#' Estimate 90% Confidence Intervals of \eqn{f_2}{f2} with Bootstrap Methodology
#' Main function to estimate 90% confidence intervals of \eqn{f_2}{f2} using
#' bootstrap methodology.
#' @importFrom stats qnorm pnorm glm
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion sessionInfo
#' @usage
#' bootf2(test, ref,,, path.out, file.out,
#' = 10000L, seed = 306L, digits = 2L, alpha = 0.05,
#' regulation = c("EMA", "FDA", "WHO","Canada", "ANVISA"),
#' min.points = 1L, both.TR.85 = FALSE, = TRUE,
#' = c("concise", "intermediate", "detailed"),
#' f2.type = c("all", "est.f2", "exp.f2", "bc.f2",
#' "vc.exp.f2", "vc.bc.f2"),
#' ci.type = c("all", "normal", "basic", "percentile",
#' "bca.jackknife", "bca.boot"),
#' quantile.type = c("all", as.character(1:9), "boot"),
#' jackknife.type = c("all", "nt+nr", "nt*nr", "nt=nr"),
#' time.unit = c("min", "h"), = FALSE,
#' = FALSE)
#' @param test,ref *Data frames* of dissolution profiles of test and reference
#' product if `` and `` are not specified; otherwise, they
#' should be *character* strings indicating the worksheet names of the Excel
#' file where the dissolution data is saved. See Input/Output in Details.
#' @param,,path.out,file.out *Character* strings of input and
#' output directories and file names. See Input/Output in Details.
#' @param An *integer* indicating the number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param seed *Integer* seed value for reproducibility. If missing, a random
#' seed will be generated for reproducibility purpose.
#' @param digits An *integer* indicating the decimal points for the output.
#' @param alpha A *numeric* value between 0 and 1 to estimate
#' \eqn{(1-2\times \alpha)\times 100}{(1 - 2*alpha)*100} confidence interval.
#' @param regulation *Character* strings indicating regulatory guidelines.
#' @seealso [calcf2()] for details on regulation rules.
#' @param min.points An *integer* indicating the minimum time points to be used
#' to calculate \eqn{f_2}{f2}. For conventional \eqn{f_2}{f2} calculation, the
#' default is 3, however, for bootstrap \eqn{f_2}{f2}, the value should be
#' lower as there might be less time points available in certain bootstrap
#' samples. The default is 1. @seealso [calcf2()].
#' @param both.TR.85 *Logical*. If `TRUE`, and if `regulation = "FDA"`, all
#' measurements up to the time points at which both test and reference
#' products dissolve more than 85% will be used to calculate \eqn{f_2}{f2}.
#' This is the conventional, but incorrect, interpretation of the US FDA rule.
#' Therefore, the argument should only be set to `TRUE` for validation purpose
#' such as comparing the results from old literature that use the wrong
#' interpretation to calculate \eqn{f_2}{f2}. @seealso [calcf2()] for details
#' on regulation rules.
#' @param *Logical*. If `TRUE`, a plain text report will be
#' produced. See Input/Output in Details.
#' @param `"concise"` style produces the estimators and their
#' confidence intervals; `"intermediate"` style adds a list of individual
#' \eqn{f_2}{f2}s for all bootstrap samples in the end of `"concise"` report;
#' `"detailed"` style further adds individual bootstrap samples along with
#' their \eqn{f_2}{f2}s in the end of `"intermediate"` report. See
#' Input/Output in Details.
#' @param f2.type *Character* strings indicating which type of \eqn{f_2}{f2}
#' estimator should be calculated. See Types of estimators in Details.
#' @param ci.type *Character* strings indicating which type of confidence
#' interval should be estimated. See Types of confidence intervals in
#' Details.
#' @param quantile.type *Character* strings indicating the type of percentile.
#' @param jackknife.type *Character* strings indicating the type of jackknife
#' method. See Details.
#' @param time.unit *Character* strings indicating the unit of time. It should
#' be either `"min"` for minute or `"h"` for hour. It is mainly used for
#' checking CV rules and making plot. @seealso [calcf2()].
#' @param *Logical*. If `TRUE`, a `"concise"` style summary
#' report will be printed on screen. See Input/Output in Details.
#' @param *Logical*. If `TRUE`, all individual bootstrap data
#' sets will be included in the output.
#' @returns A list of 3 or 5 components.
#' - ``: A *data frame* of bootstrap \eqn{f_2}{f2} confidence intervals.
#' - `boot.f2`: A *data frame* of all individual \eqn{f_2}{f2} values for all
#' bootstrap data set.
#' - ``: A *data frame* with detailed information of bootstrap for
#' reproducibility purpose, such as all arguments used in the function, time
#' points used for calculation of \eqn{f_2}{f2}, and the number of `NA`s.
#' - `boot.summary`: A *data frame* with descriptive statistics of the
#' bootstrap \eqn{f_2}{f2}.
#' - `boot.t` and `boot.r`: *Lists* of individual bootstrap samples for test
#' and reference product if ` = TRUE`.
#' @details
#' ## Minimum required arguments that must be provided by the user
#' Arguments `test` and `ref` must be provided by the user. They should be `R`
#' `data frames`, with *time as the first column*, and all individual profiles
#' profiles as the rest columns. The actual names of the columns do not matter
#' since they will be renamed internally.
#' ## Input/Output
#' The dissolution data of test and reference product can either be provided as
#' *data frames* for `test` and `ref`, as explained above, or be read from an
#' *Excel file* with data of test and reference stored in *separate worksheets*.
#' In the latter case, the argument ``, the directory where the Excel
#' file is, and ``, the name of the Excel file *including the file
#' extension `.xls` or `.xlsx`*, must be provided. In such case, the argument
#' `test` and `ref` must be *the names of the worksheets in quotation marks*.
#' The first column of each Excel worksheet must be time, and the rest columns
#' are individual dissolution profiles. The first row should be column names,
#' such as time, unit01, unit02, ... The actual names of the columns do not
#' matter as they will be renamed internally.
#' Arguments `path.out` and `file.out` are the names of the output directory
#' and file. If they are not provided, but argument `` is `TRUE`,
#' then a plain text report will be generated automatically in the current
#' working directory with file name `test_vs_ref_TZ_YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMSS.txt`,
#' where `test` and `ref` are data set names of test and reference, `TZ` is the
#' time zone such as `CEST`, `YYYY-MM-DD` is the numeric date format and
#' `HHMMSS` is the numeric time format for hour, minute, and second.
#' For a quick check, set argument ` = TRUE`, a summary report
#' very similar to `concise` style report will be printed on screen.
#' ## Types of Estimators
#' According to Shah et al, the population \eqn{f_2}{f2} for the inference is
#' \deqn{f_2 = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}\sum_{i=1}^P%
#' \left(\mu_{\mathrm{T},i} - \mu_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 \right)\,,}{%
#' f2 = 100 - 25 log(1 + 1/P(\sum(\mu(Ti) - \mu(Ri))^2)),}
#' where \eqn{P} is the number of time points; \eqn{\mu_{\mathrm{T},i}}{\mu(Ti)}
#' and \eqn{\mu_{\mathrm{R},i}}{\mu(Ri)} are *population mean* of test and
#' reference product at time point \eqn{i}, respectively; \eqn{\sum_{i=1}^P}{%
#' \sum} is the summation from \eqn{i = 1} to \eqn{P}.
#' Five estimators for \eqn{f_2}{f2} are included in the function:
#' 1. The estimated \eqn{f_2}{f2}, denoted by \eqn{\hat{f}_2}{est.f2}, is the
#' one written in various regulatory guidelines. It is expressed differently,
#' but mathematically equivalently, as
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_2 = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}\sum_{i=1}^P\left(%
#' \bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} - \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 \right)\:,}{%
#' est.f2 = 100 - 25 log(1 + 1/P(\sum(X(Ti) - X(Ri))^2)),}
#' where \eqn{P} is the number of time points;
#' \eqn{\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i}}{X(Ti)} and
#' \eqn{\bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}}{X(Ri)} are mean dissolution data at the
#' \eqn{i}th time point of *random samples* chosen from the test and the
#' reference population, respectively. Compared to the equation of population
#' \eqn{f_2}{f2} above, the only difference is that in the equation of
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_2}{est.f2} the *sample means* of dissolution profiles replace
#' the *population means* for the approximation. *In other words, a point
#' estimate is used for the statistical inference in practice*.
#' 2. The Bias-corrected \eqn{f_2}{f2}, denoted by
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{bc}}}{bc.f2}, was described in the article of
#' Shah et al, as
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{bc}} = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}%
#' \left(\sum_{i=1}^P\left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} - %
#' \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P%
#' \left(S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,,}{%
#' bc.f2 = 100 - 25 log(1 + 1/P(\sum(X(Ti) - X(Ri))^2 - 1/n\sum(S(Ti)^2 + %
#' S(Ri)^2))),}
#' where \eqn{S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2}{S(Ti)^2} and
#' \eqn{S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2}{S(Ri)^2} are unbiased estimates of variance at
#' the \eqn{i}th time points of random samples chosen from test and reference
#' population, respectively; and \eqn{n} is the sample size.
#' 3. The variance- and bias-corrected \eqn{f_2}{f2}, denoted by
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{vcbc}}}{vc.bc.f2}, does not assume equal weight of
#' variance as \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{bc}}}{bc.f2} does.
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{vcbc}} = 100-25\log\left(1 +%
#' \frac{1}{P}\left(\sum_{i=1}^P \left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} -%
#' \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P%
#' \left(w_{\mathrm{T},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 +%
#' w_{\mathrm{R},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,,}{%
#' vc.bc.f2 = 100 -25 log(1 + 1/P(\sum(X(Ti) - X(Ri))^2 - 1/n\sum(w(Ti)%
#' S(Ti)^2 + w(Ri)S(Ri)^2))),}
#' where \eqn{w_{\mathrm{T},i}}{w(Ti)} and \eqn{w_{\mathrm{R},i}}{w(Ri)} are
#' weighting factors for variance of test and reference products,
#' respectively, which can be calculated as follows:
#' \deqn{w_{\mathrm{T},i} = 0.5 + \frac{S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2}%
#' {S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2}\,,}{w(Ti) = 0.5 + %
#' S(Ti)^2/(S(Ti)^2 + S(Ri)^2),} and
#' \deqn{w_{\mathrm{R},i} = 0.5 + \frac{S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2}%
#' {S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2}\,.}{w(Ri) = 0.5 + %
#' S(Ri)^2/(S(Ti)^2 + S(Ri)^2).}
#' 4. The expected \eqn{f_2}{f2}, denoted by \eqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{exp}}}{%
#' exp.f2}, is calculated based on the mathematical expectation of estimated
#' \eqn{f_2}{f2},
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{exp}} = 100-25\log\left(1 + \frac{1}{P}%
#' \left(\sum_{i=1}^P\left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} - %
#' \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P%
#' \left(S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 + S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,,}{%
#' exp.f2 = 100 - 25 log(1 + 1/P(\sum(X(Ti) - X(Ri))^2 + 1/n\sum(%
#' S(Ti)^2 + S(Ri)^2))),}
#' using mean dissolution profiles and variance from samples for the
#' approximation of population values.
#' 5. The variance-corrected expected \eqn{f_2}{f2}, denoted by
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{vcexp}}}{vc.exp.f2}, is calculated as
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{vcexp}} = 100-25\log\left(1 +%
#' \frac{1}{P}\left(\sum_{i=1}^P \left(\bar{X}_{\mathrm{T},i} -%
#' \bar{X}_{\mathrm{R},i}\right)^2 + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^P%
#' \left(w_{\mathrm{T},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{T},i}^2 +%
#' w_{\mathrm{R},i}\cdot S_{\mathrm{R},i}^2\right)\right)\right)\,.}{%
#' vc.exp.f2 = 100 - 25 log(1 + 1/P(\sum(X(Ti) - X(Ri))^2 + 1/n\sum(w(Ti)%
#' S(Ti)^2 + w(Ri)S(Ri)^2))).}
#' ## Types of Confidence Interval
#' The following confidence intervals are included:
#' 1. The Normal interval with bias correction, denoted by `normal` in the
#' function, is estimated according to Davison and Hinkley,
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L,U}} = \hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} - E_B \mp %
#' \sqrt{V_B}\cdot Z_{1-\alpha}\,,}{f2(L,U) = f2(S) - E(B) -/+ %
#' sqrt(V(B))Z(1-\alpha)),}
#' where \eqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L,U}}}{f2(L,U)} are the lower and upper
#' limit of the confidence interval estimated from bootstrap samples;
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}}}{f2(S)} denotes the estimators described
#' above; \eqn{Z_{1-\alpha}}{Z(1-\alpha)} represents the inverse of standard
#' normal cumulative distribution function with type I error \eqn{\alpha};
#' \eqn{E_B}{E(B)} and \eqn{V_B}{V(B)} are the *resampling estimates* of bias
#' and variance calculated as
#' \deqn{E_B = \frac{1}{B}\sum_{b=1}^{B}\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star - %
#' \hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} = \bar{f}_2^\star - \hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{S}}\,,}{%
#' E(B) = 1/B\sum(f2(b)) - f2(S) = f2(b,m) - f2(S),}
#' and
#' \deqn{V_B = \frac{1}{B-1}\sum_{b=1}^{B} \left(\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star
#' -\bar{f}_2^\star\right)^2\,,}{V(B) = 1/(B-1)\sum(f2(b) - f2(b,m))^2,}
#' where \eqn{B} is the number of bootstrap samples;
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star}{f2(b)} is the \eqn{f_2}{f2} estimate with
#' \eqn{b}th bootstrap sample, and \eqn{\bar{f}_2^\star}{f2(b,m)} is the
#' mean value.
#' 2. The basic interval, denoted by `basic` in the function, is estimated
#' according to Davison and Hinkley,
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L}} = 2\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} -%
#' \hat{f}_{2,(B+1)(1-\alpha)}^\star\,,}{f2(L) = 2*f2(S) - %
#' f2((B+1)(1-\alpha)),}
#' and
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{U}} = 2\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{S}} -%
#' \hat{f}_{2,(B+1)\alpha}^\star\,,}{f2(U) = 2*f2(S) - f2((B+1)\alpha),}
#' where \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,(B+1)\alpha}^\star}{f2((B+1)\alpha)} and
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,(B+1)(1-\alpha)}^\star}{f2((B+1)(1-\alpha))} are the
#' \eqn{(B+1)\alpha}th and \eqn{(B+1)(1-\alpha)}th *ordered resampling
#' estimates* of \eqn{f_2}{f2}, respectively. When \eqn{(B+1)\alpha} is not
#' an integer, the following equation is used for interpolation,
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2,(B+1)\alpha}^\star = \hat{f}_{2,k}^\star + %
#' \frac{\Phi^{-1}\left(\alpha\right)-\Phi^{-1}\left(\frac{k}{B+1}\right)}%
#' {\Phi^{-1}\left(\frac{k+1}{B+1}\right)-\Phi^{-1}%
#' \left(\frac{k}{B+1}\right)}\left(\hat{f}_{2,k+1}^\star-%
#' \hat{f}_{2,k}^\star\right),}{f2((B+1)\alpha) = f2(k) + %
#' (\Phi^(-1)(\alpha) - \Phi^(-1)(k/(B+1)))/(\Phi^(-1)((k+1)/(B+1)) - %
#' \Phi^(-1)(k/(B+1)))*(f2(k+1) - f2(k)),}
#' where \eqn{k} is the *integer part* of \eqn{(B+1)\alpha},
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,k+1}^\star}{f2(k+1)} and \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,k}^\star}{%
#' f2(k)} are the \eqn{(k+1)}th and the \eqn{k}th ordered resampling
#' estimates of \eqn{f_2}{f2}, respectively.
#' 3. The percentile intervals, denoted by `percentile` in the function, are
#' estimated using nine different types of quantiles, Type 1 to Type 9, as
#' summarized in Hyndman and Fan's article and implemented in `R`'s
#' `quantile` function. Using `R`'s `boot` package, program `bootf2BCA`
#' outputs a percentile interval using the equation above for interpolation.
#' To be able to compare the results among different programs, the same
#' interval, denoted by `Percentile (boot)` in the function, is also
#' included in the function.
#' 4. The bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) intervals are estimated according
#' to Efron and Tibshirani,
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{L}} = \hat{f}_{2, \alpha_1}^\star\,,}{%
#' f2(L) = f2(\alpha1),}
#' \deqn{\hat{f}_{2, \mathrm{U}} = \hat{f}_{2, \alpha_2}^\star\,,}{%
#' f2(L) = f2(\alpha2),}
#' where \eqn{\hat{f}_{2, \alpha_1}^\star}{f2(\alpha1)} and
#' \eqn{\hat{f}_{2, \alpha_2}^\star}{f2(\alpha2)} are the \eqn{100\alpha_1}{%
#' 100\alpha1}th and the \eqn{100\alpha_2}{100\alpha2}th percentile of the
#' resampling estimates of \eqn{f_2}{f2}, respectively. Type I errors
#' \eqn{\alpha_1}{\alpha1} and \eqn{\alpha_2}{\alpha2} are obtained as
#' \deqn{\alpha_1 = \Phi\left(\hat{z}_0 + \frac{\hat{z}_0 + \hat{z}_\alpha}%
#' {1-\hat{a}\left(\hat{z}_0 + \hat{z}_\alpha\right)}\right),}{\alpha1 = %
#' \Phi(z0 + (z0 + za)/(1 - a(z0 + za))),}
#' and
#' \deqn{\alpha_2 = \Phi\left(\hat{z}_0 + \frac{\hat{z}_0 + %
#' \hat{z}_{1-\alpha}}{1-\hat{a}\left(\hat{z}_0 + %
#' \hat{z}_{1-\alpha}\right)}\right),}{\alpha2 = \Phi(z0 +
#' (z0 + z(1-\alpha))/(1 - a(z0 + z(1 - \alpha)))),}
#' where \eqn{\hat{z}_0}{z0} and \eqn{\hat{a}}{a} are called
#' *bias-correction* and *acceleration*, respectively.
#' There are different methods to estimate \eqn{\hat{z}_0}{z0} and
#' \eqn{\hat{a}}{a}. Shah et al. used jackknife technique, denoted by
#' `bca.jackknife` in the function,
#' \deqn{\hat{z}_0 = \Phi^{-1}\left(\frac{N\left\{\hat{f}_{2,b}^\star <%
#' \hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{S}} \right\}}{B}\right),}{z0 = %
#' \Phi^(-1)(N(f2(b) < f2(S))/B)}
#' and
#' \deqn{\hat{a} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{m}} -%
#' \hat{f}_{2, i}\right)^3}{6\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(%
#' \hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{m}} - \hat{f}_{2, i}\right)^2\right)^{3/2}}\,,}{%
#' a = (\sum(f2(m) - f2(i)))^3/(6(\sum(f2(m) - f2(i))^2)^(3/2)),}
#' where \eqn{N\left\{\cdot\right\}}{N(f2(b) < f2(S))} denotes the number of
#' element in the set, \eqn{\hat{f}_{2, i}}{f2(i)} is the \eqn{i}th
#' jackknife statistic, \eqn{\hat{f}_{2,\mathrm{m}}}{f2(m)} is the mean of
#' the jackknife statistics, and \eqn{\sum} is the summation from 1 to
#' sample size \eqn{n}.
#' Program `bootf2BCA` gives a slightly different BCa interval with `R`'s
#' `boot` package. This approach, denoted by `bca.boot` in the function, is
#' also implemented in the function for estimating the interval.
#' ## Notes on the argument `jackknife.type`
#' For any sample with size \eqn{n}, the jackknife estimator is obtained by
#' estimating the parameter for each subsample omitting the \eqn{i}th
#' observation. However, when two samples (e.g., test and reference) are
#' involved, there are several possible ways to do it. Assuming sample size
#' of test and reference are \eqn{n_\mathrm{T}}{nt} and \eqn{n_\mathrm{R}}{nr},
#' the following three possibility are considered:
#' - Estimated by removing one observation from both test and reference samples.
#' In this case, the prerequisite is \eqn{n_\mathrm{T} = n_\mathrm{R}}{nt=nr},
#' denoted by `nt=nr` in the function. So if there are 12 units in test and
#' reference data sets, there will be 12 jackknife estimators.
#' - Estimate the jackknife for test sample while keeping the reference data
#' unchanged; and then estimate jackknife for reference sample while keeping
#' the test sample unchanged. This is denoted by `nt+nr` in the function.
#' This is the default method. So if there are 12 units in test and reference
#' data sets, there will be \eqn{12 + 12 = 24} jackknife estimators.
#' - For each observation deleted from test sample, estimate jackknife for
#' reference sample. This is denoted by `nt*nr` in the function. So if there
#' are 12 units in test and reference data sets, there will be \eqn{12 \times
#' 12 = 144}{12*12 = 144} jackknife estimators.
#' @references Shah, V. P.; Tsong, Y.; Sathe, P.; Liu, J.-P. In Vitro
#' Dissolution Profile Comparison---Statistics and Analysis of the
#' Similarity Factor, \eqn{f_2}{f2}. *Pharmaceutical Research* 1998,
#' **15** (6), 889--896. DOI: 10.1023/A:1011976615750.
#' @references Davison, A. C.; Hinkley, D. V. Bootstrap Methods and Their
#' Application. Cambridge University Press, 1997.
#' @references Hyndman, R. J.; Fan, Y. Sample Quantiles in Statistical Packages.
#' *The American Statistician* 1996, **50** (4), 361--365. DOI:
#' /10.1080/00031305.1996.10473566.
#' @references Efron, B.; Tibshirani, R. An Introduction to the Bootstrap.
#' Chapman & Hall, 1993.
#' @examples
#' # time points
#' tp <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60)
#' # model.par for reference with low variability
#' par.r <- list(fmax = 100, = 3, mdt = 15, = 14,
#' tlag = 0, = 0, beta = 1.5, = 8)
#' # simulate reference data
#' dr <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = par.r, seed = 100, plot = FALSE)
#' # model.par for test
#' par.t <- list(fmax = 100, = 3, mdt = 12.29, = 12,
#' tlag = 0, = 0, beta = 1.727, = 9)
#' # simulate test data with low variability
#' dt <- sim.dp(tp, model.par = par.t, seed = 100, plot = FALSE)
#' # bootstrap. to reduce test run time, of 100 was used in the example.
#' # In practice, it is recommended to use of 5000--10000.
#' # Set ` = TRUE` to view the result on screen
#' d <- bootf2(dt$sim.disso, dr$sim.disso, = 100, = FALSE)
#' @export
bootf2 <- function(test, ref,,, path.out, file.out, = 10000L, seed = 306L, digits = 2L, alpha = 0.05,
regulation = c("EMA", "FDA", "WHO", "Canada", "ANVISA"),
min.points = 1L, both.TR.85 = FALSE, = TRUE, = c("concise", "intermediate", "detailed"),
f2.type = c("all", "est.f2", "exp.f2", "bc.f2",
"vc.exp.f2", "vc.bc.f2"),
ci.type = c("all", "normal", "basic", "percentile",
"bca.jackknife", "bca.boot"),
quantile.type = c("all", as.character(1:9), "boot"),
jackknife.type = c("all", "nt+nr", "nt*nr", "nt=nr"),
time.unit = c("min", "h"), = FALSE, = FALSE) {
# for output info. <- noquote(deparse1(substitute(test))) <- noquote(deparse1(substitute(ref)))
# initial check --------------------------------------------------------------
regulation <- match.arg(regulation) <- match.arg(
f2.type <- match.arg(f2.type)
ci.type <- match.arg(ci.type)
quantile.type <- match.arg(quantile.type)
jackknife.type <- match.arg(jackknife.type)
time.unit <- match.arg(time.unit)
if (any(missing(test), missing(ref))) {
stop("Both 'test' and 'ref' have to be specified.")
if (all(isTRUE(both.TR.85), regulation != "FDA")) {
stop("'both.TR.85 = TRUE' is only applicable when 'regulation = FDA'.")
if (quantile.type == "all") {
q.type <- 1:9
} else if (quantile.type == "boot") {
q.type <- NULL
} else {
q.type <- as.numeric(quantile.type)
# read data ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (all(missing(, missing( {
data.t <- as.matrix(test, rownames.force = FALSE)
data.r <- as.matrix(ref, rownames.force = FALSE) <- file.in1 <- NA # for output name
} else if (all(missing(, !missing( {
stop("Please provide the directory '' where the file is stored.")
} else {# for not missing
if (missing( {
stop("Please provide the name of the data file.")
# if specified incorrectly
if (!dir.exists( {
stop("The directory you specified does not exist. Check your spelling.")
} <- normalizePath(, winslash = "/") <- ifelse(regmatches(, regexpr(".$", == "/",, paste0(, "/"))
file.in1 <- for output name <- paste0(,
if (!file.exists( {
stop(paste0("The file you specified does not exist. Don't forget to ",
"include\nthe extension 'xlsx' or 'xls' in the file name."))
sheet.names <- excel_sheets(
if (!(test %in% sheet.names)) (
stop("The name of the work sheet 'test' is wrong. Check your spelling.")
if (!(ref %in% sheet.names)) (
stop("The name of the work sheet 'ref' is wrong. Check your spelling.")
# package readxl::read_excel
data.t <- as.matrix(read_excel(, test, col_types = "numeric"))
data.r <- as.matrix(read_excel(, ref, col_types = "numeric"))
}# end read data
nt <- NCOL(data.t) - 1
nr <- NCOL(data.r) - 1
if (is.null(seed)) {
seed <- sample(1:(.Machine$integer.max - 1), 1)
# f2 original ------------------------------------------------------
# calculate f2s with original data without regard to variability
tmp.f2o <- calcf2(test = data.t, ref = data.r, regulation = regulation,
digits = digits, cv.rule = FALSE, min.points = min.points,
both.TR.85 = both.TR.85, message = FALSE, f2.type = f2.type,
plot = FALSE, time.unit = time.unit)
f2o <- c(tmp.f2o$f2.value, unique(tmp.f2o$,
unique(ifelse(tmp.f2o$d85at15 == "yes", 1, 0)))
names(f2o) <- c(tmp.f2o$f2.type, "", "d85at15")
# bootstrap data -------------------------------------------------------------
# bootstrap index --------------------------------------------------
# implement the same bootstrap algorithm as boot package to compare results
# use safer version according to manual ?sample
resample <- function(x, ...) x[, replace = TRUE, ...)]
# function in boot need 1 data and 1 index option. each row is
# considered as one multivariate observation so need to transpose it
prod <- c(rep(1, nt), rep(2, nr))
bt.array <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = nt + nr)
for (i in 1:2) {# fill by columns
index <- seq_len(nt + nr)[prod == i]
bt.array[, index] <- resample(index,*length(index))
# initialize result ------------------------------------------------
boot.t <- boot.r <- vector(mode = "list", length =
boot.f2 <- matrix(NA, nrow =, ncol = length(f2o), byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(rep("",, names(f2o)))
for (i in {
boot.t[[i]] <- data.t[, c(1, bt.array[i, 1:nt] + 1)]
boot.r[[i]] <- data.r[, c(1, bt.array[i, (nt + 1):(nt + nr)] - nt + 1)]
tmp.f2 <- calcf2(test = boot.t[[i]], ref = boot.r[[i]],
regulation = regulation, digits = digits,
cv.rule = FALSE, min.points = min.points,
both.TR.85 = both.TR.85, message = FALSE,
f2.type = f2.type, plot = FALSE,
time.unit = time.unit)
boot.f2[i, ] <- c(tmp.f2$f2.value, unique(tmp.f2$,
unique(ifelse(tmp.f2$d85at15 == "yes", 1, 0)))
# interpolation function -------------------------------------------
# function for interpolation of quantile. Davison, Ch5, Eq. 5.8.
# modified from R boot package internal function 'norm.inter()'.
normal.inter <- function(boot.f2, alpha) {#
btf2 <- as.vector(boot.f2)
btf2 <- btf2[is.finite(btf2)]
n.f2 <- length(btf2)
rk <- (n.f2 + 1)*alpha
k <- trunc(rk)
inds <- seq_along(k)
out <- inds
tstar <- sort(btf2)
ints <- (k == rk)
if (any(ints)) out[inds[ints]] <- tstar[k[inds[ints]]]
out[k == 0] <- tstar[1L]
out[k == n.f2] <- tstar[n.f2]
not <- function(v) xor(rep(TRUE, length(v)), v)
temp <- inds[not(ints) & k != 0 & k != n.f2]
temp1 <- qnorm(alpha[temp])
temp2 <- qnorm(k[temp]/(n.f2 + 1))
temp3 <- qnorm((k[temp] + 1)/(n.f2 + 1))
tk <- tstar[k[temp]]
tk1 <- tstar[k[temp] + 1L]
out[temp] <- tk + (temp1 - temp2)/(temp3 - temp2)*(tk1 - tk)
# confidence intervals -------------------------------------------------------
# normal interval --------------------------------------------------
# normal approximation: L,U = f2o - bias -/+ mean.err*z(1-alpha)
# Davison, Bootstrap Methods and Their Application, CUP, 1997. Ch5,
if (ci.type %in% c("all", "normal")) { <- function(boot.f2, f2o, alpha) {
btf2 <- as.vector(boot.f2)
btf2 <- btf2[is.finite(btf2)]
btf2.mean <- mean(btf2, na.rm = TRUE)
btf2.var <- var(btf2, na.rm = TRUE)
2*f2o - btf2.mean + c(-1, 1)*sqrt(btf2.var)*qnorm(1 - alpha)
ci.normal <- data.frame(f2.type = NA, ci.type = NA,
ci.lower = NA, ci.upper = NA)
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)) {
ci.normal[i, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][i]
ci.normal[i, 2] <- "Normal"
ci.normal[i, 3:4] <- = boot.f2[, i], f2o = f2o[[i]],
alpha = alpha)
}# end normal CI
# basic interval ---------------------------------------------------
# Basic CI. Davidson, Ch5, Eq 5.6
if (ci.type %in% c("all", "basic")) { <- function(boot.f2, f2o, alpha) {
btf2 <- as.vector(boot.f2)
btf2 <- btf2[is.finite(btf2)]
2*f2o - normal.inter(boot.f2 = btf2, alpha = alpha)
ci.basic <- data.frame(f2.type = NA, ci.type = NA,
ci.lower = NA, ci.upper = NA)
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)) {
ci.basic[i, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][i]
ci.basic[i, 2] <- "Basic"
ci.basic[i, 3:4] <- = boot.f2[, i], f2o = f2o[i],
alpha = c(1 - alpha, alpha))
} # end basic interval
# percentile interval ----------------------------------------------
if (ci.type %in% c("all", "percentile")) {
ci.percentile <- data.frame(f2.type = NA, ci.type = NA,
ci.lower = NA, ci.upper = NA)
if (quantile.type == "boot") {# same as boot package
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)) {
ci.percentile[i, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][[i]]
ci.percentile[i, 2] <- "Percentile (boot)"
ci.percentile[i, 3:4] <- normal.inter(boot.f2 = boot.f2[, i],
alpha = c(alpha, 1 - alpha))
} else if (quantile.type == "all") {
k <- 0
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)) {
for (j in seq_along(q.type)) {
k <- k + 1
ci.percentile[k, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][[i]]
ci.percentile[k, 2] <- paste0("Percentile (Type ", j, ")")
# ifelse(quantile.type == "all",
# paste0("Percentile (Type ", j, ")"),
# paste0("Percentile (Type ", q.type, ")"))
ci.percentile[k, 3:4] <- quantile(boot.f2[, i],
probs = c(alpha, 1 - alpha),
na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE,
type = q.type[[j]])
} # end quantile type loop j
# Davison, Ch5, same as boot package percentile ci
k <- k + 1
ci.percentile[k, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][[i]]
ci.percentile[k, 2] <- "Percentile (boot)"
ci.percentile[k, 3:4] <- normal.inter(boot.f2 = boot.f2[, i],
alpha = c(alpha, 1 - alpha))
} # end f2 type loop i
} else {# type = 1, 2, ..., 9
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)) {
ci.percentile[i, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][[i]]
ci.percentile[i, 2] <- paste0("Percentile (Type ", q.type, ")")
ci.percentile[i, 3:4] <- quantile(boot.f2[, i],
probs = c(alpha, 1 - alpha),
na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE,
type = q.type)
} # end quantile type loop j
} # end percentile CI
# BCa, jackknife ---------------------------------------------------
# bca CI, acceleration a by jackknife.
# An introduction to the Bootstrap, by Efron B. and Tibshirani, R., 1993
if (ci.type %in% c("all", "bca.jackknife")) {
# function to obtain acceleration a by jackkinfe
jackf2 <- function(data.t, data.r) {
# remove time 0 point if any
data.t <- data.t[data.t[, 1] != 0, ]
data.r <- data.r[data.r[, 1] != 0, ]
if (jackknife.type %in% c("all", "nt+nr")) {
jk1.f2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nt + nr, ncol = length(f2o) - 2,
dimnames = list(rep("", nt + nr),
names(f2o)[1:(length(f2o) - 2)]))
# jackknife with test data
for (i in 1:nt) {
jk1.f2[i, ] <- calcf2(test = data.t[, -(i + 1)], ref = data.r,
regulation = regulation, digits = digits,
cv.rule = FALSE, min.points = min.points,
both.TR.85 = both.TR.85, message = FALSE,
f2.type = f2.type, plot = FALSE,
time.unit = time.unit)$f2.value
# jackknife with reference data
for (j in 1:nr) {
jk1.f2[i + j, ] <- calcf2(test = data.t, ref = data.r[, -(j + 1)],
regulation = regulation, digits = digits,
cv.rule = FALSE, min.points = min.points,
both.TR.85 = both.TR.85, message = FALSE,
f2.type = f2.type, plot = FALSE,
time.unit = time.unit)$f2.value
jk1.f2.mean <-,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
jk1.f2.mean$type <- "nt+nr"
if (jackknife.type %in% c("all", "nt*nr")) {
jk2.f2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nt*nr, ncol = length(f2o) - 2,
dimnames = list(rep("", nt*nr),
names(f2o)[1:(length(f2o) - 2)]))
k <- 0
for (i in 1:nt) {
for (j in 1:nr) {
k <- k + 1
jk2.f2[k, ] <- calcf2(test = data.t[, -(i + 1)],
ref = data.r[, -(j + 1)],
regulation = regulation, digits = digits,
cv.rule = FALSE, min.points = min.points,
both.TR.85 = both.TR.85, message = FALSE,
f2.type = f2.type, plot = FALSE,
time.unit = time.unit)$f2.value
jk2.f2.mean <-,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
jk2.f2.mean$type <- "nt*nr"
if (jackknife.type %in% c("all", "nt=nr")) {# need nt = nr
if (!all.equal(nt, nr)) {# usu. nt = nr = 12, not a problem
stop("To use this type of jackknife, the number of test and ",
"reference\ndata should be equal.")
} else {
jk3.f2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nt, ncol = length(f2o) - 2,
dimnames = list(rep("", nt),
names(f2o)[1:(length(f2o) - 2)]))
for (i in 1:nt) {
jk3.f2[i, ] <- calcf2(test = data.t[, -(i + 1)],
ref = data.r[, -(i + 1)],
regulation = regulation, digits = digits,
cv.rule = FALSE, min.points = min.points,
both.TR.85 = both.TR.85, message = FALSE,
f2.type = f2.type, plot = FALSE,
time.unit = time.unit)$f2.value
jk3.f2.mean <-,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
jk3.f2.mean$type <- "nt=nr"
# accelerated alpha and jackknife mean
if (jackknife.type == "all") {
jk.f2.mean <- rbind(jk1.f2.mean, jk2.f2.mean, jk3.f2.mean)
jk.f2 <- list(jk1.f2, jk2.f2, jk3.f2)
a <- matrix(NA, nrow = NROW(jk.f2.mean), ncol = NCOL(jk.f2.mean) - 1,
dimnames = list(
rep("", NROW(jk.f2.mean)),
paste0(names(jk.f2.mean)[1:(NCOL(jk.f2.mean) - 1)], ".a"))
for (i in 1:NROW(a)) {
for (j in 1:NCOL(a)) {
a[i, j] <- sum((jk.f2.mean[i, j] - jk.f2[[i]][, j])^3, na.rm=TRUE)/
(6*(sum((jk.f2.mean[i, j] - jk.f2[[i]][, j])^2, na.rm=TRUE))^1.5)
} else {
if (jackknife.type == "nt+nr") {
jk.f2 <- jk1.f2
jk.f2.mean <- jk1.f2.mean
} else if (jackknife.type == "nt*nr") {
jk.f2 <- jk2.f2
jk.f2.mean <- jk2.f2.mean
} else {
jk.f2 <- jk3.f2
jk.f2.mean <- jk3.f2.mean
a <- matrix(NA, nrow = NROW(jk.f2.mean), ncol = NCOL(jk.f2.mean) - 1,
dimnames = list(
rep("", NROW(jk.f2.mean)),
paste0(names(jk.f2.mean)[1:(NCOL(jk.f2.mean) - 1)], ".a"))
for (i in 1:NCOL(a)) {
a[, i] <- sum((jk.f2.mean[, i] - jk.f2[, i])^3, na.rm = TRUE)/
(6*(sum((jk.f2.mean[, i] - jk.f2[, i])^2, na.rm = TRUE))^1.5)
a <-
# jk.f2.mean <- jk.f2.mean[is.finite(a)]
# a <- a[is.finite(a)]
return(cbind(a, jk.f2.mean))
}# end fun jackf2
# now get value a
a.jack <- jackf2(data.t, data.r) <- function(boot.f2, f2o, a, alpha) {
btf2 <- as.vector(boot.f2)
btf2 <- btf2[is.finite(btf2)]
n.f2 <- length(boot.f2)
z0 <- qnorm(sum(btf2 < f2o, na.rm = TRUE)/n.f2)
if (is.finite(z0)) {
a1 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(alpha))/(1 - a*(z0 + qnorm(alpha))))
a2 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(1 - alpha))/(1 - a*(z0 + qnorm(1-alpha))))
if (all(is.finite(a1), is.finite(a2))) {
return(normal.inter(boot.f2 = btf2, alpha = c(a1, a2)))
} else return(c(NA, NA))
} else return(c(NA, NA))
ci.bca.jackknife <- data.frame(f2.type = NA, ci.type = NA,
ci.lower = NA, ci.upper = NA)
k <- 0
for (i in 1:NROW(a.jack)) {
for (j in seq_len(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)) {
k <- k + 1
ci.bca.jackknife[k, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][j]
ci.bca.jackknife[k, 2] <- paste0("BCa (jackknife, ",
a.jack[i, "type"], ")")
ci.bca.jackknife[k, 3:4] <- = boot.f2[, j],
f2o = f2o[[j]],
a = a.jack[i, j],
alpha = alpha)
} # end BCa CI by jackknife
# BCa, boot --------------------------------------------------------
# BCa, by empirical regression, Davison, Sec 2.7.4
# also, ref boot package, empinf.reg function. same as Mendyk's bootf2BCA
if (ci.type %in% c("all", "bca.boot")) { <- function(boot.f2, bt.array, f2o, nt, nr, alpha) {
btf2 <- as.vector(boot.f2)
inds <- is.finite(boot.f2)
btf2 <- btf2[inds]
n.f2 <- length(boot.f2)
# construct frequency table from bt.array
table.f <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.f2, ncol = nt + nr)
for (i in 1:n.f2) {
tmp1 <- table(bt.array[i, ])
tmp2 <- as.numeric(names(tmp1))
tmp3 <- 1:(nt + nr) %in% tmp2
tmp3[tmp2] <- tmp1
table.f[i, ] <- tmp3
table.n <- matrix(c(rep(nt, nt), rep(nr, nr)), nrow = n.f2,
ncol = nt + nr, byrow = TRUE)
# X is the dependent, response variable is the bootstrapped f2
X <- (table.f/table.n)[, -c(1, nt + 1)]
X <- X[inds, ]
beta <- coef(glm(btf2 ~ X))[-1L]
L <- rep(0, nt + nr)
L[-c(1, nt + 1)] <- beta
prod <- c(rep(1, nt), rep(2, nr))
L <- L - tapply(L, prod, mean)[prod]
# accelerate a
a <- sum(L^3)/(6*sum(L^2)^1.5)
z0 <- qnorm(sum(btf2 < f2o, na.rm = TRUE)/n.f2)
if (is.finite(z0)) {
a1 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(alpha))/(1 - a*(z0 + qnorm(alpha))))
a2 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(1 - alpha))/(1 - a*(z0 + qnorm(1-alpha))))
if (all(is.finite(a1), is.finite(a2))) {
return(normal.inter(boot.f2 = btf2, c(a1, a2)))
} else return(c(NA, NA))
} else return(c(NA, NA))
} # end function
ci.bca.boot <- data.frame(f2.type = NA, ci.type = NA,
ci.lower = NA, ci.upper = NA)
for (i in seq_len(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)) {
ci.bca.boot[i, 1] <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][i]
ci.bca.boot[i, 2] <- "BCa (boot)"
if ([[i]])) {
ci.bca.boot[i, 3:4] <- rep(NA, 2)
} else {
ci.bca.boot[i, 3:4] <- = boot.f2[, i], bt.array = bt.array,
f2o = f2o[[i]], nt = nt, nr = nr, alpha = alpha)
} # end BCa CI by regression
## TODO: add mode CIs later
# output results -------------------------------------------------------------
# prepare output file ----------------------------------------------
if (ci.type == "all") { <- rbind(ci.normal, ci.basic, ci.percentile,
ci.bca.jackknife, ci.bca.boot)
} else if (ci.type == "normal") { <- ci.normal
} else if (ci.type == "basic") { <- ci.basic
} else if (ci.type == "percentile") { <- ci.percentile
} else if (ci.type == "bca.jackknife") { <- ci.bca.jackknife
} else { <- ci.bca.boot
# check output -----------------------------------------------------
# if output file is missing, auto-generate one for user as
# 'data.t_vs_data.r_time.zone_Date_HHMMSS.txt'
if (isTRUE( {
if (missing(path.out)) {
path.out <- getwd()
} else {
if(!dir.exists(path.out)) {
stop("The directory you specified does not exist. Check your spelling.")
path.out <- normalizePath(path.out, winslash = "/")
path.out <- ifelse(regmatches(path.out, regexpr(".$", path.out)) == "/",
path.out, paste0(path.out, "/"))
if (missing(file.out)) {
file.out1 <- paste0(, "_vs_",, "_",
format(Sys.time(), "%Z"), "_",
format(Sys.Date(), "%F"), "_",
format(Sys.time(), "%H%M%S"), ".txt")
} else {# if file.out provided with non-txt wrong extension
file.out1 <-
ifelse(regmatches(file.out, regexpr(".{3}$", file.out)) == "txt",
file.out, paste0(file.out, ".txt"))
file.out <- paste0(path.out, file.out1)
} else {# no report
path.out <- file.out <- file.out1 <- NA
# output additional information for transparency ------------------- <- data.frame(
test =,
ref =, =,
seed = seed,
regulation = regulation,
min.points = min.points,
alpha = alpha,
both.TR.85 = both.TR.85,
f2.type = f2.type,
ci.type = ci.type,
quantile.type = ifelse(ci.type %in% c("all", "percentile"),
paste0(quantile.type, " (not used)")),
jackknife.type = ifelse(ci.type %in% c("all", "bca.jackknife"),
paste0(jackknife.type, " (not used)")),
time.unit = time.unit,
digits = digits, =, = ifelse(isTRUE(,,
paste0(, " (not used)")), =, =, = ifelse(, "Not provided",, = ifelse(, "Not provided", file.in1),
path.out = ifelse(, "Not provided", path.out),
file.out = ifelse(, "Not provided", file.out1),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
btf2.type <- dimnames(boot.f2)[[2]][1:(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2)]
bt.mean <- apply(boot.f2[, 1:(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2), drop = FALSE], 2, mean,
na.rm = TRUE)
bt.median <- apply(boot.f2[, 1:(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2), drop = FALSE], 2, median,
na.rm = TRUE) <- apply(boot.f2[, 1:(NCOL(boot.f2) - 2), drop = FALSE], 2,
function(x) sum(
f2.tp1 <- sum(boot.f2[, ""] == 1)
f2.tp2 <- sum(boot.f2[, ""] == 2)
d85at15 <- sum(boot.f2[, "d85at15"])
btsum <- data.frame(f2.type = btf2.type, boot.mean = bt.mean,
boot.median = bt.median, =,
f2.tp1 = f2.tp1, f2.tp2 = f2.tp2, d85at15 = d85at15,
f2o = f2o[1:(length(f2o) - 2)],
row.names = 1:length(btf2.type),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# write report ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (isTRUE(
rpt.screen(,, f2o, a.jack, btsum)
if (isTRUE( {
sink(file.out, split = FALSE)
if ( %in% c("concise", "intermediate", "detailed")) {
rpt.concise(,, f2o, a.jack, btsum)
if ( %in% c("intermediate", "detailed")) {
rpt.intermediate(, boot.f2)
} # end intermediate
# this part only for detailed report. long process time. not recommended
if ( == "detailed") {
rpt.detailed(data.t, data.r, boot.t, boot.r, boot.f2,, f2o)
} # end detailed report
} # end isTRUE(
if (isTRUE( {
invisible(list( =[order([, 1]), ],
boot.f2 =, row.names = ""), =, boot.summary = btsum,
boot.t = boot.t, boot.r = boot.r))
} else {# save some memory
invisible(list( =[order([, 1]), ],
boot.f2 =, row.names = ""), =, boot.summary = btsum))
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