
Defines functions discrete_scale continuous_scale check_breaks_labels

Documented in continuous_scale discrete_scale

#' @section Scales:
#' All \code{scale_*} functions (like \code{scale_x_continuous}) return a
#' \code{Scale*} object (like \code{ScaleContinuous}). The \code{Scale*}
#' object represents a single scale.
#' Each of the \code{Scale*} objects is a \code{\link{gganimintproto}} object,
#' descended from the top-level \code{Scale}.
#' @rdname animint2-gganimintproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
Scale <- gganimintproto("Scale", NULL,

  call = NULL,

  aesthetics = aes(),
  scale_name = NULL,
  palette = function() {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  range = gganimintproto(NULL, Range),
  limits = NULL,
  na.value = NA,
  expand = waiver(),

  name = waiver(),
  breaks = waiver(),
  labels = waiver(),
  guide = "legend",

  is_discrete = function() {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  # Train scale from a data frame.
  # @return updated range (invisibly)
  # @seealso \code{\link{scale_train}} for scale specific generic method
  train_df = function(self, df) {
    if (empty(df)) return()

    aesthetics <- intersect(self$aesthetics, names(df))
    for (aesthetic in aesthetics) {

  # Train an individual scale from a vector of data.
  train = function(self, x) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  # Reset scale, untraining ranges
  reset = function(self) {

  is_empty = function(self) {
    is.null(self$range$range) && is.null(self$limits)

  # @return list of transformed variables
  transform_df = function(self, df) {
    if (empty(df)) return()

    aesthetics <- intersect(self$aesthetics, names(df))
    if (length(aesthetics) == 0) return()

    lapply(df[aesthetics], self$transform)

  transform = function(self, x) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  # @return list of mapped variables
  map_df = function(self, df, i = NULL) {
    if (empty(df)) return()

    aesthetics <- intersect(self$aesthetics, names(df))
    names(aesthetics) <- aesthetics
    if (length(aesthetics) == 0) return()

    if (is.null(i)) {
      lapply(aesthetics, function(j) self$map(df[[j]]))
    } else {
      lapply(aesthetics, function(j) self$map(df[[j]][i]))

  # @kohske
  # map tentatively accept limits argument.
  # map replaces oob (i.e., outside limits) values with NA.
  # Previously limits are always scale_limits(scale).
  # But if this function is called to get breaks,
  # and breaks spans oob, the oob breaks is replaces by NA.
  # This makes impossible to display oob breaks.
  # Now coord_train calls this function with limits determined by coord (with expansion).
  map = function(self, x, limits = self$get_limits()) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  #  if scale contains a NULL, use the default scale range
  #  if scale contains a NA, use the default range for that axis, otherwise
  #  use the user defined limit for that axis
  get_limits = function(self) {
    if (self$is_empty()) return(c(0, 1))

    if (!is.null(self$limits)) {
      ifelse(!is.na(self$limits), self$limits, self$range$range)
    } else {

  range_is_zero = function(self, limits) {

  # The physical size of the scale.
  # This always returns a numeric vector of length 2, giving the physical
  # dimensions of a scale.
  dimension = function(self, expand = c(0, 0)) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  get_breaks = function(self, limits = self$get_limits()) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  # The numeric position of scale breaks, used by coord/guide
  break_positions = function(self, range = self$get_limits()) {

  get_breaks_minor = function(self, n = 2, b = self$break_positions(), limits = self$get_limits()) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  get_labels = function(self, breaks = self$get_breaks()) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  # Each implementation of a Scale must implement a clone method that makes
  # copies of reference objecsts.
  clone = function(self) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

  break_info = function(self, range = NULL) {
    stop("Not implemented", call. = FALSE)

check_breaks_labels <- function(breaks, labels) {
  if (is.null(breaks)) return(TRUE)
  if (is.null(labels)) return(TRUE)

  bad_labels <- is.atomic(breaks) && is.atomic(labels) &&
    length(breaks) != length(labels)
  if (bad_labels) {
    stop("`breaks` and `labels` must have the same length", call. = FALSE)


#' @rdname animint2-gganimintproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
ScaleContinuous <- gganimintproto("ScaleContinuous", Scale,
  range = continuous_range(),
  na.value = NA_real_,
  rescaler = rescale, # Used by diverging and n colour gradients x
  oob = censor,
  minor_breaks = waiver(),

  is_discrete = function() FALSE,

  train = function(self, x) {
    if (length(x) == 0) return()

  transform = function(self, x) {

  map = function(self, x, limits = self$get_limits()) {
    x <- self$oob(self$rescaler(x, from = limits))

    uniq <- unique(x)
    pal <- self$palette(uniq)
    scaled <- pal[match(x, uniq)]

    ifelse(!is.na(scaled), scaled, self$na.value)

  dimension = function(self, expand = c(0, 0)) {
    expand_range(self$get_limits(), expand[1], expand[2])

  get_breaks = function(self, limits = self$get_limits()) {
    if (self$is_empty()) return(numeric())
    # Limits in transformed space need to be converted back to data space
    limits <- self$trans$inverse(limits)
    if (is.null(self$breaks)) {
    } else if (identical(self$breaks, NA)) {
      stop("Invalid breaks specification. Use NULL, not NA")
    } else if (self$range_is_zero(limits)) {
      breaks <- limits[1]
    } else if (is.waive(self$breaks)) {
      breaks <- self$trans$breaks(limits)
    } else if (is.function(self$breaks)) {
      breaks <- self$breaks(limits)
    } else {
      breaks <- self$breaks

    # Breaks in data space need to be converted back to transformed space
    # And any breaks outside the dimensions need to be flagged as missing
    # @kohske
    # TODO: replace NA with something else for flag.
    #       guides cannot discriminate oob from missing value.
    breaks <- censor(self$trans$transform(breaks), self$trans$transform(limits),
                     only.finite = FALSE)
    if (length(breaks) == 0) {
      stop("Zero breaks in scale for ", paste(self$aesthetics, collapse = "/"),
        call. = FALSE)

  get_breaks_minor = function(self, n = 2, b = self$break_positions(), limits = self$get_limits()) {
    if (self$range_is_zero(limits)) {

    if (is.null(self$minor_breaks)) {
    } else if (identical(self$minor_breaks, NA)) {
      stop("Invalid minor_breaks specification. Use NULL, not NA", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.waive(self$minor_breaks)) {
      if (is.null(b)) {
        breaks <- NULL
      } else {
        b <- b[!is.na(b)]
        if (length(b) < 2) return()

        bd <- diff(b)[1]
        if (min(limits) < min(b)) b <- c(b[1] - bd, b)
        if (max(limits) > max(b)) b <- c(b, b[length(b)] + bd)
        breaks <- unique(unlist(mapply(seq, b[-length(b)], b[-1], length.out = n + 1,
          SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
    } else if (is.function(self$minor_breaks)) {
      # Find breaks in data space, and convert to numeric
      breaks <- self$minor_breaks(self$trans$inverse(limits))
      breaks <- self$trans$transform(breaks)
    } else {
      breaks <- self$trans$transform(self$minor_breaks)

    # Any minor breaks outside the dimensions need to be thrown away
    discard(breaks, limits)

  get_labels = function(self, breaks = self$get_breaks()) {
    if (is.null(breaks)) return(NULL)

    breaks <- self$trans$inverse(breaks)

    if (is.null(self$labels)) {
    } else if (identical(self$labels, NA)) {
      stop("Invalid labels specification. Use NULL, not NA", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.waive(self$labels)) {
      labels <- self$trans$format(breaks)
    } else if (is.function(self$labels)) {
      labels <- self$labels(breaks)
    } else {
      labels <- self$labels
    if (length(labels) != length(breaks)) {
      stop("Breaks and labels are different lengths")

  clone = function(self) {
    new <- gganimintproto(NULL, self)
    new$range <- continuous_range()

  break_info = function(self, range = NULL) {
    # range
    if (is.null(range)) range <- self$dimension()

    # major breaks
    major <- self$get_breaks(range)

    # labels
    labels <- self$get_labels(major)

    # drop oob breaks/labels by testing major == NA
    if (!is.null(labels)) labels <- labels[!is.na(major)]
    if (!is.null(major)) major <- major[!is.na(major)]

    # minor breaks
    minor <- self$get_breaks_minor(b = major, limits = range)
    if (!is.null(minor)) minor <- minor[!is.na(minor)]

    # rescale breaks [0, 1], which are used by coord/guide
    major_n <- rescale(major, from = range)
    minor_n <- rescale(minor, from = range)

    list(range = range, labels = labels,
         major = major_n, minor = minor_n,
         major_source = major, minor_source = minor)

  print = function(self, ...) {
    show_range <- function(x) paste0(formatC(x, digits = 3), collapse = " -- ")

    cat("<", class(self)[[1]], ">\n", sep = "")
    cat(" Range:  ", show_range(self$range$range), "\n", sep = "")
    cat(" Limits: ", show_range(self$dimension()), "\n", sep = "")

#' @rdname animint2-gganimintproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
ScaleDiscrete <- gganimintproto("ScaleDiscrete", Scale,
  drop = TRUE,
  na.value = NA,

  is_discrete = function() TRUE,

  train = function(self, x) {
    if (length(x) == 0) return()
    self$range$train(x, drop = self$drop)

  transform = function(x) {

  map = function(self, x, limits = self$get_limits()) {
    n <- sum(!is.na(limits))
    pal <- self$palette(n)

    if (is.null(names(pal))) {
      pal_match <- pal[match(as.character(x), limits)]
    } else {
      pal_match <- pal[match(as.character(x), names(pal))]
      pal_match <- unname(pal_match)

    ifelse(is.na(x) | is.na(pal_match), self$na.value, pal_match)

  dimension = function(self, expand = c(0, 0)) {
    expand_range(length(self$get_limits()), expand[1], expand[2])

  get_breaks = function(self, limits = self$get_limits()) {
    if (self$is_empty()) return(numeric())

    if (is.null(self$breaks)) {
    } else if (identical(self$breaks, NA)) {
      stop("Invalid breaks specification. Use NULL, not NA", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (is.waive(self$breaks)) {
      breaks <- limits
    } else if (is.function(self$breaks)) {
      breaks <- self$breaks(limits)
    } else {
      breaks <- self$breaks

    # Breaks can only occur only on values in domain
    in_domain <- intersect(breaks, self$get_limits())
    structure(in_domain, pos = match(in_domain, breaks))

  get_breaks_minor = function(...) NULL,

  get_labels = function(self, breaks = self$get_breaks()) {
    if (self$is_empty()) return(character())

    if (is.null(breaks)) return(NULL)

    if (is.null(self$labels)) {
    } else if (identical(self$labels, NA)) {
      stop("Invalid labels specification. Use NULL, not NA", call. = FALSE)
    }else if (is.waive(self$labels)) {
      format(self$get_breaks(), justify = "none", trim = TRUE)
    } else if (is.function(self$labels)) {
    } else {
      if (!is.null(names(self$labels))) {
        # If labels have names, use them to match with breaks
        labels <- breaks

        map <- match(names(self$labels), labels, nomatch = 0)
        labels[map] <- self$labels[map != 0]
      } else {
        labels <- self$labels

        # Need to ensure that if breaks were dropped, corresponding labels are too
        pos <- attr(breaks, "pos")
        if (!is.null(pos)) {
          labels <- labels[pos]

  clone = function(self) {
    new <- gganimintproto(NULL, self)
    new$range <- discrete_range()

  break_info = function(self, range = NULL) {
    # for discrete, limits != range
    limits <- self$get_limits()

    major <- self$get_breaks(limits)
    if (is.null(major)) {
      labels <- major_n <- NULL
    } else {

      labels <- self$get_labels(major)

      major <- self$map(major)
      major <- major[!is.na(major)]

      # rescale breaks [0, 1], which are used by coord/guide
      major_n <- rescale(major, from = range)

    list(range = range, labels = labels,
         major = major_n, minor = NULL,
         major_source = major, minor_source = NULL)

#' Continuous scale constructor.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams discrete_scale
#' @param name The name of the scale. Used as axis or legend title. If
#'   \code{NULL}, the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first
#'   mapping used for that aesthetic.
#' @param breaks One of: \itemize{
#'   \item \code{NULL} for no breaks
#'   \item \code{waiver()} for the default breaks computed by the
#'     transformation object
#'   \item A numeric vector of positions
#'   \item A function that takes the limits as input and returns breaks
#'     as output
#' }
#' @param minor_breaks One of: \itemize{
#'   \item \code{NULL} for no minor breaks
#'   \item \code{waiver()} for the default breaks (one minor break between
#'     each major break)
#'   \item A numeric vector of positions
#'   \item A function that given the limits returns a vector of minor breaks.
#' }
#' @param labels One of: \itemize{
#'   \item \code{NULL} for no labels
#'   \item \code{waiver()} for the default labels computed by the
#'     transformation object
#'   \item A character vector giving labels (must be same length as \code{breaks})
#'   \item A function that takes the breaks as input and returns labels
#'     as output
#' }
#' @param limits A numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale.
#'   Use \code{NA} to refer to the existing minimum or maximum.
#' @param rescaler  Used by diverging and n colour gradients
#'   (i.e. \code{\link{scale_colour_gradient2}}, \code{\link{scale_colour_gradientn}}).
#'   A function used to scale the input values to the range [0, 1].
#' @param oob Function that handles limits outside of the scale limits
#'   (out of bounds). The default replaces out of bounds values with NA.
#' @param na.value Missing values will be replaced with this value.
#' @param trans Either the name of a transformation object, or the
#'   object itself. Built-in transformations include "asn", "atanh",
#'   "boxcox", "exp", "identity", "log", "log10", "log1p", "log2",
#'   "logit", "probability", "probit", "reciprocal", "reverse" and "sqrt".
#'   A transformation object bundles together a transform, it's inverse,
#'   and methods for generating breaks and labels. Transformation objects
#'   are defined in the scales package, and are called \code{name_trans}, e.g.
#'   \code{\link[scales]{boxcox_trans}}. You can create your own
#'   transformation with \code{\link[scales]{trans_new}}.
#' @param expand A numeric vector of length two giving multiplicative and
#'   additive expansion constants. These constants ensure that the data is
#'   placed some distance away from the axes. The defaults are
#'   \code{c(0.05, 0)} for continuous variables, and \code{c(0, 0.6)} for
#'   discrete variables.
#' @param guide Name of guide object, or object itself.
#' @keywords internal
continuous_scale <- function(aesthetics, scale_name, palette, name = waiver(),
                             breaks = waiver(), minor_breaks = waiver(),
                             labels = waiver(), limits = NULL,
                             rescaler = rescale, oob = censor,
                             expand = waiver(), na.value = NA_real_,
                             trans = "identity", guide = "legend") {

  check_breaks_labels(breaks, labels)

  if (is.null(breaks) && !all(is_position_aes(aesthetics)) && guide != "none") {
    guide <- "none"

  trans <- as.trans(trans)
  if (!is.null(limits)) {
    limits <- trans$transform(limits)

  gganimintproto(NULL, ScaleContinuous,
    call = match.call(),

    aesthetics = aesthetics,
    scale_name = scale_name,
    palette = palette,

    range = continuous_range(),
    limits = limits,
    trans = trans,
    na.value = na.value,
    expand = expand,
    rescaler = rescaler,  # Used by diverging and n colour gradients
    oob = oob,

    name = name,
    breaks = breaks,
    minor_breaks = minor_breaks,

    labels = labels,
    guide = guide

#' Discrete scale constructor.
#' @export
#' @param aesthetics the names of the aesthetics that this scale works with
#' @param scale_name the name of the scale
#' @param palette a palette function that when called with a single integer
#'   argument (the number of levels in the scale) returns the values that
#'   they should take
#' @param name the name of the scale - used as the axis label or the legend
#'  title
#' @param drop Should unused factor levels be omitted from the scale?
#'    The default, \code{TRUE}, uses the levels that appear in the data;
#'    \code{FALSE} uses all the levels in the factor.
#' @param breaks control the breaks in the guide.  There are four possible
#'   types of input:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{NULL}: don't display any breaks
#'     \item a character vector giving the breaks as they should appear on the
#'      axis or in the legend.
#'     \item \code{waiver()} to use the default break computation.
#'     \item a function, that when called with a single argument, a character
#'       vector giving the limits of the scale, returns a character vector
#'       specifying which breaks to display.
#'   }
#'   This parameter does not affect in any way how the data is scaled - it
#'   only affects the appearance of the legend.
#' @param limits A character vector specifying the data range for the scale.
#   The limits control what levels are displayed in the plot, their order,
#'  and the default order of their display in guides.
#' @param labels \code{NULL} for no labels, \code{waiver()} for default
#'   labels (labels the same as breaks), a character vector the same length
#'   as breaks, or a named character vector whose names are used to match
#'   replacement the labels for matching breaks.
#' @param expand a numeric vector of length two, giving a multiplicative and
#'   additive constant used to expand the range of the scales so that there
#'   is a small gap between the data and the axes. The defaults are (0,0.6)
#'   for discrete scales and (0.05,0) for continuous scales.
#' @param na.value how should missing values be displayed?
#' @param guide the name of, or actual function, used to create the
#'   guide. See \code{\link{guides}} for more info.
#' @keywords internal
discrete_scale <- function(aesthetics, scale_name, palette, name = waiver(), breaks = waiver(),
  labels = waiver(), limits = NULL, expand = waiver(), na.value = NA, drop = TRUE,
  guide = "legend") {

  check_breaks_labels(breaks, labels)

  if (is.null(breaks) && !all(is_position_aes(aesthetics)) && guide != "none") {
    guide <- "none"

  gganimintproto(NULL, ScaleDiscrete,
    call = match.call(),

    aesthetics = aesthetics,
    scale_name = scale_name,
    palette = palette,

    range = discrete_range(),
    limits = limits,
    na.value = na.value,
    expand = expand,

    name = name,
    breaks = breaks,
    labels = labels,
    drop = drop,
    guide = guide

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animint2 documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 1:07 a.m.