## ideas:
# 2016-03-21
# may not work correctly with compositions
# good idea + code here:
## TODO:
## 1. allow iteration over groups for plotting multiple horizons
## 2. consider embedding into lattice panels
# helper function
.get.ssc.low.rv.high <- function(ssc, p, delta, TT.obj) {
if(!requireNamespace("soiltexture", quietly = TRUE))
stop("package `soiltexture` is required", call.=FALSE)
# sanity checks
if(delta < 1)
stop('delta values smaller than 1 may result in memory overflow', call.=FALSE)
# compute _univariate_ low - rv - high by variable
ssc.stats <- apply(ssc, 2, Hmisc::hdquantile, probs=p, na.rm=TRUE)
# re-order for plotting
sand.stats <- sort(ssc.stats[, 1])
silt.stats <- sort(ssc.stats[, 2])
clay.stats <- sort(ssc.stats[, 3])
# make a grid of sand, silt, clay values within the low--high range of the data
sand.seq <- round(seq(from=sand.stats[1], to=sand.stats[3], by=delta))
silt.seq <- round(seq(from=silt.stats[1], to=silt.stats[3], by=delta))
clay.seq <- round(seq(from=clay.stats[1], to=clay.stats[3], by=delta))
g <- expand.grid(SAND=sand.seq, SILT=silt.seq, CLAY=clay.seq)
# subset to only include those sand, silt, clay values that sum to 100% (0.01% tolerance)
real.textures <- which(abs(apply(g, 1, sum) - 100) < 0.01 )
g <- g[real.textures, ]
# plot low and high values with no symbol, so that we can access the {x,y} screen coordinates
tp.low.high <- soiltexture::TT.points( = g, geo = TT.obj, pch = NA, tri.sum.tst = FALSE)
# create range polygon
poly.order <- chull(tp.low.high$x, tp.low.high$y)
# package quantiles and bounding polygon geometry
res <- list(
stats = ssc.stats,
range = list(
x = tp.low.high$x[poly.order],
y = tp.low.high$y[poly.order]
# compute and plot "low"--"representative value"--"high" soil textures based on:
# ssc: data.frame/matrix of [sand, silt, clay]
# p: requested percentiles
#' @title Soil Texture Low-RV-High as Defined by Quantiles
#' @author D.E. Beaudette, J. Nemecek, K. Godsey
#' @description This function accepts soil texture components (sand, silt, and clay percentages) and plots a soil texture triangle with a "representative value" (point) and low-high region (polygon) defined by quantiles (estimated with \code{Hmisc::hdquantile}). Marginal quantiles of sand, silt, and clay are used to define the boundary of a low-high region. The default settings place the RV symbol at the texture defined by marginal medians of sand, silt, and clay. The default low-high region is defined by the 5th and 95th marginal percentiles of sand, silt, and clay.
#' @param ssc \code{data.frame} with columns: 'SAND', 'SILT', 'CLAY', values are percentages that should add to 100. No NA allowed.
#' @param p vector of percentiles (length = 3) defining 'low', 'representative value', and 'high'
#' @param delta grid size used to form low-high region
#' @param rv.col color used for representative value (RV) symbol
#' @param range.border color used for polygon border enclosing the low-high region
#' @param range.col color used for polygon enclosing the low-high region
#' @param range.alpha transparency of the low-high range polygon (0-255)
#' @param range.lty line style for polygon enclosing the low-high region
#' @param range.lwd line weight polygon enclosing the low-high region
#' @param main plot title
#' @param legend.cex scaling factor for legend
#' @param legend logical, enable/disable automatic legend
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{soiltexture::TT.points}
#' @return an invisible \code{matrix} with marginal percentiles of sand, silt, and clay
#' @seealso \code{\link{bootstrapSoilTexture}}
#' @keywords hplots
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if(
#' requireNamespace("Hmisc") &
#' requireNamespace("compositions") &
#' requireNamespace("soiltexture")
#' ) {
#' # sample data
#' data('sp4')
#' # subset rows / columns
#' ssc <- sp4[grep('^Bt', sp4$name), c('sand', 'silt', 'clay')]
#' names(ssc) <- toupper(names(ssc))
#' # make figure, marginal percentiles are silently returned
#' stats <- textureTriangleSummary(
#' ssc, pch = 1, cex = 0.5,
#' range.alpha = 50,
#' range.lwd = 1,
#' col = grey(0.5),
#' legend = FALSE
#' )
#' # check
#' stats
#' # simulate some data and try again
#' s <- bootstrapSoilTexture(ssc, n = 100)$samples
#' # make the figure, ignore results
#' textureTriangleSummary(
#' s, pch = 1, cex = 0.5,
#' range.alpha = 50,
#' range.lwd = 1,
#' col = grey(0.5),
#' legend = FALSE
#' )
#' }
#' }
textureTriangleSummary <- function(ssc, p = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), delta = 1, rv.col = 'red', range.border = 'black', range.col = 'RoyalBlue', range.alpha = 80, range.lty = 1, range.lwd = 2, main = 'Soil Textures', legend.cex = 0.75, legend = TRUE, ...) {
# sanity check
! requireNamespace("soiltexture", quietly = TRUE) |
! requireNamespace("Hmisc", quietly = TRUE)
) {
stop("packages `Hmisc` and `soiltexture` are required", call.=FALSE)
# TODO: filter NA?
# check for appropriate column names
# all must be present
# may be other columns as well, ignore those
name.check <- sapply(c('SAND', 'SILT', 'CLAY'), function(i) {
any(names(ssc) %in% i)
if(! all(name.check)) {
stop('`ssc` must contain columns: `SAND`, `SILT`, `CLAY`.')
# subset via column names
ssc <- ssc[, c('SAND', 'SILT', 'CLAY')]
# setup colors
range.col <- rgb(t(col2rgb(range.col)), maxColorValue=255, alpha=range.alpha)
# setup legend elements
rv.text <- paste0('Sample RV (', paste(p[c(2)], collapse='-'), ')')
low.high.range.text <- paste0('Low-High Range (', paste(p[c(1,3)], collapse='-'), ')')
legend.text <- c(rv.text, low.high.range.text)
legend.cols <- c('black', 'black') <- c(rv.col, range.col)
legend.pch <- c(22, 22)
# setup plot
TT <- soiltexture::TT.plot(
class.sys = "USDA-NCSS.TT", # use "our" texture triangle
main = main, # title
tri.sum.tst = FALSE, # do not test for exact sum(sand, silt, clay) == 100
cex.lab = 0.75, # scaling of label text
cex.axis = 0.75, # scaling of axis = 'white', # background color
class.lab.col = 'black', # color for texture class labels
lwd.axis = 1.5,
lwd.lab = 2,
# compute RV / range polygon for data
res <- .get.ssc.low.rv.high(ssc, p=p, delta=delta, TT.obj = TT)
# add polgon defining range of data
polygon(res$range$x, res$range$y, col=range.col, border = range.border, lty = range.lty, lwd = range.lwd)
# add original data, passing in additional arguments
soiltexture::TT.points( = ssc, geo = TT, tri.sum.tst=FALSE, lwd = 1, ...)
# plot population RV
soiltexture::TT.points( = data.frame(t(res$stats[2, ])),
geo = TT,
bg = rv.col,
pch = 22,
cex = 1.25,
lwd = 1,
tri.sum.tst = FALSE
# legend
if(legend) {
legend = legend.text, =,
pch = legend.pch,
col = legend.cols,
bty = 'n',
cex = legend.cex,
pt.cex = 1.25,
horiz = TRUE
# invisibly return stats
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