
Defines functions transtime solartime get_suntimes cmean wrap gettime plot.lincircmod plot.actmod fitlincirc lincircKern compareTimes compareAct compareCkern fitact density2 redf dvmkern bwcalc ovl4 trigmolen dvonm

Documented in bwcalc cmean compareAct compareCkern compareTimes density2 dvmkern dvonm fitact fitlincirc get_suntimes gettime lincircKern ovl4 plot.actmod plot.lincircmod redf solartime transtime trigmolen wrap

#' Animal activity statistics
#' Provides functions to estimate and compare activity parameters from sensor data.
#' @details Sensors that record active animals (eg camera traps) build up a record of
#' the distribution of activity over the course of the day. Records are more frequent
#' when animals are more active, and less frequent or absent when animals are inactive.
#' The area under the distribution of records thus contains information on the overall
#' level of activity in a sampled population. This package provides tools for plotting
#' activity distributions, quantifying the overall level of activity with error, and
#' statistically comparing distributions through bootstrapping.
#' The core function is \code{fitact}, which creates an \code{actmod} object containing
#' the circular kernel PDF, and the activity level estimate derived from this. The
#' generic plot function for \code{actmod} objects plots the distribution. Functions
#' starting with \code{compare} make statistical comparisons between distributions or
#' activity estimates. Note that all time or other circular data should be in radians
#' (in the range 0 to 2*pi).
#' @references Rowcliffe, M., Kays, R., Kranstauber, B., Carbone, C., Jansen, P.A. (2014) Quantifying animal activity level using camera trap data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
#' @name activity

#' Animal record time of day data
#' Barro Colorado Island 2008 data: times of day at which animal records occured
#' (\code{time}), together with species (\code{species}).
#' @format A dataframe with 17820 observations and 2 variables.
#' @source http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1160536
#' @name BCItime
#' @docType data

#' Animal speed data
#' Barro Colorado Island 2008 data: speeds of animal passages past camera traps
#' (\code{speed}), together with species (\code{species}) and time of day (\code{time})
#' for each record.
#' @format A dataframe with 2204 observations and 3 variables.
#' @source http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1160536
#' @name BCIspeed
#' @docType data

#' Activity model class.
#' An S4 class describing activity models fitted to time of observation data.
#' @slot data Object of class \code{"numeric"}, the input data.
#' @slot wt Object of class \code{"numeric"}, weights applied to the data.
#' @slot bw Object of class \code{"numeric"}, kernel bandwidth.
#' @slot adj Object of class \code{"numeric"}, kernel bandwidth adjustment multiplier.
#' @slot pdf Object of class \code{"matrix"} describing fitted probability density function:
#'  Column 1: A regular sequence of radian times at which PDF evaluated; range is [0, 2*pi] if unbounded, and sequence steps are range difference divided by 512.
#'  Column 2: Corresponding circular kernel PDF values.
#' Additionally if errors bootstrapped:
#'  Column 3: PDF standard error.
#'  Column 4: PDF lower 95\% confidence limit. Column 5: PDF upper 95\% confidence limit.
#' @slot act Object of class \code{"numeric"} giving activity level estimate and, if errors boostrapped, standard error and 95 percent confidence limits.
#' @export
         representation(data="numeric", wt="numeric", bw="numeric", adj="numeric",
                        pdf="matrix", act="numeric"))

#' An S4 class describing linear-circular relationships.
#' @slot data Object of class \code{"data.frame"}, the input data, with columns
#' \code{lindat} (linear data) and \code{circdat} (circular data).
#' @slot fit Object of class \code{"data.frame"}, summary of the model fit, with columns:
#'  \code{x}: A regular ascending sequence from 0 to 2*pi at which other columns evaluated;
#'  \code{fit}: The linear fitted values;
#'  \code{p}: The two tailed probability of observing the fitted values under a random (null) circular distribution;
#'  \code{nullLCL}: The lower 95\% confidence limit of the null distribution;
#'  \code{nullUCL}: The upper 95\% confidence limit of the null distribution.
#' @export
setClass("lincircmod", representation(data="data.frame", fit="data.frame"))

#' von Mises density function
#' Probability density function for the von Mises circular distribution.
#' If more than one of x, mu and k have length > 1, values are recycled.
#' @param x numeric angles (assumed to be radian).
#' @param mu numeric, the mean direction of the distribution.
#' @param k non-negative numeric, the concentration parameter distribution (kappa).
#' @param log if TRUE log probabilities are returned.
#' @return Probability density value(s).
#' @examples
#' dvonm(seq(0, 2*pi, len=10), pi, 1)
#' @export
dvonm <- function(x, mu, k, log=FALSE){
  if(any(k<0)) stop("The concentration parameter k must be non-negative")
  x <- x %% (2*pi)
  mu <- mu %% (2*pi)
  res <- (exp(cos(x-mu) - 1))^k / (2 * pi * besselI(k, 0, TRUE))
  if(log) res <- log(res)

#' title trigonometric moment length
#' Calculate trigonometric moment length
#' @param x a vector of circular values, assumed to be radian.
#' @param p order of trigonometric moment to be computed.
#' @return Trigonometric moment length of the input.
#' @export
trigmolen <- function(x, p){
  n <- length(x)
  cmean <- atan2(sum(sin(x)), sum(cos(x)))
  sin.p <- sum(sin(p * (x - cmean)))/n
  cos.p <- sum(cos(p * (x - cmean)))/n
  sqrt(sin.p^2 + cos.p^2)

#' Index of overlap between circular distributions.
#' Calculates Dhat4 overlap index (see reference) between two kernel distributions.
#' Uses linear interpolation to impute values from kernel distributions.
#' @param fit1,fit2 Fitted activity models of class actmod created using function fitact.
#' @return Scalar overlap index (specifically Dhat4).
#' @references Ridout, M.S. & Linkie, M. (2009) Estimating overlap of daily activity patterns from camera trap data. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics, 14, 322-337.
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' oceAct <- fitact(subset(BCItime, species=="ocelot")$time*2*pi)
#' broAct <- fitact(subset(BCItime, species=="brocket")$time*2*pi)
#' ovl4(oceAct, broAct)
#' @export
ovl4 <- function(fit1, fit2){
  f <- stats::approxfun(fit1@pdf[,1], fit1@pdf[,2])
  g <- stats::approxfun(fit2@pdf[,1], fit2@pdf[,2])
  fx <- f(fit1@data)
  gx <- g(fit1@data)
  fy <- f(fit2@data)
  gy <- g(fit2@data)
  xr <- gx/fx
  yr <- fy/gy
  (mean(ifelse(xr>1, 1, xr)) + mean(ifelse(yr>1, 1, yr))) / 2

#' Calculate circular kernel bandwidth.
#' Uses an optimisation procedure to calculate the circular kernel bandwidth giving the best fit to the data.
#' Mainly for internal use.
#' @param dat Numeric data vector of radian times.
#' @param K Integer number of values of kappa over which to maximise (see references for details).
#' @return Single numeric bandwidth value.
#' @references Ridout, M.S. & Linkie, M. (2009) Estimating overlap of daily activity patterns from camera trap data. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics, 14, 322-337.
#' @export
bwcalc <- function(dat,K=3)
{  if(!all(dat>=0 & dat<=2*pi)) warning("some dat values are <0 or >2*pi, expecting radian data")
   if(max(dat)<1) warning("max(dat) < 1, expecting radian data")

   minfunc <- function(kap,k,dat){
     trigmom <- trigmolen(dat, k)
     (besselI(kap,k)/besselI(kap,0) - trigmom)^2
   kapk.calc <- function(k,dat)
   kap <- max(sapply(1:K, kapk.calc, dat))
   ((3*length(dat)*kap^2*besselI(2*kap,2)) / (4*pi^0.5*besselI(kap,0)^2))^(2/5)

#' Circular kernel probability density function.
#' Optionally weighted Von Mises kernel probability densities.
#' If \code{bw} not provided it is calculated internally using \code{bw.calc}. The \code{adj} argument is used to adjust \code{bw} to facilitate exploration of fit flexibility.
#' @param x Numeric vector of radian times at which to evaluate the PDF.
#' @param dat Numeric vector of radian time data to which the PDF is fitted.
#' @param wt A numeric vector of weights for each \code{dat} value.
#' @param bw Numeric value for kernel bandwidth.
#' @param adj Numeric kernel bandwidth multiplier.
#' @return Numeric vector of probability densities evaluated at \code{x}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{bwcalc}}
#' @examples
#' #Example with made up input
#' tt <- runif(100,0,2*pi)
#' xx <- seq(0,2*pi, pi/256)
#' pdf <- dvmkern(xx, tt)
#' plot(xx, pdf, type="l")
#' @export
dvmkern <- function(x,dat,wt=NULL,bw=NULL,adj=1){
  if(!all(dat>=0 & dat<=2*pi)) warning("some dat values are <0 or >2*pi, expecting radian data")
  if(max(dat)<1) warning("max(dat) < 1, expecting radian data")
  if(!all(x>=0 & x<=2*pi)) warning("some x values are <0 or >2*pi, expecting radian values")
  if(!is.null(wt) & length(wt)!=length(dat)) stop("dat and wt have different lengths")

  if(is.null(bw)) bw <- bwcalc(dat)
  if(is.null(wt)) wt <- rep(1,length(dat))
  dx <- expand.grid(dat,x)
  dif <- abs(dx[,2]-dx[,1])
  i <- dif>pi
  dif[i] <- 2*pi-dif[i]
  prob <- dvonm(dif, 0, bw*adj)
  apply(matrix(prob*wt, nrow=length(dat)),2,sum)/sum(wt)

#' Random numbers from empirical distribution function.
#' Random numbers drawn from an empirical distribution defined by paired values and probabilities.
#' @details The distribution function is defined by \code{fit}, which must be a dataframe containing (at least) columns named:
#'  x: a regular sequence of values from which to draw;
#'  y: corresponding pdf values.
#' @param n Integer number of random numbers to return.
#' @param fit Data frame defining the emprical distribution (see details).
#' @return A numeric vector.
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' tm <- 2*pi*subset(BCItime, species=="paca")$time
#' mod <- fitact(tm)
#' rn <- redf(1000, as.data.frame(mod@pdf))
#' @export
redf <- function(n, fit){
  if(sum(c("x","y") %in% names(fit)) != 2) stop("fit must be a dataframe with (at least) columns named x and y")
  if(diff(range(diff(fit$x)))>0.0001) stop("x doesn't seem to be a regular sequence")

  df <- (fit$y[-1]+fit$y[-nrow(fit)])/2
  cdf <- c(0,cumsum(df)/sum(df))
  rn <- stats::runif(n)
  stats::approx(cdf, fit$x, rn)$y

#' Modified kernel density function
#' Modifies \code{stats::density} by:
#'  Adding SE and 95\% confidence intervals for the density to the output; and
#'  Truncating calculation (not just reporting) of density  values on from and/or to.
#' @details Truncation copes with cases where no data are available outside truncation points.
#' Truncation is achieved by fitting the density to the data augmented by reflecting it
#' across each bound using the optimal bandwidth for the unaugmented data, and returning
#' the resulting densities for the region between the bounds.
#' @param x numeric data vector
#' @param reps bootstrap iterations for SE/interval calculation; set to NULL to suppress
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{stas::density}
#' @return A list with the same components as \code{stats::density} output plus:
#'  \code{se}: standard error of the density
#'  \code{lcl}, \code{ucl}: lower and upper 95\% confidence intervals of the density

#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' tm <- subset(BCItime, species=="ocelot")$time
#' dens <- density2(tm, from=0.25, to=0.75)
#' plot(dens$x, dens$y, type="l")
#' @export
density2 <- function(x, reps=999, ...){
  prm <- list(...)
  prmnm <- names(prm)

  if(sum(c("from","to") %in% prmnm)==2)
    if(prm$from>prm$to) stop("When double-bounded, from must be less than to")

  warn <- FALSE
  dmult <- 1
  xx <- x
  wt <- prm$weights
  if("from" %in% prmnm){
      warn <- TRUE
      x <- x[x>prm$from]
      if(!is.null(wt)) prm$weights <- prm$weights[x>prm$from]
    dmult <- dmult+1
    xx <- c(xx, 2*prm$from-x)
    if(!is.null(wt)) wt <- c(wt, prm$weights)
  if("to" %in% prmnm){
      warn <- TRUE
      x <- x[x<prm$to]
      if(!is.null(prm$weights)) prm$weights <- prm$weights[x<prm$to]
    dmult <- dmult+1
    xx <- c(xx, 2*prm$to-x)
    if(!is.null(wt)) wt <- c(wt, prm$weights)
  if(warn) warning("Some x values outside bounds were removed")
  if(!is.null(wt)) wt <- wt/sum(wt)
  prm$weights <- wt
  if(!("bw" %in% prmnm & is.numeric(prm$bw))){
    bw <- stats::density(x, ...)$bw
    prm$bw <- bw

  dens <- do.call(stats::density, append(list(x=xx), prm))
  dens$y <- dens$y*dmult
    f <- function(){
      xs <- sample(xx, length(xx), replace=T)
      denss <- do.call(stats::density, append(list(x=xs), prm))
    bsres <- replicate(reps, f())
    se <- t(apply(bsres, 1, stats::sd))
    ci <- t(apply(bsres, 1, stats::quantile, c(0.025,0.975)))
    dens <- c(dens, se=se, lcl=list(ci[,1]), ucl=list(ci[,2]))

#' Fit activity model to time-of-day data
#' Fits kernel density to radian time-of-day data and estimates activity level from this distribution.
#' Optionally: 1. bootstraps the distribution, in which case SEs and confidence limits are also
#' stored for activity level and PDF; 2. weights the distribution; 3. truncates the distribution at given times.
#' @details When no \code{bounds} are given (default), a circular kernel distribution is fitted using \code{dvmkern}.
#' Otherwise, a normal kernel distribution is used, truncated at the values of \code{bounds}, using \code{density2}.
#' The bandwidth adjustment multiplier \code{adj} is provided to allow
#' exploration of the effect of adjusting the internally calculated bandwidth on
#' accuracy of activity level estimates.
#' The alternative bootstrapping methods defined by \code{sample} are:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{"none"}: no bootstrapping}
#'  \item{\code{"data"}: sample from the data}
#'  \item{\code{"model"}: sample from the fitted probability density distribution}
#'  }
#' It's generally better to sample from the data, but sampling from
#' the fitted distribution can sometimes provide more sensible confidence intervals when
#' the number of observations is very small.
#' @param dat A numeric vector of radian time-of-day data.
#' @param wt A numeric vector of weights for each \code{dat} value.
#' @param reps Number of bootstrap iterations to perform. Ignored if \code{sample=="none"}.
#' @param bw Numeric value for kernel bandwidth. If NULL, calculated internally.
#' @param adj Numeric bandwidth adjustment multiplier.
#' @param sample Character string defining sampling method for bootstrapping errors (see details).
#' @param bounds A two-element vector defining radian bounds at which to truncate.
#' @param show Logical whether or not to show a progress bar while bootstrapping.
#' @return An object of type \code{actmod}
#' @examples
#' #Fit without confidence limits
#' data(BCItime)
#' tm <- 2*pi*subset(BCItime, species=="brocket")$time
#' mod1 <- fitact(tm)
#' plot(mod1)
#' #Fit with confidence limits (limited reps to speed up)
#' mod2 <- fitact(tm, sample="data", reps=10)
#' plot(mod2)
#' #Fit weighted function to correct for detection radius 1.2 times higher
#' #by day than by night, assuming day between pi/2 (6 am) and pi*2/3 (6 pm)
#' weight <- 1/ifelse(tm>pi/2 & tm<pi*3/2, 1.2, 1)
#' mod3 <- fitact(tm, wt=weight)
#' plot(mod3)
#' #Overplot unweighted version for comparison
#' plot(mod1, add=TRUE, tline=list(col=2))
#' #Fit truncated function to consider only night time records,
#' #assuming night between pi*3/2 (6 pm) and pi/3 (6 am)
#' mod4 <- fitact(tm, bounds=c(pi*3/2, pi/2))
#' plot(mod4, centre="night")
#' @export
fitact <- function(dat, wt=NULL, reps=999, bw=NULL, adj=1, sample=c("none","data","model"),
                   bounds=NULL, show=TRUE)
{ if(!is.null(wt) & length(wt)!=length(dat)) stop("dat and wt have different lengths")

  sample <- match.arg(sample)
    if(any(wt<0)) stop("Weights must be non-negative")
    wt <- wt/sum(wt)

  if(is.null(bounds)){ #circular kernel
    if(is.null(bw)) bw <- bwcalc(dat)
    x <- seq(0,2*pi,pi/256)
    pdf <- dvmkern(x, dat, wt, adj, bw)
    act <- 1/(2*pi*max(pdf))
  } else{ #truncated normal kernel
    if(length(bounds)!=2) stop("If provided, bounds must be a two-element vector")
    if(min(bounds)<0 | max(bounds)>2*pi) stop("bounds must be radian (between 0 and 2*pi)")
    bdiff <- diff(bounds)
      dat <- dat-ifelse(dat>pi, 2*pi, 0)
      bounds[1] <- bounds[1]-2*pi
      bdiff <- diff(bounds)
    oob <- dat<bounds[1] | dat>bounds[2]
      warning("Some x values outside bounds were removed")
      dat <- dat[!oob]
        wt <- wt[!oob]
        wt <- wt/sum(wt)
    dens <- density2(dat, from=bounds[1], to=bounds[2], weights=wt, adjust=adj,
                     bw=if(is.null(bw)) "nrd0" else bw, reps=NULL)
    bw <- dens$bw
    x <- dens$x
    pdf <- dens$y
    act <- 1/(bdiff*max(pdf))

    sepdf <- lclpdf <- uclpdf <- seact <- lclact <- uclact <- numeric(0) else{
        samp <- matrix(redf(reps*length(dat), data.frame(x=x,y=pdf)), ncol=reps) else
          samp <- matrix(sample(dat, reps*length(dat), replace=TRUE, prob=wt), ncol=reps)

            pdfs <- pbapply::pbapply(samp, 2, function(dat) dvmkern(x,dat,wt,adj=adj)) else
              pdfs <- apply(samp, 2, function(dat) dvmkern(x,dat,wt,adj=adj))
        } else
            pdfs <- pbapply::pbapply(samp, 2, function(dat) density2(dat, from=bounds[1], to=bounds[2],
                                     weights=wt, adjust=adj, bw=if(is.null(bw)) "nrd0" else bw,
                                     reps=NULL)$y) else
              pdfs <- apply(samp, 2, function(dat) density2(dat, from=bounds[1], to=bounds[2], weights=wt,
                          adjust=adj, bw=if(is.null(bw)) "nrd0" else bw, reps=NULL)$y)

    sepdf <- apply(pdfs,1,stats::sd)
    lclpdf <- apply(pdfs,1,stats::quantile,probs=0.025)
    uclpdf <- apply(pdfs,1,stats::quantile,probs=0.975)
    if(is.null(bounds)) acts <- 1/(2*pi*apply(pdfs,2,max)) else
      acts <- 1/(bdiff*apply(pdfs,2,max))
    seact <- stats::sd(acts)
    lclact <- stats::quantile(acts,0.025)
    uclact <- stats::quantile(acts,0.975)

  if(is.null(wt)) wt <- 1
    dat <- dat+ifelse(dat<0, 2*pi, 0)
    x <- x+ifelse(x<0, 2*pi, 0)
  pdftab <- cbind(x=x, y=pdf, se=sepdf, lcl=lclpdf, ucl=uclpdf)[order(x), ]

  methods::new("actmod", data=dat, wt=wt, bw=bw, adj=adj, pdf=pdftab,
      act=c(act=act, se=seact, lcl=lclact, ucl=uclact))

#' Compare circular distributions.
#' Randomisation test for the probability that two sets of circular observations come from the same distribution.
#' Calculates overlap index Dhat4 (see references) for the two fitted distributions, then generates a null distribution of overlap indices using data sampled randomly with replacement from the combined data.
#' This randomised distribution is then used to define an empirical probability distribution against which  the probability that the observed overlap arose by chance is judged.
#' When one or both fitted models use weighted distributions, sampling probabilities are taken from the weights. If both models are weighted, the weights must therefore be on the same scale.
#' @param fit1,fit2 Fitted activity models of class actmod created using function fitact.
#' @param reps Number of bootstrap iterations.
#' @return A named 4-element vector: obs = observed overlap index; null = mean null overlap index; seNull = standard error of the null distribution; pNull = probability observed index arose by chance.
#' @references Ridout, M.S. & Linkie, M. (2009) Estimating overlap of daily activity patterns from camera trap data. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics, 14, 322-337.
#' @examples
#' #Example with bootstrap reps limited to reduce run time
#' data(BCItime)
#' tPaca <- 2*pi*BCItime$time[BCItime$species=="paca"]
#' tRat <- 2*pi*BCItime$time[BCItime$species=="rat"]
#' fPaca <- fitact(tPaca)
#' fRat <- fitact(tRat)
#' compareCkern(fPaca,fRat,reps=10)
#' @export
compareCkern <- function(fit1, fit2, reps=999){
  if(!inherits(fit1, "actmod") | !inherits(fit2, "actmod"))
    stop("Input must be fitted activity models (class actmod)")
  bnd <- range(fit1@pdf[,1])
    stop("Distribution bounds are not identical")

  if(diff(bnd)==2*pi) bnd <- NULL
  olp <- ovl4(fit1,fit2)
  y1 <- fit1@data
  y2 <- fit2@data
  w1 <- fit1@wt
  w2 <- fit2@wt
  if(length(w1)==1) w1 <- rep(1, length(y1))
  if(length(w2)==1) w2 <- rep(1, length(y2))
  y <- c(y1,y2)
  w <- c(w1,w2)
  samp <- matrix(sample(1:length(y), reps*length(y), replace=T, prob=w), nrow=reps)
  f <- function(s){
    m1 <- fitact(y[s[1:length(y1)]], sample="n", bw=fit1@bw, adj=fit1@adj, bounds=bnd)
    m2 <- fitact(y[s[(length(y1)+1):length(y)]], sample="n", bw=fit1@bw, adj=fit1@adj, bounds=bnd)
  res <- pbapply::pbapply(samp, 1, f)
  fun <- stats::ecdf(res)
  c(obs=olp, null=mean(res), seNull=stats::sd(res), pNull=fun(olp))

#' Compare activity level estimates
#' Wald test for the statistical difference between two or more activitiy level estimates.
#' Uses a Wald test to ask whether the difference between estimates a1 and a2 is
#' significantly different from 0: statistic W = (a1-a2)^2 / (SE1^2+SE2^2) tested
#' on chi-sq distribution with 1 degree of freedom.
#' @param fits A list of fitted \code{actmod} objects
#' @return A matrix with 4 columns: 1. differences between estimates; 2. SEs of the differences; 3. Wald statistics; 4. p-values (H0 is no difference between estimates). Matrix rows give all possible pairwise comparisons, numbered in the order in which they entered in the list \code{fits}.
#' @examples
#' #Test whether paca have a sigificantly different activity level from rat.
#' #Bootstrap reps limited to speed up example.
#' data(BCItime)
#' tPaca <- 2*pi*BCItime$time[BCItime$species=="ocelot"]
#' tRat <- 2*pi*BCItime$time[BCItime$species=="rat"]
#' fPaca <- fitact(tPaca, sample="data", reps=10)
#' fRat <- fitact(tRat, sample="data", reps=10)
#' fPaca@act
#' fRat@act
#' compareAct(list(fPaca,fRat))
#' @export
compareAct <- function(fits)
{ if(!inherits(fits, "list") | !all(unlist(lapply(fits,inherits,"actmod"))))
    stop("fits must be a list of actmod objects")
  if(min(unlist(lapply(fits, function(x) length(x@act))))==1)
    stop("all input model fits must be boostrapped")

  len <- length(fits)
  i <- rep(1:(len-1), (len-1):1)
  j <- unlist(sapply(2:len, function(i) i:len))
  acts <- unlist(lapply(fits, function(fit) fit@act[1]))
  seacts <- unlist(lapply(fits, function(fit) fit@act[2]))
  dif <- acts[i]-acts[j]
  vardif <- seacts[i]^2 + seacts[j]^2
  W <- dif^2/vardif
  prob <- 1-stats::pchisq(W,1)
  res <- cbind(Difference=dif, SE=sqrt(vardif), W=W, p=prob)
  dimnames(res)[[1]] <- paste(i,j,sep="v")

#' Compare activity between times of day
#' Uses a Wald test to statistically compare activity levels at given radian times of day for a fitted activity distribution.
#' Bootrapping the activity model yields standard error estimates for the PDF. This function uses these SEs to compute a Wald statistic for the difference between PDF values (by inference activity levels) at given times of day: statistic W = (a1-a2)^2 / (SE1^2+SE2^2) tested on chi-sq distribution with 1 degree of freedom.
#' @param fit Fitted \code{actmod} object with errors boostrapped (fit using \code{fitact} with \code{sample} argument != "none").
#' @param times Numeric vector of radian times of day at which to compare activity levels. All pairwise comparisons are made.
#' @return A matrix with 4 columns: 1. differences between PDF values; 2. SEs of the differences; 3. Wald statistics; 4. p-values (H0 is no difference between estimates). Matrix rows give all possible pairwise comparisons, numbered in the order in which they appear in vector \code{times}.
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' tPaca <- 2*pi*BCItime$time[BCItime$species=="paca"]
#' fPaca <- fitact(tPaca, sample="data", reps=10)
#' plot(fPaca)
#' compareTimes(fPaca, c(5.5,6,0.5,1))
#' @export
compareTimes <- function(fit, times)
{ if(!inherits(fit, "actmod")) stop("fit input must be an actmod object")
  if(!all(times>=0 & times<=2*pi)) stop("some times are <0 or >2*pi, expecting radian data")

  len <- length(times)
  i <- rep(1:(len-1), (len-1):1)
  j <- unlist(sapply(2:len, function(i) i:len))
  k <- findInterval(times, fit@pdf[,1])
  p <- (times-fit@pdf[,1][k]) / (fit@pdf[,1][k+1]-fit@pdf[,1][k])
  pdfs1 <- fit@pdf[,2][k]
  pdfs2 <- fit@pdf[,2][k+1]
  pdfs <- pdfs1 + p*(pdfs2-pdfs1)
  sepdfs1 <- fit@pdf[,3][k]
  sepdfs2 <- fit@pdf[,3][k+1]
  sepdfs <- sepdfs1 + p*(sepdfs2-sepdfs1)
  dif <- pdfs[i]-pdfs[j]
  vardif <- sepdfs[i]^2 + sepdfs[j]^2
  W <- dif^2/vardif
  prob <- 1-stats::pchisq(W,1)
  res <- cbind(Difference=dif, SE=sqrt(vardif), W=W, p=prob)
  dimnames(res)[[1]] <- paste(i,j,sep="v")

#' Linear-circular kernel fit
#' Fits a Von Mises kernel distribution describing a linear variable as a function of a circular predictor.
#' @param x Numeric vector of radian values at which to evaluate the distribution.
#' @param circdat Numeric vector of radian data matched with \code{lindat}.
#' @param lindat Numeric vector of linear data matched with \code{circdat}.
#' @return A numeric vector of fitted \code{lindat} values matched with \code{x}.
#' @references Xu, H., Nichols, K. & Schoenberg, F.P. (2011) Directional kernel regression for wind and fire data. Forest Science, 57, 343-352.
#' @examples
#' data(BCIspeed)
#' i <- BCIspeed$species=="ocelot"
#' log_speed <- log(BCIspeed$speed[i])
#' time <- BCIspeed$time[i]*2*pi
#' circseq <- seq(0,2*pi,pi/256)
#' trend <- lincircKern(circseq, time, log_speed)
#' plot(time, log_speed, xlim=c(0, 2*pi))
#' lines(circseq, trend)
#' @export
lincircKern <- function(x,circdat,lindat)
{ if(length(lindat)!=length(circdat))
  stop("lindat and circdat lengths are unequal")
  if(min(circdat)<0 | max(circdat)>2*pi)
    stop("circdat values not between 0 and 2*pi, expecting radian data")
  if(min(x)<0 | max(x)>2*pi)
    stop("x values not between 0 and 2*pi, expecting radian values")

  hs <- 1.06 * min(stats::sd(lindat), (stats::quantile(lindat,0.75)-stats::quantile(lindat,0.25))/1.34) *
  bw <- 1/hs^2
  dx <- expand.grid(circdat,x)
  dif <- abs(dx[,2]-dx[,1])
  i <- dif>pi
  dif[i] <- 2*pi-dif[i]
  prob <- matrix(dvonm(dif, 0, bw), nrow=length(circdat))
  apply(prob,2,function(z) mean(z*lindat)/mean(z))

#' Linear-circular regression
#' Fits a Von Mises kernel distribution describing a linear variable as a function
#' of a circular predictor, and boostraps the null distribution in order to evaluate
#' significance of radial variation in the linear variable.
#' Deviation of \code{lindat} from the null expecation is assessed either visually
#' by the degree to which the fitted distribution departs from the null confidence
#' interval (use generic plot function), or quantitatively by column \code{p} of
#' slot \code{fit} in the resulting \code{lincircmod-class} object.
#' @param circdat Numeric vector of radian data matched with \code{lindat}.
#' @param lindat Numeric vector of linear data matched with \code{circdat}.
#' @param pCI Single numeric value between 0 and 1 defining proportional confidence interval to return.
#' @param reps Integer number of bootstrap repetitions to perform.
#' @param res Resolution of fitted distribution and null confidence interval - specifically a single integer number of points on the circular scale at which to record distributions.
#' @return An object of type \code{\link{lincircmod-class}}
#' @references Xu, H., Nichols, K. & Schoenberg, F.P. (2011) Directional kernel regression for wind and fire data. Forest Science, 57, 343-352.
#' @examples
#' #Example with reps limited to increase speed
#' data(BCIspeed)
#' i <- BCIspeed$species=="ocelot"
#' sp <- log(BCIspeed$speed[i])
#' tm <- BCIspeed$time[i]*2*pi
#' mod <- fitlincirc(tm, sp, reps=50)
#' plot(mod, CircScale=24, xaxp=c(0,24,4), xlab="Time", ylab="log(speed)")
#' legend(8,-3, c("Fitted speed", "Null CI"), col=1:2, lty=1:2)
#' @export
fitlincirc <- function(circdat, lindat, pCI=0.95, reps=10, res=512)
{ if(length(lindat)!=length(circdat))
  stop("lindat and circdat lengths are unequal")
  if(min(circdat)<0 | max(circdat)>2*pi)
    stop("circdat values not between 0 and 2*pi, expecting radian data")
    warning("max(circdat) < 1, expecting radian data")

  n <- length(circdat)
  x <- seq(0,2*pi,2*pi/res)

  bs <- pbapply::pbsapply(1:reps, function(i)
  {  j <- sample(1:n,n,TRUE)
  nulllcl <- apply(bs,1,stats::quantile,(1-pCI)/2)
  nullucl <- apply(bs,1,stats::quantile,(1+pCI)/2)
  fit <- lincircKern(x,circdat,lindat)
  p <- sapply(1:(res+1), function(i)
  { f <- stats::ecdf(bs[i,])
  p[p>0.5] <- 1-p[p>0.5]
  p <- 2*p

  methods::new("lincircmod", data=data.frame(circdat=circdat, lindat=lindat),
      fit=data.frame(x=x, fit=fit, p=p, nullLCL=nulllcl, nullUCL=nullucl))

#' Plot activity distribution
#' Plot an activity probability distribution from a fitted \code{actmod} object.
#' @details When xunit=="clock", The underlying numeric range of the x-axis is [0,24] if centre=="day",
#' or [-12,12] if centre=="night".
#' @param x Object of class \code{actmod}.
#' @param xunit Character string defining x-axis unit.
#' @param yunit Character string defining y-axis unit.
#' @param data Character string defining whether to plot the data distribution and if so which style to use.
#' @param centre Character string defining whether to centre the plot on midday or midnight.
#' @param dline List of plotting parameters for data lines.
#' @param tline List of plotting parameters for trend line.
#' @param cline List of plotting parameters for trend confidence interval lines.
#' @param add Logical defining whether to create a new plot (default) or add to an existing plot.
#' @param xaxis List of plotting parameters to pass to axis command for x-axis plot (see axis for arguments).
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to internal plot call affecting only the plot frame and y axis. Modify x axis through xaxis.
#' @return No return value, called to create a plot visualising an activity model.
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' otm <- 2*pi*subset(BCItime, species=="ocelot")$time
#' btm <- 2*pi*subset(BCItime, species=="brocket")$time
#' omod <- fitact(otm)
#' bmod <- fitact(btm)
#' plot(omod, yunit="density", data="none")
#' plot(bmod, yunit="density", data="none", add=TRUE, tline=list(col="red"))
#' legend("topleft", c("Ocelot", "Brocket deer"), col=1:2, lty=1)
#' mod <- fitact(otm, sample="data", reps=10)
#' plot(mod, dline=list(col="grey"),
#'           tline=list(col="red", lwd=2),
#'           cline=list(col="red", lty=3))
#' mod2 <- fitact(otm, bounds=c(pi*3/2, pi/2))
#' plot(mod2, centre="night")
#' plot(mod2, centre="night", xlim=c(-6,6), xaxis=list(at=seq(-6,6,2)))
#' @export
plot.actmod <- function(x, xunit=c("clock","hours","radians"), yunit=c("frequency","density"),
                        data=c("histogram","rug","both","none"), centre=c("day","night"),
                        dline=list(lwd=ifelse(data=="rug", 0.1, 1)), tline=NULL, cline=list(lty=2),
                        add=FALSE, xaxis=NULL, ...){

  #function sets up the plot parameters with appropriate scales and labels with flexibility for modifcation using ...
  setup <- function(...){
    pprm <- list(...)
    pprm <- append(list(x=xlim, y=ylim, type="n", xaxt="n"), pprm)
    if(!("ylim" %in% names(pprm))) pprm <- append(pprm, list(ylim=ylim))
    if(!("ylab" %in% names(pprm)))
      pprm <- switch(yunit,
                     "frequency"=append(pprm, list(ylab="Frequency")),
                     "density"=append(pprm, list(ylab="Density"))
    if(!("xlab" %in% names(pprm)))
      pprm <- switch(xunit,
                     "clock"=append(pprm, list(xlab="Time")),
                     "hours"=append(pprm, list(xlab="Hours")),
                     "radians"=append(pprm, list(xlab="Radians"))
    do.call(graphics::plot, pprm)
    xaxis <- append(list(side=1), xaxis[!(names(xaxis)=="side")])
      if(!("at" %in% names(xaxis))){
        at <- switch(centre,
                     "day"=seq(0, 24, 6),
                     "night"=seq(-12, 12, 6)
        xaxis <- append(xaxis, list(at=at))
      if(!("labels" %in% names(xaxis))){
        at <- xaxis$at
        hh <- trunc(at)
        mm <- round(60*(at-trunc(at)), 0)
        hh <- hh + ifelse(hh<0,24,0) - ifelse(mm<0, 1, 0)
        mm <- mm + ifelse(mm<0, 60, 0)
        lab <- paste0(ifelse(hh<10,"0",""), hh, ":", ifelse(mm<10,"0",""), mm)
        xaxis <- append(xaxis, list(labels=lab))
    do.call(graphics::axis, xaxis)
  ### end setup function ###

  data <- match.arg(data)
  xunit <- match.arg(xunit)
  yunit <- match.arg(yunit)
  centre <- match.arg(centre)
  if(!"lty" %in% names(cline)) cline <- append(cline, list(lty=2))

  fit <- x
  pdf <- fit@pdf
  fdata <- fit@data

    if(diff(range(pdf[,1]))==2*pi | min(pdf[,1]>=0)){
      if(diff(range(pdf[,1]))==2*pi) pdf <- pdf[-1,]
      pdf[,1] <- pdf[,1] - ifelse(pdf[,1]>pi, 2*pi, 0)
      pdf <- pdf[order(pdf[,1]), ]
    fdata <- fdata-ifelse(fdata>pi,2*pi,0)
    xlim <- c(-pi,pi)
  }else xlim <- c(0,2*pi)

  x <- pdf[,"x"]
  y <- pdf[,"y"]
  { lcl <- pdf[,"lcl"]
  ucl <- pdf[,"ucl"]
  } else lcl <- ucl <- numeric(0)

  if(xunit=="radians") maxbrk <- 2*pi else {
    xlim <- xlim*12/pi
    x <- x*12/pi
    fdata <- fdata*12/pi
    maxbrk <- 24

    y <- y*length(fdata)*pi/12
    lcl <- lcl*length(fdata)*pi/12
    ucl <- ucl*length(fdata)*pi/12
    if(xunit %in% c("clock","hours")){
      y <- y*pi/12
      lcl <- lcl*pi/12
      ucl <- ucl*pi/12

  if(data %in% c("histogram","both")){
    h <- switch(centre,
                "day"=graphics::hist(fdata, breaks=seq(0,maxbrk,maxbrk/24), plot=F),
                "night"=graphics::hist(fdata, breaks=seq(-maxbrk/2,maxbrk/2,maxbrk/24), plot=F))
    d <- switch(yunit,
    ylim <- c(0,max(y,d,ucl,na.rm=T))
  } else ylim <- c(0,max(y,ucl,na.rm=T))

  #Plot data
  if(!add) setup(...)
  if(data %in% c("histogram","both")){
    if(!"lwd" %in% names(dline)) dline <- append(dline, list(lwd=1))
    do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=h$breaks, y=c(d,d[1]), type="s"), dline))
  if(data %in% c("rug","both")){
    if(!"lwd" %in% names(dline)) dline <- append(dline, list(lwd=0.1))
    for(i in 1:length(fdata))
      do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=rep(fdata[i],2), y=max(y,na.rm=T)*-c(0,0.03)), dline))

  #Plot trend
  i <- x < switch(centre, "day"=ifelse(xunit=="radians", pi, 12), 0)
  do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=x[i], y=y[i]), tline))
  do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=x[!i], y=y[!i]), tline))

  #Plot conf intervals
  { do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=x[i], y=lcl[i]), cline))
    do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=x[i], y=ucl[i]), cline))
    do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=x[!i], y=lcl[!i]), cline))
    do.call(graphics::lines, append(list(x=x[!i], y=ucl[!i]), cline))

#' Plot linear-circular relationship
#' Plot linear against circular data along with the fitted and null confidence limit distributions from a fitted \code{lincircmod} object.
#' @param x Object of class \code{lincircmod}.
#' @param CircScale Single numeric value defining the plotting maximum of the circular scale.
#' @param tlim Numeric vector with two elements >=0 and <=1 defining the lower and upper limits at which to plot distributions; default plots the full range.
#' @param fcol,flty,ncol,nlty Define line colour (\code{col}) and type (\code{lty}) for fitted (\code{f}) and null (\code{n}) distributions; input types as for \code{col} and \code{lty}, see \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the inital plot construction, affecting axes and data plot symbols.
#' @return No return value, called to create a plot visualising a linear-circular relationship.
#' @export
plot.lincircmod <- function(x, CircScale=2*pi, tlim=c(0,1), fcol="black", flty=1, ncol="red", nlty=2, ...){

  if(min(tlim)<0 | max(tlim)>1 | length(tlim)!=2) stop("tlim should contain two values >=0 and <=1")

  fit <- x
  fit <- x@fit
  dat <- x@data
  xx <- fit$x*CircScale/(2*pi)
  LinearData <- dat$lindat
  CircularData <- dat$circdat*CircScale/(2*pi)
  range <- tlim*CircScale
  graphics::plot(CircularData, LinearData, ...)
  { i <- xx>=range[1] & xx<=range[2]
    graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$fit[i], col=fcol, lty=flty)
    graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$nullLCL[i], col=ncol, lty=nlty)
    graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$nullUCL[i], col=ncol, lty=nlty)
  } else
  {  i <- xx>=range[1]
     graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$fit[i], col=fcol, lty=flty)
     graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$nullLCL[i], col=ncol, lty=nlty)
     graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$nullUCL[i], col=ncol, lty=nlty)
     i <- xx<=range[2]
     graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$fit[i], col=fcol, lty=flty)
     graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$nullLCL[i], col=ncol, lty=nlty)
     graphics::lines(xx[i], fit$nullUCL[i], col=ncol, lty=nlty)

#' Convert time of day data to numeric
#' Accepts data of class POSIXct, POSIXlt or character and returns the  time of day element as numeric (any date element is ignored).
#' @param x A vector of POSIXct, POSIXlt or character format time data to convert.
#' @param scale The scale on which to return times (see Value for options).
#' @param ... arguments passed to as.POSIXlt
#' @param tryFormats formats to try when converting date from character, passed to as.POSIXlt
#' @return A vector of numeric times of day in units defined by the \code{scale} argument:
#' radian, on the range [0, 2*pi];
#' hours, on the range [0, 24];
#' proportion, on the range [0, 1].
#' @seealso \code{\link{strptime}}
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' rtime <- gettime(BCItime$date)
#' htime <- gettime(BCItime$date, "hour")
#' ptime <- gettime(BCItime$date, "proportion")
#' summary(rtime)
#' summary(htime)
#' summary(ptime)
#' @export
gettime <- function(x, scale=c("radian","hour","proportion"), ...,
                    tryFormats=c("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                 "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                 "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
                                 "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M",
                                 "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M",
  scale <- match.arg(scale)
  x <- as.POSIXlt(x, tryFormats=tryFormats, ...)
  res <- x$hour + x$min/60 + x$sec/3600
  if(scale=="radian") res <- res*pi/12
  if(scale=="proportion") res <- res/24
  if(all(res==0, na.rm=T)) warning("All times are 0: may be just strptime default?")

#' Wraps data on a given range.
#' Input data outside the given bounds (default radian [0, 2*pi]) are wrapped to appear within the range.
#' @details As an example of wrapping, on bounds [0, 1], a value of 1.2 will be converted to 0.2, while a value of -0.2 will be converted to 0.8.
#' @param x A vector of numeric data.
#' @param bounds The range within which to wrap \code{x} values
#' @return A vector of numeric values within the limits defined by \code{bounds}
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' adjtime <- BCItime$time + 1/24
#' summary(adjtime)
#' adjtime <- wrap(adjtime, c(0,1))
#' summary(adjtime)
#' @export
wrap <- function(x, bounds=c(0,2*pi)){
  bounds[1] + (x-bounds[1]) %% diff(bounds)

#' Circular mean
#' Calculates the average direction of a set of radian circular values.
#' @details The \code{base::mean} function is use internally, and additional arguments, e.g for missing data handling, are passed to this.
#' @param x A vector of radian values.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{mean}.
#' @return A radian value giving mean direction.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mean}}
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' times <- subset(BCItime, species=="ocelot")$time*2*pi
#' cmean(times)
#' @export
cmean <- function(x, ...){
  X <- mean(cos(x), ...)
  Y <- mean(sin(x), ...)
  wrap(atan(Y/X) + ifelse(X<0,pi,0))

#' Calculates solar event times
#' Calculates approximate times of sunrise and sunset and day lengths
#' for given dates at given locations.
#' @details Function adapted from https://www.r-bloggers.com/2014/09/seeing-the-daylight-with-r/
#' @param date character, POSIX or Date format date/time value(s)
#' @param lat,lon latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
#' @param offset the time offset in hours relative to UTC (GMT) for results
#' @param ... arguments passed to as.POSIXlt
#' @param tryFormats formats to try when converting date from character, passed to as.POSIXlt
#' @return A dataframe with columns sunrise and sunset (given in the timezone defined by offset) and daylength, all expressed in hours.
#' @references Teets, D.A. 2003. Predicting sunrise and sunset times. The College Mathematics Journal 34(4):317-321.
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' dat <- subset(BCItime, species=="ocelot")$date
#' get_suntimes(dat, 9.156335, -79.847682, -5)
#' @export
get_suntimes <- function(date, lat, lon, offset, ...,
                         tryFormats=c("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                      "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                      "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                      "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
                                      "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M",
                                      "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M",
  nlat <- length(lat)
  nlon <- length(lon)
  ndat <- length(date)
  if((nlat>1 & nlat!=ndat) | (nlon>1 & nlon!=ndat))
    stop("lat and lon must have length 1 or the same length as date")
  # Day of year
  d <- as.POSIXlt(date, tryFormats=tryFormats, ...)$yday + 1
  # Radius of the earth (km)
  R <- 6378
  # Radians between the xy-plane and the ecliptic plane
  epsilon <- 23.45 * pi / 180
  # Convert observer's latitude to radians
  L <- lat * pi / 180
  # Calculate offset of sunrise based on longitude (min)
  # If lon is negative, then the mod represents degrees West of
  # a standard time meridian, so timing of sunrise and sunset should
  # be made later.
  lon_h <- 24 * lon / 360
  # The earth's mean distance from the sun (km)
  r <- 149598000
  theta <- 2 * pi / 365.25 * (d - 80)
  zs <- r * sin(theta) * sin(epsilon)
  rp <- sqrt(r^2 - zs^2)
  acos_term <- (R-zs * sin(L)) / (rp * cos(L))
  t0 <- suppressWarnings(1440 / (2*pi) * acos(acos_term))
  # A kludge adjustment for the radius of the sun
  that <- t0+5
  # Adjust "noon" for the fact that the earth's orbit is not circular:
  n <- 720 - 10 * sin(4 * pi * (d-80) / 365.25) + 8 * sin(2*pi*d / 365.25)
  ## now sunrise and sunset are:
  sunrise <- (n - that) / 60 - lon_h + offset
  sunset <- (n + that) / 60 - lon_h + offset
  daylength <- ifelse(acos_term < -1, 24,
                      ifelse(acos_term > 1, 0,
  data.frame(sunrise=sunrise, sunset=sunset, daylength=daylength)

#' Transforms clock time to solar time anchored to sun rise and sunset times for a given location.
#' This is a wrapper for \code{transtime} that takes non-numeric date-time input together with latitude and longitude to calculate mean average sunrise and sunset times, which are then used to anchor the transformation using average anchoring.
#' @details Time zone \code{tz} should be expressed in numeric hours relative to UTC (GMT).
#' @param dat A vector of character, POSIXct or POSIXlt date-time values.
#' @param lat,lon Single numeric values or numeric vectors the same length as \code{dat} giving site latitude and longitude in decimal format.
#' @param tz A single numeric value or numeric vector same length as \code{dat} giving time zone (see Details).
#' @param ... arguments passed to as.POSIXlt
#' @param tryFormats formats to try when converting date from character, passed to as.POSIXlt
#' @return A list with elements:
#' @return \code{input}: event input dates-times in POSIXlt format.
#' @return \code{clock}: radian clock time data.
#' @return \code{solar}: radian solar time data anchored to average sun rise and sun set times.
#' @references Vazquez, C., Rowcliffe, J.M., Spoelstra, K. and Jansen, P.A. in press. Comparing diel activity patterns of wildlife across latitudes and seasons: time transformation using day length. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
#' @seealso \code{\link{strptime}, \link{transtime}}
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' subdat <- subset(BCItime, species=="ocelot")
#' times <- solartime(subdat$date, 9.156335, -79.847682, -5)
#' rawAct <- fitact(times$clock)
#' avgAct <- fitact(times$solar)
#' plot(rawAct)
#' plot(avgAct, add=TRUE, data="n", tline=list(col="cyan"))
#' @export
solartime <- function(dat, lat, lon, tz, ...,
                      tryFormats=c("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                   "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                   "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%OS",
                                   "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
                                   "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M",
                                   "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M",
  dat <- as.POSIXlt(dat, tryFormats=tryFormats, ...)
  posdat <- list(lat,lon,tz)
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(posdat, inherits, "numeric"))) |
     any(unlist(lapply(posdat, length)) != length(dat) &
         unlist(lapply(posdat, length)) != 1))
    stop("lat, lon and tz must all be numeric scalars, or vectors the same length as dat")

  suntimes <- wrap(get_suntimes(dat, lat, lon, tz)[,-3] * pi/12)
  tm <- gettime(dat)
  list(input=dat, clock=tm, solar=transtime(tm, suntimes))

#' Transforms clock time to solar times.
#' Transforms time expressed relative to either the time of a single solar event (anchor times - Nouvellet et al. 2012), or two solar events (such as sun rise and sun set - Vazquez et al. in press).
#' @details If double anchoring is requested (i.e. \code{type} is equinoctial
#' or average), the \code{anchor} argument requires a two-column matrix,
#' otherwise a vector. The argument \code{mnanchor} can usually be left at
#' its default \code{NULL} value. In this case, the mean anchors are set to
#' \code{c(pi/2, pi*3/2)} when \code{type}=="equinoctial", otherwise the
#' \code{anchor} mean(s).
#' Although the anchors for transformation are usually likely to be solar
#' events (e.g. sun rise and/or sunset), they could be other celestial
#' (e.g. lunar) or human-related (e.g. timing of artificial lighting) events.
#' @param dat A vector of radian event clock times.
#' @param anchor A vector or matrix matched with \code{dat} containing radian anchor times on the day of each event (see Details).
#' @param mnanchor A scalar or two-element vector of numeric radian mean anchor times (see Details).
#' @param type The type of transformation to use (see Details).
#' @return  A vector of radian transformed times.
#' @references Vazquez, C., Rowcliffe, J.M., Spoelstra, K. and Jansen, P.A. in press. Comparing diel activity patterns of wildlife across latitudes and seasons: time transformation using day length. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
#' @references Nouvellet, P., Rasmussen, G.S.A., Macdonald, D.W. and Courchamp, F. 2012. Noisy clocks and silent sunrises: measurement methods of daily activity pattern. Journal of Zoology 286: 179-184.
#' @examples
#' data(BCItime)
#' subdat <- subset(BCItime, species=="ocelot")
#' suntimes <- pi/12 * get_suntimes(subdat$date, 9.156335, -79.847682, -5)[, -3]
#' rawtimes <- subdat$time*2*pi
#' avgtimes <- transtime(rawtimes, suntimes)
#' eqntimes <- transtime(rawtimes, suntimes, type="equinoctial")
#' sngtimes <- transtime(rawtimes, suntimes[,1], type="single")
#' rawAct <- fitact(rawtimes)
#' avgAct <- fitact(avgtimes)
#' eqnAct <- fitact(eqntimes)
#' sngAct <- fitact(sngtimes)
#' plot(rawAct)
#' plot(avgAct, add=TRUE, data="n", tline=list(col="magenta"))
#' plot(eqnAct, add=TRUE, data="n", tline=list(col="orange"))
#' plot(sngAct, add=TRUE, data="n", tline=list(col="cyan"))
#' @export
transtime <- function(dat, anchor, mnanchor=NULL, type=c("average", "equinoctial", "single")){
  if(!all(dat>=0 & dat<=2*pi, na.rm=TRUE)) warning("some dat values are <0 or >2*pi, expecting radian data")
  if(max(dat, na.rm=TRUE)<1) warning("max(dat) < 1, expecting radian data")
  if(!all(anchor>=0 & anchor<=2*pi, na.rm=TRUE)) warning("some anchor values are <0 or >2*pi, expecting radian values")
  if(is.null(ncol(anchor))) anchor <- matrix(anchor, ncol=1)
  if(!all(apply(anchor, 2, is.numeric))) stop("anchor must be a numeric vector, matrix or data.frame")
  nr <- nrow(anchor)
  if(length(dat) != nr) stop("dat and anchor have different lengths")
  type <- match.arg(type)
  nc <- ncol(anchor)
  if(is.null(mnanchor)) mnanchor <- apply(anchor, 2, cmean, na.rm=TRUE)
    if(nc>1) warning("only one column needed for anchor; additional columns ignored")
  } else{
    if(nc==1) stop("double anchoring requires a two-column matrix or data.frame for anchor")
    if(!is.vector(mnanchor) | length(mnanchor)!=2) stop("if provided, mnanchor must be a 2-element vector for double anchoring")
    if(nc>2) warning("only two columns needed for anchor; additional columns ignored")

    res <- wrap(mnanchor[1] + dat - anchor[,1])
  } else{
    difs <- wrap(cbind(dat,dat)-anchor)
    flip <- difs[,1]>difs[,2]
    a1 <- ifelse(flip, anchor[,2], anchor[,1])
    a2 <- ifelse(flip, anchor[,1], anchor[,2])
    relpos <- wrap(dat-a1) / wrap(a2-a1)
    interval <- switch(type,
                       "average"=ifelse(flip, wrap(mnanchor[1]-mnanchor[2]), wrap(mnanchor[2]-mnanchor[1]))
    baseline <- switch(type,
                       "equinoctial"=ifelse(flip, pi*3/2, pi/2),
                       "average"=ifelse(flip, mnanchor[2], mnanchor[1])
    res <- wrap(baseline + interval * relpos)

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activity documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 9:08 a.m.