
Defines functions printoutModuleInformation listModuleInformation isCorrectModuleWebObject deleteModuleData readModuleData cM computeModules

Documented in cM computeModules deleteModuleData isCorrectModuleWebObject listModuleInformation printoutModuleInformation readModuleData

setClass("moduleWeb", representation(originalWeb="matrix", moduleWeb="matrix", orderA="vector", orderB="vector", modules="matrix", likelihood="numeric"));

computeModules = function(web, method="Beckett", deep=FALSE, deleteOriginalFiles=TRUE, steps=1000000, tolerance=1e-10, experimental=FALSE, forceLPA=FALSE) {

  if (!(method %in% c("Beckett", "DormannStrauss"))) {
    warning("The method you've selected does not exist. Will use 'Beckett' instead!")
    method <- "Beckett"
  # check if, for binary data, any species is present everywhere ("empty" takes care of the "nowhere"):
#  if (empty.web & length(table(unlist(web))) == 2  & ( any(colSums(web) == nrow(web)) | any(rowSums(web) == ncol(web)))){
#    warning("Your binary data set contains one (or more) species present everywhere. These will be ignored, as they contain no information for the modularity algorithm.")
    # remove all-full or all-empty columns and rows:
    #rm.cols <- which(colSums(web) == nrow(web))
    #rm.rows <- which(rowSums(web) == ncol(web))
    #web <- web[-rm.rows, -rm.cols]
#    nonWeb <- (!web) * 1
#    web <- (! empty(nonWeb)) * 1
#  }
  # the fast and nice algorithm of Beckett:
  if (method=="Beckett"){
    # always uses DIRTLPA unless forced to use the faster LPA, which gets stuck in local optima more often (see Beckett 2016)
    web <- as.matrix(empty(web))
    if (any(attr(web, "empty")) > 0) warning("Some empty columns or rows were deleted.")
    if (deep){
      stop("Beckett cannot currently be used recursively. \n With 'deep=T' please use method of 'DormannStrauss'.")
      #   result <- cMBeckett(web, depth=1, nrOfModule=1, ytop=1, xleft=1, ybottom=dim(web)[1], 
      #                xright=dim(web)[2], prev_orderA=c(1:dim(web)[1]), prev_orderB=c(1:dim(web)[2]), 
      #                modules=matrix(c(0, 1, c(1:sum(dim(web)))), 1), 
      #                deepCompute=deep, delete=deleteOriginalFiles, steps=steps, tolerance=tolerance, experimental=experimental)
    } else{
     mod <- if (forceLPA) LPA_wb_plus(web) else  DIRT_LPA_wb_plus(web)
     # convert into moduleWeb-object:
     result <- convert2moduleWeb(web,  mod)
  # the slow and tedious algorithm of Dormann & Strauss:
  if (method=="DormannStrauss"){
    if (deep && experimental) {
      print("ERROR: Flag deep has to be FALSE if flag experimental is set to TRUE.");
    } else {
      web <- as.matrix(empty(web, count=TRUE)) # to get rid of empty columns and rows
      if (any(attr(web, "empty")) > 0) warning("Some empty columns or rows were deleted.")
      cat("This function is SLOW! \nMonitor your system's activity; depending on steps-setting this may take minutes to hours!\n\n")
      ### TEST TEST
      # provide a web presorted by Beckett as input to this option!
      # does it make a difference in where the algorithm starts?
      # web <- computeModules(web)@moduleWeb
      # No, apparently somewhere the C++-code makes its own random version, and providing the network in a sorted way makes no difference ....
      ### End TEST TEST
      result		<-  cM(web, depth=1, nrOfModule=1, ytop=1, xleft=1, ybottom=dim(web)[1], 
                     xright=dim(web)[2], prev_orderA=c(1:dim(web)[1]), prev_orderB=c(1:dim(web)[2]), 
                     modules=matrix(c(0, 1, c(1:sum(dim(web)))), 1), 
                     deepCompute=deep, delete=deleteOriginalFiles, steps=steps, tolerance=tolerance, experimental=experimental) #try()
      #	if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
      #		print(result)
      #		break;
      #	}
      result[[4]]	= result[[4]][order(result[[4]][,1]),];
      # Make sure the modularity is non-negative
      if (result[[5]] >= 0) {
        out <- new("moduleWeb", originalWeb=web, moduleWeb=as.matrix(result[[1]]), orderA=result[[2]], orderB=result[[3]], modules=result[[4]], likelihood=result[[5]]);
      else {
        if(deep) {
          print("ERROR: At least one of the computed modularity values is smaller than 0. Please increase the number of steps in order to reach a valid result.");
        else {
          print("ERROR: The computed modularity value is smaller than 0. Please increase the number of steps in order to reach a valid result.");
  } # end if DormannStrauss


# This function actually prepares the recursive computation of the modules and returns an object of class "moduleWeb"
cM = function(web, depth, nrOfModule, ytop, xleft, ybottom, xright, prev_orderA, prev_orderB, modules, deepCompute, delete, steps, tolerance, experimental) {
    result = list();
    webName = paste("web-", depth, "-", nrOfModule, sep="");
    # write web to file
    web2edges(web[ytop:ybottom, xleft:xright], webName=webName, return=FALSE);
    argv = c("identifyModules", "-filename", paste(webName, ".pairs", sep=""), "-steps", round(steps), "-tolerance", as.double(tolerance)); # round instead of "as.integer(steps)" because the latter works only up to 1E9!!
    if (experimental) {
      argv = append(argv, c("-method", "Strauss"));
    argv = as.character(argv);
    argc = as.integer(length(argv));
    .C("identifyModules", argc, argv, PACKAGE="bipartite");
    ## because of unresolved issues, the dll needs to be unloaded/reloaded after each run.
    ## this does not work under Linux (see ?dyn.unload)
    #	LIBS <- .dynLibs()
    #	bipLIB <- which(unlist(sapply(LIBS, function(x) x[1])) == "bipartite")
    #	IMpath <- 	LIBS[[bipLIB]][[2]] # absolute path on the system to the dll!!!
    ##library.dynam.unload("bipartite", libpath=IMpath)
    ##library.dynam("bipartite", package="bipartite", lib.loc=find.package("bipartite"))
    #	dyn.unload(IMpath)
    #	dyn.load(IMpath)
    # read in data from result files
    data = readModuleData(webName, deleteOriginalFiles=delete); #delete.edgesOriginalFiles=delete);
    n_a		= dim(web)[1];
    n_b		= dim(web)[2];
    n		= n_a + n_b;
    orderAFile	= data[[1]];
    orderBFile	= data[[2]];
    modulesFile	= data[[3]];
    likelihood	= as.numeric(data[[4]]);
    # Permutation of the graph and therefore actualization of the permutation vectors is necessary
    # if more than one module are suggested
    if (likelihood >= 0 && nrow(modulesFile) > 1) {
      # Actualization of the permutation vectors
      tempA				= c(1:dim(web)[1]);
      tempB				= c(1:dim(web)[2]);
      tempA[ytop:ybottom]	= tempA[ytop:ybottom][orderAFile];
      tempB[xleft:xright]	= tempB[xleft:xright][orderBFile-length(orderAFile)];
      orderAFile			= prev_orderA[tempA];
      orderBFile			= prev_orderB[tempB];
      result[[1]] = as.matrix(web[tempA, tempB, drop=FALSE])
      result[[2]] = orderAFile;
      result[[3]] = orderBFile;
      result[[4]] = NA;
      # The matrix M containing the information about the identified modules is formatted in the following way:
      # Each row i contains the information about one certain module while
      # M[i,1] represents the nesting depth of the module,
      # M[i,2] = 1 iff the module is the last one to plot within its nesting module and 0 else,
      # and the M[i,j] = j-offset_M iff node j-offset_M is part of the module and 0 else.
      offset_M			= 2;
      offset_modulesFile	= 1;	
      nrOfModules			= nrow(modulesFile);
      M					= matrix(0, nrOfModules, (sum(dim(web))+offset_M));
      if (experimental) {
        M[,1]	= modulesFile[,1];
        M[1,2]	= 1;
        for (i in nrOfModules:1) {
          if (i > 1) {
            indicesOfNextRowsWithSameDepth = rev(which(M[1:(i - 1),1] == M[i,1]));
            if (length(indicesOfNextRowsWithSameDepth) == 0
                (indicesOfNextRowsWithSameDepth[1] + 1 < i && length(which(M[(indicesOfNextRowsWithSameDepth[1] + 1):(i - 1),1] < M[i,1])) > 0)) {
              M[i,2] = 1;
          M[i, (1 + offset_M):(ncol(modulesFile)+1)] = modulesFile[i, (1 + offset_modulesFile):ncol(modulesFile)];
        M_temp		= matrix(0, nrow(M), ncol(M));
        maxDepth	= max(M[,1]);
        rowCounter	= 1;
        for (i in 0:maxDepth) {
          indicesOfRowsWithSameDepth		= rev(which(M[,1] == i));
          nrOfIndicesOfRowsWithSameDepth	= length(indicesOfRowsWithSameDepth);
          M_temp[rowCounter:(rowCounter + nrOfIndicesOfRowsWithSameDepth - 1),] = M[indicesOfRowsWithSameDepth,];
          rowCounter = rowCounter + nrOfIndicesOfRowsWithSameDepth;
        M = M_temp;
      else {
        M[, 1]								= depth;
        M[nrOfModules, offset_M]			= 1;
        colvals = append(prev_orderA[ytop:ybottom], prev_orderB[xleft:xright]+n_a);
        rowvals = which(modulesFile[, offset_M:ncol(modulesFile)] > 0) %% nrow(modulesFile);
        rowvals[rowvals == 0] = nrow(modulesFile);
        if(length(colvals) == length(rowvals)) {
          for(i in 1:length(colvals)) {
            M[rowvals[i], colvals[i]+offset_M] = colvals[i];
      modulesFile = M;
      if (experimental) {
        result[[4]]	= M;
      else {
        result[[4]]	= rbind(modules, M);
      # Computation of potential modules nested within the ones found until now
      if (deepCompute) {
        order = append(orderAFile, (orderBFile+n_a));
        # Apply the recursive function cM(...) to each module
        for (i in 1:nrow(modulesFile)) {
          mod = modulesFile[i, (offset_M+1):ncol(modulesFile)];
          mod = mod[order];
          # Calculate the coordinates of the part of the web we are looking at
          j = n_a+1;
          while(mod[j] == 0) { j = j+1; }			# calculate x-coordinate of left lower corner of module border
          xleft_new = j - n_a;
          j = n_a;
          while(mod[j] == 0) { j = j-1; }			# calculate y-coordinate of left lower corner of module border
          ybottom_new = j;
          j = n;
          while(mod[j] == 0) { j = j-1; }			# calculate x-coordinate of right upper corner of module border
          xright_new = j - n_a;
          j = 1;
          while(mod[j] == 0) { j = j+1; }			# calculate y-coordinate of right upper corner of module border
          ytop_new = j;
          # An invocation of cM(...) is necessary only if there is the possibility to find more than one submodule the current module consists of
          if ((ybottom_new - ytop_new)+1 > 1 && (xright_new - xleft_new)+1 > 1) {
            print(paste("Recursive invocation (depth: ", depth+1, ", module nr. ", i, ")", sep=""));
            result = cM(web=result[[1]], depth+1, nrOfModule=i, ytop=ytop_new, xleft=xleft_new, 
                        ybottom=ybottom_new, xright=xright_new, prev_orderA=result[[2]], prev_orderB=result[[3]], 
                        modules=result[[4]], deepCompute, delete, steps, tolerance, experimental);
            # Make sure that all computed modules have modularity >= 0
            if (result[[5]] < 0) {
              likelihood = result[[5]];
    else {
      result[[1]] = web;
      result[[2]] = prev_orderA;
      result[[3]] = prev_orderB;
      result[[4]] = modules;
    result[[5]] = likelihood;

# This function reads in the data written down to the hard drive disk by the invoked C code and optionally triggers the deletion of the appropriate files
readModuleData = function(webName=NULL, deleteOriginalFiles=TRUE) {
	orderAFile = as.vector(as.matrix(read.table(paste(webName, ".ordA", sep=""), header=TRUE, sep="\t")));
	orderBFile = as.vector(as.matrix(read.table(paste(webName, ".ordB", sep=""), header=TRUE, sep="\t")));
	modulesFile = as.matrix(read.table(paste(webName, ".mod", sep=""), header=TRUE, sep="\t"));
	infoFile = strsplit(readLines(paste(webName, ".info", sep=""), n=-1)[26], ": ")[[1]][2]  # reads in only the likelihood!
	#read.table(paste(webName, ".info", sep=""), header=TRUE, sep="\t");

	if(deleteOriginalFiles) deleteModuleData(webName);

	result = list();
	result[[1]] = orderAFile;
	result[[2]] = orderBFile;
	result[[3]] = modulesFile;
	result[[4]] = infoFile;


# This function deletes the files written down to the hard drive disk by the invoked C code
deleteModuleData = function(webName=NULL) {
	unlink(paste(webName, ".pairs", sep=""));
	unlink(paste(webName, "-names.lut", sep=""));
	unlink(paste(webName, ".ordA", sep=""));
	unlink(paste(webName, ".ordB", sep=""));
	unlink(paste(webName, ".mod", sep=""));
	unlink(paste(webName, ".info", sep=""));
	unlink(paste(webName, ".den", sep=""));
	unlink(paste(webName, ".lut", sep=""));

# This function is ALSO in drawModules.R!!
# Auxiliary function checking whether the passed object is an object of class "moduleWeb" and contains correctly formatted information
isCorrectModuleWebObject = function(moduleWebObject) {

	if (!is(moduleWebObject, "moduleWeb")) {
		warning("Object of wrong class.");
	}	else if (any(dim(slot(moduleWebObject, "originalWeb")) == 0) ||  any(dim(slot(moduleWebObject, "moduleWeb")) != dim(slot(moduleWebObject, "originalWeb"))) || any(dim(slot(moduleWebObject, "modules")) == 0)) {
		warning("Object corrupt.");
	else if (any(min(slot(moduleWebObject, "originalWeb")) < 0 || min(slot(moduleWebObject, "moduleWeb")) < 0)) {
		warning("entries of matrix have to be greater than or equal to 0.");
	else {
######----- ########

listModuleInformation = function(moduleWebObject) {

	if (isCorrectModuleWebObject(moduleWebObject)) {

		result	= list();

		web	= slot(moduleWebObject, "originalWeb");
		modules	= slot(moduleWebObject, "modules");

		n_a	= nrow(web);
		n_b	= ncol(web);

		offset	= 2;

		for (depth in unique(modules[,1])) {
			result[[depth+1]] = list();

			counter = 1;

			for (i in 1:nrow(modules)) {
				if(modules[i,1] == depth) {
					result[[depth+1]][[counter]]		= list();
					result[[depth+1]][[counter]][[1]]	= rownames(web)[modules[i,(offset+1):(n_a+offset)][modules[i,(offset+1):(n_a+offset)] > 0]];
					result[[depth+1]][[counter]][[2]]	= colnames(web)[(modules[i,(n_a+offset+1):(n_a+n_b+offset)][modules[i,(n_a+offset+1):(n_a+n_b+offset)] > 0])-n_a];

					counter = counter + 1;


printoutModuleInformation = function(moduleWebObject) {

	if(isCorrectModuleWebObject(moduleWebObject)) {

		modules	= slot(moduleWebObject, "modules");

		listOfModules = listModuleInformation(moduleWebObject);

		linebreak = "\n";

		a = linebreak;

		for(depth in unique(modules[,1])) {
			for(i in 1:length(listOfModules[[depth+1]])) {
				a = paste(a, "Depth: ", depth, linebreak, linebreak, "Nr of module: ", i, linebreak, linebreak, "Rownames: ", linebreak, sep="");
				for(j in 1:length(listOfModules[[depth+1]][[i]][[1]])) {
					a = paste(a, paste("\t", listOfModules[[depth+1]][[i]][[1]][j], sep=""), sep=linebreak);
				a = paste(a, linebreak, linebreak, "Colnames: ", linebreak, sep="");
				for(j in 1:length(listOfModules[[depth+1]][[i]][[2]])) {
					a = paste(a, paste("\t", listOfModules[[depth+1]][[i]][[2]][j], sep=""), sep=linebreak);
				a = paste(a, linebreak, linebreak, "__________________________", linebreak, linebreak, sep="");
			a = paste(a, "__________________________", linebreak, linebreak, sep="");


# web <- Safariland
# mod <- computeModules(web, steps=1E9)
# dir()
# read.delim("web-1-1.pairs") # works fine
# read.delim("web-1-1-names.lut") # works fine
# mod <- computeModules(web, steps=1E9) # does not work (on first run)

Try the bipartite package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bipartite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.