#'Decompose D in replacement and richness difference components
#'Podani-family and Baselga-family decompositions of the Jaccard and Sørensen
#'dissimilarity coefficients and their quantitative forms (Ruzicka and percentage
#'difference) into replacement and richness difference components, for species
#'presence-absence or abundance data, as described in Legendre (2014).
#'@param mat Community composition data (\code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}).
#'@param coef Family of coefficients to be computed. \itemize{\item "S" or
#' "Sorensen": Podani family, Sørensen-based indices. \item "J" or "Jaccard":
#' Podani family, Jaccard-based indices. \item "BS": Baselga family,
#' Sørensen-based indices. \item "BJ": Baselga family, Jaccard-based indices.
#' \item "N": Podani & Schmera (2011) relativized nestedness index.} The
#' quantitative form of the Sørensen dissimilarity is the percentage difference index.
#' The quantitative form of the Jaccard dissimilarity is the Ruzicka index.
#'@param quant If \code{TRUE}, compute the quantitative forms of replacement,
#' nestedness and D. If \code{FALSE}, compute the presence-absence forms of the
#' coefficients.
#'@param If \code{TRUE}, save the matrices of parameters a, b and c
#' used in presence-absence calculations.
#'@details For species presence-absence data, the dissimilarity coefficients are
#' Jaccard = (b+c)/(a+b+c) and Sørensen = (b+c)/(2*a+b+c) with the usual \code{a,b,c}
#' notation. For species abundance data, the dissimilarity coefficients are the
#' Ruzicka index = (B+C)/(A+B+C) and Odum's percentage difference =
#' (B+C)/(2A+B+C) (aka Bray-Curtis in some packages), where
#' \itemize{\item A = sum of the intersections (or minima) of species
#' abundances at two sites, \item B = sum of abundances at site 1 minus A,
#' \item C = sum of abundances at site 2 minus A.} The binary
#' (\code{quant=FALSE}) and quantitative (\code{quant=TRUE}) forms of the S and
#' J indices return the same values when computed for presence-absence data.
#'@return A list containing the following results:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{repl}: Replacement matrix, class = dist.
#' \item\code{rich}: Richness/abundance difference or nestedness matrix (class
#' \code{dist}). With options "BJ", "BS" and "N", \code{rich} contains
#' nestedness indices. With option "N", the repl[i,j] and rich[i,j] values do
#' not add up to D[i,j].
#' \item \code{D}: Dissimilarity matrix (class\code{dist}).
#' \item \code{part}: Beta diversity partitioning vector:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item BDtotal (total beta diversity) = sum(D.ij)/(n*(n-1)) (Legendre & De
#' Cáceres 2013). This is equal to sum(d.ij^2)/(n*(n-1)) where d.ij = sqrt(D.ij). The
#' dissimilarities are square-rooted because the Jaccard, Sørensen, Ruzicka and
#' percentage difference indices are not Euclidean.
#' \item Repl = Total replacement diversity.
#' \item RichDiff|Nes = Total richness difference diversity (or nestedness).
#' \item Repl/BDtotal = Total replacement diversity/Total beta diversity.
#' \item RichDiff/BDtotal = Total richness difference diversity (or nestedness)/Total
#' beta diversity.}
#' \item \code{note}: Name of the dissimilarity coefficient. }
#' The Jaccard and Sørensen dissimilarity
#' coefficients and their quantitative forms, the Ruzicka and percentage difference
#' indices, all have upper bounds (Dmax) of 1. Hence, when all sites contain a
#' different set of species with no species in common, the maximum value that
#' BDtotal can take is 0.5. See Legendre & De Caceres (2013, p. 958), section
#' Maximum value of BD. This differs form the values produced by function
#' beta.div(): with methods "hellinger", "chord" and "profiles", which have
#' maximum values of sqrt(2), BDtotal has a maximum value of 1 for these dissimilarities.
#'Baselga, A. (2010) Partitioning the turnover and nestedness components of beta
#'diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19, 134–143.
#'Baselga, A. (2012) The relationship between species replacement, dissimilarity
#'derived from nestedness, and nestedness. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21,
#'Baselga, A. (2013) Separating the two components of abundance-based
#'dissimilarity: balanced changes in abundance vs. abundance gradients. Methods
#'in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 552-557.
#'Carvalho, J.C., Cardoso, P., Borges, P.A.V., Schmera, D. & Podani, J. (2013)
#'Measuring fractions of beta diversity and their relationships to nestedness: a
#'theoretical and empirical comparison of novel approaches. Oikos, 122, 825-834.
#'Legendre, P. 2014. Interpreting the replacement and richness difference
#'components of beta diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 1324-1334.
#'Legendre, P. and M. De Cáceres. 2013. Beta diversity as the variance of
#'community data: dissimilarity coefficients and partitioning. Ecology Letters
#'16: 951-963.
#'Podani, J., Ricotta, C. & Schmera, D. (2013) A general framework for analyzing
#'beta diversity, nestedness and related community-level phenomena based on
#'abundance data. Ecological Complexity, 15, 52-61.
#'Podani, J. & Schmera, D. 2011. A new conceptual and methodological framework
#'for exploring and explaining pattern in presence-absence data. Oikos, 120,
#'@author Pierre Legendre \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{LCBD.comp}}
#' @examples
#' if(require(ade4, quietly = TRUE)){
#' data(doubs)
#' fish.sp = doubs$fish[-8,] # Fish data; site 8 is removed because no fish were caught
#' # Compute and partition a matrix of Jaccard indices (presence-absence data)
#' out1 = beta.div.comp(fish.sp, coef="J", quant=FALSE)
#' out1$part
#' # Compute and partition a matrix of percentage difference indices
#' # (quantitative form of Sorensen index)
#' out2 = beta.div.comp(fish.sp, coef="S", quant=TRUE)
#' out2$part
#' # In paragraph Value, see the description of the 5 elements of vector part.
#' # Is the fish beta diversity dominated by replacement or richness/abundance difference?
#' }
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @export beta.div.comp
beta.div.comp <-
coef = "J",
quant = FALSE, = FALSE) {
# License: GPL-2
# Author:: Pierre Legendre
if(sum( scale(mat, scale=FALSE)^2 )==0) stop("The data matrix has no variation")
if(any(mat<0)) stop("The data matrix contains negative values")
coef <- pmatch(coef, c("S", "J", "BS", "BJ", "N"))
if (coef == 5 &
stop("coef='N' and quant=TRUE: combination not programmed")
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
n <- nrow(mat)
if (is.null(rownames(mat)))
noms <- paste("Site", 1:n, sep = "")
noms <- rownames(mat)
if (!quant) {
# Binary data provided, or make the data binary
if (coef == 1)
form = "Podani family, Sorensen"
if (coef == 2)
form = "Podani family, Jaccard"
if (coef == 3)
form = "Baselga family, Sorensen"
if (coef == 4)
form = "Baselga family, Jaccard"
if (coef == 5)
form = "Podani & Schmera (2011) relativized nestedness"
mat.b <- ifelse(mat > 0, 1, 0)
a <- mat.b %*% t(mat.b)
b <- mat.b %*% (1 - t(mat.b))
c <- (1 - mat.b) %*% t(mat.b)
min.bc <- pmin(b, c)
if (coef == 1 || coef == 2) {
repl <- 2 * min.bc # replacement, turnover, beta-3
rich <-
abs(b - c) # nestedness, richness difference, beta-rich
# Add the denominators
if (coef == 1) {
# Sørensen-based components
repl <- repl / (2 * a + b + c)
rich <- rich / (2 * a + b + c)
D <- (b + c) / (2 * a + b + c)
} else if (coef == 2) {
# Jaccard-based components
repl <- repl / (a + b + c)
rich <- rich / (a + b + c)
D <- (b + c) / (a + b + c)
} else if (coef == 3) {
# Baselga 2010 components based on Sørensen
D <-
(b + c) / (2 * a + b + c) # Sørensen dissimilarity
repl <-
min.bc / (a + min.bc) # replacement, turnover
rich <-
D - repl # richness difference
} else if (coef == 4) {
# Baselga 2012 components based on Jaccard
D <-
(b + c) / (a + b + c) # Jaccard dissimilarity
repl <-
2 * min.bc / (a + 2 * min.bc) # replacement, turnover
rich <-
D - repl # richness difference
} else if (coef == 5) {
# rich = Podani N = nestdness based on Jaccard
repl <- 2 * min.bc / (a + b + c)
D <- (b + c) / (a + b + c)
rich <- matrix(0, n, n)
for (i in 2:n) {
for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
aa = a[i, j]
bb = b[i, j]
cc = c[i, j]
if (a[i, j] == 0)
rich[i, j] <- 0
rich[i, j] <-
(aa + abs(bb - cc)) / (aa + bb + cc)
rownames(repl) <- rownames(rich) <- rownames(D) <- noms
D <- as.dist(D)
repl <- as.dist(repl)
rich <- as.dist(rich)
total.div <- sum(D) / (n * (n - 1))
repl.div <- sum(repl) / (n * (n - 1))
rich.div <- sum(rich) / (n * (n - 1))
part <-
repl.div / total.div,
rich.div / total.div)
names(part) <- c("BDtotal","Repl","RichDif","Repl/BDtotal","RichDif/BDtotal")
names(part) <- c("BDtotal", "Repl", "Nes", "Repl/BDtotal", "Nes/BDtotal")
if ( {
res <- list(
repl = repl,
rich = rich,
D = D,
part = part,
Note = form,
a = as.dist(a),
b = as.dist(t(b)),
c = as.dist(t(c))
} else {
res <- list(
repl = repl,
rich = rich,
D = D,
part = part,
Note = form)
} else {
# Quantitative data
# Calculations based on individuals.within.species
if (coef == 1)
form <- "Podani family, percentage difference"
if (coef == 2)
form <- "Podani family, Ruzicka"
if (coef == 3)
form <- "Baselga family, percentage difference"
if (coef == 4)
form <- "Baselga family, Ruzicka"
# Baselga (2013) notation:
# A = sum of minima in among-site comparisons
# (called W in Legendre & Legendre 2012, p. 285 and p. 311)
# B = site.1 sum - A
# C = site.2 sum - A
repl <- matrix(0, n, n)
rich <- matrix(0, n, n)
D <- matrix(0, n, n)
rownames(repl) <- rownames(rich) <- rownames(D) <- noms
for(i in 2:n) {
for(j in 1:(i-1)) {
tmp = mat[i,] - mat[j,]
A = sum(pmin(mat[i,], mat[j,]))
B = sum(tmp[tmp>0]) # Sum of species losses between T1 and T2
C = -sum(tmp[tmp<0]) # Sum of species gains between T1 and T2
if(coef==1|| coef==3) {
den <- (2*A+B+C) # Sørensen-based (perc. diff.) components
} else if(coef==2|| coef==4) {
den <- (A+B+C) # Jaccard-based (Ruzicka) components
if(coef==1 || coef==2) { # Podani indices: perc. difference, Ruzicka
repl[i,j] <- 2*(min(B,C))/den # 2*min(B,C)/den
rich[i,j] <- abs(B-C)/den # abs(B-C)/den
D[i,j] <- (B+C)/den # (B+C)/den
# Baselga (2013): quantitative extensions of Baselga (2010) indices
if(coef==3) { # Baselga indices: percentage difference
repl[i,j] <- (min(B,C))/(A+min(B,C))
rich[i,j] <- abs(B-C)*A/(den*(A+min(B,C)))
D[i,j] <- (B+C)/den # (B+C)/den
if(coef==4) { # Baselga indices: Ruzicka
repl[i,j] <- 2*(min(B,C))/(A+2*min(B,C))
rich[i,j] <- abs(B-C)*A/(den*(A+2*min(B,C)))
D[i,j] <- (B+C)/den # (B+C)/den
repl <- as.dist(repl)
rich <- as.dist(rich)
D <- as.dist(D)
repl.div <- sum(repl) / (n * (n - 1))
rich.div <- sum(rich) / (n * (n - 1))
total.div <- sum(D) / (n * (n - 1))
part <-
repl.div / total.div,
rich.div / total.div)
names(part) <- c("BDtotal","Repl","RichDif","Repl/BDtotal","RichDif/BDtotal")
names(part) <- c("BDtotal", "Repl", "Nes", "Repl/BDtotal", "Nes/BDtotal")
res <- list(
repl = repl,
rich = rich,
D = D,
part = part,
Note = form)
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