# postpr.R
# copyright (c) 2011-05-30, Katalin Csillery, Olivier Francois and
# Michael GB Blum with some initial code from Mark Beaumont
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
# version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
# merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
# General Public License, version 3, for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
# at
# Part of the R/abc package
# Contains: postpr, summary.postpr
postpr <- function(target, index, sumstat, tol, subset=NULL, method, corr=TRUE, kernel="epanechnikov",
numnet = 10, sizenet = 5, lambda = c(0.0001,0.001,0.01), trace = TRUE, maxit = 500, ...){
linout <- FALSE
call <-
## general checks that the function is used correctly
## ###################################################
if(missing(target)) stop("'target' is missing with no default", call.=F)
if(missing(index)) stop("'index' is missing with no default", call.=F)
if(missing(sumstat)) stop("'sumstat' is missing with no default", call.=F)
if(!is.vector(index)) stop("'index' has to be a vector.", call.=F)
if(!is.matrix(sumstat) && ! && !is.vector(sumstat)) stop("'sumstat' has to be a matrix, data.frame or vector.", call.=F)
if(missing(tol)) stop("'tol' is missing with no default", call.=F)
if(missing(method)) stop("'method' is missing with no default", call.=F)
if(!any(method == c("rejection", "mnlogistic", "neuralnet")))
stop("Method must be 'rejection', 'mnlogistic' or 'neuralnet'.", call.=F)
if(length(unique(index)) == 1)
stop("At least two different models must be given.", call.=F)
if(method == "rejection") rejmethod <- TRUE
else rejmethod <- FALSE
if( sumstat <- as.matrix(sumstat)
if(is.vector(sumstat)) sumstat <- matrix(sumstat, ncol=1)
if(is.list(target)) target <- unlist(target)
if(length(target)!=dim(sumstat)[2]) stop("Number of summary statistics in 'target' has to be the same as in 'sumstat'.", call.=F)
if(length(index) != length(sumstat[,1]))
stop("'index' must be the same length as the number of rows in 'sumstat'.", call.=F)
if(!any(kernel == c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", "cosine"))){
kernel <- "epanechnikov"
warning("Kernel is incorrectly defined. Setting to default kernel (Epanechnikov)", call.=F, immediate=T)
if(is.vector(sumstat)) sumstat <- matrix(sumstat, ncol=1)
if(length(target)!=dim(sumstat)[2]) stop("Number of summary statistics in 'target' has to be the same as in 'sumstat'.", call.=F)
index <- factor(index)
mymodels <- levels(index)
if(!is.numeric(target)) target <- as.numeric(target)
## parameter and/or sumstat values that are to be excluded
## #######################################################
gwt <- rep(TRUE,length(sumstat[,1]))
gwt[attributes(na.omit(sumstat))$na.action] <- FALSE
if(is.null(subset)) subset <- rep(TRUE,length(sumstat[,1]))
gwt <- as.logical(gwt*subset)
sumstat <- ## ?????????????????
## extract names of statistics if given
## ####################################
nss <- length(sumstat[1,])
warning("No summary statistics names are given, using S1, S2, ...", call.=F, immediate=T)
statnames <- paste("S", 1:nss, sep="")
else statnames <- colnames(sumstat)
## stop if zero var in sumstat
## ###########################
cond1 <- as.logical(apply(sumstat, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))-1))
if(!all(cond1)) stop("Summary statistic(s) have zero variance.", call.=F)
warning("Statistic(s) ", statnames[!cond1], " have zero variance. Excluding from estimation....", sep="\t", call.=F, immediate=T)
sumstat <- sumstat[,cond1]
nss <- length(sumstat[1,])
statnames <- colnames(sumstat)
target <- target[cond1]
## scale everything
## ################
scaled.sumstat <- sumstat
for(j in 1:nss){
scaled.sumstat[,j] <- normalise(sumstat[,j],sumstat[,j][gwt])
for(j in 1:nss){
target[j] <- normalise(target[j],sumstat[,j][gwt])
## calculate euclidean distance
## ############################
sum1 <- 0
for(j in 1:nss){
sum1 <- sum1 + (scaled.sumstat[,j]-target[j])^2
dist <- sqrt(sum1)
# includes the effect of gwt in the tolerance
dist[!gwt] <- floor(max(dist[gwt])+10)
# wt1 defines the region we're interested in
abstol <- quantile(dist,tol)
if(kernel == "gaussian") wt1 <- rep(TRUE, length(dist)) ## ???????????????????????????
wt1 <- (dist <= ds)
wt1 <- wt1 & (aux<=nacc)
## select summary statistics in region
## ##################################
ss <- scaled.sumstat[wt1,]
values <- index[wt1]
pred <- table(values)/length(values)
statvar <- as.logical(apply(scaled.sumstat[wt1, , drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) length(unique(x))-1))
cond2 <- !any(statvar)
if(cond2 && !rejmethod)
stop("Zero variance in the summary statistics in the selected region.\nTry: checking summary statistics, choosing larger tolerance, or rejection method.", call.=F)
## if simple rejection or in the selected region there is no var in sumstat
## #########################################################################
if(cond2) warning("Zero variance in the summary statistics in the selected region. Check summary statistics, consider larger tolerance.", call.=F, immediate=T)
weights <- NULL
pred.logit <- NULL
## regression correction
## ######################
if(cond2) cat("Warning messages:\nStatistic(s)",
"has/have zero variance in the selected region.\nConsider using larger tolerance or the rejection method or discard this/these statistics.\n", sep="\t")
## weights
if(kernel == "epanechnikov") weights <- 1 - (dist[wt1]/abstol)^2
if(kernel == "rectangular") weights <- dist[wt1]/abstol
if(kernel == "gaussian") weights <- 1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*(dist/abstol)^2)
if(kernel == "triangular") weights <- 1 - abs(dist[wt1]/abstol)
if(kernel == "biweight") weights <- (1 - (dist[wt1]/abstol)^2)^2
if(kernel == "cosine") weights <- cos(pi/2*dist[wt1]/abstol)
ok <- index[wt1] # models accepted
fml <- as.formula(paste("ok ~ ", paste(statnames, collapse= "+")))
if(length(unique(ok)) < length(mymodels)) {
warning(paste("There are",length(mymodels),"models but only",length(unique(ok)), "for which simulations have been accepted.\nNo regression is performed, method is set to rejection.\nConsider increasing the tolerance rate."),sep="", call.=F, immediate=T)
weights <- NULL
pred.logit <- NULL
method <- "rejection"
## calculating the number of weights for multinom
mymnw <- (nss+2) * length(mymodels)
if(method == "mnlogistic"){
fit1 <- multinom(fml, data = ss, weigths = weights, trace=F, MaxNWts = mymnw + 1, ...)
target <-, nrow=1))
names(target) <- statnames
pred <- predict(fit1, target, type="probs")
if(length(pred) == 1){
pred <- c(1-pred,pred)
names(pred) <- levels(ok)
else if(method == "neuralnet"){
lambda <- sample(lambda, numnet, replace=T)
target <-, nrow=1))
names(target) <- statnames
pred <- 0
for(i in 1:numnet){
fit1 <- nnet(fml, data=ss, weights = weights, decay = lambda[i],
size = sizenet, trace = trace, linout = linout, maxit = maxit, ...)
auxm<-predict(fit1, target, type="raw")
pred <- pred + c(1-auxm,auxm)
pred <- pred + predict(fit1, target, type="raw")
pred <- pred/numnet
temp <- rep(0, length(mymodels))
names(temp) <- mymodels
temp[match(colnames(pred), mymodels)] <- pred
pred <- temp
else names(pred) <- levels(ok)
## correction for potentially different numbers of simulations per models
ratio <- (pred*length(index)*tol) / table(index)
pred <- ratio/sum(ratio)
attributes(dimnames(pred)) <- NULL
postpr.out <- list(values=values, ss=ss, call=call, na.action=gwt, method=method, corr=corr, nmodels=table(index),
numstat=nss, names=list(models=mymodels, statistics.names=statnames))
postpr.out <- list(values=values, pred=pred, ss=ss, weights=weights, call=call, na.action=gwt, method=method, corr=corr, nmodels=c(table(index)),
numstat=nss, names=list(models=mymodels, statistics.names=statnames))
class(postpr.out) <- "postpr"
summary.postpr <- function(object, rejection = TRUE, print = TRUE, digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3), ...){
if (!inherits(object, "postpr"))
stop("Use only with objects of class \"postpr\".", call.=F)
postpr.out <- object
cl <- postpr.out$call
npost <- length(postpr.out$values)
pred <- postpr.out$pred
allvals <- postpr.out$values
postmod <- levels(postpr.out$values)
nmod <- length(postmod)
method <- postpr.out$method
corr <- postpr.out$corr
nmodels <- postpr.out$nmodels
cat("Call: \n")
dput(cl, control=NULL)
cat(paste("Data:\n postpr.out$values (",npost," posterior samples)\n", sep=""))
cat(paste("Models a priori:\n "))
cat(postpr.out$names$models, sep=", ")
cat(paste("\nModels a posteriori:\n "))
cat(postmod, sep=", ")
if(corr & length(unique(nmodels))>1){
warning("Posterior model probabilities are corrected for unequal number of simulations per models.", immediate.=T, call.=F)
if(rejection || method == "rejection"){
if(print) cat("Proportion of accepted simulations (rejection):\n")
allpr <- table(allvals)/length(allvals)
ratio <- (allpr*npost) / nmodels
allpr <- ratio/sum(ratio)
prnames <- dimnames(allpr)$allvals
allpr <- c(allpr); names(allpr) <- prnames
if(print) print(round(allpr, digits=digits))
pr.rej <- table(allvals)/length(allvals)
bf.rej <- t(matrix(pr.rej, nmod, nmod, byrow=T)/matrix(pr.rej, nmod, nmod, byrow=F))
colnames(bf.rej) <- postmod
rownames(bf.rej) <- postmod
bf.rej <- as.table(bf.rej)
cat("\nBayes factors:\n")
print(round(bf.rej, digits=digits))
else bf.rej <- NA
if(method == "mnlogistic" | method == "neuralnet"){
cat(paste("Posterior model probabilities (", method, "):\n", sep=""))
print(round(pred, digits=digits))
bf.reg <- t(matrix(pred[pred!=0], nmod, nmod, byrow=T)/matrix(pred[pred!=0], nmod, nmod, byrow=F))
colnames(bf.reg) <- postmod
rownames(bf.reg) <- postmod
bf.reg <- as.table(bf.reg)
cat("\nBayes factors:\n")
print(round(bf.reg, digits=digits))
else bf.reg <- NA
if(method == "mnlogistic")
out <- list(rejection=list(Prob=allpr, BayesF=bf.rej), mnlogistic=list(Prob=pred, BayesF=bf.reg))
if(method == "neuralnet")
out <- list(rejection=list(Prob=allpr, BayesF=bf.rej), neuralnet=list(Prob=pred, BayesF=bf.reg))
out <- list(Prob=pred, BayesF=bf.reg)
else out <- list(Prob=allpr, BayesF=bf.rej)
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