sufficientStatistics.LinearGaussianGaussian: Sufficient statistics of a "LinearGaussianGaussian" object

Description Usage Arguments Value References See Also Examples

View source: R/Gaussian_Inference.r


For following model structure:

x \sim Gaussian(A z + b, Sigma)

z \sim Gaussian(m,S)

Where Sigma is known. A is a dimx x dimz matrix, x is a dimx x 1 random vector, z is a dimz x 1 random vector, b is a dimm x 1 vector. Gaussian() is the Gaussian distribution. See ?dGaussian for the definition of Gaussian distribution.
For one dimensional observations: x is a vector of length N, or a N x 1 matrix, each row is an observation; A is a N x dimz matrix; b is a length N vector. The sufficient statistics are:

For dimx dimensional observations: x must be a N x m matrix, each row is an observation; A can be either a list or a matrix. When A is a list, A = {A_1,A_2,...A_N} is a list of dimx x dimz matrices. If A is a single dimx x dimz matrix, it will be replicated N times into a length N list; b can be either a matrix or a vector. When b is a matrix, b={b_1^T,...,b_N^T} is a N x dimx matrix, each row is a transposed vector. When b is a length dimx vector, it will be transposed into a row vector and replicated N times into a N x dimx matrix. The sufficient statistics are:


## S3 method for class 'LinearGaussianGaussian'
sufficientStatistics(obj, x, A, b = NULL, foreach = FALSE, ...)



A "LinearGaussianGaussian" object.


matrix, Gaussian samples, when x is a matrix, each row is a sample of dimension ncol(x). when x is a vector, x is length(x) samples of dimension 1.


matrix or list. when x is a N x 1 matrix, A must be a matrix of N x dimz, dimz is the dimension of z; When x is a N x dimx matrix, where dimx > 1, A can be either a list or a matrix. When A is a list, A = {A_1,A_2,...A_N} is a list of dimx x dimz matrices. If A is a single dimx x dimz matrix, it will be replicated N times into a length N list


matrix, when x is a N x 1 matrix, b must also be a N x 1 matrix or length N vector; When x is a N x dimx matrix, where dimx > 1, b can be either a matrix or a vector. When b is a matrix, b={b_1^T,...,b_N^T} is a N x dimx matrix, each row is a transposed vector. When b is a length dimx vector, it will be transposed into a row vector and replicated N times into a N x dimx matrix. When b = NULL, it will be treated as a vector of zeros. Default NULL.


logical, specifying whether to return the sufficient statistics for each observation. Default FALSE.


Additional arguments to be passed to other inherited types.


If foreach=TRUE, will return a list of sufficient statistics for each row of x, otherwise will return the sufficient statistics of x as a whole.


Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.

See Also

LinearGaussianGaussian, sufficientStatistics_Weighted.LinearGaussianGaussian


## create a LinearGaussianGaussian object
## where x is 2 dimensional, z is 3 dimensional
obj <- LinearGaussianGaussian(gamma=list(Sigma=matrix(c(2,1,1,2),2,2),
x <- rGaussian(100,mu = runif(2),Sigma = diag(2))
A <- matrix(runif(6),2,3)
b <- runif(2)
Alist <- replicate(100,A,simplify=FALSE)
## should print the same thing as above:

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