# 2018-12-17
# D.E. Beaudette
# A.G. Brown
# This function replaces the previous rbind.SoilProfileCollection function.
# * is it possible to implement an S4 interface for a list of SPC? (cleaner code)
# 2020/09/25: yes it is possible [for a list] with the caveat that the y argument _must_ be missing in order to use the base::union generic but dispatch to the aqp method.
# The problem with this is IDEs like Rstudio that probe the generics to identify missing required arguments will erroneously warn about the aqp-usage of union.
# if (!isGeneric("combine"))
setGeneric("combine", function(...)
#' @title Combine SoilProfileCollection objects
#' @description Combine `SoilProfileCollection` objects or lists of `SoilProfileCollection` objects. This method provides `...` expansion for the `pbindlist` method.
#' @param x A `SoilProfileCollection`
#' @param ... `SoilProfileCollection` objects
#' @return A SoilProfileCollection
#' @export
#' @aliases combine c
#' @rdname combine-SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @examples
#' # example data
#' spc1 <- random_profile(1, SPC = TRUE)
#' spc2 <- random_profile(2, SPC = TRUE)
#' spc3 <- random_profile('A', SPC = TRUE)
#' # combine into a single SPC, ... interface
#' spc <- combine(spc1, spc2, spc3)
#' # combine into a single SPC, list interface
#' spc <- combine(list(spc1, spc2, spc3))
#' # input are combined into a single SPC
#' spc <- c(spc1, spc2, spc3)
#' # result is a list when a mixture of objects are provided
#' spc <- c(spc1, bar=spc2, baz="foo")
setMethod("c", signature(x = "SoilProfileCollection"), function(x, ...) {
objects <- list(x = x, ...)
if (!all(sapply(objects, inherits, 'SoilProfileCollection')))
return(unlist(objects, recursive = FALSE))
names(objects) <- NULL
#' @export
#' @rdname combine-SoilProfileCollection-method
setMethod("combine", signature(... = "SoilProfileCollection"), function(...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname combine-SoilProfileCollection-method
setMethod("combine", signature(... = "list"), function(...) {
# TODO: should I not be defining this? :X
pbindlist('c', list(...)))
# TODO: when dplyr::combine() is gone, also define aqp::combine(LIST)?
#' @title Combine a list of SoilProfileCollection objects
#' @description See \code{combine(...)} for a connotative short-hand method that does not require that `SoilProfileCollection` be in a list. Profiles will be sorted based on character sorting of profile ID.
#' @param l a list of SoilProfileCollection objects
#' @param new.idname Optional: a character referring to a new column name to put unique profile IDs in; default: \code{NULL} to attempt with existing idname in first element
#' @param verbose Produce warnings and messages regarding results? default: \code{TRUE}
#' @details Input data must share a common depth unit, and if spatial data are present, a common CRS and coordinate names. In the case of non-conformal @idname and/or @depthcols, the first SoilProfileCollection is used as a template. If one or more subsequent list elements has non-unique values in a site level attribute of that name, the ID name from the second list element is attempted, and so on. Non-conforming spatial data are dropped from the final result (returns default empty \code{SpatialPoints}).
#' @return a SoilProfileCollection object
#' @author D.E. Beaudette and A.G. Brown
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # example data
#' data(sp2, package = 'aqp')
#' depths(sp2) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' site(sp2) <- ~ surface
#' # copy pieces
#' x <- sp2[1:5, ]
#' y <- sp2[6:10, ]
#' # reset IDs and combine
#' profile_id(y) <- sprintf("%s-copy", profile_id(y))
#' # this should work
#' z <- pbindlist(list(x, y))
#' # check
#' plot(z)
pbindlist <- function(l, new.idname = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
spc <- l
# setup some defaults
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# short-circuits
# empty list
if (length(spc) == 0)
# singleton
if (length(spc) == 1)
if (all(sapply(spc, is.null)))
# must suppress warnings because throws a warning
if (suppressWarnings(all(sapply(spc,
# check/filter for NULL list elements
idx.null <- suppressWarnings(which(sapply(spc, is.null)))
if (length(idx.null)) {
spc <- spc[-idx.null]
if (verbose)
message("pbindlist: one or more input list elements is NULL")
# check/filter for NA list elements <- suppressWarnings(which(sapply(spc,
if (length( {
spc <- spc[]
if (verbose)
message("pbindlist: one or more input list elements is NA")
idx.notspc <- which(!sapply(spc, inherits, 'SoilProfileCollection'))
if (length(idx.notspc)) {
spc <- spc[-idx.notspc]
if (verbose)
message("pbindlist: one or more input list elements is not a SoilProfileCollection")
# short circuit:
# stop here if the removal of NULL | NA | non-SPC has resulted in a singleton list
if (length(spc) == 1) {
# check for non-conformal depth units
o.depth.units <- unique(lapply(spc, depth_units))
if (length(o.depth.units) > 1)
stop('inconsistent depth units', call. = FALSE)
# check for non-conformal df class (revert to data.frame if non-matching)
o.df.class <- unique(unlist(lapply(spc, function(s) metadata(s)$aqp_df_class)))
if (length(o.df.class) > 1) {
if (verbose)
message("pbindlist: data.frame class type inconsistent, reset to \"data.frame\"")
o.df.class <- "data.frame"
# check for non-conformal group (revert to "" if non-matching) <- unique(unlist(lapply(spc, function(s) metadata(s)$aqp_group_by)))
if (length( != 1) { <- ""
# check for non-conformal hzdesgn (revert to data.frame if non-matching)
o.hzdesgn <- unique(unlist(lapply(spc, function(s) metadata(s)$aqp_hzdesgn)))
if (length(o.hzdesgn) != 1) {
o.hzdesgn <- ""
# check for non-conformal hztexcl (revert to data.frame if non-matching)
o.hztexcl <- unique(unlist(lapply(spc, function(s) metadata(s)$aqp_hztexcl)))
if (length(o.hztexcl) != 1) {
o.hztexcl <- ""
o.p4s <- unique(lapply(spc, function(x) suppressWarnings(prj(x))))
drop.spatial <- FALSE
if (length(o.p4s) > 1) {
if (verbose)
message('pbindlist: inconsistent CRS, dropping spatial metadata')
drop.spatial <- TRUE
# decompose to list of lists
spc.list <- lapply(spc, as, 'list')
# number of SPCs
n.spc <- length(spc.list)
# total profiles [previously defined, but not used]
# n.profiles <- sum(sapply(spc, length))
# template for combined data is based on the first element
new.pID <- spc.list[[1]]$idcol
# allow user to specify new idname a priori
if (!is.null(new.idname)) {
if (is.character(new.idname) & length(new.idname) == 1) {
new.pID <- new.idname
} else {
if (verbose)
message("ignored new.idname argument; must be character vector of length 1")
new.hzID <- spc.list[[1]]$hzidcol
new.hzd <- spc.list[[1]]$depthcols
new.metadata <- spc.list[[1]]$metadata
if (drop.spatial) {
new.metadata$coordinates <- NULL
new.metadata$crs <- NULL
# get the data.frame class and grouping variable into new metadata
# transfer old slots if they are present
hzdold <- spc.list[[1]]$hzdesgncol
hztold <- spc.list[[1]]$hztexclcol
if (length(hzdold) == 1)
new.metadata$aqp_hzdesgn <- hzdold
if (length(hztold) == 1)
new.metadata$aqp_hztexcl <- hztold
if (!length(new.metadata$aqp_hzdesgn))
new.metadata$aqp_hzdesgn <- ""
if (!length(new.metadata$aqp_hzdesgn))
new.metadata$aqp_hztexcl <- ""
# TODO: need a template for coordinate names if spatial data are present in all
# Make aqp::union() robust to profile ID / site attr collisions.
tries <- 1
for (i in 1:n.spc) {
# if the template ID exists in ith SPC, check it
if (new.pID %in% names(spc.list[[i]]$site)) {
# get the values <- spc.list[[i]]$site[[new.pID]]
# compare length to unique length
lupid <- length(unique(
if (lupid != length( {
# warn on mismatch
if (verbose)
warning(sprintf("template profile ID '%s' exists as a non-unique value in SPC element #%s, trying '%s'",
new.pID, i, spc.list[[i]]$idcol), call. = FALSE)
# update the template to ith IDcol
new.pID <- spc.list[[i]]$idcol
# increment counter (present, but non-unique)
tries <- tries + 1
# reset loop (check everything again)
i <- 1
if (tries >= n.spc) {
oldIDs <- sapply(spc.list, function(x) x$idcol)
# add a dot before the name
new.pID <- paste0(".", spc.list[[1]]$idcol)
# if that exists
if (new.pID %in% oldIDs) {
# add a number after the name
new.pIDs <- paste0(new.pID, 1:100)
# first that does not occur in existing IDs
new.pID <- new.pIDs[!new.pIDs %in% oldIDs][1]
message("using ", new.pID, " as unique profile ID name")
# make sure first element template has "correct" pID name and reasonable values
splt <- spc.list[[1]]
if (splt$idcol != new.pID) {
snames <- colnames(splt$site)
snames <- c(splt$idcol, snames[!snames %in% splt$idcol])
hnames <- colnames(splt$horizons)
hnames <- c(splt$idcol, hnames[!hnames %in% splt$idcol])
newsite <- .data.frame.j(splt$site, snames, "data.table")
newhorizons <- .data.frame.j(splt$horizons, hnames, "data.table")
colnames(newsite)[1] <- new.pID
colnames(newhorizons)[1] <- new.pID
newhorizons[[splt$idcol]] <- NULL
spc.list[[1]]$site <- newsite
spc.list[[1]]$horizons <- newhorizons
# starting from the second SPC in the list
# reset profile ID names in all other objects
# also reset depth names
for (i in 2:n.spc) {
# save originals
old.pID <- spc.list[[i]]$idcol
old.hzd <- spc.list[[i]]$depthcols
# profile ID in horizons
idx <- match(old.pID, names(spc.list[[i]]$horizons))
names(spc.list[[i]]$horizons)[idx] <- new.pID
# profile ID in site
idx <- match(old.pID, names(spc.list[[i]]$site))
names(spc.list[[i]]$site)[idx] <- new.pID
# profile ID in diagnostic, may be missing
if (old.pID %in% names(spc.list[[i]]$diagnostic)) {
idx <- match(old.pID, names(spc.list[[i]]$diagnostic))
names(spc.list[[i]]$diagnostic)[idx] <- new.pID
# profile ID in restriction, may be missing
if (old.pID %in% names(spc.list[[i]]$restriction)) {
idx <- match(old.pID, names(spc.list[[i]]$restrictions))
names(spc.list[[i]]$restrictions)[idx] <- new.pID
# hz depth columns
idx <- match(old.hzd, names(spc.list[[i]]$horizons))
names(spc.list[[i]]$horizons)[idx] <- new.hzd
# reset id names
spc.list[[i]]$idcol <- new.pID
spc.list[[i]]$depthcols <- new.hzd
# extract pieces
o.h <- lapply(spc.list, '[[', 'horizons')
o.s <- lapply(spc.list, '[[', 'site')
o.d <- lapply(spc.list, '[[', 'diagnostic')
o.r <- lapply(spc.list, '[[', 'restrictions')
o.sp <- lapply(spc.list, '[[', 'sp')
# generate new SPC components
if (requireNamespace("data.table")) {
# preferentially use data.table if available
o.h <- data.table::rbindlist(o.h, fill = TRUE)
# fix nasty duping of names by fill by taking first column of each name
# enforcing data.frame/tibble-like column-name uniqueness
ohn <- colnames(o.h)
o.h <- .data.frame.j(o.h, unique(ohn[match(ohn, ohn)]), "data.table")
o.s <- data.table::rbindlist(o.s, fill = TRUE)
osn <- colnames(o.s)
o.s <- .data.frame.j(o.s, unique(osn[match(osn, osn)]), "data.table")
o.d <- data.table::rbindlist(o.d, fill = TRUE)
odn <- colnames(o.d)
o.d <- .data.frame.j(o.d, unique(odn[match(odn, odn)]), "data.table")
o.r <- data.table::rbindlist(o.r, fill = TRUE)
orn <- colnames(o.r)
o.r <- .data.frame.j(o.r, unique(orn[match(orn, orn)]), "data.table")
# } else if (requireNamespace("plyr")) {
# warning("Combining SoilProfileCollections with `plyr` package is deprecated -- please install the `data.table` package.")
# o.h <-'rbind.fill', o.h) # horizon data
# o.s <-'rbind.fill', o.s) # site data
# o.d <-'rbind.fill', o.d) # diagnostic data, leave as-is
# o.r <-'rbind.fill', o.r) # restriction data, leave as-is
} else {
stop("package `data.table` is required to combine SoilProfileCollections", call.=FALSE)
# sp slot is deprecated; always empty/uninitialized now
o.sp <- new('SpatialPoints')
## sanity check: profile IDs should be unique
if (length(o.s[[new.pID]]) != length(unique(o.s[[new.pID]]))) {
stop('non-unique profile IDs detected')
# take combined horizon data, convert to target df subclass
res <-, o.df.class)
## reset horizon IDs (if the default column hzID is presnt)
if ('hzID' %in% colnames(res))
res$hzID <- NULL
# rebuild SPC using safe constructors
depths(res) <- formula(sprintf("%s ~ %s + %s", new.pID, new.hzd[1], new.hzd[2]))
site(res) <-, o.df.class)
diagnostic_hz(res) <-, o.df.class)
restrictions(res) <-, o.df.class)
# # append any novel metadata
# # note that o.df.class is calculated from all elements, and defaults to data.frame
# # this line is to cover metadata like citations etc. that are not part of all SPCs
# new.names <- !(names(new.metadata) %in% names(res@metadata))
# # explicit slot replacement
# res@metadata <- c(res@metadata, new.metadata[new.names])
res <- .transfer.metadata.aqp(new.metadata, res)
# attempt using a common ID
suppressWarnings(hzidname(res) <- new.hzID)
# check validity; try to do a bandaid to fix common problems if possible
if (!spc_in_sync(res)$valid) {
warning("pbindlist: SoilProfileCollection integrity checks failed. This should not happen! Contact the aqp package developers with your use case on the GitHub Issue Page ( Attempting to rebuild object...", call. = FALSE)
res <- try(rebuildSPC(res))
# if rebuild fails then this will be a try-error
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