
Defines functions Nedge.evonet write.evonet .evonet2phylo read.evonet as.evonet.phylo as.evonet reorder.evonet print.evonet as.igraph.evonet as.network.evonet as.networx.evonet plot.evonet as.phylo.evonet evonet

Documented in as.evonet as.evonet.phylo as.igraph.evonet as.network.evonet as.networx.evonet as.phylo.evonet evonet Nedge.evonet plot.evonet print.evonet read.evonet reorder.evonet write.evonet

## evonet.R (2017-07-28)

##   Evolutionary Networks

## Copyright 2011-2012 Emmanuel Paradis, 2017 Klaus Schliep

## This file is part of the R-package `ape'.
## See the file ../COPYING for licensing issues.

evonet <- function(phy, from, to = NULL)
    if (!inherits(phy, "phylo"))
        stop('object "phy" is not of class "phylo".')
    if (!is.rooted(phy))
        warning("the tree is unrooted")
    x <- phy

    if (is.null(to)) {
        if (is.data.frame(from))
            from <- as.matrix(from)
        if (!is.matrix(from))
            stop("'from' must be a matrix or a data frame if 'to' is not given")
        if (ncol(from) > 2) {
            warning("'from' has more than two columns: only the first two will be used.")
            ret <- from[, 1:2]
        } else if (ncol(from) < 2) {
            stop("'from' must have at least two columns")
        } else ret <- from
    } else {
        from <- as.vector(from)
        to <- as.vector(to)
        if (length(from) != length(to))
            stop("'from' and 'to' not of the same length after coercing as vectors")
        ret <- cbind(from, to)

    ## check that values are not out of range:
    storage.mode(ret) <- "integer"
    if (any(is.na(ret)))
        stop("some values are NA's after coercing as integers")
    if (any(ret < 0) || any(ret > Ntip(phy) + phy$Nnode))
        stop("some values are out of range")

    x$reticulation <- ret
    class(x) <- c("evonet", "phylo")

as.phylo.evonet <- function(x, ...)
    x$reticulation <- NULL
    class(x) <- "phylo"

plot.evonet <- function(x, col = "blue", lty = 1, lwd = 1, alpha = 0.5,
                        arrows = 0, arrow.type = "classical", ...)
    ## changed 5/24/17 by Klaus
    plot.phylo(x, ...)
    edges(x$reticulation[, 1], x$reticulation[, 2],
          col = rgb(t(col2rgb(col)), alpha = 255 * alpha,
                    maxColorValue = 255),
          lty = lty, lwd = lwd, arrows = arrows, type = arrow.type)

as.networx.evonet <- function(x, weight = NA, ...)
    if (any(x$reticulation <= Ntip(x)))
        stop("some tips are involved in reticulations: cannot convert to \"networx\"")
    x <- reorder(x, "postorder")
    ned <- Nedge(x)
    nrt <- nrow(x$reticulation)
    x$edge <- rbind(x$edge, x$reticulation)
    colnames(x$edge) <- c("oldNodes", "newNodes")
    x$reticulation <- NULL
    x$edge.length <- c(x$edge.length, rep(weight, length.out = nrt))
    x$split <- c(1:ned, 1:nrt)
    class(x) <- c("networx", "phylo")

as.network.evonet <- function(x, directed = TRUE, ...)
    class(x) <- NULL
    x$edge <- rbind(x$edge, x$reticulation)
    as.network.phylo(x, directed = directed, ...)

as.igraph.evonet <- function(x, directed = TRUE, use.labels = TRUE, ...)
    class(x) <- NULL
    x$edge <- rbind(x$edge, x$reticulation)
    ## added check by Klaus (2017-05-26)
    if (use.labels) {
        if (!is.null(x$node.label)){
            tmp <- nchar(x$node.label)
            if (any(tmp == 0)){
                newLabel <- paste0("number", 1:x$Nnode)
                x$node.label[tmp == 0] <- newLabel[tmp == 0]
        if (any(duplicated(c(x$tip.label, x$node.label))))
            stop("Duplicated labels!")
    as.igraph.phylo(x, directed = directed, use.labels = use.labels, ...)

print.evonet <- function(x, ...)
    nr <- nrow(x$reticulation)
    cat("\n    Evolutionary network with", nr, "reticulation")
    if (nr > 1) cat("s")
    cat("\n\n               --- Base tree ---")

## new stuff by Klaus (2017-05-26)

reorder.evonet <- function(x, order = "cladewise", index.only = FALSE, ...)
    reticulation <- x$reticulation
    y <- reorder(as.phylo(x), order = order, index.only = index.only, ...)
    if (index.only) return(y)
    y$reticulation <- reticulation
    class(y) <- c("evonet", "phylo")

as.evonet <- function(x, ...)
    if (inherits(x, "evonet")) return(x)

as.evonet.phylo <- function(x, ...)
    pos <- grep("#", x$tip.label)
    ind <- match(pos, x$edge[, 2])
    reticulation <- x$edge[ind, , drop = FALSE]
    edge <- x$edge[-ind, , drop = FALSE]
    nTips <- as.integer(length(x$tip.label))
    reticulation[, 2] <- as.integer(match(x$tip.label[pos], x$node.label) + nTips)
    for (i in sort(pos, TRUE)) {
        edge[edge > i ] <- edge[edge > i] - 1L
        reticulation[reticulation > i] <- reticulation[reticulation > i] - 1L
    x$tip.label <- x$tip.label[-pos]
    nTips <- as.integer(length(x$tip.label))
    nn <- length(unique(edge[,1]))
    if(nn < x$Nnode){
        ne <- as.integer( x$Nnode - nn )
        edge[edge > nTips] <- edge[edge > nTips] + ne
        reticulation[reticulation > nTips] <- reticulation[reticulation > nTips] +ne
        z <- logical(max(edge))
        z[edge[, 2]] <- TRUE
        z[seq_len(nTips)] <- FALSE
        z[edge[, 1]] <- FALSE
        pos2 <- which(z)
        k <- 1
        for (i in sort(pos2, TRUE)) {
            nTips <- as.integer( nTips + 1L )
            edge[edge==i] <- nTips
            reticulation[reticulation == i] <- nTips
            edge[edge > i] <- edge[edge > i] - 1L
            reticulation[reticulation > i] <- reticulation[reticulation > i] - 1L
        x$Nnode <- nn
        x$node.label <- NULL
        x$tip.label <- c(x$tip.label , rep("", ne))
    x$edge <- edge
    x$reticulation <- reticulation
    if (!is.null(x$edge.length)) x$edge.length <- x$edge.length[-ind]
    class(x) <- c("evonet", "phylo")

## requires new version of clado.build and tree.build
read.evonet <- function(file = "", text = NULL, comment.char = "", ...)
    x <- read.tree(file = file, text = text, comment.char = comment.char, ...)

.evonet2phylo <-  function(x)
    nTips <- as.integer(length(x$tip.label))
    if (!is.null(x$edge.length)) {
        nd <- node.depth.edgelength(x)
        x$edge.length <- c(x$edge.length, nd[x$reticulation[, 2]] - nd[x$reticulation[, 1]])
    if (!is.null(x$node.label))
        x$tip.label <- c(x$tip.label, x$node.label[x$reticulation[, 2] - nTips])
    else {
        newLabels <- paste0("#H", x$reticulation[, 2])
        x$tip.label <- c(x$tip.label, newLabels)
        x$node.label <- rep("", x$Nnode)
        ind <- which((x$reticulation[, 2] > nTips) & !duplicated(x$reticulation[, 2]))
        x$node.label[x$reticulation[ind, 2] - nTips] <- newLabels[ind]
    nrets <- as.integer(nrow(x$reticulation))
    x$edge[x$edge > nTips] <-  x$edge[x$edge > nTips] + nrets
    x$reticulation[, 1] <- x$reticulation[, 1] + nrets
    x$reticulation[, 2] <- nTips + (1L:nrets)
    x$edge <- rbind(x$edge, x$reticulation)
    x$reticulation <- NULL
    attr(x, "order") <- NULL
    class(x) <- "phylo"

write.evonet <- function(x, file = "", ...)
    x <- .evonet2phylo(x)
    write.tree(x, file = file, ...)

Nedge.evonet <- function(phy) dim(phy$edge)[1] + dim(phy$reticulation)[1]

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