
Defines functions lfqModify

Documented in lfqModify

#' @title Modify lfq data for further analysis
#' @description Modify length-freqeuncy (LFQ) data. Allows to summarise catch matrix
#'    of LFQ data to one column per year. This is required for e.g. \code{\link{catchCurve}}.
#'    Allows to change bin size of LFQ data. Allows to ad plus group to catch matrix.
#' @param lfq lfq object with dates, midLengths, and catch
#' @param par growth parameters as resulting from e.g. \code{\link{ELEFAN}}
#' @param bin_size Bin size for length frequencies (in cm)
#' @param aggregate Factor to aggregate catch per year (\code{"year"}),
#'    per quarter (\code{"quarter"}), or per month (\code{"month"}). By default data
#'    is not aggregated (\code{NA}).
#' @param vectorise_catch logical; indicating if the catch matrix should be summarised to
#'    yearly vectors (default: FALSE).
#' @param plus_group logical or numeric; should a plus group be created? If yes you will be
#'    asked to insert the length for the plus group in the console (default: FALSE).
#'    Instead of inserting the length of the plus group via the console, the value
#'    can be inserted, e.g. plus_group = 85.5.
#' @param minDate minimum date to subset lfq data
#' @param maxDate maximum date to subset lfq data
#' @param years numeric with year(s) to subset lfq data
#' @param Lmin minimum length to subset lfq data
#' @param Lmax maximum length to subset lfq data
#' @param lfq2 optional second lfq object which will be merged with lfq. This might be interesting for
#'    fleet specific lfq objects. Default: NA. Be aware that catches are combined without weighting!
#' @keywords function lfq length-frequency
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @examples
#' data(synLFQ4)
#' ## summarise catch matrix per year
#' lfq_sum <- lfqModify(synLFQ4, vectorise_catch = TRUE)
#' ## change bin size
#' lfq_bin <- lfqModify(synLFQ4, bin_size = 4)
#' ## add plus_group
#' lfq_plus <- lfqModify(synLFQ4, plus_group = 85.5)
#' @return lfq object with rearranged catch matrix (yearly sums) and growth parameters
#'    if provided.
#' @export

lfqModify <- function(lfq, par = NULL,
                      bin_size = NA,
                      aggregate = NA,  ## either: year, quarter, month  (year will substitute vectorise_catch)
                      vectorise_catch = FALSE,
                      plus_group = FALSE,
                      minDate = NA,
                      maxDate = NA,
                      years = NA,
                      Lmin = NA,
                      Lmax = NA,
                      lfq2 = NA){

    if(!inherits(lfq,"lfq")) stop("Your lfq data set has to have class 'lfq'!")
    dates <- lfq$dates
    midLengths <- lfq$midLengths
    catch <- lfq$catch

    ## linf for plus_group definition
        linf <- par$Linf
        if("Linf" %in% names(lfq)){
            linf <- lfq$Linf
        }else if("par" %in% names(lfq)){
            linf <- lfq$par$Linf
            linf <- NA

    ## replace NAs in catch
    catch[which(is.na(catch))] <- 0

    ## select beyond certain date
        catch <- lfq$catch[,which(dates >= minDate)]
        dates <- lfq$dates[which(dates >= minDate)]

    ## select before certain date
        catch <- catch[,which(dates <= maxDate)]
        dates <- dates[which(dates <= maxDate)]

    ## select certain years
        catch <- catch[,which(format(dates,"%Y") %in% years)]
        dates <- dates[which(format(dates,"%Y") %in% years)]

    ## select above certain length
        catch <- catch[which(midLengths >= Lmin),]
        midLengths <- midLengths[which(midLengths >= Lmin)]

    ## select below certain length
        catch <- catch[which(midLengths <= Lmax),]
        midLengths <- midLengths[which(midLengths <= Lmax)]

    ## merge two lfq data sets (ADD weighing factor)
        if(!inherits(lfq2,"lfq")) stop("Your lfq2 data set has to have class 'lfq'!")

        ## extract variables
        dates2 <- lfq2$dates
        midLengths2 <- lfq2$midLengths
        catch2 <- lfq2$catch

        ## error messages
        if(diff(midLengths)[1] != diff(midLengths2)[1]) stop("The bin sizes do not fit eachother")
        if(any(!dates2 %in% dates)) warning("At least one sampling date of lfq2 does not match with the dates \nin lfq, not matching dates will be added!")

        mergi <- merge(data.frame(dates=dates,x=dates),
        mergi2 <- merge(data.frame(midLengths=midLengths,x=midLengths),
        indY <- which(is.na(mergi2$y) & mergi2$midLengths > max(midLengths2))
        matY <- matrix(0, nrow=length(indY), ncol=ncol(catch2))
        catch2 <- rbind(catch2,matY)
        indY <- which(is.na(mergi2$y) & mergi2$midLengths < min(midLengths2))
        matY <- matrix(0, nrow=length(indY), ncol=ncol(catch2))
        catch2 <- rbind(matY,catch2)
        ind <- which(is.na(mergi2$x) & mergi2$midLengths > max(midLengths))
        mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(ind), ncol=ncol(catch))
        catch <- rbind(catch,mat)
        ind <- which(is.na(mergi2$x) & mergi2$midLengths < min(midLengths))
        mat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(ind), ncol=ncol(catch))
        catch <- rbind(mat,catch)

        ## both catch matrices should have same sampling dates
        designMat <- matrix(0, ncol=length(mergi$dates), nrow=length(mergi2$midLengths))
        temp <- designMat
        ind = 1
        for(i in which(!is.na(mergi$x))){
            temp[,i] <- catch[,ind]
            ind <- ind + 1
        catch <- temp
        temp <- designMat
        ind = 1
        for(i in which(!is.na(mergi$y))){
            temp[,i] <- catch2[,ind]
            ind <- ind + 1
        catch2 <- temp

        ## combine lfq data sets
        for(i in 1:dim(designMat)[2]){
            temp1 <- data.frame(midLengths = mergi2$midLengths,
                                catch1 = catch[,i])
            temp2 <- data.frame(midLengths = mergi2$midLengths,
                                catch2 = catch2[,i])
            temp3 <- merge(temp1, temp2, by="midLengths", all=TRUE)
            designMat[,i] <- rowSums(temp3[,c(2,3)])

        ## reassign combined data to vectors
        dates <- mergi$dates
        midLengths <- mergi2$midLengths
        catch <- designMat



        ## error and warning messages
        if(bin_size < midLengths[2]-midLengths[1]) stop("The specified bin_size is smaller than the bin size \nin your data. This is not possible!")

        ## rearrange data into LFQ data
        bin.breaks <- seq(0, max(midLengths) + bin_size, by=bin_size)
        midLengthsNEW <- bin.breaks + bin_size/2
        listi <- vector("list",length(unique(dates)))
        LF_dat <- data.frame(bin = bin.breaks)
        for(i in 1:length(unique(dates))){
            sampli <- unique(dates)[i]
            lengthi <- as.numeric(midLengths)

            if(length(unique(dates)) > 1){
                freqi <- as.numeric(catch[,dates == sampli])
                freqi <- as.numeric(catch[dates == sampli])

            bin.breaks2 <- rep(NA, length(bin.breaks))
            for(ii in 1:length(bin.breaks)){
                if(ii == length(bin.breaks)){
                    bin.breaks2[ii] <- length(which(lengthi >= bin.breaks[ii]))
                    bin.breaks2[ii] <- length(which(lengthi >= bin.breaks[ii] & lengthi < bin.breaks[ii+1]))
            bin.breaks3 <- rep(bin.breaks, bin.breaks2)
            dati <- aggregate(list(freq=freqi), by=list(bin=bin.breaks3), sum)

            listi[[i]] <- merge(LF_dat, dati, by.x = "bin", all.x =TRUE)[,2]
        catch_mat <- do.call(cbind,listi)
        catch_mat[is.na(catch_mat)] <- 0
        catch <- catch_mat
        midLengths <- midLengthsNEW

        if(any(catch != 0)){

            ## get rid of 0 bins at both ends
            lowRow <- 0
            resi <- TRUE
            while(resi == TRUE){
                lowRow <- lowRow + 1
                resi <- rowSums(catch, na.rm = TRUE)[lowRow] == 0

            upRow <- nrow(catch)
            resi <- TRUE
            while(resi == TRUE){
                resi <- rowSums(catch, na.rm = TRUE)[upRow] == 0
                upRow <- upRow - 1
            upRow <- upRow + 1

            catch <- catch[lowRow:upRow,]
            midLengths <- midLengths[lowRow:upRow]


        ## correct if catch was numeric already
            catch <- as.numeric(catch)

    ismat <- inherits(catch,"matrix")
    if(vectorise_catch & !ismat){
        stop(paste0("Catch is not of class matrix. To vectorise catch, it has to be a matrix."))
    if(vectorise_catch) aggregate = "year"
    if(!is.na(aggregate) & is.matrix(catch)){
        if(aggregate == "year"){
            ## sum numbers per year
            c_sum <- by(t(catch),format(dates,"%Y"), FUN = colSums)
            # rearrange in data frame
            c_list <- lapply(as.list(c_sum), c)
            c_dat <- as.data.frame(c_list)

            if(any(c_dat != 0)){
                # get rid of 0 bins at both ends
                lowRow <- 0
                resi <- TRUE
                while(resi == TRUE){
                    lowRow <- lowRow + 1
                    resi <- rowSums(c_dat, na.rm = TRUE)[lowRow] == 0

                upRow <- nrow(c_dat)
                resi <- TRUE
                while(resi == TRUE){
                    resi <- rowSums(c_dat, na.rm = TRUE)[upRow] == 0
                    upRow <- upRow - 1
                upRow <- upRow + 1

                catch <- c_dat[lowRow:upRow,]
                midLengths <- midLengths[lowRow:upRow]
                catch <- c_dat

            # override old dates
            dates <- unique(as.Date(paste0(format(dates,"%Y"),"-01-01")))
        }else if(aggregate == "quarter"){
            months <- format(dates, "%m")
            seasons <- rep(NA,length(months))
            seasons[months == "01"] <- 2
            seasons[months == "02"] <- 2
            seasons[months == "03"] <- 2
            seasons[months == "04"] <- 5
            seasons[months == "05"] <- 5
            seasons[months == "06"] <- 5
            seasons[months == "07"] <- 8
            seasons[months == "08"] <- 8
            seasons[months == "09"] <- 8
            seasons[months == "10"] <- 11
            seasons[months == "11"] <- 11
            seasons[months == "12"] <- 11
            dateFac <- as.Date(paste0(format(dates,"%Y"),"-",seasons,"-15"))
            ## sum numbers per year
            c_sum <- by(t(catch),dateFac, FUN = colSums)
            # rearrange in data frame
            c_list <- lapply(as.list(c_sum), c)
            c_dat <- as.data.frame(c_list)

            if(any(c_dat != 0)){
                # get rid of 0 bins at both ends
                lowRow <- 0
                resi <- TRUE
                while(resi == TRUE){
            lowRow <- lowRow + 1
            resi <- rowSums(c_dat, na.rm = TRUE)[lowRow] == 0

                upRow <- nrow(c_dat)
                resi <- TRUE
                while(resi == TRUE){
            resi <- rowSums(c_dat, na.rm = TRUE)[upRow] == 0
            upRow <- upRow - 1
                upRow <- upRow + 1

                catch <- c_dat[lowRow:upRow,]
                midLengths <- midLengths[lowRow:upRow]
                catch <- c_dat

            # override old dates
            dates <- unique(dateFac)
        }else if(aggregate == "month"){
            ## sum numbers per year
            c_sum <- by(t(catch),format(dates,"%Y-%m"), FUN = colSums)
            # rearrange in data frame
            c_list <- lapply(as.list(c_sum), c)
            c_dat <- as.data.frame(c_list)

            if(any(c_dat != 0)){
                # get rid of 0 bins at both ends
                lowRow <- 0
                resi <- TRUE
                while(resi == TRUE){
            lowRow <- lowRow + 1
            resi <- rowSums(c_dat, na.rm = TRUE)[lowRow] == 0

                upRow <- nrow(c_dat)
                resi <- TRUE
                while(resi == TRUE){
            resi <- rowSums(c_dat, na.rm = TRUE)[upRow] == 0
            upRow <- upRow - 1
                upRow <- upRow + 1

                catch <- c_dat[lowRow:upRow,]
                midLengths <- midLengths[lowRow:upRow]
                catch <- c_dat

            # override old dates
            dates <- unique(as.Date(paste0(format(dates,"%Y-%m"),"-15")))
            stop('aggregate has to be either NA, "year", "quarter", or "month"')

    # plus group
    if(isTRUE(plus_group) | is.numeric(plus_group) | plus_group == "Linf"){
                print(data.frame(midLengths = midLengths, frequency = catch))
            }else if(length(unique(format(lfq$dates, "%Y"))) == 1){
                print(data.frame(midLengths = midLengths, frequency = rowSums(catch)))
                # sum numbers per year
                c_sum <- by(t(catch),format(dates,"%Y"), FUN = colSums)

                # rearrange in data frame
                c_list <- lapply(as.list(c_sum), c)
                c_dat <- as.data.frame(c_list)

                tmp <- data.frame(midLengths = midLengths)
                tmp <- cbind(tmp, c_dat)

            writeLines(paste0("Linf = ",round(linf,2),
                              ". Check the table above and insert the length of the plus group (Esc to cancel)."))
            pg = -1
            while(pg > max(midLengths) | pg < min(midLengths)){
                pg <- readline(paste0("Enter a length group between ", min(midLengths)," and ",
                pg = as.numeric(as.character(pg))
                if(!(pg %in% midLengths)){
                    writeLines(paste0(pg, " is not an element of midLengths (see table)."))
                    pg = -1
                    #pg <- ifelse(grepl("\\D",pg),-1,as.integer(pg))
                    if(is.na(pg)){break}  # breaks when hit enter
        }else if(is.numeric(plus_group)){
            pg = as.numeric(as.character(plus_group))
        }else if(plus_group == "Linf"){
            interval <- midLengths[2] - midLengths[1]
            upperLength <- midLengths + (interval / 2)
                pg <- midLengths[which.min(abs(upperLength - floor(linf)))]
                writeLines("Please provide Linf in par or lfq!")
        if(!(pg %in% midLengths)){
            stop(paste0(pg, " is not an element of midLengths. Set 'plus_group' TRUE and pick a length class \n or check the vector 'midLengths' in your data."))
        midLengths <- midLengths[1:which(midLengths == pg)]
            if(which(midLengths == pg) < (length(catch)-1)){
                addplus <- sum(catch[((which(midLengths == pg)+1):length(catch))])
            }else if(which(midLengths == pg) == (length(catch)-1)){
                addplus <- catch[(which(midLengths == pg)+1)]
            }else if(which(midLengths == pg) == (length(catch))){
                addplus <- 0
            catch <- catch[1:which(midLengths == pg)]
            catch[which(midLengths == pg)] <-
                catch[which(midLengths == pg)] + addplus
            if(which(midLengths == pg) < (nrow(catch)-1)){
                addplus <- colSums(catch[((which(midLengths == pg)+1):nrow(catch)),])
            }else if(which(midLengths == pg) == (nrow(catch)-1)){
                addplus <- catch[(which(midLengths == pg)+1),]
            }else if(which(midLengths == pg) == (nrow(catch))){
                addplus <- 0
            catch <- catch[1:which(midLengths == pg),]
            catch[which(midLengths == pg),] <-
                catch[which(midLengths == pg),] + addplus

    ## combine results
        catches <- as.vector(catch)
    }else catches <- as.matrix(catch)

    res <- list()
    if("species" %in% names(lfq)) res$species <- lfq$species
    if("stock" %in% names(lfq)) res$stock <- lfq$stock
    res$dates = dates
    res$midLengths = midLengths
    res$catch = catches
    if("comment" %in% names(lfq)) res$comment <- lfq$comment

    ## add growth parameter if known
    if("par" %in% names(lfq)){
            res$par <- lfq$par
            res$par <- as.list(lfq$par)
            res$par <- par
            res$par <- as.list(par)

    ## add all objects to which in lfq to new lfq list
    idx <- names(lfq)[which(!(names(lfq) %in% names(res)))]
    tmpList <- lfq[which(names(lfq) %in% idx)]
    res <- c(res, tmpList)

        class(res) <- "lfq"
    ## if(!is.na(bin_size)){class(res) <- "lfq"}


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