#' Create a list of brainGraph graphs
#' \code{make_brainGraphList} creates a \code{brainGraphList} object, a list
#' containing a set of graphs for all subjects (or group-average graphs) in a
#' study at a specific threshold (or density), in addition to some graph-level
#' attributes common to those graphs.
#' In addition to creating the initial \code{igraph} graphs from the
#' connectivity matrices, then attributes will be calculated and assigned for
#' each graph via \code{\link{set_brainGraph_attr}} if \code{set.attrs=TRUE}.
#' Other arguments can be passed to that function. You may display a progress
#' bar by setting \code{.progress=TRUE}.
#' This object can be considered comparable to a 4-D \emph{NIfTI} file,
#' particularly that returned by FSL's \emph{TBSS} \dQuote{prestats} step since
#' that file contains the FA volumes for all study subjects.
#' @note If the input is a \code{corr_mats} object, and the extent of the 3-D
#' array is greater than 1, then only the first will be converted to a graph.
#' @param x 3-D numeric array of all subjects' connectivity matrices (for a
#' single threshold) or a \code{corr_mats} object
#' @param gnames Character vector of graph names (e.g., study IDs if
#' \code{level='subject'}). Default: \code{NULL}
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link{set_brainGraph_attr}}
#' @inheritParams Creating_Graphs
#' @export
#' @return \code{make_brainGraphList} returns an object of class
#' \code{brainGraphList} with elements:
#' \item{threshold}{The specified threshold/density}
#' \item{version}{The versions of \code{R}, \code{igraph}, and
#' \code{brainGraph} used when creating the graphs}
#' \item{atlas}{The atlas common to all the graphs}
#' \item{modality}{The imaging modality (if supplied)}
#' \item{weighting}{A string indicating what edge weights represent (if
#' applicable)}
#' \item{graphs}{A \emph{named list} of \code{brainGraph} graphs; the names
#' correspond to the individual graphs' Study IDs}
#' @name brainGraphList
#' @rdname brainGraphList
#' @family Graph creation functions
#' @author Christopher G. Watson, \email{}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a list, one for each threshold
#' g <- vector('list', length(thresholds))
#' for (i in seq_along(thresholds)) {
#' g[[i]] <- make_brainGraphList(A.norm.sub[[i]], thresholds[i], atlas,
#' covars.dti$Study.ID, covars.dti$Group, modality='dti', weighting='fa')
#' }
#' }
make_brainGraphList <- function(x, atlas, type=c('observed', 'random'),
level=c('subject', 'group', 'contrast'),
set.attrs=TRUE, modality=NULL, weighting=NULL,
threshold=NULL, gnames=NULL, ...) {
#' @param grpNames Character (or factor) vector of group names. If \code{level ==
#' 'group'}, then you do not need to include this argument (the group names
#' will be the same as \code{gnames}). Default: \code{NULL})
#' @param .progress Logical indicating whether to print a progress bar. Default:
#' \code{getOption('bg.progress')}
#' @export
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach getDoParRegistered getDoParWorkers
#' @rdname brainGraphList
make_brainGraphList.array <- function(x, atlas, type=c('observed', 'random'),
level=c('subject', 'group', 'contrast'),
set.attrs=TRUE, modality=NULL,
weighting=NULL, threshold=NULL,
gnames=NULL, grpNames=NULL, subnet=NULL,
mode='undirected', weighted=NULL, diag=FALSE,
.progress=getOption('bg.progress'), ...) {
i <- NULL
level <- match.arg(level)
kNumGraphs <- dim(x)[3L]
if (is.null(gnames)) {
gnames <- pad_zeros(kNumGraphs)
} else {
stopifnot(length(gnames) == kNumGraphs)
gnames <- check_sID(gnames)
if (is.null(grpNames)) {
grpNames <- if (level == 'group') gnames else'1', kNumGraphs)
} else {
stopifnot(length(grpNames) == kNumGraphs)
grpNames <- switch(class(grpNames),
integer=, numeric=pad_zeros(grpNames),
type <- match.arg(type)
if (missing(atlas)) atlas <- guess_atlas(x)
attrs <- c('atlas', 'type', 'level', 'modality', 'weighting', 'threshold')
out <- setNames(vector('list', length(attrs)), attrs)
for (a in attrs) {
if (!is.null(get(a))) out[[a]] <- get(a)
out <- get_metadata(out)
if (!is.null(threshold)) threshold <-, kNumGraphs)
# Show a progress bar so you aren't left in the dark
if (!getDoParRegistered()) {
cl <- makeCluster(getOption('bg.ncpus'))
loopfun <- make_brainGraph
if (isTRUE(.progress)) {
ncpu <- getDoParWorkers()
print(paste('Start time:', format(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS0')))
progbar <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=kNumGraphs, style=3)
loopfun <- function(...) {
curVal <- get('counter', envir=env) + ncpu
assign('counter', curVal, envir=env)
setTxtProgressBar(get('progbar', envir=env), curVal)
env <- environment()
counter <- 0L
g <- foreach(i=seq_len(kNumGraphs)) %dopar% {
res <- loopfun(x[, , i], atlas, type, level, set.attrs, modality, weighting, threshold[i],
name=gnames[i], Group=grpNames[i], subnet=subnet, mode=mode,
diag=diag, weighted=weighted, use.parallel=FALSE, ...)
if (isTRUE(.progress)) close(progbar)
out$graphs <- g
names(out$graphs) <- gnames
class(out) <- c('brainGraphList', 'list')
#' @export
#' @rdname brainGraphList
make_brainGraphList.corr_mats <- function(x, atlas=x$atlas, type='observed',
set.attrs=TRUE, modality=NULL,
weighting=NULL, threshold=x$densities,
gnames=names(x$r.thresh), grpNames=gnames,
mode='undirected', weighted=NULL,
diag=FALSE, .progress=getOption('bg.progress'), ...) {
dims <- vapply(x$r.thresh, dim, numeric(3L))[3L, ]
if (any(dims > 1L)) x <- x[1L]
A <- abind::abind(x$r.thresh)
if (isTRUE(weighted)) A <- x$R * A
out <- make_brainGraphList(A, atlas=atlas, type=type, level=level,
set.attrs=set.attrs, modality=modality, weighting=weighting,
threshold=threshold, mode=mode, weighted=weighted, diag=diag,
gnames=gnames, grpNames=grpNames, .progress=.progress, ...)
#' Create a graph list with GLM-specific attributes
#' These methods create a \code{brainGraphList} with attributes specific to the
#' results of \code{\link{brainGraph_GLM}}, \code{\link{mtpc}}, or
#' \code{\link{NBS}}. The \code{graphs} element of the returned object will
#' contain one graph for each contrast.
#' @note Only valid for \emph{vertex}-level and \emph{NBS} analyses.
#' @param x A \code{bg_GLM}, \code{mtpc}, or \code{NBS} object
#' @param atlas Character string specifying the brain atlas to use
#' @inheritParams brainGraphList
#' @export
#' @return A \code{brainGraphList} object, with a graph object for each contrast
#' with additional attributes:
#' \item{Graph}{\emph{name} (contrast name), \emph{outcome} (the outcome
#' variable), \emph{alpha} (the significance level); for MTPC:
#' \emph{}, \emph{}, \emph{S.crit}, \emph{A.crit}}
#' \item{Vertex}{\emph{size2} (t-statistic); \emph{size} (the t-stat
#' transformed for visualization purposes); \emph{p} (equal to \eqn{1-p});
#' \emph{p.fdr} (equal to \eqn{1-p_{FDR}}, the FDR-adjusted p-value);
#' \emph{effect.size} (the contrast of parameter estimates for t-contrasts;
#' the extra sum of squares for F-contrasts); \emph{se} (the
#' standard error of \emph{gamma}); \emph{}, \emph{sig} (binary
#' indicating whether \code{ > A.crit}) (for MTPC)}
#' @name Creating_Graphs_GLM
#' @rdname glm_brainGraphList
#' @family Graph creation functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{brainGraph_GLM}, \link{mtpc}, \link{NBS}}
make_brainGraphList.bg_GLM <- function(x, atlas=x$atlas, type='observed',
level='contrast', set.attrs=FALSE,
modality=NULL, weighting=NULL,
threshold=NULL, gnames=x$, ...) {
Contrast <- contrast <- p <- p.fdr <- p.perm <- se <- stat <- region <- ESS <- NULL
if (x$level == 'graph') stop('Not valid for graph-level results.')
attrs <- c('atlas', 'type', 'level', 'modality', 'weighting', 'threshold')
out <- setNames(vector('list', length(attrs)), attrs)
for (a in attrs) {
if (!is.null(get(a))) out[[a]] <- get(a)
out <- get_metadata(out)
g.diffs <- vector('list', length(gnames))
for (i in seq_along(g.diffs)) {
g.diffs[[i]] <- make_empty_brainGraph(atlas, type, level, modality, weighting,
threshold, name=gnames[i], ...)
for (a in c('con.type', 'outcome', 'alt', 'alpha')) {
g.diffs[[i]] <- set_graph_attr(g.diffs[[i]], a, x[[a]])
DT <- x$DT[Contrast == gnames[i]]
V(g.diffs[[i]])$p <- 1 - DT$p
V(g.diffs[[i]])$p.fdr <- 1 - DT$p.fdr
if (x$con.type == 't') {
V(g.diffs[[i]])$effect.size <- DT$gamma
} else {
V(g.diffs[[i]])$effect.size <- DT$ESS
V(g.diffs[[i]])$se <- DT$se
V(g.diffs[[i]])$size2 <- DT$stat
V(g.diffs[[i]])$size <- vec.transform(V(g.diffs[[i]])$size2, 0, 20)
if (isTRUE(x$permute)) V(g.diffs[[i]])$p.perm <- 1 - DT$p.perm
class(g.diffs[[i]]) <- c('brainGraph_GLM', class(g.diffs[[i]]))
out$graphs <- g.diffs
names(out$graphs) <- gnames
class(out) <- c('brainGraphList', 'list')
#' Create graph list for MTPC results
#' @export
#' @rdname glm_brainGraphList <- function(x, atlas=x$atlas, type='observed', level='contrast',
set.attrs=FALSE, modality=NULL, weighting=NULL,
threshold=NULL, gnames=x$, ...) {
contrast <- region <- <- A.crit <- S.crit <- <- <- NULL
if (x$level == 'graph') stop('Not valid for graph-level results.')
attrs <- c('atlas', 'type', 'level', 'modality', 'weighting', 'threshold')
out <- setNames(vector('list', length(attrs)), attrs)
for (a in attrs) {
if (!is.null(get(a))) out[[a]] <- get(a)
out <- get_metadata(out)
g.diffs <- vector('list', length(gnames))
for (i in seq_along(g.diffs)) {
g.diffs[[i]] <- make_empty_brainGraph(atlas, type, level, modality, weighting,
threshold, name=gnames[i], ...)
for (a in c('con.type', 'outcome', 'alt', 'alpha')) {
g.diffs[[i]] <- set_graph_attr(g.diffs[[i]], a, x[[a]])
for (a in c('', '', 'S.crit', 'A.crit')) {
g.diffs[[i]] <- set_graph_attr(g.diffs[[i]], a, x$stats[contrast == i, get(a)])
V(g.diffs[[i]])$ <- x$DT[contrast == i, unique(, by=region]$V1
V(g.diffs[[i]])$sig <- 0L
sig.regions <- as.integer(x$DT[contrast == i & > A.crit, unique(region)])
V(g.diffs[[i]])[sig.regions]$sig <- 1L
class(g.diffs[[i]]) <- c('brainGraph_mtpc', class(g.diffs[[i]]))
out$graphs <- g.diffs
names(out$graphs) <- gnames
class(out) <- c('brainGraphList', 'list')
#' Create a graph list for NBS results
#' @export
#' @return \code{make_brainGraphList.NBS} returns graphs with additional
#' attributes:
#' \item{Vertex}{\emph{comp} (integer vector indicating connected component
#' membership), \emph{p.nbs} (P-value for each component)}
#' \item{Edge}{\emph{stat} (the test statistic for each connection), \emph{p}
#' (the P-value)}
#' @rdname glm_brainGraphList
make_brainGraphList.NBS <- function(x, atlas, type='observed', level='contrast',
set.attrs=TRUE, modality=NULL, weighting=NULL,
threshold=NULL, gnames=x$,
mode='undirected', weighted=TRUE, diag=FALSE,
...) {
contrast <- p.perm <- csize <- NULL
bgList <- make_brainGraphList(x$T.mat, atlas, type, level, set.attrs=set.attrs,
modality=modality, weighting=weighting, threshold=threshold, mode=mode,
weighted=weighted, diag=diag, gnames=gnames, ...)
pList <- make_brainGraphList(x$p.mat, atlas, level=level, set.attrs=FALSE, weighted=TRUE, ...)
for (i in seq_along(bgList[])) {
class(bgList$graphs[[i]]) <- c('brainGraph_NBS', class(bgList[i]))
bgList$graphs[[i]]$con.type <- x$con.type
bgList$graphs[[i]]$alt <- x$alt
if (ecount(bgList[i]) == 0) next
E(bgList$graphs[[i]])$stat <- E(bgList[i])$weight
E(bgList$graphs[[i]])$p <- 1 - E(pList[i])$weight
if (any(E(bgList[i])$weight < 0)) bgList$graphs[[i]] <- delete_edge_attr(bgList[i], 'weight')
clusts <- components(bgList[i])
comps <- sort(unique(clusts$csize), decreasing=TRUE)
memb <- clusts$membership <- table(memb) <- sort(, decreasing=TRUE)
V(bgList$graphs[[i]])$comp <- match(memb, order(, decreasing=TRUE))
V(bgList$graphs[[i]])$p.nbs <- 0
xdt <- copy(x$components$observed)
for (j in seq_along(comps)) {
inds <- which(xdt[contrast == i, csize[j]] ==
V(bgList$graphs[[i]])[V(bgList[i])$comp %in% inds]$p.nbs <- 1 - xdt[contrast == i, p.perm[j]]
#' Index subjects and/or groups in a brainGraphList
#' The \code{[} method will let you subset/slice the graphs for individual
#' subjects and/or \emph{groups}.
#' @section Subsetting/extracting:
#' The first index is for subsetting the individual graphs. The second index is
#' for subsetting by group membership and requires that the graphs have a
#' \code{Group} graph attribute. When both are included, the first index cannot
#' have length or numeric value greater than the number of \emph{remaining}
#' subjects \emph{after} subsetting by group.
#' If the indexing vector(s) is (are) \code{character}, the vector(s) must
#' contain one (or more) of the subject or group names. If \code{logical}, its
#' length must equal the number of subjects or groups.
#' @param i Integer, character, or logical vector for subsetting by subject, or
#' by group (if \code{x$level='group'})
#' @param g Integer, character, or logical vector for subsetting by group (if
#' \code{x$level='subject'})
#' @param drop If \code{TRUE} (the default), then return only the list of
#' graphs; otherwise, subset the graphs and return the entire object
#' @export
#' @return \code{[} -- A \code{brainGraphList} object (if \code{drop=FALSE}) or
#' a list of graphs
#' @name Extract.brainGraphList
#' @rdname brainGraphList
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Subset the first 10 subjects, irrespective of group
#' my.bgl[1:10]
#' # Return object for only 'Control' subjects
#' my.bgl[, 'Control']
#' # Return object with graphs from groups 1 and 3
#' my.bgl[g=c(1, 3), drop=FALSE]
#' # Subset the first 10 subjects of group 2
#' my.bgl[1:10, 2]
`[.brainGraphList` <- function(x, i, g=NULL, drop=TRUE) {
stop_msg <- 'Logical indexing vector must be of the same length as the number of groups.'
warn_msg <- 'Indexing vector cannot have length greater than the number of groups.'
# Subset groups; doesn't make sense for contrast lists
if (!is.null(g) && x$level != 'contrast') {
group.vec <- groups(x)
grpNames <- unique(group.vec)
kNumGroups <- length(grpNames)
if (is.logical(g) && length(g) != kNumGroups) stop(stop_msg)
if (length(g) > kNumGroups) {
g <- g[seq_len(kNumGroups)]
g <- switch(class(g),
numeric=, integer=, logical=which(group.vec %in% grpNames[g]),
factor=which(group.vec %in% as.character(g)),
character=which(group.vec %in% g))
x$graphs <- x$graphs[g]
# Subset subjects
kNumSubs <- length(x$graphs)
if (missing(i)) {
if (isTRUE(drop)) return(x$graphs)
i <- seq_len(kNumSubs)
if (is.logical(i) && length(i) != kNumSubs) stop(sub('group', 'subject', stop_msg))
if (length(i) > kNumSubs) {
warning(sub('group', 'subject', warn_msg))
i <- i[seq_len(kNumSubs)]
if (is.character(i)) i <- which(names(x$graphs) %in% i)
x$graphs <- if (length(i) == 1L && isTRUE(drop)) x$graphs[[i]] else x$graphs[i]
out <- if (isTRUE(drop)) x$graphs else x
#' @export
#' @rdname brainGraphList
print.brainGraphList <- function(x, ...) {
kNumGraphs <- length(x$graphs)
gnames <- names(x$graphs)
print_title_summary('A "brainGraphList" object of *', x$type,
'* graphs containing ', kNumGraphs, ' ', x$level, 's.')
df <- print_bg_summary(x)
df <- df[-c(6L, 10L, 11L, 13L, 14L), ]
print(df, right=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
# Print subject/group names
msg <- switch(x$level, subject='IDs:', 'names:')
message(paste(simpleCap(x$level), msg))
if (kNumGraphs < 10L) {
} else {
attrs.df <- print_text_vector(gnames, 6L)
print(attrs.df, row.names=FALSE)
if (x$level == 'subject' && 'Group' %in% graph_attr_names(x$graphs[[1L]])) {
message('Group membership:')
if (x$type == 'random') {
message('# of random graphs:')
#' @export
#' @rdname brainGraphList
is.brainGraphList <- function(x) inherits(x, 'brainGraphList')
#' @param object A \code{brainGraphList} object
#' @export
#' @rdname brainGraphList
nobs.brainGraphList <- function(object, ...) length(object$graphs)
#' Coerce list of graphs to a brainGraphList object
#' \code{as_brainGraphList} coerces a list of graphs to a \code{brainGraphList}
#' object. It is assumed that certain metadata attributes -- threshold, package
#' version, atlas, imaging modality, edge weighting, and whether they are
#' random graphs -- are identical for all graphs in the list.
#' To convert an object with 3 \dQuote{levels} (i.e., subject-level lists from
#' an older \code{brainGraph} version), see the code in the Examples below.
#' @param g.list List of graph objects
#' @export
#' @rdname brainGraphList
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Convert old version single-subject graph lists
#' ## g[[1]] is group 1, g[[1]][[1]] is threshold 1, g[[1]][[1]][[1]] is subj. 1
#' kNumThresholds <- length(g[[1]])
#' g.l <- vector('list', kNumThresholds)
#' for (i in seq_len(kNumThresholds)) {
#' g.l[[i]] <- as_brainGraphList(, c(c, g))[[i]])
#' }
#' }
as_brainGraphList <- function(g.list, type=c('observed', 'random'),
level=c('subject', 'group', 'contrast')) {
if (!inherits(g.list, 'list')) g.list <- list(g.list)
type <- match.arg(type)
level <- match.arg(level)
if (type == 'random') {
stopifnot(all(vapply(g.list, function(x) is_igraph(x[[1L]]), logical(1L))))
g1 <- g.list[[1L]][[1L]]
ids <- vapply(g.list, function(x) graph_attr(x[[1L]], 'name'), character(1L))
} else {
stopifnot(all(vapply(g.list, is.brainGraph, logical(1L))))
g1 <- g.list[[1L]]
ids <- vapply(g.list, graph_attr, character(1L), 'name')
attrnames <- graph_attr_names(g1)
attrs <- c('atlas', 'modality', 'weighting', 'threshold', 'version', 'sys', 'date')
out <- setNames(vector('list', length=9L), c('type', 'level', attrs))
out$type <- type
out$level <- level
for (x in attrs) {
if (x %in% attrnames) out[[x]] <- graph_attr(g1, x)
if (length(out$version) < 3L) out$version <- list(r='', bg=out$version, ig='')
for (x in c('sys', 'date')) if (is.null(out[[x]])) out[[x]] <- ''
out$graphs <- g.list
names(out$graphs) <- ids
class(out) <- c('brainGraphList', 'list')
#' Plot a brainGraphList and write to PDF
#' The \code{plot} method will write a PDF file containing plots for all graphs
#' in the given object.
#' You can choose to highlight edge differences between subsequent list
#' elements; in this case, new/different edges are colored pink. This is useful
#' mostly for a list of group-level graphs.
#' @param x A \code{brainGraphList} object
#' @param filename.base Character string specifying the base of the filename
#' @param diffs Logical, indicating whether edge differences should be
#' highlighted. Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Other parameters (passed to \code{\link{plot.brainGraph}})
#' @inheritParams plot.brainGraph
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @family Plotting functions
#' @author Christopher G. Watson, \email{}
plot.brainGraphList <- function(x, plane, hemi, filename.base, diffs=FALSE, ...) {
pdf(file=sprintf('%s.pdf', filename.base), onefile=TRUE)
kNumGraphs <- length(x$graphs)
plot(x[1L], plane=plane, hemi=hemi, main=x[1L]$name, ...)
for (i in, to=kNumGraphs)) {
plot(x[i], plane=plane, hemi=hemi, main=x[i]$name, ...)
if (isTRUE(diffs)) {
g.diff <- graph.difference(x$graphs[[i]], x$graphs[[i - 1L]])
class(g.diff) <- c('brainGraph', class(g.diff))
ecols <-'deeppink', ecount(g.diff))
if (hasArg('edge.color')) ecols <- list(...)$edge.color
plot(g.diff, add=TRUE, vertex.label=NA, vertex.shape='none',
edge.width=5, edge.color=ecols, mni=FALSE, subtitle=NULL)
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