## This document should only contain interally used helper functions
# not anything that is eventually exported
## ----------
## Two functions to bind parameters to unique identifiers
#' Create \code{data.table} with \code{bdotsObj} parameters
#' Creates an object of class \code{data.table} that matches
#' parameter values for each observation. This can then be
#' passed to the \code{bdotsRefit} function
#' @param bdObj An object returned from \code{bdotsFit} or \code{bdotsRefit}
#' @return A \code{data.table} matching parameter values to observations
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fit <- bdotsFit(data = cohort_unrelated,
#' subject = "Subject",
#' time = "Time",
#' y = "Fixations",
#' group = c("Group", "LookType"),
#' curveType = doubleGauss(concave = TRUE),
#' cor = TRUE,
#' numRefits = 2,
#' cores = 0,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' parDT <- coefWriteout(fit)
#' }
#' @export
coefWriteout <- function(bdObj) {
cmat <- coef(bdObj)
idcols <- getIdentifierCols(bdObj)
idcols <- bdObj[, idcols, with = FALSE]
res <- cbind(idcols, cmat) # attributes not preserved when writing out so don't add
getIdentifierCols <- function(bdo) {
if (inherits(bdo, "bdotsBootObj")) {
bdo_call <- attr(bdo, "bdObjAttr")$call
sub <- bdo_call[['subject']]
grps <- eval(bdo_call[['group']])
} else if (inherits(bdo, "bdotsObj")) {
sub <- attr(bdo, "call")$subject
grps <- eval(attr(bdo, "call")$group)
} else {
stop(paste("Can't get identifier cols on this type of object:", class(bdo)))
c(sub, grps)
## getVarMat
# takes subset data with single observation
# returns covariance matrix of fit parameters
getVarMat <- function(dat) {
if(nrow(dat) != 1) stop("only for single row of bdotsObj")
## Used in bdotsBoot
isPaired <- function(l) { # this only works for lists of bdObj
subject <- attr(l[[1]], "call")[['subject']]
reduceEq <- function(x, y) if (identical(x[[subject]], y[[subject]])) x else FALSE
tmp <- Reduce(reduceEq, l) # how did I do this?
if(identical(tmp, FALSE)) FALSE else TRUE
## parMatSplit
# takes an N x (2p) matrix and returns list of (N x p), (N x p)
parMatSplit <- function(x) {
n <- ncol(x)/2
m1 <- x[, 1:n]
m2 <- x[, (n+1):(2*n)]
list(m1, m2)
## Taken from purrrrrrrr
vec_depth <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) {
} else if (is.atomic(x)) {
} else if (is.list(x)) {
depths <- vapply(x, vec_depth, numeric(1))
1L + max(depths, 0L)
} else {
stop("'x' must be a vector")
## A trillion times faster with rlang::squash. Sad
unzipList <- function(l) {
cc <- vapply(l, is.list, logical(1L))
res <- lapply(l[cc], unzipList)
res <- c(l[!cc], unlist(res, recursive = FALSE))
if (!is.list(res)) res <- list(res)
## Comes up quite a bit, we want to associate
# group names with group values for summaries and plots
# function takes a list, first element names, second is values
# may or may not be split
# this list item should be named as such
# l <- list(groups = c("Group", "TrialType"),
# vals = c("LI.M", "LI.W", "TD.M", "TD.W"))
# l <- list(groups = c("Group"), vals = c("LI", "TD"))
makeGroupNameVal <- function(l) {
groups <- l[['groups']]
vals <- l[['vals']]
vals <- strsplit(vals, "\\.")
nn <- lapply(vals, function(x) {
paste0(groups, c(": "), x)
## From hadds
## Names of dots
dots <- function(...) {
compact <- function(x) Filter(Negate(is.null), x)
## Pull from attributes names of vars to split
# data by observation (subject, group)
# this is exactly getIdentifierCols. Get rid of one of these. Probably this one
# since the other is more generally named
getSplitVars <- function(bdObj) {
bdCall <- attr(bdObj, "call")
nn <- c(eval(bdCall[['subject']]), eval(bdCall[['group']]))
## Correctly subsets dataset for observation
# but note this only works for bdotsObj not bdotsBootObj
getSubX <- function(bdo) {
if (inherits(bdo, "bdotsObj")) {
X <- setDT(attr(bdo, "X")$X)
nn <- getIdentifierCols(bdo)
Xnames <-, X[, nn, with = FALSE])
bdNames <-, bdo[, nn, with = FALSE])
x_idx <- Xnames %in% bdNames
return(X[x_idx, ])
} else if (inherits(bdo, "bdotsBootObj")) {
# no this doesn't work, need to subset out groups
X <- setDT(attr(bdo, "bdObjAttr")$X$X)
sub_vals <- bdo$curveGroups
sub_cols <- names(sub_vals)
for (i in seq_along(sub_cols)) {
ss_vec <- X[[sub_cols[i]]] %in% sub_vals[[i]]
X <- X[ss_vec, ]
} else {
stop(paste("Can't subset X on this type of object:", class(bdo)))
## This will be the new function
# Returns data.table with time and y value
#' Return fitted values
#' Returns fitted values at observed times
#' @param bd Single row of bdObj
#' @param origNames use original names for y and time, or use "y" and "time"
#' @param origTime Boolean. Do I actually want fitted values at observed times for that
#' subject, or data.table with fitted values at the union of times
#' @details Given a single row of bdObj, this returns fitted values at the observed
#' times to use in conjunction with whatever else
getSubCurveValues <- function(bd, origNames = TRUE, origTime = TRUE) {
if (nrow(bd) != 1) stop("Only for single row of bdObj")
ttname <- attr(bd, "call")$time
yname <- attr(bd, "call")$y
## Actually, try this for time
X <- getSubX(bd)
if (origTime) {
tt <- X[[ttname]]
} else {
tt <- attr(bd, "time")
# parameters
pps <- as.list(coef(bd))
names(pps) <- colnames(coef(bd))
pps[[ttname]] <- tt
curveFun <- makeCurveFun(bd)
cv <-, pps)
dt <- data.table(time = tt,
y = cv)
if (origNames) {
setNames(dt, c(ttname, yname))
} else {
## Create curve function from formula
# used in bdotsBoot and bdUpdate_NULL
makeCurveFun <- function(bdObj) {
time <- attr(bdObj, "call")[['time']]
f_bod <- attr(bdObj, "formula")[[3]]
parnames <- attributes(attr(bdObj, "formula"))[['parnames']]
f_args <- c(parnames, time)
f_args <- setNames(as.pairlist(rep("", length(f_args))), f_args)
eval(call("function", f_args, f_bod), parent.frame())
## Capture function arg, build function inside, bdotsFit
curve2Fun <- function(curve) {
arggs <- as.list(curve)[-1]
cname <- deparse1(as.list(curve)[[1]])
cbody <- body(get(cname))
cformal <- formals(get(cname))
for(nn in names(arggs)) {
cformal[[nn]] <- arggs[[nn]]
idx <- which(names(cformal) == "...")
if (length(idx)) {
ss <- seq_along(cformal)[-idx]
cformal <- cformal[c(ss, idx)]
w <- function() {}
body(w) <- cbody
formals(w) <- cformal
environment(w) <- new.env()
## Standard deviation stuff. Not 1000% sure, but I think ok for now
### There are a bunch that are possible
## I think this is correct, but gives strange fits sometimes
nopairSD <- function(l) {
if(length(l) != 2) stop("contact author with 1239")
s <- lapply(l, function(x) {
vv <- x[['sd']]^2
n <- x[['n']]
(n-1) * n * vv
s <- Reduce(`+`, s) / (l[[1]]$n + l[[2]]$n - 2) * (1/l[[1]]$n + 1/l[[2]]$n)
s <- sqrt(s)
## I really ought have something that just does
# the first part of this, i.e., split up bdobj into groups
## Given bdobj, get list of coef matrices. Indicates if paired in attr
coefList <- function(bdObj) {
gsplit <- eval(attr(bdObj, "call")$group)
clist <- split(bdObj, by = gsplit)
ip <- isPaired(clist)
cmats <- lapply(clist, coef)
structure(.Data = cmats,
names = names(clist),
paired = ip)
## this ONLY returns the sd for the t stat, not the multiplier
## For now, making it the entire denominator. we will check plot and see if it makes sense
# nopairSD2 <- function(l) {
# sd_ratio <- Reduce(function(x, y) {x$sd/y$sd}, l)
# ## Proportion of sd ratio within bounds should be some val, lets say 0.5
# var_sim <- mean(sd_ratio > 1/2 & sd_ratio < 2) > 0.5
# if (var_sim) {
# s <- lapply(l, function(x) {
# vv <- x[['sd']]^2
# n <- x[['n']]
# (n - 1) * vv
# })
# s <- Reduce(`+`, s) / (l[[1]]$n + l[[2]]$n - 2) * (l[[1]]$n + l[[2]]$n)
# s <- sqrt(s)
# dof <- l[[1]]$n + l[[2]]$n - 2
# } else {
# s <- lapply(l, function(x) {
# vv <- x[['sd']]^2
# n <- x[['n']]
# vv/n
# })
# dof_denom <- Reduce(`+`, Map(function(x, y) {x^2 / (y[['n']] - 1)}, x = s, y = l))
# s <- Reduce(`+`, s)
# dof <- s^2 / dof_denom
# s <- sqrt(s)
# }
# return(list(sd = s, dof = dof))
# }
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