
Defines functions pred pred.block block.finder third.step.exhaustive.search break.var.local.new second.step.local BIC first.step.blocks.group first.step.blocks tbss simu_var

Documented in BIC block.finder break.var.local.new first.step.blocks first.step.blocks.group pred pred.block second.step.local simu_var tbss third.step.exhaustive.search

## usethis namespace: start
#' @useDynLib VARDetect, .registration = TRUE
## usethis namespace: end
#' Generate VAR(p) model data with break points
#' @description This function is used for generate simulated time series
#' @param method the structure of time series: "sparse","group sparse", "fLS", "LS"
#' @param nob sample size
#' @param k dimension of transition matrix
#' @param lags lags of VAR time series. Default is 1.
#' @param lags_vector a vector of lags of VAR time series for each segment
#' @param brk a vector of break points with (nob+1) as the last element
#' @param sparse_mats transition matrix for sparse case
#' @param group_mats transition matrix for group sparse case
#' @param group_index group index for group lasso.
#' @param group_type type for group lasso: "columnwise", "rowwise". Default is "columnwise".
#' @param sp_pattern a choice of the pattern of sparse component: diagonal, 1-off diagonal, random, custom
#' @param sp_density if we choose random pattern, we should provide the sparsity density for each segment
#' @param rank if we choose method is low rank plus sparse, we need to provide the ranks for each segment
#' @param info_ratio the information ratio leverages the signal strength from low rank and sparse components
#' @param signals manually setting signal for each segment (including sign)
#' @param singular_vals singular values for the low rank components
#' @param spectral_radius to ensure the time series is piecewise stationary.
#' @param sigma the variance matrix for error term
#' @param skip an argument to control the leading data points to obtain a stationary time series
#' @param seed an argument to control the random seed. Default seed is 1.
#' @return A list object, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{series}{matrix of timeseries data}
#'   \item{noises}{matrix of noise term data}
#'   \item{sparse_mats}{list of sparse matrix in the transition matrix}
#'   \item{lowrank_mats}{list of low-rank matrix in the transition matrix}
#' }
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @importFrom igraph erdos.renyi.game
#' @importFrom igraph get.adjacency
#' @import pracma
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' nob <- (10^3*4); #number of time points
#' p <- 15; # number of time series components
#' brk <- c(floor(nob/3),floor(2*nob/3),nob+1); # true break points with nob+1 as the last element
#' m0 <- length(brk) -1; # number of break points
#' q.t <- 2; # the true AR order
#' m <- m0+1 #number of segments
#' sp_density <- rep(0.05, m*q.t) #sparsity level (5%)
#' try<-simu_var("sparse",nob=nob,k=p,lags=q.t,brk =brk,sp_pattern="random",sp_density=sp_density)
#' print(plot_matrix(do.call("cbind",try$model_param), m*q.t ))
simu_var<-function(method=c("sparse", "group sparse", "fLS", "LS"), nob=300, k=20, 
                   lags=1, lags_vector = NULL, brk, sigma=NULL, skip=50, spectral_radius=0.98, seed = NULL, sp_density=NULL,
                   group_mats = NULL, group_index = NULL, group_type = c("columnwise", "rowwise"), 
                   sparse_mats = NULL, sp_pattern = c("off-diagonal", "diagonal", "random"),  
                   rank=NULL, info_ratio=NULL, signals=NULL, singular_vals = NULL 
  method <- match.arg(method)
  group_type <- match.arg(group_type)
  sp_pattern <- match.arg(sp_pattern)
  if(length(lags) == 1){
    arlags=seq(1, lags, 1)  
  ### Error conditions
  m <- length(brk)
  nar <- length(arlags)
          sp_density <- rep(0.05, sum(lags_vector))
          sp_density <- rep(0.05, m * nar)
      if(length(lags_vector) != m){
          stop("the length of lags_vecotr should be m.")
      arlags_vector <- vector('list', m)
      for(i in 1:m){
          arlags_vector[[i]] <- seq(1, lags_vector[i], 1)  
  if (!(method %in% c("sparse", "group sparse", "fLS", "LS"))){
    stop("the method should be sparse or lowrank plus sparse or grouped.")
  if (spectral_radius > 1){
    stop("the spectral radius should be less than 1!")
    sigma <- as.matrix(1*diag(k))
  if(is.null(signals) & is.null(lags_vector)){
    signals <- rep(0.8, m*nar)
    for(j in 1:m){
      for(i in 1:nar){
        signals[(j-1)*nar+i] <- (-1)^(j)*signals[(j-1)*nar+i]
  if(is.null(signals) & !is.null(lags_vector)){
      signals <- rep(0.8, sum(lags_vector))
      nar <- lags_vector[1]
      for(i in 1:nar){
          signals[i] <- (-1)^(1)*signals[i]
      if(m > 1){
          for(j in 2:m){
              nar <- lags_vector[j]
              for(i in 1:nar){
                  signals[sum(lags_vector[1:(j-1)])+i] <- (-1)^(j)*signals[sum(lags_vector[1:(j-1)])+i]
  if (!is.matrix(sigma)){
    sigma <- as.matrix(sigma)
  ###### Pure sparse structure for model parameter ######
  phi_mats <- vector('list', m)
  if (method == 'sparse'){
    if (!(sp_pattern %in% c("diagonal", "off-diagonal", "random", "custom"))){
      stop("the sparsity pattern should be determined correctly!")
      sparse_mats <- vector('list', m)
        sp_pattern = "custom"
        if (sp_pattern == "diagonal"){
            for (j in 1:m){
                sparse_mats[[j]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar)
                for(i in 1:nar){
                    sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i] * diag(k)
        if (sp_pattern == 'off-diagonal'){
            for (j in 1:m){
                sparse_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k*nar)
                for(i in 1:nar){
                    for (r in 1:(k-1)){
                        sparse_mats[[j]][r, (i-1)*k+r+1] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i]
        if (sp_pattern == 'random'){
            if (length(sp_density) != nar*m){
                stop("the length of sparsity density doesn't match! should equal number of segment*number of lags.")
            for (j in 1:m){
                sparse_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k*nar)
                for(i in 1:nar){
                    g <- erdos.renyi.game(k, round(sp_density[(j-1)*nar+i]*k*k), type="gnm",directed = TRUE)
                    adj_mat <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(g))
                    sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ]  <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i]  * adj_mat
        if(sp_pattern == 'custom'){
            if(length(sparse_mats) != m){
                stop("the length of transition matrix doesn't match!")
            if( (nrow(sparse_mats[[1]]) != k) | (ncol(sparse_mats[[1]]) != k*nar)   ){
                stop("the length of transition matrix doesn't match!")
        # examine if each segment is stationary, we force the spectral radius to be 0.9. 
        max_eigen <- rep(0, m)
        phi <- NULL
        for (j in 1:(m)){
            if(nar == 1){
                max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(sparse_mats[[j]])$values))
                temp_mat <- matrix(0, k*nar, k*nar)
                temp_mat[1:k,] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
                for(i in 1:(nar-1)){
                    temp_mat[((i)*k+1):( (i+1)*k), ((i-1)*k+1):( (i)*k) ] <- diag(k)
                max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(temp_mat)$values))
            #print(max_eigen[j] )
            # if the current segment is not stable, we rescale the spectral radius
            if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
                phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
                sparse_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]]
                phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
            flag = 1
                if(nar == 1){
                    max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(sparse_mats[[j]])$values))
                    temp_mat <- matrix(0, k*nar, k*nar)
                    temp_mat[1:k,] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
                    for(i in 1:(nar-1)){
                        temp_mat[((i)*k+1):( (i+1)*k), ((i-1)*k+1):( (i)*k) ] <- diag(k)
                    max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(temp_mat)$values))
                #print(max_eigen[j] )
                # if the current segment is not stable, we rescale the spectral radius
                if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
                    phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
                    sparse_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]]
                    phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
                    flag = 0
            phi <- cbind(phi, phi_mats[[j]])

        if (sp_pattern == "diagonal"){
            nar_max <- max(lags_vector)
            arlags <- arlags_vector[[1]]
            nar <- length(arlags)
            sparse_mats[[1]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar_max)
            for(i in 1:nar){
                sparse_mats[[1]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ] <- signals[i] * diag(k)

            if(m > 1){
                for (j in 2:m){
                    arlags <- arlags_vector[[j]]
                    nar <- length(arlags)
                    sparse_mats[[j]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar_max)
                    for(i in 1:nar){
                        sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ] <- signals[sum(lags_vector[1:(j-1)])+i] * diag(k)
            nar <- nar_max
            arlags <- seq(1, nar, 1)
        if (sp_pattern == 'off-diagonal'){
            nar_max <- max(lags_vector)
            arlags <- arlags_vector[[1]]
            nar <- length(arlags)
            sparse_mats[[1]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar_max)
            for(i in 1:nar){
                for (r in 1:(k-1)){
                    sparse_mats[[1]][r, (i-1)*k+r+1] <- signals[i]
            if(m > 1){
                for (j in 2:m){
                    arlags <- arlags_vector[[j]]
                    nar <- length(arlags)
                    sparse_mats[[j]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar_max)
                    for(i in 1:nar){
                        for (r in 1:(k-1)){
                            sparse_mats[[j]][r, (i-1)*k+r+1] <- signals[sum(lags_vector[1:(j-1)])+i] 
                        # sparse_mats[[j]][k, (i-1)*k+1] <- signals[sum(lags_vector[1:(j-1)])+i] 
            nar <- nar_max
            arlags <- seq(1, nar, 1)

        if (sp_pattern == 'random'){
            if (length(sp_density) != sum(lags_vector)){
                stop("the length of sparsity density doesn't match! should equal number of segment*number of lags.")
            nar_max <- max(lags_vector)
            arlags <- arlags_vector[[1]]
            nar <- length(arlags)
            sparse_mats[[1]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar_max)
            for(i in 1:nar){
                g <- erdos.renyi.game(k, round(sp_density[i]*k*k), type="gnm",directed = TRUE)
                adj_mat <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(g))
                sparse_mats[[1]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ]  <- signals[i]  * adj_mat
            if(m > 1){
                for (j in 2:m){
                    sparse_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k*nar_max)
                    arlags <- arlags_vector[[j]]
                    nar <- length(arlags)
                    for(i in 1:nar){
                        g <- erdos.renyi.game(k, round(sp_density[sum(lags_vector[1:(j-1)])+i]*k*k), type="gnm",directed = TRUE)
                        adj_mat <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(g))
                        sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ]  <- signals[sum(lags_vector[1:(j-1)])+i]  * adj_mat
        if(sp_pattern == 'custom'){
            if(length(sparse_mats) != m){
                stop("the length of transition matrix doesn't match!")
            if( (nrow(sparse_mats[[1]]) != k) | (ncol(sparse_mats[[1]]) != k*nar)   ){
                stop("the length of transition matrix doesn't match!")
        # examine if each segment is stationary, we force the spectral radius to be 0.9. 
        max_eigen <- rep(0, m)
        phi <- NULL
        for (j in 1:(m)){
            if(nar == 1){
                max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(sparse_mats[[j]])$values))
                temp_mat <- matrix(0, k*nar, k*nar)
                temp_mat[1:k,] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
                for(i in 1:(nar-1)){
                    temp_mat[((i)*k+1):( (i+1)*k), ((i-1)*k+1):( (i)*k) ] <- diag(k)
                max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(temp_mat)$values))
            #print(max_eigen[j] )
            # if the current segment is not stable, we rescale the spectral radius
            if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
                phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
                sparse_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]]
                phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
            flag = 1
                if(nar == 1){
                    max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(sparse_mats[[j]])$values))
                    temp_mat <- matrix(0, k*nar, k*nar)
                    temp_mat[1:k,] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
                    for(i in 1:(nar-1)){
                        temp_mat[((i)*k+1):( (i+1)*k), ((i-1)*k+1):( (i)*k) ] <- diag(k)
                    max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(temp_mat)$values))
                #print(max_eigen[j] )
                # if the current segment is not stable, we rescale the spectral radius
                if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
                    phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
                    sparse_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]]
                    phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]]
                    flag = 0
            phi <- cbind(phi, phi_mats[[j]])
  ###### Group sparse structure for model parameter ######
  if (method == "group sparse"){
    if (!(group_type %in% c("columnwise", "rowwise"))){
      stop("the group type should be determined correctly!")
      group_mats <- vector('list', m)
      if (is.null(group_index)){
        if(group_type == "columnwise"){
          non_zero <- max(ceiling(sp_density*k*nar))
          num_group <- 2
          group_index <- vector('list', num_group)
          group_index[[1]] <- sample(1:(k*nar), non_zero)
          group_index[[2:num_group]] <- setdiff(1:(k*nar), group_index[[1]])
        if(group_type == "rowwise"){
          non_zero <- max(ceiling(sp_density*k))
          num_group <- 2
          group_index <- vector('list', num_group)
          group_index[[1]] <- sample(1:(k), non_zero)
          group_index[[2:num_group]] <- setdiff(1:(k), group_index[[1]])
      if(group_type == "columnwise"){
        for (j in 1:m){
          group_mats[[j]] <- zeros(k, k*nar)
          for(i in 1:(num_group-1) ){
              for(g in group_index[[i]] ){
                  group_mats[[j]][, g] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+floor((g-1)/k) +1] 
      if(group_type == "rowwise"){
        for (j in 1:m){
          group_mats[[j]] <- zeros(k, k*nar)
          for(i in 1:(num_group-1) ){
              for(g in group_index[[i]] ){
                  group_mats[[j]][g%%k, ((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+floor((g-1)/k) +1] 
                  if(g%%k ==0){
                      group_mats[[j]][k, ((i-1)*k+1):(i*k)] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+floor((g-1)/k) +1] 
    # examine if each segment is stationary, we force the spectral radius to be 0.9. 
    max_eigen <- rep(0, m)
    phi <- NULL
    for (j in 1:(m)){
        if(nar == 1){
            max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(group_mats[[j]])$values))
            temp_mat <- matrix(0, k*nar, k*nar)
            temp_mat[1:k,] <- group_mats[[j]]
            for(i in 1:(nar-1)){
                temp_mat[((i)*k+1):( (i+1)*k), ((i-1)*k+1):( (i)*k) ] <- diag(k)

            max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(temp_mat)$values))
      #print(max_eigen[j] )
      # if the current segment is not stable, we rescale the spectral radius
      if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
        phi_mats[[j]] <- group_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
        group_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]]
        phi_mats[[j]] <- group_mats[[j]]
      flag = 1
          if(nar == 1){
              max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(group_mats[[j]])$values))
              temp_mat <- matrix(0, k*nar, k*nar)
              temp_mat[1:k,] <- group_mats[[j]]
              for(i in 1:(nar-1)){
                  temp_mat[((i)*k+1):( (i+1)*k), ((i-1)*k+1):( (i)*k) ] <- diag(k)
              max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(temp_mat)$values))
          #print(max_eigen[j] )
          # if the current segment is not stable, we rescale the spectral radius
          if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
              phi_mats[[j]] <- group_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
              group_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]]
              phi_mats[[j]] <- group_mats[[j]]
              flag = 0
      phi <- cbind(phi, phi_mats[[j]])
  ###### Fixed low rank plus sparse structure model parameter ######
  if (method == "fLS") {
      if (length(rank[!duplicated(rank)]) > 1){
          stop("the ranks should be all the same!")
      if (length(info_ratio[!duplicated(info_ratio)]) > 1){
          stop("the information ratio must be all the same!")
      if (lags > 1){
          stop("the lags should be 1 for low rank plus sparse structure!")
      # generate sparse components
      if (!(sp_pattern %in% c("diagonal", "off-diagonal", "random"))){
          stop("the sparsity pattern should be determined correctly!")
          sparse_mats <- vector('list', m)
          sp_pattern = "custom"
      if (sp_pattern == "diagonal"){
          for (j in 1:m){
              sparse_mats[[j]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar)
              for(i in 1:nar){
                  sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i] * diag(k)
      if (sp_pattern == 'off-diagonal'){
          for (j in 1:m){
              sparse_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k*nar)
              for(i in 1:nar){
                  for (r in 1:(k-1)){
                      sparse_mats[[j]][r, (i-1)*k+r+1] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i]
      if (sp_pattern == 'random'){
          if (length(sp_density) != nar*m){
              stop("the length of sparsity density doesn't match! should equal number of segment*number of lags.")
          for (j in 1:m){
              sparse_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k*nar)
              for(i in 1:nar){
                  g <- erdos.renyi.game(k, round(sp_density[(j-1)*nar+i]*k*k), type="gnm",directed = TRUE)
                  adj_mat <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(g))
                  sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ]  <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i]  * adj_mat
      # generate low rank component
      lowrank_mats <- vector('list', m)
      if (length(singular_vals) != max(rank)) {
          stop("The number of singular values should be the same as the given rank!")
      L_basis <- randortho(k)
      for (j in 1:m){
          lowrank_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k)
          for (rk in 1:(rank[j])){
              lowrank_mats[[j]] <- lowrank_mats[[j]] + singular_vals[rk] * (L_basis[,rk] %*% t(L_basis[,rk]))
          lowrank_mats[[j]] <- (abs(signals[j]) * info_ratio[j] / max(lowrank_mats[[j]])) * lowrank_mats[[j]]
      # combine sparse and low rank components together
      for (j in 1:m){
          phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] + lowrank_mats[[j]]
      # examine if each segment is stationary, we force the spectral radius to be pre-determined input. 
      max_eigen <- rep(0, m)
      phi <- NULL
      for (j in 1:m){
          max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(phi_mats[[j]])$values))
          if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
              phi_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
              sparse_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
              lowrank_mats[[j]] <- lowrank_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
          phi <- cbind(phi, phi_mats[[j]])
  ###### Low rank plus sparse structure model parameter ######
  if (method == "LS"){
    if (length(rank) != m){
      stop("the length of ranks doesn't match!")
    if (lags > 1) {
        stop("the lags should be 1 for Low rank plus sparse structure!")
    # generate sparse components
    if (!(sp_pattern %in% c("diagonal", "off-diagonal", "random"))){
        stop("the sparsity pattern should be determined correctly!")
        sparse_mats <- vector('list', m)
        sp_pattern = "custom"
    if (sp_pattern == "diagonal"){
        for (j in 1:m){
            sparse_mats[[j]] <-  matrix(0, k, k*nar)
            for(i in 1:nar){
                sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i] * diag(k)
    if (sp_pattern == 'off-diagonal'){
        for (j in 1:m){
            sparse_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k*nar)
            for(i in 1:nar){
                for (r in 1:(k-1)){
                    sparse_mats[[j]][r, (i-1)*k+r+1] <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i]
    if (sp_pattern == 'random'){
        if (length(sp_density) != nar*m){
            stop("the length of sparsity density doesn't match! should equal number of segment*number of lags.")
        for (j in 1:m){
            sparse_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k*nar)
            for(i in 1:nar){
                g <- erdos.renyi.game(k, round(sp_density[(j-1)*nar+i]*k*k), type="gnm",directed = TRUE)
                adj_mat <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(g))
                sparse_mats[[j]][, ((i-1)*k+1): (i*k)  ]  <- signals[(j-1)*nar+i]  * adj_mat
    # generate low rank components
    lowrank_mats <- vector('list', m)
    if (length(singular_vals) != max(rank)) {
        stop("The number of singular values should be the same as the maximum rank across all segments!")
    for (j in 1:m){
      L_basis <- randortho(k)
      lowrank_mats[[j]] <- matrix(0, k, k)
      for (rk in 1:(rank[j])){
        lowrank_mats[[j]] <- lowrank_mats[[j]] + singular_vals[rk] * (L_basis[,rk] %*% t(L_basis[,rk]))
      lowrank_mats[[j]] <- (signals[j] * info_ratio[j] / max(lowrank_mats[[j]])) * lowrank_mats[[j]]
    # combine sparse and low rank components together
    for (j in 1:m){
      phi_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] + lowrank_mats[[j]]
    # examine if each segment is stationary, we force the spectral radius to be 0.9. 
    max_eigen <- rep(0, m)
    phi <- NULL
    for (j in 1:m){
      max_eigen[j] <- max(abs(eigen(phi_mats[[j]])$values))
      if (max_eigen[j] >= 1){
        phi_mats[[j]] <- phi_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
        sparse_mats[[j]] <- sparse_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
        lowrank_mats[[j]] <- lowrank_mats[[j]] * spectral_radius / max_eigen[j]
      phi <- cbind(phi, phi_mats[[j]])
  ### generate time series with respect to the transition matrices
  n <- nob + skip
  at <- rmvnorm(n, rep(0, k), sigma)
  nar <- length(arlags)
  p <- 0
  if (nar > 0){
    arlags <- sort(arlags)
    p <- arlags[nar]
  ist <- p+1
  zt <- matrix(0, n, k)
  # case 1: there is only one single change point
  if (m == 1){
    for (it in ist:n){
      tmp <- matrix(at[it,], 1, k)
      if (nar > 0){
        for (i in 1:nar){
          idx <- (i-1) * k
          phj <- phi[,(idx+1):(idx+k)]
          ztm <- matrix(zt[it - arlags[i], ], 1, k)
          tmp <- tmp + ztm %*% t(phj)
      zt[it, ] = tmp
  # case 2: there are multiple change points
  if (m > 1){
    for (it in ist:(skip+brk[1]-1)){
      tmp <- matrix(at[it,], 1, k)
      if (nar > 0){
        for (i in 1:nar){
          idx <- (i-1) * k
          phj <- phi[, (idx+1):(idx+k)]
          ztm <- matrix(zt[it - arlags[i], ], 1, k)
          tmp <- tmp + ztm %*% t(phj)
      zt[it, ] <- tmp
    for (mm in 1:(m-1)){
      for (it in (skip+brk[mm]):(skip+brk[mm+1]-1)){
        tmp <- matrix(at[it, ], 1, k)
        if (nar > 0){
          for (i in 1:nar){
            idx <- (i-1) * k
            phj <- phi[, (mm*p*k+idx + 1):(mm*p*k+idx + k)]
            ztm <- matrix(zt[it - arlags[i], ], 1, k)
            tmp <- tmp + ztm %*% t(phj)
        zt[it, ] <- tmp
  # return the list
  zt <- zt[(1+skip):n, ]
  at <- at[(1+skip):n, ]
  if (method == "sparse"){
    simulated_var <- list(series = zt, noises = at, model_param = sparse_mats)
  if (method == "group sparse"){
    simulated_var <- list(series = zt, noises = at, model_param = group_mats)
  if (method == "fLS"){
      simulated_var <- list(series = zt, noises = at, model_param = phi_mats, 
                            sparse_param = sparse_mats, lowrank_param = lowrank_mats)
  if (method == "LS"){
    simulated_var <- list(series = zt, noises = at, model_param = phi_mats,
                          sparse_param = sparse_mats, lowrank_param = lowrank_mats)

#' block segmentation scheme (BSS).
#' @description Perform the block segmentation scheme (BSS) algorithm to detect the structural breaks 
#' in large scale high-dimensional non-stationary VAR models.
#' @param data input data matrix, with each column representing the time series component 
#' @param method method: sparse, group sparse, and fixed low rank plus sparse. Default is sparse
#' @param group.case group sparse pattern: column, row.
#' @param group.index group index for group sparse case
#' @param lambda.1.cv tuning parameter lambda_1 for fused lasso
#' @param lambda.2.cv tuning parameter lambda_2 for fused lasso
#' @param mu tuning parameter for low rank component, only available when method is set to "fLS"
#' @param q the AR order
#' @param max.iteration max number of iteration for the fused lasso
#' @param tol tolerance for the fused lasso 
#' @param block.size the block size
#' @param blocks the blocks
#' @param refit logical; if TRUE, refit the VAR model for parameter estimation. Default is FALSE.
#' @param use.BIC use BIC for k-means part
#' @param an.grid a vector of an for grid searching
#' @return S3 object of class \code{VARDetect.result}, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{data}{the original dataset}
#'   \item{q}{the time lag user specified, a numeric value}
#'   \item{cp}{final estimated change points, a numeric vector}
#'   \item{sparse_mats}{estimated sparse components for each segment, a list of numeric matrices}
#'   \item{lowrank_mats}{estimated low rank components for each segment, a list of numeric matrices}
#'   \item{est_phi}{estimated final model parameters, the summation of the sparse and the low rank components}
#'   \item{time}{computation time for each step}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats ar
#' @importFrom sparsevar fitVAR
#' @examples 
#' #### sparse VAR model
#' nob <- (10^3); #number of time points
#' p <- 15; # number of time series components
#' brk <- c(floor(nob/3),floor(2*nob/3),nob+1); # true break points with nob+1 as the last element
#' m0 <- length(brk) -1; # number of break points
#' q.t <- 1; # the true AR order
#' m <- m0+1 #number of segments
#' try<-simu_var('sparse',nob=nob,k=p,lags=q.t,brk = brk,sp_pattern="off-diagonal",seed=1)
#' data <- try$series
#' data <- as.matrix(data)
#' #run the bss method
#' fit <- tbss(data, method = "sparse", q = q.t)
#' print(fit)
#' summary(fit)
#' plot(fit, data, display = "cp")
#' plot(fit, data, display = "param")
#' ###### Example for fixed low rank plus sparse structure VAR model
#' nob <- 300
#' p <- 15
#' brk <- c(floor(nob/3), floor(2*nob/3), nob+1)
#' m <- length(brk)
#' q.t <- 1
#' signals <- c(-0.7, 0.7, -0.7)
#' rank <- c(2, 2, 2)
#' singular_vals <- c(1, 0.75)
#' info_ratio <- rep(0.35, 3)
#' try <- simu_var(method = "fLS", nob = nob, k = p, lags = 1, brk = brk, 
#'                 sigma = as.matrix(diag(p)), signals = signals, seed=1, 
#'                 rank = rank, singular_vals = singular_vals, info_ratio = info_ratio, 
#'                 sp_pattern = "off-diagonal", spectral_radius = 0.9)
#' data <- try$series
#' data <- as.matrix(data)
#' fit <- tbss(data, method = "fLS", mu = 150)
#' print(fit)
#' summary(fit)
#' plot(fit, data, display = "cp")
#' plot(fit, data, display = "param")
tbss <- function(data, method = c("sparse", "group sparse", "fLS"), 
                group.case = c("columnwise", "rowwise"), group.index = NULL,
                lambda.1.cv = NULL, lambda.2.cv = NULL, mu = NULL, q = 1, 
                max.iteration = 50, tol = 10^(-2), block.size = NULL, blocks = NULL,
                refit = FALSE, use.BIC = TRUE, an.grid = NULL){
  method <- match.arg(method)
  group.case <- match.arg(group.case)
  nob <- length(data[,1]); p <- length(data[1,]); 
  second.brk.points <- c(); pts.final <- c();
  ############# block size and blocks ###########
  if(is.null(block.size) && is.null(blocks) ){
    block.size = floor(sqrt(nob));
    blocks <- seq(0, nob, block.size);
  }else if( !is.null(block.size) && is.null(blocks)){
    blocks <- seq(0, nob, block.size);
  }else if(!is.null(block.size) && !is.null(blocks)){
    #check if the block.size and blocks match
    n.new <- length(blocks) - 1;
    blocks.size.check <- sapply(c(1:n.new), function(jjj) blocks[jjj+1] - blocks[jjj]  );
    if( sum(blocks.size.check[1: (length(blocks.size.check)-1 )] != block.size ) > 0 ){
      stop("The block.size and blocks can't match!")
  if(blocks[length(blocks)] < nob){
    blocks <- c(blocks[-length(blocks)], nob)
  n.new <- length(blocks) - 1;
  blocks.size <- sapply(c(1:n.new), function(jjj) blocks[jjj+1] - blocks[jjj]  );
  #sample the cv index for cross-validation
  bbb <- floor(n.new/5);
  # aaa <- sample(1:5, 1);
  aaa <- 4
  cv.index <- seq(aaa, n.new, floor(n.new/bbb));
  ############# Tuning parameter ################
    lambda.1.max <- lambda_warm_up(data, q, blocks, cv.index)$lambda_1_max
    if(blocks[2] <= 2*p ){
      epsilon <-  10^(-3)
    if(blocks[2] >= 2*p ){
      epsilon <-  10^(-4)
    nlam <- 10 
    lambda.1.min <-  lambda.1.max*epsilon
    delata.lam <- (log(lambda.1.max)-log(lambda.1.min))/(nlam -1)
    lambda.1.cv <-  sapply(1:(nlam), function(jjj) lambda.1.min*exp(delata.lam*(nlam-jjj)))
    lambda.2.cv <-  c(10*sqrt(log(p)/nob),1*sqrt(log(p)/nob),0.10*sqrt(log(p)/nob))
    if(method == "group sparse"){
      lambda.2.cv <-  sqrt(p)*c(10*sqrt(log(p)/nob),1*sqrt(log(p)/nob),0.10*sqrt(log(p)/nob))
  # print("lambda.1.cv:")
  # print(lambda.1.cv)
  # print("lambda.2.cv:")
  # print(lambda.2.cv)
  ######## group index #######
  if(is.null(group.index)  ){
      if(group.case == "columnwise"){
          #column-wise seperate across all lags
          group.index <- as.list(c(0: (p * q - 1)))
      if(group.case == "rowwise"){
          #row-wise simultaneously across all lags
          group.index <- vector("list", p)
          for(i in 1:p){
              group.index[[i]] <- rep(i-1, q) + seq(0, p*(q-1), p)
      # error condition
      if( max(unlist(group.index)) > p*q-1  | max(unlist(group.index)) < 0 ){
          stop("incorrect group index! Should among the column index or row index across all lags")
      index.diff <- setdiff(seq(0, p*q-1, 1), unique(unlist(group.index)) )
      if(length(index.diff) > 0 ){
          # if the group index list is not complete:
          group.index[[length(group.index)+1]] <- index.diff
  ######## First Step: Initial Break Points Selection ##################
  time.comparison <- rep(0, 3)
  #run the first step
  ptm.temp <- proc.time()
  if(method == "sparse"){
    #run the first block fused lasso step 
    temp.first <- first.step.blocks(data, lambda.1.cv, lambda.2.cv, q, max.iteration = max.iteration, tol = tol, cv.index, blocks=blocks)
  if(method == "group sparse"){
    #run the first block fused lasso step 
    temp.first <- first.step.blocks.group(data, lambda.1.cv, lambda.2.cv, q, max.iteration = max.iteration, tol = tol,
                                           cv.index, blocks = blocks,  group.case = group.case, group.index = group.index)
  if(method == "fLS"){
      n <- dim(data)[1]
      p <- dim(data)[2]
      # estimate low-rank components
      X <- data[1:(n-1), ]
      Y <- data[2:n, ]
      fit_lr <- fista.nuclear(X, Y, mu, p, niter = max.iteration, 
                              backtracking = TRUE, diag(p))
      L_est <- t(fit_lr$phi.hat)
      # remove low-rank effects from the data
      data_remove <- matrix(0, n, p)
      data_remove[1,] <- data[1,]
      Y_temp <- matrix(0, n-1, p)
      Y_temp <- data[(2:n),]
      for(i in 1:(n-1)){
          xtm <- matrix(data_remove[i,], 1, p)
          ytm <- matrix(Y_temp[i,], 1, p)
          tmp <- ytm - xtm %*% t(L_est)
          data_remove[i+1,] <- tmp
      # first step for fixed low rank plus sparse
      temp.first <- first.step.blocks(data_remove, lambda.1.cv, lambda.2.cv, q, 
                                      max.iteration = max.iteration, tol = tol, cv.index, blocks = blocks)
  time.temp <- proc.time() - ptm.temp;
  time.comparison[1] <- c(time.temp[3])
  first.brk.points <- temp.first$brk.points;
  phi.est.full <- temp.first$phi.full
  # print("cv values:")
  # print(temp.first$cv)
  print("selected lambda1:")
  print("selected lambda2:")
  #return( temp.first)
  if(method == "group sparse"){
    if(length(first.brk.points) > 0){

      #construct the grid values of neighborhood size a_n
      n <- nob - q;
      an.lb <- max(floor(mean(blocks.size)),floor( (log(n)*log(p))^1 ));
      #an.ub <-  min(10*an.lb,0.95*(min(first.brk.points)-1-q),0.95*(n - max(first.brk.points)-1))
      an.ub <-  min(5*an.lb,0.95*(min(first.brk.points)-1-q),0.95*(n - max(first.brk.points)-1))
        an.grid <- seq(an.lb,  an.ub, length.out = 5);

      an.idx.final <- length(an.grid)
      an.grid <- floor(an.grid);
      final.pts.res <- vector("list",length(an.grid));
      final.phi.hat.list.res <- vector("list",length(an.grid));
      flag <- c("FALSE");
      an.idx <- 0;
      phi.local.1.full <- vector("list", length(an.grid));
      phi.local.2.full <- vector("list", length(an.grid));

      #for each a_n, run the second and thrid step
      while(an.idx < length(an.grid)  ){
        an.idx <- an.idx + 1;
        an <- an.grid[an.idx]
        # print("an:")
        # print(an)

        #remove the boundary points
        remove.ind <- c();
        if(length(first.brk.points) != 0){
          for(i in 1:length(first.brk.points)){
            if ( first.brk.points[i] < (an-1-q)   ){remove.ind <- c(remove.ind,i);}
            if ( (nob-first.brk.points[i]) < (an-1-q)   ){remove.ind <- c(remove.ind,i);}
        if( length(remove.ind) > 0  ){first.brk.points <- first.brk.points[-remove.ind];}

        #if there are selected break points after the first step
        if( length(first.brk.points) != 0){

          ######## Second Step: Local Screening      ##########
          eta <- (1/1)*(log(2*an)*log(p))/(2*an); # the tuning parameter for second and third steps.
          #run the second local screening step
          ptm.temp <- proc.time()
          temp <- second.step.local(method=method, data, eta = eta, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, first.brk.points, an,
                                    phi.est.full = phi.est.full, blocks, use.BIC, group.case= group.case, group.index = group.index)

          time.temp <- proc.time() - ptm.temp;
          time.comparison[2] <- time.comparison[2] + c(time.temp[3])

          #record the selected break points after local screening step
          second.brk.points <- temp$pts;
          #phi.local.1.full[[an.idx]] <- temp$phi.local.1
          #phi.local.2.full[[an.idx]] <- temp$phi.local.2

          ######## Thrid Step: Exhaustive Search      ##########
          pts.final <- second.brk.points;
          phi.local.1.full <- temp$phi.local.1
          phi.local.2.full <- temp$phi.local.2

          if( length(pts.final) == 0){
            idx <- floor(n.new/2)
            phi.hat.list <- phi.est.full[[idx]]


          ptm.temp <- proc.time()
          if( min(abs(diff(pts.final)), 3*an ) > 2*an ){
            if( length(pts.final) != 0){
              pts.list <- block.finder(pts.final, 2*an)
              local.idx = sapply(1:length(pts.list),
                                 function(jjj) which.min(abs(pts.list[[jjj]][1]-first.brk.points)))
              # run the third exhaustive search step for each cluster
              temp.third <- third.step.exhaustive.search(data, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, pts.list,
                                                         an, phi.est.full= phi.est.full,
                                                         phi.local.1 = phi.local.1.full[local.idx],
                                                         phi.local.2 = phi.local.2.full[local.idx],
              phi.hat.list <- temp.third$phi.hat.list
              pts.final <- temp.third$pts


            #keep running until none of the selected break points close to any other selected break points
            while( min(abs(diff(pts.final)), 3*an ) <=  2*an  ){
              if( length(pts.final) != 0){
                #cluster the selected break points by size 2a_n
                pts.list <- block.finder(pts.final, 2*an)
                local.idx = sapply(1:length(pts.list),
                                   function(jjj) which.min(abs(pts.list[[jjj]][1]-first.brk.points)))
                # run the third exhaustive search step for each cluster
                temp.third<- third.step.exhaustive.search(data, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, pts.list,
                                                          an, phi.est.full= phi.est.full,
                                                          phi.local.1 = phi.local.1.full[local.idx],
                                                          phi.local.2 = phi.local.2.full[local.idx],
                phi.hat.list <- temp.third$phi.hat.list
                pts.final <- temp.third$pts



          time.temp <- proc.time() - ptm.temp;
          time.comparison[3] <- time.comparison[3] + c(time.temp[3])

          #record the final selected break points for each given a_n
          final.pts.res[[an.idx]] <- pts.final
          final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx]] <- phi.hat.list

          #terminate the grid search of an if the number of final selected break points is stable
          if(an.idx > 2){
            if( length(final.pts.res[[an.idx]]) == length(final.pts.res[[an.idx-1]]) && length(final.pts.res[[an.idx-1]]) == length(final.pts.res[[an.idx-2]]) ){
              flag <- c("TRUE");
              an.idx.final <- an.idx;
              an.sel <- an.grid[an.idx];


      #if the stable criterion hasn't been met
      #find the length that happen the most
      #if there are multiple lengths with same occurrence, find the longest one
      if(flag == FALSE){
        loc.final <- rep(0,length(an.grid));
        for(i in 1:length(an.grid)){
          loc.final[i] <- length(final.pts.res[[i]]);
        loc.table <- table(loc.final)
        counts.final <- sort(loc.table,decreasing=TRUE)[1]
        if(counts.final >=3){
          len.final <- max(as.integer(names(loc.table)[loc.table == counts.final]))

        }else if(counts.final == 2){
          len.final = 0
          for(ii in 2:length(an.grid)){
            if (length(final.pts.res[[ii]]) == length(final.pts.res[[ii-1]]) ){
              len.final = max(len.final, length(final.pts.res[[ii]]))
          if(len.final == 0){
            # choose the longest one instead
            len.final <- max(loc.final)

          # choose the longest one instead
          len.final <- max(loc.final)
        an.idx.final <- max(c(1:length(loc.final))[loc.final == len.final])
        an.sel <- an.grid[an.idx.final];

          print("refit for the parameter estimation")
          temp <- final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]]
          cp.final <- final.pts.res[[an.idx.final]]
          cp.full <- c(1, cp.final, nob+1)
          for(i in 1:(length(cp.final) + 1) ){
              data_y_temp <- as.matrix(data[(cp.full[i]+mean(blocks.size)): (cp.full[i+1]-1-mean(blocks.size)), ])
              if(ncol(data_y_temp) == 1){
                  #AR model AR(q)
                  fit <- ar(data_y_temp, FALSE, order.max	= q)
                  temp[[i]] <- fit$ar
                  #VAR(q) model
                  fit <- fitVAR(data_y_temp, p = q)
                  temp[[i]] <- do.call(cbind, fit$A)
          phi.hat.list <- temp
          final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                         q = q,
                                         cp = cp.final, 
                                         sparse_mats = phi.hat.list, 
                                         lowrank_mats = NULL, 
                                         est_phi = phi.hat.list, 
                                         time = time.comparison), class = "VARDetect.result")
          print("no refit for the parameter estimation")
          final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                         q = q, 
                                         cp = final.pts.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                         sparse_mats = final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                         lowrank_mats = NULL, 
                                         est_phi = final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                         time = time.comparison), 
                                    class = "VARDetect.result")

        final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                       q = q, 
                                       cp = first.brk.points, 
                                       sparse_mats = NULL, 
                                       lowrank_mats = NULL, 
                                       est_phi = NULL, 
                                       time = NULL), class = "VARDetect.result")

  if(method == "sparse" | method == "fLS"){
    if(length(first.brk.points) > 0){
      #construct the grid values of neighborhood size a_n
      n <- nob - q;
      an.lb <- max(floor(mean(blocks.size)),floor( (log(n)*log(p))^1 ));
      #an.ub <-  min(10*an.lb,0.95*(min(first.brk.points)-1-q),0.95*(n - max(first.brk.points)-1))
      an.ub <-  min(5*an.lb,0.95*(min(first.brk.points)-1-q),0.95*(n - max(first.brk.points)-1))
        an.grid <- seq(an.lb,  an.ub, length.out = 5);
      an.idx.final <- length(an.grid)
      an.grid <- floor(an.grid);
      final.pts.res <- vector("list",length(an.grid));
      final.phi.hat.list.res <- vector("list",length(an.grid));
      flag <- c("FALSE");
      an.idx <- 0;
      phi.local.1.full <- vector("list", length(an.grid));
      phi.local.2.full <- vector("list", length(an.grid));
      #for each a_n, run the second and thrid step
      while(an.idx < length(an.grid)  ){
        an.idx <- an.idx + 1;
        an <- an.grid[an.idx]
        # print("an:")
        # print(an)
        #remove the boundary points
        remove.ind <- c();
        if(length(first.brk.points) != 0){
          for(i in 1:length(first.brk.points)){
            if ( first.brk.points[i] < (an-1-q)   ){remove.ind <- c(remove.ind,i);}
            if ( (nob-first.brk.points[i]) < (an-1-q)   ){remove.ind <- c(remove.ind,i);}
        if( length(remove.ind) > 0  ){first.brk.points <- first.brk.points[-remove.ind];}
        #if there are selected break points after the first step
        if( length(first.brk.points) != 0){
          ######## Second Step: Local Screening      ##########
          eta <- (1/1)*(log(2*an)*log(p))/(2*an); # the tuning parameter for second and third steps.
          #run the second local screening step
          ptm.temp <- proc.time()
          temp <- second.step.local(method = method, data, eta = eta, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, first.brk.points, an, 
                                    phi.est.full = phi.est.full, blocks, use.BIC)
          time.temp <- proc.time() - ptm.temp;
          time.comparison[2] <- time.comparison[2] + c(time.temp[3])
          #record the selected break points after local screening step
          second.brk.points <- temp$pts;
          #phi.local.1.full[[an.idx]] <- temp$phi.local.1
          #phi.local.2.full[[an.idx]] <- temp$phi.local.2
          ######## Thrid Step: Exhaustive Search      ##########
          pts.final <- second.brk.points;
          phi.local.1.full <- temp$phi.local.1
          phi.local.2.full <- temp$phi.local.2
          if( length(pts.final) == 0){
            idx <- floor(n.new/2)
            phi.hat.list <- phi.est.full[[idx]]
          ptm.temp <- proc.time()
          if( min(abs(diff(pts.final)), 3*an ) > 2*an ){
            if( length(pts.final) != 0){
              pts.list <- block.finder(pts.final, 2*an)
              local.idx = sapply(1:length(pts.list),
                                 function(jjj) which.min(abs(pts.list[[jjj]][1]-first.brk.points)))
              # run the third exhaustive search step for each cluster
              temp.third <- third.step.exhaustive.search(data, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, pts.list,
                                                         an, phi.est.full= phi.est.full,
                                                         phi.local.1 = phi.local.1.full[local.idx],
                                                         phi.local.2 = phi.local.2.full[local.idx],
              phi.hat.list <- temp.third$phi.hat.list
              pts.final <- temp.third$pts
            #keep running until none of the selected break points close to any other selected break points 
            while( min(abs(diff(pts.final)), 3*an ) <=  2*an  ){
              if( length(pts.final) != 0){
                #cluster the selected break points by size 2a_n
                pts.list <- block.finder(pts.final, 2*an)
                local.idx = sapply(1:length(pts.list),
                                   function(jjj) which.min(abs(pts.list[[jjj]][1]-first.brk.points)))
                # run the third exhaustive search step for each cluster
                temp.third<- third.step.exhaustive.search(data, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, pts.list,
                                                          an, phi.est.full= phi.est.full,
                                                          phi.local.1 = phi.local.1.full[local.idx],
                                                          phi.local.2 = phi.local.2.full[local.idx],
                phi.hat.list <- temp.third$phi.hat.list
                pts.final <- temp.third$pts
          time.temp <- proc.time() - ptm.temp;
          time.comparison[3] <- time.comparison[3] + c(time.temp[3])
          #record the final selected break points for each given a_n
          final.pts.res[[an.idx]] <- pts.final
          final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx]] <- phi.hat.list
          #terminate the grid search of an if the number of final selected break points is stable
          if(an.idx > 2){
            if( length(final.pts.res[[an.idx]]) == length(final.pts.res[[an.idx-1]]) && length(final.pts.res[[an.idx-1]]) == length(final.pts.res[[an.idx-2]]) ){
              flag <- c("TRUE");
              an.idx.final <- an.idx;
              an.sel <- an.grid[an.idx];
      #if the stable criterion hasn't been met
      #find the length that happen the most
      #if there are multiple lengths with same occurrence, find the longest one
      if(flag == FALSE){
        loc.final <- rep(0,length(an.grid));
        for(i in 1:length(an.grid)){
          loc.final[i] <- length(final.pts.res[[i]]);
        loc.table <- table(loc.final)
        counts.final <- sort(loc.table,decreasing=TRUE)[1]
        if(counts.final >=3){
          len.final <- max(as.integer(names(loc.table)[loc.table == counts.final]))
        }else if(counts.final == 2){
          len.final = 0
          for(ii in 2:length(an.grid)){
            if (length(final.pts.res[[ii]]) == length(final.pts.res[[ii-1]]) ){
              len.final = max(len.final, length(final.pts.res[[ii]]))
          if(len.final == 0){
            # choose the longest one instead
            len.final <- max(loc.final)
          # choose the longest one instead
          len.final <- max(loc.final)
        an.idx.final <- max(c(1:length(loc.final))[loc.final == len.final])
        an.sel <- an.grid[an.idx.final];
      if(method == "sparse"){
              cat("refit for the parameter estimation")
              temp <- final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]]
              cp.final <- final.pts.res[[an.idx.final]]
              cp.full <- c(1, cp.final, nob+1)
              for(i in 1:(length(cp.final) + 1) ){
                  data_y_temp <- as.matrix(data[(cp.full[i]+mean(blocks.size)): (cp.full[i+1]-1-mean(blocks.size)), ])
                  if(ncol(data_y_temp) == 1){
                      #AR model AR(q)
                      fit <- ar(data_y_temp, FALSE, order.max	= q)
                      temp[[i]] <- fit$ar
                      #VAR(q) model
                      fit <- fitVAR(data_y_temp, p = q)
                      temp[[i]] <- do.call(cbind, fit$A)
              phi.hat.list <- temp
              final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                             q = q, 
                                             cp = cp.final, 
                                             sparse_mats = phi.hat.list, 
                                             lowrank_mats = NULL, 
                                             est_phi = phi.hat.list, 
                                             time = time.comparison), class = "VARDetect.result")
              cat("no refit for the parameter estimation")
              final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                             q = q, 
                                             cp = final.pts.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                             sparse_mats = final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                             lowrank_mats = NULL, 
                                             est_phi = final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                             time = time.comparison), 
                                        class = "VARDetect.result")
      }else if(method == "fLS"){
              cat("refit for the parameter estimation")
              temp <- final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]]
              cp.final <- final.pts.res[[an.idx.final]]
              cp.full <- c(1, cp.final, nob+1)
              for(i in 1:(length(cp.final) + 1) ){
                  data_y_temp <- as.matrix(data_remove[(cp.full[i]+mean(blocks.size)): (cp.full[i+1]-1-mean(blocks.size)), ])
                  if(ncol(data_y_temp) == 1){
                      #AR model AR(q)
                      fit <- ar(data_y_temp, FALSE, order.max = q)
                      temp[[i]] <- fit$ar
                      #VAR(q) model
                      fit <- fitVAR(data_y_temp, p = q)
                      temp[[i]] <- do.call(cbind, fit$A)
              phi.hat.list <- temp
              est_phi <- vector('list', length(cp.final)+1)
              for(j in 1:length(est_phi)){
                  est_phi[[j]] <- L_est + phi.hat.list[[j]]
              final.result <- structure(list(cp = cp.final, 
                                             sparse_mats = phi.hat.list, 
                                             lowrank_mats = list(L_est), 
                                             est_phi = est_phi, 
                                             time = time.comparison), class = "VARDetect.result")
              est_phi <- vector('list', length(final.pts.res[[an.idx.final]])+1)
              for(j in 1:length(est_phi)){
                  est_phi[[j]] <- L_est + final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]][[j]]
              cat("no refit for the parameter estimation")
              final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                             q = q, 
                                             cp = final.pts.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                             sparse_mats = final.phi.hat.list.res[[an.idx.final]], 
                                             lowrank_mats = list(L_est), 
                                             est_phi = est_phi, 
                                             time = time.comparison), class = "VARDetect.result")
        final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                       q = q, 
                                       cp = first.brk.points, 
                                       sparse_mats = NULL, 
                                       lowrank_mats = NULL, 
                                       est_phi = NULL, 
                                       time = NULL), class = "VARDetect.result")

#' block fused lasso step (first step for BSS).
#' @description Perform the block fused lasso to detect candidate break points.
#' @param data.temp input data matrix, with each column representing the time series component 
#' @param lambda.1.cv tuning parameter lambda_1 for fused lasso
#' @param lambda.2.cv tuning parameter lambda_2 for fused lasso
#' @param q the AR order
#' @param max.iteration max number of iteration for the fused lasso
#' @param tol tolerance for the fused lasso 
#' @param cv.index the index of time points for cross-validation
#' @param blocks the blocks
#' @return A list object, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{brk.points}{a set of selected break point after the first block fused lasso step}
#'   \item{cv}{the cross validation values for tuning parmeter selection}
#'   \item{cv1.final}{the selected lambda_1}
#'   \item{cv2.final}{the selected lambda_2}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
first.step.blocks <- function(data.temp, lambda.1.cv, lambda.2.cv, q, max.iteration = max.iteration, tol = tol,cv.index, blocks){
  cv.l <- length(cv.index); data.org <- data.temp; nob.org <- length(data.temp[,1]); p <- length(data.temp[1,]); n.new <- length(blocks) - 1;
  blocks.size <- sapply(c(1:n.new), function(jjj) blocks[jjj+1] - blocks[jjj]  );
  #create the tuning parmaeter combination of lambda1 and lambda2
  lambda.full <- expand.grid(lambda.1.cv,lambda.2.cv)
  kk <- length(lambda.full[,1]);
  cv <- rep(NA,kk); 
  phi.final <- vector("list",kk);
  nob <- length(data.temp[,1]); p <- length(data.temp[1,]);
  brk.points.final <- vector("list",kk);
  flag.full <- rep(0,kk);
  #cross-validation for each values of lambda1 and lambda2
  nlam1 <- length(lambda.1.cv)
  nlam2 <- length(lambda.2.cv)
  kk <- nlam1*nlam2
  i = 1
  while(i <= kk) {
    i.lam1 <- i%% nlam1
    if(i.lam1 == 0 ){
      i.lam1 = nlam1
    i.lam2 <- floor((i-1)/nlam1)+1
    if ( i == 1){
      test <- var_break_fit_block_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index)
      flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
    }else if(is.na(cv[i-1]) ){
      test <- var_break_fit_block_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index)
      flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
      initial.phi <- phi.final[[(i-1)]]
      if(max(abs(phi.final[[(i-1)]])) > 10^3  ){initial.phi <- 0*phi.final[[(i-1)]];}
      test <- var_break_fit_block_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, initial_phi = initial.phi, blocks, cv.index)
      flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
    phi.hat.full <- test$phi.hat;
    phi.final[[i]] <- phi.hat.full;
    ll <- c(0);
    brk.points.list <- vector("list",length(ll));
    for(j in 1:length(ll)){
      phi.hat <- phi.hat.full;
      n <- nob - q;
      m.hat <- 0; brk.points <- rep(0,n.new);
      for (iii in 1:(n.new-1))
        if ( sum((phi.hat[,((iii-1)*p*q+1):(iii*p*q)] )^2 ) > tol   ){
          m.hat <- m.hat + 1; brk.points[m.hat] <- blocks[iii+1];
      loc <- rep(0,m.hat);
      brk.points <- brk.points[1:m.hat];
      #remove the bounary points and clean up 
      brk.points <- brk.points[which(brk.points > 3*mean(blocks.size))]; brk.points <- brk.points[which(brk.points < (n-3*mean(blocks.size)))];
      m.hat <- length(brk.points);
      del <- 0;
      if(m.hat >= 2){
        while(del < m.hat){
          if(length(brk.points) <= 1){break;}
          del <- del + 1;
          deleted <- 0;
          for (i.3 in 2:length(brk.points)) {
            if(deleted == 0 &&  abs(brk.points[i.3] - brk.points[i.3-1]) <= (1)*max(q,min(blocks.size))  ){
              brk.points <- brk.points[-i.3]; deleted <- 1;
      brk.points.list[[j]] <- brk.points;
    brk.points.final[[i]] <- brk.points;
    m.hat <- length(brk.points);
    #forecast the time series based on the estimated matrix Phi
    #and compute the forecast error
    phi.full.all <- vector("list",n.new);
    forecast <- matrix(0,p,nob);
    phi.full.all[[1]] <- phi.hat[,(1):(p*q)];
    for(i.1 in 2:n.new){
      phi.full.all[[i.1]] <- phi.full.all[[i.1-1]] + phi.hat[,((i.1-1)*p*q+1):(i.1*p*q)];
      forecast[,(blocks[i.1]+1):(blocks[i.1+1])] <- pred.block(t(data.org),phi.full.all[[i.1-1]],q,blocks[i.1],p,blocks[i.1+1]-blocks[i.1]);
    forecast.new <- matrix(0,p,cv.l);
    for(j in (1):cv.l){
      forecast.new[,j] <- pred(t(data.org),phi.full.all[[(cv.index[j])]],q,blocks[cv.index[j]+1]-1,p,1)
    temp.index <- rep(0,cv.l);
    for(ff in 1:cv.l){temp.index[ff] <- blocks[cv.index[ff]+1];}
    cv[i] <- (1/(p*cv.l))*sum( (forecast.new - t(data.org[temp.index,])  )^2 );
    #break condition 
    if(nlam1 >= 2){
      #if( !(i %in% c(seq(1, kk, nlam1), seq(2, kk, nlam1)))  && cv[i] > cv[i-1] && cv[i-1] > cv[i-2]){
      if( !(i %in% c(seq(1, kk, nlam1), seq(2, kk, nlam1)))  && cv[i] > cv[i-1]){
        i.lam2 <- i.lam2 + 1
        i <- (i.lam2-1)*nlam1 + 1
        i <- i + 1
      i <- i+1
  #select the tuning parmaete that has the small cross-validation value
  lll <- min(which(cv == min(cv, na.rm = TRUE)));
  phi.hat.full <- phi.final[[lll]];
  #compute the estimated phi
  phi.par.sum <- vector("list", n.new);
  phi.par.sum[[1]] <- phi.hat.full[, 1:(p*q)];
  for(i in 2:n.new){
    phi.par.sum[[i]] <- phi.par.sum[[i-1]] + phi.hat.full[,((i-1)*p*q+1):(i*p*q)];

  return(list(brk.points = brk.points.final[[lll]], cv = cv, 
              cv1.final = lambda.full[lll,1], cv2.final = lambda.full[lll,2],
              phi.full = phi.par.sum

#' block fused sparse group lasso step (first step).
#' @description Perform the block fused lasso to detect candidate break points.
#' @param data.temp input data matrix, with each column representing the time series component 
#' @param lambda.1.cv tuning parmaeter lambda_1 for fused lasso
#' @param lambda.2.cv tuning parmaeter lambda_2 for fused lasso
#' @param q the AR order
#' @param max.iteration max number of iteration for the fused lasso
#' @param tol tolerance for the fused lasso 
#' @param cv.index the index of time points for cross-validation
#' @param blocks the blocks
#' @param group.case group sparse pattern: column, row.
#' @param group.index group index for group sparse case
#' @return A list object, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{brk.points}{a set of selected break point after the first block fused lasso step}
#'   \item{cv}{the cross validation values for tuning parmeter selection}
#'   \item{cv1.final}{the selected lambda_1}
#'   \item{cv2.final}{the selected lambda_2}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
first.step.blocks.group <- function(data.temp, lambda.1.cv, lambda.2.cv, q, max.iteration = max.iteration, tol = tol,
                                    cv.index, blocks, group.case= "columnwise", group.index){
  cv.l <- length(cv.index); data.org <- data.temp; nob.org <- length(data.temp[,1]); p <- length(data.temp[1,]); n.new <- length(blocks) - 1;
  blocks.size <- sapply(c(1:n.new), function(jjj) blocks[jjj+1] - blocks[jjj]  );
  #create the tuning parameter combination of lambda1 and lambda2
  lambda.full <- expand.grid(lambda.1.cv,lambda.2.cv)
  kk <- length(lambda.full[,1]);
  cv <- rep(NA,kk); 
  phi.final <- vector("list",kk);
  nob <- length(data.temp[,1]); p <- length(data.temp[1,]);
  brk.points.final <- vector("list",kk);
  flag.full <- rep(0,kk);
  #cross-validation for each values of lambda1 and lambda2
  nlam1 <- length(lambda.1.cv)
  nlam2 <- length(lambda.2.cv)
  kk <- nlam1*nlam2
  i = 1
  while(i <= kk) {
    i.lam1 <- i%% nlam1
    if(i.lam1 == 0 ){
      i.lam1 = nlam1
    i.lam2 <- floor((i-1)/nlam1)+1
    if(group.case== "columnwise"){
      if ( i == 1){
        test <- var_break_fit_block_group_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index, group.index)
        flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
      }else if(is.na(cv[i-1]) ){
        test <- var_break_fit_block_group_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index, group.index)
        flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
        initial.phi <- phi.final[[(i-1)]]
        if(max(abs(phi.final[[(i-1)]])) > 10^3  ){initial.phi <- 0*phi.final[[(i-1)]];}
        test <- var_break_fit_block_group_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, initial_phi = initial.phi, blocks, cv.index, group.index)
        flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
    group.index.full <- group.index
    for(ii in 1:length(group.index)){
        tmp <- c()
        for(idx in group.index[[ii]]){
            tmp <- c(tmp, floor(idx/p)*p*p + seq( idx%%p , (p-1)*p+idx%%p, by = p )    )
        group.index.full[[ii]] <- tmp
    if(group.case== "rowwise"){
      if ( i == 1){
        #test <- var_break_fit_block_grouprow_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index, group.index)
        test <- var_break_fit_block_groupidx_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, 
                                                 initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index, group.index.full)
        flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
        # stop('test stop')
      }else if(is.na(cv[i-1]) ){
        # test <- var_break_fit_block_grouprow_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, 
        #                                          initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index, group.index)
        test <- var_break_fit_block_groupidx_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, 
                                                   initial_phi = 0.0+matrix(0.0,p,p*q*n.new), blocks, cv.index, group.index.full)
        flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
        initial.phi <- phi.final[[(i-1)]]
        if(max(abs(phi.final[[(i-1)]])) > 10^3  ){initial.phi <- 0*phi.final[[(i-1)]];}
        # test <- var_break_fit_block_grouprow_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, 
                                                 # initial_phi = initial.phi, blocks, cv.index, group.index)
        test <- var_break_fit_block_groupidx_cpp(data.temp, lambda.full[i,1],lambda.full[i,2], q, max.iteration, tol = tol, 
                                                 initial_phi = initial.phi, blocks, cv.index, group.index.full)
        flag.full[i] <- test$flag;
    phi.hat.full <- test$phi.hat;
    phi.final[[i]] <- phi.hat.full;
    ll <- c(0);
    brk.points.list <- vector("list",length(ll));
    for(j in 1:length(ll)){
      phi.hat <- phi.hat.full;
      n <- nob - q;
      m.hat <- 0; brk.points <- rep(0,n.new);
      for (iii in 1:(n.new-1))
        if ( sum((phi.hat[,((iii-1)*p*q+1):(iii*p*q)] )^2 ) > tol   ){
          m.hat <- m.hat + 1; brk.points[m.hat] <- blocks[iii+1];
      loc <- rep(0,m.hat);
      brk.points <- brk.points[1:m.hat];
      #remove the bounary points and clean up 
      brk.points <- brk.points[which(brk.points > 3*mean(blocks.size))]; brk.points <- brk.points[which(brk.points < (n-3*mean(blocks.size)))];
      m.hat <- length(brk.points);
      del <- 0;
      if(m.hat >= 2){
        while(del < m.hat){
          if(length(brk.points) <= 1){break;}
          del <- del + 1;
          deleted <- 0;
          for (i.3 in 2:length(brk.points)) {
            if(deleted == 0 &&  abs(brk.points[i.3] - brk.points[i.3-1]) <= (1)*max(q,min(blocks.size))  ){
              brk.points <- brk.points[-i.3]; deleted <- 1;
      brk.points.list[[j]] <- brk.points;
    brk.points.final[[i]] <- brk.points;
    m.hat <- length(brk.points);
    #forecast the time series based on the estimated matrix Phi
    #and compute the forecast error
    phi.full.all <- vector("list",n.new);
    forecast <- matrix(0,p,nob);
    phi.full.all[[1]] <- phi.hat[,(1):(p*q)];
    for(i.1 in 2:n.new){
      phi.full.all[[i.1]] <- phi.full.all[[i.1-1]] + phi.hat[,((i.1-1)*p*q+1):(i.1*p*q)];
      forecast[,(blocks[i.1]+1):(blocks[i.1+1])] <- pred.block(t(data.org),phi.full.all[[i.1-1]],q,blocks[i.1],p,blocks[i.1+1]-blocks[i.1]);
    forecast.new <- matrix(0,p,cv.l);
    for(j in (1):cv.l){
      forecast.new[,j] <- pred(t(data.org),phi.full.all[[(cv.index[j])]],q,blocks[cv.index[j]+1]-1,p,1)
    temp.index <- rep(0,cv.l);
    for(ff in 1:cv.l){temp.index[ff] <- blocks[cv.index[ff]+1];}
    cv[i] <- (1/(p*cv.l))*sum( (forecast.new - t(data.org[temp.index,])  )^2 );
    #break condition 
    if(nlam1 >= 2){
      #if( !(i %in% c(seq(1, kk, nlam1), seq(2, kk, nlam1)))  && cv[i] > cv[i-1] && cv[i-1] > cv[i-2]){
      if( !(i %in% c(seq(1, kk, nlam1), seq(2, kk, nlam1)))  && cv[i] > cv[i-1]){
        i.lam2 <- i.lam2 + 1
        i <- (i.lam2-1)*nlam1 + 1
        i <- i + 1
      i <- i+1
  #select the tuning parameter that has the small cross-validation value
  lll <- min(which(cv == min(cv, na.rm = TRUE)));
  phi.hat.full <- phi.final[[lll]];
  #compute the estimated phi
  phi.par.sum <- vector("list", n.new);
  phi.par.sum[[1]] <- phi.hat.full[, 1:(p*q)];
  for(i in 2:n.new){
    #print( phi.hat.full[,((i-1)*p*q+1):(i*p*q)])
    phi.par.sum[[i]] <- phi.par.sum[[i-1]] + phi.hat.full[,((i-1)*p*q+1):(i*p*q)];
  return(list(brk.points = brk.points.final[[lll]], cv = cv, 
              cv1.final = lambda.full[lll,1], cv2.final = lambda.full[lll,2],
              phi.full = phi.par.sum

#' BIC  and HBIC function
#' @param residual residual matrix
#' @param phi estimated coefficient matrix of the model
#' @param gamma.val hyperparameter for HBIC, if HBIC == TRUE.
#' @return A list object, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{BIC}{BIC value}
#'   \item{HBIC}{HBIC value}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
BIC <- function(residual, phi, gamma.val = 1){
  p<- length(phi[, 1]);
  q <- length(phi[1, ])/p;
  nob.new <- length(residual[1, ]);
  count <- 0;
  # for (i in 1:p){
  #   for (j in 1:(p*q)){
  #     if(phi[i,j] != 0){
  #       count <- count + 1;
  #     }
  #   }
  # }
  count = sum(phi !=0)
  #print("nonzero count"); print(count)
  sigma.hat <- 0*diag(p);
  for(i in 1:nob.new){sigma.hat <- sigma.hat +  residual[, i]%*%t(residual[, i]);  }
  sigma.hat <- (1/(nob.new))*sigma.hat;
  ee.temp <- min(eigen(sigma.hat)$values);
  if(ee.temp <= 10^(-8)){
    # print("nonpositive eigen values!")
    sigma.hat <- sigma.hat + (2.0)*(abs(ee.temp) + 10^(-3))*diag(p);
  log.det <- log(det(sigma.hat));
  count <- count
  #print(log.det + log(nob.new)*count/nob.new)
  #print(log.det + 2*gamma.val*log(p*q*p)*count/nob.new)
  return(list(BIC = log.det + log(nob.new)*count/nob.new , HBIC = log.det + 2*gamma.val*log(p*q*p)*count/nob.new))

#' local sreening step (second step).
#' @description Perform the local screening to "thin out" redundant break points. 
#' @param method method: sparse, group sparse
#' @param data input data matrix, with each column representing the time series component 
#' @param eta tuning parameter eta for lasso
#' @param q the AR order
#' @param max.iteration max number of iteration for the fused lasso
#' @param tol tolerance for the fused lasso 
#' @param pts the selected break points after the first step
#' @param an the neighborhood size a_n
#' @param phi.est.full parameter matrix
#' @param blocks a vector of blocks
#' @param use.BIC use BIC for k-means part
#' @param group.case group sparse pattern: columnwise, rowwise.
#' @param group.index group index for group sparse case
#' @return A list object, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{pts}{a set of selected break point after the second local screening step}
#'   \item{omega}{the selected Omega value}
#' }
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @keywords internal
second.step.local <- function(method = "sparse", data, eta, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = 10^(-4), pts, an, 
                              phi.est.full = NULL, blocks = NULL, use.BIC = FALSE, group.case = "columnwise", group.index = NULL){
  m <- length(pts); 
  p = length(data[1,])
  #compute the local loss functions for each selected break points 
  try <- break.var.local.new(method, data, eta, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, pts, an,
                             group.case= group.case, group.index = group.index);
  # record the local loss function that include or exclude some break point 
  L.n.1 = try$L.n.1; L.n.2 = try$L.n.2; 
  #record the local estimate left (1) and right (2)
  phi.local.1 = try$phi.local.1
  phi.local.2 = try$phi.local.2
  #OMEGA is selected by data-driven method
  #first, compute the V value as the difference of loss functions that include and exclude some break point 
  V = rep(0, m)
  for(i in 1:m ){
    V[i] = L.n.2[i] - (L.n.1[2*i-1] +  L.n.1[2*i])
  #add two bounary points as reference points (by assumption, their V values shoule be extremly small)
  nob <- length(data[,1]);
  pts.redundant <- c(an+q, nob-an)
  try.redundant <- break.var.local.new(method, data, eta, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol,  pts.redundant, an, 
                                       group.case= group.case, group.index = group.index);
  L.n.1.redundant = try.redundant$L.n.1; L.n.2.redundant = try.redundant$L.n.2;
  V.redundant <- rep(0, 2)
  for(i in 1:2 ){
    V.redundant[i] = L.n.2.redundant[i] - (L.n.1.redundant[2*i-1] +  L.n.1.redundant[2*i])
  #use the maximum value of V.redundant as the reference V value
  # V <- c(V,rep(max(V.redundant),floor(2*length(V))))
  V <- c(V, rep(max(V.redundant), 2))
  if(use.BIC == FALSE){
    if( length(unique(V)) <= 2 ){
      omega <- max(V) + 10^(-6);
    if( length(unique(V)) > 2 ){
      #use kmeans to cluster the V 
      clus.2 <- kmeans(V, centers = 2); fit.2 <- clus.2$betweenss/clus.2$totss; 
      if(fit.2 < 0.20){
        omega <- max(V) + 10^(-6);
      if( fit.2 >= 0.20 ){
        #if the reference point is in the subset with larger center, this means no change points: set omeage = max(V)
        #otherwise, set omega = min(V) -1 
        loc <- clus.2$cluster;
        if( clus.2$centers[1] > clus.2$centers[2]  ){
          omega <- min(V[which(loc==1)]) - 10^(-6) ;
          if(loc[length(loc)] == 1){
            omega <- max(V) + 10^(-6);
        if( clus.2$centers[1] < clus.2$centers[2]  ){
          omega <- min(V[which(loc==2)]) - 10^(-6) ;
          if(loc[length(loc)] == 2){
            omega <- max(V) + 10^(-6);
  if(use.BIC == TRUE){
    n.new <- length(blocks) - 1
    ###### use BIC to determine the k-means
    BIC.diff <- 1
    BIC.old <- 10^8
    pts.sel <- c()
    omega <- 0
    loc.block.full <- c()
    while(BIC.diff > 0 & length(unique(V)) > 1 ){
      pts.sel.old <- pts.sel
      omega.old <- omega
      #use kmeans to cluster the V 
      clus.2 <- kmeans(V, centers = 2); fit.2 <- clus.2$betweenss/clus.2$totss; 
      if(fit.2 < 0.20){
        #no change points: set omeage = max(V)
        omega <- max(V) + 10^(-6);
        pts.sel <- c(pts.sel);
      if( fit.2 >= 0.20 ){
        #if the reference point is in the subset with larger center, 
        #this means no change points: set omeage = max(V)
        #otherwise, set omega = min(V) -1 
        loc <- clus.2$cluster;
        if( clus.2$centers[1] > clus.2$centers[2]  ){
          omega <- min(V[which(loc==1)]) - 10^(-6) ;
          if(loc[length(loc)] == 1){
            #print("large reference! break")
            # omega <- max(V)  + 10^(-6);
            # pts.sel <- c(pts.sel);
            # break
            loc.idx <- which(loc==1);
            loc.idx <- which(loc==1);
        if( clus.2$centers[1] < clus.2$centers[2]  ){
          omega <- min(V[which(loc==2)]) - 10^(-6) ;
          if(loc[length(loc)] == 2){
            #print("large reference! break")
            # omega <- max(V) + 10^(-6);
            # pts.sel <- c(pts.sel);
            # break
            loc.idx <- which(loc==2);
            loc.idx <- which(loc==2);
        pts.sel <- sort(c(pts.sel, pts[loc.idx]))
        V[loc.idx] <- V[length(V)]
        loc.block.full <- match(pts.sel, blocks)
        # print(pts.sel)
      m.temp <- length(pts.sel)
      if(m.temp == 0){
          stop("no change points! stop!")
      phi.est.new <- vector("list", m.temp + 1);
      cp.index.list <- vector("list", m.temp + 2);
      cp.index.list[[1]] <- c(1);
      cp.index.list[[m.temp+2]] <- c(n.new+1);
      for(i.1 in 1:m.temp){
        pts.temp <- pts.sel[i.1]
        cp.index.list[[i.1+1]] <- match(pts.temp, blocks)
      # print("cp.index.list:")
      # print(cp.index.list)
      phi.full.all <- vector("list", n.new);
      for(i.1 in 1:(m.temp + 1)){
        idx <- floor( (cp.index.list[[i.1+1]] +cp.index.list[[i.1]] )/2 )
        # print("idx")
        # print(idx)
        phi.est.new[[i.1]] <- matrix(phi.est.full[[idx]], ncol = p*q);
        for(i.2 in cp.index.list[[i.1]]: (cp.index.list[[i.1+1]]-1)){
          phi.full.all[[i.2]] <-   phi.est.new[[i.1]]
      forecast.all.new <- matrix(0, p, nob);
      forecast.all.new[, (blocks[1]+1+q):(blocks[1+1])] <-
               function(jjj) pred(t(data), phi.full.all[[1]], q, jjj-1 , p, 1) )
      for(i.1 in 2:n.new){
        forecast.all.new[, (blocks[i.1]+1):(blocks[i.1+1])] <-
          sapply(c((blocks[i.1]+1):(blocks[i.1+1])), function(jjj) pred(t(data), phi.full.all[[i.1]], q, jjj-1 , p, 1) )
      residual <- t(data[( (1+q) :nob), ]) - forecast.all.new[, (1+q) :nob];
      #print("Use BIC!")
      BIC.new <- BIC(residual, phi = do.call(cbind, phi.est.new))$BIC
      #print("BIC.new:"); print(BIC.new)
      BIC.diff <- BIC.old - BIC.new
      BIC.old <- BIC.new
      if(BIC.diff <= 0){
        pts.sel <- sort(pts.sel.old)
        omega <- omega.old
    #print("BIC stop")
  #select the break points by localized information criterion (LIC)
  L.n.1.temp <- L.n.1; L.n.2.temp <- L.n.2; L.n.plot <- rep(0,m+1); L.n.plot[1] <- sum(L.n.1) + m*omega; 
  mm <- 0; ic <- 0; add.temp <- 0; pts.full <- vector("list",m+1); pts.full[[1]] <- pts; ind.pts <- rep(0,m);
  while(mm < m){
    mm <- mm + 1;
    L.n.temp <- rep(0,length(pts));
    for(i in 1:length(pts)){
      L.n.temp[i] <- sum(L.n.1.temp) - L.n.1.temp[(2*i-1)] - L.n.1.temp[(2*i)] + L.n.2.temp[i] + 1*add.temp;
    ll <- min(which.min(L.n.temp)); ind.pts[mm] <- ll;
    pts <- pts[-ll]; 
    L.n.1.temp <- L.n.1.temp[-c(2*ll-1,2*ll)]; add.temp <- add.temp + 1*L.n.2.temp[ll]; 
    L.n.2.temp <- L.n.2.temp[-ll]; 
    L.n.plot[mm+1] <- L.n.temp[ll] + (m - mm)*omega;
    pts.full[[mm+1]] <- pts;
  ind <- 0;
  ind <- min(which.min(L.n.plot))
  return(list(pts = pts.full[[ind]], omega = omega, 
              phi.local.1= phi.local.1, phi.local.2 = phi.local.2 ))

#' Compute local loss function.
#' @param method method: sparse, group sparse
#' @param data input data matrix, with each column representing the time series component 
#' @param eta tuning parameter eta for lasso
#' @param q the AR order
#' @param max.iteration max number of iteration for the fused lasso
#' @param tol tolerance for the fused lasso 
#' @param pts the selected break points after the first step
#' @param an the neighborhood size a_n
#' @param group.case group sparse pattern: columnwise, rowwise.
#' @param group.index group index for group sparse case
#' @return A list oject, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{L.n.1}{A vector of loss functions that include some break point}
#'   \item{L.n.2}{A vector of loss functions that exclude some break point}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
break.var.local.new <- function(method = "sparse", data, eta, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = 10^(-4),  pts, an, 
                                group.case= "columnwise", group.index = NULL){
  p <- length(data[1,]); nob <- length(data[,1]); m <- length(pts);
  #construct the local interval for computing the loss function
  bounds.1 <- vector("list",2*m); bounds.2 <- vector("list",m);
  for(i in 1:m){
    bounds.1[[(2*i-1)]] <- c(pts[i] - an, pts[i] - 1 );
    bounds.1[[(2*i)]] <- c(pts[i], pts[i] + an );
    bounds.2[[(i)]] <- c(pts[i] - an, pts[i] + an );
  #compute the local loss function that include the given break point
  L.n.1 <- c()
  # add a hashtable to store the local estimate
  phi.local.1 <- vector("list", m); 
  phi.local.2 <- vector("list", m); 
  for(mm in 1:(2*m)){
    data.temp <- data[(bounds.1[[mm]][1]):(bounds.1[[mm]][2]),];
    if(method == "sparse" | method == "fLS"){
      try <- var_lasso_brk(data = data.temp, eta, q, 1000, tol = tol)  
    if(method == "group sparse"){
      if(group.case ==  "columnwise"){
        try <- var_lasso_brk_group(data = data.temp, eta, q, 1000, tol = tol, group.index)  
      if(group.case ==  "rowwise"){
        group.index.full <- group.index
        for(ii in 1:length(group.index)){
          tmp <- c()
          for(idx in group.index[[ii]]){
              tmp <- c(tmp, ( idx*p) : ( (idx+1)*p -1) )
            #tmp <- c(tmp, ( idx*p*q) : ( (idx+1)*p*q -1) )
          group.index.full[[ii]] <- tmp
        try <- var_lasso_brk_group_idx(data = data.temp, eta, q, 1000, tol = tol, group.index.full)  
      if(group.case == 'index'){
        group.index.full <- group.index
        try <- var_lasso_brk_group_idx(data = data.temp, eta, q, 1000, tol = tol, group.index.full)  
    L.n.1 <- c(L.n.1 , try$pred.error)
    key <- ceiling((mm)/2)
    if(mm %% 2 == 1){
      phi.local.1[[key]] <- try$phi.hat
      phi.local.2[[key]] <- try$phi.hat
  #compute the local loss function that include the given break point
  L.n.2 <- c()
  for(mm in 1:m){
    data.temp <- data[(bounds.2[[mm]][1]):(bounds.2[[mm]][2]),];
    if(method == "sparse" | method == "fLS"){
      try <- var_lasso_brk(data = data.temp, eta, q, 1000, tol = tol)
    if(method == "group sparse"){
      try <- var_lasso_brk_group(data = data.temp, eta, q, 1000, tol = tol, group.index)
    L.n.2 <- c(L.n.2 , try$pred.error)
  return(list(L.n.1 = L.n.1, L.n.2 = L.n.2,
              phi.local.1 = phi.local.1, phi.local.2 = phi.local.2))

#' exhuastive search step (third step).
#' @description Perform the exhaustive search to select the break point for each cluster. 
#' @param data input data matrix, with each column representing the time series component 
#' @param q the AR order
#' @param max.iteration max number of iteration for the fused lasso
#' @param tol tolerance for the fused lasso 
#' @param pts.list the selected break points clustered by a_n after the second step
#' @param an the neighborhood size a_n
#' @param phi.est.full list of local parameter estimator
#' @param phi.local.1 a list of loca parameter estimator
#' @param phi.local.2 a list of loca parameter estimator
#' @param blocks the blocks
#' @return A list object, which contains the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{pts}{a set of final selected break point after the third exhaustive search step}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
third.step.exhaustive.search <- function(data, q, max.iteration = 1000, tol = tol, pts.list, 
                              an, phi.est.full = NULL, phi.local.1 = NULL, phi.local.2 = NULL,
                              blocks = NULL ){
  N <- length(data[,1]); p <- length(data[1,]);
  n <- length(pts.list);  #number of cluster
  n.new <- length(phi.est.full)
  final.pts <- rep(0, n);
  pts.list.full <- pts.list
  pts.list.full <- c(1, pts.list.full , N)
  phi.hat.list <- vector("list", n + 1)
  cp.index.list <- vector("list", n + 2);
  cp.index.list[[1]] <- c(1);
  cp.index.list[[n+2]] <- c(n.new+1);
  cp.list.full <- vector("list", n+2);
  cp.list.full[[1]] <- c(1);
  cp.list.full[[n+2]] <- c(N+1);
  bn = median(diff(blocks))
  for(i in 1:n){
    pts.temp <- pts.list.full[[i+1]];
    m <- length(pts.temp);
    if( m <= 1  ) {
      #cp.list.full[[i+1]] <- c((pts.temp-an + 1 ):(pts.temp + an -1) )
      #cp.index.list[[i+1]] <- match(pts.temp, blocks)
      cp.list.full[[i+1]] <- c((pts.temp-bn + 1 ):(pts.temp + bn -1) )
      cp.index.list[[i+1]] <- sapply(1:m, function(jjj) which.min(abs(pts.temp[jjj]-blocks)))
    if( m > 1  ){
      #cp.list.full[[i+1]] <- c((pts.temp[1] ):(pts.temp[length(pts.temp)]) )
      #cp.index.list[[i+1]] <- match(pts.temp, blocks)
      cp.list.full[[i+1]] <- c((round(median(pts.temp))-bn + 1 ):(round(median(pts.temp)) + bn -1) )
      cp.index.list[[i+1]] <- sapply(1:m, function(jjj) which.min(abs(pts.temp[jjj]-blocks)))

  fx <- function(i){
    idx <- floor((min(cp.index.list[[i+1]]) + max(cp.index.list[[i]]))/2);
    # change the global variable phi.hat.list[[i]] 
    phi.hat.list[[i]] <<- phi.est.full[[idx]]
    pts.temp <- pts.list.full[[i+1]];
    m <- length(pts.temp);
    lb.1 <- min(pts.temp) - an;
    ub.2 <- max(pts.temp) +  an - 1;
    nums = cp.list.full[[i+1]]
    phi.hat.1 = matrix(phi.local.1[[i]], ncol = p*q)
    phi.hat.2 = matrix(phi.local.2[[i]], ncol = p*q)
    res = local_refine(data, q = q, blocks, cp.list.full[[i+1]], lb.1, ub.2, phi.hat.1, phi.hat.2 )
    sse.full = res$sse_full
    #select the point that has the smallest SSE among the cluster
    cp.list.full[[i+1]][min(which(sse.full == min(sse.full)))];
  final.pts <- sapply(1:n, fx)

  #construct the interval for performing the lasso and computing the loss function
  # for(i in 1:n){
  #   idx <- floor((min(cp.index.list[[i+1]]) + max(cp.index.list[[i]]))/2);
  #   phi.hat.list[[i]] <- phi.est.full[[idx]]
  #   pts.temp <- pts.list.full[[i+1]];
  #   m <- length(pts.temp);
  #   lb.1 <- min(pts.temp) - an;
  #   ub.2 <- max(pts.temp) +  an - 1;
  #   nums = cp.list.full[[i+1]]
  #   phi.hat.1 = matrix(phi.local.1[[i]], ncol = p*q)
  #   phi.hat.2 = matrix(phi.local.2[[i]], ncol = p*q)
  #   res = local_refine(data, q= 1, blocks, cp.list.full[[i+1]], lb.1, ub.2,phi.hat.1, phi.hat.2 )
  #   sse.full = res$sse_full
  #   #select the point that has the smallest SSE among the cluster
  #   final.pts[i] <- cp.list.full[[i+1]][min(which(sse.full == min(sse.full)))];
  # }
  idx <- floor((min(cp.index.list[[n+2]]) + max(cp.index.list[[n+1]]))/2);
  phi.hat.list [[n+1]] <- phi.est.full[[idx]]
  return( list(pts = final.pts, phi.hat.list = phi.hat.list ))

#' cluster the points by neighborhood size a_n
#' @description helper function for determining the clusters
#' @param pts vector of candidate change points
#' @param an radius of the cluster
#' @return A list of change points clusters
#' @keywords internal
block.finder <- function(pts,an){
  nn <- length(pts);
  if( nn == 1){b <- pts;}
  if( nn > 1){
    b <- vector("list",nn);
    i.ind <- 1;
    jj <- 0;
    while (i.ind < nn) {
      ct <- 1;
      jj <- jj + 1;
      for (j in (i.ind+1):nn) {
        if( abs(pts[i.ind] - pts[j]  ) <= an   ){ct <- ct + 1;}
      b[[jj]] <- pts[(i.ind):(i.ind+ct-1)];
      i.ind <- i.ind + ct;
    l <- length(b[[jj]]);
    if(b[[jj]][l] != pts[nn]  ){
      jj <- jj + 1;
      b[[(jj)]] <- c(pts[nn])   
    b <- b[(1):(jj)];
  return(b = b)

#' Prediction function (block)
#' @param Y data for prediction
#' @param phi parameter matrix
#' @param q lag
#' @param nob total length of data
#' @param p the dimension of time series components
#' @param h the length of observation to predict
#' @return prediction matrix
#' @keywords internal
pred.block <- function(Y,phi,q,nob,p,h){
  concat.Y <- matrix(0,p,q+h); concat.Y[,1:q] <- Y[,(nob-q+1):nob];
  for ( j in 1:h){
    temp <- matrix(0,p,1);
    for (i in 1:q){temp <- temp +  phi[,((i-1)*p+1):(i*p)]%*%concat.Y[,q+j-i];}
    concat.Y[,q+j] <- temp; 

#' Prediction function (single observation)
#' @param Y data for prediction
#' @param phi parameter matrix
#' @param q lag
#' @param nob total length of data
#' @param p the dimension of time series components
#' @param h the h-th observation to predict
#' @return prediction matrix
#' @keywords internal
pred <- function(Y,phi,q,nob,p,h){
  concat.Y <- matrix(0,p,q+h); concat.Y[,1:q] <- Y[,(nob-q+1):nob];
  for ( j in 1:h){
    temp <- matrix(0,p,1);
    for (i in 1:q){temp <- temp +  phi[,((i-1)*p+1):(i*p)]%*%concat.Y[,q+j-i];}
    concat.Y[,q+j] <- temp; 

#' Plot the AR coefficient matrix
#' @param phi parameter matrix
#' @param p number of segements times number of lags
#' @return a plot of AR coefficient matrix
#' @import lattice
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' nob <- (10^3*4); #number of time points
#' p <- 15; # number of time series components
#' brk <- c(floor(nob/3),floor(2*nob/3),nob+1); # true break points with nob+1 as the last element
#' m0 <- length(brk) -1; # number of break points
#' q.t <- 2; # the true AR order
#' m <- m0+1 #number of segments
#' sp_density <- rep(0.05, m*q.t) #sparsity level (5%)
#' try<-simu_var("sparse",nob=nob,k=p,lags=q.t,brk =brk,sp_pattern="random",sp_density=sp_density)
#' print(plot_matrix(do.call("cbind",try$model_param), m*q.t ))
plot_matrix <- function (phi, p) {
  name <- NULL
  B <- phi
  if (nrow(B) == 1) {
    B <- matrix(B[, 1:ncol(B)], nrow = 1)
  else {
    B <- B[, 1:ncol(B)]
  k <- nrow(B)
  s1 <- 0
  m <- 0
  s <- 0
  s <- s + s1
  text <- c()
  for (i in 1:p) {
    text1 <- as.expression(bquote(bold(Phi)^(.(i))))
    text <- append(text, text1)
  if (m > 0) {
    for (i in (p + 1):(p + s + 1)) {
      text1 <- as.expression(bquote(bold(beta)^(.(i - p - 
      text <- append(text, text1)
  f <- function(m) t(m)[, nrow(m):1]
  rgb.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"), space = "Lab")
  at <- seq(k/2 + 0.5, p * (k) + 0.5, by = k)
  if (m > 0) {
    at2 <- seq(p * k + m/2 + 0.5, p * k + s * m + 0.5, by = m)
  else {
    at2 = c()
  at <- c(at, at2)
  se2 = seq(1.75, by = k, length = k)
  L2 <- levelplot(as.matrix(f(B)), at =seq( -max(abs(B)), max(abs(B)), length=101),col.regions = rgb.palette(100), 
                  colorkey = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = list(label = name, 
                                                                         cex = 1), panel = function(...) {
                                                                           panel.abline(a = NULL, b = 1, h = seq(1.5, m * s + 
                                                                                                                   p * k + 0.5, by = 1), v = seq(1.5, by = 1, length = p * 
                                                                                                                                                   k + m * s), lwd = 0.5)
                                                                           bl1 <- seq(k + 0.5, p * k + 0.5, by = k)
                                                                           b23 <- seq(p * k + 0.5, p * k + 0.5 + s * m, by = m)
                                                                           b1 <- c(bl1, b23)
                                                                           panel.abline(a = NULL, b = 1, v = p * k + 0.5, lwd = 3)
                                                                           panel.abline(a = NULL, b = 1, v = b1, lwd = 2)
                                                                         }, scales = list(x = list(alternating = 1, labels = text, 
                                                                                                   cex = 2, at = at, tck = c(0, 0)), y = list(alternating = 0, 
                                                                                                                                              tck = c(0, 0))))

#' helper function for detection check
#' @param pts the estimated change points
#' @param brk the true change points
#' @return a vector of timepoints
#' @keywords internal
remove.extra.pts <- function(pts, brk){
  m.hat <- length(brk)-1;
  if(length(pts) <= m.hat){return(pts)}
  pts.temp <- rep(0, m.hat);
  for(i in 1:m.hat){
    origin <- brk[i];
    dis <- rep(0, length(pts));
    for(j in 1:length(pts)){
      dis[j] <- abs(origin - pts[j]);
    ll <- min(which.min(dis));
    pts.temp[i] <- pts[ll];
  pts <- pts.temp;

#' A helper function for implementing FISTA algorithm to estimate low-rank matrix
#' @description Function to estimate low-rank matrix using FISTA algorithm
#' @param A A n by p design matrix
#' @param b A correspond vector, or a matrix
#' @param lambda tuning parameter
#' @param d model dimension
#' @param niter the maximum number of iterations required for applying FISTA algorithm
#' @param backtracking a boolean argument, indicate whether use backtracking or not
#' @param phi.true true model parameter, only available for simulations
#' @return A list object, including
#' \describe{
#'     \item{phi.hat}{Estimated low-rank matrix}
#'     \item{obj.vals}{Values of objective function for all iterations}
#'     \item{rel.err}{Relative error to the true model parameter, only available for simulation}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
fista.nuclear <- function(A, b, lambda, d, niter, backtracking = TRUE, phi.true){
    tnew = t <- 1
    x <- matrix(0, d, d)
    xnew <- x
    y <- x
    AtA <- t(A) %*% A
    Atb <- t(A) %*% b
    obj.val = rel.err <- c()
    if(backtracking == TRUE){
        L <- norm(A, "2")^2 / 5
        eta <- 2
        L <- norm(A, "2")^2
    for(i in 1:niter){
        if(backtracking == TRUE){
            L.bar <- L
            flag <- FALSE
            while(flag == FALSE){
                prox <- prox.nuclear.func.fLS(y, A, b, L.bar, lambda, AtA, Atb)
                if(f.func(prox, A, b) <= Q.func(prox, y, A, b, L.bar, AtA, Atb)){
                    flag <- TRUE
                    L.bar <- L.bar * eta
            L <- L.bar
        x <- xnew
        xnew <- prox
        t <- tnew
        tnew <- (1 + sqrt(1 + 4*t^2)) / 2
        y <- xnew + ((t - 1) / tnew) * (xnew - x)
        obj.val <- c(obj.val, f.func(xnew, A, b) + nuclear.pen(xnew, lambda))
        rel.err <- c(rel.err, norm(xnew - phi.true, "F") / norm(phi.true, "F"))
    return(list(phi.hat = xnew, obj.vals = obj.val, rel.err = rel.err))

#' Proximal function for nuclear norm penalty
#' @param y model parameter
#' @param A design matrix
#' @param b correspond vector, or matrix
#' @param L learning rate
#' @param lambda tuning parameter
#' @param AtA Gram matrix obtained by design matrix
#' @param Atb inner product for design matrix A and correspond vector b
#' @return value of proximal function
#' @keywords internal
prox.nuclear.func.fLS <- function(y, A, b, L, lambda, AtA, Atb){
    Y <- y - (1 / L) * gradf.func(y, AtA, Atb)
    d <- shrinkage.lr(svd(Y)$d, 2*lambda / L)
    return(svd(Y)$u %*% diag(d) %*% t(svd(Y)$v))

#' function for detection check
#' @param pts.final a list of estimated change points
#' @param brk the true change points
#' @param nob length of time series
#' @param critval critical value for selection rate. Default value is 5. Specifically, to compute the selection rate,  a selected break point is counted as a ``success'' for the \eqn{j}-th true break point, \eqn{t_j}, if it falls in the interval \eqn{[t_j - {(t_{j} - t_{j-1})}/{critval}, t_j + {(t_{j+1} - t_{j})}/{critval}]}, \eqn{j = 1,\dots, m_0}. 
#' @return a matrix of detection summary results, including the absolute error, selection rate and relative location. The absolute error of the locations of the estimated break points is defined as \eqn{{error}_j =|tilde{t}_j^f - t_j|}, \eqn{j = 1,\dots, m_0}.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # an example of 10 replicates result
#' set.seed(1)
#' nob <- 1000
#' brk <- c(333, 666, nob+1)
#' cp.list <- vector('list', 10)
#' for(i in 1:10){
#'     cp.list[[i]] <-  brk[1:2] + sample(c(-50:50),1)
#' }
#' # some replicate fails to detect all the change point
#' cp.list[[2]] <- cp.list[[2]][1]
#' cp.list[4] <- list(NULL)      # setting 4'th element to NULL.
#' # some replicate overestimate the number of change point
#' cp.list[[3]] <- c(cp.list[[3]], 800)
#' cp.list
#' res <- detection_check(cp.list, brk, nob, critval = 5)
#' res
#' # use a stricter critical value
#' res <- detection_check(cp.list, brk, nob, critval = 10)
#' res
detection_check <- function(pts.final, brk, nob, critval = 5){
    N <- length(pts.final)
    m <- length(brk); len <- rep(0, N);
    for(i in 1:N){len[i] <- length(pts.final[[i]]);}
    pts.final.full.1 <- vector("list", N); pts.final.full.2 <- vector("list", N);
    for(i in 1:N){
        if ( length(pts.final[[i]]) > (m-1)   ){
            pts.final[[i]] <- remove.extra.pts(pts.final[[i]], brk);
            #print("extra points exists!"); 
        if ( length(pts.final[[i]]) == 0 ) {  
            pts.final[[i]] <- rep(0, m-1);
            # pts.final.full.1 only counts those points within 1/critval intervals in order to compute the selection rate
            # pts.final.full.2 counts all the points in order to calculate the mean and sd for the location error
            pts.final.full.1[[i]] <- rep(0, m-1); 
            pts.final.full.2[[i]] <- rep(0, m-1);  
        if ( length(pts.final[[i]]) > 0 && length(pts.final[[i]]) <= (m-1) ){
            ll <- length(pts.final[[i]]); 
            pts.final.full.1[[i]] <- rep(0, m-1); pts.final.full.2[[i]] <- rep(0, m-1);
            for(j in 1:ll){
                if(m == 2){
                    if (  pts.final[[i]][j] < (brk[1] + (1/critval)*(brk[2] - brk[1]) ) && pts.final[[i]][j] >= (brk[1] - (1/critval)*(brk[1]) )   ) {
                        pts.final.full.1[[i]][1] <- pts.final[[i]][j];
                    if (  pts.final[[i]][j] < (brk[1] + (1/2)*(brk[2] - brk[1]) )   ) {
                        pts.final.full.2[[i]][1] <- pts.final[[i]][j];
                    if (  pts.final[[i]][j] < (brk[1] + (1/critval)*(brk[2] - brk[1]) ) && pts.final[[i]][j] >= (brk[1] - (1/critval)*(brk[1]) )   ) {
                        pts.final.full.1[[i]][1] <- pts.final[[i]][j];
                    if (  pts.final[[i]][j] < (brk[1] + (1/2)*(brk[2] - brk[1]) )   ) {
                        pts.final.full.2[[i]][1] <- pts.final[[i]][j];
                    for(kk in 2:(m-1)){
                        if (  pts.final[[i]][j] >=  (brk[(kk)] - (1/critval)*(brk[kk] - brk[(kk-1)]) ) && pts.final[[i]][j] <  (brk[(kk)] + (1/critval)*(brk[kk+1] - brk[(kk)]) )){
                            pts.final.full.1[[i]][kk] <- pts.final[[i]][j];
                        if(kk == m-1){
                            if (  pts.final[[i]][j] >=  (brk[(kk)] - (1/2)*(brk[kk] - brk[(kk-1)]) ) ){
                                pts.final.full.2[[i]][kk] <- pts.final[[i]][j];
                            if (  pts.final[[i]][j] >=  (brk[(kk)] - (1/2)*(brk[kk] - brk[(kk-1)]) ) && pts.final[[i]][j] <  (brk[(kk)] + (1/2)*(brk[kk+1] - brk[(kk)]) )){
                                pts.final.full.2[[i]][kk] <- pts.final[[i]][j];
    detection <- matrix(0, m, 7)
    # print(pts.final)
    # print(pts.final.full.1)
    # print(pts.final.full.2)
    detection[1, 1] <- c("break points"); detection[1, 2] <- c("truth"); 
    detection[1, 3] <- c("mean(absolute errors)"); detection[1, 4] <- c("std(absolute errors)"); 
    detection[1, 5] <- c("selection rate");
    detection[1, 6] <- c("mean(relative location)"); detection[1,7] <- c("std(relative location)");
    for(i in 1:(m-1)){
        detection[(i+1),1] <- c(i); detection[(i+1), 2] <- c(brk[i]); 
        # loc <- rep(0, N); 
        loc.1 <- rep(0, N); loc.2 <- rep(0, N);
        for(j in 1:N){
            # temp <- pts.final[[j]]; l <- length(temp); loc[j] <- temp[i];
            temp.1 <- pts.final.full.1[[j]];loc.1[j] <- temp.1[i];
            temp.2 <- pts.final.full.2[[j]];loc.2[j] <- temp.2[i];
        # loc <-  loc[which(loc!=0)]
        loc.1 <- loc.1[which(loc.1!=0)]; loc.2 <- loc.2[which(loc.2!=0)];
        nob.new.1 <- length(loc.1); 
        detection[(i+1),3] <- mean(abs(loc.2-brk[i])); detection[(i+1),4] <- sd(abs(loc.2-brk[i]));
        detection[(i+1),5] <- nob.new.1/N;
        detection[(i+1),6] <- mean(loc.2/nob); detection[(i+1),7] <- sd(loc.2/nob);
    for(i in 2:(m)){
        for(j in 2:7){
            detection[i,j] <- round(as.numeric(detection[i,j]), digits = 4)
    #return(list(pts.final.full.1 = pts.final.full.1, pts.final.full.2 = pts.final.full.2,  detection = detection))
    df.result <- data.frame(truth = as.numeric(detection[-1,2]) / nob, 
                            mean_rl = detection[-1,6], 
                            std_rl = detection[-1,7], 
                            sr = detection[-1,5])
    colnames(df.result) <- c("Truth", "Mean", "Std", "Selection rate")
    return(list(df_detection = df.result, full_detection = detection))

#' function for hausdorff distance computation
#' @description The function includes two hausdorff distance. 
#' The first one is hausdorff_true_est (\eqn{d(A_n, tilde{A}_n^f)}): for each estimated change point, we find the closest true CP and compute the distance, then take the maximum of distances.
#' The second one is hausdorff_est_true(\eqn{d(tilde{A}_n^f, A_n)}): for each true change point, find the closest estimated change point and compute the distance, then take the maximum of distances.
#' @param pts.final a list of estimated change points
#' @param brk the true change points
#' @return hausdorff distance summary results, including mean, standard deviation and median.
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## an example of 10 replicates result
#' set.seed(1)
#' nob <- 1000
#' brk <- c(333, 666, nob+1)
#' cp.list <- vector('list', 10)
#' for(i in 1:10){
#'     cp.list[[i]] <-  brk[1:2] + sample(c(-50:50),1)
#' }
#' # some replicate fails to detect all the change point
#' cp.list[[2]] <- cp.list[[2]][1]
#' cp.list[4] <- list(NULL)      # setting 4'th element to NULL.
#' # some replicate overestimate the number of change point
#' cp.list[[3]] <- c(cp.list[[3]], 800)
#' cp.list
#' res <- hausdorff_check(cp.list, brk)
#' res
hausdorff_check <- function(pts.final, brk){
  N <- length(pts.final)
  m <- length(brk); len <- rep(0,N);
  for(i in 1:N){len[i] <- length(pts.final[[i]]);}
  #hausdorff_true_est d(A_n, \tilde{A}_n^f)
  #for each estimated cp, find the closest true CP and compute the distance,
  # then take the maximum of distances
  pts.final.full.1 <- vector("list",N);
  for(i in 1:N){
    ll <- length(pts.final[[i]]); pts.final.full.1[[i]] <- rep(NA,ll);
      for(j in 1:ll){
        if (   pts.final[[i]][j] < (brk[1] + (1/2)*(brk[2] - brk[1]) )    ) {pts.final.full.1[[i]][j] <- brk[1];}
        if (m -2 > 0){
          if (   pts.final[[i]][j] >= (brk[m-2] + (1/2)*(brk[m-1] - brk[m-2]) )    ) {pts.final.full.1[[i]][j] <- brk[m-1];}
        if(m-2 >=2){
          for(kk in 2:(m-2)){
            if (  pts.final[[i]][j] >=  (brk[(kk-1)] + (1/2)*(brk[kk] - brk[(kk-1)])) && pts.final[[i]][j] <  (brk[(kk)] + (1/2)*(brk[kk+1] - brk[(kk)]) )){
              pts.final.full.1[[i]][j] <- brk[kk];
      #print("zero estimated CP!")
  #hausdorff_est_true d(\tilde{A}_n^f, A_n)
  #for each true cp, find the closest estimate CP and compute the distance,
  # then take the maximum of distances
  pts.final.full.2<- vector("list",N);
  for(i in 1:N){
    ll <- length(pts.final[[i]]); pts.final.full.2[[i]] <- rep(NA, m -1 );
    if(ll > 0){
      if(ll > 1){
        for(j in 1: (m-1)){
          if (   brk[j] < (pts.final[[i]][1] + (1/2)*(pts.final[[i]][2] - pts.final[[i]][1]) )    ) {pts.final.full.2[[i]][j] <- pts.final[[i]][1];}
          if (   brk[j] >= (pts.final[[i]][ll-1] + (1/2)*(pts.final[[i]][ll] - pts.final[[i]][ll-1]) )    ) {pts.final.full.2[[i]][j] <- pts.final[[i]][ll];}
          if(ll >= 3){
            for(kk in 2:(ll-1)){
              if (  brk[j] >=  (pts.final[[i]][(kk-1)] + (1/2)*(pts.final[[i]][kk] - pts.final[[i]][(kk-1)])) 
                    && brk[j] <  (pts.final[[i]][(kk)] + (1/2)*(pts.final[[i]][kk+1] - pts.final[[i]][(kk)]) )){
                pts.final.full.2[[i]][j] <- pts.final[[i]][kk];
        pts.final.full.2[[i]] <- rep(pts.final[[i]], m -1 );
  # detection <- matrix(0, 2, 6)
  # detection[1,1] <- c("mean(hausdorff_true_est)"); detection[1,2] <- c("std(hausdorff_true_est)"); 
  # detection[1,3] <- c("mean(hausdorff_est_true)"); detection[1,4] <- c("std(hausdorff_est_true)");
  # detection[1,5] <- c("median(hausdorff_true_est)");
  # detection[1,6] <- c("median(hausdorff_est_true)");
  distance.1 <- rep(NA, N); distance.2 <- rep(NA, N); distance.full <- rep(NA, N)
  for(j in 1:N){
    temp.1 <- pts.final.full.1[[j]];
    if(length(temp.1) > 0){
      distance.1[j] <- max(abs(pts.final.full.1[[j]] - pts.final[[j]] ))
    temp.2 <- pts.final.full.2[[j]];
    distance.2[j] <- max(abs(pts.final.full.2[[j]] - brk[1:(m-1)] ))
    distance.full[j] <- max(distance.1[j], distance.2[j])
  Mean <- mean(distance.full, na.rm = TRUE)
  Std <- sd(distance.full, na.rm = TRUE)
  Median <- median(distance.full, na.rm = TRUE)
  detection <- data.frame(Mean, Std, Median)
  # detection[2,1] <- mean(distance.1,na.rm= TRUE); detection[2,2] <- sd(distance.1,na.rm= TRUE);
  # detection[2,3] <- mean(distance.2,na.rm= TRUE); detection[2,4] <- sd(distance.2,na.rm= TRUE);
  # detection[2,5] <- median(distance.1,na.rm= TRUE); 
  # detection[2,6] <- median(distance.2,na.rm= TRUE); 
  # for(j in 1:4){
  #   detection[2,j] <- round(as.numeric(detection[2,j]),digits = 4)
  # }
  # return(list(pts.final.full.1 = pts.final.full.1, pts.final.full.2 = pts.final.full.2, detection = detection))
  return(distance = detection)

#' Evaluation function, return the performance of simulation results
#' @param true_mats a list of true matrices for all segments, the length of list equals to the true number of segments
#' @param est_mats a list of estimated matrices for all simulation replications, for each element, it is a list of numeric matrices, 
#' representing the estimated matrices for segments
#' @return A list, containing the results for all measurements
#' \describe{
#'     \item{sensitivity}{A numeric vector, containing all the results for sensitivity over all replications}
#'     \item{specificity}{A numeric vector, including all the results for specificity over all replications}
#'     \item{accuracy}{A numeric vector, the results for accuracy over all replications}
#'     \item{mcc}{A numeric vector, the results for Matthew's correlation coefficients over all replications}
#'     \item{false_reps}{An integer vector, recording all the replications which falsely detects the change points, over-detect or under-detect}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' true_mats <- vector('list', 2)
#' true_mats[[1]] <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0.5, 0.8), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' true_mats[[2]] <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0.75), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' est_mats <- vector('list', 5)
#' for(i in 1:5){
#'     est_mats[[i]] <- vector('list', 2)
#'     est_mats[[i]][[1]] <- matrix(sample(c(0, 1, 2), size = 4, replace = TRUE), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
#'     est_mats[[i]][[2]] <- matrix(sample(c(0, 1), size = 4, replace = TRUE), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' } 
#' perf_eval <- eval_func(true_mats, est_mats)
eval_func <- function(true_mats, est_mats){
    true_length <- length(true_mats)
    reps <- length(est_mats)
    incorrect_rep <- c()
    SEN = SPC = ACC = MCC <- c()
    for(rep in 1:reps){
        est_mat <- est_mats[[rep]]
        if(length(est_mat) != true_length){
            incorrect_rep <- c(incorrect_rep, rep)
            true_seg_mats <- do.call("cbind", true_mats)
            est_seg_mats <- do.call("cbind", est_mat)
            nr <- nrow(true_seg_mats)
            nc <- ncol(true_seg_mats)
            tp = fn = tn = fp <- 0
            for(i in 1:nr){
                for(j in 1:nc){
                    if(true_seg_mats[i,j] != 0){
                        if(est_seg_mats[i,j] != 0){
                            tp <- tp + 1
                        }else if(est_seg_mats[i,j] == 0){
                            fn <- fn + 1
                    }else if(true_seg_mats[i,j] == 0){
                        if(est_seg_mats[i,j] != 0){
                            fp <- fp + 1
                        }else if(est_seg_mats[i,j] == 0){
                            tn <- tn + 1
            SEN <- c(SEN, tp / (tp + fn))
            SPC <- c(SPC, tn / (fp + tn))
            ACC <- c(ACC, (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn))
            MCC <- c(MCC, (tp*tn - fp*fn) / sqrt((tp+fp)*(tp+fn)*(tn+fp)*(tn+fn)))
    eval_mat <- data.frame("SEN" = c(round(mean(SEN), 4), round(sd(SEN), 4)), 
                           "SPC" = c(round(mean(SPC), 4), round(sd(SPC), 4)), 
                           "ACC" = c(round(mean(ACC), 4), round(sd(ACC), 4)), 
                           "MCC" = c(round(mean(MCC), 4), round(sd(MCC), 4)))
    rownames(eval_mat) <- c("Mean", "Std")
    return(list(perf_eval = eval_mat, false_reps = incorrect_rep))

#' Function to plot Granger causality network
#' @description A function to plot Granger causal network for each segment via estimated sparse component
#' @param est_mats A list of numeric sparse matrices, indicating the estimated sparse components for each segment
#' @param threshold A numeric positive value, used to determine the threshold to present the edges
#' @param layout A character string, indicates the layout for the igraph plot argument
#' @return A series of plots of Granger networks of VAR model parameters
#' @importFrom igraph plot.igraph
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency
#' @importFrom igraph layout_as_star
#' @importFrom igraph layout_nicely
#' @importFrom igraph layout_in_circle
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' est_mats <- list(matrix(rnorm(400, 0, 1), 20, 20))
#' plot_granger(est_mats, threshold = 2, layout = "circle")
#' plot_granger(est_mats, threshold = 2, layout = "star")
#' plot_granger(est_mats, threshold = 2, layout = "nicely")
plot_granger <- function(est_mats, threshold = 0.1, layout){
    layout_options <- c("circle", "star", "nicely")
    if(!(layout %in% layout_options)){
        stop("Layouts are only available for circle, star, and nicely!!")
    seg_length <- length(est_mats)
    for(i in 1:seg_length){
        est_mat <- est_mats[[i]]
        k <- ncol(est_mat)
        adj_mat <- matrix(0, k, k)
        for(r in 1:k){
            for(c in 1:k){
                if(abs(est_mat[r,c]) > threshold){
                    adj_mat[r,c] <- 1
        varnames <- colnames(est_mat)
        colnames(adj_mat) = rownames(adj_mat) <- varnames
        net <- graph.adjacency(adj_mat, "directed", diag = FALSE)
        if(layout == "circle"){
            l <- layout_in_circle(net)
            plot.igraph(net, vertex.label = V(net)$name, layout = l, vertex.label.font = 2,
                        vertex.label.color = "black", edge.color = "gray40", edge.arrow.size = 0.1,
                        vertex.shape ="circle", vertex.color = "light blue", vertex.label.cex = 0.8)
        }else if(layout == "star"){
            l <- layout_as_star(net)
            plot.igraph(net, vertex.label = V(net)$name, layout = l, vertex.label.font = 2,
                        vertex.label.color = "black", edge.color = "gray40", edge.arrow.size = 0.1,
                        vertex.shape ="circle", vertex.color = "light blue", vertex.label.cex = 0.8)
        }else if(layout == "nicely"){
            l <- layout_nicely(net)
            plot.igraph(net, vertex.label = V(net)$name, layout = l, vertex.label.font = 2,
                        vertex.label.color = "black", edge.color = "gray40", edge.arrow.size = 0.1,
                        vertex.shape ="circle", vertex.color = "light blue", vertex.label.cex = 0.8)

#' Function to plot the sparsity levels for estimated model parameters
#' @description A function to plot lineplot for sparsity levels of estimated model parameters
#' @param est_mats A list of numeric matrices, the length of list equals to the number of estimated segments
#' @param threshold A numeric value, set as a threshold, the function only counts the non-zeros with absolute
#' magnitudes larger than threshold
#' @return A plot for sparsity density across over all estimated segments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' est_mats <- list(matrix(rnorm(400, 0, 2), 20, 20), matrix(rnorm(400), 20, 20))
#' plot_density(est_mats, threshold = 0.25)
plot_density <- function(est_mats, threshold = 0.1){
    nmats <- length(est_mats)
    density <- c()
    for(i in 1:nmats){
        mat <- est_mats[[i]]
        d <- 0
        for(r in 1:dim(mat)[1]){
            for(c in 1:dim(mat)[2]){
                if(abs(mat[r,c]) > threshold){
                    d <- d + 1
        density <- c(density, d / (dim(mat)[1] * dim(mat)[2]))
    plot(density, type = 'o')

#' Plotting the output from VARDetect.result class
#' @description Plotting method for S3 object of class \code{VARDetect.result}
#' @method plot VARDetect.result
#' @param x a \code{VARDetect.result} object
#' @param display a character string, indicates the object the user wants to plot; possible values are
#' \describe{
#'     \item{\code{"cp"}}{input time series together with the estimated change points}
#'     \item{\code{"param"}}{estimated model parameters}
#'     \item{\code{"granger"}}{present the model parameters through Granger causal networks}
#'     \item{\code{"density"}}{plot the sparsity levels across all segments}
#' }
#' @param threshold a positive numeric value, indicates the threshold to present the entries in the sparse matrices
#' @param layout a character string, indicating the layout of the Granger network
#' @param ... not in use
#' @importFrom graphics abline
#' @importFrom stats ts.plot
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @return A plot for change points or a series of plots for Granger causal networks for estimated model parameters
#' @examples
#' nob <- 1000
#' p <- 15
#' brk <- c(floor(nob / 3), floor(2 * nob / 3), nob + 1)
#' m <- length(brk)
#' q.t <- 1
#' try <- simu_var('sparse',nob=nob,k=p,lags=q.t,brk=brk,sp_pattern="off-diagonal",seed = 1)
#' data <- try$series
#' data <- as.matrix(data)
#' fit <- tbss(data, method = "sparse", q = q.t)
#' plot(fit, display = "cp")
#' plot(fit, display = "param")
#' plot(fit, display = "granger", threshold = 0.2, layout = "nicely")
#' plot(fit, display = "density", threshold = 0.2)
#' @export
plot.VARDetect.result <- function(x, 
                                  display = c("cp", "param", "granger", "density"),
                                  threshold = 0.1, 
                                  layout = c("circle", "star", "nicely"), ...){
    display <- match.arg(display)
    layout <- match.arg(layout)
    n <- dim(x$data)[1]
    p <- dim(x$data)[2]
    if(display == "cp"){
        if(p >= 15){
            abline(v = x$cp, col = "red", lwd = 2)
            abline(v = x$cp, col = "red", lwd = 2)
    if(display == "param"){
            print(plot_matrix(do.call("cbind", x$est_phi), length(x$est_phi) * x$q))
            stop("Estimated model parameter is not available!!!")
    if(display == "granger"){
        plot_granger(x$sparse_mats, threshold = threshold, layout = layout)
    if(display == "density"){
        plot_density(x$sparse_mats, threshold = threshold)

#' Function to summarize the change points estimated by VARDetect
#' @description Summary method for objects of class \code{VARDetect.result}
#' @method summary VARDetect.result
#' @param object a \code{VARDetect.result} object
#' @param threshold A numeric positive value, used to determine the threshold of nonzero entries
#' @param ... not in use
#' @return A series of summary, including the estimated change points, running time
#' @examples
#' nob <- 1000
#' p <- 15
#' brk <- c(floor(nob / 3), floor(2 * nob / 3), nob + 1)
#' m <- length(brk)
#' q.t <- 1
#' try <- simu_var('sparse',nob=nob,k=p,lags=q.t,brk=brk,sp_pattern="off-diagonal",seed=1)
#' data <- try$series
#' data <- as.matrix(data)
#' fit <- tbss(data, method = "sparse", q = q.t)
#' summary(fit)
#' @export
summary.VARDetect.result <- function(object, threshold = 0.1, ...){
    ncp <- length(object$cp)
        cat("No change point is finally detected! \n")
        cat("============================= Summary ============================\n")
        cat(paste("Detected", ncp, "change points, located at: \n", sep = " "))
        sp_levels <- c()
        for(j in 1:length(object$sparse_mats)){
            mat <- object$sparse_mats[[j]]
            d <- 0
            for(r in 1:dim(mat)[1]){
                for(c in 1:dim(mat)[2]){
                    if(abs(mat[r,c]) > threshold){
                        d <- d + 1
            sp_levels <- c(sp_levels, d / (dim(mat)[1]*dim(mat)[2]))
        cat("Sparsity levels for estimated sparse components are: \n")
            ranks <- c()
            for(j in 1:length(object$lowrank_mats)){
                mat <- object$lowrank_mats[[j]]
                ranks <- c(ranks, qr(mat)$rank)
            cat("The ranks for the estimated low rank components are: \n")
            cat("There is no low rank components in the current model! \n")
    # running time summary
    cat("Running time is: ")
    cat(paste(round(object$time[3], 3), "seconds", sep = " "))

#' Function to print the change points estimated by VARDetect
#' @description Print the estimated change points of class \code{VARDetect.result}
#' @param x a \code{VARDetect.result} class object
#' @param ... not in use
#' @return Print the estimated change points
#' @examples
#' nob <- 1000
#' p <- 15
#' brk <- c(floor(nob / 3), floor(2 * nob / 3), nob + 1)
#' m <- length(brk)
#' q.t <- 1
#' try <- simu_var('sparse',nob=nob,k=p,lags=q.t,brk=brk,sp_pattern="off-diagonal",seed=1)
#' data <- try$series
#' data <- as.matrix(data)
#' fit <- tbss(data, method = "sparse", q = q.t)
#' print(fit)
#' @export
print.VARDetect.result <- function(x, ...){
        cat("Estimated change points are: ")
        cat("There is no change point detected! \n")

#' Simulation function for TBSS algorithm
#' @description Function for deploying simulation using TBSS algorithm
#' @param nreps A numeric integer number, indicates the number of simulation replications
#' @param simu_method the structure of time series: "sparse","group sparse", and "fLS"
#' @param nob sample size
#' @param k dimension of transition matrix
#' @param lags lags of VAR time series. Default is 1.
#' @param lags_vector a vector of lags of VAR time series for each segment
#' @param brk a vector of break points with (nob+1) as the last element
#' @param sparse_mats transition matrix for sparse case
#' @param group_mats transition matrix for group sparse case
#' @param group_index group index for group lasso.
#' @param group_type type for group lasso: "columnwise", "rowwise". Default is "columnwise".
#' @param sp_pattern a choice of the pattern of sparse component: diagonal, 1-off diagonal, random, custom
#' @param sp_density if we choose random pattern, we should provide the sparsity density for each segment
#' @param rank if we choose method is low rank plus sparse, we need to provide the ranks for each segment
#' @param info_ratio the information ratio leverages the signal strength from low rank and sparse components
#' @param signals manually setting signal for each segment (including sign)
#' @param singular_vals singular values for the low rank components
#' @param spectral_radius to ensure the time series is piecewise stationary.
#' @param sigma the variance matrix for error term
#' @param skip an argument to control the leading data points to obtain a stationary time series
#' @param est_method method: sparse, group sparse, and fixed low rank plus sparse. Default is sparse
#' @param group.case group sparse pattern: column, row.
#' @param group.index group index for group sparse case
#' @param lambda.1.cv tuning parameter lambda_1 for fused lasso
#' @param lambda.2.cv tuning parameter lambda_2 for fused lasso
#' @param mu tuning parameter for low rank component, only available when method is set to "fLS"
#' @param q the AR order
#' @param max.iteration max number of iteration for the fused lasso
#' @param tol tolerance for the fused lasso 
#' @param block.size the block size
#' @param blocks the blocks
#' @param refit logical; if TRUE, refit the VAR model for parameter estimation. Default is FALSE.
#' @param use.BIC use BIC for k-means part
#' @param an.grid a vector of an for grid searching
#' @return A S3 object of class, named \code{VARDetect.simu.result}
#' \describe{
#'     \item{est_cps}{A list of estimated change points, including all replications}
#'     \item{est_sparse_mats}{A list of estimated sparse components for all replications}
#'     \item{est_lowrank_mats}{A list of estimated low rank components for all replications}
#'     \item{est_phi_mats}{A list of estimated model parameters, transition matrices for VAR model}
#'     \item{running_times}{A numeric vector, containing all running times}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nob <- 4000; p <- 15
#' brk <- c(floor(nob / 3), floor(2 * nob / 3), nob + 1)
#' m <- length(brk); q.t <- 1
#' sp_density <- rep(0.05, m * q.t)
#' signals <- c(-0.6, 0.6, -0.6)
#' try_simu <- simu_tbss(nreps = 3, simu_method = "sparse", nob = nob, 
#'                       k = p, lags = q.t, brk = brk, sigma = diag(p), 
#'                       signals = signals, sp_density = sp_density, 
#'                       sp_pattern = "random", est_method = "sparse", q = q.t, 
#'                       refit = TRUE)
#' }
simu_tbss <- function(nreps, simu_method = c("sparse", "group sparse", "fLS"), nob, k, lags = 1, 
                      lags_vector = NULL, brk, sigma, skip = 50, group_mats = NULL, 
                      group_type = c("columnwise", "rowwise"), group_index = NULL, 
                      sparse_mats = NULL, sp_density = NULL, signals = NULL, rank = NULL, info_ratio = NULL, 
                      sp_pattern = c("off-diagonal", "diagoanl", "random"), 
                      singular_vals = NULL, spectral_radius = 0.9, est_method = c("sparse", "group sparse", "fLS"), 
                      q = 1, tol = 1e-2, lambda.1.cv = NULL, lambda.2.cv = NULL, mu = NULL, 
                      group.index = NULL, group.case = c("columnwise", "rowwise"), max.iteration = 100, 
                      refit = FALSE, block.size = NULL, blocks = NULL, use.BIC = TRUE, an.grid = NULL){
    simu_method <- match.arg(simu_method)
    group_type <- match.arg(group_type)
    sp_pattern <- match.arg(sp_pattern)
    est_method <- match.arg(est_method)
    group.case <- match.arg(group.case)
    # storage variables 
    est_cps <- vector('list', nreps)
    est_sparse_mats <- vector('list', nreps)
    est_lowrank_mats <- vector('list', nreps)
    est_phi_mats <- vector('list', nreps)
    running_times <- rep(0, nreps)
    # start fitting
    for(rep in 1:nreps){
        cat(paste("========================== Start replication:", rep, "==========================\n", sep = " "))
        try <- simu_var(method = simu_method, nob = nob, k = k, lags = lags, lags_vector = lags_vector, 
                 brk = brk, sigma = sigma, skip = skip, group_mats = group_mats, group_type = group_type, 
                 group_index = group_index, sparse_mats = sparse_mats, sp_pattern = sp_pattern, 
                 sp_density = sp_density, signals = signals, rank = rank, info_ratio = info_ratio, 
                 singular_vals = singular_vals, spectral_radius = spectral_radius, seed = rep)
        data <- as.matrix(try$series)
        fit <- tbss(data, method = est_method, q = q, tol = tol, lambda.1.cv = lambda.1.cv, 
                    lambda.2.cv = lambda.2.cv, mu = mu, group.index = group.index, 
                    group.case = group.case, max.iteration = max.iteration, refit = refit, 
                    block.size = block.size, blocks = blocks, use.BIC = use.BIC, an.grid = an.grid)
        est_cps[[rep]] <- fit$cp
        est_sparse_mats[[rep]] <- fit$sparse_mats
        est_lowrank_mats[[rep]] <- fit$lowrank_mats
        est_phi_mats[[rep]] <- fit$est_phi
        running_times[rep] <- fit$time[3]
        cat("========================== Finished ==========================\n")
    if(simu_method == "fLS"){
        ret <- structure(list(sizes = c(nob, k),
                              true_lag = lags,
                              true_lagvector = lags_vector, 
                              true_cp = brk, 
                              true_sparse = try$sparse_param, 
                              true_lowrank = try$lowrank_param,
                              true_phi = try$model_param,
                              est_cps = est_cps, 
                              est_lags = q, 
                              est_lagvector = q,
                              est_sparse_mats = est_sparse_mats, 
                              est_lowrank_mats = est_lowrank_mats, 
                              est_phi_mats = est_phi_mats, 
                              running_times = running_times), class = "VARDetect.simu.result")
        ret <- structure(list(sizes = c(nob, k),
                              true_lag = lags,
                              true_lagvector = lags_vector, 
                              true_cp = brk, 
                              true_sparse = try$sparse_param, 
                              true_lowrank = NULL,
                              true_phi = try$model_param,
                              est_cps = est_cps, 
                              est_lags = q, 
                              est_lagvector = q,
                              est_sparse_mats = est_sparse_mats, 
                              est_lowrank_mats = NULL, 
                              est_phi_mats = est_phi_mats, 
                              running_times = running_times), class = "VARDetect.simu.result")

#' A function to summarize the results for simulation
#' @description A function to summarize the results for simulation class \code{VARDetect.simu.result}
#' @param object A S3 object of class \code{VARDetect.simu.result}
#' @param critical A positive integer, set as the critical value defined in selection rate, to control the range of success, default is 5
#' @param ... not in use 
#' @return A series of summary, including the selection rate, Hausdorff distance, and statistical measurements, running times
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nob <- 4000; p <- 15
#' brk <- c(floor(nob / 3), floor(2 * nob / 3), nob + 1)
#' m <- length(brk); q.t <- 1
#' sp_density <- rep(0.05, m * q.t)
#' signals <- c(-0.6, 0.6, -0.6)
#' try_simu <- simu_tbss(nreps = 3, simu_method = "sparse", nob = nob, 
#'                       k = p, lags = q.t, brk = brk, sigma = diag(p), 
#'                       signals = signals, sp_density = sp_density, 
#'                       sp_pattern = "random", est_method = "sparse", 
#'                       q = q.t, refit = TRUE)
#' summary(try_simu, critical = 5)
#' }
#' @export
summary.VARDetect.simu.result <- function(object, critical = 5, ...){
    # loading varaibles
    reps <- length(object$est_cps)
    n <- object$sizes[1]; p <- object$sizes[2]
    true_lag <- object$lags
    true_cp <- object$true_cp
    true_sparse <- object$true_sparse; true_lowrank <- object$true_lowrank
    true_phi <- object$true_phi
    est_cps <- object$est_cps
    est_sparse <- object$est_sparse_mats
    est_lowrank <- object$est_lowrank_mats
    est_phi <- object$est_phi_mats
    times <- object$running_times
    # selection rate
    cat("========================== Selection rate: ==========================\n")
    select_rate <- detection_check(est_cps, true_cp, n, critval = critical)
    # hausdorff distance
    cat("======================== Hausdorff distance: ========================\n")
    haus_dist <- hausdorff_check(est_cps, true_cp)
    # statistical measurements
    cat("====================== Statistical Measurment: ======================\n")
    res <- eval_func(true_phi, est_sparse)
    cat("Incorrect estimation replication: ")
    cat("======================== Computational Time: ========================\n")
    cat(paste("Averaged running time:", round(mean(times), 4), "seconds", sep = " "))

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VARDetect documentation built on May 10, 2022, 9:07 a.m.