## BayesX interface ##
BayesX.control <- function(n.iter = 1200, thin = 1, burnin = 200,
seed = NULL, predict = "light", = "bamlss", = "d", = NULL, dir = NULL, verbose = FALSE, show.prg = TRUE, modeonly = FALSE, ...)
seed <- '##seed##'
stopifnot(burnin < n.iter)
if(is.null( <- 'bamlss'
if(is.null( <- 'd'
if(is.null( <- paste(, 'prg', sep = '.')
if(!grepl(".prg", <- paste(, "prg", sep = ".")
if(is.null(dir)) {
dir.create(dir <- tempfile())
attr(dir, "unlink") <- TRUE
} else dir <- path.expand(dir)
if(!file.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir)
cores <- 1
cvals <- list(
"prg" = list(
"iterations" = n.iter, "burnin" = burnin, "step" = thin,
"setseed" = seed, "predict" = predict, "modeonly" = modeonly
"setup" = list(
"main" = c(rep(FALSE, 3), rep(TRUE, 2)), "" =, "" =,
"" =, "dir" = dir, "verbose" = verbose, "show.prg" = show.prg, "cores" = cores
sam_BayesX <- BayesX <- function(x, y, family, start = NULL, weights = NULL, offset = NULL,
data = NULL, control = BayesX.control(...), ...)
cmd <- paste0('stopifnot(require', 'Name', 'space("Bayes', 'X', 'src"))')
ok <- try(eval(parse(text = cmd)), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(ok, "try-error"))
stop("please install the 'BayesXsrc' package!")
stop("BayesX specifications missing in family object, cannot set up model!")
if(is.null(attr(x, "bamlss.engine.setup")))
x <- bamlss.engine.setup(x, update = update, parametric2smooth = FALSE, nodf = TRUE, ...)
x <- set.starting.values(x, start) ## FIXME: starting values for parametric parts?
fbx <- family$bayesx <- control$setup$ <- rmf(control$setup$ <- control$setup$
dir <- control$setup$dir
cores <- control$setup$cores
if(is.null(cores)) cores <- 1
if(!file.exists(dir)) {
if(is.null(data)) {
data <- try(get('bf', envir = parent.frame())$model.frame, silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(data, "try-error"))
stop("cannot find the model.frame for creating BayesX model term objects!")
stop("no data available for creating BayesX model term objects!")
for(j in names(data)) {
if(is.factor(data[[j]])) {
data <- cbind(data,"~ -1 +", j)), data = data)))
if( {
if(ncol(y) < 2) {
y <- y[, 1, drop = FALSE]
cny <- colnames(y)
for(j in seq_along(cny))
cny[j] <- all.vars(as.formula(paste("~", cny[j])))
colnames(y) <- cny
yname <- colnames(y)[1]
for(j in names(y)) {
if(is.factor(y[[j]])) {
if(nlevels(y[[j]]) < 3) {
y[[j]] <- as.integer(as.integer(y[[j]]) - 1L)
is.user <- function(x) {
iu <- inherits(x, "userdefined.smooth.spec") | inherits(x, "tensorX.smooth") | inherits(x, "userdefined.smooth") | inherits(x, "tensor.smooth")
iu <- FALSE
if(is.null(x$sx.construct) & !iu)
iu <- TRUE
is.tx <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "tensorX.smooth") | inherits(x, "tensorX3.smooth")
single_eqn <- function(x, y, id) {
rhs <- dfiles <- prgex <- sdata <- NULL
if(!is.null(x$model.matrix)) {
cn <- rmf(colnames(x$model.matrix))
colnames(x$model.matrix) <- cn
cn <- cn[cn != "Intercept"]
if(length(cn)) {
rhs <- c(rhs, cn)
sdata <-$model.matrix[, cn, drop = FALSE])
if("Intercept" %in% colnames(x$model.matrix)) {
sdata <- cbind("Intercept" = rep(1, if(is.null(dim(y))) length(y) else nrow(y)), sdata)
rhs <- c("const", rhs)
sdata <-
if(!is.null(x$smooth.construct)) {
for(j in names(x$smooth.construct)) {
class(x$smooth.construct[[j]]) <- c("userdefined.smooth.spec", class(x$smooth.construct[[j]]))
sxc <- sx.construct(x$smooth.construct[[j]], data, id = c(id, j), dir = dir, mcmcreg = TRUE)
if(!is.null(attr(sxc, "write")))
prgex <- c(prgex, attr(sxc, "write")(dir))
rhs <- c(rhs, sxc)
tl <- if(is.null(x$smooth.construct[[j]]$tx.term)) {
} else {
otl <- x$smooth.construct[[j]]$term
if((x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by != "NA") & is.user(x$smooth.construct[[j]])) {
tl <- c(tl, x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by)
otl <- c(otl, x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by)
if((length(tl) > 1) & is.user(x$smooth.construct[[j]]) & !is.tx(x$smooth.construct[[j]]))
tl <- paste(tl, collapse = "")
if(is.null(sdata)) {
if(is.user(x$smooth.construct[[j]])) {
sdata <- match.index(data[, otl, drop = FALSE])$match.index
colnames(sdata) <- tl
} else {
sdata <- data[, tl, drop = FALSE]
if(!all(tl %in% colnames(sdata))) {
for(tlj in tl) {
if(tlj %in% names(data)) {
sdata[[tlj]] <- data[[tlj]]
} else {
sdata[[tlj]] <- match.index(data[, otl, drop = FALSE])$match.index
if(x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by != "NA") {
if(is.factor(data[[x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by]])) {
mm <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~ -1 +", x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by)), data = data)
for(tlj in colnames(mm))
sdata[[tlj]] <- mm[, tlj]
} else {
sdata[[x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by]] <- data[[x$smooth.construct[[j]]$by]]
rn <-$formula), hierarchical = FALSE)
if(!family$family == "dirichlet") {
if(is.null(family$cat)) {
if(length(cny) > 1) {
for(ii in 0:9) {
if(grepl(ii, rn))
rn <- grep(ii, cny, value = TRUE)
if(rn %in% family$names)
rn <- yname
} else {
if(rn %in% family$names)
rn <- NA
rn <- yname
eqn <- paste(rn, "=", paste(rhs, collapse = " + "))
rval <- list("eqn" = eqn, "prgex" = prgex)
if(!is.null(sdata)) {
for(j in names(sdata)) {
sdata[[j]] <- as.integer(as.character(sdata[[j]]))
if(nrow(sdata) == (if(is.null(dim(y))) length(y) else nrow(y)))
sdata <- cbind(sdata, y)
rval$dname <- paste(paste(id, collapse = "_"),, sep = "_")
write.table(sdata, file = file.path(dir, paste(rval$dname, ".raw", sep = "")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
rval$prgex <- c(
paste("dataset", rval$dname),
paste(rval$dname, ".infile using ",
file.path(dir, paste(rval$dname, ".raw", sep = "")), sep = ""),
eqn <- list()
prgex <- NULL
n <- 1
main <- if(is.null(family$bayesx$main)) c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(x) - 1)) else family$bayesx$main
pcmd <- control$prg$predict
control$prg$predict <- NULL
control$prg$quantile <- family$bayesx$quantile
modeonly <- control$prg$modeonly
control$prg$modeonly <- NULL
control$prg <- control$prg[!(names(control$prg) %in% c("iterations", "burnin", "step"))]
nrcat <- attr(family$bayesx, "nrcat")
for(i in names(x)) {
if(!all(c("fake.formula", "formula") %in% names(x[[i]]))) {
stop("hierarchical models not supported yet!")
eqn[[i]] <- list()
k <- 1
for(j in names(x[[i]])) {
msp <- single_eqn(x[[i]][[j]], y, id = c(i, j))
teqn <- paste(, ".hregress ", msp$eqn,
", family=", if(k < 2) fbx[[i]][1] else "gaussian_re",
" equationtype=", fbx[[i]][2],
if(n == length(x) & k < 2) {
paste(" ", paste(names(control$prg), "=", control$prg, sep = "", collapse = " "))
} else NULL,
if(main[n]) {
paste(" predict=", pcmd, sep = "")
} else NULL,
if(!is.null(msp$dname)) paste(" using", msp$dname) else NULL, sep = "")
eqn[[i]][[j]] <- teqn
prgex <- c(prgex, msp$prgex)
k <- k + 1
eqn[[i]] <- rev(eqn[[i]])
} else {
msp <- single_eqn(x[[i]], y, id = i)
teqn <- paste(, ".hregress ", msp$eqn, ", family=", fbx[[i]][1],
if(!is.null(nrcat)) paste0(if(n == 1) " hlevel=1 " else NULL, " nrcat=", nrcat) else NULL,
" equationtype=", if(!main[n]) fbx[[i]][length(fbx[[i]])] else fbx[[i]][2],
if(n == length(x)) {
paste(paste(" ", paste(names(control$prg), "=", control$prg, sep = "", collapse = " ")),
if(modeonly) " modeonly" else "", sep = "")
} else NULL,
if(main[n]) {
if(modeonly) " modeonly" else paste(" predict=", pcmd, sep = "")
} else NULL,
if(!is.null(msp$dname)) paste(" using", msp$dname) else NULL, sep = "")
eqn[[i]] <- teqn
prgex <- c(prgex, msp$prgex)
n <- n + 1
prg <- c(prgex, "", paste("mcmcreg",, "")
for(i in unlist(rev(eqn)))
prg <- c(prg, i, "")
prg <- c(prg, paste(, "getsample", sep = "."))
prg <- c(
paste('%% BayesX program created by bamlss: ', as.character(Sys.time()), sep = ''),
paste('%% usefile ', file.path(dir,, sep = ''), "",
prg <- unique(prg)
if(any(grepl("##seed##", prg, fixed = TRUE)))
prg <- gsub("##seed##", round(runif(1L) * .Machine$integer.max), prg, fixed = TRUE)
prgf <- file.path(dir,
writeLines(prg, prgf)
warn <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
cmd <- paste0("Bayes", "X", "src", ":", ":",
"run.bayesx(prg = prgf, verbose = control$setup$verbose)")
ok <- eval(parse(text = cmd))
options("warn" = warn)
if(length(i <- grep("error", ok$log, = TRUE))) {
errl <- gsub("^ +", "", ok$log[i])
errl <- gsub(" +$", "", errl)
errl <- encodeString(errl, width = NA, justify = "left")
errl <- paste(" *", errl)
errm <- paste("an error occurred running the BayesX binary! The following messages are returned:\n",
paste(errl, collapse = "\n", sep = ""), sep = "")
warning(errm, call. = FALSE)
if(length(i <- grep("-nan", ok$log, = TRUE))) {
warning("the BayesX engine returned NA samples, please check your model specification! In some cases it can be helpful to center continuous covariates!", call. = FALSE)
sfiles <- grep("_sample.raw", dir(file.path(dir, "output")), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if(!length(sfiles)) {
warning("BayesX did not return any samples!")
samples <- NULL
for(i in names(x)) {
if(!all(c("fake.formula", "formula") %in% names(x[[i]]))) {
stop("hierarchical models not supported yet!")
} else {
if(!is.null(x[[i]]$model.matrix)) {
sf <- grepl(paste("_", i, "_", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(paste("LinearEffects", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE)
if(!any(sf) & (length(cny) > 1)) {
for(ii in 0:9) {
if(grepl(ii, i) & any(grepl(ii, cny))) {
jj <- gsub(ii, "", i)
ii <- grep(ii, cny, value = TRUE)
sf <- grepl(paste("_", jj, "_", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(paste(ii, "_LinearEffects", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE)
sf <- sfiles[sf]
if(length(sf)) {
samps <- as.matrix(read.table(file.path(dir, "output", sf), header = TRUE)[, -1, drop = FALSE])
colnames(samps) <- paste(i, ".p.", colnames(x[[i]]$model.matrix), sep = "")
samples <- cbind(samples, samps)
if(!is.null(x[[i]]$smooth.construct)) {
for(j in seq_along(x[[i]]$smooth.construct)) {
tl <- if(is.null(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$tx.term)) {
} else {
if((x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by != "NA") & is.user(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]])) {
tl <- if(is.tx(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]])) {
c(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by, tl)
} else {
c(tl, x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by)
if((length(tl) > 1) & is.user(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]) & !is.tx(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]))
tl <- paste(tl, collapse = "")
term <- paste(if(is.user(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]])) "of" else NULL, "_", paste(tl, collapse = "_"), "_", "sample", sep = "")
#term <- paste("of", term, "sample", sep = "")
sf <- grepl(paste("_", i, "_", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(term, sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & !grepl("_variance_", sfiles, fixed = TRUE)
sf <- sfiles[sf]
if((length(sf) < 1) & (length(cny) > 1)) {
for(ii in 0:9) {
if(grepl(ii, i) & any(grepl(ii, cny))) {
jj <- gsub(ii, "", i)
ii <- grep(ii, cny, value = TRUE)
sf <- grepl(paste("_", jj, "_", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(term, sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & !grepl("_variance_", sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(paste0("_", ii, "_"), sfiles, fixed = TRUE)
sf <- sfiles[sf]
if(inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "mrf.smooth")) {
if(!inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "mgcv.smooth"))
sf <- grep("_spatial_", sf, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if(inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "random.effect")) {
if(!inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "mgcv.smooth"))
sf <- grep("_random_", sf, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if(any(grepl("anisotropy", sf)))
sf <- sf[-grep("anisotropy", sf)]
tj <- grep("tensor", sf, fixed = TRUE)
sf <- if(is.tx(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]) & (length(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$term) > 1)) sf[tj] else sf[-tj]
if((x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by != "NA") & !is.user(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]))
sf <- grep(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by, sf, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if(length(sf) < 1)
samps <- as.matrix(read.table(file.path(dir, "output", sf), header = TRUE)[, -1, drop = FALSE])
cn <- colnames(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$X)
cn <- paste("b", 1:ncol(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$X), sep = "")
if(length(cn) != ncol(samps)) {
cn <- paste("b", 1:ncol(samps), sep = "")
warning(paste("number of returned parameters from BayesX is different from number of columns in the design matrix for term ",
names(x[[i]]$smooth.construct)[j], "!", sep = ""))
colnames(samps) <- paste(i, ".s.", x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$label, ".", cn, sep = "")
sf <- grepl(paste("_", i, "_", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(term, sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl("_variance_", sfiles, fixed = TRUE)
sf <- sfiles[sf]
term <- gsub("_sample", "_omega", term, fixed = TRUE)
aniso <- grepl(paste("_", i, "_", sep = ""), sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl(term, sfiles, fixed = TRUE) & grepl("_anisotropy_", sfiles, fixed = TRUE)
aniso <- sfiles[aniso]
if(length(aniso) & FALSE)
sf <- aniso
if(length(sf)) {
tj <- grep("tensor", sf, fixed = TRUE)
sf <- if(is.tx(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]) & (length(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$term) > 1)) sf[tj] else sf[-tj]
if(inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "mrf.smooth")) {
if(!inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "mgcv.smooth"))
sf <- grep("_spatial_", sf, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if(inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "random.effect")) {
if(!inherits(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]], "mgcv.smooth"))
sf <- grep("_random_", sf, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if((x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by != "NA") & !is.user(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]))
sf <- grep(x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$by, sf, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
vsamps <- as.matrix(read.table(file.path(dir, "output", sf), header = TRUE)[, -1, drop = FALSE])
colnames(vsamps) <- paste(i, ".s.", x[[i]]$smooth.construct[[j]]$label, ".", paste("tau2", 1:ncol(vsamps), sep = ""), sep = "")
samps <- cbind(samps, vsamps)
samples <- cbind(samples, samps)
if(FALSE) {
sf <- grep("_DIC", dir(file.path(dir, "output")), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
dic <- read.table(file.path(dir, "output", sf), header = TRUE)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
samples <- cbind(samples, "DIC" = dic$dic, "pd" = dic$pd)
## (2) BayesX model term construction ##
sx <- function(x, z = NULL, bs = "ps", by = NA, ...)
by <- deparse(substitute(by), backtick = TRUE, width.cutoff = 500)
call <-
available.terms <- c(
"rw1", "rw2",
"ps", "psplinerw1", "psplinerw2", "pspline",
"te", "pspline2dimrw2", "te1", "pspline2dimrw1",
"kr", "kriging",
"gk", "geokriging",
"gs", "geospline",
"mrf", "spatial",
"bl", "baseline",
"ridge", "lasso", "nigmix",
"re", "ra", "random",
"cs", "catspecific",
"rps", "hrandom_pspline"
if(!bs %in% available.terms) stop(paste("basis type", sQuote(bs), "not supported by BayesX"))
if(bs %in% c("rsps", "hrandom_pspline")) {
bs <- "rsps"
x <- deparse(substitute(x), backtick = TRUE, width.cutoff = 500)
rcall <- paste("r(x = ", by, ", bs = ", sQuote(bs), ", by = ", x, ", ...)", sep = "")
rval <- eval(parse(text = rcall))
} else {
if(length(grep("~", term <- deparse(call$x))) && bs %in% c("re", "ra", "random")) {
x <- deparse(substitute(x), backtick = TRUE, width.cutoff = 500)
rcall <- paste("r(x = ", x, ", by = ", by, ", ...)", sep = "")
rval <- eval(parse(text = rcall))
} else {
k <- -1
m <- NA
xt <- list(...)
if("xt" %in% names(xt))
xt <- xt[["xt"]]
xt$lambda <- 100
if("m" %in% names(xt))
stop("argument m is not allowed, please see function s() using this specification!")
if("k" %in% names(xt))
stop("argument k is not allowed, please see function s() using this specification!")
xt <- xt$xt
warn <- getOption("warn")
options("warn" = -1)
if(by != "NA" && is.vector(by) && length(by) < 2L && ! {
xt["b"] <- by
by <- "NA"
options("warn" = warn)
if(bs %in% c("pspline2dimrw1", "pspline2dimrw2", "te",
"gs", "geospline", "kr", "gk", "kriging", "geokriging")) {
if(by != "NA")
stop(paste("by variables are not allowed for smooths of type bs = '", bs, "'!", sep = ""))
if(bs == "te1") bs <- "pspline2dimrw1"
xt$nrknots <- xt$knots
if(bs %in% c("ps", "te", "psplinerw1", "psplinerw2", "pspline",
"pspline2dimrw2", "pspline2dimrw1", "gs", "geospline")) {
m <- xt$degree
if(!is.null(xt$order)) {
m <- c(3L, xt$order)
m <- c(m[1L], xt$order)
if(length(m) < 2L && (bs %in% c("gs", "geospline")))
m <- c(3L, 1L)
if(length(m) < 2L &&
m <- c(3L, 2L)
if(is.null(xt$order) && length(m) < 2L)
m <- c(m, 2L)
if(is.null(xt$order) && length(m) < 2L)
m <- c(m, 1L)
m[1L] <- m[1L] - 1L
k <- xt$nrknots + m[1L]
else {
if(bs %in% c("ps", "psplinerw1", "psplinerw2", "pspline"))
k <- 20L + m[1L]
k <- 10L + m[1L]
if(bs %in% c("kr", "gk", "kriging", "geokriging")) {
m <- c(1L, 1L)
if(!is.null(xt$nrknots)) {
k <- xt$nrknots
} else k <- -1L
xt$ <- rmf(as.character(call$map))
xt[c("degree", "order", "knots", "nrknots")] <- NULL
xt <- NULL
term <- c(term, deparse(call$z))
if(bs != "te") {
rval <- s(x, z, k = k, bs = bs, m = m, xt = xt)
} else {
rval <- te(x, z, k = k, bs = "ps", m = m, xt = xt, mp = FALSE)
rval$margin[[1]]$term <- term[1]
rval$margin[[2]]$term <- term[1]
rval$by <- by
rval$term <- term
rval$dim <- length(term)
rval$label <- paste("sx(", paste(term, collapse = ",", sep = ""),
if(by != "NA") paste(",by=", by, sep = "") else NULL, ")", sep = "")
rval$xt$prior <- "ig"
if(is.null(rval$xt$theta)) {
rval$xt$theta <- switch(rval$xt$prior,
"sd" = 0.00877812,
"hc" = 0.01034553,
"hn" = 0.1457644,
"u" = 0.2723532
rval$xt$scaletau2 <- rval$xt$theta
if(is.null(rval$xt$hyperprior)) {
rval$xt$hyperprior <- switch(rval$xt$prior,
"ig" = "invgamma",
"hn" = "hnormal",
"sd" = "scaledep",
"hc" = "hcauchy",
"u" = "aunif"
rval$xt$prior <- NULL
rval$xt$theta <- NULL
rval$special <- TRUE
rval$sx.construct <- TRUE
class(rval) <- c(class(rval), "no.mgcv")
sx.construct <- function(object, data, ...)
sx.construct.default <- function(object, data, ...)
cl <- grep(".smooth.spec", class(object), value = TRUE, fixed = TRUE)
bs <- gsub(".smooth.spec", "", cl, fixed = TRUE)
if(length(cl)) {
info <- if(cl == paste(bs, "smooth.spec", sep = ".")) {
paste("with basis", sQuote(bs))
} else {
paste("of class", sQuote(cl))
} else info <- paste("of class", paste(sQuote(class(object)), collapse = ", "))
stop(paste("BayesX does not support smooth terms ", info,
", it is recommended to use sx() for specifying smooth terms",
sep = ""))
do.xt <- function(term, object, not = NULL, noco = FALSE)
if(!is.null(object$xt)) {
names.xt <- names(object$xt)
not <- "not"
count <- 1
co <- ","
co <- NULL
for(name in names.xt) {
if(count > 1)
co <- ","
if(!name %in% not) {
if(name %in% c("full", "catspecific", "center", "derivative", "nofixed") ||
is.logical(object$xt[[name]])) {
if(is.logical(object$xt[[name]])) {
term <- paste(term, co, name, sep = "")
} else term <- paste(term, co, name, sep = "")
count <- count + 1
} else {
term <- paste(term, co, name, "=", object$xt[name], sep = "")
count <- count + 1
sx.construct.userdefined.smooth.spec <- sx.construct.tensorX.smooth <- function(object, data, id = NULL, dir = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(object$xt$hyperprior)) {
object$xt$prior <- "ig"
} else {
object$xt$prior <- switch(object$xt$hyperprior,
"invgamma" = "ig",
"hnormal" = "hn",
"scaledep" = "sd",
"hcauchy" = "hc",
"aunif" = "u"
if(is.null(object$xt$scaletau2)) {
if(is.null(object$xt$theta)) {
object$xt$theta <- switch(object$xt$prior,
"sd" = 0.00877812,
"hc" = 0.01034553,
"hn" = 0.1457644,
"u" = 0.2723532
} else {
object$xt$theta <- object$xt$scaletau2
object$xt$scaletau2 <- object$xt$theta
object$xt$hyperprior <- switch(object$xt$prior,
"ig" = "invgamma",
"hn" = "hnormal",
"sd" = "scaledep",
"hc" = "hcauchy",
"u" = "aunif"
if(!is.null(object$xt[["pSigma"]])) {
object$S <- object$sx.S <- object$xt[["pSigma"]]
object$state <- NULL
object$S <- object$sx.S
object$rank <- object$sx.rank
is.tx <- inherits(object, "tensorX.smooth") | inherits(object, "tensorX3.smooth")
if(inherits(object, "tensor.smooth")) {
S <- 0
for(j in seq_along(object$S))
S <- S + object$S[[j]]
object$S <- list(S)
object$C <- Cmat(object)
if(!is.null(object$C)) {
if(nrow(object$C) < 1)
object$C <- NULL
if(is.null(object$C) & !is.tx)
object$xt$nocenter <- TRUE
id <- "t"
id <- paste(rmf(id), collapse = "_")
term <- if(length(object$term) > 1) {
paste(if(is.null(object$tx.term)) object$term else object$tx.term, collapse = if(!is.tx) "" else "*")
} else object$term
by <- if(object$by != "NA") object$by else NULL
if(!is.null(by)) {
term <- if(is.tx) paste(by, term, sep = "*") else paste(term, by, sep = "")
Sn <- paste(id, by, "S", sep = "_")
Sn <- paste(Sn, "", 1:length(object$S), sep = "")
Xn <- paste(id, by, "X", sep = "_")
Cn <- paste(id, by, "C", sep = "_")
Pn <- paste(id, by, "P", sep = "_")
Pm <- paste(id, by, "Pm", sep = "_")
} else {
Sn <- paste(id, "S", sep = "_")
Sn <- paste(Sn, "", 1:length(object$S), sep = "")
Xn <- paste(id, "X", sep = "_")
Cn <- paste(id, "C", sep = "_")
Pn <- paste(id, "P", sep = "_")
Pm <- paste(id, "Pm", sep = "_")
object$rank <- sapply(object$S, function(x) { qr(x)$rank })
object$xt$centermethod <- NULL
if(!is.null(object$C)) {
object$xt$centermethod <- NULL
object$xt$nocenter <- NULL
term <- paste(term, if(is.tx & (length(object$S) > 1)) "(tensor," else "(userdefined,", sep = "")
for(j in seq_along(object$S))
term <- paste(term, paste("penmatdata", if(j < 2) "" else j, "=", sep = ""), Sn[j], ",", sep = "")
noc_and_cm <- is.null(object$xt$nocenter) & is.null(object$xt$centermethod)
if(length(object$S) > 1) {
Xn <- paste(Xn, "", 1:length(object$S), sep = "")
for(j in seq_along(object$S)) {
term <- paste(term, paste("designmatdata", if(j < 2) "" else j, "=", sep = ""),
Xn[j], if(j == length(object$S)) { if(noc_and_cm) "," else "" } else ",", sep = "")
} else {
term <- paste(term, "designmatdata=", Xn,
if(noc_and_cm) "," else "",
sep = "")
term <- paste(term, "constrmatdata=", Cn, sep = "")
term <- paste(term, ",betastart=", Pn, sep = "")
term <- paste(term, ",priormeandata=", Pm, sep = "")
if(is.null(object$xt$nocenter) & is.null(object$xt$centermethod) & !is.null(object$rank))
term <- paste(term, ",rankK=", sum(object$rank), sep = "")
term <- paste(do.xt(term, object,
c("center", "before", "penalty", "polys", "map", "", "nb", "gra", "ft", "prior", "theta", "pmean", "pSigma", "doC", "constraint", "binning")), ")", sep = "")
write <- function(dir) {
exists <- NULL
for(j in seq_along(object$S)) {
if(!file.exists(file.path(dir, paste(Sn[j], ".raw", sep = "")))) {
colnames(object$S[[j]]) <- rownames(object$S[[j]]) <- NULL
write.table(round(object$S[[j]], 5), file = file.path(dir, paste(Sn[j], ".raw", sep = "")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else exists <- c(exists, file.path(dir, paste(Sn[j], ".raw", sep = "")))
if(is.tx) {
for(j in seq_along(object$S)) {
if(!file.exists(file.path(dir, paste(Xn[j], ".raw", sep = "")))) {
write.table(round(object$margin[[j]]$X, 5), file = file.path(dir, paste(Xn[j], ".raw", sep = "")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else exists <- c(exists, file.path(dir, paste(Xn[j], ".raw", sep = "")))
} else {
if(!file.exists(file.path(dir, paste(Xn, ".raw", sep = "")))) {
write.table(round(object$X, 5), file = file.path(dir, paste(Xn, ".raw", sep = "")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else exists <- c(exists, file.path(dir, paste(Xn, ".raw", sep = "")))
if(!is.null(object$C)) {
if(!file.exists(file.path(dir, paste(Cn, ".raw", sep = "")))) {
write.table(object$C, file = file.path(dir, paste(Cn, ".raw", sep = "")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else exists <- c(exists, file.path(dir, paste(Cn, ".raw", sep = "")))
if(!is.null(object$state$parameters)) {
spar <- as.matrix(matrix(get.par(object$state$parameters, "b"), ncol = 1))
if(!file.exists(file.path(dir, paste(Pn, ".raw", sep = "")))) {
write.table(spar, file = file.path(dir, paste(Pn, ".raw", sep = "")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else exists <- c(exists, file.path(dir, paste(Pn, ".raw", sep = "")))
if(!is.null(object$xt[["pmean"]])) {
spar <- as.matrix(matrix(object$xt[["pmean"]], ncol = 1))
if(!file.exists(file.path(dir, paste(Pm, ".raw", sep = "")))) {
write.table(spar, file = file.path(dir, paste(Pm, ".raw", sep = "")),
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
} else exists <- c(exists, file.path(dir, paste(Pm, ".raw", sep = "")))
cmd <- NULL
if(is.tx) {
for(j in seq_along(object$S)) {
if(!(file.path(dir, paste(Sn[j], ".raw", sep = "")) %in% exists)) {
cmd <- c(cmd,
paste("dataset", Sn[j]),
paste(Sn[j], ".infile using ", file.path(dir, paste(Sn[j], ".raw", sep = "")), sep = "")
if(!(file.path(dir, paste(Xn[j], ".raw", sep = "")) %in% exists)) {
cmd <- c(cmd,
paste("dataset", Xn[j]),
paste(Xn[j], ".infile using ", file.path(dir, paste(Xn[j], ".raw", sep = "")), sep = "")
} else {
if(!(file.path(dir, paste(Sn, ".raw", sep = "")) %in% exists)) {
cmd <- c(cmd,
paste("dataset", Sn),
paste(Sn, ".infile using ", file.path(dir, paste(Sn, ".raw", sep = "")), sep = "")
if(!(file.path(dir, paste(Xn, ".raw", sep = "")) %in% exists)) {
cmd <- c(cmd,
paste("dataset", Xn),
paste(Xn, ".infile using ", file.path(dir, paste(Xn, ".raw", sep = "")), sep = "")
if(!is.null(object$C)) {
if(!(file.path(dir, paste(Cn, ".raw", sep = "")) %in% exists)) {
cmd <- c(cmd,
paste("dataset", Cn),
paste(Cn, ".infile using ", file.path(dir, paste(Cn, ".raw", sep = "")), sep = "")
if(!is.null(object$state$parameters)) {
if(!(file.path(dir, paste(Pn, ".raw", sep = "")) %in% exists)) {
cmd <- c(cmd,
paste("dataset", Pn),
paste(Pn, ".infile using ", file.path(dir, paste(Pn, ".raw", sep = "")), sep = "")
if(!is.null(object$xt[["pmean"]])) {
if(!(file.path(dir, paste(Pm, ".raw", sep = "")) %in% exists)) {
cmd <- c(cmd,
paste("dataset", Pm),
paste(Pm, ".infile using ", file.path(dir, paste(Pm, ".raw", sep = "")), sep = "")
attr(term, "write") <- write
sx.construct.pspline.smooth <- <- sx.construct.psplinerw1.smooth.spec <-
sx.construct.psplinerw2.smooth.spec <- sx.construct.pspline.smooth.spec <-
function(object, data, mcmcreg = FALSE, ...)
if(length(object$p.order) == 1L)
m <- rep(object$p.order, 2L)
m <- object$p.order
m[] <- 2L
object$p.order <- m
object$p.order[1L] <- object$p.order[1L] + 1L
if(inherits(object, "psplinerw1.smooth.spec"))
object$p.order[2L] <- 1L
if(inherits(object, "psplinerw2.smooth.spec"))
object$p.order[2L] <- 2L
if(object$bs.dim < 0L)
object$bs.dim <- 10L
if(length(object$p.order) > 1L) {
if(object$p.order[2L] > 2L) {
warning("order of the difference penalty not supported by BayesX, set to 2!")
object$p.order <- c(object$p.order[1L], 2L)
nrknots <- object$bs.dim - object$p.order[1L] + 1L
if(nrknots < 5L) {
warning("number of inner knots smaller than 5 not supported by BayesX, set to 5!",
call. = FALSE)
nrknots <- 5L
termo <- object$term
term <- if(mcmcreg) {
paste(termo, "(pspline,nrknots=",
nrknots, ",degree=", object$p.order[1L], ",difforder=", object$p.order[2L], sep = "")
} else {
paste(termo, "(psplinerw", object$p.order[2L], ",nrknots=",
nrknots, ",degree=", object$p.order[1L], sep = "")
object$xt[c("knots", "nrknots", "degree", "difforder")] <- NULL
term <- paste(do.xt(term, object, c("center", "before")), ")", sep = "")
if(object$by != "NA")
term <- make_by(term, object, data)
sx.construct.tensor.smooth <- sx.construct.tensor.smooth.spec <- sx.construct.t2.smooth.spec <-
function(object, data, dir, prg, mcmcreg = FALSE, ...)
by <- object$term[1L]
term <- object$term[2L]
object <- object$margin[[1L]]
object$bs.dim <- as.integer(object$bs.dim^2)
object$term <- term
object$by <- by
term <- sx.construct(object, data, dir, prg, mcmcreg = mcmcreg, ...)
term <- gsub("(pspline", "(tensor", term, fixed = TRUE)
if(!mcmcreg) {
term <- gsub("psplinerw2", "pspline2dimrw2", term)
term <- gsub("psplinerw1", "pspline2dimrw1", term)
sx.construct.ra.smooth.spec <- <-
sx.construct.random.smooth.spec <- sx.construct.random.effect <- function(object, data, mcmcreg = FALSE, ...)
term <- object$term
term <- paste(term, "(random", sep = "")
term <- paste(term, "(hrandom", sep = "")
term <- paste(do.xt(term, object, NULL), ")", sep = "")
if(object$by != "NA")
term <- make_by(term, object, data)
sx.construct.rps.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, ...)
term <- paste(object$term, "(hrandom_pspline,centermethod=meansum2", sep = "")
term <- paste(do.xt(term, object, NULL), ")", sep = "")
term <- paste(object$by, term , sep = "*")
} <- sx.construct.kriging.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, ...)
termo <- object$term
if(length(termo) < 2L)
stop("kriging method needs two terms!")
if(object$bs.dim < 0L)
object$bs.dim <- 10L
nrknots <- object$bs.dim
xt <- object$xt
term <- paste(termo[1L], "*", termo[2L], "(kriging,nrknots=", nrknots, sep = "")
else {
term <- paste(termo[1L], "*", termo[2L], "(kriging,full", sep = "")
object$xt$full <- NULL
term <- paste(do.xt(term, object, NULL), ")", sep = "")
if(object$by != "NA")
term <- make_by(term, object, data)
construct.shrw <- function(object, data, what)
term <- object$term
term <- paste(term, "(", what, sep = "")
term <- paste(do.xt(term, object, NULL), ")", sep = "")
if(object$by != "NA")
term <- make_by(term, object, data)
sx.construct.offset.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, ...)
return(construct.shrw(object, data, "offset"))
sx.construct.mrf.smooth <- sx.construct.mrf.smooth.spec <- sx.construct.spatial.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, ...)
stop("need to supply a map object in argument xt!") <-, env = .GlobalEnv),
backtick = TRUE, width.cutoff = 500L))
if(!is.null(object$xt$ <- object$xt$
object$xt <- list(object$xt) <- rmf(gsub("\\s", "", paste(, sep = "", collapse = "")))
map <- object$xt$map
if(is.null(map)) {
map <- object$xt$polys
map <- object$xt$penalty
map <- object$xt$gra
if(is.null(map)) {
if(!is.list(object$xt[[1L]])) {
if(inherits(object$xt[[1L]], "gra"))
map <- object$xt[[1L]]
map <- object$xt
} else map <- object$xt[[1L]]
if(is.null(map)) {
map <- object$xt
if(is(map, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"))
map <- BayesX::sp2bnd(map)
if(is.null(map) || (!is.list(map) && !inherits(map, "bnd") || !inherits(map, "gra")))
stop("need to supply a bnd or graph file object in argument xt!")
if(is(map, "nb"))
map <- BayesX::nb2gra(map)
if(inherits(map, "SpatialPolygons"))
map <- BayesX::sp2bnd(map)
if(!inherits(map, "bnd") && !inherits(map, "gra")) {
class(map) <- "bnd"
class(map) <- "gra"
write <- function(dir = NULL) {
if(is.null(dir)) {
dir.create(dir <- tempfile())
} else dir <- path.expand(dir)
if(!file.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir)
counter <- NULL
ok <- TRUE
files <- list.files(dir)
while(ok) {
classm <- class(map)
if(length(classm) > 1L)
if("list" %in% classm)
class(map) <- classm[classm != "list"]
mapfile <- paste(, counter, ".", class(map), sep = "")[1]
if(any(grepl(mapfile, files))) {
counter <- 0L
counter <- counter + 1L
} else ok <- FALSE
mapfile <- file.path(dir, mapfile)
prg <- paste("map",
if(inherits(map, "bnd")) {
BayesX::write.bnd(map = map, file = mapfile, replace = TRUE)
prg <- c(prg, paste(, ".infile using ", mapfile, sep = ""))
} else {
if(!is.character(map)) {
BayesX::write.gra(map = map, file = mapfile, replace = TRUE)
prg <- c(prg, paste(, ".infile, graph using ", mapfile, sep = ""))
} else {
pos <- regexpr("\\.([[:alnum:]]+)$", map)
fext <- ifelse(pos > -1L, substring(map, pos + 1L), "")
if(fext == "gra")
prg <- c(prg, paste(, ".infile, graph using ", path.expand(map), sep = ""))
prg <- c(prg, paste(, ".infile using ", path.expand(map), sep = ""))
term <- object$term
term <- paste(term, "(spatial,map=",, sep = "")
term <- paste(do.xt(term, object, c("map", "polys", "penalty", "", "nb")), ")", sep = "")
if(object$by != "NA")
term <- make_by(term, object, data)
attr(term, "write") <- write
attr(term, "") <-
make_by <- function(term, object, data)
if(!missing(data) && !is.character(data)) {
by <- data[[object$by]]
if(is.factor(by) && nlevels(by) > 1) {
nocenter <- paste(c("lasso", "nigmix", "ridge", "ra"), ".smooth.spec", sep = "")
term <- paste(paste(rmf(object$by), rmf(levels(by)), sep = ""), "*", term, sep = "")
if((k <- length(term)) > 1)
for(j in 1:k)
if(!grepl("center", term[j]) && is.null(object$xt$center))
if(!class(object) %in% nocenter)
term[j] <- gsub(")", ",center)", term[j])
} else term <- paste(rmf(object$by), "*", term, sep = "")
} else term <- paste(rmf(object$by), "*", term, sep = "")
rmf <- function(x)
for(i in 1L:length(x)) {
for(char in c("+", "-", "*", ":", "^", "/", " ", "(", ")", "]", "[",
",", ".", "<", ">", "?", "!", "'", "#", "~", "`", ";", "=", "&", "$", "@")) {
x[i] <- gsub(char, "", x[i], fixed = TRUE)
} <- function(x)
x <- splitme(x)
if(resplit(x[1L:2L]) == "s(") {
x <- resplit(c("sfoofun", x[2L:length(x)]))
x <- eval(parse(text = x), envir = parent.frame())
x <- "map"
} else x <- "map"
sfoofun <- function(x, xt = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(x) || is.null(xt))
x <- rval <- deparse(substitute(xt), backtick = TRUE, width.cutoff = 500L)
if(is.list(xt) && length(xt)>1)
for(i in 1L:length(xt))
if(inherits(xt[[i]], "bnd") || inherits(xt[[i]], "gra") || inherits(xt[[i]], "list")) {
rval <- strsplit(x, ",", " ")[[1L]]
if(length(rval) > 1L)
rval <- rval[i]
rval <- splitme(rval)
if(length(rval) > 5L)
if(resplit(rval[1L:5L]) == "list(")
rval <- rval[6L:length(rval)]
if(rval[length(rval)] == ")")
rval <- rval[1L:(length(rval) - 1)]
if(any(grepl("=", rval)))
rval <- rval[(grep("=", rval) + 2L):length(rval)]
rval <- resplit(rval)
splitme <- function(x) {
return(strsplit(x, "")[[1L]])
resplit <- function(x) {
x <- paste(x, sep = "", collapse = "")
## Special tensor constructors.
te2 <- function (..., k = NA, bs = "cr", m = NA, d = NA, by = NA, fx = FALSE,
mp = TRUE, np = TRUE, xt = NULL, id = NULL, sp = NULL, pc = NULL)
vars <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
dim <- length(vars)
by.var <- deparse(substitute(by), backtick = TRUE)
term <- deparse(vars[[1]], backtick = TRUE)
if(dim > 1)
for(i in 2:dim) term[i] <- deparse(vars[[i]], backtick = TRUE)
for(i in 1:dim) term[i] <- attr(terms(stats::reformulate(term[i])),
if(sum( || is.null(d)) {
n.bases <- dim
d <- rep(1, dim)
else {
d <- round(d)
ok <- TRUE
if(sum(d <= 0))
ok <- FALSE
if(sum(d) != dim)
ok <- FALSE
n.bases <- length(d)
else {
warning("something wrong with argument d.")
n.bases <- dim
d <- rep(1, dim)
if(sum( || is.null(k))
k <- 5^d
else {
k <- round(k)
ok <- TRUE
if(sum(k < 3)) {
ok <- FALSE
warning("one or more supplied k too small - reset to default")
if(length(k) == 1 && ok)
k <- rep(k, n.bases)
else if(length(k) != n.bases)
ok <- FALSE
k <- 5^d
if(sum( || is.null(fx))
fx <- rep(FALSE, n.bases)
else if(length(fx) == 1)
fx <- rep(fx, n.bases)
else if(length(fx) != n.bases) {
warning("dimension of fx is wrong")
fx <- rep(FALSE, n.bases)
xtra <- list()
if(is.null(xt) || length(xt) == 1)
for(i in 1:n.bases) xtra[[i]] <- xt
else if(length(xt) == n.bases)
xtra <- xt
else stop("xt argument is faulty.")
if(length(bs) == 1)
bs <- rep(bs, n.bases)
if(length(bs) != n.bases) {
warning("bs wrong length and ignored.")
bs <- rep("cr", n.bases)
bs[d > 1 & (bs == "cr" | bs == "cs" | bs == "cp")] <- "tp"
if(!is.list(m) && length(m) == 1)
m <- rep(m, n.bases)
if(length(m) != n.bases) {
warning("m wrong length and ignored.")
m <- rep(0, n.bases)
m[m < 0] <- 0
if(length(unique(term)) != dim)
stop("Repeated variables as arguments of a smooth are not permitted")
j <- 1
margin <- list()
for(i in 1:n.bases) {
j1 <- j + d[i] - 1
xt1 <- NULL
else xt1 <- xtra[[i]]
stxt <- "s("
for(l in j:j1) stxt <- paste(stxt, term[l], ",", sep = "")
stxt <- paste(stxt, "k=", deparse(k[i], backtick = TRUE),
",bs=", deparse(bs[i], backtick = TRUE), ",m=", deparse(m[[i]],
backtick = TRUE), ",xt=xt1", ")")
margin[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = stxt))
j <- j1 + 1
mp <- TRUE
else mp <- FALSE
np <- TRUE
else np <- FALSE <- paste("te(", term[1], sep = "")
if(dim > 1)
for(i in 2:dim) <- paste(, ",", term[i],
sep = "")
label <- paste(, ")", sep = "")
if(!is.null(id)) {
if(length(id) > 1) {
id <- id[1]
warning("only first element of `id' used")
id <- as.character(id)
ret <- list(margin = margin, term = term, by = by.var, fx = fx,
label = label, dim = dim, mp = mp, np = np, id = id,
sp = sp, inter = FALSE)
if(!is.null(pc)) {
if(length(pc) < d)
stop("supply a value for each variable for a point constraint")
pc <- as.list(pc)
names(pc) <- unlist(lapply(vars, all.vars))
ret$point.con <- pc
class(ret) <- "tensor.smooth.spec"
tx <- function(..., bs = "ps", k = -1,
ctr = c("center", "main", "both", "both1", "both2",
"none", "meanf", "meanfd", "meansimple", "nullspace"),
xt = NULL, special = TRUE)
if(length(k) < 2) {
if(k < 0)
k <- 10
object <- te2(..., bs = bs, k = k)
object$constraint <- match.arg(ctr)
object$label <- gsub("te(", "tx(", object$label, fixed = TRUE)
object$special <- special
object$xt <- xt
if(any(i <- sapply(object$margin, class) == "mrf.smooth.spec")) {
xt <- c(object$xt, object$margin[[i]]$xt)
object$xt <- object$margin[[i]]$xt <- xt
class(object) <- "tensorX.smooth.spec"
tx2 <- function(...)
object <- tx(..., special = FALSE)
object$label <- gsub("tx(", "tx2(", object$label, fixed = TRUE)
tx3 <- function(..., bs = "ps", k = c(10, 5), ctr = c("main", "center"), xt = NULL, special = TRUE)
vars <- as.character(unlist(as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]))
if(length(vars) != 3L)
stop("3 variables are necessary for the space-time interaction term!")
bs <- rep(bs, length.out = 2)
k <- rep(k, length.out = 2)
ctr <- rep(ctr, length.out = 2)
m1 <- paste('tx(', vars[1], ',bs="', bs[1], '",k=', k[1], ',ctr="', ctr[1],'")', sep = '')
m2 <- paste('tx(', vars[2], ',', vars[3], ',bs="', bs[2], '",k=', k[2], ',ctr="', ctr[2],'")', sep = '')
object <- list()
object$margin <- list(
eval(parse(text = m1)),
eval(parse(text = m2))
object$term <- vars
object$by <- "NA"
object$fx <- FALSE
object$label <- paste("tx3(", paste(vars, collapse = ","), ")", sep = "")
object$dim <- 3
object$special <- special
object$constraint <- ctr[1]
object$xt <- xt
class(object) <- "tensorX3.smooth.spec"
smooth.construct.tensorX3.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, knots, ...)
object$margin[[1]] <- smooth.construct.tensorX.smooth.spec(object$margin[[1]], data, knots, ...)
object$margin[[2]] <- smooth.construct.tensorX.smooth.spec(object$margin[[2]], data, knots, ...)
object$margin[[1]]$S <- object$margin[[1]]$margin[[1]]$S
object$margin[[2]]$X <-$margin[[2]]$margin[[1]]$X, object$margin[[2]]$margin[[2]]$X))
object$margin[[2]]$S <- list(
kronecker(diag(1, ncol(object$margin[[2]]$margin[[1]]$S[[1]])), object$margin[[2]]$margin[[1]]$S[[1]]) +
kronecker(object$margin[[2]]$margin[[2]]$S[[1]], diag(1, ncol(object$margin[[2]]$margin[[2]]$S[[1]])))
object$X <-$margin[[1]]$X, object$margin[[2]]$X))
object$S <-$margin[[1]]$S[[1]], object$margin[[2]]$S[[1]]))
p1 <- ncol(object$margin[[1]]$X)
p2 <- ncol(object$margin[[2]]$X)
if(object$constraint %in% c("meanf", "meanfd", "meansimple", "none", "nullspace")) {
if(object$constraint == "none")
object$xt$nocenter <- TRUE
object$xt$centermethod <- object$constraint
} else {
if(object$constraint == "main") {
A1 <- matrix(rep(1, p1), ncol = 1)
A2 <- matrix(rep(1, p2), ncol = 1)
I1 <- diag(p1); I2 <- diag(p2)
A <- cbind(kronecker(A1, I2), kronecker(I1,A2))
i <- match.index(t(A))
A <- A[, i$nodups, drop = FALSE]
k <- 0
while((qr(A)$rank < ncol(A)) & (k < 100)) {
i <- sapply(1:ncol(A), function(d) { qr(A[, -d])$rank })
j <- which(i == qr(A)$rank)
A <- A[, -j[1], drop = FALSE]
k <- k + 1
if(k == 100)
stop("rank problems with constraint matrix!")
object$C <- t(A)
} else {
object$C <- matrix(1, ncol = p1 * p2)
attr(object$C, "always.apply") <- TRUE
if(is.null(object$xt$hyperprior)) {
object$xt$prior <- "ig"
} else {
object$xt$prior <- switch(object$xt$hyperprior,
"invgamma" = "ig",
"hnormal" = "hn",
"scaledep" = "sd",
"hcauchy" = "hc",
"aunif" = "u"
if(is.null(object$xt$scaletau2)) {
if(is.null(object$xt$theta)) {
object$xt$theta <- switch(object$xt$prior,
"sd" = 0.00877812,
"hc" = 0.01034553,
"hn" = 0.1457644,
"u" = 0.2723532
} else {
object$xt$theta <- object$xt$scaletau2
object$xt$scaletau2 <- object$xt$theta
object$xt$hyperprior <- switch(object$xt$prior,
"ig" = "invgamma",
"hn" = "hnormal",
"sd" = "scaledep",
"hc" = "hcauchy",
"u" = "aunif"
if(!is.null(object$xt[["ft"]])) {
if(object$xt[["ft"]]) {
if(length(object$margin) > 1) {
nraniso <- if(is.null(object$xt$nraniso)) 11 else object$xt$nraniso
minaniso <- if(is.null(object$xt$minaniso)) 0.05 else object$xt$minaniso
omegaseq <- seq(from = minaniso, to = 1 - minaniso, length = nraniso)
omegaseq[5] <- 0.4099
omegaprob <- rep(1 / nraniso, nraniso)
object$xt$theta <- try(hyperpar_mod2(object$X, object$margin[[1]]$S[[1]], object$margin[[2]]$S[[1]], A = object$C, c = 3,
alpha = 0.1, omegaseq = omegaseq, omegaprob = omegaprob, R = 1000,
type = toupper(object$xt$prior), lowrank=if(ncol(object$X) > 100) TRUE else FALSE,
k = min(c(50, ceiling(0.5 * ncol(object$X))))), silent = TRUE)
} else {
object$xt$theta <- try(hyperpar_mod2(object$X, object$S[[1]], NULL, A = object$C, c = 3,
alpha = 0.1, omegaseq = 1, omegaprob = 1, R = 1000, type = toupper(object$xt$prior),
lowrank=if(ncol(object$X) > 100) TRUE else FALSE,
k = min(c(50, ceiling(0.5 * ncol(object$X))))), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(object$xt$theta, "try-error")) {
stop("problems with sdPrior!")
object$xt$scaletau2 <- object$xt$theta
object$tx.term <- paste(object$term, collapse = "")
object$sx.S <- lapply(object$margin, function(x) { x$S[[1]] })
object$sx.rank <- qr("+", object$S))$rank
if(!(object$constraint %in% c("center", "meanf", "meanfd", "meansimple", "none", "nullspace")))
object$sx.rank <- object$sx.rank - nrow(object$C)
object$side.constrain <- if(object$special) FALSE else TRUE
class(object) <- "tensorX3.smooth"
Predict.matrix.tensorX3.smooth <- function(object, data)
{$margin[[1]], data),
Predict.matrix(object$margin[[2]]$margin[[1]], data),
Predict.matrix(object$margin[[2]]$margin[[2]], data)))
tx4 <- function(..., ctr = c("center", "main", "both", "both1", "both2"))
rval <- te(...)
rval$special <- TRUE
rval$mp <- TRUE
rval$xt$doC <- TRUE
rval$xt$constraint <- match.arg(ctr)
rval$label <- gsub("te(", "tx4(", rval$label, fixed = TRUE)
smooth.construct.tensorX.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, knots, ...)
if(length(object$margin) > 2)
stop("more than two variables in tx() currently not supported!")
side.constrain <- if(object$special) FALSE else TRUE
object$np <- FALSE
object$by.done <- TRUE
object$inter <- FALSE
object <- smooth.construct.tensor.smooth.spec(object, data, knots)
object$sx.S <- lapply(object$margin, function(x) { x$S[[1]] })
object$sx.rank <- qr("+", object$S))$rank
if(object$by != "NA")
object$label <- paste(object$label, object$by, sep = ":")
object$side.constrain <- side.constrain
ref <- sapply(object$margin, function(x) { inherits(x, "random.effect") })
if(length(ref) < 2) {
object$constraint <- "center"
if(length(object$margin) > 1) {
object$constraint <- "none"
if(object$constraint %in% c("meanf", "meanfd", "meansimple", "none", "nullspace")) {
if(object$constraint == "none")
object$xt$nocenter <- TRUE
object$xt$centermethod <- object$constraint
} else {
if(length(object$margin) < 2) {
p <- ncol(object$margin[[1]]$X)
object$C <- matrix(1, ncol = p)
if(object$constraint == "main") {
object$C <- t(cbind(1, 1:p))
} else {
p1 <- ncol(object$margin[[2]]$X); p2 <- ncol(object$margin[[1]]$X)
I1 <- diag(p1); I2 <- diag(p2)
if(object$constraint == "center") {
object$C <- matrix(1, ncol = p1 * p2)
} else {
if(object$constraint == "main") {
## Remove main effects only.
A1 <- matrix(rep(1, p1), ncol = 1)
A2 <- matrix(rep(1, p2), ncol = 1)
if(object$constraint == "both") {
## Remove main effects and varying coefficients.
A1 <- if(ref[1]) rep(0, p1) else cbind(rep(1, p1), 1:p1)
A2 <- if(ref[2]) rep(0, p2) else cbind(rep(1, p2), 1:p2)
if(object$constraint == "both1") {
## Remove main effects and varying coefficients.
A1 <- matrix(rep(1, p1), ncol = 1)
A2 <- cbind(rep(1, p2), 1:p2)
if(object$constraint == "both2") {
## Remove main effects and varying coefficients.
A1 <- cbind(rep(1, p1), 1:p1)
A2 <- matrix(rep(1, p2), ncol = 1)
A1 <- matrix(rep(1, p1), ncol = 1)
A2 <- matrix(rep(1, p2), ncol = 1)
A <- cbind(kronecker(A1, I2), kronecker(I1,A2))
i <- match.index(t(A))
A <- A[, i$nodups, drop = FALSE]
k <- 0
while((qr(A)$rank < ncol(A)) & (k < 100)) {
i <- sapply(1:ncol(A), function(d) { qr(A[, -d])$rank })
j <- which(i == qr(A)$rank)
A <- A[, -j[1], drop = FALSE]
k <- k + 1
if(k == 100)
stop("rank problems with constraint matrix!")
object$C <- t(A)
if(length(object$margin) > 1) {
object$tx.term <- paste(unlist(lapply(object$margin, function(x) {
paste(x$term, collapse = "")
})), collapse = "")
if(object$by != "NA") {
object$X <- data[[object$by]] * object$X
if(is.null(object$xt$hyperprior)) {
object$xt$prior <- "ig"
} else {
object$xt$prior <- switch(object$xt$hyperprior,
"invgamma" = "ig",
"hnormal" = "hn",
"scaledep" = "sd",
"hcauchy" = "hc",
"aunif" = "u"
if(is.null(object$xt$scaletau2)) {
if(is.null(object$xt$theta)) {
object$xt$theta <- switch(object$xt$prior,
"sd" = 0.00877812,
"hc" = 0.01034553,
"hn" = 0.1457644,
"u" = 0.2723532
} else {
object$xt$theta <- object$xt$scaletau2
object$xt$scaletau2 <- object$xt$theta
object$xt$hyperprior <- switch(object$xt$prior,
"ig" = "invgamma",
"hn" = "hnormal",
"sd" = "scaledep",
"hc" = "hcauchy",
"u" = "aunif"
if(!is.null(object$xt[["ft"]])) {
if(object$xt[["ft"]]) {
if(length(object$margin) > 1) {
nraniso <- if(is.null(object$xt$nraniso)) 11 else object$xt$nraniso
minaniso <- if(is.null(object$xt$minaniso)) 0.05 else object$xt$minaniso
omegaseq <- seq(from = minaniso, to = 1 - minaniso, length = nraniso)
omegaseq[5] <- 0.4099
omegaprob <- rep(1 / nraniso, nraniso)
object$xt$theta <- try(hyperpar_mod2(unique(object$X), object$margin[[1]]$S[[1]], object$margin[[2]]$S[[1]], A = object$C, c = 3,
alpha = 0.1, omegaseq = omegaseq, omegaprob = omegaprob, R = 1000, type = toupper(object$xt$prior),
lowrank=if(ncol(object$X) > 100) TRUE else FALSE, k = min(c(50, ceiling(0.5 * ncol(object$X))))), silent = TRUE)
} else {
object$xt$theta <- try(hyperpar_mod2(unique(object$X), object$S[[1]], NULL, A = object$C, c = 3,
alpha = 0.1, omegaseq = 1, omegaprob = 1, R = 1000, type = toupper(object$xt$prior),
lowrank=if(ncol(object$X) > 100) TRUE else FALSE, k = min(c(50, ceiling(0.5 * ncol(object$X))))), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(object$xt$theta, "try-error")) {
stop("problems with sdPrior!")
object$xt$scaletau2 <- object$xt$theta
attr(object$C, "always.apply") <- TRUE
class(object) <- "tensorX.smooth"
if(length(object$margin) > 1) {
if(!(object$constraint %in% c("center", "meanf", "meanfd", "meansimple", "none", "nullspace")))
object$sx.rank <- object$sx.rank - nrow(object$C)
if(!object$mp) {
class(object) <- "tensor.smooth"
Predict.matrix.tensorX.smooth <- function(object, data)
Predict.matrix.tensor.smooth(object, data)
## Constraint matrices.
Cmat <- function(x)
if(!is.null(x$margin)) {
x$xt <- list()
x$margin[[1]]$xt$constraint <- x$margin[[1]]$xt$ctr
x$margin[[1]]$xt$constraint <- x$margin[[1]]$xt$con
x$margin[[1]]$xt$constraint <- "center"
x$xt$constraint <- x$margin[[1]]$xt$constraint
} else {
x$xt$constraint <- x$xt$ctr
x$xt$constraint <- x$xt$con
x$xt$constraint <- "center"
ref <- sapply(x$margin, function(z) { inherits(z, "random.effect") })
if(length(ref)) {
if(length(ref) < 2) {
x$xt$constraint <- "center"
if(length(x$margin) < 2) {
p <- if(is.null(x$margin)) ncol(x$X) else ncol(x$margin[[1]]$X)
C <- matrix(1, ncol = p)
if(x$xt$constraint == "main")
C <- t(cbind(1, 1:p))
} else {
p1 <- ncol(x$margin[[2]]$X); p2 <- ncol(x$margin[[1]]$X)
if(x$xt$constraint == "center") {
C <- matrix(1, ncol = p1 * p2)
} else {
I1 <- diag(p1); I2 <- diag(p2)
if(x$xt$constraint == "main") {
## Remove main effects only.
A1 <- matrix(rep(1, p1), ncol = 1)
A2 <- matrix(rep(1, p2), ncol = 1)
if(x$xt$constraint == "both") {
## Remove main effects and varying coefficients.
A1 <- if(ref[1]) rep(0, p1) else cbind(rep(1, p1), 1:p1)
A2 <- if(ref[2]) rep(0, p2) else cbind(rep(1, p2), 1:p2)
if(x$xt$constraint == "both1") {
## Remove main effects and varying coefficients.
A1 <- matrix(rep(1, p1), ncol = 1)
A2 <- cbind(rep(1, p2), 1:p2)
if(x$xt$constraint == "both2") {
## Remove main effects and varying coefficients.
A1 <- cbind(rep(1, p1), 1:p1)
A2 <- matrix(rep(1, p2), ncol = 1)
A1 <- matrix(rep(1, p1), ncol = 1)
A2 <- matrix(rep(1, p2), ncol = 1)
A <- cbind(kronecker(A1, I2), kronecker(I1,A2))
i <- match.index(t(A))
A <- A[, i$nodups, drop = FALSE]
k <- 0
while((qr(A)$rank < ncol(A)) & (k < 100)) {
i <- sapply(1:ncol(A), function(d) { qr(A[, -d])$rank })
j <- which(i == qr(A)$rank)
A <- A[, -j[1], drop = FALSE]
k <- k + 1
if(k == 100)
stop("rank problems with constraint matrix!")
C <- t(A)
## Download the newest version of BayesXsrc.
get_BayesXsrc <- function(dir = NULL, install = TRUE) {
owd <- getwd()
if(is.null(dir)) {
dir.create(dir <- tempfile())
system("svn checkout svn:// BayesXsrc")
devel <- c(
'DIRS="adaptiv alex andrea bib dag graph leyre mcmc psplines samson structadd"',
'FILES="export_type.h main.cpp values.h"',
'mkdir -p src/bayesxsrc',
'cd src/bayesxsrc',
'for i in $DIRS ; do',
' svn checkout --username "${USER}" --password "${PASSWD}" $REPOS/$i $i',
'for i in $FILES ; do',
' svn export --username "${USER}" --password "${PASSWD}" $REPOS/$i $i',
'cd ..',
'cp dev-Makefile Makefile',
writeLines(devel, file.path("BayesXsrc", ""))
sh <- c(
'cd BayesXsrc',
'sh ./',
'cd ..',
'R CMD build BayesXsrc',
if(install) 'R CMD INSTALL BayesXsrc_*.tar.gz' else NULL
writeLines(sh, "")
ok <- system('sh ./')
hyperpar_mod2 <- function(...)
if("hyperpar_mod" %in% ls(getNamespace("sdPrior"))) {
hpf <- eval(parse(text = paste0("sdPrior", ":", ":", "hyperpar_mod")))
} else stop("cannot find hyperpar_mod() in sdPrior!")
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