
Defines functions `plotweb`

`plotweb` <-
function(web, method = "cca", empty = TRUE, labsize = 1, ybig = 1,
    y.width.low = 0.1, y.width.high = 0.1,
    low.spacing = NULL, high.spacing = NULL,
    arrow="no", col.interaction="grey80",
    col.high = "grey10", col.low="grey10",
    bor.col.interaction ="black", bor.col.high="black", bor.col.low="black",
    high.lablength = NULL, low.lablength = NULL,
    bor.low.abun.col ="black",
    high.abun=NULL, high.abun.col="red", bor.high.abun.col="black",
    text.rot=0, text.high.col="black", text.low.col="black",
    adj.high=NULL, adj.low=NULL,
    plot.axes = FALSE,
    low.y=0.5, high.y=1.5,
    y.lim=NULL, x.lim=NULL,
    low.plot=TRUE, high.plot=TRUE,
    high.xoff = 0, low.xoff = 0,
    high.lab.dis = NULL,
    low.lab.dis = NULL,
# this is a workaround for plotweb, which treated the abundances a bit strangely (as unused individuals)
# depending on the new parameter, abuns.type, either the old function or a new function (treating abuns as independent abundance estimates) will be called
# the whole thing is rather unelegant (e.g. too long) and waits for the upcoming revision by Bernd Gruber

# the 'independent' function has (except for the missing option to plot unused resources) the disadvantage that interaction bar width may be influenced by abundances; this is inherent in the current design of plotting links
  # a related question is what should actually be proportional to interaction strength/frequency ("width of bars", but what is it exactly?); currently it is horizontal edge length of interaction polygons (and thus bar area);
  # an alternative approach for the independent abundance case would be to have an option arrow='both.center' that shows interaction strength (unlike the current version) as line width, but this wouldn't be identical to the current version (in which (orthogonally measured) 'line width' varies) 

#----------------------- classic plotweb function by Bernd Gruber, to be used if abuns.type=='additional' ---------
#! if abuns.type='additional' or 'none', call BerndGrubers old plotweb function! [and just state that they must be additional, might be calculated by subtracting interacting individuals from total abun]
if (abuns.type %in% c('additional','none')){
    #op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    if (empty) web <- empty(web) else method <- "normal"
    web <- as.matrix(web) # to convert data.frames into matrix: needed for cumsum
    low.order <- 1:dim(web)[1]
    high.order <- 1:dim(web)[2]
    # moved by CFD because otherwise the order is not the same as in the original matrix:
     if (length(colnames(web)) == 0) colnames(web) <- colnames(web, do.NULL = FALSE)
     if (length(rownames(web)) == 0) rownames(web) <- rownames(web, do.NULL = FALSE)
    # CFD: 
    if (NROW(web) == 1 | NCOL(web) ==1) {
    	#stop("Doesn't work with only one species in one of the levels.")
    	xlim <- low.order
    	ylim <- high.order
    	sequence <- NULL#list(seq.high=colnames(web), seq.low=rownames(web))
    meths <- c("normal", "cca")
    meths.match <- pmatch(method, meths)
    if (is.na(meths.match)) stop("Choose plot-method: normal/cca.\n")
    if (length(unique(as.vector(web))) == 1) {meths.match <- 1; warning("CCA-sorting does not work with same value in each cell. Uses method='normal' instead.")}
    if (meths.match==2)
    { #for the option "cca" the web is first re-arranged and then treated as "normal"; thus: there is no "else" to this "if".
    ## Problem: cca sometimes doesn't get the compartments right!!!!!
    ## Function "compart" returns a matrix with links assigned to compartments
    ## So, we need to extract the compartments there and put them in sequence:
      co <- compart(web)
      if (co$n.compart>1){ #do the arrangement for each compartment separately
        row.seq <- NULL
        col.seq <- NULL
        for (m in 1:co$n.compart){
          comp.member <- which(abs(co$cweb)==m, arr.ind=TRUE)
          rs <- unique(comp.member[,1])
          cs <- unique(comp.member[,2])
          if (length(rs) < 3 | length(cs) < 3){
            row.seq <- c(row.seq, rs)
            col.seq <- c(col.seq, cs)
          } else { #works fine for webs with only one compartment
            ca <- cca(web[rs, cs])
            row.seq <- c(row.seq, rs[order(scores(ca, display="sites", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)])
            col.seq <- c(col.seq, cs[order(scores(ca, display="species", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)])
        web <- web[row.seq, col.seq]
        low.order <- row.seq
        high.order <- col.seq
      } else {
        ca <- cca(web)
        web <- web[order(scores(ca, display="sites", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE), order(scores(ca, display="species", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)]
        low.order <- order(scores(ca, display="sites", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)
        high.order <- order(scores(ca, display="species", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)
    } # end for meths.match==2 condition; start of the "normal" plotting
     if (!is.null(sequence)) {
         cs <- which(sequence$seq.high %in% colnames(web))
         rs <- which(sequence$seq.low %in% rownames(web))
         for (i in 1:dim(web)[2]) high.order[i] <- which(sequence$seq.high[i]==colnames(web))
         for (i in 1:dim(web)[1]) low.order[i] <- which(sequence$seq.low[i]==rownames(web))
         web <- web[sequence$seq.low[rs], sequence$seq.high[cs], drop=FALSE]
     websum <- sum(web)
     difff <- diffh <-0 # if no abundances are set leave plotsize as before
          ###rearrange if lowfreq is set  # lowfreq is a named vector!!!
          if (!is.null(low.abun)) {
  	        lowfreq = rowSums(web)
      	    dummy <- lowfreq
          	for (i in 1:length(low.abun) )
      		    ind <- which(names(low.abun)[i] == names(dummy))
  		        lowfreq[ind] <- lowfreq[ind]+low.abun[i]
      	    #websum <- sum(lowfreq)
          	difff = (lowfreq-rowSums(web))/websum
          ###rearrange if highfreq is set  # lowfreq is a named vector!!!
          if (!is.null(high.abun)) {
  	        highfreq = colSums(web)
  	        dummy <- highfreq
  	        for (i in 1:length(high.abun) )
          	  ind <- which(names(high.abun)[i] == names(dummy))
  	          highfreq[ind] <- highfreq[ind]+high.abun[i]
      	    #websum <- sum(highfreq)
          	diffh = (highfreq-colSums(web))/websum
          if (is.null(high.abun)) high_prop <- colSums(web)/websum else high_prop <- highfreq/websum
          if (is.null(low.abun)) low_prop <- rowSums(web)/websum else low_prop <- lowfreq/websum
          n.high <- length(high_prop)
          n.low <- length(low_prop)
          high_x <- 0
          high_xold <- -1
          high_versatz <- 0
  #        high.y <- 1.5
          low_x <- 0
          low_xold <- -1
          low_versatz <- 0
  #        low.y <- 0.5
          if (!is.null(high.lablength))
              colnames(web) <- substr(colnames(web), 1, high.lablength)
          if (!is.null(low.lablength))
              rownames(web) <- substr(rownames(web), 1, low.lablength)
          par(mai = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
          high_spacing =  (n.low - 1)/(n.high - 1)
          low_spacing =   (n.high - 1)/(n.low -1)
          high_spacing <- high_spacing * 0.05
          low_spacing <- low_spacing * 0.05
          if (n.high > n.low) low_spacing <- high_spacing*(n.high-1)/(n.low-1) else high_spacing <- low_spacing*(n.low-1)/(n.high-1)
          if (n.high == 1) high_spacing <- 1# CFD
          if (n.low == 1) low_spacing <- 1 # CFD
          if (!is.null(low.abun)) high_spacing <- high_spacing+sum(difff)/n.high
          if (!is.null(high.abun)) low_spacing <- low_spacing+sum(diffh)/n.low
          wleft = 0
          # old code:
          #wright = (max(n.high, n.low)) * min(low_spacing,high_spacing) +1+max(sum(diffh),sum(difff))
          #if (!is.null(high.spacing))  high_spacing <- high.spacing
          #if (!is.null(low.spacing))   low_spacing <- low.spacing
  		## new code by Dirk Raetzel, introduced in version 1.18:
  		if (!is.null(high.spacing)) high_spacing <- high.spacing
  		 if (!is.null(low.spacing)) low_spacing <- low.spacing
  		 wright = (max(n.high, n.low)) * min(low_spacing, high_spacing) + 1 + max(sum(diffh), sum(difff))
  		## end new code
          wup <- 1.6 + y.width.high +  0.05 #we need some space for labels
          wdown <- 0.4 - y.width.low -  0.05 #we need some space for labels
          if (is.null(y.lim)) y.lim <- range(wdown/ybig, wup * ybig)
          if (is.null(x.lim)) x.lim <- range(wleft, wright)
  ### beginn of plotting
  if (add==FALSE)     plot(0, type = "n", xlim = x.lim, ylim = y.lim, axes = plot.axes, xlab = "", ylab = "")
  # plotting of highator boxes....
  if (high.plot)
          high_x = 0
          hoffset <- 0
          links <- 0
          rechts <- 0
          hoehe <- strheight(colnames(web)[1], cex = 0.6)
          if (!is.null(high.lab.dis)) hoehe=high.lab.dis
          for (i in 1:n.high) {
              rect(high_x+high.xoff, high.y - y.width.high, high_x+high.xoff + high_prop[i],
                  high.y + y.width.high, col = col.high[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(col.high))+1], border=bor.col.high[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(bor.col.high))+1])
              #### coloured boxes at the end if highfreq is given
              if (!is.null(high.abun))
                rect(high_x+high.xoff + high_prop[i]-diffh[i], high.y - y.width.high, high_x +high.xoff+ high_prop[i],
                  high.y + y.width.high, col = high.abun.col[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(high.abun.col))+1],                           border=bor.high.abun.col[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(bor.high.abun.col))+1])
              breite <- strwidth(colnames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 *
              links <- high_x + high_prop[i]/2 - breite/2
              if (links < rechts && i > 1)
                  hoffset = hoffset + hoehe
              else {
                  rechts <- high_x + high_prop[i]/2 + breite/2
                  hoffset <- 0
              if (text.rot==90) {hoffset=0; ad =c(0,0.3)} else ad=c(0.5,0.4)
              if (!is.null(adj.high)) ad=adj.high
              text(high_x +high.xoff+ high_prop[i]/2, high.y + y.width.high +
                  hoehe + hoffset, colnames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 *
                  labsize, offset = 0, srt=text.rot, adj=ad,
                  col=text.high.col[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(text.high.col))+1])
              high_x <- high_x + high_prop[i] + high_spacing
  } # end of highator boxes plotting
  # plotting of low boxes....
  if (low.plot)
          low_x <- 0
          links <- 0
          rechts <- 0
          hoehe <- strheight(rownames(web)[1], cex = 0.6)
          if (!is.null(low.lab.dis)) hoehe=low.lab.dis
          hoffset <- hoehe
          for (i in 1:n.low) {
              rect(low_x+low.xoff, low.y - y.width.low, low_x +low.xoff+ low_prop[i],
                  low.y + y.width.low, col = col.low[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(col.low))+1], border=bor.col.low[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(bor.col.low))+1])
              #### coloured boxes at the end if lowfreq is given
              if (!is.null(low.abun))
                rect(low_x+low.xoff + low_prop[i]-difff[i], low.y - y.width.low, low_x +low.xoff+ low_prop[i],
                  low.y + y.width.low, col = low.abun.col[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(low.abun.col))+1], border=bor.low.abun.col[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(bor.low.abun.col))+1])
              breite <- strwidth(rownames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 *
              links <- low_x + low_prop[i]/2 - breite/2
              if (links < rechts && i > 1)
                  hoffset = hoffset + hoehe
              else {
                  rechts <- low_x + low_prop[i]/2 + breite/2
                  hoffset <- hoehe
              if (text.rot==90) {hoffset=hoehe; ad =c(1,0.3)} else ad=c(0.5,0.4)
              if (!is.null(adj.low)) ad=adj.low
              text(low_x+low.xoff + low_prop[i]/2, low.y - y.width.low -
                  hoffset, rownames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 * labsize,
                  offset = 0, srt=text.rot, adj=ad,
                  col=text.low.col[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(text.low.col))+1])
              low_x <- low_x + low_prop[i] + low_spacing
  }# end of low boxes plotting
          px <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
          py <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
          high_x <- 0
          #zwischenweb <- web
          #XYcoords <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = length(zwischenweb))
          #for (i in 1:length(zwischenweb)) {
          #    XYcoords[i,1:2 ] <- which(zwischenweb == max(zwischenweb),
          #        arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]
          #    zwischenweb[XYcoords[i, 1], XYcoords[i, 2]] <- -1
          ## new code by Dirk Raetzel, introduced in version 1.18:
          web.df <- data.frame(row=rep(1:n.low,n.high),col=rep(1:n.high,each=n.low),dat=c(web))
  		 web.df <- web.df[order(-web.df$dat),]
  		 XYcoords <- as.matrix(web.df[,1:2])
          ## end new code
          y1 <- high.y - y.width.high
          y2 <- y1
          y3 <- low.y + y.width.low
          y4 <- y3
          for (p in 1:sum(web > 0)) {
              i <- XYcoords[p, 1]
              j <- XYcoords[p, 2]
              if (j == 1 & i == 1)
                  x1 <- 0   else x1 <- (j - 1) * high_spacing + cumsum(web)[(j -
                  1) * nrow(web) + (i - 1)]/websum
              if (!is.null(high.abun) && j>1) x1 <- x1 +cumsum(diffh)[j-1]
              x2 <- x1 + web[i, j]/websum
              if (arrow=="up" || arrow=="both") {x2<-(x1+x2)/2; x1<-x2}
              if (arrow=="up.center"|| arrow=="both.center")
                 if (j!=1)  {x2 <-  (j - 1) * high_spacing + cumsum(web)[(j -
                  1) * nrow(web) ]/websum +colSums(web)[j]/websum/2
                 if (!is.null(high.abun)) x2 <- x2 +cumsum(diffh)[j-1]
                  }  else
                     x2=colSums(web)[j]/websum/2; x1<-x2
                  tweb <- t(web)
              if (j == 1 & i == 1)
                  x3 <- 0   else x3 <- (i - 1) * low_spacing + cumsum(tweb)[(i -
                  1) * nrow(tweb) + (j - 1)]/websum
              if (!is.null(low.abun) && i>1) x3 <- x3 +cumsum(difff)[i-1]
              x4 <- x3 + tweb[j, i]/websum
              if (arrow=="down" || arrow=="both") {x4<-(x3+x4)/2; x3<-x4}
              if (arrow=="down.center" || arrow=="both.center")
                 if (i!=1)  {x3 <-  (i - 1) * low_spacing + cumsum(tweb)[(i -
                  1) * nrow(tweb) ]/websum +colSums(tweb)[i]/websum/2
                  if (!is.null(low.abun)) x3<- x3 +cumsum(difff)[i-1]
                  }  else
                     x3=colSums(tweb)[i]/websum/2; x4=x3;
              # calculate color of interaction based on web order
              icol <- col.interaction[((low.order[XYcoords[p,1]]-1)* (length(high.order))+(high.order[XYcoords[p,2]]-1)) %% (length(col.interaction))+1]
              bicol <- bor.col.interaction[((low.order[XYcoords[p,1]]-1)* (length(high.order))+(high.order[XYcoords[p,2]]-1)) %% (length(bor.col.interaction))+1]
              polygon(c(x1+high.xoff, x2+high.xoff, x4+low.xoff, x3+low.xoff), c(y1, y2, y4, y3), col = icol, border=bicol)
#----------------------- End of classic plotweb function by Bernd Gruber ---------

#----------------------- NEW plotweb function modified by Jochen Fruend, to be used if abuns.type=='independent' ---------
  #! if abuns.type='independent', call this NEW function version by JochenFruend only plots one type of abun-boxes per species [and is thus suitable for independent abundances]
  #JFedit: I also cleaned up the code a bit and deleted old (out-commented) code
if (abuns.type=='independent'){
  #--- PART 1: changing the matrix ---
    #op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    if (empty) web <- empty(web) else method <- "normal"
    web <- as.matrix(web) # to convert data.frames into matrix: needed for cumsum
    low.order <- 1:dim(web)[1]
    high.order <- 1:dim(web)[2]
    # moved by CFD because otherwise the order is not the same as in the original matrix:
    if (length(colnames(web)) == 0) colnames(web) <- colnames(web, do.NULL = FALSE)
    if (length(rownames(web)) == 0) rownames(web) <- rownames(web, do.NULL = FALSE)
    # CFD: 
    if (NROW(web) == 1 | NCOL(web) ==1) {
    	#stop("Doesn't work with only one species in one of the levels.")
    	xlim <- low.order
    	ylim <- high.order
    	sequence <- NULL#list(seq.high=colnames(web), seq.low=rownames(web))
    meths <- c("normal", "cca")
    meths.match <- pmatch(method, meths)
    if (is.na(meths.match)) stop("Choose plot-method: normal/cca.\n")
    if (length(unique(as.vector(web))) == 1) {meths.match <- 1; warning("CCA-sorting does not work with same value in each cell. Uses method='normal' instead.")}
    if (meths.match==2)
    { #for the option "cca" the web is first re-arranged and then treated as "normal"; thus: there is no "else" to this "if".
    ## Problem: cca sometimes doesn't get the compartments right!!!!!
    ## Function "compart" returns a matrix with links assigned to compartments
    ## So, we need to extract the compartments there and put them in sequence:
      co <- compart(web)
      if (co$n.compart>1){ #do the arrangement for each compartment separately
        row.seq <- NULL
        col.seq <- NULL
        for (m in 1:co$n.compart){
          comp.member <- which(abs(co$cweb)==m, arr.ind=TRUE)
          rs <- unique(comp.member[,1])
          cs <- unique(comp.member[,2])
          if (length(rs) < 3 | length(cs) < 3){
            row.seq <- c(row.seq, rs)
            col.seq <- c(col.seq, cs)
          } else { #works fine for webs with only one compartment
            ca <- cca(web[rs, cs])
            row.seq <- c(row.seq, rs[order(scores(ca, display="sites", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)])
            col.seq <- c(col.seq, cs[order(scores(ca, display="species", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)])
        web <- web[row.seq, col.seq]
        low.order <- row.seq
        high.order <- col.seq
      } else {
        ca <- cca(web)
        web <- web[order(scores(ca, display="sites", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE),
                   order(scores(ca, display="species", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)]
        low.order <- order(scores(ca, display="sites", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)
        high.order <- order(scores(ca, display="species", choices=1), decreasing=TRUE)
    } # end for meths.match==2 condition; start of the "normal" plotting
    if (!is.null(sequence)) {
       cs <- which(sequence$seq.high %in% colnames(web))
       rs <- which(sequence$seq.low %in% rownames(web))
       for (i in 1:dim(web)[2]) high.order[i] <- which(sequence$seq.high[i]==colnames(web))
       for (i in 1:dim(web)[1]) low.order[i] <- which(sequence$seq.low[i]==rownames(web))
       web <- web[sequence$seq.low[rs], sequence$seq.high[cs], drop=FALSE]
  #--- END of PART 1: resorting the matrix ---
  #--- PART 2: preparations before plotting ---
  #JFedit: I changed and restructured quite a lot here (now freq+abun removed, always using lowfreq)
        # the difference thing cannot be used any more!
    websum <- sum(web)     # check where this is used, and whether the freq-sums should be used instead
    if (!is.null(high.abun)) {
      highfreq <- high.abun[colnames(web)]  # consider to give warning or something if names don't correspond  
    }  else {highfreq <- colSums(web)}
    if (!is.null(low.abun)) {
      lowfreq <- low.abun[rownames(web)]  # consider to give warning or something if names don't correspond  
    } else {lowfreq <- rowSums(web)}
  # end JFedit
    high_prop <- highfreq / sum(highfreq)
    low_prop <- lowfreq / sum(lowfreq)
  # end JFedit        
    n.high <- length(high_prop)
    n.low <- length(low_prop)
    high_x <- 0
    high_xold <- -1
    high_versatz <- 0
    low_x <- 0
    low_xold <- -1
    low_versatz <- 0
    if (!is.null(high.lablength))
        colnames(web) <- substr(colnames(web), 1, high.lablength)
    if (!is.null(low.lablength))
        rownames(web) <- substr(rownames(web), 1, low.lablength)
    # first plot parameters are set  
    par(mai = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3))
  # this is the probably far too complicated section about high_spacing and low_spacing; I deleted some of it, but should be further revised
    # only things of this section used later are high_spacing, low_spacing, y.lim, x.lim
    high_spacing =  (n.low - 1)/(n.high - 1)
    low_spacing =   (n.high - 1)/(n.low -1)
    high_spacing <- high_spacing * 0.05
    low_spacing <- low_spacing * 0.05
    if (n.high > n.low) low_spacing <- high_spacing*(n.high-1)/(n.low-1) else high_spacing <- low_spacing*(n.low-1)/(n.high-1)
    if (n.high == 1) high_spacing <- 1  # CFD
    if (n.low == 1) low_spacing <- 1    # CFD
    wleft = 0
  	## new code by Dirk Raetzel, introduced in version 1.18:
  	 if (!is.null(high.spacing)) high_spacing <- high.spacing
  	 if (!is.null(low.spacing)) low_spacing <- low.spacing
  	 wright = (max(n.high, n.low)) * min(low_spacing, high_spacing) + 1
  	## end new code
    wup <- 1.6 + y.width.high +  0.05 #we need some space for labels
    wdown <- 0.4 - y.width.low -  0.05 #we need some space for labels
    if (is.null(y.lim)) y.lim <- range(wdown/ybig, wup * ybig)
    if (is.null(x.lim)) x.lim <- range(wleft, wright)
  # END of high_spacing / low_spacing part
  ### beginn of plotting ###
  if (add==FALSE)     plot(0, type = "n", xlim = x.lim, ylim = y.lim, axes = plot.axes, xlab = "", ylab = "")
  #--- PART 3: plotting boxes -----
    #JFedit: calculate x positions for boxes
          # I try to do it vector-based so that it can be done outside of the loop
          rightmost_h <- 1 # sum(high_prop) + (n.high-1) * high_spacing 
          x2_vals <- (cumsum(high_prop) + (1:n.high)* high_spacing - high_spacing) 
          x1_vals <- c(0, x2_vals[1:(n.high-1)]+high_spacing) ; names(x1_vals) <- names(x2_vals)
          x2_vals <- x2_vals / rightmost_h
          x1_vals <- x1_vals / rightmost_h
          rightmost_l <- 1 # sum(low_prop) + (n.low-1) * low_spacing 
          x4_vals <- (cumsum(low_prop) + (1:n.low)* low_spacing - low_spacing)
          x3_vals <- c(0, x4_vals[1:(n.low-1)]+low_spacing)  ; names(x3_vals) <- names(x4_vals)
          x4_vals <- x4_vals / rightmost_l
          x3_vals <- x3_vals / rightmost_l
    # end JFedit
  #-- plotting of highator boxes....
  if (high.plot)
          # JFedit: note that x-values are now calculated above as vectors
          hoffset <- 0
          links <- 0
          rechts <- 0
          hoehe <- strheight(colnames(web)[1], cex = 0.6)
          if (!is.null(high.lab.dis)) hoehe=high.lab.dis
          for (i in 1:n.high) {
            rect(x1_vals[i]+high.xoff , high.y - y.width.high, x2_vals[i] +high.xoff,
                high.y + y.width.high, col = high.abun.col[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(high.abun.col))+1],
                 border=bor.high.abun.col[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(bor.high.abun.col))+1])
            # labels
            high_x <- x1_vals[i]
            breite <- strwidth(colnames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 *
            links <- high_x + high_prop[i]/2 - breite/2
            if (links < rechts && i > 1){
                hoffset = hoffset + hoehe
            } else {
                rechts <- high_x + high_prop[i]/2 + breite/2
                hoffset <- 0
            if (text.rot==90) {hoffset=0; ad =c(0,0.3)} else ad=c(0.5,0.4)
            if (!is.null(adj.high)) ad=adj.high
            text(high_x +high.xoff+ high_prop[i]/2, high.y + y.width.high +
                hoehe + hoffset, colnames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 *
                labsize, offset = 0, srt=text.rot, adj=ad,
                col=text.high.col[(high.order[i]-1) %% (length(text.high.col))+1])
            # end labels    
  } # end of highator boxes plotting
  #-- plotting of low boxes....
  if (low.plot)
          links <- 0
          rechts <- 0
          hoehe <- strheight(rownames(web)[1], cex = 0.6)
          if (!is.null(low.lab.dis)) hoehe=low.lab.dis
          hoffset <- hoehe
          for (i in 1:n.low) {
            rect(x3_vals[i]+low.xoff , low.y - y.width.low, x4_vals[i] +low.xoff,
                low.y + y.width.low, col = low.abun.col[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(low.abun.col))+1],
                 border=bor.low.abun.col[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(bor.low.abun.col))+1])
            # labels
            low_x <- x3_vals[i]
            breite <- strwidth(rownames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 * labsize)
            links <- low_x + low_prop[i]/2 - breite/2
            if (links < rechts && i > 1)
                hoffset = hoffset + hoehe
            else {
                rechts <- low_x + low_prop[i]/2 + breite/2
                hoffset <- hoehe
            if (text.rot==90) {hoffset=hoehe; ad =c(1,0.3)} else ad=c(0.5,0.4)
            if (!is.null(adj.low)) ad=adj.low
            text(low_x+low.xoff + low_prop[i]/2, low.y - y.width.low -
                hoffset, rownames(web)[i], cex = 0.6 * labsize,
                offset = 0, srt=text.rot, adj=ad,
                col=text.low.col[(low.order[i]-1) %% (length(text.low.col))+1])
            # end labels
  }# end of low boxes plotting
  #--- PART 4: plotting interactions
      # some preparations  
        px <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
        py <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
        high_x <- 0
        ## new code by Dirk Raetzel, introduced in version 1.18:
          web.df <- data.frame(row=rep(1:n.low,n.high),col=rep(1:n.high,each=n.low),dat=c(web))
    		  web.df <- web.df[order(-web.df$dat),]
    		  XYcoords <- as.matrix(web.df[1:sum(web > 0), 1:2])  #edited by JoF: only nonzero links
        ## end new code
        y1 <- high.y - y.width.high
        y2 <- y1
        y3 <- low.y + y.width.low
        y4 <- y3
        #JFedit: now, x-values are prepared above!; warnings about the new stuff here: 
        if (!is.null(low.abun) & !(arrow %in% c('both.center','down.center'))) warning('interaction width is influenced by abundance vector and possibly not proportional to link weight')
        if (!is.null(high.abun) & !(arrow %in% c('both.center','up.center'))) warning('interaction width is influenced by abundance vector and possibly not proportional to link weight')
        if (arrow %in% c('both','down','up')) warning('this arrow type is currently not supported, using "no"')
      for (p in 1:sum(web > 0)) {     # p seems to be the interaction ID
          i <- XYcoords[p, 1]
          j <- XYcoords[p, 2]
    # JFedit: jochens new try of xvals
          # x1-4 positions for "share of individuals"
          if (i==1){
            x1 <- x1_vals[j]
          } else {
            x1 <- x1_vals[j] + (x2_vals[j] - x1_vals[j]) * cumsum(web[,j])[i-1] / sum(web[,j]) 
          x2 <- x1_vals[j] + (x2_vals[j] - x1_vals[j]) * cumsum(web[,j])[i] / sum(web[,j]) 
          if (j==1){
            x3 <- x3_vals[i]
          } else {
            x3 <- x3_vals[i] + (x4_vals[i] - x3_vals[i]) * cumsum(web[i,])[j-1] / sum(web[i,]) 
          x4 <- x3_vals[i] + (x4_vals[i] - x3_vals[i]) * cumsum(web[i,])[j] / sum(web[i,]) 
          # overwrite previous x1-4 for center arrows
          if (arrow=="up.center" || arrow=="both.center"){
            x1 <- x2 <- (x1_vals[j] + x2_vals[j]) /2    
          if (arrow=="down.center" || arrow=="both.center"){
            x3 <- x4 <- (x3_vals[i] + x4_vals[i]) /2  
    # end JFedit
          # calculate color of interaction based on web order
          icol <- col.interaction[((low.order[XYcoords[p,1]]-1)* (length(high.order))+(high.order[XYcoords[p,2]]-1)) %% (length(col.interaction))+1]
          bicol <- bor.col.interaction[((low.order[XYcoords[p,1]]-1)* (length(high.order))+(high.order[XYcoords[p,2]]-1)) %% (length(bor.col.interaction))+1]
          # not before here is the actual interaction plotted!
          polygon(c(x1+high.xoff, x2+high.xoff, x4+low.xoff, x3+low.xoff), c(y1, y2, y4, y3), col = icol, border=bicol)
#----------------------- End of NEW plotweb function modif. by Jochen Fruend ---------  
} # end of overall function

# # #a <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 1, 4)
# #plotweb(a)
# #plotweb(t(a))
# #plotweb(a,abuns.type='independent')
# plotweb(vazquenc,abuns.type='independent')
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='independent')
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='independent',arrow="down.center")
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='additional',arrow="down.center")

# # an example set with abundances
# myabuns.low <- rowSums(Safariland)
# myabuns.low[rownames(vazquenc)] <- myabuns.low[rownames(vazquenc)] + rowSums(vazquenc)          # "total abundances" (might be independent)
# myabuns.low.unused <- myabuns.low - rowSums(Safariland)[names(myabuns.low)]                     # "unused abundances"
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='independent',arrow="down.center",low.abun=myabuns.low)          # that's correct
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='additional',arrow="down.center",low.abun=myabuns.low)           # that's wrong
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='additional',arrow="down.center",low.abun=myabuns.low.unused)    # that's how it should look like for the additional case
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='independent',arrow="down.center",low.abun=myabuns.low*0.2)      # still works
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='additional',arrow="down.center",low.abun=myabuns.low*0.2)       # always shows marginals as abundances
# plotweb(Safariland, abuns.type='independent',arrow="no",low.abun=myabuns.low*0.2)               # currently gives a warning, but the ratio between upper width and lower width could actually tell you something about preferences!


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bipartite documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.