
"build.hessian" <-
  function(xyz, pfc.fun, fc.weights=NULL, pdb=NULL, ... )  {
      stop("build.hessian: 'xyz' coordinates must be provided")
    if (!is.function(pfc.fun))
      stop("build.hessian: 'pfc.fun' must be a function")

    ## Coordinates
    xyz = as.xyz(xyz)
    xyz    <- matrix(xyz, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
    natoms <- nrow(xyz)

    ## Check provided weight matrix
    if(!is.null(fc.weights)) {
        stop("'fc.weights' must be a numeric matrix")
      if((nrow(fc.weights) != natoms) ||
         (ncol(fc.weights) != natoms) )
        stop("'fc.weights' must be numeric matrix with dimensions NxN")

    build.submatrix <- function(xyz, natoms, 
                                pdb=NULL, ...) {
      ## Full Hessian
      Hsm <- matrix(0, ncol=3*natoms, nrow=3*natoms)
      ## Indices relating atoms and columns in the sub-hessian
      col.inds <- seq(1, ncol(Hsm), by=3)

      ## Weight indices
      inds <- rep(1:natoms, each=3)

      ## Convenient indices for accessing the hessian
      inds.x <- seq(1, natoms*3, by=3)
      inds.y <- inds.x+1
      inds.z <- inds.x+2
      for ( i in 1:natoms ) {
        ## Calculate difference vectors and force constants
        diff.vect <- t(t(xyz) - xyz[i,])
        ##dists <- apply(diff.vect, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x**2)))
        dists <- sqrt(rowSums(diff.vect**2))  ## quicker !

        ## pfc.fun takes a vector of distances
        ff.names <- names(formals( pfc.fun ))
        args <- list(dists)
        if('atom.id' %in% ff.names) args <- c(args, list(atom.id=i))
        if('pdb' %in% ff.names) args <- c(args, list(pdb=pdb))
        args <- c(args, list(...))
        force.constants <- do.call(pfc.fun, args)
        ## Scale the force constants
        if(!is.null(fc.weights)) {
          force.constants <- force.constants * fc.weights[i,]
        force.constants <- (-1) * force.constants / (dists**2)

        ## since we divide on zero, ensure no Inf values
        force.constants[i] <- 0
        diff.vect[i,] <- 0

        ## Hessian elements
        dxx <- diff.vect[,1] * diff.vect[,1] * force.constants
        dyy <- diff.vect[,2] * diff.vect[,2] * force.constants
        dzz <- diff.vect[,3] * diff.vect[,3] * force.constants
        dxy <- diff.vect[,1] * diff.vect[,2] * force.constants
        dxz <- diff.vect[,1] * diff.vect[,3] * force.constants
        dyz <- diff.vect[,2] * diff.vect[,3] * force.constants

        ## Place the elements
        m <- col.inds[i]
        ## Off-diagonals 
        Hsm[inds.x, m   ] <- dxx
        Hsm[inds.y, m+1 ] <- dyy
        Hsm[inds.z, m+2 ] <- dzz

        Hsm[inds.y, m   ] <- dxy
        Hsm[inds.z, m   ] <- dxz
        Hsm[inds.x, m+1 ] <- dxy
        Hsm[inds.z, m+1 ] <- dyz
        Hsm[inds.x, m+2 ] <- dxz
        Hsm[inds.y, m+2 ] <- dyz

        ## Diagonal super elements
        Hsm[inds.x[i], m] <- sum(Hsm[inds.x, m]) * (-1)
        Hsm[inds.y[i], m] <- sum(Hsm[inds.y, m]) * (-1)
        Hsm[inds.z[i], m] <- sum(Hsm[inds.z, m]) * (-1)

        Hsm[inds.x[i], m+1] <- sum(Hsm[inds.x, m+1]) * (-1)
        Hsm[inds.y[i], m+1] <- sum(Hsm[inds.y, m+1]) * (-1)
        Hsm[inds.z[i], m+1] <- sum(Hsm[inds.z, m+1]) * (-1)

        Hsm[inds.x[i], m+2] <- sum(Hsm[inds.x, m+2]) * (-1)
        Hsm[inds.y[i], m+2] <- sum(Hsm[inds.y, m+2]) * (-1)
        Hsm[inds.z[i], m+2] <- sum(Hsm[inds.z, m+2]) * (-1)


    H <- build.submatrix(xyz=xyz, natoms=natoms,
                         pdb=pdb, ... )

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