
Defines functions bed_MAF bed_counts bed_scaleBinom snp_MAF snp_scaleBinom snp_scaleAlpha

Documented in bed_counts bed_MAF bed_scaleBinom snp_MAF snp_scaleAlpha snp_scaleBinom


#' @param alpha Assumes that the average contribution (e.g. heritability)
#'   of a SNP of frequency \eqn{p} is proportional to
#'   \eqn{[2p(1-p)]^{1+\alpha}}. The `center` is then \eqn{2 p} and the `scale`
#'   is \eqn{[2p(1-p)]^{-\alpha/2}}. Default is `-1`.
#' @rdname snp_scaleBinom
#' @export
snp_scaleAlpha <- function(alpha = -1) {

           ind.row = rows_along(X),
           ind.col = cols_along(X),
           ncores = 1) {

    af <- snp_colstats(X, ind.row, ind.col, ncores)$sumX /
      (2 * length(ind.row))

      center = 2 * af,
      scale = (2 * af * (1 - af))^(-alpha / 2)


#' Binomial(n, p) scaling
#' Binomial(n, p) scaling where `n` is fixed and `p` is estimated.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @return A new __function__ that returns a data.frame of two vectors
#' "center" and "scale" which are of the length of `ind.col`.
#' @details You will probably not use this function as is but as the
#' `fun.scaling` parameter of other functions of package `bigstatsr`.
#' @export
#' @references This scaling is widely used for SNP arrays.
#' Patterson N, Price AL, Reich D (2006). Population Structure and Eigenanalysis.
#' PLoS Genet 2(12): e190. \doi{10.1371/journal.pgen.0020190}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' a <- matrix(0, 93, 170)
#' p <- 0.2
#' a[] <- rbinom(length(a), 2, p)
#' X <- add_code256(big_copy(a, type = "raw"), code = c(0, 1, 2, rep(NA, 253)))
#' X.svd <- big_SVD(X, fun.scaling = snp_scaleBinom())
#' str(X.svd)
#' plot(X.svd$center)
#' abline(h = 2 * p, col = "red")
#' plot(X.svd$scale)
#' abline(h = sqrt(2 * p * (1 - p)), col = "red")
snp_scaleBinom <- function(nploidy = 2) {

           ind.row = rows_along(X),
           ind.col = cols_along(X),
           ncores = 1) {

    af <- snp_colstats(X, ind.row, ind.col, ncores)$sumX /
      (length(ind.row) * nploidy)

      center = nploidy * af,
      scale = sqrt(nploidy * af * (1 - af))


#' MAF
#' Minor Allele Frequency.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @return A vector of MAFs, corresponding to `ind.col`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj.bigsnp <- snp_attachExtdata()
#' str(maf <- snp_MAF(obj.bigsnp$genotypes))
snp_MAF <- function(G,
                    ind.row = rows_along(G),
                    ind.col = cols_along(G),
                    nploidy = 2,
                    ncores = 1) {

  af <- snp_colstats(G, ind.row, ind.col, ncores)$sumX /
    (length(ind.row) * nploidy)

  pmin(af, 1 - af)


#' Binomial(2, p) scaling
#' Binomial(2, p) scaling where `p` is estimated.
#' @inheritParams bed_autoSVD
#' @return A data frame with `$center` and `$scale`.
#' @details You will probably not use this function as is but as parameter
#'   `fun.scaling` of other functions (e.g. `bed_autoSVD` and `bed_randomSVD`).
#' @export
#' @inherit snp_scaleBinom references
#' @examples
#' bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
#' obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
#' str(bed_scaleBinom(obj.bed))
#' str(bed_randomSVD(obj.bed, bed_scaleBinom))
bed_scaleBinom <- function(obj.bed,
                           ind.row = rows_along(obj.bed),
                           ind.col = cols_along(obj.bed),
                           ncores = 1) {

  stats <- bed_colstats(obj.bed, ind.row, ind.col, ncores)
  af <- stats$sumX / (2 * stats$nb_nona_col)

  data.frame(center = 2 * af, scale = sqrt(2 * af * (1 - af)))


#' Counts
#' Counts the number of 0s, 1s, 2s and NAs by variants in the bed file.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @param byrow Whether to count by individual rather than by variant?
#'   Default is `FALSE` (count by variant).
#' @return A matrix of with 4 rows and `length(ind.col)` columns.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
#' obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
#' bed_counts(obj.bed, ind.col = 1:5)
#' bed_counts(obj.bed, ind.row = 1:5, byrow = TRUE)
bed_counts <- function(obj.bed,
                       ind.row = rows_along(obj.bed),
                       ind.col = cols_along(obj.bed),
                       byrow = FALSE,
                       ncores = 1) {

  FUN <- if (byrow) bed_row_counts_cpp else bed_col_counts_cpp
  res <- FUN(obj.bed, ind.row, ind.col, ncores)
  rownames(res) <- c(0:2, NA)


#' Allele frequencies
#' Allele frequencies of a [bed] object.
#' @inheritParams bigsnpr-package
#' @return A data.frame with
#'  - `$ac`: allele counts,
#'  - `$mac`: minor allele counts,
#'  - `$af`: allele frequencies,
#'  - `$maf`: minor allele frequencies,
#'  - `$N`: numbers of non-missing values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "example-missing.bed", package = "bigsnpr")
#' obj.bed <- bed(bedfile)
#' bed_MAF(obj.bed, ind.col = 1:5)
bed_MAF <- function(obj.bed,
                    ind.row = rows_along(obj.bed),
                    ind.col = cols_along(obj.bed),
                    ncores = 1) {

  counts <- bed_counts(obj.bed, ind.row, ind.col, byrow = FALSE, ncores = ncores)
  ac <- counts[2, ] + 2 * counts[3, ]
  nb_nona <- length(ind.row) - counts[4, ]
  af <- ac / (2 * nb_nona)

    ac  = ac,
    mac = pmin(ac, 2 * nb_nona - ac),
    af  = af,
    maf = pmin(af, 1 - af),
    N   = nb_nona


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bigsnpr documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.