#' @title Wait for Termination of Jobs
#' @description
#' This function simply waits until all jobs are terminated.
#' @templateVar ids.default findSubmitted
#' @template ids
#' @param sleep [\code{function(i)} | \code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#' Parameter to control the duration to sleep between queries.
#' You can pass an absolute numeric value in seconds or a \code{function(i)} which returns
#' the number of seconds to sleep in the \code{i}-th iteration.
#' If not provided (\code{NULL}), tries to read the value (number/function) from the configuration file
#' (stored in \code{reg$sleep}) or defaults to a function with exponential backoff between
#' 5 and 120 seconds.
#' @param timeout [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#' After waiting \code{timeout} seconds, show a message and return
#' \code{FALSE}. This argument may be required on some systems where, e.g.,
#' expired jobs or jobs on hold are problematic to detect. If you don't want
#' a timeout, set this to \code{Inf}. Default is \code{604800} (one week).
#' @param expire.after [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#' Jobs count as \dQuote{expired} if they are not found on the system but have not communicated back
#' their results (or error message). This frequently happens on managed system if the scheduler kills
#' a job because the job has hit the walltime or request more memory than reserved.
#' On the other hand, network file systems often require several seconds for new files to be found,
#' which can lead to false positives in the detection heuristic.
#' \code{waitForJobs} treats such jobs as expired after they have not been detected on the system
#' for \code{expire.after} iterations.
#' If not provided (\code{NULL}), tries to read the value from the configuration file (stored in \code{reg$expire.after}),
#' and finally defaults to \code{3}.
#' @param stop.on.error [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' Immediately cancel if a job terminates with an error? Default is
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param stop.on.expire [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' Immediately cancel if jobs are detected to be expired? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' Expired jobs will then be ignored for the remainder of \code{waitForJobs()}.
#' @template reg
#' @return [\code{logical(1)}]. Returns \code{TRUE} if all jobs terminated
#' successfully and \code{FALSE} if either the timeout is reached or at least
#' one job terminated with an exception or expired.
#' @export
waitForJobs = function(ids = NULL, sleep = NULL, timeout = 604800, expire.after = NULL, stop.on.error = FALSE, stop.on.expire = FALSE, reg = getDefaultRegistry()) {
waitForResults = function(ids) {
fs::path(reg$file.dir, "results"),
sprintf("%i.rds", .findDone(reg, ids)$,
assertRegistry(reg, sync = TRUE)
assertNumber(timeout, lower = 0)
expire.after = assertCount(expire.after, positive = TRUE, null.ok = TRUE) %??% reg$expire.after %??% 3L
sleep = getSleepFunction(reg, sleep)
ids = convertIds(reg, ids, default = .findSubmitted(reg = reg))
if (nrow(.findNotSubmitted(ids = ids, reg = reg)) > 0L) {
warning("Cannot wait for unsubmitted jobs. Removing from ids.")
ids = ids[.findSubmitted(ids = ids, reg = reg), nomatch = 0L]
if (nrow(ids) == 0L) {
terminated = on.sys = expire.counter = NULL
ids$terminated = FALSE
ids$on.sys = FALSE
ids$expire.counter = 0L
timeout = Sys.time() + timeout
pb = makeProgressBar(total = nrow(ids), format = "Waiting (Q::queued R::running D::done E::error ?::expired) [:bar] :percent eta: :eta")
i = 0L
repeat {
### case 1: all jobs terminated or expired -> nothing on system
ids[.findTerminated(reg, ids), "terminated" := TRUE]
if (ids[!(terminated) & expire.counter <= expire.after, .N] == 0L) {
"!DEBUG [waitForJobs]: All jobs terminated"
return(nrow(.findDone(reg, ids)) == nrow(ids))
### case 2: there are errors and stop.on.error is TRUE
if (stop.on.error && nrow(.findErrors(reg, ids)) > 0L) {
"!DEBUG [waitForJobs]: Errors found and stop.on.error is TRUE"
batch.ids = getBatchIds(reg)
ids[, "on.sys" := FALSE][.findOnSystem(reg, ids, batch.ids = batch.ids), "on.sys" := TRUE]
ids[(on.sys), "expire.counter" := 0L]
ids[!(on.sys) & !(terminated), "expire.counter" := expire.counter + 1L]
stats = getStatusTable(ids = ids, batch.ids = batch.ids, reg = reg)
pb$update(mean(ids$terminated), tokens = as.list(stats))
"!DEBUG [waitForJobs]: batch.ids: `stri_flatten(batch.ids$, ',')`"
### case 3: jobs disappeared, we cannot find them on the system after [expire.after] iterations
if (stop.on.expire && ids[!(terminated) & expire.counter > expire.after, .N] > 0L) {
warning("Jobs disappeared from the system")
# case 4: we reach a timeout
i = i + 1L
if (Sys.time() > timeout) {
warning("Timeout reached")
merged = suppressMessages(sync(reg = reg))
if (length(merged)) {
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