#' @title An S4 object representation of a group of soil profiles.
#' @name SoilProfileCollection
#' @export
#' @slot idcol character.
#' @slot hzidcol character.
#' @slot depthcols character.
#' @slot metadata list.
#' @slot horizons data.frame.
#' @slot site data.frame.
#' @slot sp SpatialPoints.
#' @slot diagnostic data.frame.
#' @slot restrictions data.frame.
#' @aliases SoilProfileCollection-class
#' @rdname SoilProfileCollection-class
#' @importFrom sp SpatialPoints proj4string coordinates proj4string<- coordinates<-
#' @importClassesFrom sp SpatialPoints SpatialPointsDataFrame
Class = 'SoilProfileCollection',
representation = representation(
idcol = 'character', # column name containing IDs
hzidcol = 'character', # column name containing unique horizon IDs
depthcols = 'character', # 2 element vector with column names for hz top, bottom
metadata = 'list', # list with key-value mapping
horizons = 'data.frame', # all horizons sorted by ID & top depth
site = 'data.frame', # data about the sampling sites
sp = 'SpatialPoints', # spatial data stored here, initialized as 'empty' sp object
diagnostic = 'data.frame',# (optional) diagnostic horizons are stored here
restrictions = 'data.frame' # (optional) restrictions are stored here
prototype = prototype(
idcol = 'id',
hzidcol = 'hzID',
depthcols = c('top', 'bottom'),
metadata = list(aqp_df_class = "data.frame", # data.frame subclass
aqp_group_by = "", # grouping variable
aqp_hzdesgn = "", # horizon designation column
aqp_texcl = "", # texture class column
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
horizons = data.frame(id = character(0), hzID = character(0),
top = numeric(0), bottom = numeric(0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
site = data.frame(id = character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
sp = sp::SpatialPoints(data.frame(x = 0, y = 0))[-1, ],
diagnostic = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
restrictions = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
validity = function(object) {
# 2019-03-15: creating an empty SpatialPoints object requires more effort
# c/o:
# old: new('SpatialPoints')
# new: SpatialPoints(data.frame(x = 0, y = 0))[-1,]
#' Constructor for the SoilProfileCollection object
#' @param idcol character Profile ID Column Name
#' @param hzidcol character Horizon ID Column Name
#' @param depthcols character, length 2 Top and Bottom Depth Column Names
#' @param metadata list, metadata including data.frame class in use and depth units
#' @param horizons data.frame An object inheriting from data.frame containing Horizon data.
#' @param site data.frame An object inheriting from data.frame containing Site data.
#' @param sp SpatialPoints A SpatialPoints object. No longer used in aqp 2+, see `?initSpatial`
#' @param diagnostic data.frame An object inheriting from data.frame containing diagnostic feature data. Must contain profile ID. See \code{diagnostic_hz()}
#' @param restrictions data.frame An object inheriting from data.frame containing restrictive feature data. Must contain profile ID. See \code{restrictions()}
#' @description In general, one should use \code{depths()} to initiate a SoilProfileCollection object from data. However, sometimes there are instances where either an empty, or very specific, object is needed. If that is the case, the general constructor \code{SoilProfileCollection} is available.
#' @author Pierre Roudier, Dylan E. Beaudette, Andrew G. Brown
#' @export
#' @rdname SoilProfileCollection-class
#' @examples
#' ## structure of default, empty SoilProfileCollection
#' str(SoilProfileCollection())
#' ## use the depths() formula interface to specify
#' ## profile ID, top and bottom depth and set up
#' ## a SPC that is topologically correct and complete
#' d <-'rbind', lapply(1:10, random_profile))
#' # promote to SoilProfileCollection and plot
#' depths(d) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' plot(d)
#' # split into new SoilProfileCollection objects by index
#' d.1 <- d[1, ]
#' d.2 <- d[2, ]
#' d.345 <- d[3:5, ]
#' # combine profile collections
#' # note that profiles are sorted according to ID
#' <- c(d.345, d.1, d.2)
#' plot(
#' data(sp1)
#' ## init SoilProfileCollection objects from data.frame
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' ## depth units
#' du <- depth_units(sp1)
#' depth_units(sp1) <- 'in'
#' depth_units(sp1) <- du
#' ## horizon designation column
#' hzdesgnname(sp1) <- "name"
#' hzdesgnname(sp1)
#' ## all designations in an SPC (useful for single profile SPC)
#' hzDesgn(sp1)
#' ## horizon texture class column
#' hztexclname(sp1) <- "texture"
#' hztexclname(sp1)
#' ## get/set metadata on SoilProfileCollection objects
#' # this is a 1-row data.frame
#' m <- metadata(sp1)
#' m$sampler <- 'Dylan'
#' metadata(sp1) <- m
#' ## extract horizon data from SoilProfileCollection objects as data.frame
#' h <- horizons(sp1)
#' # also merge (left-join) of new columns and
#' # replacement of existing columns via horizons<-
#' horizons(sp1) <- h
#' # get number of horizons
#' nrow(sp1)
#' ## getting site-level data
#' site(sp1)
#' ## setting site-level data
#' # site-level data from horizon-level data (stored in @horizons)
#' site(sp1) <- ~ group
#' # make some fake site data, and append from data.frame
#' # a matching ID column must be present in both @site and new data
#' # note that IDs should all be character class
#' d <- data.frame(id=profile_id(sp1), p=runif(n=length(sp1)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' site(sp1) <- d
#' # edit horizon depths
#' horizonDepths(sp1) <- c('t', 'b')
#' horizonDepths(sp1)
#' # edit profile IDs
#' p <- sprintf("%s-new", profile_id(sp1))
#' profile_id(sp1) <- p
#' profile_id(sp1)
"SoilProfileCollection" <-
function(idcol = 'id',
hzidcol = 'hzID',
depthcols = c('top', 'bottom'),
metadata = list(aqp_df_class = "data.frame",
aqp_group_by = "",
aqp_hzdesgn = "",
aqp_hztexcl = "",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
horizons = data.frame(
id = character(0),
hzID = character(0),
top = numeric(0),
bottom = numeric(0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
site = data.frame(id = character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
sp = new('SpatialPoints'),
diagnostic = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
restrictions = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) {
# retrieve highest-level data.frame subclass of horizon data
hzclass <- class(horizons)[1]
new.metadata <- metadata
# set metadata (default: data.frame, centimeters)
metadata <- list(
aqp_df_class = hzclass,
aqp_group_by = "",
aqp_hzdesgn = "",
aqp_hztexcl = "",
depth_units = 'cm',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# add any custom metadata
metadata <- c(metadata,
new.metadata[!names(new.metadata) %in% names(metadata)])
# add aqp_group_by if not defined
if (length(metadata$aqp_group_by) == 0)
metadata$aqp_group_by <- ""
# "allow" NULL for the optional slots
if(length(metadata$aqp_hzdesgn) == 0)
metadata$aqp_hzdesgn <- ""
if(length(metadata$aqp_hztexcl) == 0)
metadata$aqp_hztexcl <- ""
# create object
idcol = idcol,
hzidcol = hzidcol,
depthcols = depthcols,
metadata = metadata,
horizons =, hzclass),
site =, hzclass),
sp = sp,
diagnostic =, hzclass),
restrictions =, hzclass)
## show
#' SoilProfileCollection show method
#' @name show
#' @description Pretty output method for SoilProfileCollection objects. By default this method limits output to 10 columns and 6 rows from the site and horizon tables respectively.
#' There is an aqp environment option you can set to increase the number of columns shown by default: \code{options( = 100)},
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @aliases show,SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname show
#' @examples
#' # load a SoilProfileCollection
#' data(sp5)
#' # use the show() method
#' show(sp5)
#' # which is same as this (in the console)
#' sp5
setMethod(f = 'show',
signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
function(object) {
# stats for later
n.profiles <- length(object)
n.hz <- nrow(object)
# count number of hz and site columns for reporting truncated listing
n.hz.cols <- length(horizonNames(object)) <- length(siteNames(object))
# local copies
s <- object@site
h <- object@horizons
# determine number of rows to show
n.s <- nrow(s)
n.h <- nrow(h)
# show up to 6 rows for each slot, or max rows if less <- 1:pmin(6, nrow(s)) <- 1:pmin(6, nrow(h))
# handle zero row case (so it doesnt fill with NA)
if (n.h == 0) <- 0
if (n.s == 0) <- 0
# subset rows
h <- h[, , drop = FALSE]
s <- s[, , drop = FALSE]
# move IDs and depths, horizon designation/texture if available
hzm <- .hzMetadataNames(object, depths = TRUE)
idx <- match(hzm, names(h))
# determine number of columns to show, and index to hz / site data
# user sett-able
show.cols <- getOption('')
h.n <- names(h)
# handle empty case <- numeric(0) <- numeric(0)
if (length(h.n) > 0) {
h <- .data.frame.j(h, c(h.n[idx], h.n[-na.omit(idx)]), aqp_df_class(object))
# show first n <- seq(from = 1,
to = pmin(show.cols, n.hz.cols),
by = 1) <- seq(from = 1,
to = pmin(show.cols,,
by = 1)
# column subseting
if (length( > 0) {
# generate text explaining truncated summary
hz.txt <- sprintf(
"\n----- Horizons (%s / %s rows | %s / %s columns) -----\n",
pmin(show.cols, n.hz.cols),
} else {
hz.txt <- "[EMPTY]\n"
if(length( > 0) {
site.txt <- sprintf(
"\n----- Sites (%s / %s rows | %s / %s columns) -----\n",
} else {
site.txt <- "[EMPTY]\n"
# header
header.txt <-
"SoilProfileCollection with %s profiles and %s horizons\nprofile ID: %s | horizon ID: %s \nDepth range: %s - %s %s\n",
# make note of additional hz attributes
print(data.frame(h)[,, drop = FALSE], row.names = FALSE)
if(n.h > max(
cat('[... more horizons ...]\n')
# make note of additional site attributes
print(data.frame(s)[,, drop = FALSE], row.names = FALSE)
if(n.s > max(
cat('[... more sites ...]\n')
# presence of spatial data
if (validSpatialData(object)) {
cat('\nSpatial Data:\n')
cat(" CRS: ", prj(object), ";", sep = "")
} else {
cat('\nSpatial Data:\n[EMPTY]\n')
.spc_bbox <- function(x) {
crds <- metadata(x)$coordinates
# this bbox outputs for "point" geometries specified in two columns
# TODO: extend as needed if other geometry types are added (i.e. wrapper around st_bbox())
if (length(crds) != 2)
# if all coordinates in X or Y are NA warnings will be generated & Inf/-Inf result
paste0(" ", crds[1], ": ", min(x[[crds[1]]], na.rm = TRUE), " to ", max(x[[crds[1]]], na.rm = TRUE), "; ",
crds[2], ": ", min(x[[crds[2]]], na.rm = TRUE), " to ", max(x[[crds[2]]], na.rm = TRUE), "\n")
#' @description `as.character()`: Character Representation of SoilProfileCollection Object
#' @param x a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param ... additional arguments (not used)
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname show
#' @export
setMethod('as.character', 'SoilProfileCollection', function(x, ...) {
paste0('SPC<', length(x), ",", nrow(x), '>')
#' @title Wrapper method for data.frame subclass conversion
#' @noRd
#' @param x ANY.
#' @param as.class `"data.frame"`, `"tibble"`, or `"data.table"` default: `"data.frame"`
#' @param ... Additional arguments to coercion function ``, `as_tibble` or ``
#' @return a subclass of `data.frame` corresponding to `as.class` <- function(x, as.class = "data.frame", ...) {
# 2020-05-30: sub-classes of data.frame have more than one class
# NULL x -- probably from unusual use cases
if (class(x)[1] == "NULL")
stop(sprintf("input object is NULL, expected '%s'", as.class))
# don't invoke coercion methods if not needed
if (!inherits(x, 'data.frame')) {
"input data class %s does not inherit from `data.frame`",
call. = TRUE)
# note: we handle the possibly NULL/0-length as.class
# by letting it fall through default switch EXPR
# a warning is generated for non-data.frames
cond <- class(x)[1] == as.class
test <- all(length(cond) > 0 & cond)
# this happens if a SPC has had its metadata entry wiped out or old SPC object in Rda file
if (is.null(test) | {
as.class <- "data.frame"
"missing metadata for aqp_df_class -- run aqp::rebuildSPC(object) to fix slots and metadata"
} else if (test) {
# rm rownames in slots
rownames(x) <- NULL
'data.table' = {
if (requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE))
return(, ...))
"using data.table class in SoilProfileCollection slots requires the `data.table` package"
'tbl_df' = {
if (requireNamespace("tibble", quietly = TRUE))
return(tibble::as_tibble(x, ...))
message("using tbl_df class in SoilProfileCollection slots requires the `tibble` package")
# default/data.frame
# if we were supposed to get something else,
# make a warning with a stack trace
if (as.class != "data.frame") {
message(sprintf("failed to use %s as data.frame class", as.class))
metadata(x)$aqp_df_class <- "data.frame"
"data.table and tbl_df in SoilProfileCollection data.frame slots are EXPERIMENTAL, defaulting to data.frame",
call. = FALSE
# return data.frame no matter what
res <-, ...)
# rm rownames in slots
rownames(res) <- NULL
# basic wrapper function for multi-j index subsetting of data.frames compatible with data.table
.data.frame.j <- function(x, col.names, use_class = class(x)[1]) {
# see:
if (inherits(x, 'data.table')) {
res <- x[, .SD, .SDcols = col.names]
} else {
res <- x[, col.names, drop = FALSE]
if (inherits(res, 'data.frame')) {
h <-, use_class)
} else {
stop(".data.frame.j: result does not inherit from `data.frame`", call. = FALSE)
setGeneric('hzID<-', function(object, value)
#' Set horizon IDs
#' @description Set vector containing horizon IDs
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value a unique vector of equal length to number of horizons \code{nrow(object)}
#' @aliases hzID<-
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @rdname hzID
setReplaceMethod("hzID", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
if (!inherits(value, 'character')) {
message("converting horizon IDs from integer to character")
value <- as.character(value)
# can't be missing
if (is.null(value)) {
stop('horizon IDs cannot be NULL or NA', call. = FALSE)
if (any( | any(is.null(value))) {
stop('horizon IDs cannot be NULL or NA', call. = FALSE)
# length
if (length(value) != nrow(object)) {
stop('replacement horizon IDs must have same length as original',
call. = FALSE)
# unique
if (length(value) != length(unique(value))) {
stop('replacement horizon IDs must be unique', call. = FALSE)
# extract horizon and replace IDs
object@horizons[[hzidname(object)]] <- value
setGeneric('profile_id<-', function(object, value)
#' Set profile IDs
#' @name profile_id<-
#' @description Set vector containing profile IDs
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value a unique vector of equal length to number of profiles \code{length(object)}
#' @aliases profile_id<-,SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname profile_id
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("profile_id", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
# can't be missing
if (is.null(value)) {
stop('profile IDs cannot be NULL or NA', call. = FALSE)
if (any( | any(is.null(value))) {
stop('profile IDs cannot be NULL or NA', call. = FALSE)
# length
if (length(value) != length(profile_id(object))) {
stop('replacement profile IDs must have same length as original',
call. = FALSE)
# unique
if (length(value) != length(unique(value))) {
stop('replacement profile IDs must be unique', call. = FALSE)
# lookup table for converting old -> new IDs
idn <- idname(object)
pids <- profile_id(object)
lut <- cbind(pids, value)
# change @site
s <- site(object)
s[[idn]] <- value
object@site <-, metadata(object)$aqp_df_class)
# change @horizons
h <- object@horizons
update.idx <- match(h[[idn]], lut[, 1])
# apply edits via LUT
h[[idn]] <- lut[update.idx, 2]
object@horizons <-, metadata(object)$aqp_df_class)
# search in @diagnostic
dg <- diagnostic_hz(object)
dg.nm <- names(dg)
idx <- grep(idn, dg.nm)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
# apply edits via LUT
update.idx <- match(dg[[idx]], lut[, 1])
dg[[idx]] <- lut[update.idx, 2]
suppressWarnings(diagnostic_hz(object) <- dg)
# search in @restrictions
re <- restrictions(object)
re.nm <- names(re)
idx <- grep(idn, re.nm)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
# apply edits via LUT
update.idx <- match(re[[idx]], lut[, 1])
re[[idx]] <- lut[update.idx, 2]
suppressWarnings(restrictions(object) <- re)
setGeneric('horizonDepths<-', function(object, value)
#' Set horizon depth column names
#' @name horizonDepths<-
#' @description Set column name containing horizon ID
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value a character vector of length two with names of columns containing numeric top and bottom depths
#' @aliases horizonDepths<-,SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname horizonDepths
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("horizonDepths", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
# can't be missing
if (is.null(value)) {
stop('cannot assign NA or NULL depth column names', call. = FALSE)
if (any( | any(is.null(value))) {
stop('cannot assign NA or NULL depth column names', call. = FALSE)
# length
if (length(value) != 2) {
stop('horizon depth names must be a vector with two items', call. = FALSE)
# warn about changes in names
if (any(value != make.names(value))) {
warning('names have been modified to legal data.frame column names')
# must be safely convertable to character and safe for DF
value <- make.names(value)
# save old values
hd <- horizonDepths(object)
# change @horizons, just the names
hn <- horizonNames(object)
idx <- match(hd, hn)
hn[idx] <- value
horizonNames(object) <- hn
# change @depthcols
object@depthcols <- value
setGeneric('horizonNames<-', function(object, value)
#' Set horizon column names
#' @name horizonNames<-
#' @description Set horizon column names
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value a unique vector of equal length to number of columns in horizons \code{length(horizonNames(object))}
#' @aliases horizonNames<-,SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname horizonNames
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("horizonNames", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
# sanity check
if (any(is.null(value)))
stop('cannot assign NA or NULL column names', call. = FALSE)
if (any(
stop('cannot assign NA or NULL column names', call. = FALSE)
# must be same length
if (length(value) != length(horizonNames(object))) {
stop('replacement must have same length as original', call. = FALSE)
# warn about changes in names
if (any(value != make.names(value))) {
warning('names have been modified to legal data.frame column names')
# assign
names(object@horizons) <- make.names(value)
setGeneric('siteNames<-', function(object, value)
#' Set site column names
#' @name siteNames<-
#' @description Set site column names
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value a unique vector of equal length to number of columns in site: \code{length(siteNames(object))}
#' @aliases siteNames<-,SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname siteNames
#' @export
signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
# sanity check
if ( | is.null(value))
stop('cannot assign NA or NULL column names', call. = FALSE)
names(object@horizons) <- make.names(value)
setGeneric('hzidname<-', function(object, value)
#' Set horizon ID column name
#' @name hzidname<-
#' @description Set unique horizon ID column name
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value character, column name containing unique horizon ID values
#' @aliases hzidname<-,SoilProfileCollection-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname hzidname
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sp1)
#' # promote to SPC
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # create new horizon ID
#' sp1$hzIDrev <- rev(sp1$hzID)
#' # set horizon designation column
#' hzidname(sp1) <- "hzIDrev"
#' # get horizon designation column
#' hzidname(sp1)
signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
# quick sanity check
if (length(value) != 1)
stop("horizon ID name should have length of 1", call. =
# sanity checks
# test: does it exist?
if (!value %in% horizonNames(object)) {
stop("horizon ID name not in horizon data", call. = TRUE)
# test: unique?
x <- object@horizons[[value]]
if (length(unique(x)) != nrow(object)) {
# convert error to warning,
# prevent stoppage from nonunique,
# fail gracefully and retain to default
warning("horizon ID name (",
") not unique. unique ID not changed.",
call. = TRUE)
} else {
# replace
object@hzidcol <- value
# convert contents to character, if needed
if (!is.character(x)) {
message(sprintf("converting horizon IDs in column `%s` to character", value))
object@horizons[[value]] <-
# done
## accessors
setGeneric("idname", function(object, ...)
#' Get profile ID column name
#' @description Get column name containing unique profile IDs
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases idname
#' @rdname idname
#' @export
setMethod("idname", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
setGeneric("hzidname", function(object, ...)
#' Get horizon ID column name
#' @description Get column name containing unique horizon ID
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases hzidname
#' @rdname hzidname
#' @export
setMethod("hzidname", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
setGeneric("hzID", function(object)
#' Get horizon IDs
#' @description Get vector containing horizon IDs
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases hzID
#' @rdname hzID
#' @export
setMethod("hzID", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object) {
## distinct profile IDs
setGeneric("profile_id", function(object)
## relies on ordering of profile IDs in horizons matching site
#' Get/set unique (sorted) profile IDs
#' @description Get or set a vector of profile IDs
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases profile_id
#' @rdname profile_id
#' @export
setMethod("profile_id", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
setGeneric("horizonDepths", function(object)
#' Get horizon depth column names
#' @description Get column names containing horizon depths
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases horizonDepths
#' @rdname horizonDepths
#' @export
setMethod("horizonDepths", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
## site data
setGeneric("site", function(object, ...)
#' Retrieve site data from SoilProfileCollection
#' @description Get site data from SoilProfileCollection. Result is returned in the same \code{data.frame} class used to initially construct the SoilProfileCollection.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases site
#' @rdname site
#' @export
setMethod("site", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object) {
return(, aqp_df_class(object)))
## diagnostic horizons: stored as a data.frame
setGeneric("diagnostic_hz", function(object, ...)
#' Get or Set Diagnostic Horizon data in a SoilProfileCollection
#' @description Diagnostic horizons describe features of the soil relevant to taxonomic classification. A single profile may have multiple diagnostic features or horizons, each of which may be comprised of multiple horizons.
#' - `diagnostic_hz()` (get method): Get diagnostic feature data from a SoilProfileCollection.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases diagnostic_hz
#' @rdname diagnostic_hz
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'diagnostic_hz', signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
function(object) {
return(, aqp_df_class(object)))
## restrictions: stored as data.frame
setGeneric("restrictions", function(object, ...)
#' Get or Set Restriction data in a SoilProfileCollection
#' @description Restrictions describe root-limiting features in the soil. A single profile may have multiple restrictions.
#' - `restrictions()` (get method): Get restriction data from a SoilProfileCollection.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases restrictions
#' @rdname restrictions
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'restrictions', signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
function(object) {
return(, aqp_df_class(object)))
## horizon data
# returns a data.frame with horizons data
setGeneric("horizons", function(object, ...)
#' Retrieve horizon data from SoilProfileCollection
#' @description Get horizon data from SoilProfileCollection. Result is returned in the same \code{data.frame} class used to initially construct the SoilProfileCollection.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases horizons
#' @rdname horizons
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'horizons', signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
function(object) {
return(, metadata(object)$aqp_df_class))
## metadata
# returns a data.frame
setGeneric("metadata", function(object, ...)
#' Retrieve metadata from SoilProfileCollection
#' @description Get metadata from SoilProfileCollection. Result is a list. Two entries (aqp_df_class, depth_units) should not be edited in the metadata list directly. There are methods that facilitate changing them -- and propagating their changes throughout the collection. Otherwise, metadata list is a free-form slot used to store arbitrary information about the data, how it was collected, citations, etc.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases metadata
#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'metadata', signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
function(object) {
setGeneric("aqp_df_class", function(object)
#' Get aqp_df_class entry from metadata or return a safe value.
#' @description This is an accessor and replacement method for the \code{aqp_df_class} entry in the metadata slot. This entry is used internally by methods that interact with \code{data.frame} objects and slots to ensure that the same class used to promote to the SoilProfileCollection initially is used throughout the process.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @aliases aqp_df_class
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases aqp_df_class
#' @rdname aqp_df_class
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'aqp_df_class', signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
function(object) {
u <- as.character(metadata(object)[['aqp_df_class']])
# all handles the logical(0) for undefined
if (all(u == '')) {
message("aqp_df_class metadata entry not found - run aqp::rebuildSPC() to fix")
setGeneric("aqp_df_class<-", function(object, value)
#' @param value "data.frame", "data.table" or "tbl_df"
#' @aliases aqp_df_class<-
#' @rdname aqp_df_class
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("aqp_df_class", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
if (length(value) != 1 | !is.character(value))
stop("aqp_df_class metadata entry must be `data.frame`, `data.table` or `tbl_df`", call.=FALSE)
if (value %in% c("tbl","tibble"))
value <- "tbl_df"
if (!value %in% c('data.frame',"data.table","tbl_df"))
stop("aqp_df_class metadata entry must be `data.frame`, `data.table` or `tbl_df`", call.=FALSE)
metadata(object)$aqp_df_class <- value
setGeneric("depth_units", function(object, ...)
#' Get depth units from metadata
#' @description Get units of depth measurement from metadata. Default value is centimeters.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases depth_units
#' @rdname depth_units
#' @export
setMethod(f = 'depth_units', signature(object = 'SoilProfileCollection'),
function(object) {
u <- as.character(metadata(object)[['depth_units']])
# give a warning if not defined
if (length(u) == 0 | u == '')
message('depth_units have not been defined')
setGeneric("siteNames", function(object, ...)
#' Get names of columns in site table
#' @description Get names of columns in site table.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases siteNames
#' @rdname siteNames
#' @export
setMethod("siteNames", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object) {
res <- names(object@site)
setGeneric("horizonNames", function(object, ...)
#' Get names of columns in horizon table
#' @description Get names of columns in horizon table.
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases horizonNames
#' @rdname horizonNames
#' @export
setMethod("horizonNames", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object) {
res <- names(object@horizons)
.hzMetadataNames <- function(object, depths = FALSE, ...) {
hzd <- character(0)
if (depths) {
hzd <- horizonDepths(object)
idn <- c(idname(object),
idn[! & nchar(idn) > 0]
setGeneric("hzMetadata", function(object, ...)
#' Get horizon-level metadata
#' Get `idname(object)` and `hzidname(object)`, with `hzdesgnname(object)`, `hztexclname(object)` (if defined)
#' @param object a SoilProfileCollection
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases hzMetadata
#' @rdname hzMetadata
#' @export
setMethod("hzMetadata", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object) {
idn <- .hzMetadataNames(object)
col.names = idn[idn %in% horizonNames(object)],
use_class = aqp_df_class(object))
## initialize metadata: object modification in-place
setGeneric('metadata<-', function(object, value)
#' Set Metadata for a SoilProfileCollection
#' @param object A SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value A named list (see examples)
#' @aliases metadata<-
#' @rdname metadata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sp5)
#' # replace default metadata with itself
#' metadata(sp5) <- metadata(sp5)
#' # set new metadata attribute value
#' metadata(sp5)$newvalue <- 'foo'
#' # get metadata attribute
#' metadata(sp5)$newvalue
setReplaceMethod("metadata", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
# otherwise assign
object@metadata <- value
# done
## initialize depth_units: object modification in-place, depth_units stored in @metadata
setGeneric('depth_units<-', function(object, value)
#' Set units of measurement for profile depth
#' @param object A SoilProfileCollection
#' @param value character, a value representing units. Default \code{'cm'}.
#' @aliases depth_units<-
#' @rdname depth_units
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sp5)
#' ## get depth units
#' du <- depth_units(sp5)
#' # set alternate units; e.g. inches
#' depth_units(sp5) <- 'in'
#' # replace original value (cm)
#' depth_units(sp5) <- du
setReplaceMethod("depth_units", signature(object = "SoilProfileCollection"),
function(object, value) {
# quick sanity check: character, length 1
# keep existing metadata
md <- metadata(object)
# default depth_units are always in metadata
# replace what ever is there
md$depth_units <- value
# replace metadata
metadata(object) <- md
# done
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