
Defines functions check.batching check.particles check.evidence check.cpq.args

# sanitize the extra arguments passed to the conditional probability algorithms.
check.cpq.args = function(fitted, event, extra.args, method, action) {

  if (has.argument(method, "n", cpq.extra.args))
    extra.args[["n"]] = check.particles(extra.args[["n"]], fitted = fitted)

  if (has.argument(method, "batch", cpq.extra.args)) {

    if (!is.null(extra.args[["batch"]]) &&
        (action == "cpdist") && (method == "lw")) {

      extra.args[["batch"]] = NULL
      warning(" 'batch' will be ignored for speed and memory efficience.")

    else {

      extra.args[["batch"]] =
        check.batching(extra.args[["batch"]], sample.size = extra.args[["n"]])



  if (has.argument(method, "query.nodes", cpq.extra.args)) {

    if (!is.null(extra.args[["query.nodes"]])) {

      check.nodes(extra.args[["query.nodes"]], graph = fitted)

      # make sure the nodes to be simulated are included.
      if (action == "cpdist")
        extra.args[["query.nodes"]] =
          unique(c(event, extra.args[["query.nodes"]]))



  # warn about and remove unused arguments.
  extra.args = check.unused.args(extra.args, cpq.extra.args[[method]])



# check evidence in list format.
check.evidence = function(evidence, graph, ideal.only = FALSE) {

  # check whether evidence is there.
  if (missing(evidence))
    stop("evidence must be a list with elements named after the nodes in the graph.")
  # if evidence is TRUE there's nothing to check.
  if (identical(evidence, TRUE))
  # check whether evidence is a named list.
  if (!is(evidence, "list"))
    stop("evidence must be a list with elements named after the nodes in the graph.")
  # check the node labels in evidence.
  check.nodes(names(evidence), graph = graph)

  if (is(graph, "bn")) {

    # check the network is completely directed.
    if (!is.dag(graph$arcs, names(graph$nodes)))
      stop("the graph is only partially directed.")

  else if (is(graph, "bn.fit")) {

     # check the evidence is appropriate for the nodes.
     for (fixed in names(evidence)) {

       # extract the node and the evidence.
       cur = graph[[fixed]]
       ev = evidence[[fixed]]

       # if only ideal interventions are allowed, the evidence for each node
       # will have length equal to 1.
       if (ideal.only)
         if (length(ev) > 1)
           stop("only ideal interventions are allowed for node '", fixed,
                "', but multiple values are provided.")

       # duplicated values do not make sense in most situations.
       if (any(duplicated(ev))) {

         ev = unique(ev)
         warning("duplicated values in the evidence for node '", fixed, "'.")


       if (is(cur, c("bn.fit.dnode", "bn.fit.onode"))) {

         if (is.factor(ev))
           evidence[[fixed]] = ev = as.character(ev)

         if (!is.string.vector(ev) || any(ev %!in% dimnames(cur$prob)[[1]]))
           stop("the evidence for node '", fixed, "' must be valid levels.")

       else if (is(cur, "bn.fit.gnode")) {

         # for continuous nodes evidence must be real numbers.
         if (!is.real.vector(ev) || (length(ev) %!in% 1:2))
           stop("the evidence for node '", fixed, "' must be a real number or a finite interval.")
         storage.mode(ev) = "double"
         # make sure interval boundaries are in the right order.
         evidence[[fixed]] = sort(ev)






# check the number of particles in Monte Carlo inference.
check.particles = function(n, fitted) {

  if (!is.null(n)) {

    if (!is.positive.integer(n))
      stop("the number of observations to be sampled must be a positive integer number.")

  else {

    # this is a rule of thumb, the error of the estimate has no closed-form
    # expression (Koller & Friedman).
    if (!is(fitted, "bn.fit.gnet"))
      n = 5000 * max(1, round(log10(nparams.fitted(fitted))))
      n = 500 * nparams.fitted(fitted)




# check batch size against sample size.
check.batching = function(batch, sample.size) {

  if (!is.null(batch)) {

    if (!is.positive.integer(batch))
      stop("the number of observations to be sampled must be a positive integer number.")

    if (batch > sample.size) {

      warning("cannot generate a batch bigger than the whole generated data set.")
      warning("batch size will be ignored.")


  else {

    # perform small simulations in a single batch, and split larger ones.
    batch = min(sample.size, 10^4)




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bnlearn documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:27 p.m.