node’s state to be the union of its descendants’ states
          state[n, ] <- lState | rState
      # message ("DP1: Set node ", n, " to: ", paste0(levels[state[n, ]], collapse = ""))
    # First uppass
    for (n in preOrderNodes) {
      nState <- state[n, ]
      aState <- if (n == rootNode && !all(state[n, ] == inappLevel)) {
        state[n, ] & appLevels
      } else {
        state[parentOf[n], ]
      lState <- state[left[n], ]
      rState <- state[right[n], ]
      # 1. If the node has the inapplicable token
      if (any(nState[inappLevel])) {
        # 2. If the node also has an applicable token
        if (any(nState[appLevels])) {
          # 3. If the node’s ancestor has the inapplicable token
          if (any(aState[inappLevel])) {
            # set the node’s state to be the inapplicable token only
            state[n, ] <- inappLevel
          } else {
            # remove the inapplicable token from the current node’s state
            state[n, ] <- nState & appLevels
        } else {
          # 4. If the node’s ancestor has the inapplicable token
          if (any(aState[inappLevel])) {
            # set the node’s state to be the inapplicable token only
          } else {
            # 5. If any of the descendants have an applicable token
            if (any(lState[appLevels]) || any(rState[appLevels])) {
              # set the node’s state to be the union of the applicable states
              # of its descendants
              state[n, ] <- (lState | rState) & appLevels
            } else {
              # set the node’s state to be the inapplicable token only
              state[n, ] <- inappLevel
      # message ("UP1: Set node ", n, " to: ", paste0(levels[state[n, ]], collapse = ""))
    for (n in tips) {
      nState <- state[n, ]
      aState <- state[parentOf[n], ]
      # 6. If the unvisited tip includes both inapplicable and applicable tokens
      if (any(nState[inappLevel]) && any(nState[appLevels])) {
        # 7. If the current node has only the inapplicable token
        if (all(aState == inappLevel)) {
          # set the tip’s state to the inapplicable token only
          state[n, ] <- inappLevel
        } else {
          # remove the inapplicable token from the tip’s state
          state[n, ] <- nState & appLevels
      # message ("UP1: Set tip  ", n, " to: ", paste0(levels[state[n, ]], collapse = ""))
    # Second downpass
    for (n in postOrderNodes) {
      nState <- state[n, ]
      lState <- state[left[n], ]
      rState <- state[right[n], ]
      # If the node had an applicable token in the first uppass
      if (any(nState[appLevels])) {
        # 3. If there is any token in common between both descendants
        common <- lState & rState
        if (any(common)) {
          # 4. If the tokens in common are applicable
          if (any(common[appLevels])) {
            # set the node’s state to be the tokens held in common,
            #  without the inapplicable token
            state[n, ] <- common & appLevels
          } else {
            # set the node’s state to be the inapplicable token
            state[n, ] <- inappLevel
        } else {
          # 5. Set the node’s state to be the union of the states of both
          # descendants (if present) without the inapplicable token
          state[n, ] <- (lState | rState) & appLevels 
      # message ("DP2: Set node ", n, " to: ", paste0(levels[state[n, ]], collapse = ""))
    # Second uppass
    for (n in preOrderNodes) {
      nState <- state[n, ]
      aState <- state[parentOf[n], ]
      lState <- state[left[n], ]
      rState <- state[right[n], ]
      # 1. If the node has any applicable token 
      if (any(nState[appLevels])) {
        # 2. If the node’s ancestor has any applicable token
        if (any(aState[appLevels])) {
          #2A [ADDED IN ERRATUM?]
          common <- aState & nState
          if (any(common) && all(common == aState)) {
            state[n, ] <- aState
          } else 
          # 3. If the node’s state is NOT the same as its ancestor’s
          # if (any(nState != aState))
            # 4. If there is any token in common between the node’s descendants
            common <- lState & rState
            if (any(common)) {
              # 5. Add to the current node’s state any token in common between
              #  its ancestor and *either of* its descendants
              state[n, ] <- nState | (aState & (lState | rState))
            } else {
              # 6. If the states of the node’s descendants both contain the
              #  inapplicable token
              if (any(lState[inappLevel]) && any(rState[inappLevel])) {
                # 7. If there is any token in common between either of the 
                # node’s descendants and its ancestor
                if (any(lState & aState) || any(rState & aState)) {
                  # set the node’s state to be its ancestor’s state
                  state[n, ] <- aState
                } else { 
                  # set the current node’s state to be all applicable tokens 
                  # common to both its descendants and ancestor
                  state[n, ] <- appLevels & common & aState
              } else {
                # 8. Add to the node’s state the tokens of its ancestor
                state[n, ] <- nState | aState
      # message ("UP2: Set node ", n, " to: ", paste0(levels[state[n, ]], collapse = ""))
    for (n in tips) {
      nState <- state[n, ]
      aState <- state[parentOf[n], ]
      common <- aState & nState
      if (any(common)) {
        state[n, ] <- common
        # message ("UP2: Set tip ", n, " to: ", paste0(levels[state[n, ]], collapse = ""))
  if (!updateTips) {
    state[seq_len(nTip), ] <- inputState
  hasToken <- if (length(setdiff(colnames(state), "-")) > 1L) {
    as.logical(rowSums(!state[, colnames(state) != "-", drop = FALSE]))
  } else {
  anywhere <- as.logical(colSums(state[hasToken, , drop = FALSE]))
  slimState <- state[, anywhere, drop = FALSE]
  if (plot) {
    tokens <- colnames(slimState)
    if (is.null(tokenCol)) {
      tokenCol <- tokens
      tokenCol[tokens != "-"] <- c("#00bfc6",
                                   "#60b17f")[seq_along(setdiff(tokens, "-"))]
      tokenCol[tokens == "-"] <- inappCol
    nodeStyle <- apply(slimState, 1, function (tkn) {
      if (length(tkn) == 0) {
        c(col = ambigCol, lty = ambigLty)
      } else if (sum(tkn) > 1L) {
        c(col = ambigCol, lty = ambigLty)
      } else {
        c(col = tokenCol[tkn],
          lty = ifelse(tokens[tkn] == "-", inappLty, plainLty))
    if (unitEdge) {
      tree$edge.length <- rep_len(1, dim(tree$edge)[1])
               node.color = nodeStyle["col", , drop = FALSE],
               node.lty = nodeStyle["lty", , drop = FALSE],
               label.offset = tipOffset,
    NodeText <- function (n) {
      if (length(n) == 0 || (
        sum(n) > 1L && all(n[anywhere & names(n) != "-"]))) {
      } else {
        paste0(levels[n], collapse = "")
    nodelabels(apply(state, 1, NodeText),
               seq_len(nTip + nNode), bg = nodeStyle["col", , drop = FALSE])
  # Return:

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TreeSearch documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 9:06 a.m.